@Sacramento Kings

Will Zimmerle, – Top Offseason Targets For the Kings

Will Zimmerle, – Top Offseason Targets For the Kings

back from uh a little little offseason break man will Z is back with us it’s good to be back it’s good to dive into numbers again I have my Giant spreadsheet that’s ready to go all seems right in the world the wakanda board is ready to go just it around I love it willz the article is up top five free agent targets or trade targets excuse me realistic options for the Sacramento Kings let’s get it over with man because you got you created a list of five he actually gave me a warning he was like Hey number five yep who is it Zack LaVine so I know he’s I know that’s what Damian said he’s like well Casey will be happy he like oh that’s good um but with LaVine it’s someone who the Kings need offense and he provides offense and it’s hard the contract is a large contract we all know that but it’s what makes Keon being on the like $3 million deal so important is because if you pair Keon and LaVine together then you’re talking about 40 46 million between two High Caliber role players like a starter maybe two starters a starter and a key bench player like just take those averages and don’t worry about the contract because they’re both three years and it it makes it a good kind of way to invest in that hard part is injuries I can’t talk around that like it’s a risk but everyone’s a risk but in terms of what you’re getting on the court in terms of offense like he can score from everywhere um I put Graphics out for all these players that has all their minutes points rebounds their shooting splits by area some defensive stats and a key stat on the bottom so go check that out if you haven’t seen it I’ll probably sprinkle him into social media as well but he is just he I think it’s still a bucket he works well in the handoff play type and the Kings need buckets which we saw at the end of last season and he also 5.2 rebounds 3.9 assists that’s something that you’re not getting from other players we have Fox and monk who can create for others and if you add in LaVine to that especially if they’re able to keep monk that would give you three Playmakers and three players who can create off the dribble ask you both a question real quick if you don’t mind um if in what ever world this winds up happening and you know M’s reading Will’s article and go godam Will’s right I’m go I’m gonna go get Zack you know I’ve been listening to Ken care he’s right should Mike Brown can never bring up the term defense again right you can never talk about this team doing something defensively it depends it depends then it’ll just feel like a shot at Monty but but it it it also depends I’ve said this a number of different times people assume that player why is Gonna Come here and be the same player that they’ve been or is gonna say no sorry coach I just don’t play defense you know what I mean as opposed to you know maybe he buys into that maybe he takes that on as a role or whatever and not to be like lock down like he’s not gonna be Bruce bone or Tony Allen but um gives the adequate effort that could that can help the team out he might he might do that any of these guys that that come up here might do that yeah I think he could at least be an average Defender I don’t think he’s terrible on defense the numbers say he’s pretty much average uh he gets 1.6 deflections per games which Mike Brown and the Kings love like I think that he can hold his own well enough where his offense will make up for his lack of defensive skills especially if you can figure out some sort of lineup with him Keon and Keegan then you have other plus defenders in there even Fox like you have Plus Defenders where you’re not asking LaVine to go guard Steph or whoever the top offensive player on the other team is we can tell him we’ll protect you Jason kid he’s just he we’ll protect bigger I was gonna say the other thing about Z real quick is um you know people talk about the money and the contract all I understand that it’s not like he’s got 15 years left on his deal he’s got three like yeah the Kings will be fine if they have Zack leine for three more years bigger concern for both of you the injury issue or the contract issue injuries injuries from me too yeah okay uh that’s number five on will Z’s uh realistic trade Target list for the Sacramento Kings William who’s number four Jeremy Grant he was a top free agent option for last year I still don’t know what Portland is doing it just doesn’t feel live out yeah like he’s going to live out his contract there looking in his contract it’s much more palatable now he’s making 29 million next year and that goes up a few million each year which when you see these contracts coming out now like 20 29 doesn’t feel that bad and he can just shoot the heck out of the ball he hit Casio like this wide openen three-point percentage 50% last year yeah and the great thing about him coming to the Kings is those number of wide open looks would go up I think he was at like 1.4 wide openen threes per game with Portland that’s pretty low in terms of volume so throw him in a better offense with players like Fox and sabonis and I think his good looks will go up and again his 1.7 deflections I think he’s active on defense I think he’d probably be a defensive upgrade over Harrison Barnes at this point and much like LaVine he’s not going to help you necessarily on defense in terms of putting him on I think Keegan would still that take that main assignment in terms of the forwards but he’s not going to hurt you on defense I think and just someone who can go score on nights where you need another score he doesn’t give you as many other things 3.5 rebounds 2.8 assists last season those aren’t as high as you’d like to see from a player of his caliber but again if he’s hitting that wide open shot that’s great he gets to the free throw line a ton 5.8 free throw attempts last season season at an 81.7% clip the kings were as everyone remembers I’m sure last in the league in terms of free throw percentage so he would make that number go up based on his volume and free throw percentage too so I’mma um I like Jeremy Grant I like the the thought of having him on the team I think he’s a good fit for what they’re trying to do I’ll I’ll just ask both you guys this why what would what would Portland be looking for that the king have um and I think it goes back to Will’s first statement when he mentioned jery Grant we’re still not sure sure quite sure what Portland is doing like are they are they building or like what like are they waiting for your you know your boy to develop like and become the the the the star that I think he’s shown that he can be in and you know talking of course about Shaden sharp um do they see Collins is a part of his build right because if you if you think sh I I I feel like this really boils down to Shaden sharp and what you think of him like is he your star and if the answer is yes it’s like okay then you start working with everyone else on this roster and you go is this player building Shaden to be that star is is John Collins building Shaden sharp to be that star and in the process how good are we I do think there is a question the head coaching position right now and I don’t think you can answer that question though until you know exactly what you’re doing and that in turn answers your question do you want guys to surround Shaden sharp with if if if if John Collins isn’t the guy are you still rebuilding because if you are rebuilding then you want draft picks you want you want cap relief you want players on expiring contracts and you’re thinking about and this is this this is the tough part about being an NBA player that contract on the way for Shaden is really really nice the the the the Blazers might not even be thinking about anything until they get to shayan’s second contract which is not terribly far away but still you’re you’re you’re still tearing like you’re tearing things down in the process and I think until you know you have a clear view of what Portland’s doing you know to Will’s original question I I can’t answer that but I feel like if they’re in the rebuilding process still then they want cap relief and draft picks that’s how I feel too that’s why I think he’s a realistic option in terms of someone you could probably go get with the king’s assets that they have compared to like the top names that are out there if I if I was Portland I would be looking for cap relief in in different assets do you have Portland still in the process of like tearing it apart they they should be it feels like they are if if I was them I would be looking at scoop shayen DeAndre Aon and then everybody else could go and this year we may we may stink again like we may be pretty bad again but there’s a May about iton I’m Gonna Get You know a top five pick um I’m going to have money to to spend and we start our our I don’t want to say Ascension but trying to make an Ascension back towards the playoffs we’ll start that next off season that’d be that’d be my strategy for them because I don’t know what you’re what you’re doing or what you think you’re doing um this year it’s like what what is Jeremy Grant there for you know you’re not gonna win you’re not that’s the way I would be thinking yeah jery I said John Collins sorry Jeremy Grant yeah okay um will on on on the on the will Z meter uh how much do you like the Jeremy uh Grant trade proposal like a out of one to 10 I think I like it like a 7.5 wow that was higher than I thought all right yeah I just I really like his shooting and his scoring like and the length those three things his ability to shoot with the like giant wingspan is just something that King need number three on the will Z trade Target list is good old Kyle kma he always has to show up on these lists and I put this little opening sentence like it feels like he’s on this list by default I still don’t know if I like it but everything makes sense when you look at really yeah you’re talking about about who’s Will Z I know I don’t know if he is is a versatile enough scorer like so he shoots 76.4% in the restricted area which is eighth highest in the NBA among all players with at least 100 attempts in there but he doesn’t shoot well in the floater area 39.9% 34.5% in mid-range and those are shots that he’s probably going to take uh because he likes to shoot and I just I still have questions of can he play in the system and do what needs to be done for the team I think that’s what holds me back I think that’s what holds a lot of Kings back Kings fans back and I don’t know I just I don’t know how he would do in a nonv volume scoring role which I don’t think is a good fit for him on this king’s roster but if you look at his contract where the Wizards are at the assets that it would take to get him it makes sense that he is someone who the Kings can go and get and just kind of fits right in James talks about this all the time with this contract he fits right in line with what they need I’m I’m I’m a big kosma guy I think he’s little surprised he’s at three I I I I I I believe in the guy I believe in what um he could bring to this team dare I say I would have him number one on on my list I think kman talk about the contract when you talk about um his ability to score his ability to rebound um I I think all things considered I think that would probably me personally I think that would be the best option he’d be he’d be a a n and a half out of 10 on my wiie meter I didn’t think’ be the KC meter but it’s okay wiy he he has him at three you say you’d have him at one or at least closer to one well let’s find out who’s at two number two Bobby poris I don’t know if he’s necessarily available it seems like there’s been murmurings at least among fans Milwaukee fans uh he has one year and a player option left on his deal 12 12.5 million he seems like a player that the Kings desperately need in terms of his attitude on the court where he will just come in he’ll do the Dirty Work he’ll he’ll make his presence known and all of his stats are better than I thought they were 13.8 points uh 7.4 rebounds he can rebound the heck out of the ball so imagine if you’re going from Harrison Barnes was at three rebounds per game jumped that to 7.4 from poris and pair that with Keegan and sabonis they’d become a great rebounding front court all around he can score pretty much from everywhere in his wide open threes at a 46.1% clip 1.6 deflections he just kind of does all the little things that I think they may not jump off the page but the Kings need someone like that it’s very reminiscent to me of what Keon does for them he does all the little things and that really helped them when he got into the starting lineup so someone who isn’t really a star acquisition but I think would have a big impact If he if he got in into a trade I like Bobby Porters I like him as a ball player I like what he would bring to the table um perfect for all those people who want dogs he definitely a dog yep definitely a dog but yeah I I like uh I like what he would bring to this team I don’t know if he’s a starter um he may be a guy that you bring Off the Bench um but I mean walk me through that that was his role in um in Milwaukee now part of that was Brook Lopez being there and all of that actually was Brook Lopez being there and Giannis being there um but if you want to start him at the four then I’m all for that I I still feel like the kings are hung up on this idea that that Keegan is a four or should be the four I I I kind of lean towards that I’d want a guy that can play the three that I’m trading for or something like that because I think Keegan at his best is that four that stretch four type guy and he has the versatility to to guard you know perimeter guys but at his core as we use this he’d be a 4-3 as a 3 four and and Bobby if that’s the case then Bobby might be coming off the bench in that scenario and to get Bobby foris you may have to give up a guy like Trey LS um so he would just kind of slide yeah okay the number one trade Target on will I fun with this one I I call them realistic options this one’s probably Toes that line but Lori marinan again I don’t know what the Jazz are doing but Lori Markin he has been my dream Target to just slide into this roster ever since there’s been kind of questions of what Utah would do he again can shoot the heck out of the ball he can score everywhere all these players can score all around the court so Markin in just looking at his stats 33 minutes 23.2 points 8.2 rebounds two assists uh 0.9 Steels .5 blocks 39.9% from three um 43.3 43.4% from the corners shoots well above the break too at 39.2% cut Play Type which the Kings would work well with sa bonus off of 88.4 percentile so very good in that style of play he knows to play with another big playing with Walker Kessler I just think that him sabonis and Keegan if you can get him without giving up Keegan he’s the player that I would give a lot of draft picks towards like we all know that the Jazz they they want draft picks I think and I would throw this year’s draft pick all the Futures it’s a risk because he has one year left if you can get some sort of agreement on an extension I don’t know a little behind the scenes Talk I don’t know but it’s I think the riskiest suggesting a wink wink deal wow I would never have expected that I know who am I um I just really want to see him and sabonis together I think that it would with his three-point shooting would allow the Kings to do we see the Celtics are just thriving with that five out offense sabonis has already pulled out from the uh at the top of the key running place and having someone like marinin out there who can shoot he has shot eight threes per game last year and made them at that 39.9% clip the only three players who attempted more per game and shot at a better percentage CJ McCollum Dante dienzo and Steph Curry so he’s a high volume three-point specialist at s foot like that’s something that you’re not going to see very often which is why I would give up a lot for marketing so you talked about the one thing that that uh that kind of concerns you and that’s the the one year left on the contract is that um is is that obviously he’s your number one candidate but you’re you’re willing to risk the fact that he might he might walk even if you like say you can’t get the wink wink maybe he’s you know I don’t want to make that call yet you know I I want to um I want to see what’s what’s out there uh potentially still making that move or do you need that that uh Assurance Insurance yeah I think I would make it anticipating that that would be taken into account of what it would take to get him if he like if he it’s the classic like four first round picks and three pick swaps I don’t think I would do that but generally we see players with less years on their contract they get traded for a little less so if that’s kind of taken into out then I would do it it’d be tough it’s it’s hard because if they trade for him even if they make the playoffs and then he walks like that’s tough but I don’t know I’m just trying to think of the biggest possible impact players and sometimes it feels like you gota when a player like him is available take the risk I don’t know what do you guys think I understand it yeah I’m not big into gotta can’t lie I’m a pretty boring guy I I understand why I don’t like the Brandon Ingram conversation oh Brandon Ingram didn’t make the list well now there’s a reason for that will you want to explain I think with Ingram I think the Kings would get outbid by a ton of different teams which may be the case for Markin too exactly the same I know it’s exactly the same that’s why it’s like he really does a line of realistic and not that’s all right there’s nothing wrong with that you got a little crush ain’t nothing wrong with it that’s true it’s okay it’s all right it’s all right um but Markin is the same reason I hate the the Brandon Ingram idea yeah I just I can’t make it work in my head and I think the difference too of to me marinin and Ingram is I’m fully comfortable throwing a ton of money at marinin like if he comes over I don’t know if I’m as comfortable with that with Ingram just with injuries and I just like markkanen’s game better I think with this roster um because he’s a better three-point shooter than Ingram and I think he can still score on par with him but yeah I think I’d rather have marinin going forward than Ingram which is why I kind of I bumped him down to realistic instead of not realistic how realistic do you think a move is at all like a big name like none of some of these aren’t even that big of names something this level a couple need needle mover yeah I think I think those are all I think I think every name that you you had on your list is a that’s a name that no one goes uh okay in turn it’s like oh wow they did For Better or For Worse in in some fans Minds like those are all needle moving names one way or the other that you listed um but do you do you think a trade of that sort happens I give it a 50-50 chance which I wish I could say higher um I don’t hate the idea of doing a smaller move now like I was looking at some other players like Wendell Carter Jr I like that move there’s like a few other trades that I’ll get to at some point in the off season there smaller moves but I think would have some impact and then seeing where you’re at at the trade deadline and having it be that when you do your big move it could be where maybe that’s too late and they really need something at the beginning of the season to give everyone time to gel um but knowing Monty and his the way he’s so patient and wanting to find what seems like the perfect move it’s hard to say so 5050 are you gonna do a draft uh are you gonna like go through names for the 13th pick no I’m not doing coward coward boo I don’t know enough about the draft prospects and I don’t want to do a disservice to people because I don’t know it would be mostly just me reading other people’s work which is good to learn about and everything but I don’t feel like I know enough about the prospects to give genuine analysis yeah we’re going to attack this next week and man it’s going to be a chore it is it’s going to be so difficult cuz I feel like you know again we use this analogy with the Keegan draft it like it was you know you were really zeroed in on like four guys you you could have some fun and get to six seven eight but you know we knew what was realistic and what wasn’t like 50 guys we got to cover over the next that’s a lot I mean that’s a slight exaggeration but there’s a ton of players that we yeah man it’s uh it’s it’s tough and I don’t know how to evaluate you know you could find guys that you like yeah I saw him in the 13 14 15 range all right cool yeah I looked at this other one and he was second yep all right forget it so that’s why I’ll leave it to the experts but I love this is one of my favorite parts of the off se you are the expert um do you have your article in front of you I do what is the first line of your uh Markin in right up Lor Marin is oh God okay I love that will I love that will caught on right away he was like all right no yeah it’s right there I can read it yeah what is it it’s something that everyone will have to go read no I’ll say it he my pipe dream you know I’ll say it it’s true Jess’s working that’s why I didn’t hear that no got no shame I got no that’s there’s one it’s right here I multiple flags on the oh man they’re all over the place all over field I I read that I was like yeah we’re gonna get we’re gonna see if we can get will to read that out loud on the air and yep I love that will knew right away yeah I got you okay all right it was kind of just in time but you know sometimes you kind have fun yeah he remembered what show this was well done well we missed you buddy it’s great to have you back um anytime you you you want to put pen to paper so to speak and come on here and talk about it man say it a word awesome I appreciate it good to be back guys thanks

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  1. Makkanen is nice but rather unrealistic imo. I don't the Jazz is gonna give him up unless we offer the farm, the house and the woods for him.

  2. Lauri Markkanen Domantas Sabonis Keegan Murray Jonathan Kuminga Collin Sexton Shasha Vezekov Trey Lyles Chris Duarte Malik Monk Davion Mitchell Alex Len and Kessler Edwards

  3. This list is the same as the Bleacher Report list lol cmon if Lauri available Kings don't have the assets but Lavine there is a path

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