@Utah Jazz

HOUR 1 | Jerry West Passes Away | Where Does Utah Jazz Coaching Job Rank | Joey Chestnut vs. Kob…

HOUR 1 | Jerry West Passes Away | Where Does Utah Jazz Coaching Job Rank | Joey Chestnut vs. Kob…

hey this is JJ and Alex w’t be as you wrap up your day it’s time to get your fix of the teams you live for and the sports you love this is JJ and Alex presented by G2G bars on 975 the KSL Sports Zone hey everybody welcome on into the program JJ and Alex every day right here on your program on your radio dial or in your podcast in your pocket whatever you want to do I uh you know what I do I listen to a lot of music when I mow the lawn or if I do yard work if I going to walk but I’m I’m I have transitioned to Old Man what did you do I listen to podcasts while I’m walking now okay what are the podcast subjects you don’t have to promote the specific podcast no I do what are the topics so across the board because you know I like my F1 okay that’s not old man no no no no no but like uh I I listen to Bill Simmons podcast pretty pretty regularly kind of old man free economics so like I go freom I go full into if you’ve never done the fre economics it’s like basically it’s like it’s like on the it’s like Fringe NPR like uh not really no no no yeah can you can you listen to Freakonomics under the age of 40 and feel like and feel like you’re and I don’t know Freakonomics they hit up but what their whole thing is is they look into you know the economics of of little things here and there yeah it’s interesting but they talk you know as it pertains to Politics as it pertains to food anything and I like I’ve got to the point now where I listen to less music now I listen to a lot of the spoken word stuff and I do this move because I wear I wear headphones or I wear like Earp pods earpod gosh speaking of old man ear pods what the hell am I talking about which one which is it ear or air you tell me do you know it’s an airpod okay okay thank you but I yeah the earbuds I’m not that old I know the difference earbuds airpods all right I got I got them mixed up okay mixed mixed brand and I see people walking that are like in my neighborhood and I sometimes pretend like I’m on a phone call so that I don’t have to do you have both or one in I have both in okay you get away with that but I will walk and I will have a fake conversation sometimes so that I don’t have to inter that’s a great way to handle that you got the headphones in someone tries to bother you just put the finger up in the you point to your ear isn’t it crap like I’ve become antisocial in my old age in my like I’m going I don’t I don’t know if I’m going full Jake Scott because Jake and I are basically the same age but he has a lot of like get off my lawn stuff that I hadn’t had previously he’s an old soul oh no he is he he’s there’s a lot of stuff that there’s a long list of things that that he doesn’t like he’s he’s grumpy old man and I’ve got I’ve gotten to that point where I’ll complain about stuff and I’ll be like oh my gosh so I’m I’m coming into the program like old man Ki a little bit all right what’s grinding your gears today no just you know everything and I you post on Instagram I’m just telling you right yes there’s a lot of that there’s a lot of like I don’t know I’ve have teenagers and you’re going through the same thing where they’re just like I you can’t help but be an old man when you’re talking to your teenagers yeah and like my kid did something yesterday that I’ve done a million times as a teenager but like suddenly now as a dad I’m going you can’t do that kind of stuff you know yeah and then but he knows like I probably was doing the same thing you know so I just need to relax I need to relax more JJ that’s what I need what can we do to help you I don’t know what do you need a [Applause] donut oh some soothing tones go but see all this music does is fire me up about my f about first world problems which is definitely like uh everything triggers you I well again like I said I’m not full Jake Scott but I I’m I could get there pretty quick you know so I was looking at that the other day fire you up no I’m not fired up about I’m just saying breathe like I don’t want to have a garden I’m forced to have a garden who’s forcing you to have a garden like it’s like every year the kids like we going to plant this and then I and it ends up being something that I’ve got to do and I don’t want to do it turned into total weeds you know learned like I’ve done the tomatoes in the planter box thing and then in October I’m just throwing away tomatoes that nobody wants my kids want to get I know I eat the heck out of some Tomatoes I’m one of those again old man I have the full tomato in the hand I’m eating it like an apple in the yard really I’m that guy yeah I can put I I can slice a tomato and put on a burger I can’t just eat it straight they’re not good oh full old man on the tomatoes no is when you put it with the cottage cheese which I also do that’s true nobody nobody under 45 eats cottage cheese God dang it all right we got a full show to get through we’ve got tons of stuff to talk about uh JJ how you doing man you got the you got some retro Jazz you got a retro Jaz retro all week I had solid golden eagles ear like what into last week and now I got uh uh you knowly Carl Malone joh you’re buing out all your t-shirts that are size medium I got schmedium on today well yeah that’s exactly what you lose 40 lbs you can start wearing all your shirts good for you see and I uh I was I was I was 5 pounds away from wearing mumo to work back in March Homer Simpson in here you just go just roll me into work oh look good you look good all right I’m trying we’re gonna take a uh look here what we got the program goes as follows we start the show off by telling you that were sponsored by G2G bars all right I could use one right now I know G2G bars all natural ingredients no preservative you don’t have any in the fridge store no it’s actually probably better that way uh cuz I’d make like a G2G bar sandwich for like some I’d take three bars take some peanut butter put one in the middle and put put them on the top and bottom that’s exactly right G2G bar is perfect for anybody who needs a quick tasty nutricious boost you can find them at Costco holiday oil Maverick Associated Foods and many other places in the refrigerated section so go go give it a shot uh let’s kick off the program as we always do the passing of Jerry West uh Jerry West and absolute freaking legend in the NBA 86 years old and uh I think we just assumed he was Immortal because of how much he did across an entire career that’s where we’re going to start things off here with the cut let’s jump in right here it’s time for the biggest story of the day this is what made the cut with JJ and Alex on 975 the KSL Sports Zone this portion of the show brought to you by trun wealth uh local trusted financi Cal fiduciaries 801 8976 you can just visit their website too find out more about how to retire in style traun uh the logo Jerry West passing away at 86 I the things that he did we were talking about this before the show I don’t know if anybody has had anywhere near the type of impact can you think of anybody who’s had a broad brush across the entire see what seems like the history of the league than Jerry West not only is he the logo of the league he was a phenomenal Hall of Fame player he was a phenomenal Hall of Fame uh you know front office guy he’s had his hands in Consulting with teams forever he’s built dynasties he’s torn them down and rebuilt them again is there anybody who’s had the type of impact on the game like Jerry West has is certainly a very unique fing fingerprint on this uh there are better players than Jerry West although not that many he’s top 50 all time right he’s on that list yep but I mean in terms of a career I can’t think of somebody with a more unique resume than a guy like Jerry West and his impact on the game nobody there’s nobody that comes close let me go through it who accomplished all these things on and off the floor uh during his playing career nine NBA Finals appearances won a championship with the Lakers won the MVP in the finals in a losing cause he was so good in that finals he won the MVP despite losing uh in that he scored 53 points in game one of the 1969 NBA Finals he earned the nickname Mr Clutch because he was so good and made some of the biggest shots uh he made uh in uh game three of the 1970 finals the Knicks had a two-point lead three seconds to go he gets an inbounds pass dribbled twice nailed a 60-foot shot to force overtime like those are the moments he’s remembered for and he’s the he’s the freaking logo he’s the logo he W he was an All-Star in all 14 years he was in the league as a player 12 all NBA teams five all defensive teams named to the NBA’s top 75 players list then he goes on to have an incredible Hall of Fame executive career he helped build the showtime Lakers think about the impact that that era had on the game of basketball and the history of sports he was the architect of that team Magic Johnson Kem Abdul Jabar five championships under Jerry West during that era then he has another Golden Era with the Lakers he made the deal to get Kobe Bryant in the 19 1996 draft think of the impact that had on the NBA think of the impact that had on the Lakers and their history and of course Kobe would go on to win five championships he signed Shaquille O’Neal he brought Shaquille O’Neal to La you think of what that impact had on NBA history mhm and then after he’s done with the Lakers oh he can do it he doesn’t have to be with the Lakers he can go do it elsewhere executive of the year with the Memphis Grizzlies he did a great job there and then he goes on and he becomes an executive with the Warriors what does he do there he advocated for selecting Klay Thompson and Draymond Green in the draft think about that dynasty my goodness and he’s not even done there like he brought Quin Le and Paul George for the LA Clippers we don’t even know what that ER is going to end like that’s in progress he was still making moves and still having an impact in the league in his 80s that’s an incredible resume there’s nobody else in NBA history that can top it I don’t think there’s anybody in sport that can match it I can’t I always think it’s because again we we tend to just bring the focus back to here you know and you know all of us listening to Hot Rod Hunley and you think about West Virginia great there are two statues in Morgantown for basketball players it’s Jerry West and hot rod Hunley yep and uh Jerry West made it to the national championship game I think a year or two after hot rod had already graduated and got on the NBA but I mean like they were W right after the other like they were briefly you know teammates right uh for a second but but these are two guys who these are two guys who were great and who were you know so accomplished in the game and you think of Mountain West or sorry uh West Virginia Mountaineers and I I I always think of I always think of Jerry West and hot rod Hunley being in that kind of same era and same kind of guys and just like that old school way of uh of of playing the game and understanding the game and um they both respected each other they had tons of differences but they were very different people you know you think about that’s okay no and but that’s what they celebrated too they they loved they were so they were so different and they they’re the way they the game was very different but you know uh I I really love what you know and again we make fun of the Lakers we make fun of the success that they’ve had and the the failures that they’ve had we find ways to to this the L suck yesterday suck again today uh you cannot deny the fact that when you see if you go and you see a Lakers game down in La at crypto Arena and you see those uh those jerseys up in the rafters there’s a reason that Jerry West is Jerry West Jersey and that name might mean more to the organization than anybody in the history of their organization uh he brought Kobe to La he brought Shaq to La he built that Showtime Dynasty like you said and on top of it he was a freaking winner as a player you know so uh it was crazy it was it was it was wild so that’s a bummer the the basketball world but again 86 years uh long long life and uh and just one of those guys who the the contributions to the game of basketball can’t be understated uh or overstated rather so I did find something NBA related that I wanted to bring up okay because uh is game when when is the uh when’s game three is it tonight has everyone checked out of the series at this point took a couple days off when we heard that uh I don’t know how bad the injury is to to Luca but I don’t know if he’s over overdoing it but so I watched a you know one of these amazing YouTuber SL instagrammers edited together every play that Luca donic was on like he was like on defense against the main ball handler or whomever it was you know and he already has a hard time that’s his biggest knock already yep for sure is playing defense but when you watched this super cut of how bad his defense was in game two in particular when we now find out right he was getting you know pain injections for you know chest contusion essentially like an inside the chest contusion like he’s in a bad spot or I don’t know how bad the spot is but the guy already plays terrible defense and you can tell that he had to save it up for offense yeah you can’t be 100% you got to save it up for offense and I was just wondering about that because he he won’t turn guys are blowing right past him the guy was like Blow by Blow by blowby uh out of position Kyrie has to push him back into the spot he’s supposed to be blowby blowby if you’re the Celtics all you do is go at that guy right now you just go right after him and I don’t know if this finals is going to be a five hopefully like a six game series but it almost feels like it could be a sweep tonight will be a great indicator if the Celtics win tonight I I don’t know what the Mavericks have left in the tank the Celtics by the way have not lost on the road in the postseason this year they have played really well on the road and if that continues Aon night I mean it’s lights out three 0 obviously never been done never no one’s ever come back from that right two other teams two other teams in the playoffs against the against the Celtics have actually split the series yeah in those first two games against against Boston and the Mavericks weren’t even I mean they were they they were closer but like the Celtics they feel at any point those first two games and like the the the Celtics let him in that game late a little bit in the fourth quarter in game two and it looked semi- respectable because it was a single digit loss and think it was what was a seven-point loss at the end of it but it felt like it was you know the disparity is even bigger um I found this list though that I thought was interesting and and when Utah’s on a list we will bring it to you okay we love lists JJ andex that’s exactly right CBS Sports ranked all NBA head coaching jobs by the desire to coach there right and or being a good coaching job maybe maybe the desire to coach there is different because what they took into account was how stable the ownership was an ownership that’s proven to spend on players uh and offc Court Personnel how stable the front office is what kind of track record they have how much job security does a coach have on a team so immediately A Team like the Lakers goes to the very bottom right and mind we talk about job security so big markets are out right where you have to be successful like immediately uh how tal how talented the roster is right now how well positioned that roster is for long-term success okay so those are that’s a lot of different uh pieces that I of that equation so let me just go over let’s let’s I’ll just play some of the because on a list like that you you you want to know when you read a list like this who’s the absolute worst and then who’s the best absolute worst on the list the Chicago Bulls agree right big market so the and in a massive amount of success in the past that you’re going to reflect everything off of in the future right so the Bulls are 30th that’s an example the Wizards are 29th because they’re awful I wanted to see where La where the LA teams are like pH the Phoenix Suns are 24 the Brooklyn Nets are 22 the Clippers are 21 uh the Lakers are 20 which I think is probably attributed a lot to the fact that you have uh the games historically probably second best player all time even though he’s old right and they’ve won championships and semi- recently right but the Jazz are basically dead middle of this list at number 16 thoughts on that JJ the Jazz and the rockets are like right next to each other 161 17 why why would the why I guess why would that NBA head coaching job and we’re just talking about the head coaching job right we’re not talking about where the franchise is no no no but part of the equation this is and and what prompted this article is the Lakers striking out on Dan Hurley yeah nobody wants to coach the Lakers right even for $15 million a year if they’re if they’re hitting up JJ reck who has no experience then something’s up like just nobody wants the no one wants LeBron drama no one wants to have to live up to the 17 titles and all that stuff we talked about Jerry West today like that’s an enormous amount of pressure to have to live up to when you’re expected to win a championship every year no matter what that sucks it really does it’s hard I and you have to be really good to want to have to deal with that what and why would you wouldn’t you rather just go to a place like Oklahoma City or or San Antonio I mean look at the Spurs they got wiim Bama and like the Spurs there’s no pressure in that town to win anymore they’ve I mean they’re they’re beyond blessed to have what they have the Denver Nuggets they’re fourth in in town as far as interest goes and may be lower than that so there’s plenty of jobs out there that don’t have as much pressure but where the Jazz are at I feel like they should be hiring this list because you because of the front office because of the assets you have an owner that gets it I think Ryan Smith gets it is willing to spend you’ve got Danny a who knows what he’s doing you had trust he’s going to build the roster you eventually need and the fact that they haven’t yet is is a little troubling but then they’ve they’ve let will know that there’s no pressure here like you’re part of this future we got sign you to a five-year contract this is going to take us some time like there’s no pressure on will right now to win I think the jazz on this list and the stockpile of picks and all the things going on and the the renovations that are going to go on down here the growth of this franchise the fact that Ryan’s going to be willing to spend when the time is right I can’t think of a negative here except patience that is required for this rebuild but that benefits the head coach but one of the factors on this I think that they were dinged wholly for you know and and this is subjective obviously you know this is just putting a list together based off of hey what’s your feeling on this front office everybody knows that Danny a and Justin zanic that’s a that’s a pretty solid front office right everybody knows well respected in the leag yes and everybody knows that you have a massive amount of of assets they know that your owner is willing to pay all those things that you describe but the part of the current roster and whether or not they could have some some success like uh in the next little bit that probably dinged him that’s the reason why like if you look the Oklahoma City Thunder number one on this list because Oklahoma City is so beautiful what yes the mountains in Oklahoma City the beach is amazing right no it’s 100% has to do with they’ve got a front office with a proven track record even if someone it’s just a little bit lucky which you have to have right um but you have a super young core that you haven’t had to pay out for totally yet right you haven’t had to you haven’t had to throw down insane amounts of money you’re gonna have to at some point but right now on the cheap you have one of the best rosters in the west you finish with the best record in the entire league so that could very well be Utah in five years right yes the Jaz should be hir on this list I think okay all right um and let me let me let me mention some teams in here that they should be higher than would you rather have the Jazz situation or the Cleveland Cavaliers now the Cleveland Cavaliers right now are a playoff team and they’ve got stars on there but they have some really big questions they have to answer do you want to be they just fired their coach right give me Donovan Mitchell they just fired their coach come on so you want to be the next guy that gets fired no no they they don’t have there’s too much drama there yeah the Golden State Warriors aging roster not winning anytime soon and they’re not going to really be invested in you because they know they’re about to go through a rebuild the Warriors have paid 600 million in luxury taxes over the past four years and now they’re goingon to have to rebuild and they’re not getting rid of any of these guys so you’re going to stink and you know who’s going to be blamed not Steph Curry you you the coach the Warriors should be 24 not 14 yeah Pelicans eh I don’t know good players but the Pacers yeah I I Pacers ahead of the Jazz I can get that Timberwolves yeah they’re in a position to win a championship right now the Memphis Grizzlies at 10 why uh I think just because you want that drama with jaw like when is he actually going to play and like what’s what what has you thinking that they’re anywhere closer to contending than the Jazz are unless jaw gets his head right but they also have a a young coach who you don’t look at Taylor Jenkins and think that that guy is gonna get fired anytime soon right because there’s this there’s this feeling of oh hey this guy he’s got a solid head on his shoulders he’s smart he’s one of the up and cominging good you know great young coaches kind of coming up in the league and the franchise I think goes and by the way when the I the franchise also has the guts to go hey uh what’s the dude’s name the Canadian former Oregon Duck everybody loves him AKA everybody hates him in the league what’s his name the guy who played for the Grizzlies and The Grizzlies said please never come back D Brooks sorry sorry sorry yes see I people are yelling at their radio because forgot his name I was hoping to for the rest of my life guy that guy yeah now a uh the Flopper hey now he’s a Houston guy because uh Jeremy likes big Jeremy loves that Jeremy has a Dylan Brooks Jersey so a an organization that’s willing to go yeah you know what having a bad guy on our team I mean he’s a pretty decent player we know he’s a good play pretty decent player unfortunately he’s also maybe the worst human in a in a league full of bad humans not full of them but you know you get what I’m saying I’d move the Jazz up four or five spots on that L I’d have them closer to 10 than 15 no no local bias from you no I I just spelled out the reasons I like it I like it and what do you want what do you want they I think what do you want as a head coach you want stability you want security and you want assets the Jazz have all three of those for their head coach it’s just going to take some time okay and they’re giving him time so stay with us 975 the KL Sports Zone your home for the best coverage of the Jazz youut and cougars is right here on the Zone this is JJ and Alex presented by G2G bars on 975 the KSL Sports Zone [Music] yeah welcome back JJ and Alex 975k Sport Zone uh next hour I’m gonna PT this thing to the to the four o’clock hour is that okay let’s qualify somebody for the it’s our final qualifier for the 124th Us open in the US Open major giveaway courtesy of youn golf that’s coming up at uh because we only have one more golfer to give away can I say who the golfer is can’t say it it’s a top 25 golfer it is top 25 golfer and I will just say well worth your while to get qualified for this one okay so there you go I’ll leave it at that where were we welcome back to the program JJ welcome back to the program uh I don’t know why but it’s second day in a row we’ve got some what is going on at the uh from the hot dog from the from the breaking news hot dog desk gosh dang it what’s the league called Major League eating Major League eating what is what is with this drama this is is there anything like this so now this is like the live tour in PGA they’re trying to work something out I could involved in this yeah I could see yeah the PFF are the Sai cele are they the ones selling the impossible meat well I’ll tell you what belongs in the garbage there’s some drama there because maybe that deal that was so solid that he had had with impossible Foods might actually not be an official offer look this is what happens when you sell your soul to the vegan devil this is your fault Joey Chestnut you did this to yourself I love this I love the vegan devil as a as a thing on our program I’m going to get in trouble for saying that I know someone on her staff that’s going to be mad at me for saying that oh I’ll be I’ll be hearing from I am an idiot jemy that person soon it’s not Jeremy we know who it is Nate’s vegan stop stop I did a 30-day vegan situation did I tell you about this why uh Ethan Miller and I when we did the Nightside project we did a 30-day because of something we had seen about I can’t remember somebody challenged us to it we were doing like our Thursday nights where we were just basically going around and eating at these ridiculous restaurants and a vegan restaurant approached us and said hey you should do the vegan Challenge and you guys should come to our restaurant the vertical Diner I think is what his name is and by the way you can do a vegan diet for 30 days which I did you will you will gain weight oh I mean I could eat french fries for a month and i’ I’d gain 40 pounds Oreos vegan Fritos vegan Fritos a loaf of bread most of the time vegan so yes and that’s what you end up doing all the pasta you could eat man as long as it’s not like a carbonara there’s a lot of unintentional vegans out there I’m telling you that just love carbs the guys the guy sitting in front of his computer playing video games the neck beard eating a sleeve of Oreos and drinking a Mountain Dew vegan sleeve of Oreos all right so Joey Chestnut aside from the fact that they’re going I think they’re going to work I guarantee they’re going to work something out for him to do the the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating thing I guarantee it but that being said Joey Chestnut is slated now to face off against coming out of retirement takido Kobayashi that’s right Kobayashi versus Joey Jaws Chestnut in a Labor Day hot dog battle uh it’s going to be on Netflix this is where we’ve this is where we’ve done it now I don’t know if this is intentional Jeremy but you put in the rundown that it was going to be not streamed on Netflix steamed no I looked at the article they put steamed they put steamed I refreshed a couple times they didn’t try to do that did they we be steamed on Netflix is that a pun we’re not missing for missing do steamed bun situ not good as the uh that Joey Chestnut was gutted to learn that he was banned from the 2024 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest he just he’s so gutted he just signed deal with Netflix so the Netflix deal I think this might be all an effort to Neo to basically promote this this would be the only time we would have ever talked about it if there was Joey Chestnut drama which there is I could see the Nathan people still allowing him to be there because there’s no other reason to watch it uh all right nominate your Youth Sports volunteer that you know in your neighborhood or in your community somebody who’s going above and beyond in their local Youth Sports community to be the Hercules hero of the week submit your nomination Kos contest listen every Thursday afternoon that’s tomorrow JJ Now read the winner and uh we’ll celebrate those efforts of the volunteers that make this the local Youth Sports Go all right and they’ll win a prize courtesy of Hercules Credit Union and of beehive meals so that’s your Hercules here of the week uh 10 members of the 1983 NC State basketball title winning team we know somebody on that team we do Big T Thor Bailey was on that team the best and the lawsuit uh is actually 10 members of that team who are accusing the NCAA over unauthorized nil use that is to say in all of their promotional stuff that they have ever used how many times have you watched the putback and Jim valano running across the court trying to find somebody to hug put the madness in March it is it is every it is multiple times a tournament and they’ve got themselves a case here that their image and their likeness is being used by the NCAA and has been for the past 40 years here’s what it says in the actual uh in the actual release by the players who are putting this out and their lawyers for more than 40 years the NCAA and its co-conspirators I love it do you think a lawyer wrote this up it’s so true the co- conspir co-conspirators have systematically and intentionally misappropriated the cardiac packs publicity rights including their names images likenesses and associated with that game the play reaping the scores of millions of dollars from the cardiac packs legendary Victory uh the suit also contends that the student athletes value the NCAA value to the NCAA does not end with their graduation now we’re talking about something pretty interesting there that’s a facet we we’ve been focusing so much JJ on the guys who are currently playing the only time we’ve gone back and looked back and said hey you might have to pay those guys are the people who during the nil era did not the most recent 2 point whatever billion dollar s what is house versus NCA do it provides the payment back payment for all the players yes that should have been compensated based on case law that was set today yeah so I nil is now a thing like you you it is yeah and look and now all these players in the past can go back and say hey wait a minute and this is what this team is doing all right how about this so let me let’s throw out some more iconic moments you ready yeah ones that you can’t go a college football season a uh a basketball season uh lner yep turn around turnaround Jay against full court against Notre Dame Court against against Notre Dame to get to the Elite 8 Bryce Drew Bryce they play that all the time okay from the football standpoint how about Doug fluty throwing the bomb against Miami right% uh that one just I’m trying to think there’s a there’s a yeah Cal Stanford should Rod Gilmore get some extra dollars because should the band get paid because they’re on the field technically dur the man is on the field the band is owed money at some point we’re getting ridiculous right but oh I’ve got to think like I’ve got to think about more instances stuff that like is just constantly on that reel that’s always playing Christian lner shot is one um Steph Curry against Wisconsin Jimmer Jimmer rising up yeah Jimmer’s in that Gordon Hayward now if commercials they pay the guys right but isn’t everything with the NCAA a commercial technically like if it was a Taco Bell commercial showing then that’s different because Taco Bell’s got to pay out for those rights and then they have to pay those guys but here’s a here’s an example so uh you’ve you’ve you’ve done I believe you’ve have in the past but I I’ve I went and cover the NCA tournament this year you go to the NCA tournament they have very exclusive TV rights like as those those of us who cover it can only show certain highlights C money-making Endeavor of the entire season by far they take all the signage that’s in an NBA arena and they cover it up yep so they take over complete control of that Arena you go to get a soda and they have a guy who’s a volunteer by the way not getting paid pouring the soda into a tiny Power Aid cup to make sure you’re not taking any product out on the court or anywhere in the in the facility that’s not that says something that they’re not getting paid for they’re that tight and they that controlling of all the revenue that goes on at these tournaments and they’re making money hand over fist from these players efforts and these coaches efforts and these schools efforts none of these people at the NCAA are doing anything like they’re they’re asking people local people that work like people in Omaha were volunteering they had people in positions as volunteers yet the executives at the NCA are making tons of money and they continue to make tons of money off of all these players and all these moments because they replay this stuff they have exclusive rights to that footage like I cannot show uh the Villanova beating UNCC at the buzzer I’m technically not allowed to use that footage in any way on TV they have the rights to it but is is uh what’s his name Chris Jenkins being paid for that no no it’s interesting I mean this is the Ed O Bannon of this is like just another further reaching kind of uh situation so the NCA is making money off of Chris Jenkin shot and Chris Jenkins isn’t making money off of shot yeah think about that for a second you okay with that crazy all right boy they got a they got an issue they got a great case they got an issue here all right we’ll come back we got more to go around the corner when we return uh we have a would you rather a Wednesday Edition would you rather we also have it’s a win ticket Wednesday so we’ll do some WN we’ll do some uh we’ll do some tickets we’ll give away some tickets uh I think Theo Von yeah the the theovon tickets the four the family four pack of tickets to the Sweet to the m to uh to the Mavericks center we’ll take a break we’ll come back we got more to go around the corner stay with us 975 V KL Sport Zone listen everybody real life hypotheticals to get your brain churning as JJ and Alex asked would you rather all right welcome back JJ and Alex 975 KL Sport Zone next hour we’re going to be hooking you up put some win ticket Wednesday tickets and we’re also going to qualify our one final golfer and it’s a good one for you to be able to get qualified for the US Open as you watch it our US Open you went to golf major giveaway all right uh would you rather JJ I saw you throw this one in there I just thre it in there we just were talking about it I was like hm okay make a buzzer beater in the NCAA tournament throw Hail Mary in a college football game now college football game like game three of the Season talking about every in every college football game is an event yeah they all matter they’re all big you’re not saying college football playoff game though look I mean n tournament I mean it’s I’m not talking about National Championship or you can do that in a national championship game in basketball or the college football playoff and football if you want to do that but yeah just NCA tournament with the big stage or just a college football game you never forget that let me get selfish real quick okay and I’m a football guy but it’s got to be the buzzer beater basketball shot right which do we worship more we worship football more for sure but which which play but that’s what I’m saying is is that it’s a singular moment typically from a singular player the Hail Mary it goes from the hand of the quarterback the camera pans down the field no Hail Mary is pretty like no no Hail Mary is not messy you know what I mean like it it there feels like there’s so much luck to it it’s kind of fun the lucky part but it’s almost like a weird equivalent of like a an onside kick they don’t happen very often when they do they’re kind of fun you’re exactly right because you always remember the participants in the football Hail Mary let me give you an example Alabama beats Auburn with a hail Mar who through the pass uh the guy the quarterback this year milro okay who caught it I don’t remember the guy name who hit the buzzer beater to beat uh we said North Carolina what we call it we called it the Doug for Villanova we buzzer beater to beat North Carolina uh oh yeah what was Chris Jenkins yeah Jenkins yeah see college basketball mentioned the Bryce Drew play like we all know you say Bryce Drew you remember that Christian lner you say Jaylen mil milro you automatically think of the hail I maybe some Alama the Hail Mary like in BYU lore that comes up obviously is is Jim McMahon but you’ll remember Kay Brown because yeah you should because it’s he made a great catch right and he was a great player when Doug fluty throws that that Hail Mary who caught it no one knows I have no idea not to this day unless you’re from there unless you’re a Boston College guy I’m going with the uhz beer too yeah if Gordon Hayward would have hit that half courtt shot to beat Duke in the in the N would it would be it would be higher than Christian Leon it’ be higher than Chris Jenkins it’d be higher than Bryce Drew he would have been taken third in the draft a halfcourt shot to win a National Championship what you couldn’t top been crazy all right

JJ & Alex discuss NBA this hour with the passing of three-time Hall of Famer Jerry West. Also, where does the Utah Jazz coaching job rank among the entire NBA. A competitive eating update with Joey Chestnut vs.  Kobayashi taking place on Labor Day. Plus, in NIL news, the 1983 N,C, State national title basketball team is suing for NIL that their image and likeness is being used without compensation.

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