@Toronto Raptors

Which Teams Could Move Up in the Draft? | The Ringer NBA Draft Show

Which Teams Could Move Up in the Draft? | The Ringer NBA Draft Show

[Music] and I think for Atlanta if they do explore trade Downs so Washington’s at two uh maybe I don’t see a one-w swap necessarily but you know Houston at three if Houston wanted to move up after some talk about them maybe trading down who knows potentially I could see it or maybe the team that moves up to three could just try a Leap Frog like they go to three and then they go to one maybe something like that could happen San Antonio at four feels like the team that would be most probable to trade up if they actually do value Ray is the true number one Prospect as rumored and for them specifically I get it I do get it I get it because he because he has size he’s willing to play you know a role next to a star he did it all season long if the handling develops over the course of time over the next two three four five years the Spurs like that’s a cherry on top of what they Envision him being as kind of this three the guy with size next to Victor I get it um so I think San Antonio would be the most likely team if there is a trade down from one now I’ve heard in the middle of the lottery in the middle of the first round that there are some other teams that are trying to trade up I’ve heard the Cavaliers they currently right now have the 20th pick in the draft they’re trying to move up the Blazers with the 14th pick are trying to move up the Raptors with a 19th pick are trying to trade up I’ve heard those those three teams specifically are trying to move into either the lottery or the top 10 now Portland already has the number seven pick maybe they’re the team that wants to trade up maybe Portland’s trying to do you know seven and 14 to go all the way up to one or maybe they’re trying to do seven and 14 to three and then get to one or something like that but let’s go team by team there with Portland at 14 Toronto at 19 and Cleveland at 20 with the Blazers who are you trying to Target if they are indeed trying to trade up I would assume they’re trying to get some like perimeter size on the defensive end wouldn’t you I mean like you know I don’t know that the uh that the Jeremy Grant project long term is going to be the answer for them uh in terms of the cost in terms of the fit with the guys that they have I think offensively he’s sort of a weird fit with as as sort of like a Score first guy with like really I think this all kind of comes down to like do they want to try to keep this trium of small guards that they have well with Scoot and I think scoot Simons is sort of a question in of itself and then you factor in sharp with it too like if you want to keep that group together I think that poses the question of like we’d better be pretty great at four and five defensively in terms of the size because none of the three of those guys are are like plus Defenders I don’t have the exact number in front of me but I’d assume they’d be at like uh but also I don’t know that’s a uh I don’t know that a Stefan Castle or somebody like that would be quite big enough I would think that they would be after perimeter size in Def defense wouldn’t you think I would think so um I mean I think we I think it also depends on their own internal evaluation of scoot I mean they had a year with him now do they view him as like the the leading face of the franchise or they view him as like the second or third guy I think that would possibly dictate if they’re want wanting to take a big swing a big risk or maybe add supportive pieces to help enhance him and lift him up as the star I think he’s a second or a third guy I’ve always thought that but I mean he’s I I think he’s going to his Destiny is probably to be like a highlevel like second third banana type guy like because I I just don’t I don’t trust his decision- making and scoring efficiency to be like the thing that I’m just like I’m for sure G to bet my life that this is a playoff team for the next five to 10 years where he’s the centerpiece I just don’t I especially in the west I mean you could just say that in in the abstract but then when you’d say it in not in the abstract where you’re looking at the West I’m just like I don’t see an offense like that so I’m just trying to think they probably need shooting and pl you know and perimeter size so I’m like who is the most likely guy to do that among those Holland’s not going to shoot it well enough I think if you throw him he’s mocked in some places to go there I don’t see that as being a thing buellis is a really interesting possibility for them what do you think about buellis with the Blazers in terms of checking the things that they need to me he’d probably be like number one on on the board and I think you have to get ahead of the Pistons at five in order to get bzel I I just think it’s very unrealistic for buellis to fall past the Pistons with the fifth pick um so if it is buellis then then you do have to move into the top four and maybe that is Houston and you mentioned the Anthony Simon scoot Henderson can of you know they’re two small guards like you have to choose at some point between those guys and maybe Houston for all the talk about you know Reed Shepard going there right like they want that next Fred Van vet replacement because he’s 30 years old he’s only got two years left on his contract maybe an for Simons could be the guy that fits that he Simons is still only 24 years old maybe Simons plus seven and 14 for three something like that I mean to me that’s an interesting offer it’s a it’s a bit rich I think um but if there’s a guy the Blazers are targeting and that they can’t get at seven then I could I could see that you know having some appeal and you can sprinkle in some salaries and other assets and all that going either way but as a foundation of a deal three for 714 and assignment I kind of I’m into that yeah I was trying to think chks used to say if you draft one small guard you’re out of the small guard business that was one of his like maxims that I always thought was pretty true like especially if they’re a foundational piece and I’m just thinking about the Rockets lately I’ve heard a little bit of uh Doubt cast on the shepher thing with the Rockets we’ll see if that’s a smoke screen or not but uh I still think they should take him but um yeah if you think about like Jaylen green with with Simons I don’t what do you think about that pairing I that’s that’s we’re getting into like team needs nitty-gritty here now I know but um yeah what what was the other team that you said you said we were going to go through the three that you the C the Cavaliers with the 20th pick uh they are a team that they’re everywhere to be clear they’re everywhere nobody knows exactly what they’re going to do between Donovan Mitchell and Darius Garland there’s some stuff out there about maybe they they’ll trade Jared Allen and have Evan Moy be there five I think you know you look at teams that need a center that are in the top 10 or in the lottery right now I I think you know if I’m Cleveland I’m offering Jared Allen to the king saying hey do you want a room protector next to sabonis I’m offering him to the Grizzlies who clearly need a five I’m offering him to the Spurs to say hey you want to have two bigs like like what do you think right so I think for Cleveland they’re in a position where they don’t exactly know what they’re going to do it’s going to depend on what opportunities actually become available but I am curious why Cleveland a playoff team would be trying to move up within the draft I would think it’s for a guy who’s more on the NBA ready side than a raw swing don’t you think you would think so I’m just trying to think of like what they’re I mean they played Boston is just such a good team if you think about like what they ran up against and how do they contend with that um you know they need more spacing obviously you know like they tried to import some of that with stru and with uh and with George Nang they tried to upgrade in those way you know ororo has has run into some problems playing him with Mo and Allen I just think God if they were going to send Allen to the Kings I would wonder if it may be I’m gonna get Kings fans mad at me for saying this but maybe even instead of saon if you think about you know Allen’s not a horrible passer and he gives you a little bit more like he’s a really good passer man yeah so I don’t know that’s that’s just a thought but um uh we’ll see if it’s if it’s received well but uh man says Kings should trade damont sabonis for Jared Allen I’d be open to it what are the Kings doing I mean they need to think about doing something I think the Kings and the Cavs are in interesting sort of parallel kind of like we need to do something we have our core of what we like to do Garland seems like the biggest trade chip to to maybe pull that off I did really like the idea of like Garland and bridges like making that move I feel like you could get sort of a centerpiece guy to build around with Garland if you’re the Nets Bridges isn’t necessarily that like he’s but he does offer a lot um Cleveland he’d be very attractive to me if I were Cleveland thinking about who they would want to pick though I just feel like who’s gonna make the big splash for them like if there was a guy that I knew for sure was gonna swing a playoff series I don’t think I’d have that mentality I’d just be in the mentality of just try to get the best player available if I’m the Cavs don’t you think because I don’t think there’s a I don’t think there’s a guy in that range that’s like for sure GNA shift who who we are as a team do you think so no I don’t I don’t uh I I think there’s better fits like I think there’s guys who make more sense next to what they currently have like I think somebody like Devin Carter makes more sense than Darius Garin because of the defense he provides I think Dalton connect makes more sense than Darius Carlin because of the size and kind of you know scoring mentality that he brings in a back court next to Donovan Mitchell but that assumes Mitchell stays around I think if you’re talking about guys in the front Court instead of Jared Allen if you’re moving Moy to the five I think there’s a bunch of guys like you know Tristan da Silva uh gavone reported today that his range starts at 12 so if Cleveland’s at 20 and they want to have you know big six foot n you know versatile forward in the front court next to Evan mle you might have to trade up to get that guy so I think there’s a lot of guys in this draft class that Mak sense as pieces next to the core guys that the Cavaliers have and I think for the Raptors it’s a similar type of mindset there like how are you going to optimize Scotty Barnes well you traded for a manual quickly earlier in the year you drafted Grady dick last season to me I think if it’s the Raptors there’s been a lot of Rumblings about Zach Edy as the guy for them at number 19 I find that a very interesting wrinkle because Edy like Ed is to me I’d want to see Ed in in a situation with a quickly typ with that kind of a pick and roll shooting playmaking guy like to me that’d be pretty ideal but I don’t think they’d have to move up for Edy so it would have to be somebody else yeah if I caught win that they were after Edy if I’m you know if I’m team in that range if I’m this you know the i’ I’d sort of dangle that and try to squeeze them on that one um yeah the possibility of uh of Ed with the Raptors is is interesting I think that would be what do you think well one more thing on the on the Cav situation what do you think about Philip howski with the Caps putting him you get a little bit of size I thought he flashed some passing have for him probably not I mean where did you have him in your last mock draft he’s feels like he’s in that 10 to 20 range right or has he slipped beyond that at this point consensus I mean I don’t think anybody knows to be honest with you just being real what even is consensus yeah I mean like there’s no there’s no there’s no consensus right now I think I think there like I had Philip Bowski 31 in my latest Mo and that’s way too low but somebody’s gonna fall yeah and maybe it’ll be him Kentucky fans loved your rationale on that one with the dilling I enjoyed sitting back and watching that one Kevin brushed up against the Kentucky the BBN that was a fun day for you right I I don’t know I didn’t see any of it what happened oh you responded the thing where they were talking about a Dillingham was gonna somebody was gonna fall oh yeah yeah that’s right yeah yeah yeah that that’s right yeah I don’t know it’s ridiculous we’re crazy ignore us K it’s okay I mean all you gotta do like Rob Dillingham clutch client look at what happened last year with Derek liely Derek Lively could have been a top 10 pick if Rich Paul and clutch wanted him to be a top 10 pick they refused workouts with teams they steered him directly to Dallas because it was an ideal situation they were going to do the same thing with Rob Dillingham of course you’d love if a guy could be a top three or four or five pick but I don’t think that those teams are considering him so maybe you do steer him to a team in the middle of the first round instead of the mid the late Lottery if a team already has a guard or whatever like they heat you know would be a great fit in my opinion but for Dillingham interesting interesting yeah yeah yeah bab bio twom Man game dhos with bam I I’d be pretty ecstatic about about what could happen there as a building block with bam yeah that’s I I like that protect Rob’s got to be protected I think that’s one thing about these playoffs that I’ve just really been thinking about it’s just like if you’re if you’re like an offense I’m not going to say offense only but offense mostly Rob Rob type which he is how you know how good do you have to be defensively around them to sort of allow that to exist in a playoff setting and it’s like skinny I don’t know that Miami is interesting if you think about hakz and Bam Jimmy if he’s even there we’ll see how that all shakes out um yeah he’s that that’s an interesting fit for sure a

Kevin O’Connor and J. Kyle Mann discuss which teams could move up in the NBA draft into a lottery position and which players they could target if they do so.

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  1. Kev, are you mentally well? There aren’t 3 players in this draft I would take over Simons. Get it together, brother.

  2. Would love to see okc either trade a good chunk of picks for a top 3-4 pick. Or trade out of 12 entirely and let ousmane dieng get some shine this year

  3. Feel like Atlanta could potentially be better off trading all the way to 8 and setting themselves up to have valuable Draft capital for years.

  4. The Raptors only draft workout they made public and invited the Media was the Edey workout. I don’t believe he’s on the radar if they were so public about it.

    If Portland wants a play in the top 10 higher than 7th, maybe they are targeting Clingan?

  5. I’m sure there is a team who hopes Blazers are sucker enough to give up 7, 14 and Simons. I hope Blazers are not that stupid. Could do 7 or 14 and a player to move up.

  6. KOC hates the blazers. Every single time he throws them in a possible trade it’s a horrible move that benefits the other team

  7. Edey doesn't work with the Raptors style of play. The Raptors are a transition team. So how how does cement footed Edey work with that style of play? Once you get past the fact that Edey is Canadian, there is no reason they should be looking in his direction at all. Let alone moving up to get him! They need shooters. SHOOOOOOTERS. Not a 7'4, 300lb, relic from a bygone era. The Raptors FO doesn't leak. So these so called rumours are not coming from them.

  8. A team like okc grizzlies jazz should all move up for cody williams…he may be there at 9 for the grizz but i wouldn't chance it..he just fits

  9. Cody williams is the guy i would take 2nd in this draft…not saying he will become kawhi or butler or jaylen but he can impact a game the way they all did when they were young without needing the ball and he has the body type you need to succeed in the playoffs…he can become a good scorer and he is efficent…he isn't a one on one guy but he has the tools…

  10. Clingan will ultimately get Landry Fields fired. Clingan will get played off the floor a lot. He has led feet which will ultimately make him a bench player.

  11. 7 14 and simons make me question the knowledge on this podcast. Most other experts have simons being worth 2 first and a young player with upside.

  12. What a waste of time lol, check it out to hear them talk about the raptors only to talk about them for a minute, get sidetracked then end the video lol😂

  13. Why does this publicized opinion matter? Worst evaluators out there. KOC is beyond idiocracy. Bad trade ideas, bad takes in evaluations. This isn't the first failed draft process either. I'll just troll this channel to steer other actual enthusiasts the right way whenever this channel is actually recommended… Check out No Ceilings, NBA Big Boards, Hoop Intellect, Utility Sports, etc… for different intellectual outlooks of this draft process.
    Oh yeah, and where is Killian Hayes now?

  14. Seriously Simons and the 7th and 14th pick to move up to 3?!?!?!?! I know that other ppl have stated this but that would have to improve to be horrible. Cronin showed last year that he is not giving away talent for low return. That is nickels not dimes on the dollar! LOL Come on man, they would probably not trade Simons straight up for the 3rd pick.

  15. Man Heat fan here we desperately need to move up in the draft . Alleviate the books and move off the contracts of Duncan ,Tyler,and (potentially) Terry . My favorite target is Castle.

    He’s been compared to (Jimmy Butler + Marcus Smart + Andre Iguodala + Shaun Livingston)

    The type of player we need to reboot this roster around Jimmy and Bam . That would mean moving Jaime and Nikola which I’m okay with if you’re moving the larger contracts . Picks number 3,5,and 6 would have to be acquired to get that player wishful thinking I guess .

    Spoelstra and Riley can’t do the same thing they’ve been doing since 2020 otherwise most Heat fans will feel like we’ve punted on the upcoming season .

  16. It's funny how bad these mock trades are for the Blazers.
    "Blazers trade 7, 14, Grant, Brogdon, and Sharpe, for a signed Lebron poster"

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