@Milwaukee Bucks

How The Jrue Holiday Trade Changed The ENTIRE NBA Season

How The Jrue Holiday Trade Changed The ENTIRE NBA Season

so let’s talk about a big move that the Celtics made to strengthen this roster and put them in a position to win this Championship uh Drew holiday been solid for the Celtics this postseason he’s averaging 16 points eight rebounds four assists in the finals shooting 59% from the field 42% from three so during the game uh Joel embiid took time away from his summer vacation to ask an important question he said did the Bucks give them meeing the Celtics the championship I thought it was talking about because it got hurt um is that a football is that a football he has in his hand his yeah we can get I mean you can give you can give Drew CR but it wasn’t just drew that got there porzingis got there like they made they got rid of Marcus Smart right they they got tough decision for Brad Stevens to make yeah that’s they got rid of Marcus Mar bring some other pieces right so it wasn’t just one piece that came over it was a collection of pieces that played well together but yes Drew is a big ass part of it so after the game Jason Tatum echoed those same sentiments as in beid I don’t know how they let us get them but I’m so happy that that we got Drew on our team and we just very fortunate uh and he just he just makes winning plays he’s obviously been here in win the championship um and more than anything he raises everybody else’s level on defense right um on a team like we that we have you don’t want to be the weakest link on defense right we all take pride uh in guarding our yard and it starts with you holiday and we all just trying to match his level and this is what I say about Drew Championship level experience knows what it takes to get to that ultimate level yeah coming in the situation now you took some heat in Milwaukee uh with some of those playoff issues in years past not performing up to expectations not gets to come here be a fourth fifth option still gets to lock in defensively do what he does play with two dynamic talents in Tatum and Jaylen Brown I know to your point porz basketball player basket he’s a basketball player so why is he taking heat for anything if you look at his total all around allaround game it’s never just been predicated on him scoring so the people are [ __ ] crazy because they because at that moment in time they needed scoring they did I hear you Absol 1000 but he did so much other things y but I think that move is the move though I I I think I think what be said though about like the Bucks giving up Drew I mean I mean I know we said like we would do that trade for Dame but like would we still do it would you I would ask take it further would you do that trade for Dame if you knew that Drew would end up on the Celtics I initially said no I don’t think i’ like if I’m the Bucks I don’t think I make that move to let he to let Drew go to because listen they might have a they didn’t let Drew go to Celtics let you remember went to go per I wouldn’t have traded I would have made tra at all I’m just saying like cuz now you put Boston in the position where they can win it the next what I’m saying is you didn’t know he was going to Boston but if you keep Drew you’re keeping Drew with your same team yeah right it’s your same team so middlet ain’t playing well like you so but this is no knock on Dame but that’s so now you have to keep his same production with now you don’t you know what I mean that’s the move so you know but that Squad losted the heat cuz jannis was hurt yeah right so so so I’m just saying so look so now and that was the problem Giannis is not hurting Kenya Step Up and that’s where they’re judging them on asking Drew to be this somebody a never yeah so it’s like so you trade me because what you want I didn’t average 35 yeah yeah like nobody’s on this team is averaging 35 I don’t know I just I don’t know that’s a tough decision because it’s I mean I think at this point both both teams like Bucks moving forward they probably do need a Dame right it just didn’t pan out for the right now because they did some stupid [ __ ] during the season right trading their coach um somebody getting hurt so we don’t know we don’t know what they would have been moving forward so they still got a question mark Boston needed Drew yeah right so it it we can see in real time that was a great move right now we don’t know what this move is so what because they were doing they were playing they were playing all right they were playing well before doc got there so we can’t say that this is a horrible move it end up being a horrible move after everything fell apart but you know we can’t really judge it yet but but Yannis let’s go back to your Janis hurt for the Heat series who knows how good the Bucks would have been that they could have won that Yannis heard again they would got smacked by Denver Yannis Hur again this season who knows how good the Bucks and Dame they could have locked in figured it out made a run so it’s hard with the hind said I just say question mark so I’m saying it’s hard with the hindsight yeah aspect of it to know just good it would be but again you know if you sending Judah the Blazer you keeping the Western Conference really you keep him any team besides the Celtics we didn’t know that they know them [ __ ] GNA do that crowning a petty individual pettiness Reigns through yo how many years you giv the Bucks [ __ ] how is how is Janis 29 29 Dame is what uh 30 uh [ __ ] 3 32 29 huh Dame is 33 he’ll be 34 July 15th so you about to turn 34 [ __ ] two years two three years it it all depends if they can get if they can get something that’s in the 25 26 27 somebody that around that age you’ll be all right I know you I just throwing out an age even though that player might not be that player might not be around right now [ __ ] because it’s all oldheads coming in right yeah so what you get the Bucks two years man you still think this bu contract’s gonna do it right the contract is gonna expire lope like that’s what I’m saying you’re talking about Lopez is he’s older he’s gonna come off Middleton’s coming off um y they got Yo they gotta stop this this [ __ ] nepotism [ __ ] though right sign Robin Lopez because you got Brooke you sign [ __ ] with the nases because you got y like them real roster spots man like them real jobs [ __ ] that can possibly help you when you need them I’m just saying this is called the Spade to Spade like it’s like um them real roster spot now what they call them on the planes now um emotional emotional pets emotional support dogs yeah that that’s all it is emotional support dogs they here for my wellbeing calm down Timmy calm down I got him Coach calm down Timmy relax big fella so last question for you guys Tatum deserve more credit for how he’s played in the final yes of course I mean this season I mean this this season it’s it’s a it’s really unfortunate man is everybody is compared to the Past but you don’t compare the past to the present to really see how good the guys are right you know we can talk about all the Championships that people have done and where they did but you don’t compare how they started versus how these guys are starting right you’re talking about a guy who’s going to win a championship at 26 he’s been to the finals this many times right and and this is a failure but there’s guys who are considered top 10 legends who wasn’t even in these none of these situations at the same time in the career at the same age in the career so you’re penalizing this guy for being great but failing at a young age over someone who didn’t even make it to these these Feats but when he did get there they took off right most of these guys besides like a Magic Johnson right Larry Bird came in at the age of 22 turned 23 then that time most of these guys when they became 26 28 when they were in the position to dominate they took over right but we don’t give the credit to these guys for having this type of success early and the narrative always change to fit whatever narrative they want to use against a player right right when he had all the stats he can’t win now he’s in a position to win now he don’t have the stats right so at this point is just go win that’s it let history protect your legacy because obviously they’re not yeah like you got to sometimes like you’re not you’re not coming in and having the same team that magic did you’re not coming in having the same team that bird did more than like me yeah so these guys yeah you got to fail sometime to succeed right you got to take your lumps they took they’ve taken their lumps losing and within the media they Tak their lumps so now they’re on the verge of succeeding and and getting over that doubt and that hurdle that’s haunted them in the past let’s praise it instead of finding something negative to say like it just that’s what people thrive on we know that negativ the negativity and they try to break it break break it down just it’s it’s sad but that’s societ of that that’s the society that we live in these days but no you got to take your lumps man they didn’t taking theirs man and they on the verge of doing something special um getting their first they didn’t keep this thing together man they got something special yeah right now they learning what it takes to win at this time of year now right they’ve been there before came up short been there come up short yeah this is it for them right now and they’ve learned from their mistakes they learned from the things that they didn’t do in the past organiz ation did a good job keeping them two together add pieces to what they already have with the success and bringing a winner in and Drew I think was very very much a very great moment for them I’m saying far as him being a winner and so no man they yeah you got to praise the moment man you definitely got to praise the moment yeah you gotta praise him um I mean I really don’t like the comparison thing anyway though like when they’re comparison you know certain guys to guys who came into the league before them just because times are different your teams are different salaries everything is just different um but I think a lot of the hate come from because you know he might have a chance to run off one two or three you know so you got to throw out that narrative to try to see if you can you know divide them two the the Browns and the Tatum because they have a chance to you know possibly go back again next year with the team that they have and you know being able to do something that you know a lot of you know Boston wasn’t able to do in a long time so yeah I think this is teaching Jason Tatum like on like he said just the quote that he made you score more being a facilitator when his shot one going down I think is going to help them to to your point be be in the same position next year and the year after that because he’s learning like okay I can this is this is how I need to play in order for us to win and and that’s okay and we as hoopers we like [ __ ] all right cool bro like that’s what you got to do to win M go out there and average your 24 2 whatever it is and eight assists nine like we cool with that we cool with you averaging a double double like you going out there averaging 11 rebounds and 8 n we are cool with that averaging 24 23 24 points I’m like damn Jason Tatum [ __ ] ball yeah the one series might had to average 27 this series 22 Yeah we we we got out all of it that it’s like that’s winning right 10 straight win if winning it don’t matter formula that’s and that’s and that’s the problem because unless you’re an athlete people don’t realize the sacrifice like the point like yeah you know foot if it’s football right if I’m the main Receiver right and I’m catching goddamn three touchdowns and then the final game the defense is focused on me and now they can’t call I play I’m not going to just be out there like it ain’t come to me I’m not going to run which gives The Telltale sign that everything’s going no I’m going run my route like I supposed to so he can get to because at the end of the day everything I did if it didn’t lead to the if it didn’t lead to it then it was it was pointless right so these guys this Boston team because of the pain that they’ve all been through they’ve understood at the end of the day if we don’t lose we both look stupid MH mhm they going to be saying which one of us got to go absolutely right one of us got to go right which means we ain’t like we we might not ever win a championship if they split us up right now we are young enough and that’s why I was saying like why would I these they not even old enough to be yeah so let’s talk about that couple years ago years they went to the finals I believe they started with 24 and 25 or something like that and that was the whole narrative need to break this squad up we know what the real messaging was get rid of brown uh stay with Tatum if you’re talking about splitting that duo up I don’t think under any circumstance what you have talked about moving Tatum who was the franchise player at that point they go on losing the finals these narratives persist continue now they’re on the verge of winning the championship Ken you like you said now they know how to win a chip had the best team in the league this is scary hours for the rest of the league just in terms of that roster that Squad who upstairs they right and who else who or Brad Stevens thank you who upstairs Danny a Danny a brad Stevens basketball people basketball people Y no dummies no not falling for that dumb [ __ ] yall trying to do a long time so yeah I think well Danny end with the Jazz now right yeah exactly St BR Stevens is now taking so how long he been in Utah a year two two if that probably like two years yeah so but to my point it’s it’s they put it together and they didn’t listen to the outside noise right some other organ yeah other organizations would have panicked other GM front offic would have panicked like uh andum to the pressures of listening to to Media listening to like like I’m sorry but how do you listen to how do you listen to a [ __ ] not that like if this is my building and under here watching it how am I listen to people that’s just watching the game you’re watching the game half ass probably right he and there on the phone texting you see a couple plays here in there you know you watch a couple replays and you telling me who I should trade or who I shouldn’t trade oh that’s crazy you forget that you got to be stupid to even [Music] listen I looked at the agent didn’t listen m [ __ ] how old is it 22 and shut the [ __ ] up 22 and 23 that [ __ ] half the half the rookie rookie class is this age n I’m going I’m going hey let see me in eight years goddamn it I’mma still have these two in eight years we going to figure it out mm yeah I mean you definitely don’t want to leave things on the table two really really really good basketball players man think about think about the Golden State Warriors same three that’s a fact grew up same three let’s go we can these we going they going to figure it out [ __ ] you keep them up you keep them together long enough they’re going to figure it out they’re good enough opport no no this piece no okay just and that’s and that’s the thing I don’t think most organiz especially if it’s like um it’s like a puzzle right absolutely you got once you get your main piece together you figure out which pieces go around it right and that’s what it is like we say uh Philadelphia once you had your main pieces right you know you had Ben Simmons you had embiid Jim you had Jimmy Butler right that those three were your main you build around it you build you pull pieces right that’s it now you don’t get rid of main pieces because you might bring another piece now this piece works for this piece now this other piece that used to play well with this piece now he might not look good now you got to get rid of this piece and then bring in another piece right and then now you got all these Mitch Match pieces that these three were your main they played well together from there you just build a round of it yeah buddy

The Jrue Holiday Trade Changed The ENTIRE NBA Season according to Gilbert Arenas as he & The Gil’s Arena Crew look back on the trade that landed the Boston Celtics Jrue Holiday and sent Damian Lillard to the Milwaukee Bucks and debate if it was one of the most impactful trades in NBA history. They also discuss if the Bucks would do it again knowing they gave a conference rival a vital piece to a championship run, before discussing if Jayson Tatum and The Celtics’ front office deserve more credit for this NBA Finals domination.

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00:00 Jrue Holiday Trade
07:11 Give Jayson Tatum More Credit


  1. Gils Arens is the #1 Hater of Boston, and now I laugh so hard because they are absolutely totally wrong, Gils Arena dont know basketball🤣🤣😜

  2. Won a freaking championship when jrue got there, now he go to Boston and win there, can y’all not see wtf going on?! Jrue is that dude, he’ll guard the other teams best player, he doesn’t turn the ball over, can get his shot off when ever he wants , floor general, clutch, he’s an extremely valuable asset. While dame ain’t never smelled a finals let alone a conference finals

  3. Does Embiid realize that the Tatum was Philadelphias pick to get? That's the worst trade ever.

  4. Stop using Giannis being hurt is why the Heat beat the Bucks they were getting their butts beat prior to Giannis getting hurt no one likes to state that fact

  5. What kenyon said is a fact, Bucks giving away charity spots to bums nevause of their name when they can get people who can possibly make a difference

  6. Bruh the reason MIL got rid of him is he can’t score consistently, Plus holidae got COOKED by jimmy butler last year

  7. If Gianni’s say sign his brother u sign him wtf Kenyon talking about boy you better make yo biggest investment happy before he leave yo goofy axx🤦🏾‍♂️

  8. Finally somebody speaking up about Giannis brother taking someone else spot that can actually benefit the team, Kenyan Martin a real one

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