@Miami Heat

How the Miami Heat Can Surpass the Boston Celtics SOON | Impact of New Salary Cap Rules & 2nd Apron

How the Miami Heat Can Surpass the Boston Celtics SOON | Impact of New Salary Cap Rules & 2nd Apron

ah well Heat fans the Boston Celtics are about to win the NBA championship I couldn’t even get myself to say it I had to let the AI do it for me and just for some context I’m recording this on Thursday night game four is on Friday night so I don’t know what’s going to happen but it’s very likely we’ll have the final result by the end of tonight and I could take the approach of a lot of Heat fans and say oh what a wasted Opportunity by the Miami Heat this was an Eastern Conference they could have dominated in Pat Riley should have woken up years ago we should have got porzingis for the low and that is actually something that I said a year ago I wanted porzingis even over Bradley Bill and I was right on that but regardless I don’t want to be negative the Florida Panthers just went up 3 0 against the Edmonton oers so you know I’m feeling good and I want to be positive in this video so instead I’ll say porzingis is a injury-prone bum Drew holiday that’s not Pat Riley’s fault Joe Cronin was being petty I’ll say I’m glad we don’t have Derek white I couldn’t stand to watch his ugly ass on my television every night and I’ll say Jason Tatum is a soft bum soft bum that that sounds kind of sus you know what I mean though the man is shooting under 40% in the NBA Finals e and I’ll say Jaylen Brown is an overpaid bum who can’t go left damn maybe I’m the petty one anyways what I want to look at in this video is how the heat are not as far away from the Celtics as you may think and it’s not necessarily because I’m expecting the heat to make a drastic improvement or trade for a whale this off season I certainly think they they might and they could but that’s not the definite part what I think is the definite part is that we are very close from this whole Celtics core essentially falling apart because there’s a such thing called the salary cap right now you’re looking at the Celtics 2024 2025 cap she which is for next season and just look at those first five names they have on there you got almost 50 million to jayen Brown 35 million to Tatum 30 to Drew 30 to porzingis 20 to Derek white and when you have that much money tied up into the top guys on your team it’s very hard to maintain that and fill out the rest of the roster even though they still have a couple other nice young players like Payton Pritchard they got Sam Howard obviously they still got Al Horford there as well but the most important part of this sheet that that I want you to pay attention to is look at the top right there it says second apron space negative $2.9 million and not to mention they’re almost $14 million over the first apron too but who isn’t I mean the the heater over that too but it’s that second apron number that should be very very concerning for Celtics fans because if you’re not aware in this new CBA there is very harsh penalties starting next season for being over the second apron now there’s a lot but they include your first round pick seven years out can’t be traded and for a team like the Celtics that has a lot of picks that is something that does hinder them teams can no longer use their mid-level exception that’s more of a slap on the wrist I’d say sometimes you get some good players but that’s not as big a deal this one is very crazy though it said it says if a team remains in the second apron three out of five seasons the first round pick will be automatically moved to the end of the first round beginning the next season which you could argue that’s not as big a deal because let’s say that the Celtics are always good who cares if the first round pick goes from 28 to 30 it’s not a big deal but there’s no guarantee there and if you have a first round pick let’s say the C and this says three out of five years so right now the Celtics are over the second apron they might be the year after that and the year after that next thing you know they lose a bunch of guys and the following year they suck and they don’t get their High first round pick it drops to the end of the entire first round they pick 30 that’s a very crazy and harsh penalty there I don’t know if we’ll ever see something like that again it’s three out of five seasons they just initiated this rule so it’ll take obviously at least five seasons to kind of see if teams are penalized by that and kind of the ramifications of that but that is a wild rule even more importantly teams over the second apron cannot combine outgoing salaries in the trade meaning if the Celtics want to make a trade maybe to even offload one of their guys it can only be one player at a time meaning if they want to trade Al Horford and another player to bring back salary they can’t can’t they can only ship out one player at a time and for obvious reasons that dramatically limits how a team can improve additionally they can’t get players via sign in trade that further hinders their ability to improve uh they cannot use any trade exceptions they have uh they can’t use cash in trades and then this one is pretty important too they can essentially only make trades in which they receive equal salary in return meaning if they were to trade Jaylen Brown they need someone who makes exactly as much as Jaylen Brown uh or less I guess right does that make sense exactly as much as Jaylen brown or less cuz they be taking back less money yeah or less uh in order to make a deal and that’s tough because a lot of times when you accept a trade you can accept back a little bit more money you see as it says here you can actually accept back 125% of what you’re sending out obviously if you were over the cap before you’d still be over the cap but they allow you just to pay a little bit more in luxury tax but teams over the second apron cannot do that so I know these rules might be confusing I’m sure we’ll all learn more as as you know the years go on with this new you know CBA initiated but the point is it is very difficult to improve a team and build a team when you’re over the second apron that’s something that should be avoided at all cost from every team unless you’re on the verge of an NBA championship I should make that clear too the Celtics are doing the right thing and if they win the championship then 100% paying the second apron is worth it even if your team sucks for the next decade anything you got to do to win a championship is worth it so I don’t blame the Celtics I think they made the Right Moves but going forward they will be in trouble and that’s why I think the Miami Heat can kind of uh take advantage of that uh I found this interesting Reddit post from the beginning of the Season shout out to theore sportology uh and they basically took a whole look at the Celtics cap situation it was a long thing I did read it you know to kind of familiarize myself with the second apron but to summarize it for you guys they put a two long didn’t read says the Celtics have their have their books loaded with big contracts it’s not a problem this season but they’ll likely have to deal with the second apron penalties next year and then it does end it by saying in the summer of 2025 some major trades will be will be needed to in order to alleviate their payroll so that’s why I want to pull up uh this table here this is the multi-year table for the Boston Celtics and what this is kind of saying is obviously this year they can afford it they can also afford it next year but it’s the year after that where things will start to fall apart because look at the numbers here and in the next season they’d already not well not next season I’m talking the season after that they’d already be losing Derek white meaning they could not afford to to keep him because he’d be a unrestricted free agent Al horf would be unrestricted free agent as well uh but he’s a guy that might resign for a minimum or something like that but essentially they’re going to have all the they’re going to have four players essentially and going to be over the salary cap over the first apron so it’s going to be very difficult to keep a lot of these guys and in that 2025 season as well Jason Tatum has a player option in which he will Decline and obviously also want a Max extension so you have to also include a Jason Tatum Max extension into this which is likely going to be even more than what Jaylen Brown is currently getting paid so I know this is a bit confusing here but look how much money they have tied up in Drew Holliday Jaylen Brown and then once Jason Tatum gets his extension they’re going to have money tied up for at least the next Four Seasons and their top three guys and be strictly prohibited in making their team any better at all so that’s kind of the point of this whole conglomeration here they even got pton Pritchard who’s going to be making 7 to8 million which is a lot when you’re already that much over the salary cap here uh now there is one thing I read that could help the Celtics they would there’s a new TV deal that is pretty big obviously and it should up the salary cap a little bit but it’s not going to quite alleviate all of the Celtics problems here now all I know this might be a little confusing but the point is the Celtics will need to make moves because even if they go to next year Derek white is an expiring contract are they going to lose him for nothing maybe because they they want to go all in to win a ring next year to go back to back you know likely or do they want to try to trade him to get some assets back they have some tough decisions that need to be made and they will be losing a lot of guys now the Miami Heat there is a lot of options to catch up and surpass them them we’ve talked about the whales a ton Donovan Mitchell Trey young Larry marinan absolutely love those guys but there’s even more realistic options like de jonte Murray Brandon Ingram Zack LaVine I think any one of those guys could put the heat over the top as it is let alone once the Celtics start losing guys truthfully if Jimmy B was healthy and Terry Rosier was healthy I might have picked the Miami Heat to beat the damn Celtics this year I’m not going to lie to you but now you’re saying that the Heat have an Avenue to improve and the Celtics inevitable fall is on is is coming soon it is inevitable then I think the Miami Heat are not in as bad a position as a lot of people think I also have their cap table up here now like the Boston Celtics I should point out they also have a lot of money tied up into their top five guys here Jimmy Butler bam Tyler hero Terry Rosier and Duncan Robinson and I also want to note that look at the second apron number here they still are over $4.5 million under the second apron unlike the Boston south so the Heats are not in a lot of danger there and they’re only $6 million over the first apron but that would include uh if Caleb Martin picked up his $7 million option next season so if Caleb does opt out of that and I’m expecting him to resign Elsewhere for more money now the heat are not only under the second apron they are under the first apron as well so they will have a lot more flexibility than the Boston Celtics of course the heat will still have to fill out their roster so it’s likely they end up pushing over that first apron again but as of right now they’re not in as much of a salary cap you know TR they’re not in as much cap trouble as the Celtics are and I have their multi-year table pulled up here as well what you can see they are kind of losing a lot of money this year Kayla Martin could likely walk Hayward heith is obviously not here he’s a free agent so they are getting some money off the books and then in that Following season you also have Duncan Robinson’s almost $20 million on a player option and if he continues to Pro the way he did last year I also think he would opt out and want to resign somewhere with you know more money longer term deal that sort of thing so the point of this whole whole uh sheet here is to say that I think that he’d have tradable contracts because Duncan Robinson yes he’s under deal next season but the for he he would be essentially an expiring contract because of the player option The Following Season Terry Rosier same thing he’s under contract uh for this season and then he would be an expiring the next season though so it’s not super long multi-year deals Tyler hero is kind of the one that might be the hardest to trade cuz he’s got three more years at about $30 million but I still think he’s good enough to at least also get you a first round pick I’ve made a ton of videos about that as well I think teams like the Chicago Bulls could be interested the Orlando Magic is my favorite to land Tyler hero because those teams have salary cap space and they can absorb Hero’s contract without having to send back back equal money and uh I like I said I still think his value is still there that’s why the Terry wasir trade that we made last year it’s not as bad you know because I still think we could trade him to get a first- round pick back which is kind of what we gave up to get him so the heat do have some movable contracts here where I don’t think the Celtics do I mean not with the money that those top guys are making over $50 million I mean porzingis they they the Celtics got first round picks and porzingis cuz he was looked at as a negative asset has he Rec his trade value I don’t think so the the question with porzingis was never his uh his game you know his talent it was the injuries and here he is in the NBA playoffs and NBA Finals can’t play Hurt has a rare injury again so I don’t think he has a lot of trade value either because he’s a guy that’s also getting paid $30 million next season and the year after that so all of this just to say I think the heat are in a much better financial situation than the Celtics now would I rather be the Celtics you’re damn right because on the verge of an NBA championship and that’s what matters at the end of the day and I’m not saying the Miami Heat are cheap and the only important thing is saving money here no if the heat can build a contender then they will certainly go over the first and second apron if they have to my point is they are in a spot now under the apron or just over the first apron where they can put their team in a position to build a contender to then pay the big luxury tax and the penalties and then try to win a championship now all of this does have to be done with in the next couple of Seasons cuz who know how who knows how much longer we still got Jim VP playoff level Jimmy Butler I don’t know uh but the point is I I I do think there’s an Avenue there for the heat to be uh to for the heat to surpass the Celtics much sooner than later anyways that was a lot of talk going on here uh I hope uh hope I didn’t ramble too much and you kind of got a grip of what I was saying I’m still trying to learn this new CBA salary c cap stuff uh myself as well uh if you got to this point of the video comment uh comment Derek white got a big ass forehead and I’ll favorite y’all comment shout y’all out make sure to like the video and subscribe because we less than 800 away from 5,000 and tomorrow I think I’m going have a a podcast come out like a full length podcast just to talk to y’all about everything cuz there’s a lot going on anyways shout out to Florida Panthers I’ll see youall next time peace out that Dead face do it on my own I don’t need no dead way had a kill them off yeah that has space you know this homegrown don’t offend me hm

With the Boston Celtics about to win the NBA finals vs the Dallas Mavericks., Here’s how salary cap restrictions benefit the Miami Heat. NBA and Miami Heat News featuring Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Terry Rozier, Nikola Jovic, Jaime Jaquez Jr., Caleb Martin, Duncan Robinson, Josh Richardson, Kevin Love, Haywood Highsmith, Erik Spoelstra and more. Subscribe for more Miami Heat, Miami Dolphins, NBA and NFL news. #miamiheat #nba #miamiheatnews #jimmybutler #tylerherro #bamadebayo #nbadraft #bostonceltics #dallasmavericks #nbafinals

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The Basement: @TheBasementSportsNetwork

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Background Music: Excursion – Po13o
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Outro Song: Pull Up (prod. by KENO) – RadixTheRuler

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0:00 Intro
1:48 Celtics Cap Sheet Next Year
2:44 Penalties of 2nd Apron Teams
6:14 Why Celtics Need to Blow it Up
8:55 How the Heat Can Improve
9:40 Heat Cap Sheet Next Year
12:03 Tradable Contracts
13:45 Closing Thoughts


  1. Boston will win this year and probably next year. Is being in cap hell worth two rings – probably yes. Heat are close to cap hell and have a bunch of bums.

  2. I thank that you fail to recognize that Riley isn’t the same caliber of president as Brad Steven’s (not anymore). Even when he has the ability to make moves, he goes for older, cheaper players. He can’t recruit without Wade. I hope that he proves me wrong but he hasn’t since 2019

  3. Heat just need another trade like iggy and crowder again they got a good team just injuries no team would make the playoffs with over 30 different starting lineups props to spo

  4. the dejounte thing makes no sense, they already made that choice and picked terry at the deadline. You talk about the Celtics payroll but then mention guys like Ingram who isn’t a needle mover and is due an extension which is gonna be 200mil plus and zach lavine?? The worst contract in the league that would put this team in hell salary wise and he’s definitely not a needle mover with him playing 20 games a year.

  5. Tbh, if I’m Miami I would do a lil 2 year rebuild trying to trade Jimmy to GSW for Kuminga and Podz (plus salary fillers), I think we don’t have assets to trade for the players that would help us compete against Boston rn.

    Kuminga has all star potential and Podz can develop into a great 3 and D guard. Put that alongside Jaquez, Jovic and Bam and in 2 or 3 years this team will be in a very good place.

    Not to mention that in this scenario we could keep herro for a while and hope his trade value increases so we can trade him for more at the deadline.

    Terry and Wiggins (he would be one of the salary fillers) could also be delt maybe next year as expiring contracts may be interesting for some teams

  6. They need to get Tyler Herro off the team for something of value. I mean, they made the finals with him anyways

  7. Heat should try to get Donovan for Herro, Jaime and future first round picks. If not then we go get Dejounte Murray, Lauri Markkanen, or Malik Monk sign and trade for Herro and a future pick from Kings for Malik Monk, Caleb or Highsmith, and/or future 1st picks. Heat draft Zach Edey and Hunter Sallis probably most underrated best PG in the 2nd round, ZYON Pullin, Keshad Johnson, or Antonio Reeves. Zach Edey is NBA ready, great touch on offense, can pass out the double, and when you need an easy bucket. Sign Jonas in free agency. I love this teams chance with the new roster after this move. If you trade Jimmy it has to be 5 first round draft pick and 2 young players. If you go for Lauri, you give herro, 2 future first round pick, and sign and trade Highsmith

    Dejounte or Hunter Sallis or ZYON PULLIN, Keshad Johnson Terry or Malik Monk

    Niko Jaime

    Jimmy Duncan

    Bam Kevin Love

    Zach Edey Jonas Val or Nic Claxton

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