@Philadelphia 76ers

Joel giving PG the side eye lmao

I love this man

by DrBigChicken


  1. SirCappal0t_H0rati0

    Max PG, oubre 3/36, trade 16 for Caruso, minimums for cam/batum/lowry and maybe hield if he wants to be here enough although prolly not

  2. Doobie_Howitzer

    THIS is why he’s going to the Olympics, he’s going to be cheesing LeBron with this cute ass shit while he has him as a captive audience in France

  3. Appropriate-Hippo758

    I love this but how much y’all wanna bet we lose atleast 2 2nd rounders or more for tampering lmao

  4. LordLucasSixers

    It’s terrorism that a bum like Tobiass Harris shared the court with this man for 5 years. JUST WTF!!!!

  5. vicky255

    Adam Silver: The Philadelphia 76ers will lose 2 second round picks for possible tampering notification incoming

  6. Bri83oct

    I took an edible and started watching PG highlights on Youtube and convinced myself that he is the perfect fit (minus Lebron) next to Jo. When I sober up I might not have the same opinion but rn… lets get him.

  7. Distinct_Candy9226

    Happy Joel is back. League fucked.

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