@Los Angeles Lakers

Apparently JJ’s interviews were being broadcasted in real time lol

Apparently JJ’s interviews were being broadcasted in real time lol

by Imaginary-Mouse-1737


  1. SolarBeam12

    Windy is just talking and speculating although it wouldn’t surprise me if LA front office watched to get a feel of JJ’s thinking.

  2. LudwigNasche

    So it is better ask LeBron to bring a few bottles of good wine

  3. Score-Mobile

    Lmao yeah it shows he’s at least doing homework and is knowledgeable about certain things.

    Obviously anyone would look at someone’s work if they were to hire them then get an interview going

  4. jurassic_snark-

    1. Breaks down plays with LeBron
    2. …
    3. The next Pat Riley!

  5. wut_eva_bish


    OMG this is getting tp be so stupid.

    Let’s wait and watch while the mental midgets on this board try to figure out how to spin this. Who’s the bad guy now guys?

    * LeGM?
    * Reddick setting up LeGM?
    * The cheapo front office for not paying for a real conference room to meet in?
    * The Rambii?
    * Adele?
    * RDAmbition?

    Windy is just so dialed in. Did Plaschke and Woj re-tweet it! OMG it’s the truth!

    Let’s hear it losers.

  6. iamthecheesethatsbig

    Does anyone else find it creepy and weird that this guy made a career out of covering LeBron James exclusively?

  7. ImprovementSilly2895

    Knowledge and managing people are two completely different skill sets.

  8. I mean it’s true. LeBron has this organization on a chokehold. I think best option is to do a sign and trade with another team and have JJ join him wherever he goes.

  9. Spaniardlad

    What I don’t understand is why people are putting on JJ the incapability of the FO.

  10. Man JJ looks tall in that pic, or Bron looks small

  11. First thing I thought when I watched those episodes a week or so ago. Especially when they broke out the whiteboard haha. Makes me not feel so bad giving him a chance

  12. bashsports

    Might as well hire Pete from Laker film room lol

  13. darklighthumid

    Ruthless JJ is coming. Soft ass zero defense Lakers players are trembling their knees again. They know they can’t get away with being lazy anymore, this guy is no ‘yes man’, they will get that whooping when they meet that other side of confrontational demon-side of Reddick when they start to activate lazy mode and that includes Lebron, which I think he expects.

    Don’t mistake his soft facial features; this guy is hardcore. And with Rondo as one of his assistants, it’s gonna be a lot of brain, and a lot of pain, real interesting change of culture. Is our guys ready for the drill sergeants. Lmao

  14. darwinsaves

    This is speculation. And the Lakers royally screwed the pooch. Not much face left to save. Man, these are depressing times for us fans.

  15. Dependent_Ad_3014

    Except it’s mostly jj asking questions and bron breaking down the plays and then jj saying things like “oh right” “that’s interesting so..” etc. basically he defers to bron and that’s not what we need from a coach

  16. Tall_Succotash

    It was stupid when Rashad on Gil’s show to spew this but windy too?

  17. dslrjunky

    Nope, that pose is giving me the Deja Vu!! Hand on the pocket anyone?? 😂😂

  18. falkonx24

    Didn’t JJ Reddick go to like 13 straight playoffs, that has to count for something , that high level of basketball over and over again

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