@Boston Celtics

Celtics look to sweep Mavs in Game 4 of NBA Finals: Paul Pierce says ‘it’s over’ | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Celtics look to sweep Mavs in Game 4 of NBA Finals: Paul Pierce says ‘it’s over’ | NBA | UNDISPUTED

taking Boston and giving Dallas one point is the best bet of the century the best bet of the century listen Dallas is broken skip psychologically I mean psychologically devastated like you’re not going to play a close game in a game like this if the Celtics go up early I’ve been in a situation I’ve been sweat before and I know just psychologically it could be damaging when the other team gets up you’re just it’s it’s just it’s discouraging and you fight and you fight you like you’re looking at the uphill battle and and and the reason why this is a great great bet is because when the Celtics win they win big skip they win they win and we’re talking about three times this year by 50 plus they win they’re winning at an alltime clip listen to this though right now 10th all time in playoff differential points that’s before the merger after the merger they’re seven so we’ll go with after the merger so seventh all time and then when you look at the the NBA history look at this list every team that had double digits in point differential in the playoffs have went on to win the championship and I see it no difference now with the Celtics and that’s why I believe they’ll win in convincing fashion tonight I’m not sure that Dallas want to take that flight that’s a long flight to Boston that’s a long flight key three hours and he is you know they they probably like man we might you know you you know they already got vacation plans set up they they’ve been in the media the last day or day and a half talking about you know the team that goes up 10 three in the series 156 in zero so just psychologically all these things are just throwing at them they’re like uh Lucas complain to the refs they’re mentally broken it’s just so much going on Kyrie played his best game of the series they still can’t win oh you know the the media portion of the of the practice they didn’t even come out too it’s just too much it it’s just too much of a heavy load the matchup is bad the flight is long and you don’t want to get confetti rained on your head so you got tonight Celtics by I got Celtics by at least 15 15 at least 15 at least by the end of the it could go to 20 right it could it could by the end of the show it let me see something I might get a report that porzingis might be playing I don’t know if he if he plays I’m G push it to 25 okay 25 before zingis play all right this is over it’s over in convincing Fashion Place your bets put the house up on it call call your financial advisor get alone cuz this is the easiest money you going to make today say Doug Bo uh yeah it’s probably over with probably over with skip but you’re going probably not certainly oh this is certain because key I don’t want to hear that tone of your voice this is this is certain don’t don’t think about it’s nothing you’re scaring you’re scaring him with your talk it’s certain that they going to win it all but it’s not certain that they going to win the night okay I gotta see the first give me the first quarter and I’ll tell you what’s getting ready to happen by the end and you say well that’s easy to do no it’s really not but it based on if they up at the end of one let’s say by nine let’s say they up meaning the Celtics the Mavs they just G to pack it in at that point because they not there won’t be any real hope but if it’s tight in the first quarter they G to feel good they like okay maybe we could maybe we can win this game and maybe we can go back to Boston if you look at game two we had a chance in game two not in game one to come out of there with a W but we just couldn’t close it out the way we needed to yeah you you just don’t know how what’s going to happen I look at it different than Paul Paul as you say green glasses the Celtics no wrong I’m looking at it somewhat objectively you are because they could win game four do I think they’re going to win gave for I gave them a high percentage it just I need to see what they look like skip look like Paul is right about a lot of things that he said you are demoralized 156 and old that’s the people they see that every day they it’s in their face people asking questions hey man what’s it like to be down 03 and then hope that you can come back you know then you got the Luca effect then Kyrie did everything he could do they can’t win then you got Jason kid telling the world that Luca needs to do better so now Luca’s going to try his best to do what he’s supposed to do as a player but not talking to the referees will that ultimately affect his game because will he all of a sudden feel like he got foued and he turn to the ref get ready to say something and then realize oh I might not say nothing so he may be playing a little bit different all of those things factor into what the outcome of game four could potentially be tonight and I still think they got a chance but I’m picking his man one thing that let me tell you something they going to go on the half time you ever it Clos you have it Clos don’t think after after after the first quarter skip if you text me I’ll tell you I got to see it at half time they GNA be texting the wife texting the the the the the the person who sets up their trip assist Hey Hey listen y y’all can go home they wife in the stands or girl hey y’all can go home I’ll meet y’all at the house pack it up it can go that way it can go that way I can see it going that way for sure pack it up in half time you know they they they tweet at half time they look at Twitter they they text at halftime now y’all y’all can go ahead home you know they don’t want they don’t want to be part of this list of 10 that’s been swept in the finals they don’t want to be 11 that’s what I’m thinking yeah why would you but you’re still picking Boston right yeah because I’m I’m not stupid I may look the reason Kean Johnson does not gamble on sporting events is he needs to to sit and let it unfold and then he’ll tell you what’s going to happen got to let it marinate a little bit SK these websites these these they they betting sites they they won’t let you watch a quarter and then say I think all no they do now they they do now they do they do now they do now but the odds change the odds have changed dramatically after the first quarter but they won’t let you go in hindsight say look I’m not on the fence I’m just a realist to know that you actually can win skip they actually can win a game okay I want to get DRC boat Paul on the record straight up as saying the Dallas Mavericks are about to quit right before your very eyes that’s what you are saying in effect they are going to surrender they are going to say no Moss they are going to say right before your very eyes one two three Cancun we are done over and out you say they’ve already been on their computers last night they’ve been talking to their travel agents they have made their plans 100% tell them tell them ke maybe not all but there’s there’s some guys on the team that’s done there’s at least five of them that is communicated when they travel agent with somebody that’s having travel somebody is picking up the cars tomorrow to ship them back to where they live in the offseason okay so we’re on record they will effectively quit right before your very eyes if not they they have already quit mentally they they quit mentally okay here’s what I know porzingis almost certainly is not going to play and I do think that’s a big deal that’s a big deal I I just do because I thought it was a big deal last game because I saw Dallas play a lot more freely to the basket than they had been and I’m going to remind you that Dallas won the backboards last game 43- 36 that’s pretty W game before that too okay and they did and points in the paint in game three in Dallas 52- 36 in favor of Dallas okay and I have now watched back-to-back games in which the Mavericks made big runs at you in the fourth quarter and fell short and that’s why it is three to Zer and it’s 156 to Zero from this point forward but I saw a 22-2 run right before my I I think if my TV maybe it’s broken but I saw 22-2 I think it’s t Brook 22-2 I saw you blow a 21-point lead almost it went down to one point with 317 left and then I said it’s Kyrie’s time it’s Kyrie’s turn and and it wasn’t he he hit the wall at that point and didn’t do much else and Jaylen Brown to his credit was Jaylen on the spot and that putb of his off the Jason Tatum Miss was probably the shot of the game because it was demoralizing for Dallas to get right there and almost Jason misses a bad shot a forced up shot and it’s like we’re going to have the ball and go the other direction and we have a chance to take the lead and instead Jaylen puts it back in cuz I think it was Kyrie’s fault that he didn’t scream yeah he didn’t block him up here’s the problem with what you saying though for me skip yeah they won the game right they did and here’s the problem with winning the game they’re down three 0 everything would have worked if they if Dallas would have won and it was 2-1 now we having a different conversation the fact that they can do all those same things that you just said and win the game but they had 3-1 which means that they ain’t winning four games in a row okay I got that but we’re just talking about game four yeah and you can look at this two different ways two dramatically different ways the 22 to two Run Dallas can either be saying you know what we just started playing free as Lucas said yesterday we just started having fun if they come out tonight and keep having fun and go on some big runs against you you’re going to be in trouble tonight because they’re way better than they have played you can argue you’re better than you have played but I’m I’m I’m talking about just let’s talk about three-point shooting because you know what people don’t want to hear this but the God’s truth about most of these basketball games at this level they’re just three-point shooting contest it basically consistently boils down to that so I’m looking at three-point shooting so far and I’m looking at the Celtics are 43 of 127 yep that’s 34% it’s not very good it’s not up to their regular season standards cuz they were 38% the r season that’s a big drop off but they’ve taken 49 more threes in three games than Dallas have and the Mavericks have made only 22 of 78 that’s 28% so as as averages you have been from three they have been pathetic from three so what what you have is 43 to 22 that means they have made in three games the Celtics have F made 21 more threes than the Mavericks it’s hard to overcome that even though they almost did in game two they almost got back into it and they almost did in game three so my point to you is one of these nights and it could be tonight Dallas is going to start making three-point shots because they’re pretty good from three yeah and 28% well but but they have been pretty good in the regular season they were a top five three-point shooting they averaged 118 points in a regular season okay they have yet to crack a 100 that is exactly right I’m glad you brought that up yet to crack 100 okay they have not so they have averaged 95 points a game in these three games they average 118 that was seventh in the league yeah guess what they average they average 10 what five in the for the whole playoffs yeah guess what your squad’s been doing lately these last three games have you been noticing we scored over a 100 okay your team averaged 121 points in the regular season 121 so far against the D the no defense play in Dallas Maverick you’ve averaged 106 106 matter 106 106 you should be ashamed not you should be ashame Dallas should be asham 106 wait hold on just a second Luca doni plays no defense Kyrie plays little to no defense embarrassing 106 to 95 that means I’m winning 106 but but you’re you’re not scoring we are scoring huh listen 118 to 99 that’s embarrassing really like you can’t crack a 100 in the age of the NBA where fre free flow offense three-point shooting fouls called all the time and you can’t crack a 100 this that sound like when I play Skip like 99 points that might have led the league in scoring well 106 sounds like when you played for sure if you can’t crack 100 and something man if something is wrong the no offensive plan Dallas Mavericks talk about the no defensive plan the no offensive plan Dallas Mavericks or how about the the defense of playing Celtics how about that and if this is a Three-Point Contest like you said why why are we shooting 49 more because they can’t beat us in the Three-Point Contest so in saying that shoot more tonight huh shoot more and they GNA Miss more because according to the statistics as of today they’re shooting 28% and then you want to come on the show and say why don’t they play Tim Hardway Junior and Hardy well they did and what did they do they gave them nothing they threw the kitchen sink they didn’t play Hardy he played three minutes that’s play in three minutes I can tell you if you’re going to be effective or not Jason kid yanked him man get on out of here get on out of here man you can’t help us tonight poor Jaden Hardy get out of here get on out of here you can’t help us tonight so and saying all that man listen nothing’s going to change they threw the kitchen sink at the Celtics they played 11 guys they was like there’s nothing we can do they ran a Zone they picked up fo they they did all they can do Lucas crying to the refs what’s going to change mentally they’re broken how do you explain that you have averaged only 106 points against this sorry defense no the no no no because look since the All-Star break they’ve been one of the top five defenses in all the basketball huh yeah you you say no they they play defense now it’s the reason they got to the finals I I laugh at it because what y’all try to do is make individuals become Defenders and that’s not the case no it’s team defense team situation two liabilities both your guards are liabilities on defense how do you hold the Boston Celtics that explode on people to 106 a game how do you do well the reason we averaging 106 skip cuz look there’s 18 points not playing porzingis is not playing oh see that when he played how much how much did they score in game one when he played yeah oh I think they scored about 118 what was the final I think they scored about 118 scored 107 no in the game porzingis played in game one game one 107 was it 107 and he scored 18 and 13 I thought like they beat yeah they beat him by 18 okay 107 to 189 was up by you’re right you’re right boy they’re scorched them I don’t know you know what in the end I I hark back to what your favorite young player in this league the young Jordan said going into game four my favorite player well he is stop skip baby Jordan what did Baby Jordan say we just didn’t want to get swept am I right well that’s what he said okay that’s what he said in game four and what happened in game four W they came out and they said like here watch this they won but you know what they lost you know what there’s something there something different about that kid too because you see the fire in him right you see the Charisma I don’t see him complaining to the refs I don’t see him uh just just kind of like being a little mentally weak fragile fragile wait I I see him completely shutting down and disappearing in fourth quarters to to the point you act like you come on now we a’t going to do this skip you act like luuka didn’t dis disappear in these fourth quarters either well he didn’t disappear he just didn’t play very well it wasn’t like that’s disappear that’s the same thing that’s the same thing did quit shooting oh God what did he say after game four when he finally came to the party he said well tonight I didn’t go stand in the corner in the fourth quarter right who’s more likely to quit Ant-Man or Luca listen that’s a that’s a good question so you calling LCA a quitter no I a call him a quitter but I’m just saying call quitter I think I’m just saying it looked like just you a try to turn it listen oh God I’m going to go back on record here Luca is a bad you know what I can’t say those Li but I’m gonna you know what I’m saying he’s a bad that he just ran into yeah he just ran into you know just something that just tough to deal with you they are really good on defense I give you that yeah come on man you run into a bus saw right here yeah but when he decides you better look out and I think decide though cuz y’all keep saying when he decides hell when is he going to decide yeah next year you know when is he going to decide next year you know we call this you know what we call this skip key we call this smoking on that Dallas pack y’all going to run out of y’all goingon to run out of I don’t have any excuses I haven’t but I haven’t defended we got to just we just got to just call it what it is and and stop acting like his something different in front of our eyes with Luca with any of these dudes that don’t play well okay so who’s going to be the guy that’s step did he play well in the Western Conference playoffs he played well different St different style defense different style competition when you got to play both ends of the floor something Jaylen Brown spoke about prior to this serious okay some some who was he talking about well again who was Jay Brown talking about okay you know what Lucas said yesterday he said I’m not worried about our defense I’m worried about our offense so he’s looking at this number like 106 game you could win a lot of games against Bost worried about our defense so are you going on record saying that Dallas tonight will win by five or more points I just say Dallas will win this game I I’m not even going to give you points it they’re just going to win because you know what Luke is going to come out after being ridiculed all over the Internet for playing no defense ridiculed by Paul Pierce on Undisputed ridiculed he’s just gonna say watch this so skip so how how are you ridiculed if it’s factual that’s what I’m saying if I’m watching it and I’m looking at it yeah and dudes is blowing by you left and right and you standing there and you reaching so how do you explain 106 a game for Boston why why wouldn’t they score 150 because they missing their shots oh the the pace the pace is different the pace is different in the playoffs it slows down everybody across the they are missing shots everybody across the board scoring goes down but I can’t explain why this this best off offensive back court of all time and the most gifted and skilled players in the back court of all time can’t get 100 points yeah can’t get 100 points kid why not why is that tell us why is that why can’t they get 100 points this because you guys are really good on defense there you go you are there you go and you know what three games maybe it takes four to figure it out and all a sudden here it goes if shots fall though in the end if shots I’m just talking about one game I’m not talking about winning the series I’m talking about tonight so you satisfied win one game I’m not sad I’m just talking about tonight I don’t care about game five we’re just talking right now about game four I got Dallas so listen to this the commission the commissioner I think you do too in your heart of hearts I I but it’s not because it’s not because Dallas is better than Boston if I’m taking Dallas if I’m taking Dallas it’s just because Boston is just chilling because they got three in their back pocket and based on history it shows that no team is coming back so I’m good yeah I feel good I got I’m good Adam Silver be at the game you know he don’t go to a lot of games Adam Sil be at the game you know he don’t go to a lot of games right that mean it’s gonna be over Paul I mean I’m just saying like he goes to the games but he’ll be he’ll be there tonight for a reason for there’s a reason cuz the championship trophy is there the championship trophy going to be there tonight it’s going to be about 100 bottles of champagne got the ready they got they got ropes they they this is all stuff flew in today this morning all this stuff flew in today it’s it’s plans being made a lot of plans like Dallas on they side they making plans like hey travel agent we going to Bora Bora Celtics they like after the game we might fly to Vegas for a night catch a fight then fly back home next week for the parade gas up the duck boat it’s a lot of plans being made today it’s a lot of a lot of things going on today okay so man listen you can say all you want I love Luca Luca’s one of the games great he’s goingon to be a Hall of Famer could possibly a top 10 player all time but this ain’t it tonight he will quit he will say no Moss he will wave the surrender was Roberto was Roberto Duran an all-time great boxer was he I mean y y’all know who Rober I know you know who Roberto Durant is Skip do I know I was at this fight you’re talking was sugaray Leonard made him quit he did said no MOS because he had a game plan with which Roberto was not familiar he could not that’s what’s going on right here he got embarrassed and that’s what’s going on right here I’m glad you know that yeah I do know that so you have given me 12 points tonight I accept 12 points because keesan at the end of the show talked you I 12 there you go thank you very much for that so I have you can up it after you see the first first quarter you should up it you’ve got them by 15 so you should about 16 yeah oh by 60 it just went to 16 it went up again like like how the line moved when you look at it today would you give me 13 no no we keep it there I got 12 for one dinner cuz I’m about to lose another dinner on the series to you right but I got 12 I can I can cancel it out tonight with a close game that’s all I need thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Skip Bayless, Paul Pierce and Keyshawn Johnson preview Game 4 of the 2024 NBA Finals between the Boston Celtics and Dallas Mavericks.

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Celtics look to sweep Mavs in Game 4 of NBA Finals: Paul Pierce says ‘it’s over’ | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. Regardless of what they say about Luka he’s no quitter. Even when he fouled out, he had 38 pts. Emotions may have got to him that it affected his fouls but he ain’t no quitter.

  2. I’ll tell you how this game is gonna go down. Mavs get a 10 point lead early in the first quarter, Boston closes the gap in the second quarter down by 1-3 points at the half, they take the lead in the 3rd and are up by 7-10, then they pull away in the 4th. Final score 112-97, Boston sweeps

  3. I agree with Paul. If the C's go on a run, and they most certainly will, the Mavs will throw in the towel. Their body language was awful in G3. The Mavs are finished.

  4. Paul remember when Dray told you fans don’t love you like Kobe lol 😂 man stop cheerleading

  5. Skip has figured out how to still troll his co host , without going to far and being disrespectful . It still works maybe even better

  6. Paul should be handing out cigars to Key and Skip. Then maybe have a Friday night poker party….

  7. Play this game like a game 7! Anything can happen and it’s not over until it’s over. We almost beat the heat last year after being down 3-0 and forced a game 7. Don’t take the foot off the gas and get banner 18 tonight!

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