@San Antonio Spurs

Luka Doncic Got CLOWNED On National Television..

Luka Doncic Got CLOWNED On National Television..

[Music] I was not expecting this o oh oh that hurt I want some nasty are we having fun yet okay I have a legit question okay legit question everybody that lives in San Antonio you got to let me know this okay um so I don’t live in San Antonio I’ve said this plenty of times before everyone knows it everyone in their mom knows that I don’t live in San Antonio U do do Spurs fans in San Antonio hate Dallas Mavericks like do do do they hate the Dallas Mavericks cuz I always was of the impression at least on my side of things that we respected them as a franchise um yes we’re Rivals but it’s not the same like it is with the Lakers or the same like it is with the Houston Rockets that we despise I wonder if it’s any different in the like in the demographic actually in San ant San Antonio Dallas as a as a city I despise it okay I despise Dallas as a city I’ve been to Dallas several times now I hate it I do not like Dallas but then again I’m not huge on like big cities anyway uh San Antonio’s dope never been to Austin and when we talking about Texas never been there I don’t know if I’ve been to Houston not sure uh but San Antonio’s dope but Dallas sucks oh my God uh but I I didn’t know that we hated the Dallas Mavericks I thought it was just the the rockets that we hate and even the Memphis Grizzlies right like we’ve had some type of rivalry with the Grizzlies before but like like we we respect them right I think we respect them all right you let me know I I just want to know if it’s any different in San Antonio uh so came across this Brian windhorse oh my God he destroyed Luca on National Television really bad stuff uh and I I’ll give you my overall thoughts of Luca as a whole um before doing so guys I said this before go subscribe to Spurs Invasion please thank you so much um for the people that have already subscribed um but this is going to be a second channel in which I’ll do more scripted content more edited content and we’ll we’ll limmit it to about two videos a month that’s what I’m going to aim for three if my schedule allows it but more than likely you know one or two is is what we can hit uh it’ll be topical stuff but not as topical as obviously with this channel where we literally go over like daily things all the time two videos a day it won’t be like that uh but yeah with my schedule I’m going to try my best to do you know two to three uh three is pushing it though but go go go subscribe to it link below link below under this video all right let’s take a look uh wait did I already lose it I lost it I’m losing my marbles here we go all right SP Spurs culture posted this oh boy wait maybe to avoid copyright let me like go out of it onto the ground there in an unacceptable position to put himself in with four minutes left with five fouls and then immediately looks at the bench and says you better bleeping challenge it as if it’s the bench’s fault that he just made a terrible play I’m standing here in the Mavericks tunnel over there is the Celtics tunnel that’s where the winners are if Luca is ever going to be a winner coming out of this tunnel here he is going to have to use this H what’s happened in this finals as a learning experience his defensive performance is unacceptable he is a hole on the court the Celtics are attacking him they are ahead in this series because theyve attacked him defensively and you’ve got a situation here where Luca is complaining about the officiating they have begged him they have talked with him they have pleaded with him he is costing his team because of how he treats the officials he’s a brilliant player he does so many things well they are here because how he did his performance in this game is unacceptable and the reason why the Mavericks are not going to win he’s got to get over this the fact that he came out after the game and blame the officials showed me he’s nowhere close yet so maybe over the summer somebody will get to him because nobody with the Mavericks or anybody else in his life has and that’s where the Mavericks are at this point they’re never going to get to this tunnel with the trophy if he doesn’t improve those pack aspects of his game all right he did not words at all um so what are what are my what are my overall thoughts um so you guys know I do like Luca donic as a player obviously right he’s like phenomenal he’s he’s so fun to watch offensively um defensively yes he’s been hard to to look at uh the Dallas Mavericks as a whole haven’t been that great defensively in the finals but Luca in this past game I I found myself getting irritated right like I said I don’t hate the Dallas Mavericks or anything but I found myself getting super super irritated with the amount of crying from Luca donic right like I’m looking at the Celtics and they give me spurs Vibes not necessarily cuz people say like oh they pass the ball well they’re just like the spur no no Spurs on a whole another level uh we talk in 2014 but demeanor wise the Celtics definitely remind me of the Spurs they don’t sit there and pump their chest they’re very you know they’re very controlled um they have a controlled offense controlled demeanor everything just seems controlled feels like they’re well coached it but it’s like you look over there at the Dallas Mavericks man and it’s literally Luca crying every single play not not not Kyrie Kyrie hasn’t been doing it you know that much but God dude I don’t understand you can’t have your leader uh crying on every single play the way that Luca does and it seems like it’s just catching up to him right like he’s always kind of done that and now it’s to the point where you know it’s on a national stage against a really good team and you look really bad uh that that was a this play right here I guess it could have went either way but dude they they’re not going to call a charge there like come on you’re moving they’re they’re not going to call a charge there um so just a weird weird weird uh thing going on with Luca um I I hope that he can like Brian wior said I hope he can get it together uh but gez Louise man gez Louise it it’s it was really hard to watch that game especially especially since they had a legitimate shot of winning it and even him on the bench you know him just like smiling like wow this is really isn’t this crazy guys wow this is ridiculous it’s like dude cheer on your teammates okay don’t you you you are the example here you don’t want the rest of the team complain about refs as well and when one thing that he said in particular is that or what Brian wior said it seems like he was alluding to the fact that Luca’s team has begged him to stop that’s bad that’s really really bad you know I’ve always felt a little weird when it came to Rick carile um losing his job in Dallas cuz we know that he lost his job in Dallas because uh he wasn’t jelling with Luca right and I know team you know there were certain players that wasn’t crazy about him either talk about militant papovich isn’t militant but Rick Carlile has that reputation at times so I get it but at the same time same Merit I mean this is a championship winning coach and Luca could not jel he did not like them at all uh I think they end up kind of hating each other but it was a back and forth I’m sure it was bad on both sides or whatever I don’t want to play the both sides but you get what I’m saying you know you guys know you guys get it you guys get it um unfortunate man unfortunate terrible final series I thought it would be a little bit more competitive um obviously the Celtics are a better team we all expected them to win this series but we weren’t expecting a 3 0 at least I wasn’t I wasn’t expecting a three uh I thought we would get somewhat competition uh let’s see what some of the these comments say he had money on the Mavs okay it’s not like the league didn’t know he is weak link on D and took advantage of it sassy he’s not wrong spitting 100% straight facts brutal but true facts heart attack what uh shees Hey Duke doesn’t Duke follow me I don’t know Duke might follow me uh anyways guys please subscribe to Spurs Invasion Link in the description I will get out of here I’ll get out of your here I will talk to you guys later until next time bye [Music] m


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I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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  1. I don't think of the Dallas Mavericks now, but I hated them when they faced the Spurs in the 2006 Western Conference finals because of dirty play by Mavericks players and Mavericks owner Mark Cuban calling the San Antonio River a "dirty-a—-, muddy-watered thing they call a river."

    Then Mavericks Coach Avery Johnson, a former Spur, also showed ugliness he hadn't shown as a Spur. He acted more like Cuban than Avery.

    Then-Spur Robert Horry said about the subsequent Heat-Mavericks NBA finals match that even though he was in the Western Conference he was pulling for the Eastern Conference team the Heat because of how badly the Mavericks acted during the Western Conference finals. I was also rooting for the Heat for the same reason.

    I have nothing against the Mavericks now except for Kyrie Irving, who seems to be a team-hopping prima donna albeit a great player.

  2. Lived in SA all my life. The Mavs are kind of not on our minds mostly tbh… Lakers are enemy #1, we don't get along with Houston or Memphis and Ray Allen made it so Miami gives me heartburn. The issue with Dallas right now is that Luka whines constantly, and Kyrie is a literal flat-earther conspiracy theorist. I don't like their personnel, but I don't care about the franchise much. Maybe that's a lack of respect for the franchise?

    Windy def ripped Luka… I'm not against that feedback for him.

  3. I’m from SA and being a Spurs Fan. I didn’t care for the Mavs.
    I respect their game now and the past. Thou I’m good. Now if it’s a Texas team going against any other team. I’m going Texas.
    And hell there’s no respect for Memphis.

  4. They've always been the Spurs little brother. They were able to get 1 ring and the respect that comes with it but even when Cuban would talk ish about the Riverwalk we'd chuckle but it's never been that serious.
    It's more raw with Houston cause of the David and Hakeem years. That's more personal. Then the Harden years. Houston is like that irritating cousin that had little money in high school and tries to act like their 95 Lexus can compare to a 2024 Benz. 😂

  5. I hate the Mavs fans more than the team. Some NBA Texas fans will root for any Texas teams in the playoffs. Not me.
    Go Spurs Go.

  6. As a San Antonio native I originally didn’t hate the mavs. Now I got to college in Lubbock Texas which is full of mavs fans and it’s safe to say I hate them now as most of the mavs fans I’ve met hate the spurs

  7. I was a cowboys fan for decades but Mark Cuban set a wedge for me. Therefore I stop supporting the Cowboys and I’ll wait till San Antonio gets their team one day in the future supporting Dallas that will never happen if this continues. So I stopped when it comes to Dallas. I don’t support the Mavericks nor the Dallas Cowboys. Puro pinche spurs

  8. It’s not the Mavs so much as it is Mark Cuban who has definitely earned the ire of Spurs fans through his many antics pointed directly at the Spurs. (Commercials/Comments/Posts)

    But I personally have much respect for Dirk, for Luka, and for Texas teams. I’d pick them over the Celtics any day. But yeah Cuban has earned his hate from the Spurs fans

  9. Hell naw. We have their 2030 pick swap. Hope they blow that shit up after the sweepstakes.

  10. I do, back when we where a dynasty and in the playoffs every year, the maverick fans had the nerve to come to our fiesta with there mav jersey's lol😅😂

  11. Brian Windhorst is 100% correct about Luka. But uhh, when will he call out his adopted son Lebron, who has pretty much been doing this kinda of stuff his entire career….

  12. It's not like it's a hate hate, just more of a passionate rivalry lol. I-35 show down everytime we play them. 😂

  13. Wasn't there talk about LD possibly coming to the Spurs or another team after this season if he didn't win a chip in Dallas?

  14. I dislike any team the Spurs played in the playoffs! Especially the Lakers. Dallas never really bothered me too much.

  15. I used too but through the years idc that much. I am rooting for them id pick a Texas team over most

  16. There is not a single player on the Celtics that could’ve switched places with Luka and gotten the mavs to the finals. Luka gotta be tired as hell. Meanwhile Celtics look really good on a cakewalk trip to the finals.

  17. Spurs in my lifetime have been competitive and mostly elite and dominant it's hard to hate other teams when spurs have won most of the time vs everyone. Not recently of course . But Lakers were so good kobe andShaquille, I didnt hate them. I hated Derek Fisher and I'm not alone I've noticed. Before Timmy I hated the Jazz. Suns I enjoy seeing lose I dont hate them. It all depends on certain players on certain teams. Mark Cuban was a joke, annoying when he came into the leage. I like him as a person though. His early antics were cringe. I hate the word cringe

  18. Only because of Mark Cuban (the owner at some point) he's always been like Charles Barkley and insults us. And we never forget.

  19. When Mark Cuban dissed the riverwalk multiple times over the years I seen the dislike for the Mavs grow in the city and you will see plenty Mavs fans say they hate the Spurs as well. Rockets fans probably hate the Spurs even more now since Wemby was clearly seen being happy when he knew the Rockets did not have the first pick in his draft. 💀

  20. hi from San Antonio. I can confirm for you that we hate the Dallas Mavericks here. we hate the Houston Rockets more though. it doesn't really count that we hate the Lakers because everybody hates the Lakers.

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