@San Antonio Spurs



okay all right we got a lot to talk about there’s a lot here there there’s a lot here guys there’s a lot here I want some R are we having fun yet all right guys listen please please do this for me do this for me I know it’s going to be repetitive I know it’s going to be annoying but I have I have to do this okay guys go check out the second Channel Spurs Invasion go subscribe right now please link is below um or you can literally just jump on YouTube and just type in Spurs invasion is now popping up um and just subscribe subscribe to this channel it’s my second Channel um I’m going to be doing more edited content on it so we’re going to keep this channel as it is right Daily News you know live streams all that fun stuff but on Spurs Invasion we’ll do more edited content and just expand out our Horizons a little bit right um so I’m going to change everything up obviously get a cute little Banner change up the the you know this right here I mean I’m tired of looking at it um and yeah it’ll be a whole different vibe so please please please go subscribe to the second Channel it would mean the world to me all right so Spurs reporter here um shout out to him for following me I I just realized he followed me that’s cool uh so he had a lot to say all right he basically compiled which is which is nice of him he basically compiled a bunch of different reports that we kind of heard already and just made a overall summary um here now people have been taking this tweet and telling me that the Spurs definitely want to trade up their fourth and eighth and after reading over this that’s not necessarily what I got from it but I at least have an opinion on that um whole scenario so before we look over that though I got to show you guys the funniest clip ever okay if you haven’t seen this this is so funny we talked so much trash about this dude and now he’s trending on Twitter in the most hilarious way look at this clip so you respect Reggie Miller’s Legacy over LeBron’s yeah yeah cuz Reggie didn’t have nowhere near the pieces LeBron had during his journey and I think that if Reggie would have had those pieces his legacy would have during his journey what are we talking about what are we even talking about oh my gosh this clip is perfect dude I’m literally going to use this for everything okay wait Clan you what are you talking about you would rather go to dinner hold on would you you would rather go to dinner with Wim Bama then get $5 billion see over LeBron’s yeah yeah oh my god dude it’s so great okay I’m sorry we talk bad about Ms all the time so I just find that that funny he has the worst Spurs takes imaginable dude hates papovich for like no reason whatsoever it’s so strange all right so Spurs reporter um so let’s go ahead and talk about some of the things that he put here so he says multiple sources throughout the league and in France are saying that the San Antonio Spurs and Atlanta Hawks have discussed the potential trade to take place on the evening of the upcoming NBA draft so I don’t know how true this is okay but what we do know is the Spurs have talked to the Atlanta Hawks right they’ve been in communication um now this is a while ago I haven’t heard anything else um on my on my end I’m I’m sure they have talked right like it would be kind of weird not to talk at this point like the Atlanta Hawks are going to try to you know look at their options here and the Spurs need a point guard I would assume that they will be in discussion a little bit right they would they would talk about some things that’s what I think um but moving on it says according to French sources the Spurs would put together a package that would include their fourth and eighth pick in order to choose first instead instead of the Hawks during the 2000 well you meant 2024 NBA draft ceremony in two weeks I said it once I’ll say it again okay I think this would be dumb if if the Spurs trade their fourth and eighth just to get the first I will I will be I will be slight slightly irritated the the reason why I don’t think that this is a good idea is because this is not a very strong draft class but there’s also not this incredibly huge drop off in Talent from first second you know third pick on to you know about six or seven there there is no huge drop off because this isn’t a very strong draft like there’s some guys that maybe you’re SP you know rolling the dice on a little bit more than others but this is not a draft that you have to like get rid of your two lottery picks to try to get first there’s no point in doing that um at all unless the Spurs have heard from Wim which it didn’t even hearing from wimy it doesn’t sound like he’s like involved involved in you know the lottery or in the draft yet like we’re not at that point with wimy yet um but unless they’re doing it for wimy I I don’t really see a reason in doing this at all I think that’s a really bad move I think there’s this misconception that people think that I think that re Shay is a bad player or that he’s going to be absolutely trash he has things to work on just like anybody right like I don’t feel like he can put the ball on the court that well um I think that he’s going to have to you know build some strength obviously um you know he’s a good shooter I think he’s a decent Defender um athletic wise he’s not necessarily there but these are things that he can work on right like I understand that I just don’t think that the Spurs need to go out of their way to get him at first or second when there’s still guys on the board like Modis buellis like uh Ron Holland and I’m really high on Ron Holland because that defense but you guys know I love Buel I love Castle as well like these are guys that I feel like are suitable and I don’t think it’s this huge jump off from Talent there um just because you know it’s going around and and and people are you know talking about he’s got some hype uh recently I I’m just not bought into we need to like drop everything to get Reet I I think that that’s I I think that that’s a little a little silly especially when I’m looking at the other guys you know on the board uh so and we still need to make a big board and all that good stuff and that should be fun when we do it but yeah I’m I’m just not that bought in on on that idea anyways moving on he says Brett seagull from clutch points and I think we went over this one uh before this report reported that the Hawks are evaluating several scenarios at the top of the draft including hearing increase from rival teams for their first overall selection the San Antonio Spurs and Trailblazers currently possess the assets that would be needed to make a swing for the Hawks top pick so yeah so obviously they would be you know discussing things with the Spurs or at least attempting to or with the Trailblazer that I mean that makes sense but this right here isn’t even saying that they’re doing that right this is more so just saying hey here’s an inference here the San Antonio Spurs and Trailblazers would be good guys for them to talk to but we know that they are you know trying to hear inquiries around so it it could be anything now this is one is this the one where wait no no no this is this is the one we’re we’re not there yet so it says Ray who uh we have said to has been a target for the Spurs since last year is reported to now be the most serious Contender to be taken with the number one overall pick okay uh the title that has been going back and forth between alexar and Ray oh Alexander SAR and Ray for the last couple of weeks but Evan uh who covers the NBA fors reported along with ski week I don’t know that Reay was on his way to San Antonio and Atlanta for in-person private workouts and meeting um and that he was now the leading draft candidate so man it’s unfortunate cuz I think this actually originally came from a French Source um but they didn’t get the credit and I couldn’t even find it I I saw it and I forgot to to save it so I can give them credit so I guess I’m just as bad uh so I look yeah obviously he did that is true he did work out with the San Antonio Spurs I would be a little irritated if the Spurs didn’t work out Reay I mean your fourth you’re fourth in this draft you know you obviously you would work out the first second third player I mean they would have worked out SAR they I mean there’s no reason for you not to work out Reay um I think that that would be absolutely silly not to um but just skipping around here it says the question became why would the Spurs be working out Reay who is not expected to slide past Washington or Houston down to San Antonio that that’s a s that’s just to me that’s just a silly question like like you you need to work out you need to do your due diligence and work out all the guys or most of the guys at least in the lottery or expected to be uh top picks cuz they could potentially slide to you and then you can make a decision on you know is this our next guy in line or you know how did the workout go like that’s that’s apparent that’s very obvious um that’s like saying why would you work out Malachi brandom when he was supposed to be a lottery pick well he eventually slid down to the Spurs like obviously it was good to work that guy out right um anyways and they liked what they saw at this point uh because the Spurs have never leaked their intentions involving a big move like this we are left wondering if the trade might also involve players or other assets Especially since one of the known priorities has been for San San Antonio to acquire a point guard so there you go it could potentially be a hey you know can we get Trey is Trey available um right now at least from my perspective of things I am more so leaning if if it was a point guard that you have to go after if absolutely you’re not going to wait till 2025 you’re going to do it right now I would really consider Darius Garland and the reason being is because I feel like uh contextually he’s not going to cost as much as Trey young would cost right now um he’s also a a really good point guard and yeah and his his value is just really low right now because I don’t think teams are as high on him after the the playoff uh series but I think that he will be fine uh next to wimy we wouldn’t be expected him to be the number one guy or anything like that uh that would definitely obviously be Wim banama but he he is a suitable point guard and I think he would do a fine job overall not the best defender in the world so there’s questions of that um but he’s suitable I think he averaged like 1.3 steals or whatnot so not bad um but moving on others are telling us that Atlanta has begun to check the background of several other targets um in case they might they make the trade and that Cody Williams of Colorado is one of the players they are discussing I really like Cody Williams we don’t talk about him enough we probably need to do that for now the Hawks will still like to meet with rashay and are scheduled to do so shortly obviously rash’s agent is aware of all this information and the various possibilities that are in play they are making accommodations for everyone involved uh in order to complete this due diligence part of the process quickly now the funny part about this is we’ve heard you know rumors okay there are rumors right but this does happen that recent agent could be paying like some of the people that um have been having him at number two or having him at number one U the reporters that is I won’t I won’t just you know say it that’s 100% accurate 100% true but it has been going around a lot um but you we could take it with a grain of salt who knows uh if the San Antonio if the S if San Antonio can pull off this bold move bold and dumb if it would allow them to pick first for the second year in a row and would signal that they are indeed speeding up the process to you’re not speeding up a pro I don’t know man I think that that’s just silly you’re not speeding up the process by getting the number one overall pick in this draft I I don’t even if you got Rees aay it’s going to take some time before he can develop like just like any other player in the lottery right now actually funny enough there’s a few players in the lottery right now that I think that they’re L is slightly higher uh than Reet I mean Reay ceiling is much higher than these you know players I got in my mind but um but a few guys that their their floor is a little bit higher in which they’re older but they would fit in right now they would be able to play right now like that 23-year-old um out of uh Tennessee if you guys know what I’m talking about we did a video a couple videos back go watch that uh but yeah anyways uh surrounding with Talent who can help turn the spurs into contenders sooner than later I don’t think that would be the case um but yeah so good stuff here man good stuff I ain’t mad at it I’m not mad at this at all you know I’m not going to shoot the messenger here um you also follow me so I’m not I’m really not going to shoot the messenger um but yeah I I think that would be silly if the Spurs trade up those are my thoughts on that I don’t I don’t think that it’s necessary in this draft not necessary don’t do it bad move but that’s just my opinion and you know some people going to have different opinions some people are like super high on Reet which is fine I’m not mad at that um but in this draft man you you can you can really address some needs right you can address some some really dire needs and you got to lock lock down like Ron Holland you got to lock down like uh uh Castle I don’t know why you would just give that up if if you if you don’t have to uh but you guys let me know what you think um I’ll get with you guys later oh and by the way Spurs andion I said this before say it again Spurs Invasion go subscribe to Spurs Invasion link below under this video or just look it up on YouTube directly all right bye bye bye [Music]


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  1. Literally anybody could fall down to 4th. There are no clear rankings, especially with ATL being first (who will probably go for fit instead of talent). No reason to trade up unless Spurs have some top secret super special intel on a player like Risacher or Sarr that would make it worth it, which is highly unlikely.

  2. If we do trade up, we should 100% pick Sarr. That would be a good move! I do agree that it would be a dumb move, just to grab ZR.

  3. I still think Risacher could be a very good player. Now trading 2 picks for only one could be a mistake, but as you said, there's no real deal in this draft, so why not getting the best of it ?

  4. I’d be disappointed. Just draft Castle and Salun Tidjan or Pacome Dadiet if they want a French prosepect for Wemby

  5. My guess is that they’re going for Trey or DJ and the 1st pick, while giving ATL some of their picks back. If this is the case, I’d do it.

  6. U gotta remember man. The spurs front office knows things we don’t know. These guys got data on things cannot even fathom unless we’re in those dark rooms w them watching film

  7. It would be a really bad move to trade the 4th & 8th pick for the 1st. Better have 2 opportunity to get something good than just one, especially since this isnt a certified elite draft. Or just trade these picks for a high pick in the 2025 draft that arguably has elite talent (N.Traore, C. Flagg, VJ Edgecombe, Ace Bailey, D. Harper…).

  8. Clan, you have good content but this isn't going to age well. If Risacher doesn't end up on a questionable organization like the Wizards, he'll be one of if not the best player from this draft in 3 years. If you think of him as a larger Klay Thompson but at forward, it's clear how he can be a very important piece of a championship team.

  9. can we stop with the narrative that wemby wants a french prospect on the team ? it's so dumb.

    Risacher is in my opinion definitely the best player we can get if he's available, but no player in this draft is worth trading up for.

  10. Je ne pense pas non plus qu'échanger les pick⁴'⁸ contre le FirtsPick soit judicieux SI, et seulement si, c'est pour Risacher.

    Je vois Risacher comme un 3&D, ce qui peut se trouver pour pas trop cher en FA ou en trade.

    Pour moi ce pick-trade pour Sarr aurait plus de sens car je vois son profil plus rare en NBA, un combo-center a la manière de Wemby en poste 4-5. Clingan est pas mal pour un 5 qui sait s'écarter et donc laisser de l'espace pour son 4 (Wemby) donc pourquoi pas aussi si trade-pick avec Washington.

    Il faut prendre en compte la masse salariale et le temps de jeu (nécessaire au développement de jeune joueur) avec 4 nouveaux venus. Un trade-pick¹'² + deux "second round draft" sur de rookie NBA-ready de 23-24 ans, aiderait dans ce sens.

  11. Its because they are trying to maybe sabotage Atlantas season this yr lol, because only sarr can make a big difference for them this yr, all of the other players in the draft class are projects

  12. I really wouldnt trust this reporting. Only because I kind of tilt my head when anybody sources ClutchPoints. He could be spot on about Spurs wanting to trade up but thats also kind of just an obvious thing to say, if we already know they've had conversations, and the Spurs have 2 lottery picks to trade up with, okay….Sourcing ClutchPoints is pretty odd to me if you've ever seen any of their content online they're the epitome of NBA memes & stealing/making up news and reporting it as legit.

  13. Risacher had or will make a workout with the Spurs. This a huge part of the decision that are note available to the fan.
    It could be the same for Sarr if they have a workout with him.
    We make our draft with very limited information, so our opinion is really biased by if we like or not the player.

  14. You guys in America love to underestimate French or European players. I'm french and i have seen a lot of Zacharie Risacher's games and for me it's a perfect match for wemby and the spurs in general, let me explain. But first of all i get it that to get him to trade those i feel like it's a little bit expensive.
    Nonetheless, Zacharie is a top prospect but in a sence of a Lieutenant, and that's exactly what we need.
    He's not a good play maker and not a great handler but he's prime offballer, 3p catch & shoot, driver with is lengh and high. He's 6'9 for a 3, great defender in french pro league.
    So in summary, we don't need a ball handler if we trade for a 1 like Garland. If u go with Garland, Vassel, Risacher, Sochan, Wemby you got a solid team of young players.
    Finally, we will just see what the Spurs will do, i feel like everyday we got a new wisper so it's complicated to see what we will do.

  15. I think it would be good, pop don’t want 2 lottery picks rookies he have to train. Plus spurs trying to win now

  16. I think it going to be Castle at 4 or if not they are going to wait and take Salun Tidjan at 8. If they take Castle at 4 they are going to take a point at who is left. Or if they got with Salun at 8, they probably took one of the points at 4.

  17. You’re wrong here Clan. They want Risacher and garland. Starting 5 would be Wemby Sochan Riscaher Vassel Garland.

  18. Spurs shouldn’t pick anyone without elite defense! Look what Boston did this year, they didn’t double Luca, they forced him to make bad shots, they locked down Kyrie…. AND they had this bench of amazing defenders! With Wemby, the spurs could build a dynasty that held opponents to 70 points! Yah spurs need offensive threats, but the offense will be driven out of a bill russel level suffocating defense! 11 rings, let’s go!

  19. I would put the 4th and the 8th for Alex Sarr… you are subestimating the power of that dude with Wemby would generate in the the court… and about the PG, I think with time Tre Jones will evolve to a championship level PG… playing with Wemby and Sarr…

  20. The Spurs are gonna do the "Spurs" thing.. Which is probably gonna be something nobody expected.. lol

  21. Buzelis and Holland can't shoot. Risacher is the best player in this Draft. The Spurs love him. What is the Problem here? He isn't a bad G League Player now…. He plays Ball on a real good league against Pro Players from all over the World and he is successful in that.

  22. This draft is weird as most of players seem to have strong weaknesses. I am not sure that the Spurs will build a competitive team with their two 2024 first picks.
    They need better players and will only find them with trades or free agency.
    Not like other players in the lottery, Risacher seems to have no major weaknesses. He will of course need to work and his first years will be quite difficult and not in line with what is expected from a first pick but he can definitely become a real second/third option for a team (already strong defender capable to defend on different positions and very good shooter, especially at 3, the alchemy with Wemby is obvious). I do think that most of the other players of this draft will become mainly rotation players.
    Moreover getting only one pick is also spending only 12M$ of your cap. If you need some space in the cap to bring a very good player this year or next year, it could be a good financial move.
    So I am not really agree with you. Drafting only Risacher seems to me the right move for the Spurs.

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