@Detroit Pistons

NBA Draft Experts Have No Idea Who the Detroit Pistons Should Draft | POP Podcast

NBA Draft Experts Have No Idea Who the Detroit Pistons Should Draft | POP Podcast

who are the Detroit Pistons taking at five we look at all the biggest mock drafts across the media sphere and examine who the experts have the Pistons taking with the fifth pick and is Kate Cunningham worth a Max contract some big- time media heads say no we talk about all that and more on this week’s edition of the Palace of Pistons podcast good evening everybody and welcome to another exciting night of NBA basketball the Pistons are digging in they got the dep they got the big man they got the better basketball team no doubt about his need a three and they have just another 3 seconds to do it here’s johy Phillips here it is he’s got it he’s got it johy pH HS the flame overtime amazing Detroit basketball and we’re back for another edition of the Palace of fens podcast lots of good stuff to talk about today with my friend Jasper abalonia Jasper couple weeks out from the draft how we doing man not too bad I wish we had one very very uh very specific topic to talk about this week but unfortunately that did not come to pass uh I’m starting to feel a a sense of dread which is coming from the fact that I might actually be right that Monty Williams will continue to be the Pistons head coach this year we’re getting awfully close to Draft Day Aon uh but never fear we have plenty other stuff to talk about this week just excited to get into it with you man let’s do it yeah I I know we’ve kind of teased the last few weeks that feel like we’ll have something concrete to talk about there but we’ve teased we have people in our in our what’s WhatsApp uh who are teasing way harder and not delivering so you know who you are if you’re listening uh you need to cut those sauces off all right right get some new sauces still very excited to talk about everything that we’re going to talk about today the NBA draft Kate Cunningham we’re going to get into that very very quickly here but before we do a quick word about our sponsors every week bet online bet online is your number one source 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mock drafts across all of the big internet names all of the big Publications and came away pretty shocked with the variance in the types of players the different names that mock drafts have the Pistons taking I’ll read off some of the ones that I’ve grabbed here uh from each Outlet’s most recent mock drafts starting off nation has the Pistons going with Rob Dillingham out of Kentucky bleech report came out on Thursday with the mock draft that has the Pistons taking Cody Williams that probably would have been much more popular had that been a mock draft from say December January is Time CBS Sports has a couple recent mock drafts from a couple different writers one of the mock drafts has the Pistons taking Ron Holland the other one has the Piston getting Zachary rishe the ringer and No Ceilings No Ceilings by the way quick shot at this to them one of my favorite favorite outlets for NBA Draft coverage seriously go check them out they do a great job covering the college game covering uh prospects covering the draft but both the ringer and No Ceilings have the Pistons going Reed Shepard Yahoo sports forgive me for how I pronounce this I literally just uh listen to the pronunciation before getting on the show but I already forgot it I believe it’s tan Saloon something along those lines but he’s forward from France that’s who yaho Sports has the Pistons taking the Free Press has them taking uh Donovan kingan USA Today has Detroit taking Matas meles and then Fox Sports has Detroit taking Stefan Castle so you come out of there and you see what six names seven names uh that the Pistons could take and that’s really how it’s felt this year in the draft it’s like that for probably most of the teams that are picking in the lottery they could take six seven eight guys and you wouldn’t know the difference but Jasper are any of those ones that that stand out to you as hey maybe not or there any that I know you just had a post come out on the pal Pistons substack uh talking about Zachary Reay which everyone should go check out Palace go check out Jasper’s piece on Reet I know you’re probably in favor of that one were there any ones that stood out that you really like and then were there any that stood out that you were like n I don’t like that idea well I you plug me I plug you buddy that’s how it works you also had a piece come out on our website uh very recently about three prospects that you want the Pistons to avoid I couldn’t help but notice two of those names were listed here in Rob Dillingham and in uh Ron Holland um two players that I happen to like I just don’t know if I love them for the Pistons I mean Dillingham I I do like him a lot I just I don’t really know if Jaden Ivy and Kate Cunningham are both on the roster I have just have a hard time making that all fit in my mind I’m just not sure about it um same with Ron Holland like I I like Ron Holland I do he’s one of those guys where I’m like I think about Ron Holland and he’s just like I I worry that if the Pistons don’t take him he’s G to be a really big Miss and he’s G to be one of those guys that you look back on a couple years ago why were we all so low on him like I know he didn’t he can’t shoot yes but like the guy’s a really good athlete he’s a really good finisher um and I think that it’s kind of funny in a in a draft class where people are like well there’s no high upside prospects everyone’s going for the safer picks instead of swinging for the fences when in more talented drafts I feel like people swing for the fences more and it seems like this would maybe be the draft where you go you know safe guys whatever we can find safe guys later on let’s let’s take the big swing here um for me guys that I like you know I I I still am pretty high in buis um I think he’s a good player he’s a underrated athlete I still I know the numbers don’t show it but I think he will be able to shoot at at least a passable level in the NBA I know there’s things he needs to work on in terms of like strength but that is not so big of an issue for me um I like the idea of Reed Shepard if you are going to go the safe route I think Reed Shepard absolutely is a player where in the way that we said Rob Dillingham maybe doesn’t quite fit in Reed Shepard I think absolutely fits in uh with his shooting uh his passing he just can do a little bit of everything well I think for you um and guys that I don’t love I don’t love the idea like I said of dillingh him I don’t love the idea of Stefan Castle either like I know he was awesome for Yukon but that’s another player where I just worry about the fit he can’t shoot he is way shorter than his listed height I think he measured in at like six foot one 6 foot two at the combine which is like it’s a little scary um so yeah and Reay another player that you know I do like but the more that I get into this draft the more I worry he’s not quite as safe as some people think and that’s always the fun thing about writing a piece you know what I mean maybe you have the same kind of experience you write about a player that you really liked and then you’re like well now that I’m actually thinking about it and breaking it down I don’t know if I love him so much there might be some other guys I like better so I’m interested for you has your mind changed on any of the players that were mentioned here that were in your players you want to avoid um is there anybody I mean toan Salon I be completely honest with you I have no idea um is there anybody else I think of like Cody Williams uh that maybe stands out to you that you weren’t originally considering Cody Williams was a guy that you know I originally I really really liked for Detroit because how he looked before he got hurt at Colorado he looked like the exact type of guy that you’d want the Pistons to take there was the three-point shooting it was the size it it was the length you know it was he young he’s going to grow into his body he’s going to get stronger he’s going to learn how to do more things with the ball in his hands and then he got H at Colorado and he came back and was just not nearly the same player and I understand you know especially with face injuries things happen like that and it can totally shake you as a player and it’s shaken my confidence in him as a prospect you know he might be healthy now and he might come back out and you know you get to Summer League or whatever maybe he’s doing it in these pre-draft workouts and you know he’s doing everything that we saw pre injury and he looks like the the top five prospect that he was back then but I am worried about him now you know it almost is is trishan the Silva a better Prospect from Colorado than than Cody Williams at this point I mean Silva does a lot of good things I don’t think he’s in play for Detroit five but that’s a guy that might end up being a lottery pick by the time it’s all said and done uh kind of reminds me of Cam Johnson from North Carolina who I was uh very very in favor of the Pistons taking back in the 2019 draft so that’s where I’m at with Cody Williams would have liked him a lot more say in that January is timeline than I do now here in June um I’m still not in on Ron Holland you know I I get the the higher upside with him he just doesn’t do enough things that the Pistons need right now that for me makes sense for Detroit I do like Rob Dillan I know I wrote about how I don’t think he’s a great fit for Detroit and that’s still my belief I just don’t think he is a great fit for Detroit for all of the needs that they have like they could take Dillingham but he just doesn’t fit a big enough role for them right now there’s enough guard competition for him there uh that I just don’t think his archetype makes a ton of sense I but I I do like him as a player in a prect he’s gonna be good the ones that I most uh are most appealing to me are are Donovan kingan from the Free Press I think look whether you keep Jaylen Duran or move on from him you need a defensive-minded center kingan is that and he gives Detroit some competition for durren maybe it lights a fire under him gets him to take things more seriously makes him a better player and in turn you’re also getting a good player um in kingan I I do like uh the idea of getting rishe if he somehow slips to five feel like it feels like he’s a top three pick see him more at number one recently um but they’re also those mocks that have him going four or five so if he’s in play I think Detroit’s definitely going to consider him lelis is I’m kind of 50-50 on I I know there’s that Detroit connection there and I know people will say you know don’t just don’t just believe he’s getting mocked to Detroit simply because of the AR tellum connection but Galis is in play for Detroit absolutely he absolutely is and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the pick uh if he’s there because I’ve seen him slide up to number for the mock drafts and apparently he has had a very very strong pre- pre-draft process so I I would not be surprised if he somehow ends up going to somewhere like San Antonio at four um just considering what we’re hearing what we’re reading what’s being said uh by some very respected draft voices so I I I really do like kingan there I think he’s my favorite I think my least favorite selection would be uh Ron Holland or or Stefan castle and I don’t necessarily think Stefan Castle is really important considering he’s not taking workouts from teams uh that have point guards and the Pistons have plenty of guards right now so I I I think that’s that’s where I’m at on on it all don’t see dton connect on any of those uh mock drafts which is obviously I’ve pretty pretty vocally staked my claim and that’s one of my favorite looks for the Pistons and but not seeing him there I know he’s probably mocked closer to like seven or or nine somewhere around there than five but again in a draft like this Con next the guy that I i’ still very very much look at yeah I think it’s one of those things where it’s like you look at all these players that the Pistons could be taking and I think you can make a reasonable argument for 85% of them like I don’t see it necessarily the argument for Stefan Castle but like I’m sure someone could make one um Cody Williams that’s another player where I could see you making that argument you could say look he’s a top five Talent he’s got the pedigree his brother it’s you know you look at Cody Williams you say well I think he could grow in these skills his older brother Jaylen Williams certainly did that uh he’s been awesome for Oklahoma City and came into the league kind of raw in the same way not as good of a shooter either so I think you could really talk yourself into almost any guy that’s projected to go between one and 10 in this draft like you could talk yourself into taking it five um and it’s going to be really interesting you know I think the thing with Kling in you know I haven’t been quite as high in him as you are but I do agree with what you’re saying in terms of like just because you have Jaylen durran doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the guy you want uh a great example of that would be the Denver Nuggets back in 2015 they drafted Yousef nurkic he looked awesome for them as a rookie 17 points he was averaging like seven and seven pass a little bit looked pretty good looked like they’re center of the future you know who the draft of the next year some guy named Nicola yic it just because a guy looks good just because a guy shows flashes doesn’t mean you should take your you should take yourself out of the running of taking another player that’s L the same position it’s about finding the talent especially when you’re in a position like Detroit is so I see a lot of arguments for a lot of different players um it’s going to really be fascinating to see what happens I do think if he’s available I will say I I do think it’s going to be probably billus if I just it makes sense I think guys like kingan and Shephard are probably already going to gone I just see buis as like I just think he fits a lot of what Detroit is looking for right now and a lot of what they need especially on the wings so I’m interested to see what Detroit ends up doing um especially if they do last minute decide to make a coaching change so it’s going to be a fascinating next couple weeks you know I’ll pose a question here because I know we’ve talked about trading up trading back in the draft we’ve had some reports on teams that are interested in trading up uh there are teams that are interested in moving up potentially for Donovan kingan if he’s still available and it feels like Detroit could be a potential trade partner there if klling in’s still around at five or if Ray is still around at five and there’s a team that really wants them I mean I think one of the the popular names that gets brought up in this idea would be the Portland Trailblazers there’s you know been rumors since ever really ever since he’s left that the Pistons would love Jeremy Grant back what would would you say to the idea of trading the fifth pick and whatever else for for Jeremy Grant and then Portland who has a couple first round picks already you know if you can get 14 and Jeremy Grant uh back for five I don’t know if the Pistons would have to put something else in that deal you know I don’t know how Portland views Grant’s contract they know he signed a massive massive deal with them under the impression that Damen Lillard was still going to be on the team when he signed that contract obviously that’s no longer the case Portland’s definitely in a rebuild of their own right now was bringing back Jeremy Grant taking on that contract using that cap space and then sliding back you know Seven slots or nine slots in in the draft is that is that work for you do you like that idea are there other teams you’d be looking at trading with does a team like Memphis maybe make sense I I think the problem with the Jeremy Grant thing is like you trade for Jeremy Grant yes you get you still have a draft pick a decent one but not a great one um does Jeremy Grant really really make you that much better and then you have $30 million still to work with but look if you use that $30 million and then and we’re going to talk about this right after this discussion um and then you end up extending Kate Cunningham this off season I I know you still have him for one more year but like next year you’re a luxury tax team like you’re in the luxury tax next year and I I just think that that’s for a player as much as I enjoy Jeremy Grant he’s going to be 30 one next year he’s yeah he’s about the same age as me trying to think we were both at Syracuse at the same time we were both freshman um yeah so he’s he’s gonna be 31 um again I like Jeremy Grant but no do I do I really think that that’s a mon of difference no I think you need to get I just think you need more players like more good players and I think you need some younger vets like we discussed last year like I’m more into the idea of like Malik monk um I’m more into to getting guys that where you can yeah you’re gonna have to pay him about maybe a little bit less maybe about the same amount as Jeremy Grant um but you can you just have more leeway in the future like if you need to trade off those contracts it’s going to be way harder to trade a 33y old Jeremy Grant than it will be to trade a 27 28 old Malik monk I just think that’s the reality of the situation so no I mean I’m I’m somewhat into it if it’s the right package but for Jeremy Grant I don’t think so what what would you be into from like a Memphis side of things because I don’t see you getting Triple J you’re not getting Desmond Bane you’re not getting you know any of those guys who do you think you would feasibly get from Memphis that would make you want to trade back real quick on on Portland just because I’m actually on the opposite side is you so I think it’s worth sharing the perspective is I would be in on that deal um because I think like yes jery Grant actually does really help them like if you’re talking about guys like Tobias Harris being a potential option for the Pistons and free agency like I’d much rather have Jeremy Grant uh I guess the only upside to taking on Harris is that it would probably be a shorter term deal whereas Grant still under contract through uh the 2026 2027 season and then has a player option for the year after that so if you want contract that’s to be fair I’m not saying I’d like to spend that money on toas Harris like there’s other guys just to be clear absolutely and the thing is you could get Grant and and you still have cap space to work with now it gets trickier because it is a considerable trunk of that cap space and you know as I’ve said before the Pistons need more than just one or two guys to add to this roster this summer so it’s trickier but you’re still getting a a a lottery pick back and that’s you’re paying him less money than you would the fifth pick you might still be able to get someone that’s being mocked to Detroit uh in these these draft that in these mock drafts that we looked at like there’s a world where Cody Williams is still there at 14 I saw a report Ron Holland could be out of Lottery you know so I think you could end up with someone worthwhile at 14 that could still help you and you’re getting a guy in Jeremy Grant that can certainly help you I won’t spend too much time on that because I know it’s a very you know it probably has a lot of people feeling a lot of different ways I’m curious what everyone thinks please let us know in the comments is everyone usually does we love that kind of stuff so I’m very curious what everyone thinks on that idea because I I I think there’s some Merit I think there’s some value to that idea um for Detroit moving to Memphis I think if you get memphis’s pick back I I’d love to get Marcus Smart I’d love to see Marcus Smart on the p I mean I don’t know how realistic that is and I you know I don’t know what that would mean for Detroit’s guard rotation I don’t know what that would mean for jayen Ivy but I think getting a leader a defensive minded guard just a a a guy that you want on your team like Marcus Smart is is the epitome of that and yeah I would sign up for that in a minute to to take on memphis’s pick at what are they at are they at N I believe they’re at nine um so I I would do that I would absolutely do that I don’t know if that moves the needle for Memphis I’m not sure what the situation is uh with Marcus Smart over there I know he really didn’t play all that much last year I know he was hurt and I don’t know if there was maybe like a hey let’s not rush it back you’re not really in our plans anyway type of deal so I would sign up for for the for trading back with Memphis if you can get someone like Marcus Smart I you know I don’t think there’s a world where Luke canard’s coming back to Detroit so I I I wouldn’t even pose that idea and you’re not getting any of of memphis’s young Wings you know GG Jackson Vince Williams those guys are just they’re just not on the table for they’re they’re better prospects than you know probably anyone in this class honestly so uh if you can get Marcus Smart I would I would definitely look at that if I was Detroit both Vince Williams and GG Jackson could have been Pistons by the way um if just just saying uh I like Vince Williams a lot too probably more than than GG Jackson but that’s not the point uh you know Marcus Smart I think that’s an interesting idea he’s making what 20 million um he’s only signed through 2026 so it’s still a fairly short-term deal uh I do think that there is some appeal to that I guess I would ask would you rather have Marcus Smart at that contract or would you rather you know he’s going to be what 3 31 30 yeah 31 by the time his contract ends so like that’s a perfect time to get out from that or would you rather pay somebody like Malik monk let’s say 28 million a year God NBA contracts are just so difficult to make sense of now like for four years like I I’d much rather have Marcus Smart because he he fits he fits like a a serious need for them like the Pistons were so bad on the perimeter defensively the you know as much as we talk about you know the shortcomings of Jaylen Duran defens ly like the it was a conga line to the rim you know Kate Cunningham Jaden Ivy uh they did not play good perimeter defense the Pistons did not play good perimeter defense they invited guards to get into the paint and and try to score at at the rim and and when you do that you know Jay uran’s not going to be able to stop everything so as much as we talk about the the shortcomings of of him defensively like the Pistons perimeter defense was worst perim defense that I’ve watched in recent NBA history so I when you’re talking about the contract you’re talking about the money you’re talking about the age of the player you’re getting out of it out of his contract at 31 years old like yeah i’ I’d absolutely take Marcus Smart and and maybe that makes it possible to just kind of transform Jaden Ivy into look can he take that sort of Malik monk career trajectory where he just maybe turns into this volume scoring bench scorer comes in and leads second units can start for you if Marcus Smart misses some games which he tends to or if Kate Cunningham misses some games which he P too so I I think it it it makes sense for Detroit to to look at that because then you’re also getting a you know that that Memphis pick that you can use on a player that helps you as well I guess I just worry like he can’t shoot like the guy’s just not a shooter you know with Marcus part Detroit needing shooting yeah like I mean but that’s that is always the issue with all of these hypotheticals is like any guy who comes in and solves one issue doesn’t solve the other 15 issues that exist on this roster that’s why it’s so hard and like why I think people who are like oh we need to trade for a star like we need to take a big you know you need to to take that huge swing for the vents it’s like dude this roster is just not there there’s just so many holes um which I think actually kind of leads us into our next topic which is Kade Cunningham’s contract extension and and that is coming up uh he is extension eligible this off season uh I think think I’m not going to speak for you but I think both you and I do expect him to sign a contract extension with the Pistons for I believe it would be what five years $226 million um that’s a long time and that’s a lot of money um let’s shoot you might be tuning into this because you clicked on my tweet uh where I ripped into Mike Valente and Rico beard uh for just spouting off of the mouth saying that Kate Cunningham wouldn’t play over Al Horford for the uh for the Boston Celtics Brain Blast Jimmy Neutron uh they play different positions that’s just not how the NBA Works um and I see a lot of people saying hey $226 million is he worth it for a little bit of context there and and I’m gonna ask you your opinion on this the cap hit that that would be which would be $45.2 million a year would would put Cade as the 19th highest played played player in the NBA in terms of average salary kind of high not that high do you think you know and and that’s not even counting all the other players that we’re are going to sign for agent contracts extensions of their own so that probably would go even lower actually if we’re being honest with ourselves uh over the next year Aaron do you think that this is premature to talk about extending K Cunningham do you think it’s a necessity like some people do or do you fall somewhere kind of in the middle I don’t think talking about extending Kate Cunningham is premature whatsoever in fact if I were the Detroit Pistons I would be praying I can get him locked in this summer I I would pay him the max hands down with no worries in my mind you’re talking about a 22y old coming off the season where you 23 points seven and a half assists four rebounds and 45% shooting and 35 and a half% three-point shooting at 22 years old who are the Pistons going to spend money on who is coming here who is going to Detroit that is near the level of player that Cade Cunningham is I’ll sit and wait because you’re not gonna have an answer I’m GNA be sitting and waiting for a very very long time I don’t understand how you can can look at the team like this is where to me even the numbers say he’s worth the money as well but this is where if you watch the games I feel like you’re gonna very clearly be on the side of pay Kade Cunningham Whatever Whenever if you don’t watch the games I still don’t know how you look at his stats and be like yeah that’s not a guy worth that money go look at the guys that average the the the numbers that Kate Cunningham averages and tell me how much they’re making and tell me where they’re where how they’re guarded across the league uh Kate Cunningham’s worth every penny of the max extension the Pistons are not going to get a player uh near his level in free agency and they’re probably not going to be able to trade for a player of his caliber in free agency unless they use Kade Cunningham to get that caliber of player I I can’t believe this is a discussion I’m not surprised that the the the specific Talking Heads have that sort of mindset on it uh I wasn’t surprised by that takes whatsoever but it’s crazy to me that that we’re sitting here having this conversation because if Kate Cunningham walked in the door and said as soon as I’m extension eligible I want to get together and I want to sign it and I want to announce it I’d be saying absolutely yes you know we’ll call you a 1201 as soon as you’re eligible like I I don’t understand how this is is even a discussion I mean I look I I’m in the same boat as you I think it’s just like you pay him I don’t think there’s any question you’re not going to get anybody better whether it’s via trade or if you are in some reason insane enough to just let him walk as a free agent uh all Greg Monroe or something like that like no this ain’t Greg Monroe Kate Cunningham is a stud and look you’re gonna get people who say ah well you know they won 14 games last year that’s his fault of all the problems on the Pistons I think that Kate was the only non problem for the Pistons for the majority of this season and I think you can look at you know perhaps his overall efficiency last year um you can look at wind shares or whatever if that’s your thing if that’s what really gets your rocks off like go for it big dog but uh I’m not looking at win shares I’m looking at the last 37 games of the season when he stopped playing next to Killian Hayes who is by the way out of the NBA and probably will never get another NBA contract again um as his starting backcourt mate and you move Jaden Ivy who is not been amazing last year but at least is an NBA player kad’s last 37 games 23.6 points 7.8 assists 4.6 rebounds three turnovers and I think that’s a very very important thing as well people talk about Cade like he’s turning the ball over six times a game didn’t happen once he got an actual NBA player next to him and they gave him just a modom of spacing the the turnovers went way down and I think you look at the efficiency in that time period 47% overall from the floor 38% from three on five attempts per game 86% from the line that’s that’s an Allstar guard right there and so the way I look at it is if you can just give him an actual NBA team give him that money he’s going to be worth every single penny of it by the time it’s over and and within two three years it’s going to be a great contract for your team I I just don’t see why you wouldn’t pay him I don’t get the argument for not tra like trade him for what what are you gonna trade him for I I just don’t get it like do you really honestly eron like what do you think they could get back in a trade for Kate Cunningham two first round picks like two mid lottery picks yeah three I don’t even think it’s worth playing that game because if you undervalue kid Cunningham’s trade value then you’re almost proving the these people’s points saying he’s not worth the money but I mean I don’t know what he would be worth like my it just comes back to me as like I don’t know how you look at him or you look at his numbers you look at you know how he plays and say he’s not worth it know everyone will cry about his turnovers well he ended up averaging 3.4 turnovers per game uh last season that was 0.1 more turnovers per game than he averaged in his second season but he averaged an assist and a half more this past year than he did in his second season so his assists went up by one and a half per game and his turnovers barely Rose he averaged 3.7 turnovers per game in his rookie season so still down from his career high uh people will talk about the injuries only played 62 games last year let’s be honest folks for all the adults in the room if the Pistons were in any sort of contention whether it be for the play for playoff spot God be for a title one day Kate Cunningham would have played the final seven games of the year so he would have been at about 69 70 games played rather than 62 and if you’re getting 70 games out of a player in this day and age that’s very freaking good so he was very healthy last year all things considered I mean it didn’t make sense for the Pistons uh to to to play Kate Cunningham when they were playing for absolutely zero last year and playing a bunch of G leaders uh so I think that’s a stupid argument as well you want to talk about extensions for guys like jayen Ivy or Jaylen Duren and questioning the validity of those that’s a different discussion those are worthwhile discussions you’re talking about a guy that is probably going to be an All-Star next year it’s putting up fantastic numbers that very few players in the league are able to replicate you sign him to that Max sanction because he’s the best thing to happen to this damned franchise in the last decade since Blake Griffin honestly I mean it’s a no doubter that that you keep k Cunningham because he is the best player that this team has had since Blake Griffin’s 201819 season I mean and he’s only 22 years old so he’s going to continue to get better he’s going to continue uh to to be a more effective player and and Kade if you listen to Kade talk like you hear a leader you hear a young man mature for his age again I think it’s hard because we so often just view these guys as as grown men playing basketball Kate Cunningham is 22 in a league full of guys that are 28 30 32 and he is one of the most mature one of the most vocal leaders that has been on this team in in recent years he has that leader mentality he has that that energy of a leader dare I say that aura of a leader um it makes no sense to me I know I’ve said that probably a dozen times during this conversation but I still know there are going to be people that try to say he’s not worth it and good luck Fielding a team next year without Kate Cunningham on the roster I mean 14 wins you’re looking at 10 wins if you’re lucky this is ridiculous and I and I another thing that I’ll say is you know I’ve heard people say well he’s not he can’t be the best player on a championship team that is completely irrelevant like it’s completely irrelevant to the conversation guys who are not the best players on their team get paid Max contracts that’s just the way the NBA works these days like look you you you can just look at the names of players who would be getting paid more than Cade would next year tell me if any of these guys are the best player on a championship team Carl Anthony towns Damen Lillard uh Bradley Beal Tyrese Alberton Jimmy Butler damata sabonis none of these guys are the best player on a championship team but that’s the way the NBA works the way that the contracts play out even if you don’t believe that Kate is the guy like the guy in that Luca tier it doesn’t matter you still pay him this money because that’s the way that the NBA operates so to me there’s there’s really no logical argument for not paying him this um even if you don’t believe that he is the best player on a championship team even if you don’t believe that he is a perennial MVP candidate whatever it is it’s still a good contract to be completely honest with you if you can lock up a guy from his age 23 to his age 28 season for what is going to by his second year into it be top 25 barely money it’s a no-brainer it’s just an absolute no-brainer even if he’s not a top 25 player even if he’s top 30 it’s a no-brainer so to me there’s just really no no logical argument you can make against paying Kate Cunningham he’s 22 he has improved every single year he’s cut down on the bad things he’s improved on the good things um yeah there’s just like there’s a clear upward trajectory for him even if the results aren’t there all I ask is like don’t worry about the money you’re spending on Kate Cottingham worry about the money you’re spending on the rest of your roster because that is how this team can actually get better not by trading away their best player and and I think another point I’ll make here is look at how he’s viewed across the league like from opposing coaches opposing players like he has talked about in such a high regard and people in the no understand the type of situation that he’s in and how well he’s handled it when you look at other stars I mean Fu heck look at Zion Williamson in in New Orleans like look at look at how his first years in the league have gone I mean do you think he would have handled playing in Detroit playing for these rosters uh the way that Kate Cunningham has the guy has gotten you know hit in the face a million times and taking it like an absolute champ now I I I would be more you know uh I I wouldn’t be surprised if if a player in his situation would be like look get me out of here I’m going into year four you haven’t given me a roster worth my time get me out and he’s not we haven’t heard that there’s no indication that that’s the case there’s some indication that things could change if if things don’t change for this team but that hasn’t been the case Kate Cunningham has been all in on on turning this thing around and being part of turning this thing around and the Pistons haven’t held up their end of the bargain so that’s that’s what what would matter more for me or or sticks out more to me is like Kate Kate Cunningham’s been more than willing but has been very very uh you know tried and true in trying to help change things in Detroit and the franchise hasn’t done enough uh to to to help him and to help turn this thing around it’s it’s not the other way around it’s on the Pistons not Kate so the Pistons should feel blessed that Cunningham uh would if he is would be willing to sign that Max contract and they should get it done as soon as possible yeah I think we’re in total agreement on this um there’s just there’s no real logical argument to not pay him the rookie Max is not something that you give to a player because of what they’ve done it’s something you give to a player because of what you believe they can do um and frankly they’re lucky he hasn’t made an All-Star team or an an all NBA team because they’d have to pay him a lot more if he did so they better be hoping he doesn’t make an All-Star Squad next year um even though I think he’s very much going to be in contention like this is not like a Tyrese Maxi not Tyrese Maxi a Tyreek Evans uh type deal where a GU guy comes in and he’s awesome as rookie year and he’s got some flaws and then it’s the year years go on those flaws get exposed more and more it’s been the opposite with Gade he came in he had certain flaws that he struggled with and he’s improved upon them even within this very last season so yeah I mean I’m sure somebody multiple people are going to disagree with us and say we’re stupid because the Pistons lost won 14 games last year and therefore Kate Cunningham is not a winner um but you know go off that’s that’s all I got to say to that go off enjoy I will be sitting over here pristine Serene uh enlightened in the knowledge that I have so a 22y old averaging 238 and four a game and people trying to wish him off this team uh you guys like pain you guys like losing I don’t know I don’t I really don’t know I think that’s just a a hilarious discussion I did not think that that was going to be something that we actually had to to talk about on the podcast at all like I felt like it was a pretty foregone conclusion that Cade was worth every penny he he’s able to get but when the most prominent Talking Heads in the city bring it up and you find out that there are some people that also feel that way it really makes you wonder but I’m glad we talked about it I’m glad we shared our perspective because I think we need uh some some better perspective than what was shared by uh some of the others in the media space all I’ll say is this if you’re a native New Yorker who is as a Boston Celtics fan shame on you shame on you have some have some have some pride have some coones man Boston Celtics fan from New York city that is Despicable do not trust that man he does not deserve that that’s horrible horrible can you imagine God it’s like it’s like a you meet a kid from an arbor and they’re an Ohio State fan it’s like what what’s wrong with you dude get out of here they exist though they exist though it’s it’s weird because I’ve met a few of them it’s very very weird uh it’s it’s strange on the other hand if you’re from Columbus and you support U ofm uh yeah of course obviously that’s yeah obviously that makes a lot of sense I would too oh man Jasper we’ve got one more we’ve got one more podcast before the draft uh we’ve got one more podcast before the draft we’ve got one more op opportunity for the Pistons to make something official on the coaching situation before the draft I’m not going to say hopefully we know something by next week because I’ve said that the last few weeks kind of thinking that we would have something by then and we haven’t but man uh at the same time I kind of hope we have an update next week to talk about because outside of the draft there’s there’s just not not a whole lot that that can really be talked about until that major major decision is made one way or the other on Monte Williamson I don’t know like had you’ve had some time now you’ve met with them you’ve been around is he staying or is he going I don’t think uh people are asking too much to know one way or the other what the future holds for for Monty Williams with the Detroit Pistons I just I think he’s staying man I said it two weeks ago I just it’s a lot of money dude it’s a lot of money and like I just as much as Tom goris says he’s willing to open up the pocketbook it’s a lot of money and I think it just makes sense for them internally to be like hey look you know if we can improve the roster somewhat maybe Monty actually watches game film on his players this offseason they can talk themselves into it or maybe it’s a situation where like they’re hoping JJ reic ends up you know turning down the Lakers job so he can stay in Elementary School uh and the Lakers are forced to trade for Monty Williams for like a second round draft pick or something so I don’t know maybe they’re negotiating a buy out but I said it I I think they’re gonna stick with Monty at least until something happens this year like during the season I think he can get fired during the season but I think he’s gonna be the head coach going into it so sorry there seems like a good time with a new leader in charge to to make that change but I don’t know it’s time goes on it makes you wonder if something’s actually going to happen so we we we’ll see on that we’ll see on that uh before everyone goes before you sign off look Palace of Pistons podcast whatever you’re watching wherever you’re listening just a like follow subscribe whatever you need to do on on wherever you’re watching or listening from please do it it’s free for you and it helps us super super tremendously please take that 10 seconds there uh leave us a good review leave us all that good stuff tell us what you think in the comments tell us what you think about the Jeremy Grant idea tell us what you think about all the the different mock drafts who the Pistons are taking at five who do you want the Pistons to take it five should they keep the pick should they trade the pick tell us all that because we like getting the feedback we like knowing what our listeners are thinking uh and if they’re agreeing with us if they’re disagreeing with us you guys might tell us something that makes more sense to what we said so definitely let us know also before you go hit up House of pistons on all the social social channels I can speak English sometimes I promise Tik Tok Instagram Facebook Twitter Palace of Pistons go give us a follow on all of those pages that is going to do it for this week’s edition of the Palace of Pistons podcast brought to you by leave thank you to our sponsor bet online use code believe bav for a 50% welcome bonus on your first deposit with bet online for my co-host Jasper appon I’m Aon Johnson thanks so much for listening to this week’s edition of The Palace business podcast we will see you all next [Music] week wit

On this week’s edition of the Palace of Pistons Podcast, Aaron Johnson and Jasper Apollonia are back to discuss the latest surrounding the Detroit Pistons. First, the guys review several mock drafts from various NBA Draft experts and publications. They look at who Detroit is taking in these mocks and discuss whether they like or dislike the pick. Then, the guys debate whether the Pistons should or should not offer Cade Cunningham a max contract extension this summer.


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POP: After Dark (Apple):
POP: After Dark (Spotify):
Aaron Johnson:



*I do not own the NBA or college basketball footage used in this video. Its use is intended for the purposes of commentary only, under the guidelines of fair usage.*


  1. I really appreciate you guys making the point of our guards not playing good perimeter defense. As much as fans critique duren and Ivey, Cade is an awful perimeter defender too. It’s hard on a young center. I don’t think duren is as bad defensively as they let on.

  2. This is crazy too me..if Ivey started this last season I'm sure he would of ave 20 ppg he didn't start 30 games smh why is nobody saying that..and cade career from the 3 point line is 32 percent if the pistons pay cade who else could we add so at the end he still will be playing by himself we are n a bad situation.. hopefully cade is what y'all think he is or we are going to be bad for the next 6 years

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