@Detroit Pistons

Stretch Or Rim Running Five For Detroit Pistons? Update On Monty Williams? Future Of Marcus Sasser?

Stretch Or Rim Running Five For Detroit Pistons? Update On Monty Williams? Future Of Marcus Sasser?

on the offensive side of the floor what style fits best for the Detroit Pistons what style fits best for Cade Cunningham we’ll talk about that in today’s episode of the lock on Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lock on Pistons podcast per usual I your host Cahill you can find me over on Twitter Cahill I want thank you guys for Mak locked on Pistons your first list of every single day free to B on all your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review or whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked in NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply you’ll hear more about game time a little bit later um later on the podcast we’ll talk about an update or not really an update because we haven’t really gotten an official update on Monty Williams but just my updated opinion on what’s going on with Monty at this point where do I think things are going just give some updates with that um and then also I want to talk about what’s the future outlook for Marcus Sasser I know Marcus Sasser isn’t like top of the priority list for the Detroit P he’s not Kade or you know an ivy or S Duran but this is a first round pick and I kind of feel like you know there’s some questions about this so um again not maybe not the most important player but I I do think there’s some questions about what’s going on exactly with his future um we’ll talk about that a little later but I want to start off with this question what style fits best for the Detroit Pistons now like I said in the last episode a few days ago I tweeted out and said hey what do you guys want to hear me talk about in between this time um of not knowing what’s going on with Monty before the draft before the free agency outside of podcast or not podcast uh prospects breakdowns um which I told you guys in the last episode I’m trying to get through them but very busy with work I want to make sure I get you guys the best possible one I’m not going to give you guys no half bleeped episode on that so those are uh coming as quick as possible but in the meantime what do you guys want to hear about and a few of the questions I got was what style best fits what the Pistons are trying to build and what best style Fitz Kate and I think it’s possible for those two I or I should say I don’t think those two things should be different um because I am of the opinion that your best player is how you should be building your team to play as like you should be building around your best player um and that shouldn’t be that’s not a bad thing however that doesn’t mean that there isn’t multiple styles to choose from um and I think where this at least from some of the questions I got I think where a lot of this stems from is the idea of should you have a lob threat non-shooting big man or should you have a spacing five on the floor with Kate and again it we’ll keep digging further I think a lot of that also stems from the Pistons drafting assar Thompson and it’s seeming like assar is pretty high on the priority list now again we haven’t heard from Tran we haven’t had a press conference for him even so maybe Tran completely feels 180 different than you know everything we’ve heard but I I personally find that hard to believe I don’t think that’s going to be the case um so I think that’s where at least on this specific topic we’re talking about right here um I think that’s where it stems from because you drafted a s because he’s a PRI or it seems like a priority and he’s a non-shooter should the Pistons be diving into getting another non- shooting big or should they be looking at getting a spacing five um and just to back up the numbers of why some people think this it’s really only because of the Mike muscala Den galinari minutes that the Pistons had this past year now this is on a very small sample size but Mike muskin hit 171 minutes on the floor with the Detroit Pistons he had an onoff net rating of 19.1 was the highest of anyone that played over 90 minutes then you got denil galari who was second and he had a plus 13.1 onof net rating which was again second of anyone who played over 90 minutes for the Detroit PES now 90 minutes or or more is not that big of a sample size yes but in those minutes a lot of those minutes the majority of those minutes came with a sar Thompson at the four so you were spacing the Flor out with the spacing fire and you had SAR at the four and it looked really good it made sense you had proper spacing you only had one non-shooter on the floor so it begs the question again should the Detroit Pistons be looking to get a spacing five or a lob threat I think if you’re looking at just Cade I think it’s pretty I think it’s pretty clear to to me uh that Cade really likes having a lob threat a pick and roll lob threat with him we saw at his rookie year when they got Marvin Bagley how he took off with that um we saw how he’s looked with Jaylen durren Marvin Bagley again this year heck we even saw how he helped make James wisman play a a little better this year especially in the pick and roll and lobs and and finishing around the rim so I think having a really good pick and roll player with Cade is probably a a necessary uh piece of the puzzle however I don’t think it’s completely out of the RM of possibility that maybe having a stretch five could be helpful as well because Kade does need space and if you want you know pull the camera back a little bit and say okay well more than just Cade everyone on the floor needs spacing even if you’re an ivy guy if you’re a during guy none of those guys are going to thrive if there’s multiple nons spacing options on the floor and the defense is not respecting those guys and there’s no driving Lan it’s tough to create like you need spacing on the floor so could a stretch five help a Jay Ivy could a stretch five help a k Cunningham yes I do think so it’s just a matter of again it goes back to the conversation we had with Ben two episodes ago on the on the draft episode it goes back to a conversation we’ve had on the podcast numerous times the Pistons have some interesting young prospects do they fit together do they all fit together can you play them all together and they all get the best out of each other and that is the question that the Pistons are going to have to answer this offseason because if the answer is no then you should probably break them up and move on some of these pieces if the answer is yes then you need to figure out what’s the best addition what’s the best pieces to get the best out of them I think really again it goes back to what I first said the first point of this conversation is I think a lot of this stems from I think everyone really knows that Kade plays the best with a pick La threat I think that’s that’s where it all stems I think everyone knows that um but the only reason why anyone’s questioning that right now the only reason why you have people like myself that have questioned that is because you drafted assar Thompson and because it seems like he’s a high priority so if that’s the case it seems like a lot of people don’t believe that you can run assar Thompson another non shooting big so if you have to get a spacing five will that work if you make that that that change to accommodate assar Thompson can your best player can your team get the best out of each other and I think it’s an interesting discussion I think it depends how they use assar in that situation like if you believe that you can get some stuff out of assar as a pick and roll man which I do think you can get some but probably not as a primary pick and roll man like you can’t just be the primary guy forade even though I do think utilizing him in that could be pretty interesting could be pretty useful for the Detroit Pistons and a good way to use him um with another stretch five you probably would just rather have a five on the floor that can also you know catch lobs and if you can get a stretch five that can also catch lobs and be a good pick and roll threat then okay that’s that’s great but it’s gonna be hard to come come across those type of guys so um I I understand really to wrap up the segment I understand both scenarios do you want to get a stretch five with Kade yeah I get it you want a lob threat with Kade I get that too um as far as and I think that’s where a lot of these questions were stemming from because of what else was along in those those tweets and some of those comments I don’t think it was questions about Kade and heliocentric usually you guys make that pretty clear so that’s why I didn’t go that route um if that’s something you guys want to hear me talk about even further like the heliocentric versus Etc different type of offense let me know um but that doesn’t seem like what people are really asking me it sounds like that everyone wants know hey should the Pistons be looking to get a stretch five basically is what the question is and I do think again this is something I brought up earlier in the offseason I think this is one of the primary questions the Pistons need to have answered this off season do you believe these four guys can play together and get the most out of each other and do you believe you can do that with two of them being non-shooters if not do you need to address a stretch five or is it a sar Thompson you need to address like what you need to figure that out that has to be answered before you start building your Roost I think I think that’s one of the main questions that have to be answered before you start trying to build around this these these guys and build around Kade and whoever else you want to keep around you have to answer that question and right now if I had a Leen away if you’re keeping assar I think you have to get a stretch five eventually I think that’s something you have to do or you have to bet long you have to bet long-term assar becom a good three-point shooter which again I was higher on pre-draft I’m not as high on that anymore so if you if you do feel that way then maybe you can get away with it I don’t think you can get away with having two non-shooters on the floor um especially with Cade um but if you’re not high on assar and maybe the front office moves on from assar then I think you’re more likely to get away or not to get away but you’re more likely to go the route of just have a traditional uh lob threat pick and roll threat that can protect the rim I think that it really hinged on those things so um those are my complete thoughts on that um let me know what you guys think about all that comment section down below or over on Twitter at CER Hill and when we come back I want to give an update on Monty Williams again not an official update from any Source or sources or reports or anything just what I think’s going on and how I’m feeling about the situation right now because it’s June 13th where I’m recording this the NBA finals are probably about to get wrapped up this weekend uh the draft is in like less than two weeks um I believe it’s just exactly two weeks away now and you still don’t have a head coach and also I saw today that it has been officially a year year since like the last uh last year’s press conference with Monty Williams revealing him as the head coach or you know talking to the media um and the Pistons find themselves in this boat again where they don’t have a head coach and I feel like time’s ticking so we’ll talk about that and give give my thoughts on it um when we come back game time makes getting NBA Finals tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the 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Detroit Pistons head coach last we heard uh was that the Detroit Pistons were evaluating the future of Monte Williams which was something we had known for weeks that that was something that was going to end up happening as soon as they ended up getting their president basketball basketball operations obviously they moved on from Troy Weaver um but it’s been a few weeks now um since they hired uh Tran you know let’s look it up I sure I should have pulled this up before um recording the podcast what was the exact date they hired Tran uh June 2nd June 2nd it was officially the when they hired uh trasan uh so that’s no no May 23rd it says piston set to hire Tran langon this is May 23rd from ESPN and then Detroit Free Press reported on the 31st that they are officially hiring him so yeah it’s been a few weeks it’s been a few weeks since they have higher tra and the only moves that we have gotten is he’s added two guys to his front office and he’s moved on from Troy Weaver and we have no update as of yet on Monty Williams so what’s my opinion on what’s going on and this is all speculation this is all speculation okay there is no official reports on anything um this is why I think’s going on I think the longer this goes on the long by the way we haven’t had a press conference for trasan either which I think the obvious answer for why that is they do not want to have a press conference when they don’t know the future of their head coach because that just causes uncomfortable questions um possible uncomfortable answers and after witnessing what happened last year at that press conference I think a year later with Monty’s future up in the air I think we can all and Troy weer being gone I think we can all admit I think a lot of people already admitted this but you know I think we can all admit that that press conference last year was pretty uncomfortable to watch it was a little awkward um and you could feel the like not even being there you could feel like the awkward energy of whatever was going on like with that situation it it didn’t like even going back I saw clips of it today because apparently this was a year um since I was watching clips of it on Twitter people were tweeting out it was yeah it was pretty awkward but probably don’t want to have a situation like that or a situation like other teams have had um when you don’t know the future of your head coach and your new president basketball operation or your new GM is being asked questions about it it just makes it awkward so I think that’s pretty clear what’s going on and the fact that we don’t know when they’re going to have a press conference for trasan and the fact that it’s been a few weeks and they keep pushing it back the the the the decision on when to have a have a press conference or when to make a decision on Monty um that tells me and again this is just my speculation I think that has to spell that Monty is probably not returning that’s what my this is what my guess is it’s been again it’s been a few weeks you’ve yet to have an introductory press conference of your of your of your president Bas operations you’ve had no update at all on Monty they’ve really tried to stay as quiet as possible with Monty we haven’t heard really anything I think that’s all for a reason I feel like that they are going to be moving off from Monty and again just off pure speculation I feel like there are teams that are waiting to see what happens with this Lakers situation because the Lakers head coaching position has been wild to say the least it sound like Dan Hurley and then JJ reick and James bgo and and and and and and know Kenny I know Kenny ainson wasn’t interviewing for that job but he intervie for the Cav job but once the Lakers job fills up I think maybe you hear about what happen with the Cavs what happens with you know potentially the Pistons because I think obviously if you are evaluating the future which we know for a fact they are if you are evaluating the future of your head coach you obviously are also evaluating the candidates that would be available if you were to move on from your head coach so maybe there is a maybe there’s a head coach that or a potential candidate that is being interviewed right now that could potentially be going somewhere that maybe the Pistons okay if we want to move on from Monty these are one of our guys and if he’s not available maybe we don’t move on from I think that it has something to do with it I think that might be playing a part um the obvious connection that some people have made and again this is not reporting this is not this is just literally pure speculation anyone could be doing this um bgo has connections to Tran back to New Orleans obviously um I’ve seen some people obviously point out that JJ reck has connections to trasan going all the way back to Duke so I don’t know if I don’t know if they’re interested in those two guys potentially replacing Monty if they do move on but those are obvious connections there so if they are let’s just you know go down that pipeline if they were interested in them obviously they’re at the Forefront of the Lakers job and you have’t and ber goes also at the head of the Cavs job but he’s also involved in Lakers job so I feel like there are teams that potentially maybe even the Pistons are waiting to find out what’s going on with with the Lakers are the Lakers hiring JJ or not are they going have like first it was like is Dan Hurley being the head coach over there or not and then don’t be don’t forget I still I still hold on to this I still think this is rather interesting like I’m not going to drop this until like something ends up happening with the Pistons or we get an official word because I find I still find this incredibly interesting the fact that Wendy went on ESPN multiple days in a row and kept pointing out that the Lakers may look at Monty depending on what goes on in this situation over here I I don’t know if there’s anything to read into that but we all know the meme from Wendy the whole you know what does that mean like that look I’m going to hold on to that and continue to have that in the back of my head until something goes on with the Lakers dropping the Piston situation I I refuse to believe that Wendy would bring that up like multiple days in a row on ESPN for no reason so there’s just a bunch of like weird stuff going on I feel like if the Pistons knew they wanted to bring back Monty you would have gotten it like an announcement already and this doesn’t mean that maybe they maybe they do announce it I’m wrong and that they do want to bring back Monty maybe that’s what happens but I just feel like if you if that was the decision you would have announced it already like the only reason why in my head that you are waiting to make this announcement is because you’re not certain that you want him back you’re not certain that you really want him to be the next head coach and I feel like then if that’s the case I feel like one of the holdups has to be uh do we like the candidates that could potentially replace them like that has to be the the thought process to me that that is the only way I see this that’s the only way I understand why it would be taking you weeks and weeks to decide whether you want to bring back somebody that has like six0 years left on his contract that’s being paid that much like obviously there’s question on whether you he should be coming back obviously there’s question on whether he’s worth that money obviously there’s questions on whether he’s the future coach and remember this is a question that Pistons need to answer as well again which I think points to the idea that maybe they’re probably moving on from Monty is that they gave Monte a long-term contract it’s possible that they may not be you know I think you have to include this in the thought process it’s incredibly possible that you are not also just thinking about hey is Monty the coach for this year he doesn’t have a one-year contract he has a very long-term contract so I’m sure they’re also evaluating okay maybe we’re not just talking about do we want to bring him back this year do we think he can be the guy long term for us like those are all things and I feel like the fact that we haven’t heard any kind of update I feel like that all those things just you know speculating and putting stuff together I think that means to me that they must be thinking about moving on from them and they have to be leaning towards moving on from them but I don’t know I don’t know anything I you know who knows what’s going on um this is just speculation I I think this is a really weird situation the Pistons find themselves in um because it’s not like it’s not the same as the Cavs or the Lakers or anyone else that doesn’t have a head coach those guys are are actually interviewing candidates like you are actually getting an idea of who you are you know trying to hirees your head coach let’s say the Pistons in a week from now decide maybe it’s a week from now and all of a sudden we get the notification that says hey Monty is out of there they the pist have moved on for Monty now you have to go into the process of interviewing candidates so you are potentially like a week away from a week away of the decision that really matters and by then the draft’s done you know or running right up against the draft running up right up against free agency so like I don’t know man I think this is really weird they need to make it I think again I know when James came on me and him kind of disagreed a little bit about you know whether there should be urgency for the Pistons to make a decision I think there has to be some urgency you I think you want to have a head coach for the draft you definitely want to have a head coach for free agency and I if I was a president of basketball operations I would prefer to have a head coach for draft workouts not because I need him to confirm stuff but I’d like to have like my guys you know here for you know a big time decision with is the fifth overall pick so that’s just what I’m putting together that’s my speculation if you wanted to keep Monty if the Pistons wanted to keep Monty I feel like they would have decided that already and they would have said you know gave us announcement that he’s returning I feel like the only reason why it’s taking this long is because they’re trying to decide you know again part of moving on from a coach is getting another one and I think they might be looking at I think the Lakers situation or the Cav situation or who is even available is there someone better than Monte out there I think that’s what’s causing all this to weight up outside of that I don’t really know what else could be like what else could be the reason I like I don’t know I I like I I I I not completely sure so let me know in the comment section down below what do you guys think is going on with Monty why is it taking so long what has happening do you think he’s returning do you think he’s not returning like let me know in the comments section down below what you guys are thinking again just I think we’re all playing puzzle piece makers right now like we’re all trying to put together the story we don’t know what’s going on we don’t know the story all we have is some random pieces and some speculation and to try to piece the story together so let me know what story you guys got with this whole situation comment section down below or over on Twitter at cuk when we come back what is the future outlook for Marcus Sasser we’ll talk about that when we come back price Pi is America’s number one fantasy Sports with more than 5 million members is the most fun exciting way to get in on the action while you watch your favorite sports and players you just pick more or less on Two And More player stats for a shot to win up to 100 times your cash with prize picks you can turn $10 into a thousand in a single game watching your 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that for an office is no longer around but they did use a first round pick on him what’s going on with him what’s his immediate future and the reason why I ask this question is a lot of the conversation is do the Detroit Pistons want to bring back all the young guys and when you have that discussion it is about really a saw Ivy andur and for a lot of people it seems like I’ve seen a lot of fans it feels like the majority of fans want to bring back now I don’t know what the front office wants to do yet obviously like I just said in the last segment we haven’t even heard from trasan yet so we don’t really know what the front office wants to do but it seems like from what I’ve seen the majority of the fan base wants to bring back all the young guys and just redo some of their minutes and have them learn from the bench instead of trading them so if that’s the case you got Cade starting you are then I’m assuming if in that like you have to be acquiring a two guard to play next decade whether that be Malik monk or whoever I know Malik monk is one of the popular names going around but whether that be Malik monk who whoever which means then Jane Ivy is coming off the bench as your too and I think just about anyone who watched the Pistons this past year I don’t know how anyone could come away thinking that ivy should be playing point guard his position should be as an offguard he should be a scorer who can play make at time you like to see him improved in that department but either way I don’t think they want Jay and iy being your primary backup point guard which means you then would be acquiring I believe a backup point guard in that scenario you now have Cade and a two guard in the starting lap if a new backup point guard in Ivy at the two guard so that those are the four guards even if you wanted to run a three guard lineup Quinn Grimes was traded for you traded buan bonovich for Quinn Grimes I assume that he’s going to be back so I assume he’s going to have a position Off the Bench whether that be as a three or whatever so if that’s the case where is Marcus Sasser fitting in like it’s it I know people like Marcus Sasser but this is simply like people have to understand I have a lot of people in the comment section in my DMs often say like C why are you saying this why are you saying that they have to move from this guy or they’re going to be faced a difficult decision with this guy just just keep them why do you hate them this is not about hate or like with Marcus s this is literally a numbers game you can’t play everybody if you are moving Ivy to the bench and acquiring a two guard that’s three of the guards that you’re playing you’re probably playing four guards and Marcus Sasser which everyone talked about all last off or last season while he played is not a point guard everyone talked about how he was misused and asked to run an offense where that’s not what he is he is a scorer you have him so he’s not going to be the guy playing backup point guard and I think most people feel the same way about Jane Ivy so he’s not going to be a backup point guard so you’re going to go get a backup point guard where is he playing like where is where is he possibly fitting in and if he if you are AC acquiring a backup point guard and Jay iy is your backup to and you go get it a starting to it’s not like it’s one of those situations where he has a chance to outplay somebody and get you know get into the rotation there’s no future I can see where the Pistons would play him over Ivy they’re not going to over play they’re not GNA play him over whoever they sign or trade for to be the starting two and unless he makes some insane outlier development to where now he’s a backup point guard and someone who can run your offense and set up the set the table for everybody he’s not going to take the minutes from the backup point guard and then also like I said you got Quinn Grimes who figures to be returning I mean I’d have to assume if you you just traded Boon like that was like your key trade asset um and Quinn Grimes is a you know theoretically a three and D guy I figure You’ be bringing him back he’s a young guy too just where does Sasser fit in I feel like he kind of is just know I don’t think people really have talked about it but I feel like he’s kind of the man out right now which goes back to again the biggest issue issue I had with the Pistons even trading up and drafting him last year it was not because of Marcus Sasser himself or the player himself the Marcus Sasser the player I thought had a fine rookie year this past year he was a really damn good shooter out the gate all catch and shoot opportunities in the 53rd percentile guarded catch and shoot 83rd percentile for some reason he shot worse on way way worse on open shots but on guarded ones 83r percentile really good Al the dribble jumpers 71st pertile like on all Runners 75th percentile like he is a great shooter already a really good shooter and probably a pretty good scorer okay like that he is he has that in his back it’s not about Sasser himself as an NBA player the Pistons already had an abundance of guards and it was clear from then and still clear to this day they needed Wings they still need wings so now if you’re moving Ivy to the bench and you’re acquiring a two guard now it just seems like even last year it was I like we spent an offseason talking about okay where does Sasser fit in if you got Burks and at that time obviously we heard Monty speaking up Killian and you got Ivy K like where is Sasser fitting in now we’re having the same conversations a year later except looks even more dim about where possibly he could fit in so I think I mean just looking at the numbers game honestly we haven’t really pointed this out but I think if you had to take a b the most likely young guy to get moved I think it has to be Marcus faster like I think he might actually be the most likely one simply because he does I don’t see where his Pathway to minutes possibly is coming from like I right now in any situation in any in any direction whether it’s trade IV or bench IV and bring in someone else I don’t see the pathway for minutes for him I like I don’t see where the clear pathway is or the real chance he has to compete for minutes either so I don’t know man I don’t know where and again if he does get traded and he moves on somewhere else I don’t think he’s gonna be a bad player Sasser has MBA skills like I don’t suspect this is not about him as a player it’s simply about the numbers game um so I don’t know where he’s gonna fit in I have no clue if I I I haven’t thought about it like this but he probably is actually the most likely want to be traded out of the young guys um this offseason so let me know what you guys think where what is the future for Marcus Sasser with this team let me know comment section down below or over on Twitter at cooka Hill that’s all I’ve got for you guys today thank you guys for being locked on piston your first list of every single day re podcast platforms hit that subscribe button the YouTube channel leave us a five stareview whatever podcast platform you’re listening to us on and until next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe out there till next time peace out

The Detroit Pistons have been linked to numerous potential starting fives this offseason, but which type of starting center fits best with what the Pistons have in their young core? Also, what’s the update on Monty Williams? Where does Marcus Sasser fit in the future of the Pistons?

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  1. Stretch big! Hands down. We saw the proof with Moscala and Galinari with +/- and they weren't even that great.

  2. I keep hearing trading down with the pick but imo sarr and risacher are nba ready bigs that pistons need. Trade up!

  3. Marcus Sasser needs to be the starting point guard.. Ivey moved to the bench… Cade on defense should guard the small forward … Who handles the ball 🏀 less than guards it will enable him to rest.. and last a complete season

  4. I say keep the first 6 rookie players..add Fettecheeni..use 5th pick for rim protector….then get some good vets

  5. Ivey needs the ball in his hands to be effective, similar to OKC Russel Westbrook. He cannot score off of Cade setting him up and we've seen it all year. He needs to be in that rookie Cleveland Kyrie role where he's allowed to run the show and learn from his mistakes instead of playing off a heliocentric guy. The reason me and a lot of people would like Ivey at the PG is because it allows him to set up his teammates on drives and with lobs like he did his rookie season. I believe Ivey trends more towards Westbrook than he does DWade which is why I would like to see him run the point.

  6. 1st Listen…what it do Ku. I just rewatched your last Live and man, we need another Live from you. I got a lot to ask you. Great show. Word up!!

  7. I don’t get why this guy thinks Ausar is high on the priority list now and even when Weaver was gm. We had Muscala (stretch 5) Ausar played his best with him and they let him go shortly after acquiring him, if Ausar is high on priority list that would’ve never happened

  8. Sasser trash and not needed undersized streaky off guard with no upside Ivey more than capable of playing pg it’s a reason when Cade went down half way through the season and Ivey was at the helm it was talks about is the team better without Cade.Ivey won’t be coming off bench next season

  9. Ausar showed his potential with a stretch 5 next to him it just opens up the lanes for everyone and Cade especially will benefit from all that extra space

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