@Oklahoma City Thunder

DJ Horne predraft workout with the Thunder ๐Ÿ‘€

DJ Horne predraft workout with the Thunder ๐Ÿ‘€

by LoxDnw


  1. 6’2 guard

    He’s a scorer, shot maker. Great vision and can pass, disruptive on defense. He would fit like a glove on the Thunder. I’d be pretty hyped with this addition.

  2. Large-Excitement7563

    If we draft a guard I want it to be Bub Carrington

  3. dontletmecook73

    This is a 2nd round pick right? He’s a senior and kinda small

  4. mido0o0o

    Watched his highlights on YouTube. Reminds me of Flagler.

  5. omgitsthepast

    With the amount of projected late second round/undrafted prospects we’re bringing in, it makes me think Presti is wanting to bring in a UDFA this year.

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