@Boston Celtics

Is Luka to blame for Mavs Game 3 loss, did Jaylen Brown prove he is Celtics best player? | SPEAK

Is Luka to blame for Mavs Game 3 loss, did Jaylen Brown prove he is Celtics best player? | SPEAK

who wins that’s the question on the other side of the commercial break oh Jay was so stressed out this series this is Fe and I will say it this quickly James Jones has been on the Celtics bandwagon since after game one because before game one he was all MTH but James you knew it first before the introductions I got a very simple question how you knew the Celtics was going to win game three you know what my dog over there Shady what stuck with me is when Caitlyn Clark took the quar against South Carolina he told us did you see the disadvantage game one is all I took I seen the disadvantage that the M was up against from top to bottom from bench to starters whatever they could not match up with the Boston Celtics and I only needed one game to see y’all a couple more you’re trying to give him credit for something that we all picked we all picked the MS to win it we did but y’all had no Panic after game one like they was going to make a run or so he get he gets credit for changing his opinion the fastest for changing the fastest okay you know what I’m we we were stuck in our wrongs Shady we were stuck in our wrongs if we all say they’re going to win you say wi in game four or game five or six technically y’all were like more wrong cuz you you earlier but y’all wasn’t panicking or nothing after game one it’s all good the series don’t start until a home team I mean no no game one was ear shook but you look right now you look right now that’s James Jones Jones that’s Dy Taylor that’s Shady McCoy everybody looks good let’s get right to it shady I got to ask you the question because we saw the game last night it was bad Dallas Mavericks they were decent Kyrie Irving was dominant but Luca donic he was not good fouled out in the fourth quarter after picking up four fouls Shady McCoy the question is simple do you blame Luca for game three’s loss he gets majority of that that blame majority is in like 80% first of all you’re your biggest star on the team you’re the biggest star on the team so you get four fouls one quarter and the quarter you got it is the fourth quarter that’s the best quarter that’s the biggest quarter yeah like we we need you to score another thing Jason kid said hey it is obvious that he has a a bulletin on his on his back right and on defense if you look at the way that the the offense is ran from the Celtics they’re targeting him everything is going at Luc on defense bro we know you’re a great score I get it you play uh pro ball since 14 but you got to play some defense though bro you got to show me some energy look at this some effort look let’s look at this though three ball I ain’t contesting nothing look what is that where’s he at like he not closing out he’s not hustling look at look at this though what am I doing I ain’t contesting nothing no hand up so when you talk about who’s the blame it’s got to be Luca well said it can’t be you know what’s funny in 2022 the Warriors played the um Mavericks in the finals too though right oh Western Conference Finals I was West finals play when they beat Boston for championship and the whole offensive game plan was to go Luca F him with the screens where’s he at we got him isolation three ball to the layup my thing is for you to be such a great player but you got to play some type of Defense I’m not saying you to be lock downam you to be Jason Tatum or or or Jaylen brown but you could be a Steph Curry well it’s funny I seen Steph Curry for a defense there’s times where Steph Curry just physically can’t guard certain people but he gives you effort though yes I can deal with the effort part Luca don’t give you no effort so now when your team’s not scoring because of rers are not really getting involved that happens but we need you to hold it down but how can you hold it down when you’re not on the court cuz you fouled out then you got 5,000 you taking a charge man listen if it a if the answer for all y ain’t Luka we going to have an issue can I answer then let me answer real talk I say it like this to the left I’ve heard fatigue makes a coward of a all but Luca showed me yesterday that fatigue makes an imbecile of us all because Luca started playing stupid he started playing stupid Shady McCoy he just talked about it I’ll emphasize it how in the world did you get four fouls in the fourth quarter the most important game of your career the most important moment of your career and you get fatigue fouls when he decided to pick up Pritchard 94 ft Luca that was his fourth foul of the game I’m thinking to myself what are you doing it was the dumbest foul I have ever seen committed in my life to date what are you doing because he was tired he was tired what was the point what was the reason what was the point so that was foul number four and then you’re going to end up seeing foul number five egregious and dumb as well but this was a kicker that shady just talked about why in the world would you try to draw a charge a charge is is the most subjective call in all of sports you going to try to draw a 5050 foul and here’s what frustrated me the most when Luca looked at the bench and he says quote y’all better effing challenge it my problem with Luca and why I blame him is because his harm causes exponential damage Luca’s harm it don’t just cause him damage if y’all remember it was a fourth quarter M should have ended the first quarter first quarter rather M should have ended the first quarter up by maybe 10 maybe eight Luca tries to draw another Phantom call against Al Horford he complain to the refs he don’t get back on defense they go down there number 30 for the Celtics he gets a Trey Ball then the next possession Luca tries to draw another Phantom foul call on Jason Tatum he lays on the court Jason Tatum they go down there they get a dunk next thing you know first quarter it’s a one-point game when the Maverick should have been up by 10 Luca he tries to draw a charge not only does he fell out the game but then exponential damage you Char you cost your team that challenge call Luca doesn’t just hurt himself yesterday he hurt everybody along with them Joy Taylor devastated I blame luk yeah it’s got to be luuka look situational ball matters these are these are the biggest moments this is when all the pressure everything is on the line you’re in you’re you’re up against the best they’re prepared you’re prepared who makes the right decisions who puts themselves in the best position you guys are in a position to win this game and you are making bad decisions you’re not the defensive part honestly he doesn’t play defense Luka ain’t never played no defense effort though what about effort I a even saying play there’s there’s been moments I mean they are a good defensive team like he’s he’s improved and it’s it’s not it’s really not excusable if you are a star if you are a superstar like Luka is if we’re talking about you the best player one of the in contention for being one of the best players on the planet he’s he’s been better this year but that to me is not particularly surprising now why we excuse that from Luca I don’t know but it is not particularly surprising the situational basketball the the bad choices the fouls the throughout the series not getting other players involved that to me is the biggest mark on Luca in this series you are the guy this is your team you are not new to this these type of environments yes you’re new to the finals but you’ve played a lot of postseason ball you know it goes through you you know they’re not going to win if you’re not on the court how are you making these decisions the turnovers the the the the rush shots not getting people involved the fouls it’s it just feels like the moment is too big yeah that’s that’s what it that’s what it feels like it’s when you when you’re watching this it’s if he is playing perfect and they’re losing okay like the Celtics are just better but I was thinking about it this morning like wow all season long we were saying who’s who’s going to win the finals who’s your early Finals Prediction we’re like I don’t know but it’s probably whoever comes out of the West to a man everyone was saying this you know like we don’t really trust the Celtics we don’t know like the East is kind of weak that who whoever comes out of the West is going to win this sure don’t look like that right now now listen we didn’t give the Celtics a lot of credit and they’re coming into their own and we’ll get to the Celtics in a second but it just feels like this can’t be the same Mavs team that we watched go through the Western Conference Finals but it is and it just feels like it’s overwhelming James does it feel like to you because this is what it feels like to me every concern we’ve ever had about Luca showed up all at once in game three out of shape concerns over the first three four years of his career it showed up in game three doesn’t play defense those are concerns we’ve had over the first five years of his career it showed up in game three overly emotional at times we’ve had those concerns especially being a European player coming to America always looking for the rest for a call it showed up in game three every single concern that you and I have ever had about Luca donic it showed up in the biggest game of his life in the biggest moment that’s what I saw what do you see do you blame Luca I don’t blame Luca at all I blame the Boston Celtics you know my college coach always told me because it was a stretch to where he always used to get on me and yell at me and not get on the other players I’m like bro why you always on me like that and you don’t even be on the other dudes like that he say cuz I don’t believe they can do it I believe you can do it Luca can’t stay in front of nobody on the Boston Celtics and the Celtics know that Luca dones had a 37o triple double and they got smacked Luca Dage had averaged 30 points in this series and they’ve been getting beat down the Boston Celtics are the ones to blame because they are clearly just better than the Dallas Mavericks that that’s clear and they show it because they have beat you eight times in a row whether you want regular season whether you want playoffs whatever it may be they have beat you eight times in a row Luca has put up 30 40 25 triple doubles whatever Kyrie has helped at times in certain games gave you 30 gave you 25 right along with Luca and you still lose the Boston Celtics are just that much better and Boston knows we pray he switches all these pick and rolles because we got five dudes on the basketball court that he cannot stay in front of and if you don’t want to help off Al horard he can shoot it too so you’re going to have to guard you are not guarding Rudy Gober on a on a switch to where you can just sit there and chill and not play no defense he cannot stay in front of brown he cannot stay in front of Tatum he cannot stay in front of Drew and that would not change next year so it’s either you going to foul or you kind of gonna be like shady s you’re going to look like you’re not giving no effort because you cannot move your feet to stay in front of these dudes see that that that’s no the problem is everybody gives him a pass cuz he scores offense when you saying stay in front of that’s one thing when you letting guys go and then you try to um hit the turnover from behind or even when dudes are cutting in the lane I watched maybe six to eight points in the clutch moments where the balls on the right side are dribbling see what’s going on and your man L just cut right in front of your face lay it’s like yo they don’t take no time of real defense that’s his effort but that’s why and I agree cuz I was yelling at the TV cuz not one teammate says nothing to luk correct correct we will get to that James Jones you said that the Celtics are better than the mass but the most interesting question that might be asked today is who’s the best Boston Celtic J you’ve been telling him tell him again in case the viewers missed it the first time where do you stand has Jaylen Brown proven he’s the Celtic’s best player I think he is I think Jaylen Brown is the best player on the Celtics right he he plays phenomenal defense on the other end guarding the best player we’ve seen him watching Luke and Kyrie the whole game right okay then you go to offense he just shows you a great moment where we need a we need a score they a 20 to2 run the Mavericks did who won score for us right and who who who answered it not Tatum J B and then the part of when you the man of the team right when you wave a dude off you know you can wave off to like y look look I know it’s your team and all that yeah they told me watch out and he scored even before that play he was scoring on multiple occasions so I just love when I see that the supposedly not even the best player on the team but a guy that takes that that opportunity like yo I’m going shoot this the ball in the last couple seconds we need to score I’m going do that yo we need to guard I’m going guard the best guy the last couple seconds I’m do the same thing when you look at Jaylen Brown that’s what he that’s what he brings so I think Tatum is probably the most talented out the out the bunch especially offensively but overall being better I’m going with JB where we stand now though Joy right now the betting odds favorite to win Finals MVP is Jaylen Brown no way wait no way though it’s real close though he is the odds favorite to win MVP one’s plus one’s negative it can’t hold on hold on hold on CU D needs to answer this question Joy has Jaylen Brown proven through these finals games obviously that he is the Celtics best player watch your words because it’s aate desk why do we always have to choose Sports we do that is sports yep do we have to choose we do s still have to choose what a luxury for them is it possible that Jaylen Browns jump from the regular season to how he performs in the postseason is bigger than Jason Tatum’s regular season postseason jump and that is why we feel this way I mean Jason tat during the regular season a great spacular player he is great he has every regular season award you know he’s yes not MVP but obviously he is he’s all NBA he’s an All-Star he’s he’s he’s in rare err during the regular season and he is really good in the postseason really really good he’s the ninth player over the last 50 Seasons to post the 218 and seven line in the finals amongst Magic Johnson Larry Bird Scottie Pippen LeBron James Steph Curry Kevin Durant Jimmy but Nicola yic he’s in very very good company he’s a great postseason player as well Jaylen Brown is a good regular season player and in a tremendous postseason player and a clutch postseason player an Eastern Conference Finals postseason player and very well maybe an NBA Finals postseason player so I guess I don’t I don’t know is my answer and I’m sorry I’m sorry to give the pop out but like Jason Tatum is such a great player but I think the reason we feel this way is because the jump from him to the regular season to the postseason is marginal and the jump from Jaylen Brown to the from regular season to postseason is so large that it it looms over Jason Tatum’s performance which one do you want though what which one do you want I want both got to get to the playoffs you won both I won both wait Tom out get this straight so you telling me one player plays phenomenal in the regular season right and the post he’s plays pretty reallyy good plays the other the other phenomenal in the regular season and he’s marginally better in the postseason so marginally better than phenomenal I don’t know I don’t know I I agree with that I mean he in numbers I get it when we when we watch when we watch him in this we watch him this playoffs forget the numbers for one second let’s put them down let close your eyes when we watched him this whole playoff series was he phenomenal in the playoffs I don’t think so good player not phenomenal phenomenal okay right but you said he wasn’t a regular is but he is a player regular season yes my thing is what do you want more though you want a guy that balls out crazy the regular season or the guy that balls out in the postseason I answer that I will answer that I will answer that for you Shady you forced me into an answer and because you’re my friend I’m going to give it to you because I don’t want to thank you I will take the postseason I think most people will because a lot of I’ll ask you why because one of the names on this list just made me made me answer that question Jimmy Butler Jimmy Butler is somebody that people don’t take very seriously great right like he’s not he’s not putting up these spectacular numbers do you want Jimmy Butler in the regular season or do you want a stat hog that in the post season or somebody who just puts up a bunch of stats in the regular season we know what Jimmy Butler is capable of doing on one leg in the postseason so I’m with you so I will take that so jayen Brown is the best that is my answer we have worked through it so don’t where you at James Jones the world is waiting on an answer I know I am keep you waiting for long it’s Jason Tatum is the best player but I do think the best compliment that I could give JB is a couple years ago or even last year this wasn’t even an argument it wasn’t even close now it is an argument like you can look at it and say do you want JB like we sitting here arguing or do you want Jason Tatum and I credit him for that because it is really really close right now and I was I wasn’t with Shady I’m still not but it’s really really close right now it don’t matter who you pick right now two years ago you’d be looking crazy going with J with JB right now when you watch these two dudes play especially in this postseason because that’s what’s fresh on our minds JB is looking like the best player obviously what Tatum has accomplished over his career and being coming into the NBA after JB obviously he’s accomplished much more and he’s a better player to me but is really really really really close and that’s credit to J no I it’s just funny man like he don’t want to agree with me but he does agree with me it’s funny because I remember my my uh when I get in trouble in school right and and they would ask me the question well what happened and I’m going all the way around these little loopholes this the same thing he just did but then the last he says well he talk about two years ago we ain’t talking about two years ago James are we we talking about right now and if you watch the game this what I I don’t understand though we all watch the game not because we wanted to we have to it’s our job if you watch that game there’s no way could tell me that you think if you don’t know who the names are right one dude’s light one D’s dark pick one of these dudes you think is the best player for this team everybody they right might that watch a game would tell you that Jaylen Brown is the best player this postseason sure but it’s that’s what we talking about it’s just crazy to me the body of work of Jason Tatum that one postseason that a dude has of looking a little better than him we’re saying that he’s better than him now he has not been better here’s why I have this question and it’s for you slick it’s James you know better than anybody’s careers are defined by bodies of work in the postseason yeah you like we all know we all play sports there are players that will go into the Hall of Fame in both leagues based upon not what they did in the regular season Eli Manning what they did in the post see that’s what I’m saying though but we’re acting like we’re acting like Tatum ain’t doing nothing no no he is but my my thought for you slick is in the event and this might be the most important question I will ask anybody today in the event Jaylen Brown wins Finals MVP yeah what does this do both Legacy wise and narrative wise in the imminent future what does this do for both of them for Tatum and for brown because it’s not like Giannis and Middleton we used to say that Middleton was the closer and that Giannis was the was the guy who would get you there but the the the gap between Yannis and Middleton was so wide there was never a comparison but the gap between JB and JT is tight like James Jones has alluded to so in the event Jaylen Brown wins Finals MVP how in the world does that change The Narrative of how we reflect on these two players it’s it’s certainly going to elevate jayen Brown to a place that we previously did not have him but I don’t know that it devalues Jason Tatum look we we still continue to this day we have the arguments about Kobe and sha in terms of who was most important in their championships and who ended up the the overall better player we talk about Kyrie Irving and the value that he had to LeBron James when they won that LeBron James I don’t know that comes back from 3-1 and wins that Series without Kyrie Irving hitting the big shot I don’t know that the Boston Celtics are where they are without Jaylen Brown hitting the clutch shots that he’s made but I can’t ignore that Jason Tatum takes the approach of what do you need me to do oh I need to rebound oh I need to guard a big oh I need to playmake like he’s asked to do all these things Jaylen Brown is asked to as is asked to do a couple of specific things that he does better than Jason Tatum does which is when we need a bucket in the clutch he’s the one who gos gets it if we need you to guard Kyrie Irving while Jason Tatum is doing all these other things I got it right and so we’re we’re trying to make we’re trying to delineate and make it specific and say this guy is clearly better than this guy and and I just don’t that we’re going to continue to argue this and I to answer your question I don’t think that the result of this Championship is going to be definitive I think we’re going to continue to have this conversation question and I’m I’m doing this in real time so apologies for any erors but when’s the last time we saw a player particularly in basketball because in football you see it often right you could say that Cooper cup isn’t as good as Matthew Stafford but Cooper cup won Super Bowl MVP and Stafford didn’t but when’s the last time in basketball you saw the not best player win finals MVP if there was only one Title One you could talk Steph Curry KD but only one title one because Steph wins okay but more than wait who that was the first one Tony Parker was in finals MVP the year that they beat Cleveland correct but I’m saying they went on to win more yeah he’s saying so one Title One is there a the qu my thought process is does Tate like are more titles inevitably going to have to be won so that in the event JB does win Finals MVP Tatum can course correct this absolutely cuz there’s no there’s not a world where Jaylen Brown can be the finals MVP and Tatum doesn’t get a Finals MVP and that just be okay for like that’s crazy but then you know yes but then we’re we’re we’re we’re very much living in the moment like of these are extremely young men they young I’m not saying that they will go on to win five more titles or even a another title but they are going to continue playing basketball for quite some time Jason Tatum is going to rack up an enormous amounts of accolades throughout his career based solely on what he does year in and year out during the regular season so while the finals MVP say his career ends that way will May Loom over him he’s going to have quite a long resume to put up on the table when we talk about what he’s accomplished as an NBA player my question is because you’re right but is the most important thing of finals MVP because like you said he’s going to accomplish so much like when I think about Giannis Giannis is gonna Giannis has a couple MVPs defensive players of this he got this he got that he got that but he got Finals MVP If he if Middleton would have got Finals MVP he would have been like whoa uh oh like that’s that’s not good look what it did for Steph Curry when he finally won a Finals MVP that felt like it was the final Grace not he’d been a League MVP he had won championships he had done all that when he was Finals MVP we suddenly said oh that puts him that elevates him to a place that he hadn’t been previously in spite of all the other things that he had done but we are getting ahead of ourselves a little bit right now so so because if game let’s say they the Celtics close out game four yeah and Jason Tatum goes and gets 45 which he is fully capable yeah I mean it might it might be it might be my not I’m glad s of saying this this is not done like if if if Jason Tatum goes off say he goes to five yeah Mavs pulled together and extended to five if Jason Tatum these next two games goes off especially scoring it’s going to go to it’s not he’s it’s he’s not out of the running to be the finals okay so and what’s JB gonna be doing right see know maybe did in game three or game two 38 and eight oh game two game two he was still like the third best player another thing is like it’s not like what slick is saying it’s not like Jaylen Brown is running away with but I would say hasn’t Jaylen Brown outperformed Jason Tatum in the first three games he obviously did in game one they going tell you no last night he had 38 and8 yes he was make and another thing is one one dude is is scoring at a fishing clip in the other one they both had 30 last night correct but in Jason T best1 yeah 31 in Tatum in Tatum but I’m saying in Tatum’s best game in his best game JB still played better when Jason Tatum had 318 and five I’m I think Tatum’s best game was game three last night I think that 31 piece last night was Jason Tatum’s best game 315 rebounding I was say when he had the the 18 and 12 I don’t think he have a triple double in game two I think he had 18 and 12 in game two he miss 12 and by one 18 12 12 assist the problem is the 18 is going to and then what what it look like though come on be like 24 what it look like cuz my thing is like even right now right if you look at the the the numbers of scoring one dude is shooting at a higher clip because that’s not all threes I’m not all the jump shooter slick you told me something and we’ll take it to Break um because you are an MVP voter you’re a regular season MVP voter obviously so it’s an honor to have you in this conversation y’all aren’t just listening to a Twitter head right here you’re listening to a guy who dictates legacies talk me through what is the MVP voting process in the NBA Finals you told me off camera tell me on camera tell me the psychology of the voters then we’ll take it to break yeah so so in the final minute or two the league comes to six or seven members of the media and hands them a slip and says give us your MVP and they want it before the game is actually over when they when they look like this is going to be the closeout game they want your vote and they want to be able to have it so they can run down as soon as the game’s over they know who the MVP is the what what I have seen time and time again with voters is that they will immediately look at the statistics they will look at who’s averaging the most points the most rebounds the most assists they look at what the percentages are so that they can defend who it is that they pick they’re not going to you don’t have time to like kind of sort through everything that happened in the series or or for many it’s difficult to defend those big moments to say hey I it was the eye test that won it they want to be able to say I picked this guy because look at the numbers and so that’s where Tatum still is very much in this because right now if you look across the board at the numbers similar it’s a tossup I’m just telling you how it works I’m not telling you that it’s right know I know you I I what you’re saying but let me ask you this Mr voter and I’ve never voted on MVP Finals MVP I’ve been to been to 20 plus of them but I never uh but do you never wanted that but don’t you think that like I just I just feel like sometimes your numbers can really fool you though right but if you when you watch the game you sometimes you throw them numbers away and really watch who’s the most impactful on on the team and Etc but you know what else can fool you is to look at certain moments big moments and that guy came through in that particular moment and you’re not looking at the role that Jason Tatum has in terms of I got to do multiple things to put us in position for that moment and that guy got it done and that’s look I value that more than anything I’m with you I don’t I’m with you I’m with you in terms of the value of that that is the most important most valuable um ability that you can have which is when I need a bucket when everybody is looking at me I can hit the game winning winning shot but if you’re asking me who is the best allaround player it’s the guy who can do more things slick really quick so right now you saying on this basketball team during during this series Jason Tatum is more valuable to his team right now because you keep on saying he does he’s he has to do more and Jay Brown only has to do these little things so are you telling me that he’s more valuable no I am saying that he is we’re talking about best player allaround best player Jason Tatum is the best player the most valuable is the guy who does the thing that I put the most value in which is we got a tie ball game we’re down one I need a bucket to win this game who’s going to go get it that’s JB Jen Brown I got take one question so on offense you saying that I need a bucket I’m going to JB right what about on defense we need to stop who you depends on who it is Drew holid Jon if it’s not let’s say if it’s not Drew holiday right exact we got we gotop we got we got we got we gotop Luka we got to stop Luka and Kyrie’s out here so J um so you we need somebody to go guard Luka for the last shot who’s it who’s it going to be slick but in this series it’s been Jaylen Brown so if I’m guarding the best player on the best moments right I’m guarding him and then on offense we need a bucket I’m getting that bucket how in the hell do what we talking about how I’m not MVP what are we talking about it’s not close subscribe here to get the latest from speak and go watch a few segments from our other shows on FS1

Emmanuel Acho, Joy Taylor, LeSean McCoy, James Jones and Ric Bucher debate whether Luka Dončić is to blame for the Dallas Mavericks’ 106-99 Game 3 loss to the Boston Celtics. While he finished with 27 points, he fouled out with just over four minutes remaining in the fourth quarter. They then discuss whether the NBA Finals has proven Jaylen Brown is the Celtics’ best player or not. Brown is averaging 24 PPG off 55 percent shooting, while Jayson Tatum is averaging 22 PPG (36 percent shooting).

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The revamped SPEAK takes over the airwaves with Emmanuel Acho, LeSean McCoy and Joy Taylor covering the day’s hottest topics in sports and offering their unfiltered takes.

Is Luka to blame for Mavs Game 3 loss, did Jaylen Brown prove he is Celtics best player? | SPEAK



  1. Can sports not be political? Can it just be entertaining? Life is hectic enough. Those questions the media asked Caitlin Clark before and after the game take the fun out of watching? How could Clark focus on playing a good game after the social justice questions she was asked before the game! She's only 22. They were so cruel to her. Will the upcoming classes in the future have to change their focus away from just playing and enjoying their craft?

  2. The media turns on these players every game! One minute they say you’re the greatest ball 🏀 player in the world. Next minute you’re a bum who can’t play defense and the sole reason your team is losing like you’re the only one on the team!

  3. As a Celtic fan I love JB but I know the opposing teams plan is to stop JT. Now if next year they chose to double JB vs JT then JT will have a phenomenal year

  4. The whole crew needs to be fired ! They all had Luka and the Mavs despite the evidence that the Celtics was the better team because they beat the in the regular season the same way they beat the 1st two games in the playoffs!

  5. All I know is that if Dallas was up 3-0, all these Dallas talking heads would be blaming Tatum, so of course, it is " no defense playing" Luka's fault.

  6. Jaylen Brown is the best two way player on the Boston Celtics, bar none. But, I am not one to put star players against the other. They are both great players that does different things to help their team win. They also compliment each other much better now than they did when they were younger. However, it does help that they have really talented teammates, who also compliments them and each other. All of the Celtics players can shoot the 3 ball above 38%, which is why I do not understand why they do not just keep the ball moving offensively. The only time Jaylen Brown or Jayson Tatum should be playing one on one basketball is when the shot clock is about to expire and they need a basket. Other than that, if they just keep the ball moving, nobody can stop Boston from scoring.

  7. I enjoy this show. Usually great takes. Luka did have some bad moments in this game, especially fouling out. Mavs lost because the others didn’t contribute enough and Boston is a great team. Look at the plus minus for the game and series. The others struggled in the Finals. They will get better and be back in a year or two.

  8. A show full of idiots, shut this down and replace them with real pundits. Glizzy sharing, amateur hour with all these idiots choosing Mavs in 5 or 6.

  9. Luka habitually whining and making stupid turnovers and playing zero defense is Jason Kidd's fault for coddling Luka's spoiled child behavior for far too long. That is on Coach Kidd 100%. Period. Full stop.


  11. Joy will forever find a way to play both sides so they don't come back to say she's wrong. J Brown is the best player on the celtics.

  12. Shady would try to hate on JJ because he was the only one right 😂.

    Sorry Acho, you can’t use the fatigue excuse. Lucka playing this way is what got them here, and you were fully on the bandwagon. Ball dominant offensive player, lackluster defense, complaining to the refs, that’s Lucka’s bag. Of course he gets some blame. They just matched up with a better TEAM in the Celtics.

  13. What this panel has yet to mention is that Tatum is getting more attention from the defense than Brown has gotten. I swear there is 2 or 3 guys on Tatum 90% of the time he has the ball.

  14. Celtics just destroy the entire narrative 😂, all of them was a prisoner of the moment😂 what a bunch of 🤡🤡🤡

  15. Best player on the team convo is not had in Boston. Only non Celtics fans care about this. G’s fans care about chips and not looking for outside validation. Or it could just be me

  16. The reason Porzingris, Jru and Brown gets to show up in these playoffs is because the defense is centered on Tatum.

  17. I’ve said Celtics since the start and I’m happy to see people are starting to realize how good they truly are.

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