@Toronto Raptors

Pitching six Toronto Raptors Fake Trades | Bruce Brown to CHI or ATL? Dillon Brooks to Toronto?

Pitching six Toronto Raptors Fake Trades | Bruce Brown to CHI or ATL? Dillon Brooks to Toronto?

on your Friday episode of lock on Raptors it’s a fake trade Extravaganza as we dig into six fake trade ideas some good some bad some terrible some very realistic and some absolute pipe dreams on today’s show thanks for hanging you are locked on Raptors your daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day [Music] hey what’s going on and welcome to another episode of Locked on Raptors part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day it is Friday yeah Friday June the 14th I’m your host Sean Woodley I’ve been covering the Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various platforms you can find all my work over on the hell website at Woodley Sean you can find the show on Instagram at locked on Raptors and of course you can join us in the locked on Raptors Discord server baby a great place to come hang out talk draft talk finals talk Raptors it’s a lovely lovely little Community we got building around the show you’ll want to be in there on draft night as I’ll be doing a live voice hangout throughout the draft um so would love to see you in there be part of our growing listener Community there over on Discord free to join as always Link in the description of the podcast of course you can support the show on the audio side of things by following subscribing rating reviewing on your audio app of choice it’s much appreciated when you do that to support the show you can also go to YouTube to support the show subscribe to the lockdown Raptors YouTube channel while you’re there there’s a little button with a bell if you hit that little button with a bell it will give you a push notification every single time the show is about to Premiere go live which is a great thing so you never miss a second of the action you can join the live chat with the sickos in there uh much appreciated to all those who support the show however it is you choose to do so and if you haven’t yet do it please today’s episode is brought to you by prize picks the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to loock innba use the code all overc case locked in NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 and we get rolling here on your Friday edition of the show going to have some fun with fake trades with a lovely guest making his second second appearance on the show uh widely uh acclaimed for your first appearance way back a couple months ago it’s our pal zelfie shake from sportset from the CBL uh Raptors rep public all over the place zelfie how’s it going brother I’m good man I’m excited to talk excited to get ripped to shreds by you and other people for my trade ideas but that’s the fun of trade scenario half of them don’t make a ton of sense but you you have a glimmer of hope and see what happens so I’m ready for it look man I’m going to give you no quarter today uh you know often times in the lock on Raptors Discord people will pitch really really bad fake trade ideas and I will eviscerate them I’m going to do the exact same to you today uh on ones that I think are bad you can do the exact same thing to me as well but of course people who listen to this podcast know I’m the best at fake trades all my fake trade ideas are really good all of yours are bad these are the rules we’ve set the terms let’s get rolling shall we I’ve assigned you some homework coming into today uh we each came up with three fake trades one that’s like pretty realistic maybe even boring just like you know okay that could happen that’s normal uh one that’s maybe a little bit in between unrealistic and realistic could happen if the stars align and then a sort of pipe dream Pine in the sky this is never happening kind of trade we’re going to get into all those uh let’s start look we should start exciting that’s good podcasting but I want to build over the course of this one and I do think starting with realistic trade ideas is not the worst idea in the world so let’s start with you what you got for your first fake trade idea uh I actually don’t know the order uh that I’m expected to bring these up on screen uh but you’ve given them to me tell me what is your first fake trade idea what you got selfie yeah my first fake trade idea is a deal with the Chicago Bulls so Bruce Brown and the number 19 pick for Lonzo ball and the number 11 pick and there’s a couple reasons why I think this is realistic one there was reporting coming out the Raptors want to move up in this in this draft at least that’s what’s been coming out recently to when the season ended Messiah jery basically said we need a bit of everything talked about backup point guard he talked about Wing dep he talked about a backup big that they can build with as well so clearly they’re just out to acquire talent and this is under the premise that the Raptors have a guy in this draft and they want to move up to get him jumping above some of these other really good drafting teams like an OKC or like a Miami I think is the best way to do that and this I think makes sense for both sides one for Toronto obviously you’re getting a capable backup point guard obviously we understand the biggest question mark for Lonzo ball being his health he’s on track to return and when he has played he fills multiple needs for this Raptor team he is a great point of attack Defender he is a elite three-point shooter he shot over 37% from three in about three of his Seasons his last year before he got hurt he was up to 42% so he can space the floor pretty well too and he’s obviously a capable passer so I think in Darko ball if BR Lonzo ball is healthy I think he fits much better than whatever Bruce Brown did last season and he’s just very capable in that sense and then also it’s like go get your guy at 11 you can jump up if there’s a guy there that is either dropped or somebody you’ve been targeting that you don’t want to miss out on I think this is the way to go about doing it we’ve already heard in the past the Raptors were big on Yannis and Ted kumbo they missed out on him they were big on shil just Alexander they missed out on him this is your chance to potentially not strike out a third time and go make it happen why works out for the Bulls it’s not sexy but nothing about this franchise is they are totally okay with being a middle of the- pack team and Bruce Brown will exactly do that for you obviously he is likely to be more available at least this season than Lonzo ball he’s going to be there and play they don’t have a ton of wing depth as it is when it comes to the Bulls demaro Rosen is a free agent Patrick Williams is a restricted free agent you don’t know what you’re doing with Zack LaVine he might get dealt he might not we don’t know what that situation is and then you’re left with pretty much Tory Greg and Alex Caruso so if you’re a team that wants to cash in on those two extra playin games of ticket Revenue this is the way to do it at a guy like Bruce Brown who can keep you confident who can keep you afloat again it’s not sexy but this front office has been very clear that they’re okay with this and not tearing it down and I think that does that for them you still get the 19th pick so you’re still going to be able to draft in a relatively decent range and who knows if a guy falls or not and I don’t think they really need one of the players that falls in this range there’s going to be a lot of guards in that 11-ish range you already got aunu you already have Kobe white so I think this makes sense on both sides it’s not the most realistic but for me it’s it’s at least a little sexier than a Harrison Barnes and Sacramento deal is kind of like what I saw it as yeah I I look I think this is interesting I’m not going to rip you to shreds for this one because it does avoid the one thing I’ve been fearful of which is the Raptors moving up by packaging their two picks I think that’s a horrible idea an absolutely Dreadful no good idea I think having multiple shots in this draft is the best way to optimize your shot of getting a guy or two who can be part of the plans going forward I would not be putting all of my eggs into one basket or one pick in this draft that avoids that um I think my sort of hangup is I just don’t know if we can count on Lonzo ball to play basketball uh and be the Lonzo ball of old after two and a half full seasons away from the game like you know Instagram video of being back on the quarter one thing we’ve seen that with Ben Simmons plenty I I just I don’t know if I actually think that Lonzo ball can contribute more to the Toronto Raptors next season than Bruce Brown could and frankly I think if you flip Bruce Brown at next year’s deadline you can probably get something pretty comparable to the 11th overall pick in a bad draft right like I maybe I’m overestimating the value of Bruce Brown coming coming around deadline time but I think the options to trade him will be more when you go through another transaction cycle and there are more tradable contracts around the league teams are in different situations they find themselves looking at the deadline at of Bruce Brown who’s expiring as a potential nice rental before he comes off the books and gives some salary relief like I I I just I don’t know if Lono ball is going to offer enough to the Raptors on the floor like totally if it actually works out and he can play basketball I think it’s a great call he fits with Emanuel quickly in the back court uh there’s all kinds of interesting things you could do with him I just don’t know if after two and a half years away you can bank at all on Lonzo ball being close to the player he was before and if that’s the case like it’s you know it’s a little trickier what’s the contract situation with Lonzo again he’s got one year left okay’s player option Bruce is on a team option so very similar and that’s the thing to a part of this deal it it is low risk in that sense where if it doesn’t work for the year you one don’t bring him back or two the other part of this is kind of speaking to your point like there is absolutely that big question Mark and there is a bit of Hope in this idea of LW ball being able to come back and the reason why I think that’s also something that makes sense for the Raptors is because they have talked about this not being like a five to six year rebuild it’s more of like a two to threee process and in terms of Expediting that a little bit at least efficiently I think you have to try to take a couple of these marginal swings to see if they pan out for you at least that’s my Approach on it and Alonzo B is a case where one again if it doesn’t work out because of his availability you move on it’s a onee expiring that’s fine but if it does work out you can probably retain this guy on a cheaper value deal I’d say because I don’t think he’s going to come and exceed that value of his previous contract so you bring him back you resign him for a couple Seasons at a lower value then that’s one of those swings where like you look back at like it’s not the exact same scenario but like the contract of look a Dante D venzo like great value for where he’s at he’s overperformed it already and I think Alonzo ball if healthy again it’s a massive if is one of those swings that you can look back on and be like this paid off massively and Expediting this process for you so I think the contracts do play a role in that and I absolutely ConEd the fact that this like relies so heavily on Lonzo Ball’s Health which we haven’t seen but hey people were interested in this idea of Ben Simmons but at least Lonzo looks like he like he wants to play basketball or at least he’s interested in being on the court when he’s healthy it’s his body that’s kind of not there his his mentality his attitude is all there and I think that’s important for this too the Ben Simmons people absolutely sick in the head what are you talking about stop this now uh quit it it’s not happening it’s done it’s over it’s cooked stop uh yeah Lonzo ball I I’ve been talked into this one I like it I I’m not sure the Bulls go for it necessarily but if this happened I could get on board uh if only because they’re not doing the thing where they’re packaging multiple picks to move up uh and I the point about like jumping ahead of the stupid Thunder and heat also a pretty good one um not bad zie not bad out of the gate I can tell you though I’m going to rip you to shreds for the next one you’re going to pitch and I’m very excited to do that uh very quickly here I’m going to pitch my sort of realistic one it’s pretty boring uh Bruce Brown to the Atlanta Hawks for DeAndre Hunter straight up no picks just guy for guy the reasoning for this is the Hawks get off the DeAndre Hunter contract which is a bad contract look DeAndre Hunter is bad he is not a good player he does not really Drive winning basketball all of that but positionally he’s someone the Raptors could really use he’s 6 fo8 he in theory can play solid Wing defense he would be probably the best perimeter defender on the team uh you know from day one which is damning with faint praise but he’s better at that than anyone else on the team is right now would allow Scotty Barnes to stay at the four as his main position so he can be that low man help guy on defense where he’s best um and Bruce Brown goes to the Hawks they can even decline his option if they want they get some salary relief they get off the deal I messaged Brad Roland have locked on Hawks about this one and he said extremely reasonable I could totally see that happening I don’t think there has to be any pick attachment here I know a lot of raptors fans are like DeAndre Hunter Bruce in a pick no DeAndre Hunter is not very good you can probably get him on a negative value contract where he’s paid north of 20 million bucks for the next three years just for Bruce Brown what do you think of this one uh any reason to not do this I mean the reason is DeAndre Hunters paid it moreth than 20 million bucks for the next three years but is there enough upside here and sort of rej juggling of the positions to make it worth it for you yeah I I think in the sense of like it fits a need more than anything like you said it’s it’s not it’s not the flashiest thing but for the Raptors maybe they’re in a their point of view is that we don’t need to be flashy we just have to fill some holes and I do think that small forward position is a glaring hole for this roster right now a lot of what you have last season and even this year outside of trading OG on and Obi was basically like we’re gonna make a guy fit in this spot that isn’t really a positionally made for a small forward position so I think this obviously meets that need but honestly I would I wouldn’t say the rap need to throw in a pick I would tell the Hawks to throw in a pick if I be honest they don’t really have many picks to throw in is the problem but that’s true they give them all the away for dejonte Murray which is insane to think about uh but the thing is yeah like you’re taking on a negative contract for the most part as we can both agree with DeAndre Hunter you’re giving them back an expiring deal it puts the Hawks in a much more flexible position and they’ve been rumored to either rebuild around Alex SAR we don’t know what’s going on there but it gives them the options they need they get off this contract the Raptors then eat it three-year deal isn’t the worst especially for the the Raptors will have some cap space to move but it does also take away some of their flexibility so in that sense if I was the Raptors I would try to finagle for like a second round pick at the least to try to get some extra value out of it because usually that’s how these deals go right like I take your bad contract from you you you sweed in the deal a little bit for me so I think in that sense I would want to see at least something attached to it for taking on this contract because DeAndre Hunter is one of those guys like you said he’ll fill a need for now but the Raptors are very quickly going to be looking to change that or like flip him or replace him or whatever it’s just he’s GNA be a stop Gap and for a stop Gap I gotta I gotta sweeten the pot a little bit I don’t hate that um the only pick that I I did consider making them throw in the the the Kings top 12 protected pick from the Kevin herder trade that they do have um you know that’s and maybe this changes if they trade one of Trey or dejonte for a bunch of picks and they have a little bit more to expend um you know I I feel like that’s maybe just like a bit of a too far reach even though those Kings picks might not even convey anytime soon because the Kings could be a bottom 10 team next year very easily with the Western Conference as good as it is um but yeah I I I uh I think there’s something there DeAndre Hunter non plus non pluses me to no end but uh hey you know your Beggars can’t be choosers here we’re gonna come back on the other side zelfie get into uh slightly more realistic trades that could go down this offseason we will do that in just one second Today’s Show is brought to you by friends over at prize picks where you can turn $10 into $1,000 by simp simply playing daily fantasy sports the way it should be it’s very simple all you got to do with prize picks is pick more or less on stat projections for a given game for two to six players and watch the W winnings roll in if you are correct it’s as it should be it’s not you against some expert in a basement with an unsalable lineup it’s not you against a thousand other lineups in a big league or anything like that no it’s just you against your own ability to be correct picking more or less on stat projections prize picks is America’s number one fantasy sports app with over 5 million active members get in on the daily action with your friends and become part of the prize picks Community today the finals means more on prize picks and so do the star players you get boosted on payouts on select 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hate it yeah it is a deal with the Oklahoma City Thunder I can see why you might not be a fan of it because it is trading away yakob purle the Raptor starting center for a combination of Josh giddy Jaylen Williams no not Jay dub the really good Jaylen Williams but the serviceable other Jaylen Williams and uh the first round pick from this year’s draft by Houston which is number 12 and look the reason why this feels less realistic to me and way less realistic but still possible is because this would be contingent on one very clear thing from the Raptors they are completely tanking this is a tanking move this is a move to say that we are conceding this year we want to be bad next year we want to get a lot younger also and again the Raptors and Messiah Jer have talked about like we need just about every other position uh dealt with besides what Scotty barns has to offer so you get a backup uh point guard in Josh giddy he can potentially even start alongside emania quickly if you need to I think yeah that goes Super well yeah yeah Fair uh I think he he he’s he he’s a spacing issue for the most part and we saw that for OKC but again like you said with the DeAndre Hunter Beggars can’t be choosers to some degree and I think he will at least fit darkle ball as a Defender for the most part and a ball mover Jaylen William Willam is just adding size to this team again they just don’t have depth in the front Court he is again he’s very young I believe he’s 21 or 22 so he would fit the timeline a bit you’re not trying to bank on Jaylen Williams in this deal this is more for the pick if anything again it’s this idea mostly of getting your guy you jump up a couple spots in the draft again you take ok’s pick so they’re not outra you Miami is not out drafting you and uh you able to get get younger again this is this isn’t making a lot of sense if you want to win I completely understand that by just the about every metric there is yaka Perle makes you a more winning team but if you are a team not interested in winning next season and that very well could be the case with a guy like Cooper flag in the draft and a draft that’s supposedly much better than this year like yaka purle like frankly is an impediment to tanking he’s just too good and too impactful for that so if you are looking to get into that range of those high draft picks trading yako prto will make a lot of sense you would get much younger much cheaper and I think for OKC this is quite honestly a no-brainer you want a center of with some strength and rebounding alongside Chad hom I think he fits that and I think for OKC is interesting in the sense that like getting rid of Josh giddy probably also elevates a case Wallace’s role who you saw get more minutes in the playoffs and for them I’ve seen this idea of getting AA hardenstein in the free agency market and that’s totally possible but his value quite honestly based off the this playoff and what the market is at is going to be higher than what you’re paying yaka purle and I get you’re gonna have to give up some assets for him I think isai hardenstein will get paid more than that but yaka PTO is a guy you can get on a bit lesser value and then you can still keep paying the other guys that you need too with Chad and jdb eventually so I think it makes a ton of sense for them as well again I I know you know you won’t like it I know a lot of people won’t but this is just purely if they are tanking and I think that is realistic enough in the future where the Raptors could pivot in that direction that I wanted to throw it out there because I think yaka purle is one of their most valuable players at least trade-wise besides Bruce Brown so it’s you gotta at least think about trading [Music] him I love you zelfie but I hate it for so many reasons number one uh it’s wildly unrealistic because Sam pry trading a first round pick he’s a little freak he’s a little sicko he can’t have enough first round picks unless he’s trading them for more first round picks he’s just an absolute psycho um yeah I look people know me I think tanking sucks I think uh there is a lot of damage you do to your team your franchise your relevance your development of your other very important young players if you go and try to lose games next season it may happen that this Raptor team is pretty bad anyway in a loaded League where the West is going to have like 15 good teams and the East is all sorts of um you know middling competitive or whatever um they could very well be in the high Lottery anyway or at least in sort of the range they were during the Scotty Barnes draft year where they were seventh I think and jumped up to Fourth like I I don’t think they necessarily have to go trade yako purle to go try to be bad if that’s what they really want to do well there’s a will there’s a way oh yaka purle cut his finger cutting making an avocado toast oh no he’s out for three months now you can really go and do that if you really want to I just think trading yaka purle and not having a ready-made replacement and I’m sorry Jaylen Williams is not that it just sets your whole team up to be in disrepair it sets your team up for failure it sets the development of Scotty Barnes and Emanuel quickley and RJ Barrett and Grady dick back because yaka purle is an agent for development for your young players he’s a hell of a screen Setter he’s a play finisher uh he’s a short roll guy he can run you know half their offenses run through dribble handoffs involving yakob purle you take all that out and you totally nuke your developmental environment I don’t think you can do that on top of uh Josh giddy Hide Your Kids uh don’t have him coming to town no thanks um I I I just and also like another pick in this draft 12 19 and 31 that’s a lot of picks in a draft I know I said I want more picks in this draft but three rookies coming in that feels a little Rich for me and I I just think you know and that’s maybe that’s dumb maybe that’s a bad thing maybe it allows you to get more creative and flexible with you know picking up future assets and whatnot um having young players is fine building a shadow core is good but I think at the expense of yaka purle it’s just not a gooda idea for the health of the franchise even if maybe there’s a pathway for them to go and try to be bad next season I think they can do that and still have yakup ptle on the team to facilitate the development of everyone else and Jaylen Williams is just not a good enough replacement for me it’s a noo for me suie I’m gonna pitch you a good trade that’s about to happen um all right this one I teased to you yesterday when we were texting back and forth that I was going to involve maau bridges in a trade and I think maybe the inclination was O Raptors are going to get Bridges no no no no no but he is involved in a three- teamer that I have concocted here with the Houston Rockets who have been rumored to be lusting after Macau Bridges here we go we’ve got the Raptors getting Dylan Brooks from the rockets and Dory infin Smith from the Nets the Rockets get maau Bridges Chris buet is salary matching and a 2027 Lottery protected first from the Raptors and the Nets get Bruce Brown Jaylen Green from the Rockets uh a 2024 first rounder which is the third overall pick from the Rockets that’s the Nets pick going back to them uh another one of the Nets picks going back to them in 2026 and a second rounder uh this sorry the Raptor second rounder number 31 overall so the Raptors in total send out bue a future Lottery protected first and a second rounder in this year’s draft for Dylan Brooks and Dorian finny Smith Brooks with three years left on his deal around 22 million bucks would be an absolute glov likee fit defensively next to RJ Barrett obviously has the pass passport Everyone likes as well and then Dorian finy Smith gives you some more Wing depth to come off the bench um I think this trade rocks and should happen for all three teams involved what say you zelfie I think it’s really fun I really like this idea of a three team trade I I’m with you you kind of banged it out of the park with this one and uh I I one I think it’s maybe the only unrealistic part about it is the fact that Houston and uh Brooklyn would do a deal again after Houston stole the number three pick from from Brooklyn this past season but I I think it’s fun I think every team gets a bit of what they want it’s funny that you have uh J you’re trading for Jaylen green if you’re Brooklyn when you have Jaylen gream at home in like C Camp Thomas but I think it it works in the sense that the Raptors fill their needs maybe it’s a bit more like money you want to tie up for the next couple Seasons than some people would hope in terms of being flexible but I I think this team is okay with that in the sense that they have the c space to do it they want to be competitive and again this is just it’s all a matter of perspective it’s very clear you want to team or you think this team can be competitive a lot sooner rather than later and if that’s the case adding guys like Dylan Brooks and Doran fin Smith are very like they can do that for you very quickly they’re going to be winning players they’re gonna be impactful I don’t know how much Houston wants to go away from a guy like Dylan Brooks but hey if you’re getting male Bridges back and you think he can he can pair with this uh Team or at least with Alper shenon in Houston I think that can be a lot of fun for you Chris bu will hopefully get the play in Houston which he just didn’t really get to do in his last season in Toronto so that’ll be something fun for them as well I think this is a fun trade it gets every team a bit of what they want you’re going to have to have all of them kind of like wanting to help each other out which may not be the case but I think I think I think it’s fun and I think it it gives every team a bit of what they need yeah I mean for the Raptor side of things yeah I’m of the mind that you should be trying to get players who fit with Scotty Barnes and Emanuel quickly uh starting now I I I’m not I’m not of the mind that the only way to procure the talent they’ll need going forward is via Lottery balls this coming season uh trades are a thing and as they assemble more of a shadow core of prospects which maybe gets harder if you’re trading 31 you know you can quibble on the picks like I never know how to balance picks properly in these trades so maybe the Raptors don’t even have to send that pick over to uh the Nets like you know again we can debate the picks or whatever but the pure principle of it I think makes a lot of sense for everyone uh and Dylan Brooks like look man you set up a three-year Runway of Emanuel quickly under under contract Scotty Barnes under contract yaka purle RJ Barrett Dylan Brooks all under contract for the next three years you can just let that team go and figure out what it is if you trade Dorian finy Smith down the line you could probably get a first back form him at some point or at least a decent second um he’s going to be someone who’s in high demand especially uh not this year but next when he becomes an expiring guy uh you know everyone’s always going to be in the market for a Dorian finy Smith um he becomes your new sort of Bruce brownie site you know type trade chip the reason the do it is they clear some money uh for this coming summer or not not the 2025 summer where it seems like they might want to go free agent hunting and all of that um like and they get obviously Jaylen green and a bunch of picks back from the rockets in this deal I think the Raptors they’re kind of like the the Cavs in the J in the Jared Allen situation in this one just kind of getting a good player or two for helping facilitate a deal salary and stuff wise and so yeah I’m uh I’m in man when I noticed that Dylan Brooks Bruce Brown and maau bridges all make like the exact same amount of money more or less I could not stop until I made this deal happen in the trade machine I’m glad you don’t hate it uh and frankly I hope GMS are listening to this because this trade would be super fun for all involved and uh man oh man Kelly alen RJ Barrett Dylan Brooks all on the same team what a fun time that would be all the Canadian little all little Canadian sickos would be so so happy with that too um all right we’re going to come back in the side zelfie get into two unrealistic trades uh yours boy oh boy I’m excited to get into that we will do that coming up in just one second Today’s Show is brought to you by friends over at LinkedIn jobs when you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for the role that’s why you got to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs has the tools to help you find the right Professionals for your team faster and for free LinkedIn is not just another job board LinkedIn has a vast network of more than a billion with a B professionals which makes it the 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today 247 is our all day streaming Channel which has locked on shows all a live long day you don’t want to work that’s okay put on lock on sports today 247 get the low down on all the biggest stories and sports from our local experts our national host it’s a lovely thing go check it out all right let’s close it out here we got insane pipe dream trades to get into here zie uh I will give you the floor once again tell me what you got here for your insane pipe dream trade for the Raptors what is your greatest and loftiest dream for the Toronto Raptors this summer yeah uh I I don’t know if it’s my lofty dream like I am dying for this to happen I kind of just took the idea that you said this was a pipe dream or unrealistic and see what what I could do with it and play around with and it’s funny that you involved this guy in uh your previous trade as well but I making a deal with the Houston Rockets with the Toronto Raptor straight up it is a Bruce Brown Chris bue and I threw in the 31st pick I don’t know what I’m doing with picks I just thought it might sweet in Deal a little bit to be quite honest for jayen green of the Houston Rockets and first of all why does this make any it really doesn’t to be quite honest I don’t think either team does this for the most part but why I think it can happen is Houston a notoriously like I don’t want to say cheap team but a Frugal team let’s say obviously they did throw some money at uh Fred Van valed but that was the first real case of them doing that and paying some of their vets but they don’t necessarily like spending more than they need to and you have Alin shenon and Jaylen green both coming up on extensions rookie scale extensions that is and I don’t necessarily know if they want to pay both of those guys and changuna I think has shown to be the piece to build around foundationally and you can see the pairing between these two hasn’t exactly been the most fruitful so far Shang and Fred Van bleet have been more effective in their minutes together than uh Jaylen green and Alper and shanon have for the most part so I think with this idea of like getting bets and making this push they are gonna Houston is going to be willing to move on from a guy like Jaylen green so they can pay Shang and there’s also the fact that they have the third overall pick in this year’s draft if you can replace Jaylen green with a guy that plays more within the system is less of a volume scor can kind of seamlessly fill that position without the demands or needs that is I think that’s something they consider because you can easily replace them since you have the third overall pick which jayen green was so I think that’s an easy kind of fit to replace him with if you’re Houston and then you kind of move on from this again I making this up for the most part but there has been some reporting of like tension or baggage for lack of a better term with Houston and Jaylen green with his situation there so I think if it’s one of those things where it’s a quote unquote disgruntled acid toxic acid whatever you want to call it this is a way where the Raptors in the past have done where they can swoop in and kind of get a player of potential Max star value and that that’s really the appeal for the rappers here you’re getting another young Dynamic player who is GNA be able to obviously he’s coming up on a contract year you’re gonna have to pay him which might be the dicey part of this but if you’re giving away these contracts in Bruce Brown Chris bue and a potential draft pick that you might have to get under contract I think it’s a way to kind of free up some space to do that and you’re doing this before the salary cap goes up before players get even more expensive and again I’m kind of trying to just make up reasons here for this to make some sense uh but uh I think uh beyond anything else is jayen green right away will be your best shot Creator I think that’s one of the things the Raptors just don’t have right now Gary Tren JR this past season if you if you want a guy to go get a bucket for you in an ISO situation he was arguably your best player in doing that and I don’t think the Raptors if Gary Trent Jr moves on have another guy like that and quite frankly I love Gary but having him as like your best like shot Creator is probably not a recipe for Success either so having a Jaylen green who can be that ISO player when you need him to be and have try to make him fit in dark b ball maybe it’s a bit of what they did with RJ Barrett kind of making more of AET positive in the team environment setting I think it’s something you can try to hope for again I don’t you said pipe dream right I don’t know how realistic this is but I think I think it’s fun enough that like if you’re G to take a swing I looked at Players around the league that are probably quote unquote disgruntled that you can trade for and Jaylen green was a guy that fit and his situation made sense to me yeah I think the Rockets probably hang up immediately with they not being like more draft Capital here as much as it might be like a disgruntled situation I think they can probably get more for Jaylen green than a couple of expiring contracts in a second round pick um I I do like in principle the idea of trying to buy low on a disgruntled star potential Star right like I’m not sure Jaylen Green’s the right guy I he I think he would present a bit of a dicey fit with quickley and Barrett I think you run into all of the defensive Wing issues we’ve talked about a little bit earlier today um and so I’m not super sold on green being the right guy to go and Target but at the same time like you just kind of need talent and yeah maybe that’s just a way to go procure some um you know it feels like there’s got to be a first rounder in there probably two to for hon to actually consider it like would you go that far for Jaylen green like it’s because you’re right with with the way the roster set up it would be kind of my hesitancy on that I tried switching picks around I first had the 19th pick in there then I was like is that too much for jayen green and that you’re right that’s the question like how do you Value jayen Green he can he can poten potentially be a really good play he’s already a 20 point per game scorer in his third season in the in the loaded western conference with a lot of guys on his team but uh I think if you are sold on jayen green which is the biggest question mark that then then you do it because like when you’re not going to have many other opportunities to get a star player like this he’s from Scotty Barn’s draft they can maybe build some chemistry he’s super young obviously as well so I think you would hope a 19th overall pick could kind of give you the value that Jaylen green has had to this point and I think you’re right that maybe this is not enough for Houston but this is under the premise but like the same with the Quai deal was just like we are trying to move on from this yes they got an Allstar back into Mar Rosen to be fair to your point but I think it’s one of those things where you’re trying to buy low on a guy and see if you can take advantage of the situation if you’re the Raptors uh so I think I think I’d be okay with the 19th pick I threw in Jac lale coming back from the rockets at one point just to be like let’s get a backup big in response he’s under contract for three years again freeing up some money for Houston because they’re generally a Frugal team so there’s there’s minations you can change with this but this is kind of like what I settled on for the simplicity sake uh but but yeah I I do think that I’d be okay with throwing in that 19th overall pick if that’s what it took to make the deal happen I mean I yeah I think like both 19 and 31 for Jaylen green that still honestly feels kind of light to me if I’m the Rockets like 19 and 31 they’re nice picks are any is anyone you take there going to have the sort of potential to be a star that Jaylen green has I know he has his warts as a player but super duper athletic shot creation uh it’s a hard thing to find and he’s 21 years old I I think um in a different context you know I think him and Scotty Barnes have a relationship like that would be like I I think it’s still got to be more honestly I don’t hate the idea but I I I think you’ve come in a little bit light this is one where if if Rockets fans catch wind of it those notably uh insane Rockets fans of which there are many uh your mentions are going to be in absolute hell for a day I would say um but I don’t hate it it’s just I I I think it’s it definitely checks the box of unrealistic let’s get to my last one here another Banger uh I just I’m really high on my own Supply I guess um this one look I know there’s all the sort of talk of oh the Wolves got to go and trade Carl Anthony towns they’re just too expensive what if they don’t what if they instead get ahead of it with nas Reed and say hey this guy’s got a player option in a year he’s absolutely declining he’s going to get expensive and we really like towns we think towns is the upside player we saw a little bit of the sort of limitations of NS Reed defensively in the playoffs against the Mavericks and all of that so I’ve given you this and it’s the only instance in which I would trade yakob purle is if they’re getting a real starting big man back here we go we’re going the Memphis Grizzlies another three teamer the Grizzlies receive yakob purle the Raptors receive Luke Canard and NZ Reed and the Timberwolves get a little cheaper they get Santi Alama to kind of replace the nas Reed archetype they get a 2026 first rounder from the Raptors the Pacers pick that they got in the SE yakum trade and they get a top 10 protected 25 first round pick from the Memphis Grizzlies so two first in Santi Alama for Nas Reed for the Wolves the Raptors give up purle get Canard and Reed back and The Grizzlies give up a first in Santi Al dama and get themselves yaka purle what say you to this one zelfie I I don’t hate it like I think uh for the Raptors I it’s interesting Canard again a spacing kind of like lengthier player he can kind of add some size there as well I love Nas Reed for all his defensive like deficiencies that you get to see like he got torched by nicoa yic sure that’s about everybody in the league that happens to yes right and uh uh the Mavericks yeah great two uh big man tandem there with Derk lle and Daniel gaffer totally fair he has defensive weaknesses but offensively he is a special player obviously coming off a six-man of the Year season I think he can add some versatility and depth to this line up obviously sorely missing offensive punch from your bigs besides Scotty Barnes and yaka purle is great he can do some of the the dirty stuff but he’s not a perimeter presence he doesn’t space the floor quite honestly at all so I think this idea of adding yaka per sorry adding Nas Reed is a lot of fun as well I do like that for them I’m kind of curious from the other two teams I understand this idea of people wanting yakob on the Grizzlies I’m curious what you have to say about this I don’t know how much I love the fit with yaka purle I know they gave away Stephen Adams but I don’t necessarily know they needed to have that big there jiren Jackson at the five seems to work for in some capacity for them it makes their lineups more interesting I just don’t know if adding another space eating big to that team when John Mor is a guy that likes to get downhill and operate makes the most sense I can see it potentially working I don’t know if it’s my favorite idea and for the wolves like for what they’re giving up they’re getting a couple picks in San doer place nazre I guess maybe you don’t want to pay him I I get that argument for it but they get a couple picks back for a win now team I’m not sure if that’s what they’re sold on in terms of kind of making this deal happen just to save some money on NAS Reed granted they are very top heavy with the guys they have paid so maybe they have no choice but to do this but I’m not sure if that’s their favorite deal either but in principle I do like the idea of this te this kind of like being maybe what each team needs not necessarily what they want right yeah I think with the wolves like it’s sort of an investment in the long-term Anthony Edwards thing where you get a couple extra picks to sort of replenish the cupboard for when he ascends even further into his actual Prime instead of this sort of early Prime that is hitting um you know it’s it’s almost planning for the Post goar era or the time where the goar era or the gobear trade maybe starts to bite you and those picks you gave up start to become a thing that’s hanging over your head oh well we got a couple extra picks we can kind of replenish things with around jayen McDaniels sorry Jaden McDaniels and uh and Anthony Edwards you keep towns as well who like I think is just like a better player than Nas Reed full like straight up he just is I know he’s expensive um and with Alama like I’m pretty high in Alama I think he can be like a pretty nice sort of standin for what Nas Reed provides and so I do think it makes sense from the wolf side of things they save some money which they clearly are you they’re very horny to do over there it’s just what Glen Taylor is like um who knows what the who the actual owners are going to be there and that’s like look the Wolves shouldn’t be trading anyone they should just keep their team together but the ownership thing I think makes a whole lot of things in play yeah and with purle on the grizzle is like I think it’s been proven that having sort of a big beefy Center next to jiren Jackson Jr Works doesn’t mean he closes games right like you can close games with Jackson at the five but you got a weather 82 games I think yaka purle offers a little bit more in terms of like playmaking and passing and whatnot connective stuff than Stephen Adams Even did as he was kind of getting you know over the hill a little bit near the end of his time with the team and obviously all the injuries crept up on him too um I think yaka purle jaar rant pick and roll can absolutely be fruitful I mean just like those heavy screens getting jaw going downhill pretty effective stuff Yak can finish around the rim with the best of them um you know and they’ll have Marcus Smart back Desmond Bane’s a great shooter I I think there’s enough there the Luke Canard piece of this like he’s just salary filler I think Luke canard’s pretty bad and he would just be mostly like a Gary Trent Jr standing for a year or whatever um but I I think the real sort of reason you do this trade if you’re the Raptors is Nas Reed is 24 years old fits beautifully next to Scotty Barnes um and even if he isn’t your long-term starter at the position he can be next season you see what you have and you figure it out from there but either way having one of the best three-point shooting big men in the league on your team is a nice thing to have and so that’s kind of the reasoning all around here um you know I I I think the once again man I’ve done the the work for the GMS all I got to do is pick up the phone and do the paperwork and they can you know venmo me their money for the the work I’ve done um anyway man this was fun thanks for jumping on zelfie we will have to get you back on again sometime this offseason more fun with fake trades or you know something else where I don’t roast you the entire episode whatever your personal preference is maybe you like it either way what do you got for the good people out there that you want to promote yeah again I just want to thank you for having me on I’ll before I promote anything I just want to preface I understand these may not be the most realistic but I wanted to have some fun with it I wanted to kind of Advance the discourse we’ve seen a lot of similar trades no offense I’m not adding Andrew Wiggins contract to this team just for most of stop doing that you sickos go to bed take a nap go for a walk put the trade machine down yeah I don’t care if he’s Canadian I’m not giving him 80 million over three years or whatever it is it’s just not happening uh for me so I want to do something different take some risks see what happens so feel free to roast me as Sean did that’s okay that’s part of the job and that’s what you enjoy but in terms of promoting anything my social media handles are zior Shake which is seen here on the screen as well Z Fior sh i k uh just continue to support my work I’d really love that I’m doing a lot of stuff for the CBL I’m a beat reporter there right now as Sean mentioned the league is in full swing a lot of fun stuff is happening and hey some Raptors connection Jaylen Harris uh former Raptor draft pick in the second round he just put up 45 points setting a new league record in the CBL with the Saskatchewan Rattlers he did it on a game-winning three as well very dramatic stuff very fun League I would highly recommend you check it out it’s supporting my work I’m still freelancing with sport sportset as well so anything I do there would love some engagement with but yeah please follow let me know what you think hate or love my idea that’s okay just let me know love it man thank you so much for taking the time thanks for being a good sport as I am the trade machine Tyrant that I am for everyone else in my life as well not I didn’t just save it for you I promise but thanks for for coming along coming up with some good ideas the Lonzo ball Bruce brown one’s not so bad it’s it’s pretty sound thinking get Josh giddy all the way the hell off my team though uh we will leave it there thank you so much uh thanks for rocking with a longer episode here close out your week we’ll be back again on Monday I think maybe VC Jacob will be back got to text him I know he’s still doing the Cricket World Cup tour but uh we’ll get him back on the show soon if not next week we’ve obviously got draft stuff I think next week I’m gonna actually assemble my big board that I’m hoping the Raptors follow to a te at 19 so we will have that and uh so much more to get into as we continue the pre-draft coverage here just uh what as of recording this 12 days left pretty exciting stuff either way have a wonderful week everybody we’ll talk to you Monday thanks for hanging byebye

In Episode 1658, Sean Woodley is joined by Zulfi Sheikh (Raptors Republic, CEBL, Sportsnet) to run through six fake Toronto Raptors fake trade ideas that run the range from super realistic to absolute pipe dream. Off the top, Zulfi pitches a trade between the Raptors and Chicago Bulls involving Bruce Brown, Lonzo Ball and an exchange of draft picks, while Sean also has a ho-hum Bruce Brown deal that sends him to Atlanta for a flawed wing who addresses a positional need for Toronto. Next, Zulfi engineers a deal between the Raptors and Oklahoma City Thunder involving Jakob Poeltl that makes Sean’s blood boil, while Sean puts together what is being described as the Fake Trade of the Summer — a three-teamer between the Raptors, Brooklyn Nets and Houston Rockets that lands another Canadian on the Raptors. Lastly, Zulfi pitches Sean on a supreme buy low on a member of Scottie Barnes’ 2021 Draft class, while Sean puts together a wild three-teamer that lands Naz Reid in Toronto.

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  1. If you think Raptors are going into the year tanking you havent been paying attention to how Masai operates. That first trade is an abomination.

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