@Los Angeles Clippers

Miami Heat Favored To Land Russell Westbrook If He Leaves The Clippers

Miami Heat Favored To Land Russell Westbrook If He Leaves The Clippers

what’s going on everyone so Russell Westbrook is in a very interesting position right he has kind of embraced that six-man role and seem to have found a home with the Los Angeles Clippers originally he gets traded to the Los Angeles Lakers Wizards that doesn’t work out that is a total disaster he ends up being traded Utah Utah buys him out he goes to Clippers staying in LA and he again has kind of worked it out embraced it he’s had some excellent moments with the Clippers he’s had you know some not so excellent moments with the Clippers he’s not the same guy that he once was but I do believe he is still a very effective player I still think in the right situation uh in the right environment in the right role can still have an impact um you know even in the most recent playoffs it was a game one you know uh yes the Clippers ended up getting ran through and losing the series but Russell Westbrook was actually incredible in that series and ended up winning that game for them uh so I do think it’s probably in Russell Westbrook’s best interest to stick around with the Los Angeles Clippers um it’s also possible that maybe you know if a team kind of throws him some more money which I don’t know how much more cuz so Russell Westbrook has a player option this year for 4 million you could a team maybe just like as salary filler just want kind of like a vet and you know a piece to add to the roster and kind of let him go crazy right and pay him maybe 8 million maybe he goes somewhere I just I don’t really see that I think he’s probably at that stage of his career where he’s a vet minimum guy you know he’s 36 years old not getting any younger um you know he he still has the explosiveness and he still has that motor and just that energy and he’s that guy that you know is going to play every game right there’s like real value in Russell Westbrook even as a player right like the best ability is availability um but again if he’s a guy that you’re counting on heavily to to play a huge significant role um and just be that that triple double you know 202020 guy he’s just really not that anymore I mean I think he still could you know put up some really good stats if he was kind of just thrown on one of the bad teams and was like Hey here go ahead do what you want go crazy um but I think if you’re if you’re looking for him to you know actually be a contributing piece on a winning team then I think he’s a guy that know he needs to he needs to play in a limited role um know even with the Clippers this last year he averaged 11 points five rebounds and five assists Off the Bench 1.1 steals which defensively he has really boughten in and has been much better defensively he’s really Embrace that um but his free throw shooting has been terrible which is crazy CU Russell Westbrook was an 80% free throw shooter at at points in his career I mean the first like seven years or whatever eight years of his career he was 80% % and then it’s just like every year it’s gotten worse since then he was 70% for a couple Seasons um but just not been great in that regard um two-point range he’s still 50% you know he’s still 50 54% is what you want from there three-point range though he is atrocious um last year he was 27% so again he’s he’s a very particular player right to me he’s a guy you you put on the court you you have a bunch of Shooters around him and then that lob threat Center that that can kind of the role man and you just let Russell Westbrook get ahead of steam downhill get to the rim either drive and kick hopefully finish at The Rim because it is kind of 5050 with him at this stage of his career or uh be the lob threat pass to to the big man right he still really has that in him um but there is talks that if he was to leave the Los Angeles Clippers um the Miami Heat are actually favored to land Russell Westbrook and honestly I actually like Russell Westbrook Off the Bench uh for the Miami Heat I don’t really know about starting for Miami uh but Off the Bench in that sixthman role I actually think he would make a lot of sense right give him a guy that can just kind of initiate running offense um apply Rim pressure get downhill do the things that he does best I also think Eric spola is one of those coaches that could really draw a lot out of him and really kind of help him him kind of hone what he’s best at and put him in the best positions possible also again Russell Westbrook’s defense uh has been very much improved uh this last like year year and a half it really started with the Lakers um kind of coming off the bench buying into on the defensive side of things and then really carried that over with the Clippers if he can carry that over with Miami I think that’d be great to me I think he’s you know a heat culture guy I think he’s going to he’s a guy that is you know clamored by his teammates team love him right he’s a guy you know is going to play every game he’s going to play through injuries he’s going to show up he’s going to give 110% whether it’s game one or game you know 82 right like the guy is going to do everything he can I also think him and bamama bio could could really have a nice chemistry him and Thomas Bryant have some chemistry together um that could make some interesting kind of and look Thomas Bryant had some of his best games because of Russell Westbrook um you know again not a guy that I really expecting Miami to have heavy with uh Thomas Bryant that is but I also think he with you know Jimmy Butler and everybody I think would kind of fit in nice um and I I get I I I don’t like the idea of him as necessarily your starter especially now you got Terry roier and you know so I I just think you you stick with that but him coming off the bench for you know 20 minutes a game and just kind of give you that change of pace give you that different direction you know maybe put Jimmy on the bench right Brandon Russell Westbrook have him with like Tyler hero and haime hakz and maybe have Kevin Love floor spacing or or Caleb Martin and uh you know Josh basically just put all your Shooters around him right you know Duncan Robinson Josh Richardson you could put out there Terry roier and just kind of let Russ just go crazy right just be like hey go go get 15 a game and you know dish out eight assists I think he could do that I really do like like I said Russ has to be on the right team in the right situation with the right environment and the right culture and I think Miami would be one of those places I think Miami is is a team that you know has guys that are just like Relentless and Jimmy Butler and you know he has a head coach and Eric spoler I think Pat Riley would love Russell Westbrook and his just like energy and tenacity I think he’d you know help be a locker room guy I don’t think you’re going to get any kind of headaches or trouble from Russell Westbrook in that regard right I think he’s a guy that’s going to buy into the team Buy in the culture and I and I really do think Russell Westbrook understands the the situation he’s in now which a lot of players to is credit a lot of players don’t I mean even like look at Carmelo Anthony as an example right like Carmelo Anthony it took him being out of league for a couple years before he bought in and understood like okay like clearly I I have to accept the role or know look at Allen Iverson right Allen Iverson probably could have played another three to five years if he just accepted that he wasn’t the the Allan Allen Iverson of old right so you know to Russell Westbrook’s credit the the fact that he’s basically embraced like okay this is where I’m at now I’m the sixth man I’m coming in I’ll do it let’s go right and I mean even if you did like if you wanted to start him I don’t think it’s like the worst thing ever again I I like I think you you bring him off the bench but if you were to to start him you know say you go with something like I know Russell Westbrook Terry roier Jimmy Butler um you know Caleb Martin and like bam out of Bio or something I mean you probably got haime hakz in there somewhere so maybe you go haime hakz and and Bam I I don’t know right like just kind of have like that floor spacing and just let Russell Westbrook go crazy I think Russell Westbrook with Jimmy Butler and Bama bio would be a lot of fun to watch I think that they could all kind of compliment each other I think Russell Westbrook getting him being 36 he he gets to go to a team that is always kind of in the hunt and if he can kind of just buy in and allow Eric spoler to to really kind of Coach him and and hone him in right and I’m not saying he’s not coachable or anything like that I mean look again Tyron Lou has done a great job with Russell Westbrook but I just think I think Eric spoler is really good at understanding his players at an individual level and understands where to put players to get the most out of them and to to put them in the most in the position to have the most success and I think Russell Westbrook with Miami I think Eric spoler would be able to do that with him and and really kind of I think he would just Thrive being on Miami right and you know again I’m not saying he’s ever going to get back to being you know that 30 point Mr triple double or anything like that but I do think again he I think he could be a guy that you know could probably get in the again right position right rle right minutes I think he could give you you know 158 and8 or something like that or 158 and5 right I mean even uh with the Clippers in the 2022 2023 season he averaged six just a hair under 16 points eight rebounds and five assists right even with the Lakers he averaged 16 points uh eight rebounds and seven assists or uh sorry uh seven rebounds and eight assists right like I I could like if he could do that for for a a team like Miami I think that that would go a long way right you know again you’re going to have you’re going to have your good moments with Rush you’re GNA have your bad moments with Rush you’re gonna have that game where you’re just like man Russell Westbrook was a great idea and then you have a game where it’s like ah we should not have signed Russell Westbrook this just kind of what you get with him but I do think he would be very Dynamic with Miami and I just think where he’s at him really buying in and embracing whatever his role is of him him really buying in and embracing the defensive side of things I I just like genuinely think that Miami is one of the few teams that would make a lot of sense for him and if you’re Miami I mean you’re getting him on a vet minute you’re not know you’re not breaking the bank to bring him in you know you bring him in on on another one plus one you know maybe even a non-g guaranteed deal or something like that to where if it doesn’t work you can just let him go but I I do I think he’s a guy that could really kind of raise the ceiling a little bit for Miami and just provide some some reliable reliability Off the Bench personally but anyway as always this is a discussion pass a question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts do you like the idea of Russell Westbrook on the Miami Heat do you think no keep him far away from Miami he he’s not a heat guy don’t want him or too old or whatever again however you feel whatever your thoughts are I’d love to hear it so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot so me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate yall see you in the next one thank you

Russell Westbrook has seemed to have found a home with the Los Angeles Clippers. The Miami Heat is definitely a team that could also fit Westbrook and the Heat are Favored to land Russ if he was to leave the Clippers.

#Heat #Clippers #nbanews


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