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Miami Heat: Why was Ethan wrong about the Celtics? | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: Why was Ethan wrong about the Celtics? | Five on the Floor

welcome latest episode five on the floor in the five reason Sports Network thanks for joining us on your favorite podcast app Apple Apple podcast if you are on Android recommend Spotify or the Five Reasons YouTube channel where you can get all of the rest of our content also check out off the floor that’s our Discord server 10 different channels for just $2.99 per month get away from Twitter communicate with real Heat fans all day long as well as us we provide the updates in host updates they go there before Twitter or the podcast these days check it out off of floor $2.99 per month link right here in the description on the podcast feed and on the YouTube channel also check out the great sponsors of the five reason Sports Network cludes our friends over at autograph uh you may have noticed I’ve been putting exclusive videos on autograph there’ll be another one going up on Monday use the code five FIV this is where real fans get unreal rewards we’ve given away lots of cool stuff in there a $500 bam out of Bio sign Jersey went for $13 that’s the kind of thing you can get on autograph it’s free so just download it check out the Miami Heat page and you can find everything there use the code FIV that’s five FIV on sign up and now today’s episode down on the floor ride for my dogs where the thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple SCS we bubble frog just like bu say you in trouble yo check the floor play got it all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and Pat trust it’s about having cut we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reasons Sports Network all right welcome back to five on the floor here’s today’s floor plan I’m Ethan skolnick you can follow me at Ethan J scolnick and at five Reon Sports we’ve got Alex Leo you can follow him at Tropical blanket and look we’ve got to acknowledge it or at least I’ve got to acknowledge it I’ve got no way out at this point you know there is footage that is the problem with the internet there is footage I actually put it on Twitter because I was that confident saying that the Boston Celtics would not win a championship this season man did that go wrong um they’re up three in this series as we’re recording this by the time that you hear this they may be NBA champions they’re going to celebrate this championship for the next 30 Years just like they they’ve been doing basically with the 2008 title it’s going to be the greatest title ever Bill Simmons is going to be insufferable the ringer that whole crew ESPN it is I and and here’s the thing we understand honestly um Alex we understand like our downloads have not been what they were over the past couple of weeks and I don’t really think it’s us I just don’t think Heat fans want to hear any of this stuff at this point and I the good thing here is and I’ll get against my Mia culpas the good thing here is at least it’s going to be over soon like we can pivot it’s a new season it’s just one title that’s it it’s not a dynasty at this point and we can pivot to what we’re going to do which is we’re going to do a series of draft episodes uh starting with some retrospective draft episodes looking back at the your friend Michael Beasley the Beasley draft the Wade draft the hakz draft the yovic draft bam draft the hero draft the Maxi draft we’re goingon to get into all of those either here or on playback check out playback. TV5 RSN you’ll be able to follow the ones that we do there so we’re going to do that and then we’re going to bring on Adele and uh Matt hannen and all our other people who followed the draft more closely than we do and they’re going to educate us on some of the players that the heat might be interested in we’ll do that the week before the draft and by the way it looks like I am going to be going to the draft so we’ll have coverage from New York uh for two days and also from Miami with Alex and Brady and then obviously Greg anchoring some podcasts so it’s GNA be over soon we’re gonna pivot but I I do need to address it I don’t want to just go I I said over and over Alex that the Celtics would not win a championship where did I go wrong oh man um well um honestly I’m I don’t know what you’re referring to because as far as I know the the NBA season ended after the heat were eliminated so in my mind all that’s been going on is uh Florida Panthers hockey I’m all into that and I’m very impressed by the Panthers going up three 0 you know they’re they’re they’re on the brink they’re on the brink it’s amazing it’s great for the City of Miami and frankly I have no idea what you’re referring to but in all honesty first thing Alex I just want to clarify two things it’s not the city of Miami that that’s I’m a Broward person sorry and and and and and that’s broward’s team you can’t claim it uh they haven’t played down brow people get to claim the heat so it’s vice versa I don’t want to hear it that that that’s true we got to give Broward something and I live right ACW are allow to get jumped on but not others I mean uh that’s well the bandwagon here at least there’s not as much traffic uh for the bandwagon so I’ll I’ll take it uh so we’re not crossing the county line for a little while at least until the Heat play their first preseason games but yes you can continue but I just I just wanted to say that but I I do do under appreciate your sentiment because uh to me the Panthers Championship cancels out the Celtics Championship like we got one too and not only not not only are we gonna get one and I don’t want to jinx it but I I can’t see the Panthers that series I I don’t want to jinx it but they’re just much better than Emon but um but the thing is like uh not only are they they’re gonna get one but they beat the Bruins yeah again again two straight years so technically even though the Celtics beat the heat uh the Celtic Heat beat the Celtics last year so we’re still ahead of Boston regardless of what happens but don’t CLA beat New York too well yeah that’s always good that’s good all right so anyway you haven’t been following I I I I will say this okay um I’m not gonna I’m not gonna cling to that they had an easy path excuse although I could although I could okay so I’m not using this as an excuse but let’s just go through some reasons maybe five reasons okay perhaps Celtics had a historic good regular season they had I’m not historically very good regular season No Way Around It dominated the conference weak Conference of course but before the year yeah they’re best team in the league and and look they they they finished way ahead of Milwaukee which was a highly touted team before the year uh Philadelphia the mbeat injury affected a little bit but look they they finished ahead of those teams in the west which of course had to beat up on each other but good for them okay they had a very good regular season by wide margin they they had they made two excellent trades uh one of which you know the was Washington that just looks like a ridiculous deal at this point the way that that whole thing played out but I will say this it took some foresight from Brad Stevens uh there were people including Kendrick Perkins by the way former Celtic ESPN allas who didn’t like the trade at the time because they were giving up on Marcus Smart and his playoff toughness uh he said similar things too if I remember correctly we did we’re gonna forget that but yes okay so so the B so look they made a good trade now the other trade I mean f Joe Cronin right like I mean that’s right I mean and I remember I remember that day because I was driving down to uh a watch party at biscane Bay brew house for the Dolphins okay I think they were playing the bills which didn’t go very well and so we I was heading down there and and the car that trade hit and I knew that the heat had interest in Drew or at least Jimmy’s Camp had interest in Drew uh and the Heat at least in inquired um I was told they actually were willing to give up more for Drew than they were for Dame and but but when I saw who he went to that’s the thing I was like you gotta be kidding me like seriously like this is like intentional sabotage at this point and and the thing about Drew is like what was making me feel a little better about it was he really didn’t have a great regular season I mean he fit but he’s not an elite offensive player anymore he’s struggled in the playoffs historically over the past three years and he’s had terrific NBA Finals like the the he might he he’s been like their most consistent guy honestly in filling all the gaps and I I so at this point like it just sucks like there’s no way around it like Joe Cronin essentially handed them the final piece like okay you’re gonna miss Marcus Smart let’s give you someone who’s a million times better uh you know for that exact marus SM right honestly like they’ve done a great job building that team and I had questions because I I I thought the porzingis deal was a good one but I also you know I mentioned the smart toughness thing as well but you know like you said they got Drew and I have a similar story to you I was at Tap 42 that day we were about to watch the the Dolphins Bills game and everybody groaned when they saw the notifications uh you know piling in about Drew holiday it’s like oh you know he just went through this whole Dame Saga that ended so sour and then like you know mere days later or however long it was Drew was getting traded to the Celtics after they had already traded you know for Kristof it’s like man it’s just you know it was brutal because it’s two teams in the conference and um look it was a great both of them were were great moves for them and like you said Drew is just El lead at filling in the gaps and now because he’s not you know there’s no pressure on him to be like one of their main Playmakers or one of their main scorers he he looks even better because it’s like that stuff is a bonus when he gives you like a good scoring game like he did the other night you know and then you know the last game he didn’t score as much but he still does the other things and it’s like that’s EX what you need from those type of guys you know he’s like a super role player and he’s frankly overqualified for that you know what I mean he was in a in a in a bigger role before and has been pretty much his whole career even the past couple of years before this and you know in his first year being a super role player he did a fantastic job so I hate giving them credit but you got to give them credit because you know they went all in on basically a six-man rotation you know they have other guys playing but like they have like their core six players and then the other you know you have some other guys like how and Pritchard and now you know Tillman for example filling in minutes whenever there’s need but they they they went all in on you know these six players are going to take us there we’re gonna have a couple of guys on The Fringe who’ll get minutes and they did a great job like that when you look at the team the way that it’s built it’s it’s like the most modern team right when you look at like two great point of attack Defenders who can make plays and fill in the gaps like like white and holiday who do it in kind of different ways but are both you know Elite guard Defenders and can play Above their their size and then you look at you know they have the two Star Wings right and then after that you they’ve got the two stretch bigs and one of them is better than the other in porzingis but like it’s a very modern build and they just you know they went all in on the right six guys and I think you know it was it was great moves because they went they lost a couple of players in order to do this like they had to you know let go of Grant Williams they had to trade Marcus they had to um trade Rob Williams and and Brogden and like guys who are a real part of their eight-man rotation in the season before and you know the past couple of Seasons so it was a risky move it really played off and if I remember correctly they also got a draft pick or two in the porzingis steal which is insane so I mean hate give credit but they did a great job no they did and and look that trade is is looks even worse under under the light uh for the other teams that were involved in it and so you do have to give them credit not only to that but they also they trusted a coach who honestly looked completely overmatched the year before I mean I you know that was part of the The Narrative the season before was SPO just ran circles around Missoula and I mean there I mean if you remember like you and I were there like at the arena like there was a lot of talk that the players had tuned Missoula out okay player meetings all kinds of stuff and to come back one year later potentially win a championship here when I think we acknowledge em odok is a really good coach and I mean look at you in this past year and the way he’s turned them around fairly quickly and you know his issues were not on the court and they lost him they had to transition to a new voice and they they bet on this new voice and again it’s worked out I I just you know again we’re gonna get on the other side of this and we’ve talked about uh you know this in relation to to the heat no we’re talk about in relation to the heat but I I want to say this clearly not that I’m making excuses these are reasons okay they they said they look they had an excellent regular season credit to them for getting the seed okay that’s I mean look we talk it all we talk a lot about the Heat regular season has to matter for the Miami Heat uh in mattered for the Boston Celtics they built good habits okay the heat used to talk about that they used talk about building habits during the regular season now it’s kind of like ah let’s just get healthy at that point and then that didn’t even happen just get there I know right and I know they’re trying to change that obviously that was Riley’s availability press conference right um but uh here’s the thing I I I have a suggestion by the way Pat wants everybody to be more available for the for for the season I want Pat to be more available to speak to the media can I can I ask for that could that be the trade-off could we get him three times per year maybe I know he wants SPO to be the only voice but I it would it would be nice anyway um oh I guess we all gonna get him after the draft right that’s gonna count I guess that’ll that’ll be the second one hopefully but I think so uh and probably Adam Simon as well uh but last time if I remember correctly just startor to interrupt you I think he he came out with Hae and like did the picture thing with the jersey and then but didn’t speak is is is that what happened okay I I think so I don’t want to say specifically um I’ll say this if they go get a m prominent free agent he’ll Pro or or trade acquisition he’ll probably arrive and it would just it’s just nice to hear from Pat that’s all um will speak for sure yes but beyond that okay again these are not excuses these are reasons they have had a soft ass run like I I mean there’s just there’s no way I mean and it doesn’t matter you don’t put an asteris on this stuff okay I you don’t put an asteris on the Raptors no you don’t you don’t put a rap asteris on the Raptor’s title because clay and Durant got hurt and I don’t put an asteris on the Lakers title I actually think that was one of the harder ones to win and I think the he didn’t want it they would have gotten any respect for it but they should have okay all the circumstances of that season and being in the bubble and all that you don’t put an asteris on it but I mean come on I I mean first you get a Miami Heat team that was already not very good I mean we’ve acknowledged and then didn’t have Jimmy Butler the Indiana Pacers I mean the Indiana Pacers like the Cleveland Cavaliers in their condition not an elite team by any means Mitchell gets hurt by the end of it not that it would have mattered it might have extended one more game Pacers yeah what happened with hurn but again the Indiana Pacers like we were kind of mocking the n Season championship and all that again the heat should have gone up there and won that damn game and then they might have been in that position but still okay and then this Mavericks team like very flawed I’m very flaw I mean like and again I’m going to I’m going to make a cup on this too I thought they could win this series but I mean is Luca the worst defender in the league or the second worst I haven’t really figured it out no he’s not good but I don’t think he’s he’s bottom of the barrel I’m not saying he’s good though I’m just say like James hard he’s James Harden level of not caring he he can’t be guarding star players like you know what I mean he can’t and and that’s that’s the really the flaw is that him and K I mean you know again Kyrie tries to make up for it he’s not God awful but having both of them there playing that many minutes you know it’s really hard to work around those things like you know they have solid guys but those flaws were really you know um exposed in this finals and you know unless they miraculously pull something out of their ass like I think it’s over and again credit to the Celtics because they not only did they build like the modern team right like but they they did it with a five out system where everybody can can shoot everybody can make a play with the ball for the most part you know have different spots on the floor in different ways like it’s the the Celtics don’t have many flaws on and it’s not just on paper they play really well together again they’re not unbeatable they’re a great team though like I don’t think they’re unbeatable um but yeah like you know things have gone right for people who end up winning the championship pretty much every year for the past few years like you can you can find an asteris to put on just about any championship ring if you really want to you know go through that exercise like there have been teams that have been much more tested than this we we got exactly I I I Dallas’s rode and honestly Boston caught a Break by who came out of the West and I I you know that’s if if you look make the playoffs last year correct I mean correct and and credit to them for getting there okay uh just like credit to Minnesota for beating Denver which would have I still think Denver would have if on all cylinders would have been the I would think they would have beaten Boston I still believe that they were’t on all cylinders in that Series so we’ll never know okay they they caught a bad matchup and Murray was kind of inconsistent and they missed players Off the Bench that we talked about all season that they might Boston and we’ll go to the break here and then we got five minutes to wrap but like Boston again I give them credit for what they’ve done I’m not gonna put an asteris against it it’s a real title okay uh but I mean come on I mean look those heat teams in in I mean if again if you go to the big three heat teams to win those titles look at the level of players that they had to beat that Indiana team they beat was far better than this Indiana team there’s no if you put that Indiana team of Paul George with sort of prime Danny Granger even even uh Lance Stevenson Hibert of that group okay you put that they would destroy this Indiana team okay they’d grind them into the ground they destroy this Indiana team uh there were and and the Boston teams that the Heat beat I mean even though the they were Advanced age players okay at that point with Pearson Garnett and Allen in the first like far better than anybody Boston has had to beat on this road and then even if you look at they beat Durant and Westbrook like in their like Rising Prime and then beat the Spurs okay the Spurs right and they beat and Ibaka and and beat and beat the Spurs who were again maybe not the most dominant Duncan but you’re talking about arguably the best power forward ever kawhai Rising still Joby and Parker being effective and one of the two or three best coaches of all time this is not that okay but it’s a championship I’m gonna give him credit for it I’m gonna meet a coupa on it uh they maybe you can maybe you can use your Jinx powers to jinx the Celtics Champion you really think this Dallas team is gonna win four straight games no but honestly that would be like let me just do a little bit of fanfiction here before we keep going yeah imagine they blow the 03 lead you know like at the biggest stage after they almost did it against the Heat like that would be amazing that would be that would be perfect well they they could blow the three lead and then win a game seven and then we’ve got to talk about them for another week which I really don’t want to do go Panthers all right we want to tell you about a great sponsor of the five Reon Sports Network insurance by a Aggressive Insurance you can find her at 954 581 8800 it’s 95451 8800 insurance by Life Insurance homeowners insurance renters insurance she can handle all of it for you also she is probably the biggest Heat fan we know she’s on all of our streams and all that stuff so why not talk about the Heat and talk about how wrong we are while you’re getting yourself taken care of with the best possible Insurance 954 581 8800 we’re glad we sent another 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hope so because and it hurts I can imagine why this hurts for Heat fans probably hurts for the organization too I imagine where it’s like not only did this happen but to a much smaller extent earlier you know when the Bucks won in 21 after you had embarrassed them earlier it’s like okay they they got there before you but they had been like kind of in that contention you know they went to the Conference Finals a couple of years before that and but this this is this one is is is painful because it’s like this is the team that you played what is it four out of five years in the Jimmy era um you know you got to the finals twice in this era now they got to their finals twice in this era both teams constantly in the Conference Finals throughout the Jimmy era like and they do it before you it’s it absolutely hurts it’s the Celtics it’s the Rivalry and they’re going to be absolutely obnoxious about it and you know what Heat fans would been the same so except they you know the Celtics are just way worse about it obviously but no in all seriousness I think that like it does come back more to the team building stuff where it’s like what can you learn from the way that they had you know like the five out system is really hard to come by where it’s like you gotta have good players who can shoot the ball and play defense right and it’s like you like we’ve said for so many years like it feels like a lot of times they have like one and a halfway players or like one way players you know like guys who are not necessarily like the same level on both ends and sometimes can be liabilities and it’s again it’s easier said than done but I think that’s the stuff you should be you know um trying to make happen it’s like you know building around your best players adding the role players that fit who can play both ends of the floor and that’s honestly like because what happened with them is what you hope for and what the Heat have benefited off frankly in the Jimmy era too is other teams getting injured whether it’s their best players or certain role players like that’s always going to be you know one of the bigger differentiators in the playoffs it’s not always the better team that wins it’s who’s healthier and like missing porzingis for most of the playoffs is not nothing but because how good their other players were it’s like they were able to just kind of move past it and you know give some other guys a little bit more minutes and because of the way that they were built was you know losing porzingis you know didn’t matter as much quite as as like as the the heat losing Jimmy and Terry or you know Indiana losing Halbert and halfway through or the the the Cavs losing Mitchell halfway through I I just think you know they’re they their luck ended up working they made they made their own luck that’s that’s the best way I could wrap this all up together and and end this rambling they made their own luck things broke right even though you know the things that broke right for them outweighed the things that broke wrong and that’s what you hope for nothing really broke right for the heat but again I think a lot of that was they’re doing and I I think what they have to look at this off season there has been this this feeling in the organization that over the past few years there’s been a few teams that could win a title right and that was what spoler said before the season we think we’re one of those teams I I think there has to be an acknowledgement at this point they were not one of those teams this year they just were not when when your when your net rating is hovering around zero um it’s it’s just it’s just not fair to say you’re you’re you’re in that conversation and um even if Jimmy had been healthy I they weren’t beating this Boston team this year I think it’s fairly safe to say and I I think that I think that internal sort of look okay or introspection is already happened and now it’s a question of okay do we actually think we can win in this Jimmy timeline and what is it worth giving up or and something we’ll talk about another podcast and I got into on playback the other night I is is it time for sort of a transition here and I don’t want to give too much of this away because we’ll be on another 20 minutes but I I just think that you know we were talking about the Lori Morin and possibility on playback but you I did on a podcast and I was saying look maybe you do trade the farm for Lori Markin with the intent of paying him $50 million a year you don’t extend Jimmy and you use this as kind of the Allin fill in the pieces anyway you can year see if you can make it happen and then again I still think Jimmy’s gonna leave if they don’t extend him I think he’ll leave after this season but then maybe you’re okay if he leaves and you’ve built a you have a new base around bam and marinin who are you know of the same age and and then you know and you have the 15th picker this year so I just think that that they they have to be honest with themselves about whether or not this is the question that they need to ask and they need to answer in honestly are we in our current direction are we one of those teams okay um this season they were not Boston turned out to be the team it’s frustrating it’s annoying I just hope they get it over with tonight honestly I don’t want to watch it anymore and then we pivot to the draft and it’s it’s one title it’s one title it’s one title he’ still have more since 20 to the Mavs by the way credit to the Mavs for putting together like you know by the way I got to correct that they don’t have more since 2008 they have more since 2006 anyway I wanted to just say that all right that’s it we’re getting out of here uh thanks for our sponsors Insurance byot autograph use the code 5 FIV have a good night everybody as best as you can ignore the parade five on the floor on the fire and Sports Network after all someone needs to listen to my dad know

We need to acknowledge the obvious, or at least Ethan Skolnick does: the Boston Celtics will win the title. Ethan and Alex Toledo look at how the hope for their failure went so wrong, and what needs to change for the Miami Heat now.

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1 Comment

  1. Blazers were so enthralled in trading Lillard anywhere but Miami, they chose to trade for All-Star Jrue Holiday!! The Cronin shenanigans just got started. Blazers immediately swapped Jrue out for 2 oft-injured Celtics (Brogdan, R-Williams). Final results?? Portland finished dead last in Western Conference, including a 60 point beatdown by the Heat. The Blazers had 4 vets quit the season early, because nobody wants to put in extra effort to make Cronin and Billups look like they are terrific NBA managers.

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