@Miami Heat

Miami Heat: Early NBA Draft Buzz | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: Early NBA Draft Buzz | Five on the Floor

the Flor my here the thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple SCS wear bubble frogs just like Buck said you in trouble y’ check the FL plan got it all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and P trust it’s F have the guts we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reason Sports Network all right welcome back to five on the floor I’m your host Greg sander tonight’s floor plan today’s floor plan depending on when you’re listening to this with me Brady Hawk we are going to dive into a little bit of pre I’m gon say pre-draft coverage because we’re not going to fully dive until next week to the draft we’re going to do some retrospect stuff but then we will dive into full draft coverage of the 2024 draft um but this episode we kind of wanted to update everybody on who’s worked out and talk about maybe what jumps out off the list you know if anybody jumps off the page or just guys we like in general we’ll do it by first round and second round before we do this is really really pertinent at this exact moment do you have a water leak and you can’t find where it’s coming from or you’re dealing with water mold damage in your home or business you got to call water cleanup of Florida 954579 356 for immediate assistance right now with over 60 years of combined experience Michael Robert their entire team they’re prepared to handle any size disaster any Leak Detection issues 24 hours a day 365 days a year after the leak is located and repaired water cleanup Florida will then clean dry and fully restore the damaged area water cleanup of Florida is a fully licensed insured and certified to provide the One-Stop shopping that busy homeowners and business owners require no need to bring in any other contractors they got you from A to Z start to finish service areas include Miami Broward and Palm Beach County call Michael anytime on his personal sale 954579 0356 again that’s 954579 356 visit the website you can follow them on Facebook Instagram check out their 70 plus five-star reviews on Google water cleanup of Florida if you got the Schmutz they got the guts and it’s wet down there in South Florida um Brady had to Trek through the rain to make the show on time uh in the in the floods flood zones as you’re driving I’m glad you made it safe the draft the draft is coming uh Heat fans I know on our on Discord everybody should be subscrib to off the floor uh check it out it’s 299 um we have a lot of great conversation there but also there’s Intel there’s updates there’s stats analysis and lately we’ve been talking a lot of stuff about draft uh about the draft and I’m G to use um a reference point there’s a list on hoop type of the draft uh workouts so we’ll start there Brady uh we’re gonna talk first round right out um a couple of which we reported on a couple of which uh the great Anthony Chang has reported on um and others that have just been on social media Etc and those are in the first round in no particular order uh Tyler Smith from the g-league ignite uh khle wear Center out of Indiana Zack Edy uh yall know who he is I don’t need to say much more about him for his college accolades uh Isaiah CER out of USC Bulldog point guard Devin Carter the son of Anthony Carter uh junior out of Providence and Ron Holland from the g-league ignite as well um also want to throw out I’ve heard Tyler KCK has been worked out he’s gotten first round consideration of those names Brady what are your initial thoughts on who they’re working out that are kind of mocked around 15 what are your thoughts on those guys and just initial takeaways as we kind of digest the list so far I’m sure it’s going to grow and before we say anything let me just tell everyone there I I guarantee you that there is probably a handful of guys that we’re not going to hear about that they worked out that they worked out and that might be the pick so just watch for the head fake y’all but Brady your initial thoughts yeah the fact that there’s a list out there of like guys that the heat like are linked to is pretty much tells you that none of the guys on this list are probably even in consideration um but with that said I think there are some guys that like when you name those first round guys like a lot of the guards and wings there are defensive minded players and I think that’s what fits is that even though we sit here all the time and talk about them needing the extra score they need the offensive punch and all that stuff they still want a baseline of of some level uh of hard noos defensive ability like those guys you’re mentioning like like Ron Holland Devin Carter uh Kier like all those guys have like that defensive Bulldog mentality that I think that just kind of Pops off the screen so it makes sense like if they were to go for a smaller Wing or guard that’s the way they would go so Devin Carter is the guy I think that a lot of people like kind of immediately go to especially because I don’t I didn’t expect him to jump up the boards this quickly like I kind of had a feeling he’d be there at 15 like pretty decisively and we’re kind of seeing now a lot of people don’t think he will be they think he’s right he has a guy I mean there’s a team out there that that kind of promised him a spot whatever that means like a lottery team pretty much saying that if you’re there we’ll take you um so that makes things interesting but I do definitely like him just because of that stuff we talked about defensively but he also has you know a weird looking shot but he’s a he’s a good shooter he does a lot of that type of stuff so if he’s there and with the Anthony Carter tie and all that stuff it just makes sense I think to to consider him at that level um but when you name those guys the guy I’ve been talking a lot about is Tyler Smith that’s the guy I keep coming back to I kind of started with him a while ago but I just think he he I keep saying with the Miami picks recently over the last few years like they always find something unique like there hasn’t been a like it was high upside with yic and high floor with h me so there’s not like they they’re not picking sides there like they’ll go on both sides true but I do think there is like a unique element like yic was just a different type of player there wasn’t anybody like him in that draft he was like a big passer ball hler at 610 so you go with that guy Hae because he’s unique just because of his ability to just step right in and play a role his footwork his all that stuff that kicked in so I do think when we sit here talk about some guys that fit Miami it doesn’t always end up being that it always ends up being like like they’re just kind of being this this Mastermind of trying to find a way to fit a different guy into their system and Tyler Smith kind of fits that for me like he’s a he’s not a I didn’t even know to classify him as a wing or a big when I was doing my like thread on Twitter because he’s 610 like he’s he’s a bigger guy 61 but he’s not really a big man but you I don’t know if you’d call him a wing but I just think that that tweener sense is just interesting and the fact that he’s super athletic uh can do things has a high upside offensively has the ability to shoot in the outside like I feel like they could definitely do things with them and everybody talks about it all the time they want somebody that could play in their own lineups but also play next to Bam and with this guy it’s probably easier for him to play next to him than maybe behind him but I do think he could especially Miami system like they they could put a 611 guy that has a little bit of a of big man history at the backup five spot for certain lineups or things like that so I just think he’s the guy that kind of pops for me a little bit just because I feel like he is different like there’s we’re going to talk about a lot of these different bigs uh they’re pretty similar like a lot of them like a lot of them that are in that range even do similar things he’s the only guy that’s a little bit unique in that sense so that’s just a guy i’ keep an eye I think it’s interesting you bring up a guy from the G League ignite I also was interested to see Ron Holland as a player that they worked out it’s just not I mean I see the defensive part of it but and Carter thing seems like a layup if I would say this Devin Carter should consider Miami a soft landing spot um that that’s basically as far as he’ll fall in the draft that’s that’s how I kind of absorb that situation um I I think Tyler Smith is an interesting Prospect I saw that um on uh Kevin o’conor’s mock draft he’s got a 7-1 wingspan 69 224 so there’s interesting stuff there versatile defensive upside those were some of the the point outs that he had shades of Charlie Villa NOA if any of the old heads remember him um I think that that’s an interesting name I also know there’s people in our Network that are big kle wear fans um and he’s a player that I think there’s been questions about his motor and I think those will be answered in interviews and in workouts and also to a degree watching tape and kind of thinking what you can maximize out of a guy so that’s an interesting other big man name um I don’t really get this Zach stuff frankly um I guess you got to do your you got to approach with due diligence um but uh I’m in I guess I’m also surprised that we we don’t see um that there’s some names missing here uh Tristan D Silva just jumps out at me as a name that I would expect that they’re going to work out at some point uh of these first round guys Brady who who have we not mentioned because I know you keep going back to Tyler Smith but is there somebody they haven’t worked out somebody in their range that you think uh maybe is a player we should look out for just a player you like in general somebody I know that’s been getting a lot of credit toward Miami and being tied to him I’m surprised they haven’t given workout is uh Jaylen Tyson like that that’s kind of the one just because he fits the mold of a lot of the guys we were talking about like a lot of those heat type players um but it’s been put out there that that Miami kind of likes him and I see why like he’s just uh all defense he has the energy it feels like in a way I was saying it before like if you were to find a guy to replace Caleb’s type of mold it’s somebody like Jaylen Tyson that could kind of Step In does not need a long period of time to kind of work him in it feels like he could kind of step in and play that role uh be that outside kind of spot up shooter that they’ll help off of and be able to knock it down so I think he’s one of them uh Jared McCain I think is another one just because of his pure shooting ability I he’s put on a lot of good showings at these combines and everything I know a lot of people don’t want to talk about guards and I understand why because of miam especially yeah so I I get it but I do think you said it like with Zach Edy like you do kind of due diligence I guess a little bit uh and then the other big man is evees Missy that’s kind of the other guy just because he intrigues me the most just because of his pure defensive like a lot of these guys have good shot blocking ability or complain drop he is absolutely super versatile like he is a very versatile big man Defender they’re they’re limited offensively but like I said a lot of these big men are going to be limited like I mean look every guy Miami picks up off their couch for a veteran minimum is limited offensively over the last few years so if you can get a guy that’s just that talented defensively I think the issue is when you’re saying well we’ve developed certain guys undrafted and gotten to that point are we going to use our 15th pick on a guy that’s just a defensive monster and there’s just limitation offensively I don’t know that we that that’ll answer based on do they really worry about positional need or are they really going best player available so that’s kind of the question I put there but I think he’s another interesting one um but I will say the because Greg I asked you this question on a playback a few weeks ago where I said what do you think Miami’s opinion on g-league ignite would be just because they feel like like a traditional organization that like wants like like a team to go through the college Realm everything and the fact that they do have two g-league ignite guys that are really in their range and are very like high possibilities uh of Ron Holland slipping or tyth being there I do think that’s interesting the fact that they are kind of looking into those guys a little bit more agree I think they’re kind of spreading their wings a little bit and that shows open-mindedness I like that um I the name the kid from Cal that you bring up uh the more I look around on the internet on these damn mock drafts and maybe they don’t know what the hell is going to happen he’s like a second round Prospect so it would be a real leap for um him to be taken at 15 I don’t know if you have a tradeback scenario or something like that um but you’re right it’s an interesting name I do think that they would be if they identify a player they like and if they they need to bring in a player that can contribute in my opinion because they don’t have the luxury of uh stashing guys they need low cost players that can contribute immediately when you have this topheavy salary structure so to me they got to go with a player who’s ready to contribute that’s why like um Mei I hope I’m pronouncing his last name correctly probably not um and wait till we get to these second rounders I’m G to butcher some names for y’all but um I just don’t know if he’s too raw for what they’re trying to do right now in the Jimmy era we will see about that um the that was just a quick recap of the first round I think we gave y’all some names to chew on go on go on YouTube um check out their highlights I admittedly don’t watch a ton of college basketball until the tournament rolls around um so I am doing a lot of uh catchup as well and I think that that’s pretty normal but uh at least we’ve given you some framework around guys that are in the first round or um you know just generally uh around pick 15 that you can look at for our next sponsor before we dive into the second round shouting out our official daily fantasy partner and that is prize picks y’all know the code five FIV this is where you choose more or less on all your favorite stat categories and all your favorite sports daily fantasy simplified sign up now using the code 5 fve to get your initial deposit matched up to $100 this is as fun as you can get in terms of uh daily fantasy sports in my opinion I’m doing you know NBA finals mixed with WNBA there’s MLB out there if that’s your flavor so log on to prize picks you can do it on desktop or download the app use the code 5 FIV to get your initial deposit matched up to $100 so second round guys um I guess I’ll kick us off with this list quickly um and I don’t know a lot of these guys I’m GNA be honest but I do have some Intel on on on a couple of them um that we can talk through uh nothing groundbreaking though nobody needs to like clip this and try to um aggregate so here’s some second round names Dylan Jones from uh was that uh Weber State Weber State he’s a junior um Kad Johnson out of Arizona Tristan Newton out of Yukon Zion Pullin out of Florida that’s a name to watch Boogie Ellis out of USC another name to watch uh K Kenan blacksher out of Nevada hope I said his name correctly apologies if I didn’t I have not seen him play to be frank Marcus domask out of Illinois Jessie Edwards out of West Virginia Tristan enaruna out of Cleveland State hopefully I did that name Justice Sam Griffin out of Wyoming and Joseph Gerard III out of Clemson that’s just a few names that the Heat have reportedly either scheduled a workout or already conducted a workout um I’m gonna be honest a lot of those guys I hadn’t heard of before I’ve heard Zion Pullin is um he has guys in the organization that are fans so that’s a name to watch point guard out of Florida senior point guard out of Florida um but what is what were your initial thoughts on some of those guys if any thoughts um and then quickly uh second round guys that you like we can just kind of go rapid fire on any names that you kind of have pinpointed in the second round and then I’ll do the same on the other side yeah so I’ll start here because kind of what I was talking about with the big men in the first round where I was saying kind of a lot of them are similar and we were just talking about kind of Mei being if you were to take that 15 it’s a bit of a reach even though Miami I don’t think Miami considers anything a reach just of just of what they’ve done in the past um but there’s like an example here when you named some of the second round guys which is Jesse Edwards like he’s a 611 big man uh that does a lot of the stuff offensively that some of these guys that we were talking about around 15 some of those big man do and that’s what I feel like Miami’s thinking that’s why when everybody’s like oh why wouldn’t they take a big man that’s what they need I think they go with like the wing to maybe guard but I’m more thinking the wing type player with that 15 pick just because they know they could swing around this second round pick or even undrafted and there’s big men that they feel they could develop in a similar fashion like I don’t feel like there’s a big uh difference to be honest between some of those guys like there there’s just limitations to a lot of these guys like Jesse Edwards is kind of the guy that pops just as an example because he’s a good roller he’s a lob threat he’s a putback guy he can he’s in the right spot defensively like a lot of things that you’ll see talked about for a lot of those other guys in the first round um a guy like that does and then there’s um you mentioned Poland I think that’s an interesting one just if he’s there like I could see Miami liking a player like that I’ve seen people like compare him to like a like a Kyle type offensive game like I could see that happening but then there’s another guy Tristan Newton like when I think of Miami picking somebody up he feels like a guy that could fall undrafted and Miami Scoops him up to run their offense in the summer league like that’s what I think of because he’s a guy that’s like high like a high IQ point guard passer type guy that just has you know just has good skills on the ball to kind of set guys up almost like and I know people don’t want to hear this comparison but like a like a summer league Drew Smith of this season like just a guy to put guys in the right spots play that point guard position in that rule so um look this is the you trust Miami probably on that Thursday two weeks from now in that second round day to the undrafted realm probably more than the Wednesday just because of how good they are in this range like when you hear some of these names now that you’re mentioning from hearing from different people from the second round to undrafted like that’s when I think we should really listen because I think when you start hearing that stuff it matters when you hear stuff about the first round guys it’s probably a smoke screen for a lot of the time um so I do think a lot of these guys are interesting but like I said with the first round when you Nam those guys a lot of the guys even in the second second round a lot of them are like strong bulky hard-nosed Defenders that are just going to be what they do every year in their summer league what they do every year in their training camp the next year where they put a couple guys in there just kind of play a certain role um it’ll be interesting to see what they do but I definitely do think the second round pick is gonna be interesting just for that reason Tristan Newton to your point Yukon senior um they have him Kevin oconor of the ringer as him mocked going 49 to the Indiana Pacers and uh he has shades of Delon Wright’s game so that brings that close to home um so I I see what you what you mean there um one of the guys that they’ve worked out that I think we should watch for is kashad Johnson uh senior out of Arizona um I think that he’s like the type of guy that if they got him in the gym um he could become a sculpted player and uh it’s uh similar you know kind of to uh the the big and now his name is escaping me that Indiana drafted in early in the first round um jeras Walker um I think that there’s um some similarities in their game so that’s a guy to watch but the other guy that I want to mention in the second round is a guy out of kraton his name is Baylor shyman and he’s a lefty shooter he’s a guard so this would be kind of different than your approach Brady that you mentioned about kind of going with the big with the later pick which they may do I think you make a ton of sense because some something we should consider is Haywood heith and Caleb Martin are not guaranteed to be back and you may need to replenish that and pick 15 maybe the way to do that so you to your point maybe they do go with a big which is needed um but if they don’t just keep an eye on keep it tabs on that name out of kraton Baylor shyan um uh I know that that’s a team that the heat uh scouted throughout the regular season a ton um any final thoughts before we close yeah I’ll say two other names that we didn’t talk about kind of on that workout list I would think donon Holmes I think is an interesting one just because he’s also another one of the that group of big men but he seems like a he seems like the more heat type guy just because he has ability to stretch the floor a little bit more just kind of wider and stronger um but I think the interesting thing with him is I don’t I’ve seen like all over the place for his mock like I’ve seen people talk about like with the 15th pick and then I’ve seen other mock test where he’s like falling maybe he could fall to Miami in the second round so I think he’s somebody to keep an eye on and then another random one in the second round that I could see Miami doing is Ryan Dunn who’s just an all defensive player just was all over the place on that end of the floor like I think there’s a lot of question marks about his offensive game but like Miami’s done that before and if he falls undrafted I think it’s pretty guaranteed he’s gonna be with Miami just because he’s just such he’s just so that type of player uh I could 100% see him uh in the heat summer league team and I the when you just brought up not having hey what iith like for sure Caleb Mart like if you even have a thought that Haywood II’s going to be gone like go grab Ryan dun just to make things up could mck things up defensively so that’s just another name I would think to watch so we’ve given you a bunch of names inevitably we probably haven’t mentioned who the Heat’s going to draft and they’ll chuckle if they do ever listen to this um but that’s okay we’ll keep supplying you with more names we’ll continue to update we got a ton of draft coverage planed we’re going to bring in our friend Adele uh has a great um YouTube channel which we’re gonna make sure to plug I don’t have it in front of me right now I apologize toell um but uh he’ll be coming on for some really extensive deep Dives on some of these guys as we get nearer to um draft day which is about two weeks away so uh more to come as it relates to the draft but Brady and I wanted to just at least keep you updated thank you for joining us shout out to our sponsors water cleanup of Florida and prize picks and we will have you covered with more shows the rest of the week uh Ethan is currently uh enjoying keyme pie vacationing and he’ll be back uh very very soon and he’ll have better internet than he had on playback for those of you who joined us and listened to that um funny exchange uh where he sounded like a robot have a good afternoon evening morning peace out thank you for listening to the five on the floor on the F and Sports Network after all someone needs to listen to my dad you

The Miami Heat have worked out several prospects in advance of the upcoming late June NBA Draft. Greg Sylvander and Brady Hawk review the list of workouts, discuss the different prospects and hone in on some names to key an eye on in the 1st and 2nd round of the upcoming draft.

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