@Toronto Raptors

Raptors targeting a big in the 2024 draft

Raptors targeting a big in the 2024 draft

going do that Purdue I’ll be there with all all my teammates all all the faculty all the staff that that that really helped me along the way and to be able to celebrate that with them and share moment with them it’s going to be special how y’all doing make sure to hit like And subscribe on your way in that would be great we got a little boom arm action going on here boom arm thank you very much the Community member who solved this issue for us I hope y’all can hear me loud and clear this is going to be a little bit of an adjustment for me but we’re gonna be talking about Zach today we got to talk about Zach because honestly a very polarizing Prospect and sometimes we can be guilty of let’s say overthinking a simple equation right now honestly Zack Ed is a very polarizing ECT for a number of reasons number one he’s a former college player of the year he’s a big man we’ve heard for years that big men are extinct in the NBA but we’re seeing evidence to that counter every single year we’re seeing Daniel Gafford in the finals we’re seeing christops porzingis in the finals Gafford can’t shoot Lively can’t really shoot and both those guys are the center rotation that decimated teams right we saw in the Western Conference Finals we saw uh Rudy goar uh and he was fairly effective uh so does Zack Ed have a place in the NBA right so we got to talk a little bit about why he is rated and why he is polarizing in the way that he is we’ll talk about why I was so initially down on him and what I’ve seen from him in watching his tape that has made me sort of Change My Mind on him quite a bit and ultimately we’re going to give you my top 10 well was actually top 14 top 15 um big man big board for the Toronto Raptors we have been promising for weeks now that we’re going to be doing draft coverage draft coverage draft coverage it just never happens but we we are really getting into it now so starting today if the finals end today in an hour and a half when the Dallas Mavericks take on the Boston Celtics if that series is in fact over I promise that I will turn full focus and every ounce of my attention over to the NBA draft in free agency all right uh um Henny Hardway saying e Missy got a green room invite and you will see why when I talk about e Missy so in this in this video we’re going to be talk about Zach of course we’re going to talk about you know sort of his rise and why I am bullish on him suddenly and we’re going to talk about the big man in this draft because I do think that this draft is loaded with big man and I do think that the Raptors have a bit of a hold there uh Beyond kellyo linic and yeah Beyond Kelly oin and yakob purle there really isn’t a big man in this on this team that’s going forward right jonte Porter’s gone Christian Koko may be back may not be back but he’s not on the team as of right now you don’t really have somebody and I do think that because big men are somewhat underrated um that this could present an interesting opportunity for the Raptors in a somewhat weak draft to perhaps get some value at the backup big position okay we got to talk about Zaki right um not a top 400 recruit coming into Purdue okay played baseball and hockey more than basketball until he outgrew those Sports and ultimately basketball became the obvious and only choice because he was in fact just seven feet tall and he had to go to IMG Academy now we’ve seen a lot of project bigs go to IMG Academy and not succeed I remember what was it uh gosh there’s so many you can really think about it but but the one that comes to mind is satam sing now I think a lot of people initially thought Zak was another Saum sing is that racially motivated because they’re both of Asian descent saam sing being of East Asian descent and sorry East Indian descent and um you know Zach being Chinese Canadian is there some sort of bias going on there where we just assume that he’s less athletic or whatever he looked a little different obviously his body has come a long way his conditioning has come a long way and his game has come a long way now the Toronto Raptor historic Ally have shown that they are fans of late bloomers they’re fans of guys who picked up the game a little bit later and so even though Zach is a senior um maybe he has a little bit more upside for the same reason that Pascal zakum had a little bit more upside he picked up the game so much later I think it’s also worth stating that there hasn’t really been a player in college basketball as dominant as zachia as much as you want to say Luca Garza as much as you want to say Oscar sheo these were just not as good as Zak heiti I’m sorry they weren’t you might say well he was just bigger and taller than everybody well guess what he’s going to be bigger and taller than everybody in the NBA as well 7 fo4 300 PBS there isn’t a center that can stop this so then you might ask really let’s let’s talk about the criticisms can’t shoot okay that’s dubious and we will talk about why he maybe can shoot um slow-footed right we’ll get schemed out will get picked on a lot right that I think that’s that’s a fair criticism and we can talk about drop coverage and you know how the Raptors can possibly you know effectively use him there’s also the limited post move post touch to anyone saying he’s going to be better than Yao Ming you really need to go back and watch Yao Ming play basketball Zaki is not Yao Ming he’s not better than Yao Ming at the same age Ying was leap years ahead in terms of his offensive polish his footwork his post moves the dynamicism the shooting touch the the overall package of Yao Ming was just so enticing there is a reason why he was considered a generational Prospect there’s a reason why it wasn’t just because the game is slow so I think that goes to that that goes to the to the bigger question of why is zachi so underrated as a prospect and why is the two-time college national Player of the Year you know why is he um why is he being considered potentially not even a first round pick by many analysts some people have him down at 23 some people have him as a fringe lottery pick why is this guy not on the same level as Donovan kingan why is he not on you know why is he not on the same level as an alexar I think it’s because people think that there’s a limited upside with a player this slow sure okay I think some people feel like maybe once he goes up against bigger competition that some of his advantages are going to um you know disappear here uh yui L saying no for Zach Ed he is like boban marianovich um I think that there’s a thought that there too right boban right like okay I want to talk about this from the perspective of a person who started out a very big Zach detractor and has come around a really long way like you’re going to be pretty fraking surprised when you see where he is on my big man Big Board because he I started out with him at 12 on a big man big board and he’s moved into the top 10 and very firmly above a lot of prospects that you guys might probably like more than him so I want to talk about what he does well um before I talk about some of the things he doesn’t do so well so one of the things that he does well in my opinion is he screens really well we saw this with Team Canada that he is just an incredible screener okay the other thing that I think he can do really well at the NBA level is I think he can defend the rim really well even if you say that okay well you know we’ve seen clips of you know guys from Team USA you know uh Anthony Edwards Austin Reeves Etc going at him and when he goes up against Dynamic cards like uh Tyrese Halbert and Etc that if they pull him and they start to you know really really start to scheme against him and pick on him like they did in college basketball that he is going to be very very limited in those situations okay I get that but so is Rudy goar so is every single drop big so is Jonas valan chunis so is IIT zubot so is Steven Adams so are a lot of guys so is Daniel gaffard right now I mean those teams still made it to the finals why is he worse than Daniel gaffard I think a lot of people maybe subconsciously think 7 foot4 means injury-prone well so far so good no no serious injuries with him so far I think maybe some people see him like a little bit like a Luca Garza where they say okay well we know you were the man in college but what can you do when you’re not the man what what skills do you bring beyond your postscoring this is not a Jalil Okafor situation where his bread and butter is everything to do with scoring and everything else is just washed Julio Okafor was not a great defender uh for those of you who don’t remember Jil Okafor ended up going to the process Sixers was a top three pick he ends up going to um you know he go he ends up going first year he ends up 17 and seven terrible terrible Advanced analytics but 17 and seven a lot of empty calorie points he finishes behind um guys like Carl Anthony towns and christs porzingis a lot of people feel maybe third was a bit of a reach but the year after and the year after it really turns out to be a horrible fit because embiid comes in after the injury he ends up being much better than him he ends up getting benched he’s out of the league very soon okay gets into a fight with some Boston fans okay but this is not a jul Loca for no matter how much you want to think it’s a j jul Loca for I’ll tell you right now J Oka for was a lot more talented than Zaki a lot more talented I watched a lot of Jalil and you know at you know in college and I just thought he was one of the best post bigs I’d ever seen but the reason for Jalil failing is once you took the ball out of his hands he didn’t do much else he wasn’t a solid screener he wasn’t a good Defender drop or switch he couldn’t really hang in the NBA if the ball wasn’t going through him and he wasn’t good enough to have the ball go through him and then Plus on top of that he had a whole bunch of depression he had a mass massive injury okay so this is not a jul Loa for situation and it’s not a Yao Ming situation you’re not drafting this guy to come in and be your franchise savior you’re not asking him to do that you’re asking him to set solid screens which I believe he can do at an elite level you’re asking him to grab offensive rebounds and just generally be a guy who sucks in a second defender on that okay he can do that you are also asking him to be somewhat capable down the line as a spacing big and I believe he can do that his free throw shooting percentage is very encouraging if you look at the the thing that I’m flashing on the screen right now just take a look at his assist percentage look at that look at that free throw percentage he’s been hovering around 70% his entire college career that to me is very encouraging that he will eventually know how to shoot at least from 15 feet now he thinks he could shoot threes okay well I think he I think eventually he will as well right and he was very quick to point out that he went one for two in his college career Purdue did not ask him to shoot threes I like the fact that he’s very coachable I like the fact that he’s malleable in his first two years at Purdue he wasn’t really the featured guy and he just set solid screens and he hustled and he played his role when he became the featured guy he went into that situation as well I like guys whove played different roles in college it is a good adjustment to see what they can do now the Toronto Raptors have drafted a player who’s pretty similar to Zak albeit a little bit more Nimble but currently he’s on their roster and that’s yaka purle there’s a lot in common with these two I think the most underrated skill of Zach is his passing to me his basketball IQ his passing and his coachability are what separates everything for me at 7 foot7 wingspan he holds the ball High he’s not a guy you can bother very much now everything in basketball comes down to Advantage create an advantage at some some place on the court create an advantage and then milk that Advantage very quickly to generate a good look okay some teams generate that Advantage by going to the perimeter and setting a ball screen and getting a guard coming downhill collapsing a Defender forcing a switch passing out to the corner to a movement shooter coming off a screen and you got to do it that way some teams can force an advantage by throwing the ball inside to a Nico yic and having him sort of pick you apart because the minute you send a second Defender he’s going to milk the advantage right niic is also a very very slow-footed center he is also a guy who has active hands and a good hand eye coordination he’s also a guy who has some shooting touch I’m not suggesting zachi is going to be Nicole yic that would be insane he is nowhere near Nimble enough he is not as skilled his ball skills are nowhere close to it but could he do some of the stuff that nicoa yic does in terms of screen setting in terms of quick reads out of the post in terms of offensive rebounding some of the things that make nicoa yic successful on the basketball court are just the amount of pressure that he puts on the rim now the Raptors don’t put a ton of pressure on the rim and once you start to think about the way the Raptors are trying to build this offense with a lot of smart cutting and a lot of off ball movement and guys coming off screens and you know guys like Grady dick uh you know movement Shooters like Grady dick who are trying to become moving Targets on on the perimeter coming off of screens Emanuel quickly deep Shooters Etc look the better your spacing is the more functional a a post big like Zack Ed is going to be because the further those gaps are right if you put Zack Ed on the court in an NBA game right now okay I’m just saying right now no development no four years from now I’m saying right now put him on the court put him with like four great Shooters okay he is going to be pretty successful because he doesn’t turn the ball over um he is reasonably capable as a as a screener and every time he sets a screen he’s setting he he is he is diving or he is going to eventually be able to pop off that screen so that is immediately going to generate an advantage offensive rebounding box out assignments you’re going to have to send two to him every time he is too big too strong 300 lb he is going to be a terror on the offensive class now you look at guys like Jonas Valen chunis and in limited spurts Jonas valunas helps you win basketball games go look at how many games Jonas Val chunis has won finally the last time Jonas funis was on a losing team he’s never on a losing team almost ever in his entire life he’s not been on a losing team I think the last time he was on a losing team was like first two years in Toronto he was a huge part of those massive win teams now is Zack Ed really that much slower than yonas Valen chunis it’s not that much slower than y b now I’ve said a lot of nice things about Zach let me let me point to some criticisms he is very very slow-footed in the full court I don’t give a [ __ ] what the what the you know all the you know combine stuff says about his shuttle run and his three quarter Sprint or whatever I watched a lot of tape on Zack and I can tell you he is very slow in transition um he will not be the slowest player in the league because there are players who tested worse than him in that in that sense but he’s also not going to be Luca Garza in my opinion okay you can see Luca Garza’s numbers here the Improvement that he showed through five through four years five years six years the last six years Zack Ed’s you know Improvement has been immense that points to a lot of things for me okay now this is my my big man big board and you know this is where I have Zack Ed we can talk about this um and we will talk about this for sure uh once we are done talking about Zach but hold on let me just 501 right okay so let’s just FL let’s just let some zakie you know tape play out while I’m talking about him right in terms of post stuff like he’s he’s good but yes in in in transition with RJ Barrett with Scotty Barnes you know trying to run out in the break the only saving grace for him will be if he becomes a if he becomes a trailing pop big okay if he becomes a guy who can kind of Trail the play and be sort of slow-footed you know another guy who was very slow footed but very you know slow footed in transition but very Nimble in in in in defensive coverages Mar Cel right so you can you can operate with a guy who’s a little bit slow you know another guy who’s really slow Luca donic fast you know in the Fast Break Luca is slow so you have to cater now it’s one thing to cater your offense to be slower because of Luca but it’s another thing to cater your offense to be slow for Zach edti but what if Zack doesn’t have to cover as much of the Court as you typically would at Purdue seeing Purdue whereas he was playing 38 39 minutes and maybe he was conserving some energy defensively and in terms of running the the floor I mean can he just Sprint for like 15 minutes a night can he do a track meet is he in shape to do that I believe he is um is he ever going to be able to guard in space is he going to switch no he’s never going to be able to do that but that’s that that can be said about 15 to 20 centers you know right now that are playing Major minutes in the league these guys aren’t going extinct because in the end you’re still putting a 7 foot4 guy in the most absolute like um important part of the basketball court right the Raptor’s paint defense was absolutely okay he saying clickbait uh this is not clickbait at all the Raptors are targeting a big and I I’ll I would almost stick my reputation on the fact that one of those two picks are going to be a big now do I think Zak is going to be a tronto raptor no I do not I don’t think Zak is gonna be a tronto raptor because I think he’s gonna be gone before pick 19 so unless they’re planning on trading up for him which I would not suggest I do think he’s going to go somewhere else I will talk about some bigs that I think could be Tron Raptors but I don’t think Zak is going to be one of them because I think at some point you’re going to have to realize that GMS are GNA you know I think GMS are trying to outthink themselves right now they’re trying to outthink themselves because nobody wants to pick this guy up and then he turns into boban marianovich but I think you have to trust the track record of people improving on their weaknesses most people don’t improve the way that he’s improved that speaks to his work ethic I read a lot about Zack I watched a lot of interviews with Zak I got to learn a lot about him over the last week and frankly I think a lot of you know the criticism is unfounded I I really do I think a lot of the stuff that people are saying about him you know um being uh DJ Johnson saying kware seems to be the best fit theoretically o I don’t think so theoretically yes but basketball is played on the court not in theory and again you know we have a guy like kware who prototypically fits more of the modern big archetype but yo like look at Zak’s motor look at this guy’s intensity that he plays with does that matter to you at all does it matter to you that your big man have a bit of a Mean Streak right he has that he has a bit of a chip on his shoulder which I really appreciate he has that like desire to prove people wrong which I appreciate and I have a feeling Mah appreciates that too you know this is really one of those organizations that [ __ ] test the hell out of the person that they’re drafting more so than anything else in the absolute worst case what is Zak going to be in the absolute worst case he is going to be a third big on your roster that is going to occasionally be able to burn six fouls against a Joel embiid or a nicoa yic and probably do a horrible job doing that but he’s going to crash the glass and set awesome screens and make decent reads that’s the worst case scenario there’s no scenario in which he’s out of the league in four years or anything like that in my opinion I think the the floor is higher than people think okay the best case scenario huh the best scenario is actually that he is a starter in the NBA the best case scenario is that he’s a starter and then he becomes a little bit more mobile right athleticism does not end at 22 he can get more athletic with NBA training he can become better he can become bigger okay he’s never going to be Victor web Yama he’s not going to be Alex star he’s not going to be Evan Moy you don’t need him to be you need him to Be an Effective drop big you know who else is a drop big Chris porzingis is a pretty pretty much a drop big okay watch the highlights watch what what you’re seeing here does this really seem that different than the way Chris staps moves on the perimeter just be honest with yourself I understand that um you know I understand that a lot of people are going to say well KP shoots the Deep three and that’s the difference okay well if Zach can shoot reasonably well from three and you get him at 19 I don’t really think that’s the end of the world so my long and short of this is I think Zack Ed would be fine at 19 I just don’t think he’s going to land there now let’s talk about the bigs in this draft because honestly I think there are a couple bigs that I love in this draft now I don’t like alexar I’m gonna be very fir firm on that he’s number one on my big man big board by default I don’t think he’s a top five pick for me um but I assume he’s going to go top two he’s either going to go to the Atlanta Hawks or he’s going to go to the Washington Wizards I think the Hawks are gonna lean Zachary rachet as they should rachet should be the number one should be the number one pick okay I have East MEI number two I have him over Donovan Clingan mes balis who a lot of people see as a wing Zack Ed Don Holmes Tristan D Silva Kyle filipowski Salon I gotta tell you E Mei his ability to drive the basketball is very tantalizing now okay some of the reads were not so great some of the foul trouble was not so great um you know some of his touch around the basket wasn’t so great but maybe I’m maybe I’m maybe I’m tripping maybe I’m crazy but I do see a little bit of Pascal cakam and use me as Ean but defensively oh my God I see a prospect who can switch uh who has very mobble hips who has you know transition Terror written all over him s feet tall like Barefoot s feet tall uh Elite wingspan I mean the people saying Clint capella really didn’t watch Clint capella play basketball prior to the Hawks um and the rockets because I tell you E Mei is very good and he’s also another guy who was late to basketball Donovan kingan again as a drop big very impressive uh you know the the amount of shots he’s able to change at The Rim his hand eye coordination um his screen setting again a lot of the same reasons that I said for Zack e i I think Donan Kling in but I think his defense is just that much better mest bazis I think a lot of people have kind of you know second guessed him the shooting how was it you know uh the g-league shooting was not great some of the shot making um is he tough enough you know there’s been a lot of that what’s his position defensively but I I I I think if he falls to 14 or 15 someone should get fired um I think he’s up there so in the first four guys I really do think all those guys are lottery picks and you know with eth Mei I think he’s going to fall a lot of mock drafts have him 23rd 26 I’m just like man if he’s there for the Raptors at 19 you take it and you run um way too Smokey saying I thought you me see was 610 Barefoot you are correct I misspoke um I said seven foot he’s he has a seven 7 foot2 wingspan and he’s 610 Barefoot correct my bad um [ __ ] who the hell was s foot Barefoot who was s foot Barefoot it wasn’t Theon Holmes 610 who was 7 foot Barefoot I’m trying to think here was it Alex SAR who was 7 feet Barefoot or kware one of those two guys anyways so going on to Zack Ed at number five I think Zach should be a top 15 to top 16 pick I think it it just it kind of comes down to like okay in a normal draft I could see him being the 28th pick 29th pick this is not a normal draft I think the floor on him is high enough and the ceiling is appetizing enough that you could talk yourself into him being a top 15 pick okay um Don Holmes the second firmly a big I’ve heard some crazy people say he could be a wing he absolutely cannot but some playmaking chops there I see a lot of Jared Allen and him and I don’t know if it’s just physical similarities or whatever but I really like some of his uh playmaking ability it’s not like point forward stuff but it’s it’s good for a team that is trying to do a lot of read and react stuff if you watch the Dallas Mavericks in game three you saw a lot of off-ball Mis rates right you saw a lot of stupid stuff um from PJ Washington from Derek white sorry not Derek white um Derrick Jones Jr you saw a lot of you know misreads areas of the game where you know a little bit of a more a little bit more of a thinking player might have helped you you see a guy cutting back door his man kind of leaves him alone he doesn’t he doesn’t Dart to the basket he’s he continues to trail to the corner things like that where advantages that are there for a second are just gone because the player just misread what they were supposed to do in that moment on the other hand you have Elite basketball intelligence from guys like Derek white and Drew holiday where it’s like okay these guys are making the right read every single time like they’re relocating to a corner that’s open they’re stopping short even Jason Tatum has come a really long way Jaylen Brown These Guys teaching the game that as Joe Missoula and EM Oka have done and Brad Stevens has done over the last six years for the Boston Celtics has been a huge part of why the Celtics are where they are right now sure they have imported some players who were already very smart like Derek white who was very well coached but I think that one of the things that people really really misinterpret and misunderstand is how important teaching the game is to people who don’t necessarily read the game very well and that’s where High basketball IQ comes into play because I remember the story about Pal Gasol learning the triangle offense like in a day or something like that and it’s just like that’s the point when you have a guy who’s already really intelligent when it comes to basketball they make better decisions on the basketball court and those decisions amplify and then they add up over a season and it might get you two three wins that just don’t show up but in those critical moments they they tend to have good ideas about what to do on the basketball court when when things change things shift um zakie so donon Holmes I like his basketball IQ jerson of Silva I just see a floor of a role player right and I see a ceiling of a role player I’m not seeing ceiling of a star I’m not seeing necessarily even seeing a starter I’m just seeing a guy who’s comfortably top eight in in in your rotation or worst case and a bench I’m just seeing an NBA player okay so that’s what I see in Tristan the Silva I’m not I don’t necessarily think that he’s going to you know wow anybody and go and become um you know a superstar an Allstar whatever but you know this is the part of the draft where I think you really really start to hone in on How likely is this person just to hang on and be a professional and do their job K filipowski same thing right modern big yeah there’s some defensive issues but I think some of them are overblown as well I think he’s a little bit more switchable than people give him credit for there was an injury that might have held him back a little bit but great playmaking upside good shooter like really good shooter a lot of comps to Keith Van Horn and a lot of other tall white Shooters Kelly oen is another guy that he’s often compared to honestly I think he’s just way too good um at this stage of the draft like if you end up you know at 24 25 how can you possibly pass on a player whose worst case scenario is a top 10 player on your roster like if the Lakers had him you know at 17 or whatever I think they should give him a look because he’d fit in very well with what they do next to Anthony Davis as long as you can surround him with a big who can cover up for some of his deficiencies um I think he’s a fantastic you know guy and again screening decent right decent screen Setter decent you know basketball IQ good read and react relocation stuff and seems to really love the game and I think you know a lot of GMS out there sometimes have this idea of bigs and they ask them El is this one of those bigs that really loves the game or is this one of those bigs that was pushed into the game right and I think that you know with Kyle Philip hsky Tristan D Silva donon Holmes Zach he whatever there’s a lot of love for the game that I think you could pretty much put in the bank and say they’re not just going to fall off a cliff right because the NBA gets hard for them um salon now I’m not super high on uh tan salon and there’s a lot of reasons for that athletically I just don’t trust it his decision-making I don’t trust it I think he’s very raw I think he’s very far away and that’s the same thing that I could say about urri comce um I just I haven’t seen enough and I see maybe a worse version of Obi toppen now a lot of people see a wing I see a big later down the line I see a big so I mean I could be wrong on that kle wear now this is my Brandon Miller of this year right a guy that I think mentally doesn’t have it but everyone tells me he’s great kware you know has all the prototypical skills of a modern big he can shoot the basketball he can rotate you know he can he can cover the rim a little bit he can switch out a little bit he’s athletic he’s he’s got a lot of good stuff in transition again I just don’t buy him as a person I don’t buy him as a prospect I don’t buy him as a you know as a as a Defender necessarily like his motor I I just think that mentally the NBA is such a grind you know you go from college where you’re the man and then there’s all these things that come up in the NBA suddenly there’s a lot more money involved there’s pressures there’s older teammates there’s internal politics there’s the media there’s a there’s a bunch of stuff and then there’s the distractions and ultimately comes down to your mind most prospects are going to be defined by their mind more so than their body or their skill set because the skill set and the body can be built the mind is harder to un to unwind and I just think that I just don’t trust them and that’s just me and I’m probably going to be wrong and maybe he ends up being the best big in this draft I really wouldn’t doubt it it’s possible that he’s better than alexar right he is better than alexar like if they both played college basketball last year I’m pretty sure his numbers would be better than Alex Stars there’s a reason why he’s you know anywhere from 14 to 22 on most drafts um Christian Wood is a great example right there’s emotional maturity that comes from a very young age um it comes down to your mindset about how you approach things is the exact opposite of Zach Edy in terms of you know his approach to the game um Edy is like constant chip on his shoulder what do you need from me coach everything about the team um I’m not trying to paint a character issue of a player that I’ve never met before I’ve never spoken to but it just feels like from the interviews from the commentary from watching him play that there are mental lapses that I’m just not willing to ignore at that level okay then we got uh ad Bon um look UCLA big foul machine right didn’t get a hell of a lot better in year two even though his usage went up crazy by 10% um I am very high on him like like higher than maybe this list is is telling you I think sneaky like I would I think he’s going to be a raptor I really do I think this might be a player that the Raptors just reach for at 31 and I think everyone’s going to lose their mind and then he’s going to come come to summer league and everyone’s going to be like oh okay I get it um athlete like his athleticism is actually pretty insane um his Rim protection is is very good um I think he might be have you know I’ve seen some deceleration acceleration stuff and transition you don’t have any touch sure not a shooter I get it but as a Defender 6 fo8 74 wingspan this meets like what um okay Matt saying next batch of 2024 Green Room invites per draft Express Rob Dillingham Nica topic Jared McCain Kean George Isaiah Collier E Mei no surprises there at all uh there was a lot of people drawing a lot of conclusions about uh Rob and nicoa topic not being in the first round of invites that was partially due to physicals that was it that was it um John Hamilton saying Bon is a genetic freak exactly and also I really trust him like as a as a person as an athlete as a you know I I watched a lot of interviews of his um I reached out to a couple people who cover UCLA basketball and just to like get an idea of like his habits things that people say about him on campus and I just walked away thinking this is the type of guy that the Raptors would love um you know look the Raptors traded away OG and and OB preious toua Pascal yakum not because they got over those guys but because ultimately they needed something else on their roster and those guys were all free agents coming up this summer they didn’t want to pay him Nicks asked for it they wanted something else in return so they had to get rid of those guys it doesn’t mean that they’ve fallen out of love with that type of player Adam Bona has um a lot of precious to chew in his game I think he could be a terror on the offensive glass I think he could be a terror as a screener I think he can be very very effective as you know a a pick and pick and roll big you know who just like finish at The Rim he you know who he reminds me of he reminds me a ton of Daniel Gafford like he reminds me a lot of Daniel Gafford and and honestly I’ve been a big Daniel Gafford fan for a very long time um yeah like I think I think this is the guy at 31 he he’s one of the guys at 31 another guy at 31 Tyler Smith G ignite sniper shooter might be one of the best big man shooters that I’ve seen in a couple years um again little raw other elements of his game very very uh difficult to Peg down but ultimately I do see a guy who could grow in the 905 for a couple years and become a serviceable role player now Jonathan mogbo very interesting player and another guy that I think could be in the play for Raptors at 31 my last video I said that Adam Bona and Jonathan Mugo could be guys that the Raptors look at in the undrafted heat now they’re rising up draft boards and suddenly I’m thinking maybe these are guys that you look at at 31 or if you trade down from 31 to 40 or something like that for something else maybe these are the guys you look at there ultimately I think there’s a good chance that um you know someone like him could fit what the Raptors like to do defensively so much and he is a transition Terror he is a great athlete he has a ton of play making upside um just a couple of weeks ago it’s it’s funny to me actually you know if you’ve ever thought to yourself like how does this happen right and let me just uh I’ll talk about Jonathan moo like very quickly Bobby Bobby Clinton I’m not I’m not super enamored with him I think I have him 47 on my big board a lot of people have him as high as 311 I would be pretty disappointed if he are pick to be completely honest with you will comre I same thing I I don’t have a tremendous read on him or a great amount of Faith there’s a lot of flashes in the pan Oho eodo a guy that I started out the cycle probably you know top 40 I’m coming up top 50 Raptors don’t have a top 50 pick they have a 31st pick and a 19th pick so he’s probably off the hall and PJ Hall I think would be a guy to look at uh for an exhibit 10 contract those are my reads on those guys but I’ll talk about Jonathan a little bit more okay so with Jonathan mogbo like uh a guard uh coming out of high school you know going into high school he was a he was a 510 5’11 so he played point guard right um this is a guy that Scotty has known for quite some time he comes from West Palm Beach right and his motor oh my God his athleticism knows for the basketball it’s very Reggie evanses now Reggie Evans was not able to handle the basketball in the full court I’m not saying he’s going to be Shawn Maran I’m not but I’m saying he’s got Shawn Maran stuff and that is very impressive right um Yi can you please CH on the uh cap locks we understand just can you I I’ll I’ll just ask you very politely once it just makes it very difficult to read um so I I I really think that I’ve warmed up the idea of Jonathan at at 31 I think he would be a really interesting player down in the 905 for a year and then he can get minutes with the big club uh in years following at worst case I see him being like a 10th ninth guy right if you’re seeing Xavier Tillman right for um and I’m not saying he’s a center but I’m saying like he can guard he can guard up right you see guys like Kavon Looney you see guys like Xavier Tillman strength is still a thing in the NBA that’s why I’m higher on Zack Ed than perhaps um some people are right now because ultimately strength is going to still be an asset it’s always going to be an asset length strength uh size his ability to set screens his ability to come off those screens now he’s a complete non-shooter and I think that that is you know um Matt saying not touching long at 31 too high sure look man like it comes down to this you’re bringing a person into your organization as much as you are bringing a you know a player into your organization you also bring a person into your organization right you want people who buy into the role you want people who can you know exceed and accelerate in their role I think Jonathan can be a very interesting player in his role specifically as a change of pace hustle guy you know um he has some skills uh the ringer had the most hilarious comp for him which was uh Ben Simmons if he cared about basketball I don’t see Ben Simmons I don’t see a point guard but I do see a point forward who has Elite length very good positional versatility defensively and is a bit of a late Riser um so is Bono like a bomo that’s a good comparison for him and yes yes there there is a lot of bismack bomo in in Adam uh in Adam Bona again you can mold players this early if you have to if you have to look at this draft you can say to yourself okay it’s not the strongest draft can we just get one guy who will fill a roster spot from 1 to 12 can we just get one of those guys you to think of it that way what is the floor of this player right can they do something as a specialist for me in specific situations can they potentially be uh you know like for instance the Knicks used pressures a Chua when they lost OG and an Obi in the injury and they were able to use a Ford cover for a three because AA had that positional versatility as a roster building piece cha has that benefit that he can fill in for the five the four or the three offensively he has a ton of holes but the fact that he can fill in defensively on three positions is an asset when you’re talking about roster building it means that you may not that you may be able to get away with a two for one type of situation you got to look at roster building differently it’s the same thing with a guy who can play one through three on on offense you consider a guy like Stefon Castle right he’s a one two or a three you know you look at a guy like Ron Holland he’s a two and three you look at a guy like mes bis he’s a three and a four so guys who multi-positional are always going to be favored by the Sha Raptors if you look at all the guys that the Raptors have drafted apart from Fred B who was you know um an undrafted free agent almost every player that the Raptors have ever prioritized has been very multi-positional which actually makes the point to say why Zack Eed and yako purle are such outliers in terms of the way the Raptors are thinking about this because they’re not multi-positional Zak will never ever play a position other than the five at the NBA level and he will sometimes be even too slow for that so the way I would build a roster is if I have 17 roster spots I would devote two to three of those roster spots to non- multipositional players so a deao center right and a deao point guard now you might say the Tron Raptors already have a defacto point guard Emanuel quickle I think you’d be wrong I think Emanuel quickly is a onew um but you would definitely be right in saying that they have a deao center already and I understand a lot of people saying that Zach if he was to come in yakob hurtle need to be moved on I think they can learn from each other or I think that Zach can learn from yakob I think that yakob is a incredibly smart person and that he would be able to pass on a tremendous amount of knowledge to Zack Ed in his first year and then after a year you can move him on I think it also helps um that Zach he and yaka ble have a ton in common because if Zach does spend a ton of time in the g- league in his first year and trust me he will you know if he if he comes here he will spend a ton of time in the g- league um whether he knows that or not right now he will you know um if Grady spent time in the gague last year certainly the 19th overall pick if Zack he falls to 19 is not going to be spared from spending some time in the G league so if he does spend some time in the G League there’s always the added benefit of the fact that you can run some of the stuff the Raptors run with yaka Perle with Zaki down in the G League um so the way I was saying is that I would have three players who are not very multipositional on my team and then everyone else will be multipositional so a guy like Jonathan mogbo is interesting because he could theoretically Play 3 four five um that is the type of positionality positional versatility that the Raptors really like now whether he’s a three a four or a five defensively offensively he’s always going to be the five he’s always going to be the dunker spot so we’ve talked about a lot of players that ultimately are going to end up clogging the lane for Scotty Barnes and maybe that’s not the greatest thing in the world when you think about all these players so let’s talk briefly very briefly before we exit this live about the synergistic match with the star player right now I’ve talked a lot about someone like um nicoa topic talked a lot about a guy like one second y’all hear a buzzing noise am I screwing up here okay H hold on one second anyone hearing a buzzing noise or is that just me um I talked a lot about Reed Shepard being a perfect fit for Scotty Barnes right um talked about some guys maybe not being ideal fit for Scotty so let’s talk about how these 17 well let’s talk about the first 13 guys how they how they would fit on the court with Scotty I think alexar the theory of alexar would fit beautifully with Scotty he’s a stretch big he can pop out to the floor he can add you know hm I do it’s subtle H hang on one sec check check H yeah that’s what I thought give me one sec okay probably a good time for this uh we got fa on fa what’s up I’m good how you doing I was just waiting for you to go through all the players before I hop on how’s it going uh I’m getting microphone feedback so you talk can can you hear me clearly I can hear you but um my my microphone is giving feedback oh okay yeah yeah I’m so that you’re you’re you’re um you’re okay now with Zak I think I’m good with him at 19 and I think ra I think raap they possibly trying to move up to get him if possible because I read somewhere that the Lakers are going to take him at 19 at 17 if he drops to 17 Zach at 17 yeah yeah okay even New Orleans too I think is is not going to drop even if Raptor passes him at 19 he not going to drop past New Orleans but it’s obvious that I think New Orleans feels that uh is going to go before 21 so they’re trying to trade the 21st pick for two for future second round picks MH H okay uh what do you think of e Missi I don’t like him I don’t like I know you’re I know you’re very high name he he can handle the ball a little bit but he can’t really shoot and I don’t think he doesn’t rebound very well I think he has small hands off iaka like iaka can really hold the B has small hands I’m I’m not going to take him top 19 if he’s I I know you won’t like this I prefer k at 19 instead of Missy I know I’ve heard about all the work EIC issues and stuff like but if you can motivate him the talent is there to be top 10 you know the same thing could be said from Marvin Bagley uh yeah that that’s Marin Bagley too had injury issues too right so it’s not apart from the talent but M can’t really play defense Kell can block I like the way it goes hard on the rim and things like that but I agree it doesn’t doesn’t have cut awareness sometimes well I from all the bigs right I think U Zak would be my pick if he’s there I don’t care about what people say about spacing and everything size size still matters and um but the problem is that if you pick Zak what do you do with yakap I think eventually I like to trade yakap because you need a a big that can space the floor to certain I think um they can be on the same roster well looking at the Players so far that they’ve invited to the um to The Green Room I think they 21 or 22 Zak said he’s not going to attend he’s going to watch from Purdue I think the key player K is not there yet so that means that it’s likely possibly dropping but car is not not invited yet well there was a today that he’s getting a lottery ball from few teams in the lottery mhm then then um maybe Sacramento possibly Sacramento or Miami Miami doesn’t have a lottery pick though oh that’s true yeah possible Sacramento or OKC Carrington for OKC would be weird but they’re trying to trade this guy that what’s his name again guy oh sorry gidy giddy yeah they trying to trick gidy then the the interesting guy that they invited to this guy from is it K Kishon from Miami they invited they invited him to Green Room that means that he is likely going to maybe go top 20 I won’t be surprised if the Raptors are looking at him closely for a point guardy yeah but like um [ __ ] man the buzzing is so intense right now I’m not really sure what’s going on here but um Rashard Lewis also a green room invite and he lasted all the way till 33 it happens yeah that’s true sh but when they pick what’s yeah it happens then this guy is likely goingon to go to top 20 do for because he left n money I think he got a promise that’s I left the N money so I feel someone someone’s going to fall to 19 man that is a good news right with all of these players moving and someone is going to for is it going to be Hollands is it going to be do you like what do you think about Isaiah Kier um I can get on board with that I think we’re in a really good spot at 19 and and 31 right cuz somebody’s going to drop to 19 the way this guy dropped last year that HST him picked and um I want move huh move I know the topic fish yeah I don’t think depends on how far you want to move up and what are you you you can still get your big at 31 you can get a big at 31 that is true yeah that’s why I yeah you can get a really good big at 31 but top is not going to go past 11 so what you g worst draft in the world has him at 19 yeah NBA is the wor like seriously like Rob Dillingham at 24 dilling D I heard other theories out there like they’re trying to make him four to seven so the Lakers can pick him but I don’t think so I think his height really fed him his height and his weight is 164 61 yeah well the 31 pick is going to be really interesting right because you have like the whole night and somebody’s going to drop to 31 and it’s possible that POS like maybe three or four players that you really like to drop to second round and then you have teams calling you for the 31 pick because they really like somebody so maybe then you can do like 34 35 and fish the Curr future second round pick or you get a second round pick this year too so Raptors are in a good spot this year yeah I agree um who who who do you think okay I’ll just leave this on this who do you think is gonna be the 19th pick who do you think be the 31st pick right now jeez I think if if this it’s going to be the 19 Fe mhm for 31 Tyler Smith my for to 31 I’ll take him and run or if he doesn’t fall then I like P d8 you you would put two you you would take two bigs no pacum is a no no no you said you said Tyler right Tyler Smith tler tler is is a stretch for no I know that but I’m saying you would take Ed yeah if he drops I’ll take him I don’t care about position right now I care about best best play available yep as do the Raptors I’ve heard a lot of takes where people saying like oh the Raptor is going to pick Zak because of marketing because he’s Canadian Etc and I’m just like that’s just not true it’s just not the way they work man but it doesn’t hurt it does not hurt to have a Chinese Canadian player uh for marketing for interest especially when you’re raising the you know the when you’re raising prices the way that you are oh I finally I finally got it to end yes yes success I just what was going on it was it was mik interference I finally got I finally got it oh my God I’m so happy sorry the buzzing was driving me crazy okay I’m sorry guys for the last 10 minutes yeah and that was like he the I think people people fail to realize the guy is he has a sheep on his should and he has a really really good rocket look at how fight develop all this years so you you gu that K you take him a run and like you said that I listened to when you’re talking about him his floor is really really high and the ceiling whoops nobody knows what the ceiling is going to be yeah I agree and I think people are just maybe outthinking themselves because they’re like hey um you know exactly and it’s just like look I I think he’s just so much more Nimble than ban right about this big man in Clippers again I’m drawing a blank right now yeah even if get somewh like that is that not good enough like yeah well here’s the thing so so one of the things that I you know heard someone say was look at you know the Raptors are are tipping their hand on the Ed thing because look at the interview with Ed and he’s the one guy that they talked about here’s the thing the Raptors and notorious for not even putting up they they don’t publicize who works out for them right you know this right yeah so they they don’t have some teams do some teams do and previous iterations of the Raptors I think under Brian Colangelo they did so you’d be able to go to and see who was coming in and it was very easy right now you have to go to Hoops hype and figure it out from Instagram stories and what you know guys are saying in interviews like oh I got Toronto next week and then boom they go to Toronto so the Toronto Raptors are pretty notorious about keeping things close to the vest right as we we talked about they haven’t even worked out certain players that they’ve actually drafted so because the Raptors are so secretive about it it actually makes me think there’s no chance in hell Zach is going to be on their board unless it’s the biggest smoke screen on Earth where they’re just like okay let’s just talk about this guy so that people think we’re not going to take him and then we take him but like it doesn’t seem likely that the Raptors will take Edy and I think part part of that has to do with the fact that number one um he’s not going to be filed at 19 and they know that number two it could be that if he is available at 19 then who cares right number three could be they’re genuinely not interested in him because they want to play super fast and they don’t see him being a part of that um or four schematically defensively they just don’t see his ability because really like there is a big gap between him and even current yaka purle in terms of Mobility on the perimeter right um it’s big right now someone said could he be could he be a taller Brook Lopez again his shooting would have to come so far for him to become that right so I I I I I think you’re right I feel you’re right I think there’s a play there that the Raptors are going to pick that nobody’s talking about because like this draft is so flat that that’s where scouting comes into play well I also think like there’s another there’s another thing you know like we’re talking about Jonathan mogbo and Scotty’s been talking about mogbo like on his Instagram stories for a while now if if if if the Raptors really were targeting him I feel they have a good enough relationship with Scotty to tell them tell him stop it right I have a feeling they have a good enough relationship with Scotty so at this point you know you you’re popping up guys and draft this flat the Raptors could have a guy who’s top 10 on their board and he falls to 19 very easily I’m actually willing to bet that someone who is top 10 on the Raptor board will fall to 19 guaranteed just because of how the Raptors think very differently than other teams so I think that that is going to happen I think you know some some some player is just going to fall into their lap and you know uh people are going to say it’s a reach um I don’t know who that player is I really don’t it could it could be Isaiah klier you know but I doubt it I doubt it um I think I think Kia is gonna be there at 19 I don’t we then it’s going to go to Miami then okay look if Bob Caren te moves up right somebody’s what’s the best to do a mock draft is is it uh there’s a website for it right yeah the website that you used the last time I think we need you need to do a sh we do a mo draft what what what was the what was the website fanso fanso yeah that yeah that’s the one that you did use last fanso Mock Draft simulator okay let me let me just pull it up right now I’m G to just do it right now before the game starts is today’s game at 8:00 or 8 8:30 8:30 okay thank okay we have a little bit of time here let me just do a mock mock draft real quick um share screen mock draft okay let’s do this okay um and some of them the top 10 likely going to trade the pick right because like what you’ve um explained before like the value of the pick and the salary right I completely agree um okay who’s going number one okay let’s just go let’s just go back and forth okay I’m gonna go number one right Atlanta Hawks I’m picking Zachary rese yeah I agree with you I think but I don’t think that that pick is going to stay with there I think he’s going to go to sports sports are likely going to trade for him and for for Clingan Som number two um Alexander sir o okay you know what’s interesting um both okay so if the Spurs actually do trade up to number one and the Washington Wizards stay at number two they’ll go backto back top French picks yeah and what’s interesting is B kabali and uh Victor minama last year were the highest French picks ever okay now the draft gets very interesting at number three Houston I’m assuming you’re probably going to trade this pick but who are you picking if you stay here I think they’re going to pick re interesting I probably would have gone they likely going to swap it with the with the sport or somebody oh somebody I I think I think they would go with Donovan kingan but um okay let’s let’s uh let’s pick okay wait wait wait this is supposed to be my pick if your pick here go shoot um no okay’s let’s go read Shephard that’s fine okay your your pick at number four San Antonio Spurs first pick Stefan C so far pretty much everything’s as expected number five the Detroit Piston select not Donan kingan uh not Rob Dillingham not Dalton connect not ni topic who do they pickly who do you think they’re going to pick okay I’m gonna I’m G I’m gonna go in another way um I’m okay I’m going to surprise everybody I’m GNA go dton connect at number five okay okay number six you are on the board Charlotte Hornets Brandon Miller lamelo ball who you going mates okay all right number seven we got the Portland Trailblazers and they’ve got a lot of holes and a lot of different places I’m going to go Donan kingan here okay number eight let’s pause T John Salon oh holy [ __ ] I don’t I don’t like don’t me wrong but I think that’s that’s the one that’s the B is okay now number nine yeah number nine I’m assuming they would have wanted they would have wanted um Donovan Kling to fall here he doesn’t fall here I’m going Cody Williams at number nine okay number 10 you’ve got the Utah Jack has just pick Deon George last year they got Taylor Hendricks I I go with Nicoli can they can that team heals for one year damn it okay number 11 we got the Chicago Bulls the Chicago Bulls who have Kobe white potentially DeMar rosen Zach LaVine what feels like a right pick for them here is I and am going to shock the world I’m going Zach at number 11 this is going to be like no mock draft ever and Rob Dillingham has officially slipped to the OKC Thunder okay and this guy likely going top 10 was Derek I’ll go for Derek C dein Carter deata sorry D Kata okay all right well I think the end is near for Rob Dillingham but unfortunately you know they got the Sacramento Kings and I don’t think he fits I don’t think he fits with the Sacramento Kings at all and I think they’re they’re probably looking at defense and I think they’re looking at Ron Holland here so I think they’re going to pick Ron Holland at number 13 okay we got 14 and uh we got the the Portland Trailblazers again deling damn and I think at this point I think everyone would agree that the Portland tra lasers just won the NBA draft Yeah was it just the lottery that I did damn it I just did the lottery oh well okay so we we got our top 14 that was fun we’ll probably uh we we got it we got it let’s just ver go 15 to 20 I want to see what happens with Raptors 15 is myam let’s do 15 to 20 just we don’t have to who you taking 15 um I don’t even know who is on the board left let me see here uh one second was just um why why is it only the lottery oh first round there we go full draft dum dum dum my bad okay so let’s just let’s just let’s just go through the entire thing okay uh FBO the start um H interesting why is not okay why am I not able to do this do I have to restart the whole thing like what am I doing anyways um what is it Miami was number 15 I I okay so this is who’s who’s been taken I I don’t have the the firmest grasp of who’s who’s remaining but I’m assuming Miami takes K where you know at 15 Asia is there um then we have Tristan Tristan is there Bob carington is there FY is there Fury holy [ __ ] you go that high on him no no he he has a promise I think he’s gonna go top 20 H and he got a green room invite today so I don’t I don’t want to put I want to put too much stock into that personally but yeah but for him to they said got the promise then he SK going back to college then now he got the Green Room invite then obviously right for for him so I think orando is like maybe orando is going to take him because they’re looking for Shooters M that’s what I would think is caller no fory the guy from Kansas so Orlando is 17 Orlando is 18 18 okay so you think he goes right below so who who are the players that are off the board before we pick K where probably k k is still on the board Bob Caron on the board Tristan is still on the board um so basically the like of the players that we picked right one through 14 right all these players do you see any of them slipping to 19 no right not a chance okay so that means Z Ed Ed would be the only person you think could slip to 19 okay so that means possibly Ron Holland Ron Holland at 19 possibly I heard slipping likely going to fall to to Miami that’s hard to believe but yes um okay so worst case scenario you’re getting one of Isaiah clier Tristan the Silva kle wear E Mei right pretty pretty much a lot so basically like I’m trying to find like what is the cut off to the point where you have to pick someone that you don’t like and I think that cut off is 21 I think you get about 21 picks into this Draft before you have to start picking a player that you don’t like now it helps the players like you know maybe players that you don’t like as much go ahead right mhm um let me ask you a question if Rob Dillingham for to 19 are you going to take him Rob Dillingham yeah I trade the pick I trade the pick too I used to love him a lot I I’ll trade out trade down so NBA uh is is literally horrible but they they’re 15 they’re 14 okay so jacobe Walter Bob caring oh jacobe Walter is another one that I like right so you got so you’re gonna have a pick at you’re not going to be picking like you’re not the last dog at the litter basically the last dog at the litter is like pick 22 right yeah 22 yeah so you got kle you got E Mei you got Rob Dillingham Pome Don Holmes Johnny Fury you know Kean George potentially I’m not a fan of Kean George I got tell you right now if the Raptors draft Kean I’m out um I I like so here are the players that I would not want to see the Raptors draft on draft night okay I would not want to see them draft uh Salone because it means they moved up and I would be devastated or it means that he slipped and then you took him anyway at which point I would still be devastated um I’m not enamored with the idea of Isaiah Collier I would not want to see them draft uh uh Rob Dillingham like not just not aan would you prefer NE I think I’ll I I’ll take a festar recruit that maybe didn’t do win it first year in college and like 165 pounds is still 165 pounds he’s got 6 fo three wingspan he does not defend I mean we’re talking about Luca donic here you know talking about no Rob Dillingham neither one of those guys great defender right so that’s that’s where I’m saying like Okay like I understand there’s star upside with Rob Dillingham offensively but it’s like 2% it’s like 2% chance he becomes like a star like star star you know Co attacking the ring I I don’t love his athleticism and his you know burst to do that in the NBA I think I think he’ll struggle he has he has like typical High School prep Prospect struggles in the NBA written all over him now he could be successful maybe not yeah yeah exactly so they’re they’re guys where like I feel like they will be successful in the NBA Johnny Fury is a guy that I think will be suc could be successful in the NBA not will be donon Holmes I think will be successful in the NBA pom could be successful um not sure that Terence Shannon is going to be on the Raptors uh radar I’m I’m not sold on Jaylen Tyson at all uh what what your take on Shannon J if he’s there 31 I’ll take him and run you would take him and run what do you like about1 it’s scoring shooting attack in the basket the only thing I don’t like about him is the age but who cares about it’s just 22 right sorry I think I lost you there can you hear me yeah I can sorry I had to call coming the other reason I think the Raptors have not looked at him in the past I think because the issue that got clear yesterday this is Toronto bro this is liberal ass media Toronto like he just you got you got to look at it that way right like even if the player is is right um the attention given that you have already had a lawsuit and a player get banned from the NBA in the last year and you had another player who got kicked out of the NBA for a couple years uh for for taking illegal drugs like this has been a squeaky clean Organization for a really long time and they’ve had three instances right I don’t think they even want to touch this I really don’t if I would that’s my side to be sympathetic to somebody like that right because he had the stuff that happened in that okay bro like that’s different it’s very it was not it was not a r you know uh I know but when I honestly when I read the issue when I read what happened the first I knew was made up honestly from the get go because was like in the club everybody was there it’s like opens and later when they start tracking the lady and a friend they trying to the seek uh uh athlete and trying all all all to make money pretty much mhm yeah she had a very very like she posted a lot of stuff that messed up the case which show that she was trying to make it she made it up I get it you know I’m I’m just saying like you know as as as much as I know I know the pr right yeah I know the rap of all this stuff if the talent is there one you take it I think sometime we’re too clean and to as an organization and right yeah the end of the day you want to win I’m trying to recreate the draft that we just did you took mest bazel’s number six and then I took who did I take number seven I took uh Donovan kingan number seven then at number eight you took uh Salon the for the Spurs and then number nine for the Memphis Grizzlies took Cody Williams and then number 10 for Utah you took Nico toic um and then 11 for the Bulls I went crazy and took Zak where the think the I think Ed the didn’t work work him out that’s fair um and then at 12 we got the OKC Thunder and we had them take who Devin Carter y yeah Carter at at okay at 12 13 was Ron Holland to replace some of the defense and then and then number 14 was Rob Dillingham who has to now share the back court with Anthony Simons and Shaden sharp and like this is just and and Scoot Henderson and like what the [ __ ] this like that’s a glut if ever there was one okay so now we are finally at number 15 which is the Miami Heat um I believe this is my pick the heat I am picking Jared McCain oh jeez you’re right okay 16 who you got who’s piing who’s picking 16 uh Philadelphia oh Philadelphia is Isaiah wow okay cool okay so caller goes 16 now I am number 17 I am the Lakers I have to think Kyle filipowski is really high here K could be high here um Bob Carrington Tristan the Silva but I got to think about like how how does how does their ownership and how does their team operate uh I think KY just got the Green Room invite so likely gonna go somewhere top2 who K just got the Green Room invite this evening so maybe like what about your he Missy you don’t want to take a project right like I want to win now I’m trying to rig it so that he gets to the Raptors um I’m I’m gonna pass on him in my peek okay um oh oh yeah yeah is your peek shees pick could you see could you see jacobe Walter being the pick here no not a chance I feel like I feel like after J last year they’re not going to do it so you think they’re likely going to go for a big okay I’ll go with Kare here I think like they’re just going to be tantalized by the upside of him and you know and Hing they Le from LeBron yeah uh number 18 the Orlando Magic they need to shoter this is stuff they have so many point gets I go with K filipowski okay number 18 filipowski number 19 easiest pick of the draft for me East Mei and I never ever look back okay perfect I didn’t have to see who else was on the board it’s just like so so easy for me okay no 20 we got the Cleveland Cavaliers who are they picking um can you go up a little bit Walter Smith Jack jackob jackob okay interesting interesting um okay number 21 which is the New Orleans Pelicans who always draft well they are picking B Carrington yeah for real they want to yeah then 22 number number 22 the Phoenix Suns who could desperately desperately use a player trist Tristan the sil this is the obvious pick for them yes okay 23 the Milwaukee Bucks and they will select is this my pick yeah okay the Milwaukee Buck uh uh I think they should go with I think they go Kean George how how’s his defense not great okay wait wa this guy did me need somebody okay then number 24 is that New York Nicks back toback Nicks picks they could go back to back jhawk yeah I’ll go with um Terren Terren junor okay Terence Shannon Jr going there and what’s your 20 and then okay I guess I got I got 25 um my 25th pick for the Knicks ryun yeah wow a very Nick pick and honestly like I think I would have gone Don Holmes and and Ryan d now it’s making me think damn I would really like to trade you know something to get 24 and 25 from the Knicks because if these players are going to be available at 24 and 25 that’s great okay who else okay number 26 we’ve got the Washington Wizards up for their second pick they picked Alex SAR and now they are going with um Darren holes damn the Wizards like fleeced the draft that’s great I mean not really but in terms of theory like donon holes has been mocked as high as the lottery so they get something really good here now we got the suddenly ascending um and very deep team that can’t sometimes generate offense uh the Minnesota timber wolves and that’s that’s your pick or is this Myck pick your pick my pick I am gonna go with pacol d here okay seems like the type of player they would really Target well they don’t need Pro to win never that’s fine then uh 2 we got 28 uh and that is the go with wow okay that’s interesting I I probably would have gone Johnny Fury here but sure okay so then we got number 29 and that is the OKC Thunder and they are not passing on Johnny Fury here so there’s there’s your draft first round promise to Johnny Fury he is not falling them and thetic they love shooting us Me Okay cool so that is the end of the first round and now we’ll just go as far as who the Raptors pick with their with their first uh first pick of the second round somebody somebody could is going to drop to 31 well I like a um the one that went to Australia right so we got East mey with the first pick um I think that damn you know what I mean like it sucks it’s like the cut off is right here for me in terms of now I certainly do not see anything that I’m like oh man this is amazing like I could sell myself on jurich like as a as a guy who could maybe be you know um like a viable player in the league um Baba Miller should not be here because he went back joh uh and and this is why I think you know you go off the board a little bit and you get somebody who just I go for AJ M interesting it played really well they combine I just drafted Jonathan mogbo oh sh yeah I went right off the board the fans are gonna go crazy he meob oh my God why they’ll be calling for my side here they’re both projects that me that you’re literally just tanking for next year I think oh you know what actually like I I think Adam Bona was also and erer com was also uh you know in play there I think they tell you that um T is right that we’re not going to win for the next two years dud like I’ve talked about this before like I know you said it I just saying that I just tell them that I was like okay applify it and say no wonder that could said that because we just need project now I’m not going to take two projects heck no I don’t I don’t think they’re projects necessarily and I mean look it’s like athletically you just got way more athletic in this draft you just drafted two serious athletes right you need somebody that can shoot those to you need somebody that can that can collapse the defense man you need someone who can Sprint and transition like like we saw RJ Barrett Thrive he’s an athlete right you got athletes I think I think it would help anyways uh it’s been fun it’s been fun exercise obviously I hope the draft breaks a little bit differently and it will obviously it will but I’ll be curious to see in two weeks how accurate this was we’ll definitely do another mock draft show um you know uh and obviously we’re going to do the draft live we’re g to do let’s do one before the draft and invite this guy was it Vincent like we did we yeah that that would be interesting I don’t know how I don’t know how plugged in he is right now and how much he’s watched but maybe we can get someone who’s uh we can bring him on and have some fun with it but yeah all right man thanks a lot for coming yeah all right thank you thanks yeah all right make sure to hit like And subscribe this video which started out as um you know everything about Zack Edy turned into a video about bigs uh and then eventually turned into a video uh where fa and I went back back and forth and tried to do a mock draft hopefully you know the the draft does break out this way and we do get e mey I’m I’m a I’m a fan I’m a fan of his I think he he has something special uh in terms of you know long-term potential potential yes you’re going to have to wait you’re going to have to wait a very long time to see that potential it might be a couple years but you will just have to meet the guy and just trust that he’s going to put in the work to get there at some point for the meanwhile he’s a rim running athletic big who can do some cool stuff in terms of you know being a switchable guy hey thanks a lot James really appreciate this Super Chat man really appreciate this um the boom arm which I unhooked uh is right here hold on can y’all see it it’s cool right so that um and uh someone messaged yesterday saying they got uh they got us a flag from the Amazon wish list uh in the description which is really cool so we are slowly but surely by the time the draft comes around I promise you this studio will be lit and we will go into next year starting out on the right foot so thank you for the super chats thank you for the support thank you for the likes thank you for the comments thank you for all the stuff and thanks for hanging out with me as we work through this um I would not I will not have a negative reaction if the Raptors draft Zach um there are drafts in the past 25 years when the NBA was a little bit different where he would be shooting for like a number one or number two pick um I think he works hard I think he’s got a lot of grit a lot of toughness and I think he’s got a little bit of dog in him and uh I like that Championship Banner incoming that is going to be really fun uh so thank you so much uh to the Community member who who ended up uh getting that for us that’s probably going to go right behind me or it’s going to go right over there that’ll be really cool you know I see a lot of other Raptor podcasters they have a lot of raptor gear a lot of raptor you know memorabilia and stuff like that so um uh James mcferson saying uh great show really enjoyed it going back to the beginning surprised that you changed your mind and Ed I’m cautiously optimistic on him yeah I I would like to believe that I am someone who is um getting much better at changing my mind before I need to change it right so getting getting comfortable with you know um number one I don’t have any issues with being wrong I’m perfectly fine being wrong tonight I think the Dallas Mavericks is going to win perfectly comfortable being wrong with that I don’t have any aversion to being wrong and you know I was talking about this with my friend just a couple of days ago where I talked about how how you respond to being wrong tells people who you are I mean it really you know like right now I picked the Dallas Mavericks to to win um in this series and they’re down three 0 so I look very wrong and I’m picking them to win tonight and they could very much get swept tonight and I’ll look even more wrong so I don’t feel any need to hide from that I don’t feel a need to dodge from it I don’t feel a need to blame anybody for it um I was just wrong I underestimated a team that I was very high on all year in the Boston Celtics right um so yeah uh anyways so we will we will get we will get the studio setup uh I’ll you know be doing a post game live tonight for the Dallas Mavericks and the Boston Celtics and um Damian saying how are you respond to being wrong so true love your words and what you’re doing thank you so much yes I agree so yeah so I mean like look like you know course correct as soon as possible you know in life so many of us you know we’re wrong about something we might be wrong about a person we might be wrong about you know particular behavior and then we try to double down because we have an ego problem it’s not an ego problem really it’s a self-esteem issue right when you yourself um I’m just sharing this you know unsolicited advice with those of you who are still taking around till the end because I think it’s been one of the biggest things to work through with this channel um is just getting comfortable with a with being wrong right uh you know when we’re kids we’re taught don’t make mistakes right we’re taught to not make mistakes and I think one of the things that I noticed about Scotty very early on was you know that he had this remarkable quality to be able to make mistakes you know that’s why he throws some of the passes that he throws he’s not he’s comfortable with turnovers he doesn’t beat himself up about turnovers I think it’s a good lesson for life in general be comfortable making a mess it’s okay it doesn’t Define you you are not your problems you’re not your mistakes you are not all those things and so getting to that point where you’re comfortable making mistakes it will make you a lot less defensive when you have to own up to those mistakes right because you’re not you’re not fighting for your spirit your soul whatever right um you’re you’re just admitting to something and some people you know come to come to terms with the fact that how many people make a bad situation worse by doubling down on a mistake how many people you know notice that they made a mistake buying something or whatever and then they double down and buy more of it or you know they they purchased a stock you know that that maybe they made they may maybe they made the wrong investment and they’re just like oh but it’s cheaper now let me buy more and double out I think that’s the thing you know at some point you do have to get comfortable with the idea of making mistakes and then you know admitting to it um friends of mine told me that I would be wrong about Zaki we’ll see in a couple years I’m like okay let me watch the tape and see for myself do is there something on his tape that is giving me you know C you know a reason to be more optimistic partially yes partially it is that partially it is listening to his interviews and watching some of his tape and saying okay maybe some of these charges that people are throwing at him are unfounded there’s also an element of this draft is just that weak that I cannot imagine passing on a player that is at least this good when what I’m passing up on him for is nowhere near as good right like it’s different if it’s like Giannis right where it’s like okay he’s raw but look at what he could turn on to but some of these guys are just raw and their upside is not even as good as what zachi is today so it’s like why am I passing up on them because I have theor because I have a theory about a player uh you know in the modern NBA and how they have to be I’m watching the NBA Finals right I’m watching Daniel Gafford I’m watching Derek gladley these guys are both drop bigs right Lively is switchable okay fine but Horford is pretty compromised on switches I mean he’s been doing really well in this series he’s doing great in this series but yeah like it just it gives me a theory that you know okay you know the Raptors are pretty defensively compromised right now maybe adding zachi to that is not going to help but at the same time Zaki is not a non-fender Zaki is just a positional Defender that might be a little bit um Limited in terms of what he can do defensively but what he does defensively could be elite so I’d be very curious to see if Ed Falls 19 I very much doubt it I very much doubt it um he’s made a lot of Believers at the at the combine and I feel like someone is going to take a chance on him uh between 1 and 17 I think his his ceiling his absolute ceiling is probably seven or eight maybe nine uh to Memphis if Donovan clingan’s off the board Memphis just decides hey let’s just just take the guy you know he kind of fits a need for us right now um and I think his his floor is probably uh 21 so right in the Raptor’s range but I doubt he gets to us um all right talk to youall later enjoy the game and uh go mouths all right talk to you later bye

The Toronto Raptors will almost certainly be drafting a big at either 19 or 31, but will that big be Toronto-born Purdue big man Zach Edey? Here we go through the pros and cons of Edey on the Raptors, and make a big man big board ranking every big on the Raptors big board.

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