@New York Knicks

LIVE: NY Knicks Rumors, News: LATEST Trade Rumors + Is Now The Time To Go All-In?

LIVE: NY Knicks Rumors, News: LATEST Trade Rumors + Is Now The Time To Go All-In?

[Music] [Music] [Music] oh yo what’s going on everybody you’re watching Nicks Now by chat sports I am your host Marshall Green happy Friday to everybody out there just a couple more hours until the weekend we got to talk some New York Knicks basketball though could a Paul George trade be on the horizon for the New York Nicks we’re going to dive into that as Brian windhorse is reporting that the Clippers in PG are at really a disagreement when it comes to his potential contract extension and if they’re going to get that done we’ll also talk about what Fred Katz reported in his article on the athletic today where he said that the plan is for the New York Knicks to pursue that Superstar trade this off season we’ll talk about that and then we’ll have a mail bag to close Today’s Show so we got three segments coming up let’s dive into it sh to all the real ones in the build My Guy Peter win in the chat what up Peter win always good to see you my guy hope you’re having a good one thanks for stopping by and hanging out with the kids and you know who’s hanging out with the kids today is Patrick seedman I haven’t seen this guy in a month and he’s back today man good to see you did you did you unmute your mic you forgot how to unmute your mic nope are we back are we there oh we’re there we’re there baby we’re there let’s ride my man let’s ride it’s been a while dude it’s been a while man it has I didn’t I didn’t know you had this much PTO stacked up I know for some reason I just have more PTO than everybody at the compy it’s incredible man it it is quite incredible um I’m jealous I’m jealous I wish I had that much PTO Stephen in the chat Tai man the Buckeye that guy Queen’s Place says hell no okay don’t want Paul George I I I feel you on that Roo Gand Alo whatever the hell that means says not what we need nicken and hickin what a name I want Bruce Brown and Andre Drummond on the roster by hartenstein get your money the only way you’d be able to sign Bruce Brown is if you wave boy on bogdanovich are you better if you don’t resign hartenstein and Bogey and you bring in Bruce Brown and Andre Drummond I would say the Knicks would have got worse this off season if that were to happen yeah I think I would agree with you I’m not the biggest Bruce Brown fan me either like he had a good run with the uh nuggets that won playoffs but I mean besides that it really hasn’t done that much for me if the Knicks want to reach that next tier of NBA teams they got to add more talent to this roster like not no we don’t need any more margin guys we don’t need a Bruce Brown we don’t need anyone else that’s going to help us improve on the margins yeah you know why the Celtics are going to win the title this year Patrick see they got the most talent in the NBA Yeah by far and usually when you have the most Talent you win the NBA Finals yep Nicks need to add more Talent on both ends of the court and I don’t think Bruce Brown and Andre Drummond while sacrificing hartenstein and bogdanovich is the route that I want to travel on my man Carl in the building shout out to the old head what’s up man shout out Carl that’s my guy right there shout out to my brother though n Nat Oliver says please no Paul Ross says terrible idea absolutely terrible uh Paul Ross who do you you want on the New York Knicks an angelette Leen says no no no Paul Ross says say no to Paul George Logan Mass says what would a PG-13 trade package look like what players and picks the only way that I would trade for Paul George is if I don’t have to include one of the core 7 and I’m going to start referring to them as the core 7 and the people or the core six at this point the core six if I can acquire Paul George while holding on to Brunson Dante Hart OG Randall or hartenstein if I can hold on to those members of the core six I would do what I got to do to trade for Paul George but I’m not including one of those six players um I thought it would have been higher just looking at the poll 82% 82% of the viewers say they do not want Paul on this basketball team even if he you get to keep Brunson OG Randall Hart Dante and Brunson really really and Derek Clark says the Knicks my favorite team well you’re going to fit in really well here brother that guy says jiren Jackson sure would be nice yeah he would so would Kevin Durant and all the other great players in this league but um I think the Memphis Grizzlies know that jiren Jackson’s really good player Patrick and they’re not going to trade him yeah and the Grizzlies have their core of Jackson Bane and mor they’re going to build around that Teran saying I don’t know why everyone is trying to get rid of Julius he’s a beast if you played bball you would realize you don’t trade a player like Julius he’s Unstoppable and fits in well in New York stop it I I have noticed something with the fan base where it seems like everybody’s kind of backing random now and I almost think like him not playing in this year’s playoffs almost benefited his reputation with the fans it’s and look I I for for one my guy Mike G in the building that guy hits dingers what I would compare the Julius Randall situation to isn’t a bit of a disclaimer I think I want to keep Randall on this team for now I I am only going to trade Randall if I am getting someone that’s a better fit or a better player but Patrick se you know like when you have a girlfriend uh and and she’s toxic and then you break up and you don’t speak for like 6 months yeah and you start speaking again you’re like oh I miss talking you every day you forget some of those toxic traits in that gap of 6 months and we know that Randall is a damn good basketball player he a three-time Allstar with the Knicks two-time all NBA player yeah but he is far from a perfect player you could be Julius randle’s mother and you can admit that he has struggled in the playoffs you can admit that he has deficiency sees in his game well also in that same breath saying he’s a great player which is what I am saying yeah but when you don’t see him play and it’s been a while you kind of forget all of those little hiccups in his game you’re only thinking about the positives right now y you start talking to that girl that was toxic you take a six-month break I kind of kind of miss this a little bit one little argument one game where Julius R doesn’t play hard on defense I think this chat’s gonna be looking a little bit different that’s all I’m saying Julius Randle is like a toxic relationship I like that Chuck Harris says exactly my man Mike G how we doing bro it’s Friday are we hitting dingers on a Friday did you bring the bat to the batting cage today Mike G Paul Ross Ross says also the fact Randall hasn’t played up to his regular season prowess is not totally his fault he was not near 100% while I do agree it’s not totally his fault he is the main one to blame for his like it’s no one else’s fault that he didn’t play well like I I think Julius Randle would admit that just also like when I’m watching like the Celtics play all five of them they’re all so skilled like they they all can dribble pass like just do everything like Julius Randall I still want to see him when it’s like in the Conference Finals NBA Finals I think he can have a good first round of an NBA playoff run I don’t know when the competition still ramps up if he will be an effective basketball player but y really hasn’t had that chance and that’s probably what the Nicks front office is discussing right now it’s like do we bet on Julius Randle becoming a better playoff player or do we bet on another player coming in and helping out this team more yeah I mean look I think everyone would agree that Randall is good at basketball yes you don’t become a two time all NBA player he was in he was going to be an all NBA player again this year yeah um but at the same time I think it is fair to question if he is the perfect piece for this roster I think that is more than fair um and also I think that I want Nick’s fans to start asking themselves can we depend on him in the playoffs and I don’t mean production wise two years in a row he wasn’t able to play at the end of the season yeah two years in a row if it happens again are are we then going to be concerned cuz I don’t need to touch the stove to know it’s hot yeah I that [ __ ] is smoking um I mean if the Knicks do keep Randle heading into the next postseason there is nobody that’s going to have a bigger microscope under like or watching him are we paying Julius Randle the max after next season because that’s what he’s going to ask for why not he’s going to be a three-time Allstar a two-time all NBA player in Four Seasons he’s going to want the max are y’all paying Julius Randle the max cuz you can’t say you want to keep him at all costs and then also say you’re not going to pay him the max it’s like is he is he is he a confetti guy like when the Knicks finally break through and they’re they are there you know it’s gonna be Brunson Hart Divan chenzo OG will Randall be there Louis what’s up my man what’s up what’s up Raymond says do we do need to trade Randall graned he can score he’s still a liability on defense and I’m not scared to say it he’s selfish on offense that guy says I wouldn’t pay him a max if he took a pay so now so now we need Rand to take a pay cut I’d happily embrace it as the long-term second option I love this team more than I probably should you’re not winning championships if Jaylen Brunson and Julius Randle are your best two players I’m sorry you’re not um maros says starting think UB is a legitimate possibility for this team I agree I think I have Kelly UB as my number number one mid-level exception Target for the Knicks right now yeah I like them my man Isaac Smith in the building high fives baby high fives yes sir yes sir Mark says Randall doesn’t show up in big games that could be true uh Logan says he signed with CA so he might just be I don’t think Julius Randle is in the camp of taking a discount he’s been on a discount the last couple of years yeah he’s trying to get paid Joe says I’m not sure if UB historically has been highly inefficient um yeah he struggled to shoot the ball from three no doubt about it fa but um you’re also not getting a perfect player with the mid-level exception yeah because if they were perfect they’d be making more than the mid-level exception I think also like and I just thought of this on the spot I want Nicks fans to also start realizing that you talk about Julius Randall Jaylen Brunson Dante Devan chenzo Josh Hart Isaiah hartstein five players that all joined the nexts via Trader free agency and they all got better they all had career years with the New York Knicks who’s to say that Tom Tibido can’t crack into the code of UB or someone else out there and they sign someone and then they become better and they develop and they grow under the tutelage of Tom Tibido who has developed almost every single player on this roster we’re not looking for finished products we’re looking for guys that can get better in two years from now we look back on the contract like we’re going to do for HART like we’re going to do for Dante like we did for Brunson like we did for hartenstein like we did for Randall saying oh we got them on a steal because of the development because they continue to got better the trajectory of their career continued to go up you should continue to look for players like that and if you’re looking at like I mean look at the Celtics they’re going to be around for a while you’re going to need two Wings on the outside of to defend besides OG you don’t have anyone you do not have a wing defend defender on your team ex outside of OG and Obie and I love Josh Hart Dante DAV chenzo like they play their ass off play the right way but like defensively 64 and 63 they don’t have the size to match up with brown and tatato and especially with Jaylen Brown he is he is going to keep getting better he’s gonna have that Championship kind of swag now heading in the next season I I honestly I bet you the Knicks are really looking at that looking at the Celtics and be like we need another Wing like we just need another guy there cuz OG can’t guard them both OG went down and we had to put Josh on Pascal seak and imagine if that was the like the Celtics where it was Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown they need another Wing that can come in and give you some athleticism yeah I think Nick could use benefit from another guy that UPS their athletic profile definitely um and ub’s long like UB was the number one point of attack Defender for the 76ers they asked him to solely guard Jaylen Brunson Brunson cooked him he’s one of the best players in modern history on the offensive but man imagine that guy coming off your bench and if OG gets hurt or Randall hurts gets hurt you throw him in the starting lineup yeah I don’t love the guy I’ve known him for 10 plus years um 15 years at this point I don’t really like the guy but he’s pretty good at basketball Levis the best says what player would you pick right now I know opinions changed but right now if you were on the clock who would you pick right now with the 24th pick if Tyler kak is on the board at 24 25 he’s a New York Nick if I’m the if I’m the GM if I’m the GM I also like Tristan D Silva yeah um I don’t know if he will be there there’s a lot of talk about um dun I don’t know man I just still I would be shocked if the Knicks are picking at 24 and 25 on draft night like I would be really shocked yeah the reason I say kic because he’s going to be able to come in and I think produce right away yeah like he for what the Knicks are going to ask him to do which is to come in run the offense set the table control the pace control the basketball and be a game manager while Jaylen Brunson is sitting down he could do that in year one but I also like the idea of adding Ryan Don who can come in and in his first season be a lock down defender on the perimeter I worry though is he just Andre Roberson and is he just matis thyo and the offensive game is never going to come along yeah because I you could be the best defender in the world if you can’t shoot it’s hard to play you on the Wing Spot in the late part of a games with Jaylen Brunson on the floor as well as a center who can’t shoot especially in the playoffs man like no I like coak Co coak would be a fun fit too used to playing in the garden I have not been able to confirm if Tyler K has worked out for the New York Knicks have not been able to confirm that David M what’s up bro shout out out to you man thanks for stopping by that guy said I heard that Tyler Smith from the G League ignite worked out for the Knicks I haven’t heard that um I like Tyler Smith I think he was maybe a year away though um I’ve seen some people compare him to kind of like a little Channing fry a little bit look at 2425 you’re hoping you hit on the lottery like that’s what you’re hoping for and yeah this draft isn’t extremely deep with topend Talent it’s deep with role players and I promise you not all these role players are going to hit and you’re kind of hoping with a lot of these guys yep um Sherwin what’s up man he says the Knicks must use the pick in ihar and Deuce to get a starting shooting guard 6’6 and taller I’m not calling ihart a starting center he can’t stop his man he was I think number two in DPM defensive estimated plus minus of all centers in the NBA so I just do not agree with you on that my friend ny2 a says run it back when you say run it back what do you mean by that like you’re bringing back hartenstein you’re bringing back OG you’re picking up Bogie’s $20 million option you’re going to resign prua you’re going to bring back Alec Burks like you want to run the same gang back is that what you are saying I just I when people say that I don’t know if they actually mean what they say because they don’t know what’s behind that curtain yeah okay if you’re saying run everything back so you’re cool with this being the team and the Knicks never trading for a superstar you’re cool with that and if you are trading for a superstar how are you going to do it because you’re going to be a second apron team and if you don’t know the apron rules at this point I I can’t help you and you’re saying yes again now I’m completely worried because if this is the Knicks roster for the next three or four years they will continue to be a second round exit at best they have to get better there needs to be an infusion of talent to this team great first year with Brunson love it but you lost to the eight seed in the second round with homecourt Advantage awesome year this year two seed 50 wins you battled with adversity every single step of the way but once again you lost at home to a seven seat or whatever the Indiana Pacers were um and it’s also like I think I think Nick’s fans are just thinking like oh Boston the only team we got to get by now like that’s the team like you got to beat Philly again Milwaukee is going to be better they will be better than where they were last year Philly has the most cap space in the NBA they’re going to bring in a third star and be a whole lot better and Maxi is going to get better you know heading the next season um magic are up and coming magic like what if they go get clay like they’re going to be a tougher route who knows if c teams that stay the same get worse yeah look at the Denver Nuggets like they’re a good example they thought they could just run it back and they’re still hell basketball team but that guy do I think Milwaukee is on the rise no but with a healthy Giannis they’re going to be tough for anybody to beat yeah um like if if Giannis is healthy that’s going to be a hell of a team to be to to to go in the playoffs like it just is you don’t want to play him you would be arguably the best player in that series and you don’t ever really want to not have the best player um oen says telling you guys Vanderbilt is he a free agent I don’t think so not a free yeah Jared Vanderbilt’s not a free agent um I don’t think the Knicks I mean so we’re trading bogy and two first round picks for Vanderbilt and ruie why would the Lakers say yes to that you know to make a trade you got to make the other team want it to happen as well yeah I don’t think the Lakers like I don’t yeah Lakers are trying to win now not at a 40-year-old bogey in future picks John White Spot coming in with the first Super chat of the day John we appreciate you man first time super chatter too we appreciate you for being a real one says signer Rosen trade Mitch and drop bogey the only way the New York Knicks will be able to be able to sign dear D rozan is if he cuts his price point in half and accepts a deal that starts in the first year at $12.9 million that is not happening so the only way you can add Demar D roen is if you trade for him and I just don’t know how possible that is yeah dear’s tricky for the Knicks it’s because you would want him to come off the bench and run that second unit because I would I still think Devon chenzo would be a better fit next to Brunson just because of shooting ability but D rozan would be pretty sweet Off the Bench it’s just going to come down if he wants to embrace that role yeah I know there’s some people that don’t believe that D rozan would be a good fit and you see the obvious reasons why he’s aging going to be expensive you’re going to have to give up some rotation players and probably a pick for him and he doesn’t shoot the outside shot that well and I want I worry about uh a team that features D rozan Randall and A Center on the floor all at the same time who are all by NBA standards below average three-point Shooters you watch the Celtics everybody that plays can shoot yeah you watch the maps like they don’t they don’t have enough Shooters and that’s why they’re getting blown out right now um I I don’t know I I think D rozen would be cool I also think it’d be cool if I was seven feet tall it ain’t happening um he’s not taking a discount and I don’t think he’s ready to be a bench guy in this league I think he still thinks he could produce I don’t know my guy D nice in the building what’s up man D nice going after Lori marinin the only way I’m trading for Lori is if he’s my starting power forward moving off Rand then and then you got to move off Randall and I don’t think that I’m adding the pick package that Utah would want to make that trade out like I think Randall is better than Lori I think Lori may be a better fit on this roster but am I willing am I willing to add two three first round picks to Julius Randall to add L Lori no I’m not um like is Lori the move where it’s like this is it the Knicks are going to compete for a championship I don’t know my guy Jay Boogie in the building shout out to a legend what’s up Jay Boogie he says I’m going to say this from my heart one is orange and the other is blue it’s the hardest working show to this off season two and times three times a day we get alerted with Nick news thank you salute J Boogie three capital s’s that’s my guy he’s been showing love to this show for a long long time um man that was a that was a fun summer when we did Donovan Mitchell updates all the time Jay Boogie salute to you he makes awesome uh music man check him out Jay Boogie always has been good to me that’s my guy for real we appreciate you bro ny2 a coming in with a super chat what’s up says R well thank you for the Super Chat first and foremost we really really appreciate it says run it back we have enough Talent barring injuries we can look for a superstar The Following season if it doesn’t work out I don’t know if they do have enough Talent like I I I agree I think that the Nicks if healthy would have given the Boston Celtics the best run for their money but still I don’t think that it’s just written in ink that they were going to win that series no um and also the fact that one I don’t that’s not fair to say the fact that the Celtics are going to win the NBA Finals with christops porzingis playing six playoff games this year is incredible it’s incredible like they’re not even at full strength right now yeah and I also want to reiterate it if you run it back back you are making it almost impossible on yourself to trade for a superstar because if you are a second apron team you can only trade one for one you can’t aggregate contracts I just I’ve done 10 videos on it I hope you people uh I hope everybody watching are educated on the subject it’s not the old CBA it’s not the old way of doing things there’s a new playbook and the New York Knicks if they run it back they are going to [ __ ] themselves when it comes to continuously adding talent and potentially a superstar down the line so explain like so let’s just say at the trade deadline next year yep if you run it back you pay OG you pay hardide you bring back bogey you pay a Chua you bring back Burks you’re a second apron team so let’s just say they’re trying to make a trade at the deadline and they can only it can only be player for player it can’t be two for one so if I am trading for a player that makes $50 million which most all superstars are going to be making I’ll just use as a round number yeah I can’t pair a $25 million player on a$ 25 million player to get to 50 to trade for that one player I have to trade a $50 million player for a $50 million player what player are the Nick’s trading that makes a lot of salary not Brunson not OG the only one is Randall and Randall right now is actually on a contract that wouldn’t even really work when trying to trade for a star because this season Julius Randall is making $28 million you’re not getting an ideal Superstar for $28 million I I’m done living in la la land we got to be real about ourselves the aprons are here the new MBA is here there’s other awesome Pages out there Bobby marks went on Nick’s Film School watch it he breaks it down cap or no cap with Nick’s uh or Nick fan TV I’m sorry CP the franchise I think I said that the first time I don’t know I may have misspoke he Bobby marks went on Nick fan TV check it out he’s more plugged in with the salary cap Bobby marks than anybody Jonathan Macker and Jeremy Cohen and nicks Film School they’ve broke it down I’ve broke it down please just educate yourselves because when we think of Nicks fans what do we think of the smartest fan base in the world let’s continue to uphold that reputation Mike G back in the building we’re not living in la la land you can’t hit dingers in la la land baby you can’t hit dingers guys’s a stud no you’re a stud brother you’re stud King King James says I think a shot is needed a shot of what yeah no Nick hey man there’s a bunch of awesome Nicks YouTube channels out there um they they all do a really really good job we’re going to get to a mailbag coming up in about 40 minutes or so you want to be featured on our mailbag just comment down below and use the # Nick that way producer seeps can pop it up on screen and use our software and if you Super Chat you’re guaranteed to get on the show and we’re going to answer that question at length for you shout out to all 170 people watching what are you saying I can’t hear you in my ear for some reason said Mike G you’re too kind when you say seeps you’re a stud too don’t forget that Mike G he’ll be a stud until week one when he’s saying F the Giants and go Vikes D nice showing love to seeps as well that’s our guy right there that is our guy my man D nice has been walking like 20,000 steps a day really he sends me a lot of funny stuff on Instagram he’s in he’s in his bag he’s in his bag F Minnesota Mike G geez F Minnesota exactly exactly nickol and hickin saying cam Thomas ah that would be a that would be a mistake cam Thomas we’re not the New York Knicks that are trying to get into the play and we’re the New York Knicks trying to win a championship ask yourself does Camp Thomas make the Knicks Championship Contender contenders the answer is [ __ ] no yeah not chance Carl says yo Marsh can Randall and pix get us Lori you potentially I think you would need to include three and it’s like is that is that worth it because if you include 24 and 25 I don’t think the Jazz are looking at those and being like yeah we’re moving off Lori for that like I think they would want like the unprotected picks where it’s like 2027 2029 or something that’s good stuff D nice proud of you br keep on going keep on going that’s awesome bro ny2 a appreciate you appreciate you um wasn’t coming at you um you were just a Super Chat that went up there one thank you for that I just went up there and I had to go on my little bit of a tangent because I’m just I’m I’m not saying to you I’m just tired of people acting as if like if you run it back you’re still going to be the most flexible team in the league you’re just not you’re just not and and and I want people to know that and that’s why I do this show to inform and entertain inform and entertain alrighty first segment of the day Brian windhorse believes or he doesn’t believe he’s reporting that PG and the Clippers are not on the same page so uh let’s talk about it let’s talk about it hold down cm to that real quick CM Straight Shooters hit dingers baby especially the Straight Shooters of the steroids Mike G should steroids be allowed in the MLB question to you it should be yes baseball was never better when Mark Maguire Sammy Sosa Barry Bond Gary Sheffield were juicing up and hting 6070 dingers the year also also let the pitchers you sp attch just everything goes yes I want to see Peak Performance from athletes yes um cm67 thank you for the Super Chat says get kozma trade Randall etc for Paul George you’re getting spicy with it get kozma so we’re getting kozma how are we getting kozma Bogey and pick they probably won an expiring salary and pick sure that’s probably what I would want if I was Washington and then you’re trading Randall for Paul George are you starting kozma at the four so so your starting lineup is hartenstein kozma OG Paul George and Brunson with Dante and Hart coming off the bench again is that I feel like the is that winning the title I don’t think so like I don’t think that’s beaten Boston now that trade is good for matching up with Boston I will say like that would be a you would have three really big wings you could Deploy on them I don’t know it’s like the Nick the Knicks are in such an interesting spot like is kosma a starter on a championship winning team if it’s not prime LeBron James and Prime Anthony Davis and did he even start on that team I don’t remember I don’t know I don’t know I guess who’s a good fourth best player on your team I don’t think so I don’t know if he is I don’t know look I think it’s the most important offseason of Leon Rose’s tenure as the New York Knicks decision maker 100% the decisions he make right makes this summer will dictate which road which road the Knicks go down yeah I truly do believe that yeah you got to use steroids dude no one wants to baseball is I will say the pitch clock is the one of the best things that ever happened in the MLB great you go to a game and you’re out in two and a half hours it’s sick it’s awesome all righty Aaron judge roed up oh my gosh imagine judge and SoDo roid it up this team would be unbelievable gar Cole can go back to use Tag what’s up get on my level what’s up bro what up what up what up 155 people watching if you could please hit that thumbs up icon only 34 likes that makes me want to throw up and end the stream so please hit the thumbs up icon um let’s get like to 69 likes or something I think that’d be a pretty pretty cool number if you’ve liked the video give me a me down in the comment section and let’s talk these latest Paul George rumors could the Los Angeles Clippers be looking to trade Paul George we’re going to break that down on today’s show as Brian Windor of ESPN is reporting that Paul George and the Clippers are not on the same page when it comes to a potential contract extension before I give you my thoughts and ideas on PG being a New York Nick I want to hear from you in the comments section do you want Paul George on the New York Knicks if it meant you got to keep Randall keep that in mind type y for yes Type n for no [Music] welcome in Nicks Now by chat sports I am Marshall Green Let’s talk about it first off Paul George is always going to be a trade Target for the New York Knicks because he is blooded in he is a part of the CAA Mafia and if you’re represented by CAA you are going to be a player of interest for Leon Rose worldwide West in the new York Knicks first and foremost when it comes to Paul George I think when you strictly talk on the hardwood the fit what the product would look like if you had a starting lineup of Brunson Paul George ogan and Obi Julius Randall and Isaiah hartenstein Paul George is almost an ideal fit when it comes to roster constructionwise and just flow and being able to mesh with his teammates he’s 6’9 he can defend ones twos threes and some fours he will take a step back and let other players be the star of the show we saw that when he was a part of the Oklahoma City Thunder playing alongside Russell Westbrook we’ve seen that with the Los Angeles Clippers playing alongside kawh Leonard even James Harden and two somewhat of a degree of Russell Westbrook and the guy last year had one of his better seasons of his career he played in 74 games he missed just eight regular season games so has he shook that injury rattled bug that a lot of people connect with his name gave you over 22 points last year giving you five rebounds he could dish it almost like a point guard at times at three and a half assists and he was efficient man 47 plus per from the deck and north of 41% from threes and when you go even deeper in the numbers you see things that stand out that I think would be major additions to this roster when you talk about what the Knicks need it’s another guy that can spot up on the perimeter in knock down catch and shoot threes with Brunson and Randle demanding double teams Paul George does that at one of the better Clips in the NBA he knocks down catch and shoot threes at 45.4% on four and a half attempts per game and then when the shot clock’s going down or coming off a pick and roll he can get to a spot and rise up and create a quality look from distance on pullup threes he’s knocking it down almost 36% he could still get downhill and operate in that mid-range game he’s got that nice smooth step back he’s knocking his pullup twos down at 45% he’s still really good at attack in the rim converting at almost a 58% clip on less than 10 ft from the basket and he is still one of the better defenders in this league he has he averaged this year three deflections per game that was tied for six six across all the players in the NBA and I truly do believe that if injuries are off and that if everybody is healthy and your top seven players include Jaylen Brunson Paul George ogan and Obi Julius Randall Isaiah hartenstein with Dante Dev venzo and Josh Hart coming off the bench if that is your top seven you are contenders to win not one but maybe a couple of NBA finals and we know the New York Knicks have at least had somewhat of of a little bit of interest in Paul George remember last year the New York Knicks made offers for Paul George remember this quote from Allen Han what he said on get up on ESPN last year this quote is from last year they had a chance to get Paul George they said it was too expensive they don’t want to do it they’ve already backed out of that they talked to the Clippers the Clippers gave what it would cost then Paul George said but I want an extension and then they said we’re not doing that and they walked away so Paul George as far as now goes it’s off the table and that’s why I just want to get it out there I’m not sure how realistic that it is now for the New York Knicks to trade for Paul George and there are multiple reasons why Fred Kats of the Athletics says this the Knicks have kicked George’s name around before according to League sources but they never seriously pursued him in a deal why because a Paul George trade has some major risk all the things I said before make him an attractive trade Target for me he can defend he can handle he can score and he’s one of the better catch and shoot players in this league and he’s still damn good but on the opposite side of the spectrum he’s looking for a Max extension he wants to get paid one more time before he hangs up to sneaks and he’s 3 4 years old like Father time at some point is going to win and there was a little bit there’s been a little bit of decrease of athleticism and things of that nature I still think he’s a good player and I still think he has a couple good years in front of him but is he going to continue to be an all World Defender at 36 at 37 on top of that outside of this year he hasn’t been able to stay healthy he averaged just 47 games played from the 2019 season to the 2022 season so from 2019 2020 2021 and 2022 in those Four Seasons prior to this year when he played 74 games he averaged just 47 games played and the thing that upsets me the most with him this felt like the postseason where he could put all that playoff P nonsense to bed where he could have stepped up to the plate and hit a Dinger like my guy Mike G but he didn’t Kawhi Leonard was hurt the Clippers looked at him and said yo Paul George we need you and he said all right I got you 19 points per game on 41% from the field not good enough what does that tell me he can’t be a 1A option anymore but what if he’s your third best player or what if he’s your fourth best player could that make some sense I think it does but overall it is just not feasible really for the New York Knicks to trade for Paul George Fred cats of the athletic did a great job of breaking it down saying because the Clippers are so expensive and above the second apron new rules prevent them from signing and trading him New York’s only Avenue to acquiring George would be for him to opt in to his $ 48.8 million player option for 2024 and 2025 then have the Clippers work out a trade look if the Knicks can trade for Paul George without giving up any of the course six they would win an NBA championship I truly do believe that if you could find a way to not include Brunson or Randall or hardenstein or OG or Dante or uh Josh Hart you got a legit shot to do it but at the end of the day it’s got to be possible and it’s got to be realistic and I just don’t see how that’s possible for the multiple reasons that we brought up and I think that this I hope hope I hope that this puts a bow and just an answer for you out there of how detrimental being a second apron team is when it comes to long-term team building I hope this puts that on your radar I the Nicks if everybody’s healthy could win a championship with Paul George I don’t see the trade happening so there’s that on that cuz you always ask me everyone watching Always asked me Marsh what about PG what about PG well that’s what windhorse said and that’s what I had to say make sure you are following me on social media we could talk more about it hit me up at Marshall greenore it’s also like Paul George won’t happen because if he’s gonna be the third best player you like you can’t pay him $48 million you can’t pay him $48 million I think with this new CBA like the Celtics I think people are looking at Boston like oh they got five players that are all Elite that should be making 30 plus million dollar Boston kind of got lucky with how they set up their team this year and they won’t be able to keep that core uh Beyond next season I think you got to start looking at guys where it’s like you got your onew who’s the best you know third option you can get in the league at $30 million or however much it is and then you go to the fourth where it’s like this guy who’s the best guy had $20 million you can get and then f it in between if you’re going to win NBA championships you need multiple players to outperform their contracts yes that’s a great point you have to you have to this new CB dude that’s I didn’t know that if you’re a second apron team you you can’t can’t sign a trade that’s incredible I think the NBA thought they were doing something with that but I think now they’re realizing we are taking a lot of the juice away which is the NBA off season which is always the most fun part some could argue of the NBA like I don’t think they needed to go to these extremes for it to be such a parody field League we’ve had a lot of parody in the last seven years we’re going to have seven straight different Champions yeah or six six yeah six six straight different Champions this year and I don’t know I think they thought they were cooking some with that they didn’t cook [ __ ] yeah they they didn’t cook they I think they somewhat ruined it I really do I I really do and then the Nets report today about them not trading bridges yeah report came out I mean I don’t know how true it is that they’re not going to trade Mel Bridges I don’t know man I don’t know there could be a report that says the Knicks are targeting this summer as the time to make the trade for the next star but man I can’t buy something that’s not available for purchase no like and that’s the problem the Knicks have with the way that they’ve chosen to go like even even even if you go out like go in on a guy like Brandon Ingram how much is he going to be making per year on his next deal he’s probably going to be getting a I would assume 35 at least per season I just I just can’t really think of like another big name for the Knicks that’s likely to be dealt I think most likely would be Ingram though then you got to think about it though like are we going to sit on our hands and handcuff our ability to make moves in the summer because we didn’t want to make the trade for the perfect player yeah PK Sports don’t need another star they absolutely need another star are you watching the finals are you watching how can you watch the finals and say the Knicks don’t need another star I maybe my goals are different I’m trying to put banners up at the top MSG I’m not trying to lose in the second round with homecourt Advantage anymore that’s just me though see look at like some of these teams in the west like the Thunder are going to be significantly better next season Timberwolves they’re going to be better like you got a lot like a lot of these teams are going to make drastic improvements this summer and like like if if the Knicks do run it back it would be a loss of an offseason like it would be also the idea that the 04 Pistons had no stars is dumb as hell Ben Wallace is a Hall of Famer Rasheed Wallace is one of the better players in the NBA taan Prince one of the better Defenders rip pilton is one of the best off ball movers and mid-range Shooters and Chanty bips I don’t know if he’s in the Hall of Fame he probably should be and that was the one and that was 2004 that was 20 years ago that’s a joke the Thunder get Clacks in it’s going to be a very very interesting offseason very very interesting offseason we got a Live Mail back coming up if you haven’t yet get your questions in the comments section just use the hash Nicks that way producer seeps uh Ben Wallace is star yeah I’d say the guy that has what four or five defensive player of the years is a star yeah yeah I’d probably say so how old are you how old are you 24 uh no the guy ask the question how old are you it’s weird I didn’t know if you made the Hall of Fame you weren’t a star cuz Ben Wallace in the Hall of Fame yeah so did you watch him you’re 29 you should have watched him he’s in the Hall of Fame is he not a star he’s in the Hall of Fame that was a great Pistons team too man great Pistons team like how can you say someone’s on a star he in the Hall of Fame oh and chy Bops so you had two Hall of Famers but no stars wake the hell up come on I mean maybe they didn’t have a superar I’d say having a starting lineup with two Hall of Famers you have a lot of [ __ ] Talent yeah and that was again the only team in the last 20 years that not have like a super superstar on their team and Win It johy BBS five time Allstar Rip Hamilton like Ben Wallace four-time Allstar Rasheed Wallace four time Allstar Pistons had no stars though is that the worst take of all time that like casual fans say I’m not trying to pick on this guy right here everyone says that you just had you had two players in the Hall of Fame and you got three players in your starting lineup to have more than four All-Star appearances like did they have a LeBron level player no but they had a they were a stacked team they didn’t they beat the Kobe yep yeah they beat him in five I think what’s up YULA how you doing and also like for being honest about Jaylen Brunson you’re going to need to have a completely stacked team around him to win a championship like where like he’s not gonna like he’s not the guy where he’s going to carry like a team like LeBron or you know even Curry has a has had a tough time carrying teams like just as a guard you’re going to need to have just loaded teams around him with other stars you’re probably going to need someone better than Jaylen Brunson to win championships and that’s okay it’s okay or someone just as good or two players just as good s teacher s teacher planner Stacks in the building k b g b f YULA my man David Taylor what’s what’s up man this is why I say we need to trade for spider and bring in UB I don’t want Donan Mitchell on my team I’d rather have Dante D vinchenzo at $10 million and Donovan Mitchell making 40 that’s that’s a great point and then like I’m also handing capping myself as the defensive team if I add Don V Mitchell how are the Knicks stacking up with the starting five of the Boston with Jaylen Brunson 6’1 Donovan Mitchell 6’1 Josh Hart 64 Dante Dean chenzo 64 you’re too small yeah I’m actually thinking UB might start being like a must signning in this off season just to help match up with Boston like you’re going to need OG is g to need some help go a little cheaper route May little nii Marshall nii shout out Patrick Williams I think he’s going to be too expensive we’ve done multiple mle videos midlevel exception players um like maybe drik Jones Jr Off the Bench but I’m not in love with him as a player yeah I would take Royce O’Neal over Derrik Jones Jr I I I actually am interested in Royce O’Neal yeah 6’6 three and D player shoots 40% from three can guard four positions um I like Royce O’Neal Dorian finny Smith great choice yeah if you could trade for Dorian I’d be cool with that I don’t know how that’s possible but can we trade for Trey Murphy yes are the Pelicans trading Trey Murphy no that would be like saying the Pelicans asking us yo are they trading Josh Hart yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s like one of those guys like they he is he is more untouchable than I think than Zion and Ingram we talked about Tobias Harris I mean I think if you can get him to come off the bench sure but I also think that he may be a little bit too expensive for what we have to offer Al righty you guys are asking a lot of questions just include hash Nicks in your comment that way producer seeps can pop it up on screen can pop it up on screen let’s talk about this report from Fred cats let’s talk about this report from Fred cats if you could please hit that thumbs up icon for us 160 people watching only 63 likes though unacceptable unacceptable David says I’d like to trade for Marcus Smart I don’t think the Grizzlies are trading him I only think the grizzler trade him I do like Marcus Smart though I just only the Celtics uh the Grizzlies are trading them I think they’re going to try to run it back with that they’re gonna try one year with the group that they built yeah they’re they’re not GNA make any moves Jake I also want to be a Nick I also want to be a Nick Jake straight for Ben Simmons I I wouldn’t hate Ben Simmons I’m not going I’m not gonna lie I’m like10 million hours I don’t know he’s making like a Max for only one more year I think the dude doesn’t hoop he legitimately doesn’t play basketball yeah he’s got a $40 million C dunjo what’s up bro yeah jayd would be nice but he ain’t getting traded Stacks he ain’t getting traded Mo Boma as a stretch five is he a free agent I don’t think so I don’t remember seeing his name in all the lists I been looking at Jaylen Smith I I I’ve talked about Jaylen Smith I don’t hate him coming off the bench if you lose hartenstein um or if you trade Mitch I don’t mind Jaylen Smith as all he shot like 40% from three this year on like two or three attempts per game shop block a little bit too John Wall John Wall hey hey hey hey hey shout out John Wall imagine if Emanuel quickly comes back oh wait no I got one even better for you OB toin OB toin I say we trade for Quinton Grimes sign OB and IQ and find a way to get RJ Barett back y’all cool with that y’all think that’ll do it let’s get Cam reddish back to if this team had cam reddish they they might go 82 and 0 YULA I love the question if you you could get the hashtag on the Nicks uh I’ll definitely include that we were actually talking about that you uh make sure it’s number sign and then Nicks no spaces no spaces that’s a good one I like that one I like that one AR Logan are you serious I don’t know if he’s trolling me no he’s not oh no no no no oh John Wall the fact that John Wall and Boogie cousins didn’t win a National Championship is crazy yeah yeah yeah didn’t they have somebody else I think they they did like another Pro no they this Kentucky team was stacked was it that Patrick Peterson Patrick Peterson Eric bledo oh wait was it was his name Patrick Peterson or yeah p P Peterson or Patterson Patterson Patrick Patterson he was a nice little like he was for the stretch four coming before it happened yeah John Wall and DeMarcus Cousins we’re all right Broadway Barrett baby oh Dune Joe yeah I would love to have like I was totally bsing about Topp in and redish and Barrett I would love to have quickly back yeah that would be sick that’s not happening no you want you want to come sign the midlevel exception quickly we give you four for 55 IQ you in you in how much you think he’s going to get paid 4400 is he a raptor yeah or if I’m Spurs I’d throw a b if I’m the Spurs I’d throw quickly a little bag I would honestly go up to four for 120 just I kind of like him as a point guard with wemy I do too and I was you I I use this comparison when I talking about Spurs they’re going to try to take advantage of the W rookie contract like how teams use the NFL quarterback rookie contract yep because he’s already going to be a top 12 guy in the league next year alrighty let’s talk about this report from Fred Katz of the athletic is now the time for the New York Knicks to push their chips into the center of the table and make a big time trade Fred Catz of the athletic reporting that the Knicks are targeting this summer as the time to make the trade for the next star but he also followed It Up by saying if no one worthwhile presents himself then they will turn their eyes to the 2025 trade deadline you hear that yep yep that’s that this song that dance it looks and sounds really familiar I think we heard this in the summer of 2022 I think we heard this in the summer of 2023 and now that it’s the summer of 2024 I know this song bar for bar we can go ban for ban I know what they’re doing but I understand it as well because at the end of the day who are they trading for who who’s out there who’s available as bad as I want something I can’t it if it’s not for sale Patrick seedman he drives a really nice BMW I want to buy it from him he’s not selling it it’s not on the market I can’t go purch something purchase something that’s not on the Shelf but what I will say is I truly do believe this now is the time to do it now is the time to go and get that player to go and get that talented individual to add to this roster for multiple multiple reasons but the main one is if the Knicks are serious about adding a star which they have shown you their cards time and time and time again that that is the plan because James Dolan hired Leon Rose in worldwide Wesley because of their relationship with star players to bring star players to the Knicks and I promise you this as great as he is best Nick since Patrick Ying the Home Run was not supposed to be Jaylen Brunson it was supposed to be Jaylen Brunson and somebody else the Knicks know that if they want to trade for a star they got to do it before being a second apron team because once you enter that second apron oh it gets sticky it gets sticky one you’re not allowed to use pre-existing trade exceptions the New York Knicks have multiple you can’t take back more money in a trade meaning if I want to trade for a $30 million player I got to give up $31 million two you’re not allowed to aggregate contracts meaning that if there’s a player that makes $40 million out there I have to trade for that player one for one I have to give up $40 million to get $40 million also you can’t make sign in trades if you’re in the second apron the point I’m trying to show is that once you enter that second apron it is nearly impossible to add a superstar player unless you are giving up someone that makes Superstar money and overall one thing I do want to give a lot of credit to for Leon Rose worldwide West this front office Gerson rosos and the way they’ve gone about things is they have showed great patience they haven’t jumped the gun they haven’t gone out there and bitten the first thing that has jumped in front of their face they’ve been extremely patient but I also believe that because the window of where you’re at right now where you can make the trade before becoming a second apron team it doesn’t need to be an OG and an OB level trade that was the perfect trade Josh Hart that was the perfect trade it’s tough to have three perfect trades come in your face and that was crazy um come up right in front of your TK oh that was crazy um holy [ __ ] that was different um you’re not always going to have the perfect trade be right there for you to make so what I would say is I would rather add a dented player that’s going to help this team win games right now instead of sitting on my hands and crippling myself and handcuffing my no Diddy uh and soon it comes to make you a perfect trade yeah that was that Jesus do the Knicks make a big trade this summer the worst part about this I can as I’m recording this I can see Patrick Sean’s face and he started laughing immediately when I said that do the Knicks make a big trade this summer type why for yes type in for no let’s go back to the point of who all right let’s compose ourselves grow up Marshall grow up um so who’s available right ESPN New York came up with the list of six players I’ve done a full video on this go check it out that’s why you subscribe right top trade targets Devin Booker hell yeah let’s get Devin Booker yeah Devin Booker ogan and Obi Brunson Randall and hardenstein you’re winning a championship but you know what Phoenix also believes that they could still compete with him Durant and um Bradley Beal and they didn’t give up everything for Beal and Durant to kick it out of the park in one year so no Mel Bridges Brooklyn Nets just came out and said we’re not trading Mel Bridges so no not going to happen Kevin Durant you need the Nets or the sons are trading Kevin Durant after a season and a half of trial no they’re going to continue to run it back their feet are in the sand on this team team Joel embiid We haven’t heard peep about Joel embiid being traded I think he likes where he’s at right now I think he believes if he’s healthy with maxi being fully healthy and that Max salary slot that they’re going to add this Summer that could be a team that competes in the East Donovan Mitchell well sounds like Donovan Mitchell’s actually might stay with the Cleveland Cavaliers and honestly I don’t think that if you add Donovan Mitchell to this team you’re that much better than what you were the day before you added him so ESPN New York thank you for that list none of those are going to happen what about these guys Brandon Ingram I actually do think Brandon Ingram is probably the most likely player that the Knicks could trade for it’s time for the New Orleans Pelicans to Shake It Up they’ve got my man herb Jones as well as Murphy and those are going to be their wings of the future and I think that they know that they could get good value back from Ingram while having a fallback plan of those two young wings and still build the roster and while the fit for Ingram would not be perfect the Knicks would absolutely be better if they added Brandon Ingram talented player he can score and he’s one of the most underrated playmaking Wings in this league he operates in that pick and role at an extremely high percentage and the last couple years he’s averaged five and six assists so Ingram can make a lot of sense I don’t I’m not in love with the fit but again I think the Knicks are better off suited now making the not trade for a player that’s talented like Ingram that makes the team better can you run Ingram at the two I think you can I think you can play Brandon Ingram at the two and you go Brunson Ingram o Randall and hartenstein with your bench being dvo in Hart I would do it but that’s just me Demar d rozan i was begging for the Knicks to trade for Demar de rozan back at the NBA trade deadline but that was only if he was willing to come off the bench because I don’t while I think D rozan is a better player I think the fit of divon chenzo at the two compliments the starting five better but you’re not getting to Rosen who you giving up for him he’s a free agent you’re going to do a sign and trade are you’re going to give up picks for 35-year-old Demar D rozan if he wants to come off the bench sure he’s too good of a player for that right now he just is Carl Anthony towns we did a video the other day responding to a report from an anonymous general manager in the Eastern Conference that said if the Timberwolves make Carl Anthony towns available the nickar 100% % going to be interested in him and the Knicks will always have a little bit of interest in cat a big man that shoots I bet they think that really compliments Jaylen Brunson a pick and pop game with those two the ca connections obviously Blood In Blood Out um do we want to pay C $50 million can C be the best player on a championship team I the answer is no can cap be a number two on a championship team the answer is also no can cap be a number three on a championship team I don’t know but if you think he can my next question would be can you pay your third option $50 million per year and win a championship I do not think so dejonte Murray he’s actually my number two trade Target for the Knicks this offseason that I have I am keeping in a realistic bucket I got Ingram one and I got Murray 2 and it’s not the perfect fit it isn’t but it adds another talented player that adds something to your team that you don’t have somebody else that can run and control your offense when Jaylen Brunson sits down Murray would be cool see someone in the chat saying that says that guy I like Murray gives you another athletic player can guard multiple positions you’d have 48 minutes of great point guard play I don’t know if that makes you a championship team though and Lori marinin I like Lori I think randle’s a better player than Lori but I also think that Lori is a better fit to this roster than Julius Randall but the only way I’m trading Randall is if I’m getting a better fit which Lori might be but I don’t know if I want to trade pick and Randall for Lori I think Randall is just a better player I see someone in the chat right now says all terrible ideas thanks for making my point bub thanks for making my point son the perfect player is not available they’re not and there are no perfect players in this league deh’s ankles are made of glass LeBron James he wasn’t clutch he couldn’t shoot the outside shot now he doesn’t play defense Giannis can’t shoot Jason Tatum is soft you could pick apart every single player but overall I’m going to continue to stand T toes down on this right here I would rather add a talented but not perfect fit over sitting on my hand hands and run it back by bringing back Boon bogdanovich for 20 million bringing back precious resigning Alec Burks bringing back OG and hartenstein enter the second apron and then not having the flexibility to add that star that this organization has been chasing since Leon Rose and worldwide West were hired I would rather add a talented player that makes this team better that increases the odds to win a championship over sitting there and saying all right we’re locked in now we’re locked in with this team I don’t want to do that you did all this you traded out of the 2022 NBA draft the summer you signed Brunson so you could add these picks to add a star down the line at some point scare money don’t make money you hit a home run with OG you hit a home run with Hart how about we just hit a double how about we just hit a double and we had a really good player that compliments this team even if you have to overpay because you got 11 first rounders in the next seven years you got eight tradeable first round picks think about it like this I’ve got 11 if I trade four I still have seven over the next seven years which means I have a first round pick every single year for the next seven years I’m not saying because you got two $20 bills in your pocket you got to spend one but if you see something you like you might need to do it you might need to do it do the Knicks make a big trade this summer do they do it do they do it as someone in the chat is now saying no one has been chasing but fans yeah the nickon spend the whole summer of 2022 trying to trade for Donovan Mitchell yep did not happen just totally incorrect we were lying do the nck mega big trade what do you think why for yes and for no make sure you are following me over on social media I’m on Twitter I’m on Instagram hit me up over there and let’s go Nick that was crazy that was awesome are we cutting that out uh I say no I’m dead I think we’ll give the fans a laugh oh my God that was crazy I couldn’t control myself dude I I was like there’s no way he’s going to be able to wrap this back up um Fabian Williams says all overpaying for a superstar you’re tripping I I don’t even know what you’re trying to say I don’t know what you’re trying to say all overpaying for a superstar you know I’m starting to get back in on jonte Murray I know we got really high on him before the trade deadline but his contracts very favorable like $27 million oh it’s a great contract like it’s the this is going to be the first year of his extension he makes like $22 million a year yeah well it goes It goes 25 27 29 31 that’s a great deal four years from now making $31 million that’s not even going to be in the top 50 highest played players in the league yep I think Murray Could and Murray you wouldn’t need to sell the farm for either D would you give a rando for him like if I’m like would you give up Randle and then you go try to attack the power forward spot Murray does make you small what I would say for Murray is that’s tough I wouldn’t trade Randall for him and also why would the Hawks want Randall you know what I’m saying like if they’re trading Murray they’re going one of two ways we’re restarting this whole piece with the number one overall pick yeah or we’re building around Trey young so technically yes if they are building around Trey young you could add Randall and you go Trey young Randall and Alex SAR as your big three as well as uh Jaylen Johnson Jaylen Johnson and uh DeAndre Hunter going forward that that’s a team that could probably compete pretty soon yeah but I also think like if I’m like is divon chenzo and Hart coming off the like maybe they are but are you running de chenzo or Hart with Murray and Brunson you could I think you have you have 48 minutes at the point guard and shooting guard spot so 48 time two you got 96 Minutes that are split up between three players in Brunson D deante and Dante yeah Brunson deante and Dante and then Hart is your three4 he’s yeah yeah he’s your he’s your OG and an Obi swing piece and and then you’re and then the 96 at the small forward and power forward go between those three guys um I don’t know I was just looking at like none of these guys are perfect but I really do believe that it’s better to hit a double than than strike out right now the Knicks have set themselves up to almost like they’re in a spot where they can overpay yeah you got 11 first round picks in the next seven years and like 10 second round picks I don’t know I I was just looking at that Murray that contract I’m like that that’s I love that contract that’s a hell of a pickup it’s like your third fourth best player that’s the type of money you need that guy to make and if he outperforms that the Knicks had probably win in a championship I think I think it’s gonna be Murray or Ingram if I had to call it on anybody I think it’ll be those two and also I like I like the fit of Ingram I know people don’t like you’re big man you are big and he can be that second secondary playmaker he can I don’t think people know that he’s a really good passer sees over the defense very well his postseason this year was weird but also the Pelicans had a weird weird weird Team Al Mar you were talking about earlier about like guys coming to the Knicks and getting better who say Ingram doesn’t take a leap here I bet you he would like I who be the easiest he can get a shot in his life and I see he listen he’s not a leader not a first option he doesn’t need to be the only thing is this like so he send a fivey year $158 million so so next year he’s making $3 36 million 36 next year next year and then he’s an unrestricted free agent see like I would I would I would send Randall for him I would send Randle on both of your first round picks this season were you just kind of betting on Ingram being a better fit next why do they want Randall though yeah is true yeah they actually would that would be the last player they would want trying to look up this stat real quick give me a second yeah I mean so he’s making 36 just trying to think like what type of deal the Pelicans would want and the pick and roll as a ball handler Brandon Ingram averages 91 points per possession that’s better than TJ McConnell that’s better than Anthony Edwards it’s better than Shay it’s better than Jamaal Murray it’s better than Tyrese Maxi it’s better than D’Angelo Russell better Dante D venzo Reggie Jackson CJ McCollum Cole Anthony the guy can run the pick and roll as the ball handler he could be a he is a two guard he is a two he’s just an oversized two guard cuz he’s not really a three could you filter that the spot up spot up as in oh um if you’re on that yeah I’m just curious because like I like Ingram the thing is with him is also like even though he has been known for a defensive player in his career like just having that length having another guy to throw at cuz CU then realistically you’re going against the Celtics you got two dudes who you feel comfortable going head-to-head against Tatum and brown then you’re just hoping Brunson dominates a backourt match up it’s not showing when I command eff it on here might have to filter at the all yeah I got to change to all I don’t know if it’s oh it’s playoffs I’m sorry I didn’t click back regular season give me one second so points per possession on spot UPS yeah I’m just curious how that’s not attack and close out yeah Brandon Ingram is 1.08 okay which comes out to about the 60th percentile not bad thoughts on this trade idea Trey young and Mitchell Robinson to the Suns Booker to the Knicks Randall to the Hawks uh I think it’s a little 2K is trade idea well I don’t even see who said this oh Jake Jake I don’t know if it makes sense for all three teams that ain’t happening I don’t hate the thought of it it’s just not happening I do think you’re on to something though with this new CBA making the off season not as entertaining they’re they they’ve shot they cut off their what what’s the saying you cut off your nose to spite your face or something like that that’s what they did it’s like that’s what they were that’s what made the NBA so interesting is because they dominated June and July yep and now like there’s just nothing going down can Ingram really convert to a shooting guard though I think he can play in spots uh I think I think his game almost fits more of a guard than a than a wing yeah he’s just tall yeah he’s just tall like it’s like a Josh har the like we don’t ask our two guard with Jaylen Brunson to do what other two guards do yeah like the ball is in brunson’s hands yeah and we just showed you that Brandon Ingram is one of the better picking role players in this league I think I think Ingram would be a great move this off season for the Knicks like if you could somehow keep Randall but that’s the thing like what so you got to get the 36 million it would be Bogey and Mitch Bogey and Mitch bogy Mitch and they probably want Duce in a pick or two would you do bogey Mitch Deuce one of the picks this year and they probably want an unprotected pick for the next SE yeah I’m doing that I would do that too I’m doing that I’m doing that yes I’m doing that yeah I can’t depend on Mitch can’t depend on him I can’t um you got picks to blow and like yeah it hurts to give up Deuce yeah but it’s [ __ ] Brandon Ingram it’s Brandon Ingram like deuce is great but Deuce is not holding up a trade if the Knicks are a second apron team I like I feel like that’s not being talked about enough if you resign arenstein you resign OG you pick up the player option or team option for bogey you are a second apron team wow and you still got to extend Brunson and you still got to extend Randall like a starting lineup of I mean probably have to start an Ingram like Brunson Ingram OG Randle and hardenstein you can compete with Boston I think so man and then you can get super small like I know tibs will always want a five in there but you get super small running Randall OG Ingram Dante and Brunson you lose Mitchell Robinson go get a guy like Drummond man they Ingram shot 37% from three on catch and shoots last year take only two and a half attempts so I think that that would go up but I also think about it seeps like he’s catching that piece on the weak side hard close out pump fake put it on the deck one time spray it anywhere else or go attack or pull up from 17 and that’s his game too it’s just getting that one dribble pullup his two his his pullup two point percentage on seven attempts per game 48% he knocks down his pull up too at seven a game at 48% imagine him on the weak side on a Brunson kick pump fake pull up one time bucket yeah and there’s really no guard in that no cuz you have to bleed that close out 7 foot three wingspan like uh I think Ingram’s my guy yeah I think for this summer I think Ingram’s the guy if we’re talking realistic like yes Kevin Durant we’re not living in la la land here Ingram Ingram makes sense do you know his agency is he I don’t think I don’t know I don’t think he’s CA Jeff Schwarz and Jordan greter I don’t know who they are uh Excel Sports Management so as long as it ain’t clutch look is it perfect no but like what about I don’t know look is the perfect trade out there no is a perfect player available for the Knicks no but again would I would I rather add a talented player it’s going to help this team or just run it back and have a 38-year-old bogey or whatever he is Off the Bench I love Mitch I love Deuce um if I can use them in picks to get someone that is a top five player on this team I’m doing it it’s also 26 years old like right in the timeline 20 27 28 like that’s G to be his best version I think next year will probably be the best Ingram we see and who’s to say that like rand’s on this team forever and then you could bounce back OG two of the four and then you have a 68 68 small forward power forward and you bring Dante back to the two and then you’re spread out and you’re you’re an elite offense like exactly Bodega the window is now the window is now there is no more wait there’s no more wait cuz if you wait and you just run it back you are limiting your options of the way you could build this team all righty let’s close the show with a mailbag last call to get your questions in hash Nick or Super Chat to get on the Today’s Show I want to answer questions for you yeah Gabriel you could brunson’s like 27 Ingram will be 26 har and Evo are that same age Haren Stein’s 26 he’s got a ton of experience too this isn’t a guy who’s never played playoff basketball did struggle this past season but that one year against the Nets or against the Suns when he took him the six games he was great yep and also I’m not like I think you I don’t think like the pelic offense was necessarily so easy for him like you had CJ mccom you had Zion like he is the number one player that teams go in saying we have to stop Brandon Ingram yeah and like with the Knicks it would be he a second choice if you have Rand he might be the third if you guys could help us out hashtag Nicks get more questions in there shout out Marco shout out KB if y’all could drop a question in the comments section use ash ni if you want to guarantee your spot you can send in a Super Chat yeah I mean look it’s not perfect but it’s also like these first round picks for the Knicks these going to be in the mid 20s for the next five years you think tib is adding rookies to this rotation no I you guys know I know Nicks haven’t had a lot of rookies to play Under tibs but like he will not they haven’t made a draft pick under Leon Rose yet really um don’t quote me on that hold on at tibs I mean back in the Chicago days like he was known for not playing rookies they didn’t make a pick last year a first round pick last year uh they didn’t make a first round pick the year before that’ll be 2021 I guess that was his first year he drafted Grimes that year last two years they haven’t made a pick in the first round yeah haven’t made a pick in the first round the last two years all right hash nixor Super Chat appreciate y’all if you got some questions in there but uh let’s dive into it let’s dive into it it’s mailbag time here on Nicks Now by chat sports we’re going to be answering questions from subscribers so if you didn’t get your question on today’s show it’s your own dang fault so change it hit that sub button right now turn the notifications on and join us next Friday as we do go live every Friday Gabriel what’s up bro says what’s the ideal trade package specific details of players and picks for Brandon Ingram or Deonte Murray I think for both of those players it’s somewhat of a similar deal Ingram’s closer to $35 million per year where dejonte Murray is closer to $25 million per year so I think the only that necessarily be a little bit different in those is the money matching aspect but I think at minimum if I am either of those teams and I’m not getting one of the core members of the New York Knicks rotation it’s going to start with Mitchell Robinson boy on BD donovic Duce McBride and first round picks right like you’re going to have to give up Bogie’s salary to match him probably just about everything Mitchell Robinson’s salary as well as also a coveted piece that other teams could be looking for I think that a team like the New Orleans Pelicans would love a guy like Mitchell Robinson I even think a young team maybe like the Hawks could use that or reroute that as they do already have some centers and they’re probably going to draft s in this year’s draft but I think for Murray it’s closer to bogy and McBride and more picks whereas Ingram is bogey Robinson deuce in a pick or two my question to the real ones is this who would you rather have on the Knicks next year is it Brandon Ingram or is it jonte Murray let me know your thoughts in the comments nyt ny2 AZ what’s up we can’t get Bridges how about Lori marinan my thought on Lori is this well I think we first have to start with my thoughts on Randall which is I’m only trading Julius Randle if a I get a better player which I think Randle is a better player than Lori marketing two time all NBA three time Allstar was going to be three time all NBA again this year I think Randall is better but I would trade Randall for a less talented player if it was a better fit and I do think Lori is a better fit at that power forward position in my humble opinion um for the New York Knicks he just stretches the four a little bit better he’s bigger he could play some Center for you um so to kind of wrap that up and put it in a bow I would say that the only way I’m trading for Lori is if I’m trading Randall for him straight up maybe a pick but I don’t think that Danny a is going to be doing that and I don’t want to do business with Danny a because Danny a is only doing the deal if he kicks you in the dirt and I bet that they would say we want Randall du in four first round pi and I just simply am not doing that PK Sports will the Knicks be a top five team next year the Knicks are one of three teams to make it to the second round of the playoffs each of the last two seasons it’s the Boston Celtics it’s the Denver Nuggets and it’s the New York Knicks when it comes to being a top five team are you basing that off record are you basing that off chance to win the NBA finals I and the Knicks will once again be a top four seed in the Eastern Conference um I don’t know if you how I can Factor the East the Western Conference under that but I’ll say this the Knicks are finals contenders Knicks are finals contenders and almost anything but the Eastern Conference F anything but an Eastern Conference Finals appearance next year after losing the second round twice with homecourt Advantage is somewhat of a disappointing year that’s where I’m at on that Marco Daniel what about an off seon of resigning iHeart and OG love that dumping bogey sign UB and sign a backup point guard as well as drafting a bigger a wing did you watch my video on the six moves the Knicks need to make to beat the Boston Celtics because that’s exactly what I said I would do yes you resign OG yes you resign iHeart I would then non- guarantee swave bogey save that $17 million and then have the full mid-level exception at my disposal and look at Players like tus Jones Derek Jones Jr Roy O’Neal Kelly UB Kyle Anderson Naji Marshall um sadik Bay yeah and then and then use the B anual exception for a veteran point guard like Beverly or like Chris Paul or Kyle Lowry if you could add UB Lowry and draft a player in the off season I think you’re better um that’s if a star trade’s not available got to find different ways and have different plans but yeah I’d be cool with signing Kelly UB what about you would you sign Kelly UB to the New York Knicks for the full mid-level exception that’s four years around $55 million in totality Ty y for yes type N4 no Gabriel what’s up should the NBA put in a franchise tag i’ say no no because I think player movement is one of the most intriguing parts of the NBA offseason and I actually think that the new CBA is limiting that and that limits the excite and the offseason engagement from fans I think the NBA thought they had something with this new CBA that was going to make the league more parody I had more even League was already like that we’re going to have six different NBA champions in a row this season you didn’t need to imply these extremely strict ramifications and the reason I would say no is because a rookie that gets drafted in the first round is in team control for Four Seasons and then they’re already restricted free agents which means I can match any contract they sign so think for instance if you draft a player in the first round they’re on your team for four years then they go out and sign a offer with another team for another four years that means you can control a player for eight seasons you don’t need a franchise tag that would be my thought on that Justin so what’s up Marshall what superstar would your trade would you trade for and if there’s not one available what player would you want to add to provide efficient scoring for the next to improve the team more what superstar would you trade for well there’s a lot of superstars that I would trade for Justin but let’s boil it down to the fact of realistic players one I don’t think there’s a singular single superstar that is available via trade my definition of a superstar is someone that can be a 1A or a 1B on a championship team which one of those guys is available across the NBA right now I don’t know of any two there’s not one available what player would you want to add to provide efficient scoring for the Knicks to improve the team if I’m looking at the starting lineup and players that are available maybe a guy like Brandon Ingram maybe a guy like deante Murray you want to talk about bench pieces um I don’t know I don’t know uh I like Royce O’Neal as a mid-level exception Target but he’s not necessarily A score but he does it efficiently while also defending at 6’6 I like UB I think UB would be a good fit for this team rough rugged defense athleticism can score there’s not really any Superstars available there’s not um I’m looking at Murray and I’m looking at Ingram coming off the bench I look at Malcolm Brogden can you trade Bogey and a pick for Brogden to be your point guard Off the Bench just there’s just not a whole lot of get out there ship Master Kyle what’s up man says if the Knicks could run it back would you be okay with doing that no no because it will [ __ ] you going forward if you resign OG and iart which the niick should absolutely do and I’m praying that they do and then you guarantee bogy you’re a second apron team you’re second apron team and that makes the way that you’re going to go about trying to build this team extremely difficult extremely difficult and that’s also if you resign precious and you resign Alec Burks like N I don’t want to run it back CU teams that run it back get worse look at the Denver Nuggets look at the Denver Nuggets Louise look at the Miami Heat look at the Miami Heat they ran it back could even get out of the first round and they try to make major trades at the deadline doesn’t work that way you’re not always going to find a Josh Hart and a OG and OB trade mid-season that propels you into the one of the best teams in the NBA because if you could everybody would do it Luis how does the draft class look because if there is one good player in the top three then we should consider that trading up into the top three not possible not possible unless you’re giving up I I don’t how do you get in the top three I don’t and who do you want in the top three I think this draft lacks top end talent but I do think it’s above average draft in terms of project role players I don’t know if that’s the way I want to describe it but I do think there’s players in this draft that can be quality role players but they still need developing this is a draft that features more third and fourthe college players that are supposed to be able to play right away in the NBA um I mean the only guy i’ really want to trade up for is readed Shephard like I don’t really like the top end talent in this draft I don’t um I don’t know I next have two picks in the first round I’d be a little shocked if they made both those picks I do maybe they trade out of the first round in in totality and push their picks down the line to have more draft Capital to not trade for a star make sure you are following me on social media I’m on Twitter I’m on IG hit me up over there and let’s go Nicks yeah nobody in this draft where it’s like the Knicks need to go trade up for this guy yeah like who is that maybe if you want to get to Silva at like 15 16 you just send both and then you get up there but yeah I I there are guys that I would Target in that mid mid first round range I I think dton connect would be a good piece for this team um like if connect somehow fall until like 12 which I doubt go up and get him I I don’t really have any uh urge to though move inside the top five yeah thinks we’re trying to win the NBA finals next year let’s get players that can help them do that all righty we’re going to sign off for today been live for an hour hour and 40 minutes love hanging out with everybody shout out to you guys we’ll have videos throughout the weekend we’ll be live next Friday and multiple videos Monday through Friday so subscribe turn the notifications on and let’s go n

New York Knicks news and rumors discussed on Knicks Now by Chat Sports in this live show:
– Paul George trade rumors
– New York Knicks trade targets
– New York Knicks draft targets
– Latest Knicks trade rumors
– Knicks Draft rumors/targets
– NY Knicks now by Chat Sports host Marshall Green shares his thoughts on the latest Knicks news, rumors, trade rumors and more in this video!

New York Knicks Trade Targets:
Brandon Ingram
DeMar DeRozan
Karl-Anthony Towns
Dejounte Murray
Lauri Markkanen

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New York Knicks Stat Leaders:
PPG: Jalen Brunson (28.7)
APG: Jalen Brunson (6.7)
RPG: Julius Randle (9.2)
FG%: Jericho Sims (69.1)
FT%: Jacob Toppin (100)
3P%: Shake Milton (50)
STL: OG Anunoby (1.7)
BLK: Precious Achiuwa (1.1)

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  1. I keep saying Donovan Mitchell because Exceeds D'vencinco in points and can get his own shot. I love Dante' but… This is what gives me the best chance going forward. Spyda is that with Oubre and bring back Precious…

  2. You two are clowns. How does PG fit? He wants max money, is old and always hurt. How are you paying him and everyone else? Julius is a player but I would trade him for Giannis or Markennen. I gotta turn your 🤡 🤡 off.

  3. Get Drummond on the cheap! Resign iHart, OG, n’ trade Randle, Mitch + 4 1st rd picks for Giannis!

  4. At this point Paul George is over paid always getting injured. That's why the clippers never win any thing with him

  5. Everyone is speculation on who is this secret star coming to NY this giving me Lebron going to Miami vibes going make us guessing into last minute.

  6. If the Knicks are even first apron they can really only trade with a non apron team because 1st apron you can’t take on more salary than you send out. 2 apron teams would need to match salaries exactly under new CBA.

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