@Denver Nuggets

Since Brucie B went out and made some coin, would he take a pay cut to come back to Denver?

Since Brucie B went out and made some coin, would he take a pay cut to come back to Denver?

by aimessss


  1. vladimir_pimpin




    Google nba salary cap rules

  2. The chatter is that Toronto will pick up his player option in order to be a trade piece or matching salary as they look to improve their roster.

  3. Affectionate-Foot474

    I talked to him the other night, he said yes

  4. cursedace

    Bruce can retire in Denver when he is ready. He deserves to make his money while he can. NBA careers are often short.

  5. TH3PhilipJFry

    By the time he gets a chance to make this choice, KCP and Gordon may no longer be on the team, if that’s the case Bruce doesn’t really matter.

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