@National Basketball Association

Despite rise in popularity, WNBA set to lose $50 million this year.


The WNBA is still hoping to be financially backed by the NBA after their next TV rights deal, as even with the rise of this rookie class it hasn’t led to a profit for the WNBA. I think it may be awhile before the WNBA is profitable.

by Icy-Lime-9760


  1. Confident_Pen_919

    No surprise. Caitlin Clarke is a cash cow but most of the talent is still not exactly exciting.

  2. At what point will they consider if it’s ever profitable?

  3. This is all just setting the stage for pt 2 to Bill Burr’s WNBA rant.

  4. TheScarletSeahawk

    maybe they all should keep flying economy then

  5. CoyotesSideEyes

    The reality is simple. Women’s basketball is terrible. Everything every single post player does is about like watching middle school hoops.

    This is not the case for most women’s sports. Most women’s sports, even if they cannot objectively compete with men, are still enjoyable to watch. Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, Tennis, Track, Swimming, Hockey, Golf…all good, all entertaining. Women’s Lacrosse is terrible, but that’s because the rules are stupid. But Women’s basketball is fucking terrible. I keep trying to be entertained, and…it’s just horrible basketball. Nobody can jump. The missed layups are just like a Shaqtin’ cut up. Nobody can handle like Kyrie (because the hand-to-ball ratio isn’t there, I suppose?). It’s just not fun.

  6. qpwoeor1235

    Rudy gobert can single-handedly save the wnba

  7. SolidCat1117

    I honestly wonder if it’s ever going to be profitable. I’ve been a huge basketball fan my entire life, but the WNBA just bores me to death. I normally watch a grand total of about one WNBA game a year, just to see if it’s gotten any better, and it never has. It’s just not a good product.

  8. Back in 2017 this number was 10m according to Adam Silver. I wonder how long will they actually turn it into a gain.

  9. Party-Benefit-3995

    Need more women to watch WNBA, can’t rely on men to watch it.

  10. Current_Can_3715

    Honestly though I wonder if this current generation of players is going to inspire a lot of little girls out there. Maybe in 10 or 15 years we see an even better product, possibly profitable. Personally I’ve really enjoyed the hype of women’s basketball the past couple years. Either way I think the NBA is happy to subsidize it because it draws interest into the sport of basketball.

  11. KnowledgeFit1167

    So is this the WNBA losing money or the teams themselves? From what I understood, the teams are profitable growing investments and the WNBA org is not profitable. Anyone have clarification because that article is terrible??

  12. m1raclemile

    If only they could pay their athletes more so they could lose even more money faster and close sooner

  13. I guess the 25M for private jets wasn’t such a good idea

  14. jjkiller26

    Lol this thread gonna show this subs true colours on womens hoops once again

  15. ShawHornet

    Why does it even exist when it’s been losing money for so long

  16. ICouldEvenBeYou

    It’s so funny reading the comments on here versus what you see on r/wnba. I’m an nba degenerate, myself, and have zero interest in the wnba, but reddit started showing me posts from that sub. They’d be so mad reading this shit! 🤣

  17. ThayerRex

    Id believe it and it’s the NBA players who are subsidizing this hot mess. This is women empowerment? Having men support you?

  18. KhanQu3st

    The WNBA isn’t “hoping to be financially backed by the NBA”, the NBA actively owns a stake in the WNBA. It has a vested financial interest in it.

  19. These articles are very odd because people take them the wrong way. The NBA itself was allegedly losing 300 million during the last lockout. Yet people forget all about that when writing comments. You will see WNBA value in team valuations and future tv deals. That’s when the money will be made. Current losses aren’t some anomalies.

  20. And these bums didn’t put their gravy train on team USA. Generation bag fumble happening right before our eyes. David Stern gave them the script from his moves in the 80’s.

  21. Equivalent-Emu8506

    Will always be that way until a meaningful about of women begin watching the game, which will frankly never happen. 

  22. People actually watched for once and were like nope this ain’t it. Give me my money back.

  23. The WNBA will never be profitable. It’s just like the XFL, a far inferior league that is simply not fun to watch compared to the NFL.

    In the NBA, players can perform incredible alley oop fast break dunks. In the WNBA, there are a small handful of players that can barely even dunk the ball. The huge disparity in athleticism is always going to be the problem.

  24. SlumDiggity

    Oh yeah the comments are going to be really positive under this one

  25. Are we supposed to be surprised. They only exist because of the NBA and now because Caitlin has put a spotlight on them they’re spending more money they don’t have.

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