@Los Angeles Lakers

“We had some text messages, and you know, had an incredible text message from him over the weekend. Talking about basketball and some different things. He let me know that if he was there in LA that I would have his support”. -Dan Hurley on conversations with LeBron

“We had some text messages, and you know, had an incredible text message from him over the weekend. Talking about basketball and some different things. He let me know that if he was there in LA that I would have his support”. -Dan Hurley on conversations with LeBron

by KingNephew


  1. NightSleepStars

    And dude still said no. Doesn’t have that special quality to be a Laker.

  2. AirBishop

    You can tell Lebron really wanted him. He wasn’t trying to get involved with the coaching hire but once Hurley was a possibility he couldn’t help it. He knew the FO would most likely screw it up so he wanted to give him some extra assurance.

  3. I think this kinda reinforces the idea that even with Lebron the lakers aren’t really a desirable job 

  4. CockroachForeign6419

    Ahh so that’s why we lowballed him, makes sense

  5. Wise_Ad_112

    He can thank the lakers for making him famous. I had no idea who he was. I don’t follow college.

    Kobe quote still stands true, “ if I have to convince u then u ain’t the one for the lakers”. When guys like derozen and shit were turning us down like they were something. Only certain ppl can lead the lakers not anyone.

  6. Old_Worldliness_5015

    lmao is this guy going on a press tour to tell ppl how/why he rejected the lakers?!

  7. incredibleamadeuscho

    I think he didn’t want to be here, just wanted it for attention for future contracts.

  8. rusticdaisy

    This guy literally said in the interview that there IS an amount of money to make him uproot from his home and his family but he doesn’t even know what that number is. So even if we gave him the absolute best offer we could, it’s still an “I don’t know”. The way he spoke about being at UCONN and not wanting to leave his family and all that he has there, he was never coming to LA.

  9. ElectricalForce4439

    used the Lakers organization for a pay raise

  10. AdVegetable9992

    Why this guy keep on talking? He wants media attention everyday?

  11. People are mad about the wrong things. What you should be fixated on is the 6/70m offer. LeBron reached out to tell him it’s good. Everything was set up.. but guess who screwed things up again? Just like the Ty Lue situation.

    Sooner or later Rob & Jeanie need to start catching heat for their mistakes. Media loves to blame LeBron but he doesn’t hit the green light.

  12. thesonicvision

    I can’t blame Hurley:

    * With or without LAL, he makes a ton of money.
    * In LA he’d have no job security and would be constantly scrutinized by fans, the media, and the Lakers’ org.
    * In college ball, coaches are untouchable gods who bully and rule over the players. In the NBA, the coaches bend to the players.
    * It’s unclear if the Lakers are a few steps away from a ring or a long way away.
    * He’d have to give up a familiar home and uproot everything.
    * He’ll make it to the Basketball Hall of Fame anyway.
    * Just being offered the opportunity to coach the Lakers, coach LeBron, and receive a huge pay day is itself a reward and bragging right. He’s like Dave Chappelle infamously turning down the 50 mill from Comedy Central.

  13. bankster24

    I don’t blame him honestly. The lakers are a mess.

  14. This guy wasn’t built for the bright lights. Have fun in Connecticut.

  15. Oscar_322418

    Can yall please STOP posting about this fucker its over he never gave a fuck about coming here it was all about getting more money from UCONN


  16. Trumpetslayer1111

    I guess he wanted more money from Lakers. He pretty much admitted it. Whatever number he had in mind, the Lakers didn’t meet it.

    From ESPN:

    The Lakers, Hurley said, would have had to offer him a significant sum to leave the UConn program behind.

    “To leave, there probably is [a number],” he said. “To leave a place at any moment in your life, to say that it’s not a motivating factor … the finances to leave a place is definitely a thing. To stay at a place, I don’t think it is ever going to be a thing. To stay somewhere like UConn, it would never have been a financial thing.

    “This wasn’t like some pressure tactic to make me the highest-paid college coach. That was already done. But to leave a place that you feel the way we do and the family connection with my wife, my sons, my mother-in-law, my father … I know how much it means to my dad to go to the Big East tournament and come to 10 UConn games a year at home, sitting courtside, when I’m coaching against Rick Pitino. To leave all of that behind, there probably is a number.”

  17. degen5ace

    “Pleaaaaase join, I only want to do a podcast w JJ. I don’t want him as my coach” – LeBron

  18. Pelinka has to be better than this. He was a cutthroat agent once.

  19. Juan_Solo84

    Wonder if anyone can use the Connecticut version of a FOIA request to get those texts (assuming he’s using a phone paid for by UCONN, a public institution)?

  20. angryshoper

    Ok we done with this mfr he just looking for attention at this point

  21. This person isn’t a Laker. Ready to move on now that he’s wasted our time. Glad he’s getting his 15 minutes tho, good for him.

  22. GlassOnion25

    I’m a UCONN hater now. He knew he was staying he bullshitting the whole time

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