@Los Angeles Lakers

The hurley’s really on a we reject it the lakers media tour GTFO

The hurley’s really on a we reject it the lakers media tour GTFO

by angryshoper


  1. shoelover46

    Why would she be mad her husband is getting a promotion?

  2. awibasedgod

    🙄bullet dodged with this train wreck, he would have been back in college within 2 years

  3. CabbageStockExchange

    Ohhhh noooo my husband is being offered millions of dollars to live in LA and coach the biggest team in basketball oh the horror!

  4. Wise_Ad_112

    Imagine this drama here. lol they actually fit right in la

  5. velphegor666

    Im starting to hate her wife, who the fuck cries over a possible promotion.

  6. noknownothing

    A fucking college coach who throws crazy oncourt fits and tells at his players. Yeah, I’m sure nbaplayers would’ve been cool with that.

  7. davensdad


    wow thank fucking god we didn’t hire this man. fucking kardashian all over again. what an attention seeker.

  8. EverybodyBuddy

    She’s going to make a great first wives club member some day when Ballmer hires Hurley

  9. daboulfromrounddaway

    Girl please your a college coach dishwasher not the GM of the Celtics

  10. shempool_

    Get paid ten millie a year to live in city of LA and coach the Lakers, say no? Ok go back to living your KUHLIR life in KUHLIR CT

  11. guacdoc24

    The elite just have different problems than commoners

  12. Spaghettibeach

    damn yea she strikes me as conservative and wanting to stay in the suburbs of Connecticut for reasons that boil down to misconceptions.

    You’d think someone with this much work done to their face would want to be near the best doctors…cuz damn girl ew

  13. Responsible_Focus424

    She’s everything I expected her to look like without even knowing who Hurley is lmao. 

  14. Leolance2001

    Damn, what a headcase. She’s angry that her husband might get a lifetime opportunity because she does not want to live in SoCal. Wow, if she was the bread winner maybe she might have a point but I doubt she even works.
    Sometimes your partner holds you back and when you realize it, might be too late.

  15. severinks

    I can actually understand this perfectly. The woman is not ready for the harsh spotlight of LA and she’s got a good thing going in their college town and they’re getting paid too.

  16. jobeeeeeeem

    I really liked Hurley to coach the Lakers but his wife ripped his balls and ate them

  17. IskaralPustFanClub

    More taking about him turning down the lakers than getting a new contract with his beloved team.

  18. Is she expecting ESPN to do a 30 for 30?

    Lakers offered, he said no. What’s there to talk about?

    🚽 and move on to the next candidate.

  19. And people still believe FO didn’t offer enough I see plenty of signs pointing towards staying that money can’t fix

  20. Stpbatman

    Haven’t been into College Basketball ever but I now have a team to root against 

  21. Le8ronJames

    Damn they would have fit perfectly in LA actually

  22. therealgoat1212

    I’m seriously confused, why would she be angry and moved to tears about her husband getting one of the most exclusive job offers in sports?? Wtf?

  23. Ghost2Eleven

    She’s a homebody who cried when he left high school to coach college ball. She didn’t even want to leave New Jersey to go to Rhode Island. She’s not at all build for LA. I think she’s a Jersey girl.

  24. Instamonsta

    Hopefully people can see now that this media tour is not on the Lakers FO but the Hurleys never intended to come anyway.

  25. BarveyDanger

    This sub is starting to come off jaded as shit and it’s sad. Dude didn’t wanna come here, move tf on

  26. nu1stunna

    I can already tell that this dude would have been a massive mistake and that any future nba team that hires him will end up regretting it. The NBA is full of egos and you need a coach that can tame those egos. This dude would end up getting in pissing contests with his players. Fuck them.

  27. Marktaco04

    Could be shes very right leaning and is crying at the thought of moving to one of the most liberal states in america. I cant see any sane grown adult crying over what could potentially just be a 6 year move for 100 million. Probably for the best we didnt get hurley

  28. Yall giving these ppl way too much attention for nothing.

  29. frenchbullie

    Before his decision, I was reading up on the hurleys. Some of the articles written basically went into detail how involved she is with the school and the athletes.

    Im like, that’s a bit of a red flag. She’s too deep into the school. No way she’ll want to leave. Well, here we are.

  30. EtheMan12

    If he put on hold his dream for her, this could be toxic and can lead to arguments in the future

  31. Negative_Orange8951

    She posted on her instagram story a picture of their local *Mexican* restaurant saying this was one of the top reasons they couldn’t move to LA.


  32. How could you be angry and moved to tears at the same time?

  33. UConn and the Hurleys downfall will be iconic. We will be there to watch it all unfold

  34. BobbyBBott

    Honestly I get he is a good college coach, one of the best. The added media attention and pressure to him joining the lakers would of been insufferable. Happy he didn’t accept the offer.

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