@Utah Jazz

The Utah Jazz have a Lauri Markkanen decision to make

The Utah Jazz have a Lauri Markkanen decision to make

all right welcome back to the Hoops nerd show guys today I’m G to have a little Channel update with you and let you know what I want to do with this show I also want to talk a little bit about the Utah Jazz Direction and this off seon it’s a new era of the Hoops nerd show again I guess I don’t know what’s going on [Music] all right guys I’ve had some weeks off it’s the off season we’re in full swing things are coming that are going to be really interesting for this Utah Jazz team a major fork in the road coming up but before we get into that I think I wanted to talk to you a little bit about what I what I want to do with this channel maybe you’ll like it maybe not but I got to do what’s best for me and that what’s best for me is just talking to you I have been doing if you haven’t noticed I’ve been doing podcasts with different jazz people out there that I uh am interested in hearing what they have to say and it’s been a lot of fun and I like doing it I’m going to keep doing it but on the days that I don’t talk to someone like that I’m going to do podcasts type episodes like this it’s basically going to be me talking I want sometimes to be a little bit like the other guys out there and it’s hard it takes time and with four kids me wanting to have a relationship with with my with Mrs Hoops nerd I have to do things in a way that work best for this channel so we’re going with a plain background I bought some shelves we’re going to fill this up with jazz stuff I don’t know but this makes it easier for me to post videos and whatever is making it easier for me to post videos and get these up quickly is best for the channel it takes a lot of time to edit and do all the different effects and all the different things and they’re fun and I’ll still do some video stuff because that’s related to my agency that I’m a part of now the network I work with and we’ll still do some fun things but it’s got to be something that I really want to do and basically what I want to do with you guys is talk about the Jazz in podcast form it’s going to I don’t know if this is going to be daily but that’s my goal we’ll try to do this as much as I can maybe it’s a five day a week thing four day a week we’ll see as we go what I do so anyways that’s the channel update it’s going to be more videos but a little bit simpler and I’m going to try to have video over top and stuff like that but it’s got to be a little simpler and the editing might be not quite as heavy so I can just get it put it out there and get it to you guys so it’s what we’re going to do all right let’s talk about the Jazz off seon this Utah Jazz off season is huge the Utah Jazz have to make some major decisions and honestly Ryan Smith Danny a Justin zanic you have to be very clear with what your plan is from here on out I’ve talked about this before that I have been very patient with this rebuild the last two years I have seen what they have been trying to do and and we talked about that in- depth me and Andy Larsson if you want to go watch that video but now is the point where Utah has to make some serious decisions and really the big one is Lowry marinin what are we doing are we signing Lowry marinin or are we going to take an offer if it comes in the Jazz have so many if this is a Choose Your Own Adventure the Jazz have multiple choices they can do the major choice though at the beginning of the book is do you renegotiate Lowry Markin in a in August or do you make a move and I get it it may be as simple as if someone gives an offer to the Utah Jazz then maybe they just take it maybe it’s as simple as that but I don’t know I don’t know if the Jazz can just put their hopes and and and Destiny in something as simple as waiting for someone to come and give them a huge offer I think the Jazz have to be extremely active this off season with whatever the plan they want to do is we’re watching the NBA Finals you watch the Danny a built Boston Celtics at least he got their two core superstars in Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown both of whom were top three picks both of them interestingly enough both of them were used with Brooklyn Net’s picks and not with their own picks and I’m sure that’s what Danny a and Justin zanic and Ryan Smith would like to do the best thing is if you can keep Lowry marinin much like the Paul Pierce days and then they trade for someone else or much like with those Boston Celtics teams that weren’t that great and then all of a sudden they add Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown to a team that they didn’t really have to tank all that much well the Jazz aren’t in the same situation the Jazz have picks from the wolves and from the Cavaliers and the wolves are are a very good basketball team they went to the final four teams of the NBA you know the Western Conference and the Cavaliers are a playoff team and the latest rumors are that Donovan Mitchell might be rigning with the Cavs and they don’t want to trade Darius Garland so they’re looking like a playoff team not a championship team but a playoff team so these picks that the Jazz have next year the 2025 picks are likely in the 20s and more more than likely somewhere between 25 and 30 and so Utah has to make a choice are you going to build around lii marinan a player who does not play with the ball in his hands but plays off the ball and then build with picks from 25 to 30 starting in 2025 is that what you’re going to do with your future or do you want to start taking your destiny into your own hands now and then hope that those future picks are actually better and that that to me is the right choice the last two years the Utah Jazz have gone into the season without a very clear plan they go in they start winning games which is fun we all like to win games it’s more fun I get more views I get more clicks on SLC dunk but it does not mean long-term success and we’ve seen that the Jazz when they had Conley and Vanderbilt and all the play and you know Colin Sexton all the these players they got Malik Beasley all those players from the Rudy goar trade from the Cav Cavaliers trade Larry marinin obviously they were a Sol team they start 10 and three well it really put a wrench in things when they wanted to get a top pick in that draft and so the smart thing for them was to make that trade deadline move like they did and they drop and they were lucky enough to get Taylor Hendricks who’s turned out to be a solid player now I don’t know if Taylor Hendricks is going to be an All-Star I don’t think you can predict that from what we’ve seen but also I’m not going to say never you know never say never guys tend to develop at different rates and to different levels that we don’t predict but I think it would be foolish to think that the Jazz with Taylor Hendricks and keontay George are set with their team I think keontay George has a chance to be kind of like the Kyrie Irving role that we’re seeing with the Dallas Mavericks I’m not quite sure he’s up to the Steph Curry level Never Say Never it’s possible but I don’t know if that’s exactly what he is we don’t know what he is yet that’s the that’s the truth does anyone know exactly what Taylor Hendrick is going to be in three or four years or what keontay George is going to be I have huge hopes I think keontay George has a crazy offensive ceiling but I also think it’s it’s crazy to think the Jazz are just set and so the Jazz have to make some serious decisions and in my opinion Utah has to go into this upcoming season looking to get that top three pick you have to get your Jason Tatum you’re Jaylen Brown interestingly enough who else goes number three Luca donic right so we’ve got three players in the finals all three of them being ball dominant highlevel scorers especially Luca donic and then Jason Tatum and then Jaylen Brown who’s turned himself into that but those teams don’t get to where they are if they don’t get those guys at those number three picks so Utah has to decide if you’re going to renegotiate lry marinin and sign him longterm is that’s what’s best for you and are you going to be bad enough to get one of those picks because one of the things the Jazz cannot do this season is have another year where they’re in between 25 and 35 wins more likely closer to 35 if you’re keeping marketing and I know they’re in the Western Conference but then trying to tank after trade deadline again make a choice Jazz make a choice and I’ll be honest if the Jazz go into this offseason and they trade for someone like Brandon Ingram or Zack LaVine and they try really hard to be a C+ basketball team that’s not going to do it we’ve already seen some things they did from last year kind of backfire talking to Andy Larsson on the podcast go listen to it we know that the John Collins is more than available they really want to trade that contract but guess what a player that you really want to trade that makes $20 million that gets really tough and I know the cap is rising but that’s hard to trade and so if Utah brings in like a Zack LaVine who’s going to make crazy money or Brandon Ingram who is expecting a big-time contract is that the smartest thing to do and then if you get stuck with those contracts and you have an actual opportunity for some other move can you actually move them because they weren’t able to trade John Collins’s trade deadline nor even Colin seon who I think has a lot of value so Utah has to make choice and bringing on low marinan giving him big time Max money by the way it’s bigger than normal because guess what the cap is rising we already got the cap numbers and the NBA is going to three new TV Partners big time money is coming and are you really going to put all this money towards low marinan who does not have the ball in his hands and but he’s just good enough that he’s going to put you in that 8 to 12 range again is that really what you want to do I think Utah has to look at this upcoming draft which is filled with Superstar level Talent at the top you know Cooper flag looks like a modernday Kevin Garnett on the wing in a lot of ways I love that comparison from Bill Simmons you’ve got Ace Bailey who looks like Paul George 2.0 you get yourself a star like that you go into 2026 and you get Cam Boozer son of Carlos and you bring him in too and guess what Utah has to be careful because if they go top 10 again next year then that 2020 that 2026 pick is top eight protected and if you go into that season and you know that you’re going to miss out on both your swaps in 2026 by the way I believe Jason Tatum was taken with a swap right so you go into that season with a chance to lose both those swaps in 2026 and your pick and come out of 2026 with zero picks that’s really scary stuff so Utah has to be bad enough not only to be bad in this upcoming draft but if they are bottom 10 again they have to be even worse cuz guess what if it’s 2026 and what happened this year in the lottery happens then the Jazz are screwed Utah comes into this Lottery this draft at number eight and what happens they get jumped twice you can’t have that happen again you can’t have it that is the worst case scenario for Utah to go into 2026 and have that happen Utah has to make a choice and here’s the thing if you go into 2025 and 2026 in both those drafts and you get a a star-level player out of both then all of a sudden those picks that we’re talking about later with with Cleveland and Minnesota are a lot better cuz guess what in 2027 what are you bringing in you’re bringing in the Lakers pick that you are going to get top five protected yes but maybe you make some sort of move to remove that protection from the Lakers though that team is going to be older LeBron Anthony Davis two years older they are going to bring in some sort of star at some point and that’s going to be an aging star next to ad there is very high potential for that pick to be great and then in 2027 you’ve got Cavs pick Minnesota pick who knows what Donovan Mitchell is doing by 2027 and who knows where the Wolves will be two three years from now you have no idea we know what happened with Brooklyn it fell apart and they are one-year removed from barely even making the playoffs so Utah has to make a choice and the smart one is to go for as high a pick as they can in 2025 now if they believe they can get a top five pick with low marinin it kind of seems like that’s what they’re thinking but that’s pretty scary stuff because then are you just going to trade Markin in the following year you’re going to be better than bottom eight do they really not want a pick in 2026 that is star studded AJ debons is in that draft guys AJ deona you don’t want a chance at him could you imagine going in and next year getting Cooper flag who who’s going to be a transformational player you go out and you get another high pick in that next draft I just don’t see why the Jazz would not want to do that and the reason I’m saying all this is because the Utah Jazz have said that Championship is the goal well if Championship is the goal we know what you need to have you have to have a top five player on your team or top five caliber Jason Tatum You could argue is like top 10 but he’s been top five in a lot of ways I don’t know he’s close enough and we obviously know Luca Don is there but anyways that’s what the Jazz I have to do guys this is the new style of video we’re going to do new ones every day hopefully we’ll see keep me honest I’m going to try my best and we’re going to talk about the latest Jazz news have takes on it this one’s probably a little longer than I expect all of these to be but this is what I want to do it’s going to be a little more podcast style we’ll talk about the different things uh guys if you haven’t already like And subscribe to the channel I’ll talk to you next time

The Utah Jazz have to decide what to do with Lauri Markkanen this NBA offseason, and they have to do it now. The 2024 NBA free agency and draft are big, but what they decide to do in 2025 is even bigger. Because they can’t keep doing this mediocre thing year after year.

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  1. I listen to hoops nerd for the jazz opinions!! Not the computer animations and graphics 👾 the Andy Larson episode was great too!

  2. When it's no longer fun doing it's not worth doing so keep doing it in a manner where you're still having fun! Appreciate the vids!

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