@Dallas Mavericks

This Mavericks Win Exposed A Major Problem

This Mavericks Win Exposed A Major Problem

what’s the word y’all let’s do the quickest recap maybe maybe imaginable the 2023 2024 NBA uh season continues at least one more game as we go into Boston because the Dallas Mavericks prevented themselves from being swept the game is not over officially but Jordan Walsh checked in and no disrespect to him that is my cue that the game is over I mean the Boston Celtics put their starters in the third quarter really geared themselves up for game number five which I’m curious to see if that means Chris Das porzingis would get a full green light because he was available to play today under certain circumstances and if your team is down by 20 points in the F first quarter I don’t know what those circumstances could potentially be but maybe in game number five with two more days of rest he’ll be able to play regardless regardless regardless the the Dallas Mavericks has played their best game in the NBA Finals where like we talk about the good Jason kid teams whether it be the 2022 Dallas maver that made the Conference Finals or this version of the Dallas Mavericks is in the NBA Finals they have hung their hat on the defensive side of the ball you would see a guy like LCA donu was an offensive Powerhouse and offensive Wizard and think that is their identity when reality when this team is really good it’s really the defense and through the first two games of the series the defense has been fine maybe fine I mean you held the Boston Celtics one of the best offenses of all time to 105 points in game number two and I remember what the score was in game number one but it hasn’t been the main problem it’s been it’s been okay right it’s been okay well today this was the best version of them defensively that we’ve really really seen and that’s from top to bottom from Luca donic all the way down to Maxi CBA down to pretty much everybody that got real minutes before the starters were pulled and it it kind of a Testament to how little wiggle room you have in a playoff series where the first two in game number two it was a close game game number three eventually ended up being a close game because that 22-2 run we’re like you if you D if you’re Dallas and you snuck out with one of them and then you win game number four this is a tied series but because you have like a Luca Dantes foul out if that was the main catalyst or um the some of the turnovers in game number two or Jaylen brown or JW holiday take over Jaylen Brown takeover because of that you’re still fighting uphill a battle that many teams have tried to fight up and incomplete and nobody has been able to do it a 3-1 series and and Dereck Lively said they’re gonna take a game at a time game at a time game at a time but still this just shows you that like man if you can go back if you’re the Dallas Mavericks and get back two minutes of one of the previous games and maybe change the outcome it changes this entire series but instead it’s like amazing game Dallas Mavericks can you do it three more times the likelihood of it is probably no because the Boston Celtics this season has not haven’t even lost three games in a row the entire 100 games they play you know what I’m saying so it just shows you how little little wiggle room you really have but you got to get the credit where it’s due I thought Luca Donis was phenomenal on the both sides of the ball um today I I hate that it took back against the wall World talking about my defense um everybody talking about me fouling out for him to really really lock in on both sides of the ball but again like I said in in my podcast and then I said in the end of game number three three I think ultimately this finals run if it ends in a loss which again is likely that it will is going to be an eye openening scenario for Luca as he realizes how important both sides of the ball really is that you can be an offensive Powerhouse and still be a contributing player on defense nobody’s asking him to be Drew holiday but just be a guy that’s not the worst defensive player on the court and and actually sometimes you could be the worst defensive player on the court and still not be a bad defensive player because you just you’re surrounded by talented people um and this was just one of those games where again game number three you saw a good Kyrie Irving game today I would say was another good Kyrie Irving game um but you also saw other people contribute Derek l through the first three games of the series looked like a 20-year-old today he looked like the version of himself that we saw in the Minnesota series 11 points 12 rebounds seven offensive boards and a three this man attempted two threes all season long and I would just assume and I ain’t seen it I just saw the stats on basketball reference I would assume at least one of those is probably like a half court heave or something he took it so very confidently and it was nothing but butter that I think that that’s just going to be a part of his game eventually U people showcased when I tweeted that that when he played in college and I don’t watch college basketball that he did shoot a three-point ball at least a little bit with some confidence so that’s probably an evolution of Derek Lively that other teams in basketball don’t really want to see if he’s now a live threat and a pop threat is a little bit more difficult but I thought he had to he had to stretch where he hit the three he got a block I got a alyu back to back to back and that was phenomenal I thought his playmaking on the short road was was phenomenal he even hit um Dante exam in the corner for one play I think that was a three that they took away in the first half because Dante exam’s heel was on the the side line but regardless he was amazing today and I thought you got contributing uh times from PJ Washington the first time in this series where he ended up with two May 3s and as the final buzzer just completed it looks like in that garbage time that I just watched Tim hard or I didn’t watch Tim Hardway Jr hit five threes uhoh uhoh marway Jr starting to wake up and time for game number five I don’t really know um it was just one of those games and we talk about flattening the numbers where this is going to be a series where neither team turns the ball over a ton um both teams are going to rebound very well where it’s probably going to be relatively even that the three-point shot will be the determining factor in a lot of these games that has been the case in some of the previous ones with the Dallas marus couldn’t get up 100 points and a lot of that is because they failed to hit their shots or can’t even generate open three points I thought they actually got up a couple Corner three-pointers so I wasn’t expecting one of them was Maxi C on the right side and he hit a three and he he shot that and like he got a green release he was so confident in that going in so they flattened the numbers today and guess what they did they won the three-point battle and again it sucks that this is happening in game number four opposed to a game number three or game number two where the series was still completely live but I did say before that that eventually some team will come back down three again I don’t think it’s this series but eventually it will happen in our sport it’s happening in in hockey it’s h happening in baseball it’s happening pretty much every other sport that has a seven game series format except for the NBA um but back back to the variant they won the three-point battle for the first time of the game where the final again Tim hard J hit five Jaden Hardy hit one and then Marie morrris hit one so some of these are with the garbage sign players but bear with me for a second the main factor one of the main factors in this series is Boston getting up an insurd amount of three-point shots and making a bunch in in game number three they made eight more three-pointers than the Dallas Mavericks that is a 24o gap and today they made one more three than the Boston Celtics I I think that got to be the formula I thought defensively again they showed a lot of different things where um in in a lot of these games first three games it was basically when a player drove it was show show show and the help today I feel like they didn’t do that much at all where it’s like hey if you get beat you get beat we’re not giving up all the corner three-point shots we’re not giving up all of the open three-point looks and I think that helped them enough um 84 points to final score for the Boston Celtics obviously just not going to get it done but we will go back to Boston game number four and I can’t say that this series gets extremely interesting unless we get to a game number six um shout out to them for getting this win but we got to see if they can replicate it in Boston and again Boston has not been over the last three years this team that’s been super dominant at home in the postseason so anything is really possible then but if we get to game number six then we could really really talk about history being made but one game at a time just like Derrick Lively said

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  1. One thing's for sure, nobody will forget this Mavs title if they pull it off. Tonight's defensive effort must travel to Boston to stand a chance.

  2. Mavs fan here🤚
    Derrick Lively took 1 corner 3 on the right corner against the nets in the beginning of the season. I remember this specifically because it pissed me off

  3. I do believe that a 3-0 comeback will eventually happen in the NBA but itll likely be due to unfortunate instances of injuries to the leading team

  4. Looking at this from mid/late 3rd qtr of game 3… Dallas outscored Boston by 52 in 5/12 qtrs. It’s very well possible they make this a series… possibly history for Dallas being first to come back from 0-3, not Boston breaking the record. I’m just happy we are still playing.

  5. I really have a hard time believing KP will play at all the rest of the series. Like he was available today but was only going to be played in “specific instances” and never saw the court once. If Mavs can win game 5 I truly believe they can atleast get to a game seven which is all I can ask for as a mavs fan

  6. I don't know how you get a 4-1 final for a second year in a row, following a 4-2 playoff in 2022, but it needs to be fixed. Especially when you see it being such a seed difference. last year, it was 8th seed Miami, this year its a 5th seed Mavs. They both get annihilated in the finals by the first seed. Look, I don't want a predictable playoff, I love that lower seeds are really competitive and that we have a play-in wild card. This year's post season has been the best after the bubble. But if the playoffs is three blowouts and one semi close game, what am I watching for? Then it might as well be a predictable playoff.
    I think the solution is the east vs west debacle. It makes everything difficult because they don't really play each other enough. The argument can be grudge matches, but one of the biggest rivalries in NBA is Celtics vs Lakers, and they are in two different conferences. Some teams aren't even in the correct conference (ie, Grizzlies, Minnesota). It also fucks expansions because you need to electric boogaloo two teams, not just one, which is why the year is 2023 and Seattle still doesn't have a basketball team. They need to stop playing so many conference games and really mix. That way, its still a toss up during the early to mid post season, but the match up in the end will at least see a game 6.

  7. First and for most Foster dictated the pace of the game. On half time Cs got 9FT to Dallas 16FT, 23 total fouls were called, this froze the game. Cs had an abysmal 26% 3PT (mostly opened looks) 29% FG and seems like they stopped caring all along, offensively and defensively (Luka at 21pts on first half with no 3PT). For their own good, they must win game 5 at home, and stop playing with their food, because both game 6 and 7 will be difficult.

    PS1: KP's situation needs surgery, can not be solved with rest, he can play but he will be in pain and has a chance to re-aggravate his calf. Imho to keep him like that, having a muscle torn is unacceptable and criminal negligence.
    PS2: Props to Doncic, today wasn't a cone, but D cost him his 3s, 0/8. Same with Kyrie 1/6 3PT. Props to Tatum that kept up for a quarter and a half when no one else showed up. Props to today's Dallas defense in general.

  8. Luka magic is about to make history! Dont even look at those fing refs! I think luka did need this loss and the way he did in order to change for the future. Still think its a great time to be a Mavs fan.

  9. Same thing could be said about the Wolves Mavs series. The end of the first 3 games were all insanely close and we choked / they became insanely clutch. That was even closer than this series but after its 0-3 it's impossible

  10. But Luka has improved his defense this year and in the earlier rounds of the playoffs. It’s in this series that his defense has struggled. One, he’s had to carry a lot more offensively because the rest of the guys were no shows. Then’s constantly being attacked on defense. Then you add the multiple injuries he’s had.

  11. I think porzingus being “available” isn’t true. He’s not playing. He would’ve played once they got down ten if he was actually available

  12. Tbh when luka try his on ball defense is pretty good
    Idk if the offense is shocked that he try but they usually looked confused

    But the main problem with luka defense imo is offball defense, he tends to ball watching a lot and get backdoor easily 😅

  13. Luka’s been good defensively all season and even all playoffs. It’s hard to be a good defender tho when he’s as hurt as he is. I mean he’s getting pain killers right before the game

  14. Luka is lucky celtics wanted to win and celebrate in their home court.
    Celtics didnt even tried to win this game.
    I think kyrie stepping on celtics logo added to that want to win in the celtics stadium.
    You can say luka is lucky kyrie stepped on the celtics logo or else it would be a sweep easily

  15. Well at least Silver let the MAVS win a game and not get swept. All that talk about this Celtics team having the greatest playoffs run in history. Silver wasn’t having that 😂

  16. Biased mavs fan here, but I don’t like that people are defending a 40pt loss by saying the celtics weren’t trying. Tonight the mavs looked like the team they’ve been all playoffs. It’s not a series yet, but when the mavs get hot it’s hard to slow them down. #mffl

  17. I dont think they will comeback and win, at the start of the finals I wanted them to but if they do comeback and win that would be cool

  18. I really wanna see a game 7 but I know for sure everything Boston throws at the rim in game 5 is going in. That’s usually how it works

  19. Call it delusional and tell me I'm hooked up to copium but with how many variables say that the Mavs have no chance I can't help it as someone who loves great storytelling and loves the game to believe that THIS Mavs team can complete what no one else has done at the highest of levels would be magical. Apart from Celtics fans I don't see how you can't at least dream a little bit to be alive when it finally happens

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