@San Antonio Spurs



a [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh m [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh man all right all right all right listen listen listen listen listen listen listen all right guys I’m going be real with you okay I won’t be on Long all right I say this all the time but I mean it this time I have to get up super early I can’t be on too long um so we’ll talk some Spurs and then I’m going to bed but tomorrow tomorrow okay tomorrow we’re going to go live again and what we’re going to do tomorrow is we’re going to do a giveaway in which if you guys know I think it was like a week ago I did a video saying that I’ll give away a um a wimy pop figure so um yeah so we’re going to do that we’re going to do that what guys we should make a petition for womy to be a 2K 25 cover athlete Ah that’s not going to happen do a video on where and know he doesn’t have a motor issue and if he did he doesn’t anymore he will be great with wimy and where can play stretch four okay I’ll make a note of it we can do that check your mentions ad says some stuff about wimy oh really okay so we got a few things to go over okay first and foremost wimy is a man of the people okay I I recently saw I recently saw him at HB or I didn’t personally see him at HB but I saw a picture which I wanted to go over that um two I was thinking we can go over Donovan Clingan um because so I can just get it out the way not the biggest fan of them um and then three I gu I guess we can do that we can take a look at that so you said check my mentions on Twitter oh got guys by the way yes somebody mention it somebody mention it uh Spurs Invasion please please please sub to this channel sub to this Channel right now I saw the HB pick yeah we got to go over that sub to this channel I I put the the link in my description do it right now please please please um so on the second Channel basically what I’m going to be doing is I’m going to make uh edited content so it’s going to be scripted edited content it’ll be completely different than what we do over here um so on this channel obviously this is best for live streams live reactions breaking news all that good stuff I do it week not weekly I’m sorry we do it daily we do two videos a day um but over here this would be a little different this will be once to twice possibly three times a month uh that I’ll put a video out on this one cuz obviously it’ll be scripted and edited and everything um I just feel like that is more uh reasonable for my schedule cuz I do work full-time and then hopping on you know this channel doing videos takes up some time uh so yeah I I think that’ll be doable though so if you guys want to go a and give this a jump start please please please go do that Spurs Invasion on YouTube and this is all going to be different by the way it’s not going to look like this this is just a placeholder for now um but yeah going to change it up going to change it up for sure subed thank you thank you actually hold on what I’ll do I got you thank you man hold on I’m I’mma put a I’ll put a poll just so people that’s coming in they know um for here we go there we go good stuff all right good stuff it took way too much time all right let’s see California Spurs fan here that’s cool where do you think City would go in this draft what sasoko wimy may be the best Spurs player ever he’s so down to earth oh no I think he is I think he will be uh the best Spurs player ever love the channel we all love sports thank you we all love sports all right um where do we start uh guys chat chat chat chat all right chat chat tatad I guess we’ll start with this in which our boy wi banama proved that he’s a man of the people let’s see where is it didn’t I like it here it is I did like it all right he was spotted in HB which confuses me all right it confuses me on many a different levels all right I I’ll be real with you let me just be honest all right this is my transparency here if I was as famous as WI Yama you guys would not catch me you would not catch me anywhere okay everything would be sent to my house or or someone would just go pick it up for me like there’s no you wouldn’t see me out at all I don’t understand this what gave it away okay I think you might think that the height is what gave it away that this was win by nyama it was actually the shirt okay it was actually the shirt he is a little this is like some NPC Behavior this is some 2K NPC Behavior I do not understand this to go out in public Spurs I don’t know maybe this was right after practice that’s probably what it was I think that’s all he does okay we gave him comparisons to uh mem last live stream and it’s because all he does is play basketball right and Eminem all he does is rap they don’t have a life all right th this was probably his enjoyment for the day honestly to be real like this this this this this was his uh selfcare I’m going to go to the grocery store gr grocery store that’s my selfcare for the day that’s my that’s my reward for how hard I work he literally does not care about anything else um but basketball but you love to see it man you love to see it I saw a comment that was pretty funny and they were like what gave it away that this was win by Yama is is nothing but fruit in the basket I don’t know what that is pudding I think that’s pudding and he put it in there wrong that might be protein powder or Branch chain amino acids I’m not sure I don’t know what’s in the bag and then you can see I think that’s is that a cantaloupe I don’t know I I don’t but it is fruit it is fruit nonetheless that is a boring basket I’ll tell you that I’ll tell you what uh I don’t think there’s been any other photos which is strange uh I wanted to see some different angles but there’s like nothing Wim Yama HB uh funny enough someone that I was not expecting to tweet anything um regarding wimy tweeted something yeah that like that’s literally it it’s just that one photo what the heck is that that’s that’s strange uh but someone tweeted out after saw after they saw wi banama and let’s see let me see if I can find it because I did not save this post can we how do you spell his name here it is here it is here we go yeah so after it got released Isaiah Roby of all people tweeted out I miss HB and this never happens to me every time I post something like I don’t know they don’t react to me HB doesn’t react to me which HB was that I’m assuming I don’t I don’t know I don’t know I’m assuming one in San Antonio guys I I’ll be real with you I don’t I I never been to HB I’ve I’ve never I’ve never been to HB okay I’ve been to Trader Joe’s I’ve been to Kroger obviously Walmart uh I’m not from Texas I I’ve never been to HB I’ve been to San Antonio several times never been to HB Clan they got HB at Memphis no they don’t HB is goated is it really do they really have one in Memphis be I actually don’t live in Memphis but I I’m I guess I’m not that far they don’t have one in Memphis shut up why you lie to me like that or were you asking me that you might have been asking me that voted best grocery chain in the USA let’s see all right so oh my God okay yeah I get I did not help you guys at all you said which one was he at and yeah like literally I did not help you at all cuz there’s like 50 million of them in San Antonio apparently I didn’t know this oh God okay yeah I’m sorry guys there’s they just they’re are they just a mon is there’s no like Trader Joe’s or no Kroger’s in San Antonio I mean what Memphis has is uh uh gosh what is it called Piggly Wiggly yeah Memphis has Piggly Wiggly okay that that that would be the chain that’s popular in Memphis it’s Piggly Wiggly uh yeah there’s like 50 million HBS in San Antonio look up what HB stands for for the LS Howard EB butt you uh are you are you in sixth grade by any chance are you Levin are you are you a child Levin I’m just kidding I laugh at like lots of things too that’s that’s that’s cute uh but nowadays the initial stand for here everything’s better so they had to change that huh they’re like yeah yeah we’re not doing that oh you weren’t lying best grocery store in America huh okay what are the uh what are the others uh top grocery chains in America America America F yeah all right here we go top 100 oops all right let’s see okay no this is this is different retailers no that that’s that’s different here we go we’ll try supermarkets well I’ll be darned well I’ll be visiting North Carolina pretty soon so I’ll be able to go to wigman’s I think that’s how you say it so they’re number two I’ve seen Wegman’s before I just never been there I always thought their logo looked pretty hi ve what the heck is that much like HB in Texas the employee owned hi ve the employee owned HIV just seemed like it was there in any way it possibly could be for the communities they serve that’s pretty cool it’s like a it’s like unionized or it’s like a ploy Co-op isn’t that what it’s called a work Co-op a workers Co-op is that what that is New Seasons never heard of it never heard of it never heard of it never heard of it Trader Joe’s is eight Publix okay Memphis has Publix Memphis do have Publix Costco okay Damon crack the top five I see I need to go visit wigman’s is is that good all right what the f is Piggly Wiggly yeah yeah yeah man here I’ll show you giggly Wiggly now don’t act like I I’m not going to act like I go there okay I don’t go there um let’s see I’ve been there like once uh actually can I find okay that’s one yeah it’s also in Mississippi yep Piggly Wiggly local since forever I always wonder did they just like can you do that can you just take the mascot cuz that’s the Looney Tunes character can you just do that where’s your cat she’s sleep she’s on the floor sleep she’s sleep right now anyways that was good stuff uh I I just want to say that wiim banama he is a man of the people you love to see it I was not expecting to hear anything from zobi but he did post this after that wimy stuff uh yeah he probably misses San Antonio too I don’t know looks like a depressing Meat Market to be honest oh it’s trash yeah I never said it was good I mean like I said I’ve only been there like once or twice it’s it’s it’s it’s pretty pathetic he’s lying he’s going there regularly two of my daughters hold on I can’t see your comment yet uh two of my daughters work at HB my third is working at Taco Bell that’s cool are they good to uh are they good to their employees hiy is no HB hiy is so expensive oh really oh a gallon of milk for basically five bucks um this isn’t that bad is is that a pound a pound of ground beef for five that’s not that bad I don’t I don’t think think that’s that bad uh just remind me I need to take some meat out the freezer I just thought about that that needs to th out or I’m going starve tomorrow okay maybe I have to actually physically go to the store to see what you’re talking about cuz this doesn’t seem buy again I never bought any of this well there’s that F Dallas yeah Derek white you are Miss but happy you are getting a ring gosh dude Luca is so pathetic not as not as a offensive talent but uh god dude amount of crying oh the amount of crying has been unbearable it’s been absolutely unbearable it it it’s been so much so many occurrences of pointing the finger I know this is off to but you’re going to play the Elder ring DLC I never play Elder ring is it really worth playing I I’m not crazy about those Souls like games i’ I’ve tried I’ve tried but man they are it’s just not fun to me it’s pretty I can watch other people play it but it’s it’s just not fun to me something like go of sushima that is beautiful but also fun to play I can get with that right he is so so hard to watch he is so pathetic hell divers 2 is fun hell divers 2 is awesome that is true I’m really excited for uh sparking zero as well like I’m super excited about sparking zero um I love Fallout games okay all right chat we’ll talk about video games in a little bit all right we will talk about video games in a little bit okay like I said I can’t be on too long but I did want to discuss this Mammoth of a player I guess um so I’ve had a few people it hasn’t been crazy I’ve had a few people ask me what my overall thoughts were a Donovan kingan and gosh man it’s not really much I can say right like I don’t think that there’s a lot of nuance to his game I don’t think there’s a lot of intricacies of what we can really discuss when it comes to him I’ll just give you my overall thoughts Pros cons get on out of here um we’ll also look at we we can look at actually let me look it up right now we’ll do scouting live uh pros and cons of Clingan as well so I think that’s that’s fine to do um all right so I brought it up not looking at it let me jump over back to the stats if I can find the stats where the heck did I the stats here we go uh so overall if you’re just looking at his uh stats so 13 points per game uh8 turnovers two point or well two person fouls of a game 2.5 blocks 1.5 assists 7.4 rebounds uh 58% from free throw percentage uh 25% threo percentage but he didn’t take any so it doesn’t really count uh and this probably a last minute heave I don’t I don’t quite know what happened there honestly uh 63.9% field goal percentage so just go go over it really quick so Pros you know from a Spurs fan perspective we do need someone that can back up wimy right like defensively the Spurs are pretty horrid when wimy isn’t on the court not only from the backourt perspective but also front Court there’s no excuse on why the Spurs should have such terrible defense and be one of the worst defensive teams in the league when wm’s off the court uh but when he’s on the court we’re like top five that that that should not happen yes it shows how great wimy is but it also shows how bad our team is um without wimy so obviously we need a backup uh Center a backup big man I’ve said many of times I don’t know if I would spend a lottery pick on a big man I I just don’t especially in this class there’s no one that just stands out where I would do that now if we’re talking Alex SAR all right I’m with you I’m with you I understand that right but if we’re talking fourth or eth why not just get you a defensive Wing you know why not if you want to tr you know take a shot at Dilly if that’s what you want to do um you know you can do that there there’s many of different things that you can do um and feel different positions I feel like this type of player you can find in free agency now with that being said Pros uh defense defense defense defense he is a shot blocker for his size even though he is a hefty fellow nearly 300 lb he gets around pretty decently well right I think that he’s going to have to lose probably a a few pounds and I’ll tell you why in a minute but overall um on the on the positive end of things he is pretty quick on his on his feet for that size and he he definitely has not to the same extent okay so don’t don’t call me crazy here but he has the wimy effect as in a lot of college players when they’re going to the paint they thought twice right they will pass out they would try to get away from him and they would have to scheme around uh him being there right so uh not a lot of players would try him um and they will pass out of of the paint quite often so he does have that type of effect he will block you um and he’s really great at defending pick and rolls as well uh so he as a big man I think he’s really great on the defensive end um you know and nowadays you have these big man that can guard uh power forwards and sometimes small forwards and wings if you’re really lucky like the San Antonio Spurs are uh but you know he’s not one of those guys he’s mostly just going to be guarding uh uh uh a big man now obvious viously it it it is important for big man to be able to guard point guards shooting guards on occasion you know occasion of switches here and there I don’t know if he’s that he’s good enough there vert or vertically or or laterally that’s what I meant to say for him to be able to do that um but you know as it stands he he is what he is as far as defensive presence in the paint he’s also good when it comes to picking rolls and finishing at The Rim uh you you throw it up to him he he has a little bit of a takeoff all right he got a little bit of lift to him that you wouldn’t expect he got a little bit of Bounce um that you wouldn’t expect from the way that he moves around sometimes uh so those are all positives now the cons and the reason why I personally think maybe he going to have to lose just like a few more pounds is because he’s already had some injuries in which he will be gone for weeks at a time uh I think it was a right foot injury in particular uh that he was dealing with quite often and with someone at his size and yes be real he doesn’t have the amount of flexibility as somebody like like wimy right where um people were like you know big man’s always no this this would be this would be the stereotype this would be the one that really struggles to stay in games because of injuries because he’s so Hefty because of the way that he moves and he doesn’t have a lot of Wiggle uh to his game so that’s one thing that I’m definitely worried about uh on the cons end of things also uh people say that he has pretty good finishing I didn’t I didn’t really feel that way I feel like a lot of his points that he he got was were set up for him um whenever you’re relying on him it it wasn’t the prettiest thing in the world uh and what kind of makes me really nervous is it’s okay for you know not every big man has to have the versatility to shoot three-point shots right or outside shots that that doesn’t really bother me that much but what does irk me is this free throw percentage now it did go up from his first year to second year um by 7% uh but man it it 58 is just that’s bad I mean that’s that’s really bad and it kind of shows that he doesn’t have a ton of touch so that’s one thing that worries me just don’t think that it’ll be worth it if the Spurs you know think about getting a a backup center uh to wimy it it would have to be a lot of moves prior to that before I would say oh yeah that would be a good pick at eight I don’t I don’t know about that I don’t know about that uh we’ll take a look here let’s see where do they have him on the mock right now I know he’ll be higher than see he’ll land on 16 scroll up I know he’ll be higher than that where do they have him right now they have him they have him above Holland I’m above Devin Carter okay so right now they got him at seven which I think the Trailblazers would actually be a good uh fit for him but yeah I don’t know I don’t know Pro comparisons Roy Hibert that is actually a really good comparison honestly really good comparison but you guys keep in mind I’m not the biggest believer of this you know archetype I feel like this type of archetype you don’t have to use a valuable lottery pick to get that you know I I think that you can you can manage to get it um in free agency and and it’s important it’s important and the role that he would he would run it it’s important it’s very important to have guys like this just feel like you could wait and get it somewhere else um Clan were you able to get the Wim G GT hustles all right are you engaged in this conversation and no I wasn’t no no I wasn’t looking for him either let’s be real I I wasn’t looking I wasn’t looking for it all right let’s look at the uh pros and cons all right here we go Pros strong finisher around the basket yep like I said he got a little bit of lift that you would not expect and great um as far as teammates setting them up excels is scoring off ball motion plays adequate low post score adequate’s a good adjective there it he’s adequate right he’s that just means he’s okay you know uh decent playmaker for his size um yeah I wonder see this is one thing that I I’m worried about right uh while this is accurate yeah he he he made some pretty good reads I wonder if that’s him or if that cuz they were pretty simple reads or if it’s just that Yukon is that good as far as how they run their offense it’s that good um that’s one thing that that worries me a little bit it wasn’t a lot of I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know he he was he was quick to find his teammates he was quick to find open guys uh but a lot of it just came down to gosh they were a well oiled machine um and that kind of opened things up for him made it made it much easier for him that’s all I’m trying to say in the NBA you know you might not be able to make those those passes that he made uh solid rebounder sure what what was it seven 7.4 yeah uh very good Defender yes uh great shot blocker yes above average athlete yes especially for a size has good strength yes solid motor yes uh K must extend his shooting range most definitely needs to improve his face up game most definitely you know that comes back to that creation must expand upon his low post moves yes can be too passive on offense okay I can’t attest to this I don’t I don’t really I I don’t I don’t I don’t I personally didn’t see that maybe it was you know quite a few games I missed with that I I haven’t seen that uh can struggle to guard quicker players can struggle against length and and that’s what I was talking about earlier as well right yeah that’s what I was talking about earlier as well like I don’t know how this is going to how this will go if he switched on a point guard or shooting guard in the NBA I think that’s easy easy easy easy in modern centers you got to you got to hang in there somewhat right um you you’re not going to be able to guard you know Luca straight up but you got to you got to hang in there uh at times can struggle against length and athleticism that’s not good lacks Elite lateral quickness well there you go yeah that’s funny I literally just said that yeah we literally just said that uh Donovan kingan is a strong physical Center that can make plays to help his team on the interior he’s played well as a per minute Big Man on a very good uh Connecticut team but he will need to be need to improve his Mobility shooting range and he will need to show that he can defend quicker players in a faster paced environment currently he projects to be first round Prospect 2024 draft so yeah he he’ll I think I think a lot of his worries will you know go out the window if he does lose a few pounds you know I I hate for him to lose that frame that that strong frame but maybe lose a few pounds just so he can stay in games remain healthy and also work on his lateral quickness a little bit uh but yeah you said clling is no good for the Spurs yeah I’m not big I’m not big on I’m not big on on Donovan kinging myself guys why are we talking about clinging oh we’re going we’re going over basically all the prospects right or at least a big chunk of them so um I don’t know man yeah I don’t know either you’re probably talking about something else but good stuff good stuff yeah um yeah as far as players we’re going to be going over um a big chunk of them I already have a lot of pre-recorded it so letting you guys know this right off the bat I’m going to be gone for like a whole week okay I’m going to be gone for an entire week um I’ll be back obviously like after that week I’ll be back right before uh the draft so I’ll be back on that Monday and you know we’ll I might go live Monday night I’m not sure before the draft maybe we can just keep going live uh you know three nights in a row I’m not sure uh but nonetheless I’ll be back we’ll have some fun um and I can’t can’t wait for draft night but I will be gone for a week so uh a lot of going to it’s going to be a lot of pre-recordings a lot of pre-recordings from a few things from this uh live stream the past live stream and a few videos that I’ve done uh off stream so but guys guys before we look at this Anthony Davis thing uh please please go subscribe to where is it Spurs Invasion actually it says 307 how many Subs we got right now we’re at 344 guys go subscribe to Spurs Invasion that’s going to be a second channel uh that I’ve created and we’re going to be doing more edited content I’m actually going to be working on the video tomorrow um I got to schedule everything right so I’m going to be working on the video tomorrow and then we’ll go live again tomorrow night um and and do the giveaway that I promise that I’ll be doing so we’ll be doing the giveaway tomorrow night for the pop figure um but yeah everybody needs to like this Stream True True Spurs Alien Invasion should I change it to Spurs Alien Invasion that’s a long name s Spurs Alien Invasion Spurs Invasion all right go check it out we’re and I’m going to I’m changing I got a loo being worked on right now and everything so it’s going to be sweet going to be pretty sweet you said it’s fine cool all right let’s see someone said that I’m mentioned what we talking about I’m not mentioned anywhere did you was this on was this on Instagram or I need to start adding stuff to Instagram too by the way I need to start like I need I need to take a day and just make a bunch of videos for Instagram right and start posting those I do not post on Instagram anymore let’s see let’s go to my noties [Music] [Music] there’s nothing on here either I don’t know guys whoever said that all right well let me let me just maybe if I just Google it Anthony there’s nothing even on Google of this what are we talking about bonjour from Paris oh wow 5:50 a.m. you are up early am I tripping I know someone told me I don’t know oh dang thanks Prince thanks for the Super Chat he says castle at four and Dilly or Carter at8 done plus a free agent backup big that’s fine thanks man uh I think I think we’re really um let’s not underestimate how big of a draft 2025 is 202 is a monster okay 2025 is a monster so we got to keep that in mind you don’t have to get everything at once it it seems like it seems like from your comment you’re trying to be as balanced as possible which I get it you’re like okay we get castle that fixed the defensive Wing situation and then you get Dilly and that fixes the point guard situation then you get a backup you can get you can get a little bit better you can get get a little bit better um I think the Spurs even though Castle can move one through three I think the Spurs could uh possibly get some better players I think Ron Holland’s an absolute lock down if you got him that would be cool um you got modest that would be cool Cody Williams will be a nice pick as well at eight I’m not the biggest fan of taking Carter at 8 uh I guess due to his his age and I don’t know I just don’t know how high Silling actually is uh but he is a motor guy Spurs fans would love him cuz he play so hard I just want to get rid of Collins and Bassie because they ain’t it I guess that’s a question I guess that’s a question if you would get rid of Collins and Bassie it’s it’s really unfortunate man it’s really unfortunate July saying I just want to get rid of Collins and Bassie cuz they ain’t it that that’s unfortunate um starting with Collins actually let’s look up Zack Collins stats Zach Collins stats let’s see we’ll go to ESPN here all right all right Zachy poo all right so Zack Collins Zack Collins Zack Collins I think we all were expecting a little bit more uh this season and I’ll I’ll mention the biggest disappointment of all of this um but statistic wise he was pretty close than what he was last year but tremendous drop off I mean that it was a very you know I won’t say tremendous you know but it was very noticeable no that’s a tremendous drop off let’s be real 37% to 32% from three is a tremendous drop off U especially when you’re averaging in the same same amount of Threes uh you’re putting up big big drop off we thought that he would gel with wimy very well um and open things up to wimy open things up for wimi but you know what I realize guys I I think you need someone like Zack Collins but I don’t know if you need Zach Collins um like it will be very helpful to have someone with cuz Zack Collins has very high like basketball IQ I don’t know if you knew this but uh what was the specific name of that analytic maybe you guys know exactly what it’s called but I think it was um diversity in passing like who on the team made the most diverse passes on the team it was Collins Zach Collins at least early on I know it was like near half the season that we looked at that specific analytic and he was there so he does have high basketball IQ he does do a good job of passing the ball he makes the right reads it’s just unfortunate because he didn’t really make anything better for wimy at all um and then when you’re putting him in a position where he’s not a center but you put him in the game as a center with wimy you know when wimy goes to the bench it makes him look even worse it it’s a really tough situation Dynamic passing okay that’s what it is okay Dynamic passing thank you yeah so he was he was best on our team with that which was pretty surprising right that was pretty surprising I think most of us would have expected it to be Trey Jones with that um but no it was actually Zack Collins so he he did a great job uh passing the ball he did a great job of finding the right uh reads and at times he he would he would look great but unfortunately he looked his best when wimy wasn’t really playing like at all like when wimy didn’t play at all and it’s like well we we would need you to fit with wimy and he doesn’t really fit with him so that’s unfortunate go someone really wants me to talk about where all right we got to we got to get to where maybe that’ll be next live stream uh but yeah I’m content with Zach Collins you know leaving but if if we’re being real it’s not like the Spurs we spending a bunch of money on Zach Collins to begin with I know he got that uh that deal or whatnot but it’s not crazy crazy and it’s it’s so sad because all of us thought that he deserved it maybe another I know that this is this might be rough but maybe another season of seeing how he can jail with wimy maybe he can adjust um because he definitely got his feet underneath him right playing for the Spurs and he had a great season last season so so maybe he can go back to uh what he was doing just become a little bit more efficient like he was prior um but yeah it is unfortunate no okay that’s fine Zach will be used to make a trade work more than likely more than likely it will be real uh and then as far as Bassie is it even worth bringing up Bassie at all I don’t know if it’s even worth bringing up Bassie at all what how many games you play five played 19 he is so oh it’s so irritating that’s so irritating because I think that he’s exactly what the Spurs kind of need right like an energetic big man that can defend fairly well um coming off the bench behind wimy I that’s kind of what what you need and you know we can’t use him cuz he’s hurt all the time who is he yeah I mean we forgot who he was he he he’s always gone dude dude plays two games a year he’s a must go yeah more than likely you’re not going to be able to trade him either that’s just a release them type deal but it is what it is you know you got to be a little Cutthroat at this point cuz we really do need to figure out you know who’s going to be with wimy who’s not and right now like you guys said you know Zach Collins might not be it uh Bassie definitely ain’t it because he can’t stay healthy I personally don’t think hellon is it but hey thanks for responding to my Super Chat love the content poor Vita no matter what yes sir thanks man get alexar um if he lands at four I would not trade up I wouldn’t trade up for anybody not in this draft it’s not worth it I take SAR kingan and Ed over them as crazy as that sounds o over uh Zack Collins and Bassie I don’t think that that’s crazy I think the only crazy part about it is I wouldn’t want to use a Draft pick on Clingan or or Zach SAR isn’t crazy Sor isn’t crazy great Defender Soko staying I think so I don’t see why Soko wouldn’t stay yep younger and smaller contract for now well yeah how old is Bassie you guys know 23 okay he’s not old and for his archetype I mean I don’t really care what age you are the the he’s one of those players in this position in particular be one of those players that kind of just come in and out whatever New Era we’re in like Lord knows from 1999 to I would say 20 actually no the entire tenure of of Duncan being there we’ve had these type of big mans that kind of come and go right like pick up a big man doesn’t really care what age it doesn’t matter what age they are you know once they’re gone get another one of the same type like the the this archetype is important but I don’t think they have to be young right I it’s it’s not like I’m sitting back and I’m looking at Zach and looking at uh Clingan and I’m like oh my gosh the their ceiling is just so high we have to keep these guys we got to get them young like not not necessarily it doesn’t matter Bassie is too small he is small he is small especi yeah he’s small for a center but he got quite a bit of hop to him you know plays a pretty energetic game from what I recall he was getting pretty decent blocks or maybe that’s just uh revisionist history in my brain let’s see yeah maybe it was just revisioning say no no it’s a few games in here you can see yeah he didn’t yeah yeah okay yeah compared to how many minutes he got he got a block 16 minutes a block 15 minutes a block uh 6 minutes 9 minutes 17 minutes wait am I looking at the right one no I’m not looking at the right one now uh 15 minutes two blocks 11 minutes two blocks so yeah I’m not crazy yeah he he he he can get you he can get you some blocks Bassie is good when he’s healthy but I like Barlo that’s true I do like Barlo now Barlo is one of those guys where he’s like he’s young and also you can sit back and say what’s his ceiling he might have a pretty high ceiling just keep this guy around um but yeah bass’s archetype not necessarily right he is who he is yeah Barlo gain credit that’s true I like Barlo and Bassie Off the Bench yeah unfortunately uh Bassie is always on the bench so I don’t know how often you’re going to see him get off of the bench both Barlo and Bassie are too small Maybe I’m spoil with wimy but want someone like Derek Lively uh Barlo is great okay Barlo is great and the cool thing about Barlo is he has enough versatility where he’s not just one archetype like you if you absolutely have to you can plug him in his Center and he can hold his own a little bit I feel like Barlo is a nice piece to have around he can play four and five exactly exactly good discuss good discussion guys good job good job I I I said it before I need to say it again if I can find the channel Spurs Invasion go sub to Spurs Invasion please link below underneath this video go go sub to this channel it’s my second Channel we’re going to be we’re going to be working on there we’re going to be doing some content on there please please please Drummond what about Drummond do I mean I need to make a note to talk about where tomorrow or am I going to forget I don’t think I’m going forget I don’t think I’m G forget um all right guys I got to go Zack we’re training for if we keep pick eight how much cost us for Jersey and San Antonio I already did Clan though I was gone for a while I’m here since we were less than 900 Subs thanks man good night Clan good night uh I think earlier somebody mentioned um or maybe I mention it the Dragon Ball sparking zero I see it just sub second Channel keep up the grind sparking zero going to be dope oh it looks so good Gregory G Gregory said that oh it looks so good dude I was uh literally when I get off of this live stream I’m going to get a video ready for tomorrow right cuz got to upload something tomorrow and then I’m just going to look at gameplay until I go to sleep that’s what I want to do that’s how I spend my Thursday night tonight’s Thursday th Thursday night all right guys I’m getting off I’ll see you tomorrow night we’ll go live I don’t know what time um it’ll be pretty random I think cuz I have to uh work on some stuff cuz I have to go to the gym I have to come back um start working on the or continue working on the second Channel and then we’ll go live after that but thanks everybody for coming through uh I know that this is a shorter live stream what we normally do uh we can go on a little longer tomorrow night since you know I don’t have to be up early on Saturday so there’s that uh all right well I’ll give it you guys later pack of yanker what all right yeah all right good work thanks man all right I’ll give it you guys later Bye by bye bye where where’s my end stream oh here it is bye


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//About me:
I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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