@Detroit Pistons

Does This Mean Monty Williams STAYS with the Detroit Pistons?

Does This Mean Monty Williams STAYS with the Detroit Pistons?

Detroit business have hired a new assistant coach under the important thing is how this one was reported a staff member to Monty Williams rip Chris do you have a picture for this one we don’t we don’t have a picture for this one but the the thing about this hire to me Chris figured it out is that yeah it doesn’t necessarily indicate that Monty is or isn’t the coach how do you because be because right now it’s assumed that Monty is a coach until it’s announced it’s not however they announced that they are evaluating Monty so they would have announced if Monty is keeping his job like I and I’ve reached out to a few pist a few of my Pistons sources and they’ve said and they’ve said yeah you you would you would hear something about Monty specifically he’s in this report he’s hired assistant to Monty Williams yeah but but Fred Vincent is joining Monty Williams’s Detroit Piston staff as an assistant coach right but it it’s Monty’s until it’s not so James Edwards even tweeted this out too he said he said look this doesn’t mean anything whether in regards to Monty keeping his job or losing his job it doesn’t mean anything it’s an addition to the co to the coaching staff you want bet I’m not I’m not betting anything he’s keeping the job it wouldn’t they wouldn’t announce it as he’s joining Monty sta that’s what I originally thought but James Edwards and everybody are tweeting hey this is I love and respect James he’s the best in the game when it comes to reporting Detroit Pistons news he Monty staying Monty stay hire somebody to Monty staff allow it to be announced as to Monty like that would by the way this guy coached by the way it’s Fred Vincent if not mistaken yeah he’s mon already when Monte was a coach for the New Orleans Pelicans when he was their head coach so Monty’s GNA stay it’s this might not be the the you know only thing that proves that but they haden’t come out and said anything about it yet and then they do this where they add him to his staff I would yeah Monty i s a picture real quick you gra this guy uh this guy’s going to have to earn his paycheck though with with Oar Thompson out there that’s for sure well that’s what I’m saying man Oar Thompson three-point champ loaden this guy this guy’s the guy I did I did some digging on him he’s the guy that and and this got put out very publicly so I’m sure you guys saw this at at that point too but he was the guy who fixed Lonzo Ball’s jump shot like this guy has been highly regarded as one of the best shooting coaches a guru in the NBA so I know easy you have your your beine you know you’re your beine shooting coach coach in the league this is yeah this is this is going to be the ultimate test of that easy I mean he he seems highly regard this seems like a great hire again James Edwards emphasized that this is a hire that they wanted to make no matter who was the coach so I’m I’m I’m with you guys I would lean that Monty stays but again I’m trusting what James Edwards said and that it’s not a direct correlation to Monty Williams himself it’s just that he’s assumed to be the coach until an official announcement SL decision is made they wouldn’t hire an assistant coach without the future head coach’s permission I mean when you’re the GM you can do what you want and isn’t this isn’t this trejon just kind of flexing his president of basketball operations title no like you would you you wouldn’t hire an assistant coach without the other coach’s approval he’s one working with them day to day like you would you wouldn’t even want that as a a head coach like what I have this guy that you handp underneath me yeah I feel like my my next constant being breed no this was definitely Monty talking to the their whole Pelican connection obviously trejon Langdon has a connection to him but so does Monty Williams and that is Monty Williams had the connection first before trejon langon was in the situation to be making moves like that so uh I mean this is nothing but a good thing for we need obviously someone to help out with some shooting him being the guy that fixed Lonzo Ball’s jump shot is extremely extremely important because hopefully he could do the same with asor Thompson and Logo 3 from Cade loading no I saw that on Twitter I don’t want to steal that from somebody but uh obviously it’s going to help Cade cuz we saw him getting his jump shot back especially in the second half of last year when he was feeling more comfortable with his legs under him he really started the shoot shooting the ball pretty well from outside so adding another guy in here who has a track record of being a three-point specialist and helping guys that will only continue to improve his shot for Bradley here’s a pcture too by the way you guys like to see Fred Vinson what are your guys’ expectations for a year two leap for assar Thompson when it comes to three-point shooting I know that I knew this was coming I no I want it’s an actual question fellas do you guys have expectations for a set number that you want to see him get to in his second season get to 30% yeah I I want him to get better what I expect no I don’t expect if he wants to stay in the league and especially on the Pistons with a guy like Kade who’s running the show you need to shoot 30% you need to shoot 35% I mean he might be the type of player that he might just be a three and D guy I know he handles the ball well but he might be a guy that sits in the corner with Ivy and is going to get a lot of open looks and he needs to hit like I said probably 30 or 35% of those if he wants to stay in the league I mean I I agree I think I think that I think that 30% is kind of fair when you’re looking at his numbers here I mean he shot 18% but 18 to 30% 12% is a big jump but it’s kind of not when you shoot that bad just like just like winning you know 14 to to 25 games isn’t as drastic of a jump as winning you know 48 to 59 like there’s just there’s kind of level there’s kind of levels to shooting just like there is winning so I I think a 12% increase for assar is is you know Fair especially because it needs to be more than that because he was so bad if he was a 20% three-point shooter then a 12% increase would be fine but because he was a teen percent three-point shooter it needs to be bigger than that it needs to be close to the 20 than it is to 10 like it needs to be a drastic improvement from him and I’m not talking about an 12 attempts a game or anything like that but if you’re shooting three threes a game make one of them make one of them they’re going to be open shots you’re going to be in the corner wide open on these attempts if you’re shooting three of them make one a game that that’s what I expect so 33% yes on a very low volume I mean I mean look I I I hope so but you you know what easy I want to ask you this question yeah this guy is highly regarded I think you’re on board with this hire it sounds like does this give you any pause for Ivy that he could work Ivy shot or is or is it just not a fit and it’s never going to work I’m not buying any stock of Hope when it comes to the Detroit Pistons I’m just not yeah me either like it’s you’d be you’d be a dumbass too at this point yeah I might buy a sweet hat like k has on right now is a dope hat that’s that’s probably the furthest extent I my Friday hat it’s my going out hat my Friday hat what’s up love going out hat yeah um no I wish I had more hats that actually fit my head so I could wear going out heads I I just don’t think Ivy’s that type of player he’s just not at the end of the day um Terrell Lamar in the wber Sports Chat says assar wasn’t picked to be a three-point shooter for sure but in today’s NBA you need to be able to knock down an open three at least once at least once or you literally can’t be on the court no matter how athletic you are no matter how good defensively you are if you shoot in the teens you will not see the court in the NBA so I’m not asking him to be James Harden or Steph Curry or just when you’re getting open looks which you will be because nobody’s going to be guarding you at the three-point line make one out of three that’s all I’m asking for how about keys to wisdom AAR is just as likely to go below 18% as above he was that bad yeah I it’s it’s definitely he ain’t going below 18 whole off season work no he a going below no 13 18% that thing looked broken it l pretty broken Jimmy Butler made the jump from like 13 some something wild like that but he also only averaged like one shot a game total by the way one 1.9 field go temps in that rookie season and assar has double that at 1.8 I’m looking at his numbers now so y you know it’s less likely that assar will make the transformation that Jimmy but it’s not it’s not out of the realm of possibility especially with the new shooting coach like Allen W says bam Mark bam out a bio is a 35% three-point shooter like and he’s a center yeah and he’s a center and he doesn’t take five threes a game but that’s what I’m not ask I’m not asking AAR to do that to be especially his position where you are you got to be able to knock down an open three it is an unnegotiable [Music]

Spencer Raxter, EZ and the rest of the Heavyweights crew discuss the Detroit Pistons hiring assistant coach, Fred Vinson from the New Orleans Pelicans, does this Trajon, Monty connection means he remains in Detroit? Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. There is no reason for Monte to be fired the players have to execute the game soon as he got a couple of his type of players like Fonteccio the energy changed

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