@Detroit Pistons

Monty Williams SHOULD NOT RETURN As Detroit Pistons HC, Despite Incredible Fred Vinson Hiring

Monty Williams SHOULD NOT RETURN As Detroit Pistons HC, Despite Incredible Fred Vinson Hiring

the Detroit Pistons have hired Fred Vincent to join their coaching staff for this upcoming season we are joined by our friend Zar to talk about this move and other offseason stuff as far as draft free agency we’ll get his thoughts on all that in today’s episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lock on Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host cah Hill you can find me over on Twitter at Cahill I want to thank you guys Mak laon Pistons your first listen of every single day we are freom vinar podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at laon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by priz piics the easiest most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to priz loock on NBA news code all lowercase lockedown NBA for our first deposit match up to $100 so we have a little bit of news to talk about on this podcast um I want you guys to be prepared for what I I I I I’ve been you know being around the bush with this but since this news came out I’m just gonna go ahead and you know it is what it is I’m I’m gonna let it go for a minute um we are joined by our friend Zar you guys can obviously follow him on Twitter with the name on the screen you guys know he does work over at bullyball as well uh friend of the podcast um happy to have him on we are going to talk about the Pistons hiring Fred Vincent they have stolen him from the New Orleans Pelicans um Fred Vincent obviously is one of the if you know anything with the NBA if you’ve been keeping up he is one of the best shooting coaches in the world he he has been attributed to helping a lot of really good players in their jump shots uh with their outside shots so this is a big time hire to get him from New Orleans to come with Tran to the Pistons so that in of itself is a good hire however I had to go into this I have I I want I want to take this time to say this real quickly if this obviously the the tweet that we got from W may it seem like that he is joining Monty Williams coaching staff which it we’ve had James and Omari come out and they’ve said this doesn’t mean for sure that Monty’s coming back but it is interesting wording for what it is so at the time of us recording this this is 4:13 pm on June 14th I want to say this right now the Pistons should not return Monty Williams Monty Williams should not be coming back I want to make this clear as well it’s pretty obvious based on reports that if Monty comes back this is Tran’s call this is not Tom’s call so with that said I think Tom Gores if that’s how it’s going if this is where it seems to be leading not for sure anything but this is where it’s leading I know that Tom just a few weeks ago I know there were reports that they wanted to give the president bass operations leeway to make this decision if that’s where they’re leading and that’s where they’re going to end up going Tom needs to step in Tom and his people Tom and AR telum Tom and all the rest of Dwayne Casey anyone else in the front office that’s still there they were the ones who witnessed what happened last year with Monty they went through last year with Monty Williams they went through that last year trasan did not Tom watched everything that happened last year with Monty Williams he saw all the intricacies of everything Tom had to fly out to Detroit to have a meeting with Monty Williams to get him to play jayen William or J not Jaden Williams Jaye Ivy over Killian hay that happened Tran wasn’t here for that Tom was Tom and his people were how many if if this is where they’re going Tom needs to step in and and make this call himself I know that goes against what was said a few weeks ago but I think at that time a lot of people seem to believe that the decision was going to be that Monty left if they are leaning towards bringing him back Tom needs to step in and last my next point with it is if there is any chance if there is any chance that Monty Williams I’m sorry Zar Zar knew this was coming he was cool with this happening but if there is any chance that Monty Williams is just going to be fired midseason or fired next offseason fire him now there is no point in waiting till next year or the off this mid season the time right now is perfect there are there are some assistants there are some available candidates that are high on a lot of people’s list that people are fans of there are some assistants there are some candidates that have connections to certain people within the Pistons organization there is this is a good time to do it if you are going to do it if you are just holding on to Monty to make the move next off season or midseason you are essentially making the excuse that this season will not matter if it goes wrong because oh you didn’t have your coach oh this guy wasn’t our guy anyways we had to go get our guy you are essentially punting on this season if that’s if that was the route if you’re planning on just doing it later on and how do you think that’s going to play out for people that matter in this organization how do you think that’s going to play out to the fan base if that’s what you end up doing how do you think that’s going to play out to certain players and how many people I would say how many people I think people within the organization may or may not know or have a better idea than maybe I do I I’m not goingon to say here and say I know everything I’m sure they have a better idea on a lot of this stuff how many people are actually fans of Monty Williams at this point like so if if you are not bringing back Monty Williams because you think he is going to be the future head coach for the rest of his contract because he wasn’t given a contract to just be the coach of the 2024 2025 season he was given this contract because they thought he could be the coach of the future if you have not come to the conclusion that he is going to be the coach for the next five years like his contract says and this is just going to be a trial year will you blame what happens this year if it goes south on that and now this was basically an excuse of a year like we just witnessed this past year Tom Gores please step in and make the decision for for everybody make the decision now you know what Monte we saw what happened this past year you witnessed the largest longest losing streak in NBA history in a single season with Monty Williams you had to fly out from California to talk to him about Jaye Ivy he lied to the press to the beat multiple times about reducing the rotation like we don’t need to go through everything you guys lived through that last year treas did not you guys live through all of that this past year if that’s where they’re leaning please Tom I’m going to come on here and say Tom Gore should step in that’s what I believe I think that’s what a lot of people seem to believe Monty should not return next year there is no basketball reason based off last year that he should return it was the worst season in Pistons history Vincent is a great hire let him be the shooting coach keep him give him a good contract doesn’t mean Monty has to be the head coach that’s it that’s itar you you all right um you know I’m good I’m good I uh I feel like I you know like when you feel like something’s gonna get clipped on Twitter I kept I kept making sure I was like okay does my hair look good you know what I mean like when this I mean I mean hopefully I mean hopefully it does I mean hopefully it does get clipped on Twitter but no no I mean no that was that was good I mean I I just I can’t understand anything besides a resume being the reason why you know because like it didn’t really seem like he connected really with a lot of the players on the team like I watched very Clos I’ll jump in real quick and say also relationships with the there’s questions about the relationships with the players how much I think there’s question just how many relations did he build and in totality at all I mean that’s that’s completely fair I mean I’ve it’s like it’s I want to from what I know not many right and it’s interesting just from a pure basketball perspective kind of watching someone who’s like his prote and Jamal McMillan right he was the head coach of the Motor City cruise this last year he the cruise were like I think finished one or two games out of the playoffs but they had a really good season despite like jonte Porter getting coached and then that was a whole another thing they had a good they had a good season and a lot something I noticed a lot was the players would come directly to Jamal McMillan for advice in games during practices like they it was one of the things like if they won it felt like they all won you know the coaching staff was all really close with the players and vice versa and also being up close and personal with the Pistons this year it was like night and day um even I remember Casey’s first year year because like initially that was something I was looking at as far as expectations was Casey’s first year in Detroit uh which was 201819 that Blake year never forget um and then Monty’s first year I I thought those were going to be a little closer than they were it was complete Polar Opposites as we know but I remember specifically like there was that Toronto game Casey’s first year where they beat Toronto on that buzzer beer Reggie bu and like Casey’s like celebrating the players like hugging him and everything like that I can’t recall a s single moment this entire season where there was anything remotely close to that now if Monty Williams returns I have to believe they have something in place where they’re like hey Monty like you got to put the work in this year we have to see things not just in terms of wins and losses because that’s obviously a huge thing but I want to see players confidence not dipping to like where they’re just throwing up random shots or they’re scared to take shots things like that I want to see players you know bonding with each other instead of playing for themselves those types of things are all things I really hope to see if Monty returns because if not then I completely agree with what you said well we’re gonna wrap the segment up because I don’t want to go too far into it I had I said what I had to say um and then we’ll come right back and we’ll talk about friend Vincent which is the news of the day um I’ll simply say this one more time Worst season in Pistons history we w we all Tom a you witnessed what happened this past year again trasan did not everyone within the Piston organization all the players the fans everyone everyone witnessed this past season and if if I’ll simply say this if everyone loved how he handled this past season it wouldn’t be June 14th and it still be up in there that it would not be the case if he had developed relationships with key people with anyone with if if this was a great if this was a great SE if he had done a great job this past season a good enough job this past season where he had you know what I don’t want to go I’m going you know what I want I gota cut it off there just it’s Tom AR I understand whoever else Dwayne whoever else is involved but Tom you at the top you had to fly to Detroit to get him to play jayen Ivy more than Killian Hayes Killian Hayes is no longer in the NBA if if they’re Le if you unless Monty Williams has convinced you and Tran that he is the coach for the next five years of his contract then okay I’m wrong and you know what do your thing but if it if if that is not what’s happening do not waste this year of Kate’s career don’t do it please don’t don’t waste this career of potentially Ivy or Duren or any don’t waste this year of Pistons fans how about that don’t waste this year of the Pistons community and anyone within that’s associated with the Pistons this year if that’s not what it is if it’s just going to be him getting fired mid-season or next year just don’t do that just please step in we’ll wrap it up when we come back we’ll talk about Fred Fred Vincent joining the Pistons which is a great hire great hire by trasan to get him to come to Detroit we’ll talk about that when we come back prize picks is America’s number one fantasy sports up with more than five million members it is the most fun and exciting way to get in on the action while you watch your favorite sports and players you just pick more or less on two or more player stats for a shot to up to 100 times your cash with prize picks you can turn $10 into a thousand in a single game watching your favorite sports this summer you can make a prize pick slap in as little as 60 seconds you just need to pick more or less on two to six player stat 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that easy with price picks so I want to thank you guys again for making lock on Pistons your first listen of every single day free avable on your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to us on that’s another great way to support the podcast so so I spent a lot of the you know fun first segment right so uh I’ll go ahead and just I I’ll give a very quick um just who Fred Vincent is and I’m gonna give you a lot of time because I I you know we we know what just happened um so Fred Vinson he is one of the best shooting coaches in the entire world he’s worked with many NBA players I think one of the most notable recent ones was Lonzo on his jump shot but he has worked with herb Jones obviously with New Orleans he’s been the assistant coach there for a long time but he’s worked with players throughout the NBA he is one of the best shooting coaches we’ve seen I’m sure some people would consider him the best shooting coach in the NBA so he joins the Pistons staff he joins he comes over with Tran who I’m assuming obviously he’s really close with he joins the Pistons that is big news Zar go ahead take it from there how do you feel about this hiring what was your reaction when you saw this um first reaction didn’t really have to do with Fred even though you know so I i’ I’ve come to know that he’s a great coach um he’s really well respected across the league and I think one thing that’s really interesting about this hire is that it almost is like it’s a little bit telling because a lot of the prospects in this draft are not great Shooters outside of like your Dalton connects um you can look at uh Ray he’s a pretty good shooter but like where the Pistons are drafting there’s not a lot of great Shooters so it it makes you wonder who they’re considering and if they maybe already have some in mind when it comes to developing their shot I look at Ron Holland as an example he’s someone who is like feels like he’s a jump shot away you know like there’s a lot of players who are oh they’re a jump shot away but genuinely Ron Holland has all the tools he really just needs a jump shot um and then I’m also looking at Matas buis he also had shot pretty well in high school but in the G League his shooting numbers plummeted a lot so I’m sure they would like to get that back onto a better trajectory than where it was and then even on the Pistons right now regardless of who stays who goes we you we and I kind of know a lot of the same things so let’s be real Cade assar are two of your main young guys right and then you have Stu and Stu is already making a whole bunch of leaps with his shooting uh his his percentag has jumped a whole lot this year and I’m sure that’s been really encouraging for the organization as a whole he’s coming into the first year of his extension that shooting could continue to increase and then you could look at someone like assar who although he isn’t a good shooter he shows the willingness to shoot which is a good which is a good sign he didn’t shoot great from the free throw line either but the fact the fact that he’s willing to shoot gives you something to work with and I think this is something to watch in terms of the player shooting developments I I think Kate even would be a would be someone to watch because I know Brandon Ingram when he came to New Orleans where he started versus where he is now our night and day right and then even Lonzo ball I remember I was always a big Lonzo ball guy um I don’t know why it might have just been the the Facebook stuff the I don’t know I always just liked how he played I mean the ball family it was like at least I know I’m a little bit older than you but like the whole ball family Lonzo l i remember watching lamelo pull up from half court and that being like the big thing going throughout the high school I remember Lonzo dunking on people and then helping them up being a gentleman about like that was going all throughout High School back in the day yeah it’s actually interesting you mention that because lamelo um stayed in mome where I’m at a whole bunch during my high school experience so like I feel like most of my friends have a lamelo story but that’s not either here nor there Al Lonzo his shooting development from Los Angeles to leaving New Orleans and I know it’s kind of a sad story because he hasn’t played in a while but in Chicago you really saw a leap in shooting and towards his end of his New Orleans runs you saw a leap been shooting and I I’m sure if he had gotten more time to work with him someone like Dyson Daniels would have been someone to watch because he’s someone who didn’t have a great shot but they’re starting to make some progress so I think it’s really really really encouraging for a team that really struggles with shooting to hire one of the best shooting coaches in the NBA yeah and one of the names you didn’t mention but what herb Jones I mean he’s someone who came into the league didn’t have a great shot and he shot 41 nearly 42% this past year not in Crazy volume but 42% this past year you mentioned Bron Ingram we had the locked on Pelicans host Jake Madison on the podcast and talked about Brandon Ingram when he first joined New Orleans it was great because that was look at this he shot 33% his final year in La only on 1.8 attempts his first two years and if he can get back to that I mean we talked about with Jake if he could get back to what he was doing the first two years in New Orleans then I think he would fit absolutely fantastic next decade but neither here or nor there his first two years in New Orleans by far the most threes he’s ever taken 6.2 6.1 and shot 39% and 38% on those shots now he just stopped shooting threes after that I don’t don’t know what happened that’s part of the reason why things are going a little bit South in New Orleans but that another another example of someone who worked with um Fred Vinson who had great success he is one of I’m not I’m not exaggerating at all look up Fred Vincent look at YouTube clips there are YouTube videos of players talking about Fred Vincent how much he’s helped them he is one of the best shooting coaches in the NBA there’s countless examples um and again like I said earlier some may think he is the best one but I think what it makes this even more interesting outside of the um I do think it makes it interesting with Matas and and Ron Holland and you know potential draft picks what I think makes it more interesting is is Jaye Ivy and assar Thompson I think that’s where it I I think that that’s where my mind well that’s not where my mind first went you guys heard where my mind first went but my my mind went immediately after was okay first of all getting him is like that was a crazy get by Tran and does that mean that they show they are showing a level of belief in assar Thompson and j i because this young core what is going to stop this young core from having any chance of succeeding is the fact they can’t shoot the only one who took a real jump in shooting is Kate and we talked about that last episode how he shot 50.5% on pull-up twos how he shot 36.1% on pullup threes at the last 51 games of the year shot 36% for three on the year 37.3% on catch and shoot threes yes I remember all these stats off the top of my head he shot really well this past year he took that jump that we expected to see out of college so Cage’s the one that did durren can’t shoot assar can’t shoot Jane Ivy was in I think I had the 13th percentile I believe according to Synergy I should have had it up a 13th around there um percentile on catch and shoot looks did not shoot well this year from mid-range or from long range also not a great three free throw shooter either like that’s what’s going to stop this team from being able to build really around more than two of them like it’s going that’s what’s going to stop them so I think this was a sign of at least you know this is speculation but maybe they believe maybe Tran really likes what they have in assar in auran in Ivy in some of their other skill sets that they have and he recognizes obviously okay if I can get their shot to come along I really like what I have here and maybe this means maybe this is a sign of they’re not going to trade an IV or and I think to a lesser extent you like you mentioned we’ve heard heard that assar and Kate are really the guys they look highly of and maybe trasan feels different who knows but I mean that that’s what I’ve heard for months is that Kate and assar those are the like those are the main guys that they really like um maybe they don’t want to move off of Ivy maybe they don’t want to move off of Duren maybe they truly believe if they can get a year working with offseason working with Fred Vincent and really and not just them obviously the rest of the roster as well and potential drafts but really those guys if they can get some improvement from three from assar and Ivy now all of a sudden the topic how you have to construct this roster completely changes if those guys if you’re able to get three of those four guys to shoot the ball and shoot the ball respectively not you know 32 33% where you can get them to be respected and actually have gravity that I think that was where my mind went so I don’t know if this completely takes off the possibility of one of them getting traded but I I mean I I don’t see how anyone’s mind wouldn’t go to saying maybe this is a sign of confidence in their ability to get there and their willingness to see it how it goes this year I also got to think um because obviously everything’s up in the air with the roster right someone like Quinton Grimes uh didn’t initially come to mind but as he was talking I was like oh Quinton Grimes because he he is someone who was known as a three andd player and was seen as a pretty high level 3 and D player but obviously this year he struggled with injuries and then last last year in New York didn’t really play up to his usual standard if he can get to where maybe a herb Jones was that’s such a huge win for Detroit as well so I I really think regardless of who stays who goes pretty much everybody wins no no yeah absolutely and I’ve seen even some people I’m not gonna go this far far but I’ve even seen some fans say if if you’re getting Fred Vincent and the cost is Monty staying then so be it I’m not going to go that far but that that should give you guys an idea of just how like I’m not exaggerating at all when I say how much of a great great pull this was by Tran to get um to get uh Vincent here into Detroit absolute incredible G and I’m I’ve had already a lot of you guys send me DMS and comment saying coup I’m sure you’re gonna record about this but does this change your willingness to move on from Ivy or willingness to blow up the roster I don’t know if just hiring him and himself makes me move completely off that take I will say that if they don’t go that route it does make me feel better about going the other route I that is 100% if they decided to just keep those guys and kind of give them another year to develop their shot I still probably lean towards trying to really add win now pieces and and seeing what their value is but if they don’t go that route I feel a lot I feel a lot better about them not going that route with Fred Vincent around 100% absolutely um is there anything else you want to hit on Zar before we move on um no I I I think that’s pretty much it I I think one thing as far as expectations is like I obviously don’t expect like a jump day one right but I think it’s something to watch as the season progresses but it does make me think like I hope it doesn’t become a thing of oh we have the shooting coach so it doesn’t really matter you know like roster construction and everything like that I still hope they prioritize spacing and shooting uh this summer when it comes to who they get who they sign who they trade for ETC um but I I do expect one of the players we me mentioned to have a pretty significant Jump by the end of this coming season in terms of shooting I mean look everyone knows I’m a sar guy if assar gets a jump shot dog like like damn near Unstoppable if he gets a jump shot that he’s going to be insane if he gets a jump shot what’s his ceiling in your eyes then I don’t want to say what I think his ceiling could be if he gets a jump shot because I I mean this is the same I was very high in both him and his brother like so high to where I had them like top four prospects in the draft like I If they get a jump either one of them if they get if AAR gets a jump shot G like you can’t teach that type of athleticism that type of feel already like a all NBA Defender type of guy passing finishing now you have a jumper or two like Fred Vinson might be like the Saving Grace but we’ll see we’ll see what happens we’ll see what happens um when we come back I want to talk a little bit about the draft with Zar um so stay tuned for that I know you guys have been loving some of the draft stuff you guys want me to get even deeper into the D draft stuff as I’ve told you guys I’m working on it really busy guy I like work has been killing me but we’re trying to get it out so we’ll talk a little bit more about the draft um when we come back when you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for the role that’s why you have to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs has the tools to help you find the right Professionals for your team faster and for free LinkedIn isn’t just another job board LinkedIn has a vast network of more than a billion professionals which makes it the best place to hire it gives you access to professionals you can’t find anywhere else LinkedIn does all that well making the pr is easy and intuitive hiring is so easy when you have that many quality 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this upcoming draft are they going to keep it are they going to move it we haven’t really heard anything about it they obviously just got a president basb operations and we the head coaching stuff the coaching staff like that all is still up in there who knows so we haven’t really heard anything about trades or the draft at all really with the Pistons so um I know you look into some of the draft stuff what are you feeling about this draft right now for the Detroit Pistons as of June 14th 439 PM so I’m not gonna lie like going into this off season my knowledge about the draft was like that much like I I was just it was just a thing of like the season was so heavy to to witness that even because I I’ll be I tried to be objective right this season it’s no secret right I grew up a Pistons fan it was a lot easier this year I’ll say that but anyway um it takes a toll on your love for the sport of basketball you know so I just needed to take a little break before I I got back into like like deep diving into basketball and hoops and everything like that um and in my process I have to say my favorite pick for the Pistons and I guess this I have a video article coming out soon on Bully ball um I’ll spoil it a little bit my favorite Prospect for the Pistons right now is Donovan kingan now do I think he’s gonna be available at five un sure I don’t really know yet um it’s just because there’s been a lot of talk of him going maybe top three I’ve heard Atlanta might like him even at one um so there’s a lot of different things that that are playing into this draft and it’s it’s a draft where like anybody could really go anywhere um even Alexander SAR like obviously I don’t see him falling past like two but he’s still not a guarantee to even be a number one overall pick so it it’s become really interesting I I think the Pistons if they have the opportunity to draft Donovan kingan I think he solves so many issues and I don’t think you necessarily have to trade Jaylen durren as a result but he does give you everything that Jaylen durren doesn’t in terms of defensive presence I have a nickname for him with with some of my friends and I call him Mayo goar um just be is that because they call like is that I get why you say it but like what my head went was because don’t they call Gober like bouet or or like what is it they call bagette or oh uh the Big B big bag is that what they call him yeah they call him something like that Mayo goar um I think he would be such a such a good fit for the Pistons at five because I know they’re looking at Nick Claxton um James reported that I know they’re looking at Isaiah hartenstein and both of those guys are better Defenders than Duren right now but I don’t think they have the ceiling as a defensive prospect that Donovan kingan does I truly think he projects to be one of the best Rim protectors in the NBA now will he be as good as someone like Victor wanyama no just because Victor has that size advantage that quite literally no one else in the league has but if you look at a walker Kessler a Rudy goar even a Daniel gaffard who who’s become a pretty good uh rim protector in his career those are all guys that I I kind of put Donovan kingan in the same tier as because I just I think he has such great defensive feel and he he’s going to be good like I feel pretty confident in saying that he’s going to be good like he’s one of those guys that like there’s just no way he’s not at least a role player in the NBA um but if they don’t go with Donovan kingan or if they don’t have the opportunity to select Donovan kingan I think if they stay at five I would be shocked if it wasn’t uh Matas buis and people will make the AR tellum connection and I guess that’s actually that’s not really fair because he’s projected to go top five whether the Pistons are picking there or not um but I I just I think the potential of Matas is about as good as you can get at five in this draft and I think he fits if he hits a ceiling he fits exactly the type of wing the Pistons would need and I’ve seen him be projected with like a ceiling of like a fron Vagner and I think if you put fron Vagner right now next to Cade that already like you Chang nothing else with this roster that alone changes a whole lot in terms of the win and loss com because bronze is someone who can play well on both ends of the floor and is a really Elite level Defender Matas has he’s shown honestly he’s shown better he’s shown better potential when it comes to protecting the rim than being a perimeter Defender so far but if he can develop that perimeter defense and he can develop that shot back to where it was in high school I think that’s a perfect P perfect pick for the Pistons but if he doesn’t then you know that’s really the swing but I think he’d be a fun pick yeah Matas he’s the only prospect I’ve done an episode for so far um I don’t know how many more Prospect episodes I’m gonna get in on the next 12 days which is why I’m trying to have people come on and talk about the draft because I don’t know how much time I’m gonna have to be able to dive into each Prospect enough to give an episode but nonetheless I i’ I looked into Matas and the shooting is the is such a swing set for me and and it’s the strength he has to he has to get much stronger in the Stream but if his shooting is there if it’s closer to what it was in high school that changes a lot of things for what he is so I I certainly see the potential with Matas and see the ceiling it you have to you just have to believe that his shooting’s gonna come through if you don’t believe his shooting is gonna come through I don’t think you can make him the pick but if his shooting you believe in his shot I completely understand the pick and he has to get stronger I think it’s G to take him a little while to get stronger but I I understand the ceiling kingan I think is incredibly interesting because he does from what I’ve read and what I’ve listened to people talk about with him it sounds like he solves like you said literally all the issues that Pistons have with their Center position he solves those issues defensively um I I’ve read and heard that he’s not it’s not that he’s very versatile defensively you definitely will be playing a drop you’ll be a drop team with with kinging on the floor but that’s not a bad thing I I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing um a lot one one uh or comparison I’ve seen people make to him eventually that they hope they hope is eventually is like a Brook Lopez if he’s able to extend his range out um but obviously that’s that’s looking way deep into the future assuming that he can be a shooter which is not something he’s shown so far even though I know the combine kind of you know he started shooting threes people like oh God is he going to be shooting threes but until he does that I’m not going to believe it but cling it is definitely an interesting pick I think that they pick him I don’t think it 100% means they’re they’re getting rid of of durren but I think the immediate Focus then goes to what are you doing with durren like I think that would be probably the immediate conversation right after that yeah I I mean it’s it’s inevitable right like I think they’re gonna have that discussion regardless because they’re still linked to guys like Nick claxon and Isaiah hardenstein and unless you want to keep rolling out the durren Stewart lineup I I just I don’t know how how well it fits in terms of like try how how Tran’s really built his teams in the past I don’t really see him doing the two big thing too often so if if Stu stays which I believe he will he would project to be a center whether he’s starting or the backup center I think he would be a center and I think in my personal opinion he’s better suited as a center because if you put him at the center position he’s able to guard centers and you don’t have to force him to it’s not that he can’t shoot but you don’t have to force him to sit in the corner and you know not really be able to take full advantage of his size because Isaiah Stewart I my my thing is called bully ball he is the definition of bully ball like that that’s that’s his game right he can shoot too but it’s not a thing where like he only has to shoot you know what I mean I I’d like to you know I’m shooting like 7.5 attempts of exactly yeah like I don’t I just I I want them to focus on other aspects of his game as well um and then one more thing on Matas and this is something that doesn’t have to do with on the court stuff he just seems like a really good vibes guy and I just feel like this team really could use Good Vibes oh he’s a look he’s he’s what JJ reck I I listen to JJ’s podcast all the time but he’s what JJ would call an like he is just like in a good way like not a bad way but a good way like he is a cocky like is what it is that’s like that’s what that like when the did you see that the P one of the Pistons accounts like tweeted out something like or posted on Instagram and was like no contact he liked it and laughed under it or said a comment or something I was like okay gonna love that yeah yeah no I I like he’s on he’s super online and he seems like he has a good sense of humor has nothing to do with basketball it’s just something that like fans can can can get excited for and I I think overall Vibes though is something that helps with the locker room which does lead to a better overall team and also you mentioned his size I saw he did an interview with Kevin oconor recently and I think he said he gained about like 15 pounds since the season ended and uh from like the looks of it it definitely seemed like he he’s been bulking up so I think the size by summer league would be pretty noticeable and obviously after like two years of NBA strength and conditioning it would get hopefully your you’d assume even bigger and even you know even better and I do want to say one more time because I know this is going to get clipped I I was was being I’m being serious when I say that’s a good thing when I say he is a like that is like L that the whole point of when JJ says that on the podcast is that that’s a good thing it’s a good it’s a good compliment to have so I mean that literally as a as a peer positive I’m not joking yeah it’s all fun in games until that gets clipped on no context pistons and Matas sees it again yeah see and I’m know Matas look you know it was Hey Big Dog my bad I didn’t mean it like that it literally it’s a good thing I like it so like all right is there anything else you want to say before we wrap this one up um honestly I I just I’m very the draft is what 13 day or day two of the draft is 13 days away day one of the draft is 12 days I think I ever I don’t know how many people are aware it’s two days this year yeah I’m not gonna lie I didn’t I completely forgot that they changed it until just now yeah and I’m gonna be completely honest it’s because of bronnie right like let’s let’s be let’s be real like they’re not doing a a second day of the draft on ESPN if bronny James wasn’t going in the second round anyways I also I like bronny I gotta say that I like bronnie as a prospect I think he gets a little too much hate because he’s LeBron’s kid neither here nor there I think after June 27th the Detroit Pistons will be probably the most interesting team to watch in the offseason just because of how much movement I’m expecting I can’t see a team being more aggressive in upgrading than the Pistons whether that involves coaching or not I think I think the I think the roster will make a a lot of improvement and by default um the coaching has less pressure on them because the team will be a lot better so that’s something I’m really expecting and uh I think is priority number one for Tran going into this offseason so it should be a very interesting couple of weeks for Pistons fans and hopefully I’m back on here so we can talk more about it um but I appreciate you having me on man for real oh yeah Zar is definitely gonna be com coming back onto the podcast the last thing I have to say is Tran I think you’re G to do a great job with the Pistons hope you’re gonna do a great job with the Pistons but like I said at the beginning um Tom if you have to step in that’s that’s that’s where I’ll wrap it up at thank you guys for making like Tom Pistons your first list of every single day fre Avail on all your podcast platforms hit that subscribe but the YouTube channel leave us a five star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on I’m coup that’s Zar appreciate you guys I’ll catch you guys in the next one stay safe out there till next time peace out peace

The Detroit Pistons have hired an incredibly respected shooting coach in Fred Vinson from New Orleans; however, this should NOT be enough to keep Monty Williams around and Tom Gores needs to step in if that’s the case.

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  1. Monty doesn't deserve to come back. The roster was bad but he was horrific as a coach and decision maker

  2. Can’t give the man mushed dog shit and expect him to make it smell good… give him a chance with even a SLIGHTLY below Avg team before you can evaluate him

  3. Watch them tellum bois introduce trajan then we trade for chris paul or some other horrendous contract. Monty resume is as good as his hall of fame talent

  4. man you got to slow your ranting !!!
    Why even have a guest on the show if your going to do all the speed talk.
    You are not in a speed talking contest !!!
    You suck as bad as the Pistons !!!

  5. The coach doesn't matter. It's the roster. Williams is not hopeless because he won in Phoenix. Put a good roster together with good talent and they'll win games.

  6. agree 1000% monty williams is I thought or i should say I knew monty was tryn to get fired the way he was coaching or lack their of also remember ausar was playing the beginning on fire should of made all rookie but monty drop the ball on him and ivey fire monty please

  7. i believe that they were hoping another team like lakers would of want him n pistons could of buy him out for cheaper then 60 million….and if pistons win 23 games next year they could blame monty n fire him or buy him out…smart move on gores part

  8. Def don't want Monty to stay but if he's a decent coach with vets and the plan is to move off of young guys and play more vets maybe they let him stay.

  9. They say Donaven Klingin cas play defense but we all saw Zach Eddy cook him for 37 points? I prefer Eddy he’s a great defender and he could matchup with against any big in the east, and high shooting percentage and basketball IQ…. All these experts are about to be on the wrong side of history by the end of his rookie year

  10. Monty is definitely the problem!

    He couldn't win against Assistant coaches with Depleted Rosters like the Denver game when they were literally trying to give Monty a free win.

    No Jamal Murray, No Joker, and no Coach Malone.

    Yet, Monty still finds a way to lose that game at HOME!

    It's totally unacceptable, and he even costs Pistons games against the Wizards, just disgusting coaching all away around!

    Let's not forget Giannis was so bored of playing against Monty's lack of coaching.

    He decided to chill with his kids on the sidelines!

  11. I AM SO TIRED OF THE GET RID OF MONTY CRAP!! HE DIDN'T ASSEMBLE THIS TEAM!! THIS TEAM BARELY WON THE YEAR BEFORE WITH A COACH OF THE YEAR AS COACH!! THE TEAM WAS JUST PLAIN BAD OK!!!! IF YOU GET RID OF HIM AND SWALLOW THE 60 MILL AND THE TEAM REPEATS THE SEASON THE SAME UNDER SOMEONE ELSE YOU WANT THAT COACH FIRED ALSO?? THE MAN IS STILL ONE OF THE TOP COACHES IN THE LEAGUE!! HIS NAME IS EVEN MENTIONED IN THE LAKERS SEARCH FOR A COACH!! SO HIS REPUTATION DESPITE THE ATROCIOUS SEASON IS STILL INTACT. SORRY FOR THE CAPS BUT THIS TOPIC GETS ME GOING!! The team is not going to be any better next season no matter who is coaching!! There has to be MAJOR PERSONNEL changes to the core for even the slightest of improvement. Monty will be just fine when those improvements are made!! Let me remind everyone DAN CAMPBELL wasn't a hit when he got the LIONS gig and I didn't feel this same energy for him to be fired. Look at the lions now. They were one game away from the SUPER BOWL!! SUCCESS DOESN'T COME OVERNIGHT most of the time!! THIS PISTONS THANG IS JUST LIKE PHILLY A PROCESS that is going to take time and careful personnel restructuring around how the league is playing the game now. The BLUEPRINTS ARE DENVER AND BOSTON if you want to be successful year to year!!

  12. Gores and his entourage to step in again? What? Have we learned nothing from the last 13 years?

    Last shooting coach worked under SVG, Casey and Monty. This hiring means nothing

  13. One more thing I forgot to add I wasn't a fan of the way he coached most games,but the team as a whole was CRAP. He was just trying to see what if in anything would work. When he evaluated nothing really works he just played out the season and the hand he was dealt. Plus the team started the season with KEY people out of the lineup which really hurt the teams depth. When those players returned things just got even more out of sorts because they had to be inserted in readjusting the already shacky chemistry. All in all he is still one of the top coaches in the league. The man needs a better roster. Which includes a RIM PROTECTOR and a number 2 SCORER next too CADE. He had BOOKER and DURANT and won lots of games. He is a WINNER whereever he has gone. Let's get the team RESHAPED and then we can judge him FAIRLY. Can't judge by taking over a team which was not NBA level for years before you took over and people expectations are unrealistic when the team itself was just NO GOOD!! Team was not consistent on offense or defense night in night out!! Nobody reading this even that KU dude can honestly say they could do better with a team like THAT!! One man carrying a team with no help!! COME ON MAN IT AIN'T BEING DONE!! THE RECORD SPEAKS FOR ITSELF!!

  14. Ill let the expert ( Langdon) and cade decide if monty should stay or be replaced. For some reason people wanted monty to make miracles and make chicken salad outta chicken shyt roster smh. Monty got 80% new roster before all star break.

  15. Bruh only thing tom need to do is sell the team his decisions are why we are where we are ever since he bought team we been thee worst team in nba letting Stan van be gm coach trading for broke down blake come on no tom don't step in just sale team

  16. I agree -fire him now. 82 games is a lifetime and he didn’t show his coaching chops. remember drop coverage allowing opposing guards to get to the cup? all bench lineups. never playing two way guys. not playing gallo or muscala b4 they were let go to sign with contenders. he was awful

  17. The idea that Tom would step in seems counterintuitive. My initial thought if Monty returns is that Tom asked Trajan to give him one year before he makes a move that drastic/force Tom to cut that check. Because next year you could bring in Mike Malone and the Pistons still aren't winning more that 40 games. So Tom rooting for giving monty another year so he can get the most out of his investment. I get he "said" he'd do it but at the end of the day he's a business man

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