@New York Knicks

EXCLUSIVE: MAJOR Updates On Knicks Offseason Plans w/ NBA Insider Marc Berman | Knicks News

EXCLUSIVE: MAJOR Updates On Knicks Offseason Plans w/ NBA Insider Marc Berman | Knicks News

what’s going on everybody and welcome to another episode of the Nicks recap podcast and of course you already know if you’re not subscribed already this is the place to be hit that subscribe button definitely turn notifications on so you don’t miss a second of any of our new content like the lives that we have going on right now or any of the new videos now I was thinking to myself I want to review the season and I also want to talk about the offseason now how do I do that how do how do I think about doing that what’s the best way and then I thought and I thought and I said a legend let me talk to a Legend So picked up well not picked up the phone emailed my one of my great guests one of my best guests actually 23 years he’s covered the Knicks legendary New York Post journalist Mark Burman I am so happy to have you with me and so happy you’re joining the show today how are you doing today Mark I’m doing great uh Troy uh it was uh definitely uh an interesting season and uh Nicks fans uh still parsing it over there’s so much to parse over there really really is and I think when we think about it and we just look at everything that the Nicks have gone through and we actually had a very funny Insider actually to start the uh before the show started because I sent you a series of questions as I normally do and to kick off this particular show I kind of want to talk about the season we just had before talking about the offseason plan so really we’re going to talk about the Nick season review and in this review I want to talk about more or less your grade for the Knicks in their season and what you thought about what they did now for me when I sent you the questions I called the season magical now I want to explain why I said that because you did give me a you said it’s going to be fun when uh when I did mention that comment I said it was going to be magical because of the fact that jayen Brunson turned into a superstar right before our eyes and also with the PL of injuries we were dealing with there’s no way we had no business taking the second seed and going all the way we did in the playoffs so that’s why I called it magical but you know what the people are not here for me shout out to the chat gang I see you guys live and active they’re happy for you Burman they they they’re welcoming you back I guess uh they want to know your thoughts so the floor is yours what did you think about the next season and what grade would you give them yeah I I was amused by the term magical you know the Celtics are amidst a magical season and they’re going to win their 18th NBA championship the Knicks only have two and they haven’t had one in 51 now going on 52 years so magical wasn’t the word that I would use for 2023 24 but now I understand what you’re saying it was magic that they were able to go that far considering the injuries but in the big picture listen I give it a B+ I know there’s some fans who would go a minus a but I mean it’s about breaking the championship curse I feel that the Knicks fans standards has gone a little bit down since the late 90s when it was about winning the title and I almost felt that listen everyone loved this team they love these guys they love the chemistry they love the defense and the grid but they got blown out in game seven of the second round that’s not magical to me BL out from the first quarter on and it was injuries ultimately they could not stand the loss of Josh Hart but that’s part of it part of the being a great team in the NBA is staying healthy ability and durability those are the two things that even GMS don’t factor in when they hand out ridiculous contracts and the media when they analyze who the niick should go after and I’m all about durability yeah I don’t care that the Knicks had a great record with OG he wasn’t there for the Indiana Pacers RJ Barrett actually would have been there he’s been very healthy and very durable but I’m just saying that a magical season to me is at least getting to game seven of the Eastern Conference Finals against the Celtics right and I think see for me is I I understand getting all the way there is magical and I guess that’s a that’s a good way to put it because if they got there with all the injuries that they had it definitely would I think it would have been miraculous if they were able to do that but here’s the thing for me the fact that they were able to do that with all the injuries they had and even though they were dealing with injuries going into the Pacers series OG got injured within that series and before he did he was having a I think he was having his best game as a Nick he was breaking out for me so I thought that in you know totality with everything else was just amazing so just going into really the next topic here uh is just going to be about OG and Obi because you sent out a tweet um and I actually want to bring it up because where is that so you mentioned the Tweet here saying uh resigning OG was likely because Leon’s son is one of his CA agents OG Miss stretch of 27 of 30 regular season games due to injury then almost all of the second round is he in good enough shape availability and uh durability skill set wise and then you hashtagged it as how you so I just wanted to know um what is the how you movement that you’ve been doing cuz I’ve seen it and uh and also just your thoughts about uh OG and anobi if he’s going to resign because again the the thought about it is that he’s likely going to resign for about 35 to 40 million annually and uh that would be a lot of money to give to a player as you mentioned a couple of times has missed a lot of Chunk in time when the games matter so I do want to get a little bit more information from you just regarding your thoughts on ogn and Obi will you think he’s going to resign with the Knicks and uh what you think that price Point’s going to be right so everything about OG is durability in my opinion he’s a fine fit obviously their record was outstanding with him he doesn’t need the ball when he gets the ball he hits the open three obviously he’s a great team Defender help Defender he’s got that position that they’ve been missing they traded for cam reddish thinking that could be that fit that uh combo forward small forward power forward uh but it’s about durability he hasn’t played 70 games since his rookie year uh with with the Raptors and I think msiri finally decided it’s time to move on the guy has been injured a lot and then he comes to New York and sure enough elbow injury and then the hamstring and that tweet about is he in good enough shape that’s something I heard I heard that maybe he hasn’t been in the best shape wow uh during his career and that’s possibly why he’s been injury prone Steph Bondi my successor at the near post had a a nice piece uh during late in the season he doesn’t like to play hurt he came out for that game seven against Indiana he had a couple of shots but he wasn’t he was so tentative Tibido just could not play him he played four or five minutes and that was it he he he wasn’t willing to test his hamstring I think he was afraid of seriously injuring the hamstring again but it was game seven uh so they couldn’t play but listen if it wasn’t for Leon’s Sun I think the Knicks would have a very tough decision on how much to give this guy when he’s been so injury prone he’s a very good fit but is he a third best player on a NBA Finals team I mean durability wise i’ say he’s not the third best player because he if he’s not available then what good is he but he happens to be a great fit and with Leon Rose and CAA and they run the Knicks I think he’ll get his 35 million I don’t think he’s worth it I think it’s a big risk and I do believe and I think maybe Fred reported it and I was thinking it for sure that that contract better have a lot of incentives regarding games played right I mean that has to be I feel that to get his full 35 million a year it’s got to be 70 games and listen he’s never had a full season with Tibido who will play you major minutes and that’s why I feel that if you sign OG and even with Josh Hart finally breaking down you have to talk to Tibido and set up a new plan on minutes management my biggest pet peeve when I covered Tibido was why is he having these guys in the game when they’re up 20 points with five minutes left give him a break it’s February in Detroit if you blow the lead with your bench in Detroit in February right well it’s a loss and you deserve to lose he’s got to manage these guys minutes better it’s a marathon not a Sprint ogi will get his money I think that sixer story was a plant by CAA to show James Dolan hey you’re not bidding against yourselves there is another team out there with cap space that would give OG at least 30 million you know the thing with ogn and OB and I agree I’ve always had a difficult time pegging his value just because of the availability because I always think that’s such a crucial Factor because I can say the same thing about Joel embiid Superstar MVP level player but then when the chips are down and you need them the most what level of player are you going to get and that’s the concern I think anytime you pay somebody like that I did hear uh Fred Katz uh Bondi and also bagely all of the guys basically report on the fact that they’re looking to put some type of incentive into the contract to hopefully prevent from the injuries but again when you have to include those type of incentives into a contract that also determines the worth and value of the contract so I am very interested to see what he’s going to get but the fact that Sam Rose is his agent I think he’s going to get very well paid maybe not overpaid but definitely a little bit more than maybe other teams may have thought about paying him but when we’re talking about payments Mark I think this is the best part about it because even though ogn and Obi is somebody they have to resign right and also with iHeart that’s something else they have to do they should probably also sign him as well too hopefully they can but before they get to that they also have some decisions to make regarding Jaylen Brunson and Julius Randall so according to ESPN’s front office Insider Bobby marks uh he breaks down that brunson’s extension maxes out this summer at four years 156.43 uh 39.1 million uh annually but if he waits till 2025 his max is 5 years 258 million 51.6 uh average salary for that with Julius r is a little bit different because right now he has 4 years 190 million that he can get an extension for if he waits he can get an extension worth more than around 300 million so the Knicks definitely have some decisions to make regarding extensions just regarding these two extensions Randle took less before jaylen’s on a bargain contract now number one do you see either of these guys taking less in terms of an extension and if not um what do you think these guys are going to settle down in terms of extension with the Knicks what do you think that final number is going to be uh I mean it’s it’s the final number doesn’t matter to me what matters to me is does it put him over that second apron when they do these extensions and if they resign OG and iHeart uh you know a hard instin is is it going to put them in that horrible salary cap situation where they’re over the second apron and what that means and I’m not an accountant but it’s going to be very tough to make a blockbuster trade yeah and they have all this draft Capital that’s why there’s a feeling you better make this Blockbuster sooner than later before you’re over the apron because Randall’s gonna get paid and brunson’s gonna get paid and that’s why with the numbers you were throwing out for Randall he’s gon to be 30 years old next year he hasn’t been very durable the last couple of years injured in the playoffs uh you know with the ankle situation and a season ago and then obviously U going down late in the air not even late I think it was late January early February right but 30 years old next year he’s got a lot of mileage on him again he rookie year he missed with an injury so I feel that you have to trade Julius I I don’t want to give him that kind of extension not with the signs of him breaking down and I honestly believe and I think you know I’ve always been a fan but in those playoffs and late in the season I saw Jaylen Brunson seem seem like a Freer player without Julius on the court I mean to score was it 40 straight points and four straight games in the playoffs it was I think actually I think he actually actually had a little bit more I think it was almost five I think he had um five straight five straight I straight games0 okay I mean that’s like incredible Jordan it was helping the team win right it wasn’t like Carmelo Anthony 40 points in a loss so I I felt that that jayen it kind of hit me it’s like you know I think Julius may get in the way of this incredible rise of of Jaylen because I love Jaylen I love the way he’s clutch I love the grit I think Julius unfortunately has never performed in the playoffs so my theory is you got to trade Julius sooner than later before he gets that extension I think it’s going to be tougher to trade him if he has that extension in his uh in his wallet already and you see I think this brings us uh to a really good point before we get to the the trades and I definitely want to get to that you know last time I asked you when Julius Randle left CA the first time and he joined WME Sports I asked you if it was significant and at the time you told me yes so now I’m G to ask you again he left WM Sports after around six months and now he is back he is back bound back with CA and really I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen a a player leave the only agency he’s known since entering the league for a different agency and then a couple of months later leave that same agency and go back to the agency he’s always known so what do you think about that move from Randall and do you think it’s significant for him moving back to ca now I don’t think it’s very significant but I do think something changed right RJ Barrett was traded to Toronto I almost felt that Randall joined Bill Duffy and who is RJ’s uh agent I thought like maybe they’d be a package where Bill would try to do the best for both of them because there was a lot of concern does rj and Julius mesh both left-handed players both have a lot of similarities on the offensive end uh and maybe they didn’t have a great chemistry so I almost thought that having bill in control of the two of them he could do the best for for for each of his players now RJ’s gone and I think Julius realizes with CAA which runs the Knicks they’re going to do the best for him and they’re gonna do the best for the Knicks I think it’s a combination I think he’s I think he’s just more comfortable with CAA he’s been there his whole career and I think he knows they’re G to do good by him and whether that stays with the Knicks or moves him to a a better place uh he knows they’re not going to betray him I don’t think he knew Bill very well well uh when he signed up uh with Bill Duffy but I don’t think it’s very I think it’s more that RJ got traded to Toronto so it it it wasn’t the same uh uh circumstances oh interesting I didn’t put that together actually with RJ Leven and if that was the case if Randle would want to move as well so that’s actually a a pretty good um kind of explanation in regards to why he went back to ca and hopefully I think I mean I thought he went back there when I heard the news I just thought okay in my head the only way he’s going back back there is if some type of explanation went down where next time you are up for a contract extension we’re going to take care of you you’re not going to have to leave any money on the table or whatever the case would be I I assume something like that was probably said do you think anything like that is probably um was spoken about I mean one way or another they’re going to do good by him whether it’s part of an extension and him part of the long-term future right or putting him in a good spot with another team I think he trusts CA uh so much that he thinks it will work out in the end does Julius want to get traded listen he knows it’s tough to play in New York especially when you’re not playing very well he saw that team really take off without him so I’m wondering if if he listen he’s from Dallas uh you know they may need a piece uh it doesn’t look like they’re going to win the championship they mean may need a final piece to the puzzle but listen I I think that Julius I I don’t see him as a long-term piece I I I know January was fantastic when there were all healthy yeah but it was a week schedule and it was only a few weeks so it’s tough to like say okay this is you know gonna work long term uh again durability issues with Julius and his age I’m I’m a little leery of that extension so really the the the next topic I want to get into and really the main topic because I I love talking talking about this stuff it is almost the offseason and really talking about the Nick’s offseason plans really their trade targets last when we spoke we threw out a lot of names it’s funny now looking back at some of those names some of the names are no longer relevant anymore while some might still be relevant one of the players we talked about last time I think it caused a a fireball throughout the uh Knicks Twitter Nation when you said Zion Williamson and the Knicks had checked in on Zion at the time and uh right right and obviously you know seeing what happened with this year we had a phenomenal year unfortunately went down with injury in the playoffs and I think if he had played New Orleans would have went really far because he was having such a sensational season so I just wanted to know based off of things that you’re hearing because I know obviously you still have people well connected in the Knicks that you talk to that you know um what are you hearing in regards to the Knicks uh potential trade targets that they’re looking at right now and potential free agency plans yeah well with Zion I mean you know he also had the contract extension that had uh incentives regarding games played yes so the Knicks are trying to become more durable so getting Zion makes them less durable so I I don’t think that’s a big thing on the radar anymore and you know Paul George has been talked about a lot another player gets injured a lot I just I mean I he feels like a good piece but I feel if you have OG healthy I don’t know if if Paul George makes a lot of sense only because I’m afraid he would get injured too I think the want to be a more durable team next season I mean the free agency is is about the mid-level exception and it looks like they’ll probably have $12 million maybe the non- taxpayer uh exception and listen Kyle Lowry is out there and you know to take a little pressure off Jaylen I know tibs loves Lowry uh and to you know he was a backup with Miami and if you remember that Miami series man all Tibido would talk about was well youan Miami has Kyle Larry as a backup point guard I mean that’s an amazing thing to have and so to have Kyle back up jayen uh would be an enormous uh pressure off Jaylen having to play 44 minutes uh I just you know he he he still plays defense and he’s been durable even though he has knee injury concerns he he’s playing right uh listen there’s there’s a lot of midlevel guys not Superstars Kyle Anderson is another great two-way defensive player who stays healthy if they lose hardenstein you know Looney might be brought out by Golden State he’s a terrific rebounder one of the beautiful things about this Nick’s playoff run and the late in the season was the rebounds the extra chances they got and that’s why hardenstein if they could just keep hardenstein but I don’t know if they can right 16 million a year may not 16 to 7 million 17 million a year is the most they could offer as a starting salary and you know it’s been reported about Oklahoma City may be interested as well as others he is a rare find what the old school gritty Center he has a little 10f footer he get he goes after the the basketball he’s got a nose for the ball I mean he was a real central part of the fabric of this tough Nicks team and it’s going to be a shame if they lose him uh because Mitchell Robinson again on the durability scale is at the bottom yes and I would rather have hardenstein I know Robinson was getting offensive rebounds Galore but I if if I need an offensive rebound one offensive rebound to win a game I’d rather have hardenstein on the floor than Robinson I mean that’s how great this guy is but anyway so there are some senders that you could fill in I mean Jericho Sims it looks like he’s not improving that much and you know you’re probably GNA bring them back but I think if they lose hardenstein it’s a devastating blow um but you know in terms of free agents as a mid-level exception situation it’s not it’s not a a great field but again the Knicks are just trying to be healthier and they need to ass someone who’s going to stay healthy see the thing is with me I think with the with the Knicks and trade targets I feel like this is the last I me not the last year but at least the year to kind because they’re primed right now they had they made the trades for OG they kept all their first round picks they have obviously they have an option with bogy’s contract which I feel like that’s going to be something they need to make a decision on because they could use that as a trade asset obviously before July 1 or after depending on what they want to do so I think they’re they’re primed to make a move but to your point Who’s the move going to be for because because there are a number of different players we can talk about but they’re not available we have to wait for them to be quote unquote disgruntled right and speaking about that disgruntled star list ESPN did release a list I saw you comment on it and you know I have to bring it up uh KD was on that list and I remember at the time you uh You released a tweet at the time and a lot of people Mark they missed the first half of it like they always do they look at the the thing that always elicits the most clicks and they forget to look at the part that creates that right so you started off the Tweet by stating Scott Perry once told you that the Knicks it’s about winning one title to snap a drought not a dynasty so you trade draft capital and Julius Randle for Kevin Durant Nicks have two first rounders obvious this year 24 and 25 next month KD can lift them to a title if thibs doesn’t run him to the ground and then you follow that up by saying your timeline suggests KD does not do that um but he says KD played 75 games OG never plays 75 games he averaged 27.1 points 52.3% shooting you gave a lot of stats here you said he lost the potential Titleist in mini has two rings and as two final MVPs so safe to say if Kevin Durant was available I think you’d want the Knicks to go after him uh could you explain a little bit that about that regarding Randall and KD and why did you want to make that move yeah I was very surprised how anti Durant Micks fans are and it’s more personal than basketball right I mean this most of my mentions or responses were I don’t want to win a title with Kevin Durant I was like wow um listen he did chicken out of New York back then I I really believe that he didn’t want the enormous pressure of being the Nick savior but I think right now as you know his Handler is Rich kimman who desperately wants him to be a New York Nick he didn’t want him to be a Brooklyn Net and I’m sure now more than ever because the sun situation just seems a little clunky uh the chemistry was not there I don’t think they really love playing with each other those guys Bradley Beal to me is the most o overpaid player in the NBA agreed uh and for Kevin to be the missing final piece to a championship I mean what a wonderful end for his legacy but Nick’s FS don’t want Kevin Durant to be part of the Knicks because he he wants spurn them it’s like the girl that wants spurn you and then she comes back to you it’s like no no thanks but I mean it’s going to be 52 years I mean like are we going to be that choosy on which Superstar he’s not in his prime but he’s still solid enough to be a piece that lifts you with the same most of the same cast to lift you past you know definitely Indiana obviously right and maybe Boston you know hawford is going to be a year old the next year I I just think that that’s a move that moves the needle and you know other guys listen they have two first round picks 24 and 25 and I’m hearing that yeah they want to take him just to get depth pieces that’s not moving the needle to the NBA finals I’m looking at a championship Scott Perry thought his job was to win one Championship break that drought and Kevin Durant can do that and you have to put you know bygones be bygones it listen the Brooklyn Nets to team up with it was Kyrie honestly that was the facilitator of let’s go to the Nets and Kevin followed along uh it was a terrible mistake uh hard and it might not have been as tragic mistake if they didn’t add hard and after but I I just think you got to forgive Kevin he was following his friend Kyrie it was obviously the wrong move he should have came to the Knicks uh but I think if they could get him with Julius and adding some of their picks that they have that they really don’t want they just want to trade the they have these picks not to use they have these PS to trade and if Kevin’s available I think you gotta go right after it Devin Booker is probably uh you know a better long-term fit yes as he’s much younger but I think Kevin could make even a bigger impact in one season see the the for me it’s not even about KD anymore it’s more about the Suns and their ownership it sounds like they’re doubling down on the fact they want to keep all of the the core three for them and I guess I understand it because they don’t really have moves but if you look at the moves they have with them they’re even more limited you can’t really build around them like you said Beal in terms of his value like I said availability to your point he doesn’t play that often when he does play he doesn’t push the needle or push it as far as he should and I feel like that’s the main issue that we have he doesn’t take it as far as um he can do it with that team they’re just not built the right way for KD KD needs other pieces around him and I think and other pieces on the bench that can allow him to thrive he doesn’t Thrive with that and I think sometimes he juggles between one two and three with all three of them and he can’t do that he needs to have a defined role and I think with the Suns he just doesn’t if he comes to the Knicks the only concern is how long does he hold up for because we don’t know how many games he’s going to go through Tom Fido’s system if he’s going to have any issue running through games um if he’s going to need to miss games those are always the concerns and then he’s aging and if he doesn’t like what’s going on and then he requests another trade you just gave up asset for somebody that potentially doesn’t want to stay so I think all of those are potential factors there right Mork yeah well I mean I think you get two very very good years out of Kevin and but I’m thinking what’s the alternative the philadel Philadelphia 76ers aren’t handing over Joel embiid to the Knicks their division rival uh these Superstars are tough to find and tough to get in a trade so if the Suns decide or if Kevin tells Phoenix listen I really don’t want to be here I don’t see a a vision I mean then the Knicks have to explore it and they have all these draft picks that they don’t want to use Tibido doesn’t like playing rookies anyway way and I I imagine on draft night they package the two if they can’t put it in a blockbuster they package the two to move up you know I think they just need one guy right uh but I I just think if Kevin’s available you gotta go after it in a big way and uh listen Carl Anthony towns is now in a good situation with Minnesota and getting back to their sons they did lose to an excellent ball Club in Minnesota that went to the conference final so um yeah I just think that you got to uh go after Kevin if he available it would be it would be malpractice for Leon Rose not to I think he’s going to pick up the phone to talk to basically everybody’s available but I said it before in a in a different video at the different stream the Knicks right now they used to be the team that had to go out to get every Star but given the fact what they’re building when healthy I think they’re being more selective with the star that they want to add they want to add the right piece the right fit to your point somebody who is durable that can last a lot that’s why for me and I guess this is the last thing we’re going to talk about my last question was the draft situation but you kind of answered it by saying that they’re likely going to use their picks to either trade up or classic Nick Fashion use one and then trade another one to move back get more assets for the future and then continue doing that either it’s either going to be one or the other that’s the Brock allar Method Keep adding more draft picks that you never could trade until you locked that on a superstar but then it goes back to the point where you’re Prime now to get that Superstar and for me I get the Kevin Durant situation I understand it that’s not as realistic but I’m gonna bring up this next person Mel Bridges he’s also not realistic because you have a GM and Shawn marks in uh in um what do you call in Brooklyn who really doesn’t know what he’s doing over there the Net’s owner says that he wants to basically start a new he wants to slowly rebuild have a contender for the future and then you have reports coming out saying Shawn Marx wants to build around Mel Bridges which I think is a huge mistake he’s not this the player you build around and then have a star to attract to Brooklyn to play with them so I understand that the Mel Bridges trade is probably as least likely as the KD trade is right now but if they both were available do you think that Mel Bridges offers the better fit and long-term option or would it still be KD for you in that situation to win one Championship it’s KD but getting to Macau josi is not handing bridges over to the nexts right it it’s franchise suicide I know they’ve made a lot of bad Maneuvers but I mean I just cannot IM imagine the Nets giving the Knicks Bridges and it would be a great chemistry fit I think because of the three Nova guys and I listen the three Nova guys is a terrific Trio uh but I think you need a little more upside to go to a championship than Macau brings he’s he’s a great Nova guy and he’s gonna fit in very well but does he make you a champion and I’m not sure he makes you a champion uh but the the bigger point is I can’t imagine Sai giving him to the Knicks and Jaylen and there was a funny social media post obviously by Bridges the other day why don’t you come to the Nets right and Josh respond Josh responds are they holding you hostage yeah um yeah listen listen I want the Knicks to build around those three Nova guys I just don’t think that a fourth is gonna is going to happen but I’ll I tell you Josh Hart and Jaylen and Dante it was a joy to watch them the chemistry the back cuts and they know where each other is on the floor I mean it was a watching that some of that run when they were playing at their best it it was really a joy I’ll tell you the chemistry and the grit and I hope I mean those three will be back right but to win a championship you need more you you just need more and you need more health so and I and the guys in the chat I know you’re lighting up right now I wish I could get to all your questions but unfortunately Mark does have to go we started a little bit late unfortunately with the stream I do apologize for that but I have one last question for Mark it relates to a tweet that you had mentioned when the season was over regarding taking a long look at Leon Rose I ask you about Leon Rose nearly in each and every single interview I do with you because you always keep it 100% with me you always do with Leon and I think right now is another perfect time to do it because I’ve actually switched I used to be a little bit more uh anti because he wasn’t doing anything but this season I felt like he did the Right Moves for the Knicks he set us up in a good position now he has to take advantage of that for for me saying that Lyon has had a good season and he’s done right by the Knicks what do you say in response to that would you agree or do you think he has still more left to do I mean it’s really all about OG they gave up so much for OG and if in the future OG becomes a 75 game a season healthy in the playoffs performer uh the Knicks are going to be very special next year again uh but I have my doubts uh I think Dante worked out very well and one clarification I know there was a tweet that you know people went nuts about when they signed Dante and traded Obie for a couple of basketballs uh at the time they didn’t need a shooting guard they didn’t have I mean they had IQ and they had RJ and they had Quenton grind so it was just another shooting guard when they didn’t have a power forward so as the season were on and they traded all their shooting guards yet Dante became like incredibly important and was a huge key I mean he started off slow in the playoffs against phly he came on late in that series and then had a wonderful playoff a terrific playoff against the Pacers and that hopefully will carry through he was a he was money from the three-point line he drives the basketball he plays defense he was Sensational against Indiana and I think the loss kind of overshadowed how amazing Dante was in that second round but is but the question on whether Leon is considered a great GM is what will OJ bring to the table next season and you know his his legacy unfortunately listen the Jaylen Brunson signing was miraculous and I wrote it right before I retired I had a story it was the lead uh it was after they had signed Jil and I had an anecdote that said at the very first meeting Leon Rose had with Scouts his Scouts he he he mentioned a couple of players on his wish list of players he’d love to bring into the organization and he mentioned Jaylen Brunson and that was when Jaylen Brunson was an average second round pick who was coming Off the Bench for Dallas and some of the scouts who are no longer there their eyebrows were like Jaylen Brunson that’s like one of the top guys on your wish list they were stunned and it’s turned out so amazing and I feel he’s a first team all NBA player I mean he listen I do think teams are going to adjust to him next year and treat him like a superstar and defend him like a superstar because Indiana started to do that but what he did in the playoffs was was to use your word magical and that’s a great way to end the St started with magical end it with magical mark it is amazing to have you on I thank you for so much of the time that you gave me all the questions that you answered next time we have you on we might do less of an interview and have more fan interaction because there are so people love you there are so many questions I could probably have another hour with you if I wanted with all the questions that we have here next time we’ll do that I promise you but until then we got to say goodbye to Mark Mark again it was such a pleasure having you so thankful for you always always even though you’re not part of the beat I I’m so happy to see some of your tweets sometimes about the Knicks here and there talking about them and being able to give us some of your Insight really appreciate you and thank you so much for joining the show today I appreciate it Troy the kind words I know a lot of Nicks fans have been very annoyed at some of the things I’ve put out there but I mean I try to be as truthful as possible and sometimes the truth will hurt a little bit Hey listen you’re real and I don’t blame anybody for being real so I appreciate you mark thank you so much for everything that you given us I really appreciate you taking time out of your day sitting down with us and giving so much insight about the Nicks as for you guys thanks so much for watching and until next time Nick fans peace

In this exclusive interview, former NY Post Journalist for the Knicks Marc Berman joins the show! We discuss the Knicks offseason plans including if the Knicks will re-sign OG Anunoby or if another team will swoop in to sign him. We take a look at the current free agents and trade targets the Knicks could add this offseason, turning our focus to Kevin Durant and his fit with the Knicks. Berman also discusses the possible contract extensions for Julius Randle & Jalen Brunson. We also go in depth on the Knicks draft picks and if NY will draft multiple players this year. Mark and I also discuss Leon Rose and his impact on the Knicks this year… Troy Mahabir & Marc Berman break all of this down!

00:00 – Intro
01:33 – Knicks 2023-2024 Season Review
02:20 – Berman: Wouldn’t Call Knicks Season Magical
04:01 – Durability Is What Matters To The Knicks
05:50 – Will OG Anunoby Re-Sign With NY This Offseason?
08:49 – Knicks Need To Discuss Minutes Distribution With Tom Thibodeau
10:36 – Jalen Brunson & Julius Randle Extension Updates
11:50 – Contract Extensions Will Depend On 2nd Apron Fears
14:50 – Why Randle Switched Back To CAA
18:02 – Knicks Offseason Plans: Trade Targets
19:04 – Knicks Targeting Players That Fit What They Are Building
24:08 – Knicks Need To Trade Julius Randle For KD
31:00 – Kevin Durant V Mikal Bridges – Who Fits Better For NY?
33:20 – Evaluating Leon Rose’s Moves This Season

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  1. I disagree with Marc yes his injuries hampered him but his defense was onpoint and helped the Knicks secure the second seed

  2. I never really agreed with Marc and I still don't with out OG the Knicks would've never made it that far if Barrett was still on the team. after that statement I stopped listening OG was a major reason why we beat Philly if Barrett was still on the team I really doubt the Knicks would've beat Philly honestly I don't think the Knicks would've won the 2nd seed with Barrett

  3. Oh man Marc… no, if you’re up 20 in Detroit in the 4th quarter and you put your bench in and you start losing a coach can’t settle for a loss when you can’t still get your main players in the game, you have to go a stop the bleeding!! You and get the WIN!

  4. Now I agree a 💯 someone has to talk to thibs about playing these guys so many minutes especially in the regular season now the playoffs is another story you gonna long minutes in the playoffs its a long season thibs have managed these minutes better

  5. Should we entertain trading OG for Mikal Bridges if were going on the logic of availability and durability? Knowing mikal bridges Ironman 440 plus game injury free streak? Real Question.

  6. The absolute worst-case scenario this off-season would be the Knicks losing Isaiah Hartenstein and OG Anunoby to free agency. If this happens, Knicks fans, myself included, should embrace the very real possibility that the Knicks will not replicate the miraculous season they just had next year. Barring Leon Rose wheeling in a game-changing big fish to the Garden this off-season, the Knicks will be set back even with the Nova boys and presumably a healthy Julius Randle and/or Mitchell Robinson in the lineup.

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