@Chicago Bulls

Ranking Michael Jordan’s BEST playoff moments! | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Ranking Michael Jordan’s BEST playoff moments! | CHGO Bulls Podcast

it is the anniversary of the flu game today gentlemen O Okay the one and only uh June 11th 1997 holy [ __ ] that makes me feel old cuz I remember watching that game and I was like man I’m so stoked summer is here Bulls are in the NBA Finals once again just a kid yeah um uh God I went back and just watched that little clip of all of you know MJ and his you know Entourage Tim Grover you know and some of his other buddies from the Last Dance do talking about it um just a wild just a wild piece of Bull’s history incredibly wild piece of history and I like it because it’s something that we all saw and we all can actually discuss uh on this one but it’s one of my favorite Bulls memories because of where I was when it happened and where I was and I’ve told this before I was at the United Center uh when this happened that was when they would open up the UCC for road games yes for road games and sell tickets now for somebody like me who couldn’t afford to go of those kind of games the playoff games or just Bulls games in general um that was a huge deal and when we got there shout out to my mother my mother and my friend who uh came with me but when we got there they did it exactly like it was a bulls home game so the introductions were on Ray clay was doing the you know announcing and the openings and everything so got I got to see that live and it really felt like you they were there you know watching the game level Bulls were there so they got in on the Jumbotron so how everybody’s reaction to when Mike hit that three man how I I I equated with Euphoria more so than anybody else because it was a road game wasn’t that much hype and stuff but in the stadium blew the roof off of that different vibe in the Jaz Stadium when he hit that and then the view and that came on oh I was ready to run through a wall it was amazing um I think it just speaks to like this lore and this Legacy of Jordan just being like this Untouchable thing cuz he’s he’s got all these stories like this where it’s like this time of year every other day you’re like oh it’s anniversary of this that and also like he’s like the flu like the you know just like the idea of the like the pizza poisoning thing like it’s just like there’s so much of this lore that makes Michael so untouchable and yeah I just I think this game more than maybe any other one kind of speaks to that uh shout out to our friend Reed Jack uh got a shout out yesterday too for his chat Walker stuff over the weekend but uh I he responded to something I tweeted for my team account about the flu game today and um apparent I I forgotten this but he tracked down like the guy who used to be a manager or worked in the kitchen of that crappy Pizza Joint yeah in Salt Lake City I remember this uh and interviewed him about it and his different theory was no it wasn’t food poisoning it’s like climate change sickness okay like I didn’t even think he was referring to altitude but he was like yeah in this city in Utah like you can get 30° temperature drops within an hour and MJ was just probably sitting in his own hotel room smoking a stogy with the window open and got sick from the weather and I was like that sounds like an excuse from a very guilty person listen man that reaction of how Mike looked when they’re talking about he had a temperature 102 and and getting an IV pumped in you doesn’t sound like weather related stuff you know what I mean that’s just me but I never seen him like that before uh just on the verge of always collapsing every time he went to the bench man i’ never seen that before but Will’s right like just that will pun intended to you know put him pull himself through in that fourth quarter and carry that team he had 38 like to carry that team to a victory that they needed it was just amazing to watch you know like you said it just adds to the lore and the legacy of the ghost he’s just Untouchable like 6-0 in the finals like all these moments like this where it’s like he just overcame some incredibly improbable like setback like so like regardless of whether in 10 years or 20 years or whatever like people are talking about LeBron as being the goat like without question like because of the era that he played in compared to Michael when there wasn’t social media when he did play in a league where he dominated for 10 12 12 years like it’s just he he just has this extra piece of Legacy that I just don’t think LeBron will ever be able to touch even if he’s got more Carew points and assists and rebounds and games play and all that stuff like there’s just this there’s this element in aura about Michael and I think like I said this is the game where maybe more than any other else it speaks to that and um it’s just what makes him special yeah greatness is about those moments you know what I mean it’s not about the the triple doubles you have which are great you and those points and things people are going to really remember those moments so like even with LeBron you you immediately think of that block you know what I mean that’s the moment you know what I mean he had that block that was incredible you know what I mean to help uh seal that Victory after Kyrie hit the three after that block after that block man but it was an incredible moment butala come on he needs he need I like that’s how you talk about greats you know what I mean is those moments when you forget the stats and think Mag magic sky hook you know I mean in game two the bird steal on Isaiah Thomas like it’s about those moments you know what I’m saying and nobody had more of those kind of moments on the bigger stage the biggest stage out there than Michael Jordan LeBron does have those moments I mean like that series coming back from down 31 against 73 wi Warriors the block all that stuff like but that to me is like his one moment like that the one before that it was like Cavs Orlando Cavs bu against the Mavericks like you won in the bubble in 2020 which a lot of people still like discredit against a team that was missing some of its best players like Michael has so many of those moments yeah and it was every single time and it was a perfect clean Flu Game 44 and 44 minutes 17 seconds played 38 points on 13 of 27 even hit two of five from three 10 of 12 from the free throw line seven boards five dimes three Steals and a block you talk about how many moments he has real quick before we go to break where is the flu game for you in the ranking of MJ playoff performances oh wow it’s tough oh wow you got game 6 and 98 drag that team that scrubbed washed ass team to a win I think it’s number two behind game six for that reason because that I’ve watched one man win an entire NBA finals in one game by itself is it above the is it above the shot against the Cavs the the OG the shot is it above Boston 63 it’s probably above 63 neither those were the finals neither those were the fin bull I mean like no fault of IM but the Bulls lost that game and it was a first round Series right and Cleveland started the Legacy you know what I’m saying of Mike but it’s the fact that what he did in that game six won the title yeah you know what I’m saying what he did but that game five definitely the flute game is definitely a top three top two thing I feel like it has to be also there’s like six different games against the Knicks in the playoffs that you could throw into that category you talk about the move he did you know what I’m saying game against La you talk about game one against yeah in ‘ 92 against Portland playoff resume is dumb so amazing the finals the finals matter like Donovan Mitchell said this earlier on in the season maybe before the playoffs started like his legacy is not going to be based on whether they make the playoffs or the play it’s about finals Conference Finals and championships like that stuff matters I know it’s like fun to say you know you just want to be competitive and all that but like winning championships does matter I feel like a lot of times because of where the Bulls are it’s like easy to kind of move the gold post a little bit but like that’s what we’re talking about here we’re talking about the Chicago Bulls winning NBA finals [Music] championship we all like the May

The CHGO Bulls crew discuss some of the greatest Michael Jordan playoff performances on the anniversary of the Flu Game. Is MJ’s heroic domination in that Game 5 win of the 1997 Finals his best playoff game ever? Where does it stack up compared to his Game 6 in the ‘98 Finals, or his 63-point night in the Boston Garden?

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