@Chicago Bulls

Which 2024 NBA Draft lottery prospects fit best with the Chicago Bulls? | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Which 2024 NBA Draft lottery prospects fit best with the Chicago Bulls? | CHGO Bulls Podcast

[Music] [Applause] [Music] what’s going on bulls Nation welcome in the CH Jo Bulls podcast coming to you from our studios here in West Loop downtown Chicago I’m peek Bulls peek big day bam bwl Sports and will the go Ki willor goly bar pal producer on the controls is the one and only Joey spis he is at Joey spis uh it’s uh it’s mailbag time guys we are pre-taping this on Thursday afternoon to drop on Friday cuz there’s a lot going on in the chgo world Friday part of which I believe uh sir Joseph are you going to be hanging out with the Cubs crew for 120 Club tomorrow I will be producing the show I’m not 100% sure what my what my role is during the day but I will be there at least at almost home before if your role during the day is to get drunk in the bleachers do you still feel confident in your producing skills and abilities for the postgame show at almost home great question is that your mailbag question for the that’s my mailbag question for Joey can you work drunk drunk mean like I could work I think I could work like on a buzz for sure like you know we did a we did a show on the um on the Christmas party I was oh yeah our office Christmas party say probably had a couple beers but you know Paris Paris yeah Paris I mean we did probably a few shows with some wine I was wine drunk the whole time except for when I met Joe I’m I’m a you know I’m a big game player you know if I’m if I could suit up and go I’m going to do it so yeah respect long as he’s breathing he’s playing uh so yeah we thought today would be a good opportunity to crank out some more dieh hard mailbag questions from rcso die hards in that Discord channel uh and by the way shout out to bds992 B dams who uh let us know in that Discord that he got his himself two tickets reserved to come to our watch party for the draft let us go Wednesday June 26th so we asked y’all to send us all draft related questions for this mailbag so I got my mailbag question in for Joey Joey before we dive into the Die Hard mailbags I believe you had a DI hard question for Big Dave yeah Big Dave what is the origin of b b awl bow uh well so years years back uh shout out to my uh guy Chris Chris in the eye when we talked to each other we would talk about uh uh Avery Johnson and we always used to love the way Avery Johnson talked and anytime we would talk about him it was always the inflection of go and get the basketball go get the Derek William Derek RS gets the basketball go get it Derek get the bow so one day when we were trying to figure out the name of the show it smacked me in the face and I was like oh [ __ ] bow I was like that’s it that’s the name of the show and I called him I said dude that’s the name of the show it’s going to be car then I explained it to him he laughed he said that’s great I said yeah that’s awesome I was like boom that’s the show so Avery Johnson is why it is called that much respect to Avery Johnson I have been on a crusade to interview Avery Johnson I tried to get will Purdue to hook me up with Avery Johnson he follow through former teammates at the Spurs yes yeah okay I tried I tried he told me he was going to hook me up that was years okay that was a couple years ago it hasn’t happen but I’m still on wheel’s ass about it well I was going to say you know little teas Uncle will is going to swing by the studio oh yeah sometime fairly soon yeah so you can bug him about it again then oh I’mma put the screws to him on it on this one man sitting right in knee seats and see what he says but yeah he said he would do it but yes Avery Johnson is why uh it is called that and then it became a life of of its own which I don’t know what I was expecting but that is way better than what the Avery Johnson PLL is just like the first time I heard that story for Big Dave back in the day and I like listened to Avery Johnson in my head I was like yeah that totally checks out yeah you were that like what does Avery Johnson sound like and then you started doing his voice I was like that’s what that’s what Avery Johnson sounds like so when I would go around and do shows around those time and people would you know didn’t know how to pronounce it I was just always telling just say it how Avery Johnson says it and they oh [ __ ] I get it wow yes I understand so yes shout out Avery Johnson man we we appreciate you love you great coach what’s the origin story of uh iny face that’s just me I don’t know it just came out BR CU for me it was when we were in Paris and we were Joey was like taking up videos I don’t know if that was the first time you said it but might I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life I just absolutely love that I stuff just pops in my head and I and I don’t think twice about saying it funny and I just say it and we we laughed a lot on that I partly because we were just so sleep deprived we found everything slept very much not not much not much well the reason I asked is because I was listening to kick push by Lupe Fiasco and shout out to fish cuz I know he’s a fan but in the second verse he says like he’s imitating the girl he’s talking to and he’s like bow and I’m like is that did he just say bow yeah cuz he says it and I’m like is that bow no yeah L got it from Dave I know the no I know he’s saying weigh about 122 lb they’re both from Chicago so I’m like maybe Dave maybe this is a term that I’m that I’m not familiar with maybe there’s some maybe there’s some Origins behind it but you know what there’s not I’m glad I asked and then it happened and then I remember the Migos had a song uh where they was saying it like that like bow talk bow talk and I tried to send a cease and desist letter to I’m playing I’m joking I’m completely joking but yeah but yeah it just it took a life of its own people enjoy it they love saying it I enjoy them loving it and saying so that’s what it is shout out Avery Johnson once again shout out Avery Johnson Joey I do have some bad news for you uh I’m sorry young man there is no skating here uh take your skateboard elsewhere I cannot skate skateboard I know Lupe L yes SM and wait uh all right so let us dive into some of these questions from our Cho die hards in that Discord appreciate everybody who threw us some questions about the 2024 NBA draft this is uh a fun one from our guy Barton Shaw given how Alex SAR has mostly been the number one or two overall pick in draft talks I haven’t really heard much about his game so why is he seen as a top pick or the top pick this year what are the Bulls missing out on and I’ll even kind of tack on my own additional part of that question and throw it to you will do you think any teams out there might be sneakily thinking about trying to trade up to the one or two spot to take alexar or do you think he’s going one and Atlanta is going to take him and that has been decided so yeah a lot a lot going onar um I guess I’ll just start with this like he is not the for sure confirmed number one Prospect can’t miss Victor wom Yama he’s a good player um 61.75 without shoes so he’s really tall 64 and a quarter wingspan 37in vertical uh 19 and9 per 75 possessions last year with three blocks did not play a ton of minutes in Perth but um was very productive and I think he really jumped onto the scene early in the season when Perth came over to play two games against the g- leag ignite and he really broke out and played fantastic basketball I think the bir team was like trying to feature him a little bit to kind of show high school kids like if you get the opportunity to come play with us like you might be next in line here so um he really broke on at the scene he did not have like an outstanding year like I said did not play a ton of minutes but for me what’s exciting about him is the defensive floor I mean this guy can move his feet on the perimeter he can protect the rim I mean he is a really really highlevel versatile defensive player and I actually think that like with him maybe this is true like his defensive um pedigree I think is probably the safest bet for a high floor and has the high ceiling of any player skill set in this entire draft um he’s a little bit more Raw on the offensive side has a little bit of a face up game has a little bit of a jump shot uh shot just to TI under 30% on a pretty good volume of Threes um but I would I would say he’s like far from a shooter so um he’s really a tantalizing athlete he’s got some ability to put the ball on the floor he’s good in transition he can dunk it um he can really move his feet defensively and protect the rim so I think there’s a lot there to work with and I think that’s what makes him kind of like a top two lock like you’re saying um but in terms of what you’re asking Matt like could another team jump up like to me I I think he makes sense in at because I think he’s the best player and I think you’ve got a point guard like Trey young who can really set him up for success and also make up for some his deficiencies but they’ve also got a crowded front Court you’ve got Jaylen Johnson breaking out this past year on yeka kangu and of course Clint capella so they probably have some moves to make but could I see the Wizards moving up one spot to go secure their guy who I think would really be a home run pick for them sure absolutely maybe 26 and two for one like does that work for both sides it it gets the Hawks another asset that they can move forward with and maybe they end up taking Zachary racee who they may have taken number one overall anyway so I don’t see SAR leaving the top two but I’m certainly not convinced he’s going to be the number one pick although he’s my bet for now yeah he that that trade is great because on one hand if he stays in Atlanta he’s a clear too depending on if Trey young is there um but if he goes to Washington they’ll build his whole everything around him so they’ll start and end with him which could give him a better chance has to grow you know what I’m saying and see what he can do when when that type of thing is on him but it gives him more space but he is basically uh and and his speed is awesome too you know what I mean he’s very fast like he can blow by you the incredibly mobile and also for a guy his size 37 inch vertical yes so he’s he’s yes he’s basically a center that plays like a forward you know and that’s a skill and he’s versatile uh defensively and offensively so those things is what make him one of those kind of guys you go get at the top of this kind of draft where there isn’t too many sure things he’s like eights and some nines across the board yeah you know what I mean so I think that’s kind of what puts him up there and why people are kind of like yeah he clearly is that kind of guy that should be a top two but I’m not going to be shocked at all as will said if he gets traded and ends up number two uh pick uh in this draft man because it’s a fun funky draft going on but he’s dope though it is and like as a bulls fan who kind of knows is a less than 1% chance the Bulls find their way to alexar in a couple of weeks i’ from what I’ve watched I I do I’m jealous cuz I like he’s in in a draft class where I’m not excited about a lot of guys I I watch him and I’m like oh yeah like the Bulls could absolutely use a player like that yeah correct be such a good compliment to both Patrick Williams and Nicole lavich oh my gosh man athleticism uh one thing he struggles with is defensive rebounding so I think that could um maybe bother some but playing playing next to vich I think would unlock a lot of what he does sure so yeah I mean when the lottery was coming up I was excited about the possibility of moving up even though people are talking about this draft being weak because I think he could be a really good player do I think he’s going to be the best player or even the second best player on a championship caliber team no probably not because I don’t think he has much in the way of like offensive creation and I think when you’re picking first overall uh that’s kind of what you’re looking for right I mean you look get Zion Williamson Anthony Edwards Paulo banero a lot of the guys that have gone number one in previous years it’s be it’s been because they have the ability to maybe be the best offensive player on a championship team that is not SAR but I think he can be a really really highle defensive player with scheme versatility allowing you to play multiple different kinds of defensive schemes uh but also be like a Above the Rim finisher transition um and and he does have some offensive cretion upside I’m not saying it’s not there um but he’s just not like complete package the way that wanyama was very true he would immediately be the best in my opinion he’s not the best but the second best big man on Atlanta if he goes there like understand Johnson’s there but he gets injured I think he play and he play well with Johnson like he he’s just so versatile because of his length and Mobility you can play him with a smaller lineup you could play him next to a more traditional five I think that thre man big rotation with Aang Wu Jaylen Johnson and SAR is like really really nice Yeah athl o that’s young like getting the ball up ahead like that’s that’s a good yeah that’s fun to watch good deal Block City 8 8.0 block percentage from alexar uh if yeah just throw him into that already crowded Giants party going on in Atlanta my goodness he’s how old he is uh 19 recently turned 19 impressive yeah impresso uh yeah likelihood that the Bulls I mean we’re like we keep hearing oh the Bulls are maybe trying to trade their way up trade their way up but we have not heard from any Outlets that I’m aware of they’re trying to trade all the way up to take an alexar or you know before the ACL news topic or re or um Shephard or Castle a lot of the top five projected guys it’s always been like hey maybe they’re going to try and trade up five spots to get bazis or they’re going to try and trade up from 11 to five or six to get uh you know Donovan gling like there’s been no talk of the Bulls trying to trade their way to the very top so I I would be surprised if that happens be I will also add though like I don’t think anybody has any idea what the Bulls are going to do I’m sure they don’t even really fully know yet just because like they do have a lot of options and so much of is going to depend on what some of these other teams do ahead of them so is it possible that they make a really aggressive move like that sure the Hawks could be a team that’s like in love with kuso because they need backourt defensive help or if they move on from Cher young in some capacity like maybe they want to continue on with d jante Murray and they and they want more defense in that back court maybe they could move up but I I just doubt it because it’s just 11 to1 is a huge huge jump any in any draft but even I don’t know yeah and I don’t know what the Bulls would package together to make that jump uh all right let’s take our first break right there plenty more dieh hard mailbag questions to come on the other side of the break through the rest of the show from vanilla chill bams 92 G Ross 18 Bulls Troy par Jr and more uh with some Devin Carter in there some K wear talk in there stick around through this break and hit the like button while we’re sharing these words from our friends and sponsors including circus sports book offering those tip Monday line splits and their low hold model Friday night game four NBA Finals can the Mavs avoid the sweep let’s find out and while you’re finding out play some bets on circus sports book always driving to have minus 110 odds out of the gate whether you’re looking for point total over unders for these NBA finals games or game spreads and money lines unlike a lot of other uh Sports books who push those starting odds to- 115 or-10 for no good reason at all cira also doesn’t limit players based on their recent winnings every player has the same limits unlike other sports 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bams 92 about Devin Carter who we definitely have talked about a lot yes and uh you know there’s there’s some mocking going on with the bulls and dein Carter but so let’s kind of combine them because they’re asking some similar questions vanilla chill asks Devin Carter would he be a good fit would he translate to the league well and what do you think of him as a talent bams 92 asking if Will’s mock draft comes true hey y with Deon Carter strength in shooting and defense how might he complement the playing styles of aumu Alex Caruso and Lonzo ball the Bulls back court what roster adjustments or trades could the Bulls make if they select him in the draft uh okay so a lot there thanks to both of you for the questions let’s start with just this okay is he a good fit with the bulls and will his skill set translate well to the NBA right out of the gate yeah I I think yes to a degree yeah I think so um when you got a guy with that kind of moot and who doesn’t it I think he’s the kind of player doesn’t matter if he has the basketball in his hands or not that’s not what stands out to you you watch him play even though he does have you know that kind of talent those kind of moves but what’s talking about more is the motor is the defense and the way he gets out in transition and just being ferocious uh unball Defender you know what I’m saying and getting in those passing Lanes those things translate to the NBA because that you don’t have to have the basketball to do those things so being on this Bulls team he could definitely do that cuz again hello Alice Caruso is that kind of guy uh that does that and the Bulls could use that and need that because well in my head Alice Caruso is getting trade I’m just thinking it so it can happen that’s what I thought when I read that part of the question just throwing that out there right there so it get traded but even as Caruso still here what better person to learn from when you have the same kind of skill set you know what I mean what better way to get better than from learn from the master L is Alice Caruso so I think yes he can absolutely fit immediately and I think uh it said this best he can set the culture for the Chicago Bulls cuz the Bulls are definitely devoid of that and they don’t have anything they can hang their hat on in that kind of way when you play for the Chicago Bulls and this is just how the culture has always been you you’re supposed to come in here for a fight you’re supposed to come in here for that kind of defense and that kind of tenacity and you know you’re going to have to get your sleep the night before as they say I mean that so says you according to certain people the Bulls have had excellent culture since they fired Tom Ido yeah sure so that’s kind of been the Bulls like forever like you know what I mean go back as far as you want to go if you want to go to Jordan if you want to go to nor vanle or how far you you want to go to Red Cur for god sakes like how far you want to go that guy Rogers like that’s been the mo for the Chicago Bulls is it’s not going to be an easy day here and Devon Carter kind of sets that transition Joe Kim noo also uh was that kind of player so yeah you can definitely see how he would fit on the Bulls but I I can see the fit also culturally uh what he can reset culturally here for the team yeah I mean I mean Devin Carter is like a star role player right like he’s going to be a guy that I think compliments Stars really well he can move off the ball and shoot he can defend at a high level he can get out in transition he’s a great athlete um and he can make some plays like he’s not somebody who’s just going to stand in the corner and wait for offense to be given to them so I think he he’d be a great player on any team and I think that’s that’s why he is kind of rising in this draft pre-draft process because again in a draft where you’re not certain about any of these star players is it better to just hit a single or strike out s for swinging for a home run so um I think that’s why he is rising up the board but I also think he’s just a really good player so would I be mad if the Bulls took him no do I think that there’s guys that have higher upside and that that’s what the bull should be prioritizing yeah I do I think they should be focused on Less on fit and more on highlevel talent and bets on upside because right now like you look at this team and it’s like you’re 39 wins you can’t make it out of the play in your best player is 35 you’ve got a 33-year-old who you’re locked into now for two more years in nicolea vich yes you’ve seen some growth from some of your younger players but you don’t have any cap space to be able to go out and add in free agency you you owe a outgoing pick next year to the Spurs top 10 protected like it’s not the best situation long term and you’re also not very great in the near term so what do you have to do in order to get yourself into a better situation both shortterm and longterm you have to take some risks and take some bests on talent and so um I don’t think Devin Carter is going to be like an All-Star player but I think he’s going to be a very good role player and it really comes down to like what do the Bulls want to prioritize um but I would not be thinking about does he fit with IO does he fit with Caruso does he fit with Lonzo does he fit with Kobe I think he could fit with anybody because that’s kind of player he is but I just wouldn’t be thinking about some of these role guys that may or may not be on the team in two to three years instead you should be thinking about who is going to be on the team in two to three years and how can you get that guy to build around do I think that this is a draft where it might okay to draft more of a role player and then Kick the Can down the road for going in and getting a star yeah but also the Bulls may not have their pick next year so this might be their only chance to do it and that’s why I’ve been advocating for guys like AAR or a Holland or a topich because they to me represent a real upside play and I think they could still be good in in a smaller role too but I also think that like there’s a very good chance that those guys could turn into Stars if things break right and that’s what the bull should be prioritizing and you know you made a note of it in your mock that at the NBA level at least initially he’s probably going to be more of a three in D guard than a high volume High usage offensive engine Creator kind of guard which is why I think you know bams uh from Discord and and plenty other Bulls fans are wondering about the fit but you’re saying maybe it’s not necessarily about the fit of these specific pieces that we have right now in the 2024 offseason and how Carter’s game might translate and compliment theirs because I mean rattling off IO Caruso ball hey you know io’s got two very team-friendly deals left on his current contract Caruso we know that AK will never ever trade him but maybe maybe finally he will and Lonzo it’s like are we going to see an act of Lonzo ball yeah maybe hopefully but like yes the Bulls back court is crowded but is it really but I think he like Deon Carter represents a lot of the things that Lonzo did well he gets out in transition he shoots a three he’s a good facilitator high volume and pretty efficient his last year like like Lonzo correct but he’s at the NBA level I don’t expect him to like have the ball in his hands lap but he’s a good extra pass maker he’s a good hit ahead pass maker and so I think he is kind of like he represents a lot of the like missing sauce that the Bulls have been looking for these last couple years when they went after Patrick Beverly and Javon Carter and some of these guys so um it would make a lot of sense to me if AK made this pick uh and I don’t think it’s a bad pick necessarily I just I think there would be some better upside plays but I also think there’s a good chance Deon Carter’s off the board at nine to the Grizzlies who have been linked to him and also that’s a team where he also does kind of fit you know Grizzlies he does gr DNA grind baby defends at a high level he could kind of the the guy who Marcus Smart passes the torch to um plays well between johnar and Desmond Bane but then also if johnar is out then he can kind of step into a larger so true um the Grizzlies are not going to have very many more opportunities to draft in the top 10 are they going to want to take another swing maybe but they also just like hit a home run on GG Jackson in the 40s last year so um they could definitely take Devin Carter and maybe that encourages the Bulls to move up but I also just I don’t think it’s a guarantee that he’s there um whereas at first when this when these kind of rumors came out was like well Deon car is going to be there at 15 16 17 why not trade back and go get him I think he’s going to be a lottery pick for sure whether it’s the Bulls or another team taking him yeah and please don’t go to the heat that’s all I don’t want I don’t want him on the heat he fits the heat did you know that we painted some words in the paint of our court oh my God we’re so tough heat culture he’s perfect for no kick the Bull’s ass he’s perfect for no he’s perfect he is uh all right uh this one from Austin this is kind of a fun question we can break up talking about specific prospects Austin in the Discord for die hards asks are quote unquote draft promises more popular in the NBA than other major sports leagues or does it only feel that way because the Bulls love backing themselves into these Corners I feel like it might be at least partly the second thing yeah it just Bulls fans always hear about draft promises and in at least recent examples ways in which Bulls fans aren’t left very satisfied with the players who were given draft promises yeah I mean like Chandler Hutcherson will never live it down no if if anyone ever sees Chandler Hutcheson in the streets of Chicago at any point ever again Watch Out hush crutch s shin um it’s it’s in other sports they definitely do it because number one picks are promised all the time I think the Bears probably promised Caleb last month yeah man all the time SPS probably didn’t need to promise womany you feel me but it’s a but that’s clearly a promise you know what I mean like Derrick Rose we got to say here uh Lebron James yeah there were some there were some who were saying yeah true but outside but not inside but you know LeBron like come on you know what I’m saying like those are yes promises are happening in all sports uh there that’s why stuff comes up in uh in other leagues like the NFL I I specifically remember John Elway being like KN he was the number one pick like yeah I ain’t playing for that team I’m I’m sitting up doing that [ __ ] Eli Manning Eli Manning absolutely you know I’m not playing for you you know so yeah promises happen all the time it’s just when you you’re looking at it through those Bulls colored glasses I get it that it’s like dude why do we always promise these people and they do it in the 20s you know what I’m saying in the teens what are you promising them for stop doing that so yeah it’s like it’s like what is the value for you to make a promise in that situation okay um and I think there’s a couple of things that you could that you could answer with that one is maybe if a guy feels good about playing for you then he’s not going to do workouts for other teams and that’s going to ensure that he makes it to you um but I also think that it could set you up for failure when these kind of rumors come out and now other teams are like oh Devin Carter people are liking him maybe I maybe I’m the Grizzlies and I I do think about taking him at N9 instead of maybe trading back um so I think it could come back to bite you in that way um so to me it’s just like I wouldn’t do it because things can always change on draft night Nicole tobic comes out that he’s got a torn ACL now he could be there at 11 and like I would much rather take that swing even if he can’t play next year so um I I don’t really like I I get that there is value in it but to me like I definitely wouldn’t let that get out but I also just don’t know if I would do it in the first place cuz you don’t know what’s going to be available to you in the form of Trades guys falling on draft night like let’s say last year the Bulls had a pick and they made a promise to somebody at 11 but cam Whitmore who I had as a top five or top six player on my draft board and eventually slid to 20 was available for you like but you’d already promised Deon Carter then well can’t take cam cam whitmar who I think is a a much better Prospect still promises promises uh let’s knock out our second ad break right there we will come back dive into more Die Hard Discord mailbag questions all about this 2024 NBA draft coming up in now less than two weeks less let’s go so excited actually two weeks from tonight is night number two of the NBA draft which I think somebody else asked yeah who was our guy par Jr in the in the Discord thoughts on the draft being broken down into two days dumb stop that NBA you’re not the NFL stop it no need dumb too much pumping circumstance too much feel like Mario Lopez in that gift stupid stupid D is it like an anti-drug PSA that they it yes it was all one of my favorite episodes it was great the movie St coming put down the drugs NBA put the draft back together into one night Shout Out Mr building hit the like button for Mr Bing while we share words from our friends and sponsors Dave who’s next oh man Joey some save by the bail question says his knowledge on this man but before that folco F get fitted out in the sports the best sports gear around where you do that at folo they got the hoodies they got the shoes they got the signs they got the bobble heads and everything and be Twix are you going to a basketball game are you headed to the NBA finals well you might just have one more time to 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become a CJ uh wonderful perks for the very coolest and very best sports fans out there by signing up for RC H Joe die hard membership when you sign up you get a free shirt from the csj merch Locker pick whichever one you want yeah and then on top of that 20% off every single time you shop yes at that merch Locker dropping new merch all the time got a brand new Showtime one for all you Cubs fans out there um we of course have the very cool Friday 120 Club shirts that are also now available for anytime you’re going out hang out in the bleachers on a beautiful Friday this summer in Chicago a Chicago collection check them all out plus we got Pine classes we got hats we got hoodies we got plenty and you get 20% off every time you shop then of course there is the best of the best content wise uh some of that stuff behind the die hards only pay wall including draft database that we’re talking about right now talking about the last couple weeks we’ll talk about the next couple weeks leading up to the draft from the one and only whe to go Godly uh and discounts also not just the merch store but every time you’re looking to join us and have some fun at any of our various ticketed events see Joe Bears tailgates uh Bears trips coming up this uh season they’re going out to Arizona the Cubs crew is going up to Wrigley North AKA Brewers up there later in June die hards get discounts on all of those fun events that we do out in the community with our fellow Chicago sports fans sign up today yes to become a Cho die hard and also get access to that CH Joe die hard’s only Discord yeah that we’re doing mailbag from right freaking now CLI it CL click clack don’t talk back oh all right rolling on with our Die Hard draft mailbag Q’s we got G Ross 18 up next what do you guys think of my guy kle wear do you think he would be a good fit on the Bulls loved watching him at IU klew has been a name early and often for Bulls fans uh I believe currently on your most recent Big Board go you have him 16th on your mock draft That You released yesterday you have him falling to Toronto at 19th Toronto um with uh with the bulls of course and that Mike taking Devin Carter at 11 I I feel like we’ve we’ve briefly touched on CLW various points throughout the last few weeks but let’s like have an actual kware chat okay I really like him okay as far as the bigs in this class that the Bulls might be looking at he is right there for me as one of the ones I would be I think most happy with if they decided to go that route instead of a guard or a wing I I like him to I mean I like his size I mean for a guy his size is pretty high level you know what I’m saying there things that he can do I hate his motor I hate it dog I really do and I’m a motor guy I like guys with high Motors I’m not saying it makes him a better player or not it’s just I know when you have a high motor you’re not quitting and you’re going to go you’re going to go you’re going to go but maybe it’s like that because of his size you know what I mean cuz he can’t you know just put it all into it like that but no watching him play he is a skilled player man and you know just being the size he is and the strength that he’s had and definitely knows how to finish at The Rim like that’s where majority of his stuff is but he’s good like bottom line of it I really like him too incredible athlete um very good rebounder very good shot blocker although lower block percentages than EES Missy Don Holmes uh Zach Edy then Alex SAR and then Donovan kingan so maybe some questions there and I think the motor stuff is legit I mean um I was listening to Sam vini’s podcast yesterday Game Theory and he was talking about how um like the coach at Oregon where kle W played his freshman year was like straight up saying it in press conferences like we need more enthusiasm and energy from kle we so um I think that’s the question but also I think this year that was not really as much of a problem I think a lot of people covering that team and within that team team felt like he was great um that he was engaged and that he has a ton of upside he’s very much like a dirk Lively type of player Rim roller shot blocker um who can really move his feet um he does have a little bit of a shot I’m not sure how much that will translate but of the names that I’ve mentioned um SAR kingan um EES Missy Don Holmes like he’s up there with jump shooting so I think that’s exciting uh just a really tremendous athlete and I think he is going to be like very good Rim roller so if you’re asking about like how he is as a prospect I’m very high on on him but I do think he is a player maybe more so than some of these other guys that his fit is going to matter because I just don’t I think he’s going to need somebody to set him up yeah and um the Bulls don’t really have that guy so would I be mad at that pick absolutely not like I think he’s really exciting and I love the upside like there are a lot of people that have him in the top 10 but there are also some people that have him like at the back end of the first round and even into the second round um I saw a report today that said he was Rising into the lottery so again wouldn’t surprise me just based on the uncertainty within this draft and he’s a really exciting young athletic bouncy big which is like a huge change of pace from what the Bulls have had the last couple of years so I think it’d be great um and I think he’s a very exciting prospect but I think he his his situation is going to determine his outcomes I think a little bit more so than with some of these other guys like that I mean I I get the motor concern ER and I’ve heard it from more than just you I look at defensive rebounding M and I think how can he have a low motor if he has the best defensive rebounding percentage of any big in this class which he does I mean like I think there are a couple when you get down to like second round picks who don’t have the complete package of their game that has kware as a maybe back end of Lottery but very very likely first round pick but I mean filipowski kingan all of these other bigs that you’re talking about Zach Edy kware has the best defensive rebounding percentage of any of them true so how can you have a low motor and be an elite defensive rebounder because you can be the tallest person on the floor yeah but okay if you’re taller and you’re there who’s going to stop you Zack Edy was de that all season long he was just the biggest dude out there and he dominated that yeah but kle we is not Zack Ed’s size I understand that I’m saying he dominated in such a way because a lot of that had to do with his size not his skill not all of this other stuff but because he was big some things just you just can do because of the size you are and it’s not so much even his motor just because of the defensive rebounding is just the way he is up and down the floor you know what I mean like in trans it’s it’s cool you know what I mean like he doesn’t he’s not engaged all the time like it sometimes borders on aloof and it’s it’s like that with him when you see him play like it’s you mentioned Derrick Lively and dere it’s not and you’re right in the skill set but what separates it is Derrick Lively’s motor is insane you know what I mean like he will go all the time he’s going going going going going going going all the time man that’s kind of what you look at when you look at um uh wear and I’m not saying wear’s bad he he’s definitely good and I’m saying he’s a bad rebounder he’s definitely good at that but a lot of I’m telling you some of that was because that dude is damn near seven feet tall fair enough fair enough uh I mean so goat seems like you think he would be a Reach For Those Bulls fans who are interested in klew and want klew at 11 if the Bulls stay there you think that there are better players available yeah but like I’m not super I don’t feel super strongly about it like I I feel like the top eight to me is are guys that I would feel like really excited about the Bulls taking that’s SAR Castle topic Shepard Holland Dillingham klling and buellis if those guys were available at 11 I’d feel great about that uh that’s not even inclus including res who I think is going to be a top two pick probably um and then you’ve got like a a lower section of players that include like saloner Williams dton connect Deon Carter Tyler Smith K we like guys that I would be fine with but like he’s just lower in that same tier yeah and yeah I I think that there will be I just I don’t think the Bulls are a great situation for him and I know I’ve been advocating against like fit for this whole time and and maybe I still shouldn’t be thinking about it this way but like we talked about Daniel Gafford right yes um and how the bulls the bulls have like missed their opportunity they let him go for basically nothing even though he was uh the javante green trade um but like they miss their opportunity with him and how much he’s flourish now being with a team like the Mavericks but it’s like well yeah they have Luca donic who’s the best LOB throwing guard in the league and he’s in a situation where he plays 24 minutes a night and he can go balls to the wall and like just do two things defend the rim and catch lobs and then they have another guy who can do the exact same thing and not miss a step so I think yeah it’s like unfortunate the Bulls missed out on him and I don’t I don’t want to see that happen again but it’s also like the Bulls have never had a situation where they are built to help a player like that reach his highest form and like a bar and they just they still don’t have that like Demar can throw some lobs Kobe can throw lobs they don’t have like guys that are creating offense for for those kind of Rim rollers and I think for a team that already shoots like bottom five in three-point attempts like I would rather have a floor spacing big than a rim rolling big I acknowledge that those Rim rolling bigs are value valuable and have value you’ve seen the Timberwolves the Mavericks teams like that really have a lot of success with it but I just personally my preference is to to space the floor out a little bit more to create those driving lanes you’ve seen it with like OKC the Celtics teams that play five out have unlimited space to drive and kick and then they have a better shooting profile because you’re making more threes um it opens up the floor for some of these other guys to be better like we’ve seen IO and Kobe improve because of extra space on the floor that other guys are creating for them so um that’s just my preference I don’t think he’s a bad pick I don’t think the Bulls can necessarily maximize him but I do think he’s in that tier where it wouldn’t be like that big of a reach there he’s just maybe not my first choice okay yeah so sort of that that tier that sort of you know after the lottery yeah but definitely first round late Lottery till like late teens PI right uh okay kind of they kind of thank you to G Ross 18 for that question on to the next one shout out to our guy Bulls Troy in the Die Hard Discord y’all listen a whole lot of bull if you don’t uh out Troy asking all your opinions what needs to happen on draft night for you to walk away feeling like we came out a winner I.E kuso getting traded to the rockets for the number three pick Zack LaVine getting traded Etc I I like how best case scenario parenthesis here are some examples from Troy R trading Caruso and trading zck I I don’t disagree I think for me walking away Happy from draft night part one as a bulls fan would be that they find a trade for at least one of those guys yes Zack LaVine which is a big problem you have to solve this summer you have to mhm or they finally cash in on Caruso and then who they draft assuming they still keep a first round pick somewhere in that first 30 mhm will be like an afterthought to me honestly I think it will be that a trade would be awesome but as far as the pick is concerned I would like it and again it doesn’t have to be this but this is just how I feel I would like it to be somebody that I know because the Bulls have not done that in their past few kind of first round picks or should I say not on people’s Radars when you’re talking about them now I have grown to absolutely love D and Terry but I and and I’m talking about after I went the next day and watched his tape I was like oh I love this dude like he’s great I can see the grow you know all the other stuff we can get into but when they drafted him on that night I was like what I was like who this cat and I had to go look at Goat cuz goat was the one who had him like as the top five you piing and I was like oh goats approved okay all right cool but even Patrick Williams you know what I’m saying we can look at it on that sense that kind of wasn’t a guy that was known or out there or looked at and things like that it’s not a lot of bulls fans watching a lot of semal games yeah not a lot not a lot and again it’s not it’s not the a one andone freshman who came off the bench sure sure sure Riser I mean he was like late lottery for most of that draft process then like the the day before I don’t know then he went to the combine and everybody got to look at those tree trunks yeah yeah right yes exactly oh and they fell in love but yeah I just kind of wanted to be like that you know what I mean in in a draft where no nobody everybody is kind of a B minus C+ yeah kind of thing like can I get this B minus popping you know what I’m saying like can I get that going on and be like okay yeah I like that cat I know this cat let me go watch him and study him like that again doesn’t have to be like that you pick who you want and stuff like that but I would like to see that though so I love this question because I think a lot of times we talk about what we think the Bulls should do or where we think the Bulls went wrong or you know why they didn’t do X Y and Z sure but to actually think about like okay let’s let’s look at like best case scenario here because I do think at times we get a little bit or at least I get a little bit too Doomer but I’m actually kind of optimistic about where the Bulls can go here and I think it stems from uh from them doing the right thing a couple of different times number one I would like the priority has to just be accumulation of assets if that means moving back for more picks if that means getting the best player at 11 um if that means trading Caruso for additional picks yeah like I what I don’t want to do is add more picks more future picks to move up in this draft what I don’t want to do is add picks to get off of Zack LaVine just so that you can create space to bring back dear what I don’t want to do and you’re sensing a theme here like you can’t give up assets you need to collect assets whether the Bulls believe it or not they are currently rebuilding they just have dear who’s so good that he refuses to let them bottom out so they’re rebuilding from the middle which is a very difficult thing to do what makes it even more difficult is when you’re doing that from when you have a deficit of assets which is what the Bulls currently have so I want to collect more assets um I don’t want to just like give cuso away like uh we were just talking about this before we started recording here um a mock draft at clutch points had the Bulls trading up for mates buis sending a 2027 I want to say first round pick top five protected yeah I don’t want to do that because terrible idea they can’t afford to moreck to invest in this group and even though I think it is technically moving in the right direction cuz you’re looking at younger players that’s great but like you just have to look at this as a value play and I don’t think that’s a valuable thing U and then in that same mock draft there was a trade that sent Caruso to the Lakers for a future first round pick and Zach EDI like I think they could do better or I think they could leverage Caruso TR into getting off of LaVine for positive for positive value so um I don’t want to dump Zack LaVine or attach assets to do that I would much rather let dear walk keep Zach and then ultimately be able to move him but you’re not going to be able to do that until after the draft because free agency will have needed to start which the Bulls aren’t going to be able to like jump other teams um for Brandon Ingram or for Donovan Mitchell or for any of these other guys that might get moved so I think the Bulls just need to be a little bit patient here free agency and like some of these other teams are going to dictate that I know that’s frustrating to hear because we want a lot of change right away but I think a lot of change right away could result in some bad or shortsighted moves I think that sets the Bulls back even further so for me I’m looking at trading cruso for multiple picks um I’m looking at taking whoever’s there at 11 or moving back for additional picks I think you’re going to get just like a good player whoever it is um and if you can move Zach fine but like make sure you’re getting something for him I wouldn’t just rush to get rid of him or attach assets you just you can’t sink more into a team that’s a 39 win team you just can’t do it will want stuff uh give me stuff give him stff stuff I like stuff like I want it all and I want it now damn right I want it all all right won one more on that like I to to just like wrap it up I talked about being positive and not being like a Doomer with the stuff if you can get multiple picks for Caruso if you can get something for LaVine Andor Caruso and you’ve got 11th pick maybe an additional pick maybe a future pick you’ve got Kobe you’ve got you’ve got Patrick Williams who now you’re looking at bringing back talk to me like that’s a good situation yeah and it makes more sense like again I disagree with it but it makes sense to have Demar keep you afloat when you have a core of young players but when you don’t have that core of young players and you’re just playing for now and you also have this pick that’s maybe going to be you know the 11th pick going to the Spurs next year like it’s not worth it and so if you are going to not retain that pick if that is not a priority for them they need to prioritize Youth and upside now in order to like make up for that that they’re not going to get next year uh par J in the Die Hard Discord saying piggy backing off of Troy’s question okay uh with the bulls being rumored to trade for a pick what is the lowest pick and player offer for Caruso that you’d accept um the lowest pick so like for example we talked in one of our shows earlier this week about that uh that Sixers reporter who was talking on that radio show about how hey like the Sixers are in win now mode right we got Maxi we got embiid we finally got Tobias Harris off our books right we got cap space this 16 pick mhm maybe we can shop that for more win now Talent maybe that wi out Talent is Alex guso yeah and I feel like uh unless I’m misremembering all of us were kind of underwhelmed on like if after all of this talk about all the trade value that Alex kuso has had for the last two years all getting for Caruso as a number 16 pick in this draft class I would be pretty underwhelmed by that yeah yeah I I want to say top 10 but the reason for me that doesn’t make sense is because teams that I think are going to be going after Alex kuso are going to be teams that are in win now mode none of whom are in the top 10 correct ex exactly well yeah okay okay Memphis then that’s then it’s perfect yes give me Memphis or give me death um I’ll take I will happily take H Atlanta Atlanta I don’t think the Bulls are going to I don’t think they’re going to get up that far come on we’ll keep talking here’s a couple ideas for you um what about like this is maybe a long shot but Josh Giddy and 12 for Caruso Josh Giddy and 12 like they want to move on from giddy they don’t want to pay him he’s a young player who’s a good facilitator and you also get another lottery pick I think that’s a pretty solid deal that’s the kind of deal I would make um Orlando I think could be interested in or mayv that could be a like andine sense i’ would be into that um and if you keep your 11 and then you get 11 and then a pick in the teen somewhere whether it be Orlando La Philly and then you’re talking about getting yourself a guard or wing and a big if you want to take one of each y exactly or like we’ve talked about before maybe Zach and 11 for five and one of the like you know mid-tier cont tracks on the Pistons like an Isaiah Stewart you get yourself a backup center and you get yourself a chance to get into the top five for whichever guy you like and you’re not giving up Caruso or or future draft picks in order to do it that’s kind of deal I’d be okay with um so you’re saying Zack attached to this then those deals would be more okay for you yeah just because as we’ve talked about like I don’t think the Bulls are going to be able to get much positive value so if you can get any positive value I would do that um or I would be willing to like let Demar walk so that I could try to rehab Zach’s value I think there’s risks associated with that too so if you can get something positive now I would do it because then that opens up so many different doors for you especially if you’re getting off of 29 to $43 million of his salary right like it just opens up more doors for you to be able to make more decisions and I think what’s haunted the Bulls for so long is that they’ve just been right at the luxury tax for three years they can’t do anything sure but what’s the lowest for Caruso though what you’ll take for Caruso like straight up yeah I don’t I don’t think there’s necessarily a straight up trade outside of like the top five or six that would excite me too much just because I just don’t love any of the players in this draft that much I guess like top five pick for cruso straight up would be pretty sweet but um I don’t like for example the Rockets have been a team that’s been associated with Caruso yeah Caruso and 11 for three or just Caruso for three I don’t think the Rockets are going to do that not because they don’t love Caruso but because I think they’re going to be looking at Mel Bridges or Don Mitchell or some of these other bigger fish that they can go out with all their young players they’re they’re going to use three to attach three to something else to go get like a superstar as opposed to like just maximizing the value of that pick itself so I don’t necessarily see and I don’t think the Bulls should just take one draft pick for cruo I think they could do better uh all right guys we are just about out of time we do have one more question left this one comes from AJ parenthesis 2024 pigs a click champ in the Die Hard Discord shut out uh conversely from what we were just talking about AJ asks what’s your personal worst case scenario for the Bulls in this draft whether it be uh trade related a player you think they might go for that you think is bad Etc here’s my simple answer yeah trading away future draft Capital to do anything in this draft on draft night that is my worst case scenario ditto yeah I think that like to me I don’t think that there are many ways the Bulls can go wrong in this draft as assuming they just let the value come to them yeah but as soon as you start to go out and pay extra to move up for guys that are not sure things like that’s where you’ve seen yourself get into trouble before you saw it with vich you’ve seen it with uh even dear like as great as he’s been there was to me like there’s no reason that they should have given up a pick in 2025 for that sign and trade when they were over bidding the market in the first place um so when you are like being willy-nilly with future draft picks like that’s how you get screwed down the line and maybe AK is not thinking about that maybe he’s just thinking about this year and thinking about saving his job that’s fine but at the same time like there has to be some accountability there you cannot just continue but I think he’s learned that lesson otherwise he would have maybe used some of these future picks um in the meantime to help double down so hopefully AK has learned from that but I agree with you Matt like unloading more assets into what we have now is that would just be an abject disaster yeah did you use willy-nilly because your name is in it no I did not thank you for asking just asking we will not be replacing the goat as his moniker to replace me all willy-nilly willly nilly go um other other potential but I think very unlikely worst case scenario on draft night is that our gracious hosts PB&J come hang out with us draft night uh party June 26th um free admission runs out of delicious pizza and delicious beer I don’t think it’s going to happen it would be a worst case scenario cuz I’m going to need pizza grease and beer to drown my stress both both yeah some we’re counting on you PB and J what kind of what you course light of course our presenting sponsor for our live draft show on Wednesday June 26th Frosty cold hello hello cold logger cold filter cold as the Rockies themselves the rock thank you everybody for throwing us your questions in that die hard Discord hope you enjoyed this draft edtion of a Die Hard mailbag have a great weekend we are back Monday one week closer to the NBA draft and boy do we have some awesome guests lined up for the next week and a half leading up to draft night on the 26th lots of fun stuff stay tuned in the meantime check out goat’s mock draft on die hards you also have of course access to his draft database Big Board consensus mock all that good stuff sign up to be a die hard and get access to that too will _ go is where you can find him big day bow bwl Sports our P producer on the controls is the one and only Longhorn Jo spus he at Joy spus uh we are choore bulls I’m bulls forek have a great weekend we’ll talk to you Monday see you where be good peace [Music] [Applause]

The CHGO Bulls crew answer mailbag questions from their Diehards, all about the 2024 NBA Draft! Matt, Big Dave and Will do deeper dives on prospects like Kel’el Ware and Devin Carter. Plus, what are the best and worst case scenarios for the Bulls on draft night? Might we see them make a trade? All that and more in this Draft Edition of Diehard Mailbag!

An ALLCITY Network Production








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  1. Kalel Ware is the Best fit for rhis team at 11.

    Make a small trade to get a another pick in the teens and grab Edey!

    PF & Center will be solified.

  2. I beleive Eddy is the best option for the Bulls. Trade Vooch and DeMar, we no have pieces that fit without having to mortgage the next 10 years.

  3. My mind is blown that any Bulls fan is asking question about a players fit next to LONZO BALL!! And over Coby 🤣🤣🤣 madness I tell you!

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