@Sacramento Kings

Backup Plans if Malik Monk Leaves the Sacramento Kings | Locked On Kings

Backup Plans if Malik Monk Leaves the Sacramento Kings | Locked On Kings

I’ve said on this show that if Malik monk leaves in free agency the Sacramento Kings are in big trouble and I stand by that but while I have the luxury of being able to just react and have a doom and gloom mindset the Sacramento Kings have to be proactive they need to have a plan in place in case Malik does leave so on today’s lock on King’s podcast we’ll explore plan a plan B and plan C you are locked on Kings your daily Sacramento Kings podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and now ladies and gentlemen it is that time time for another episode of Locked on Kings hello and welcome to lockon Kings your podcast hub for Sacramento Kings coverage all offseason long today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app use promo code locked on NBA when you sign up and you can get $20 off of your first purchase terms apply my name is Matt George I have the privilege of being your host here I’m a Sacramento Sports Anchor and reporter for abc1 news and ladies and gentlemen for the second time in two weeks I’ve completely recorded a podcast without my microphone being on you would think after seven eight years of doing this that I wouldn’t do that once let alone twice in 2 weeks this is the second time that I’m recording this podcast but don’t worry it’s going to be better it’s going to be better than the first time because since recording that we have the context of what happened in game four of the NBA Finals we’re getting a game five in Boston I’ve also had some conversations with some different locked on hosts about some of these potential plans to replace Malik monk so I got a little extra context so this version is going to be better I just want to let that put that full transparency out there just so you know that I I try as hard as I can to be good at my job but sometimes I can’t help but be a dork but here we go let’s talk about the possibility of replacing Malik monk it’s a very real possibility right and and one thing that needs to be consistent throughout this entire conversation that we’re going to have here is none of these plans are about finding a direct replacement there is not another Malik monk in the league there are players that are better than at things that he does well there are certainly players that do things differently than Malik monk but Malik who he is as a personality as the Energizer Bunny as the floor General as the the shot Creator the facilitator the the presence in the locker room there is no one like Malik his uniqueness is what has allowed him to Blossom here in Sacramento I should say his uniqueness and Mike Brown’s willingness and the King’s willingness to put him in a situation where he could truly be be himself and express himself and play his game on the the court that’s how he got here that’s how he got to this point where he’s finally going to get a big payday that he’s been searching for his entire career when a handful of years ago he was almost out of the league right and if he’s Money Motivated we know that the Kings can only offer him 17 and a half million doll a year other teams might be willing to go more than that and if he takes the money and and decides to leave the Kings have to be prepared I’m sure as hell hoping that isn’t happening I’m optimistic that the Kings will be able to bring him back in fact even if I’m going through all these plans that the Kings might have or or could have options that they have available to them if Malik does leave I’m certainly hoping that none of these come to pass really I’m hoping by the start of free agency on day one when the Kings and Malik monk agree to a deal I hope he can go back to this podcast episode and go boy that was a waste of time and Matt recorded it twice and it was a waste of time that honestly that’s what I’m hoping for but for now we and the Kings need to explore the possib abilities of what if Malik leaves what do we do so I got three plans I got plan a plan B and plan C all three Plans by the way involve Keegan Murray making a significant leap like just put that as a a universal understanding for all of these there is no replacing Malik monk these are players that are going to come in to hopefully help Sacramento in their own way make up for the void that Malik would leave behind but it’s going to be the responsibility of Ean Murray to step up and provide the offense that the Kings would be losing in Malik even if they get another offensive player and bring another offensive guard in to try and make up for that ultimately to get the points and to get the scoring and the and the shot creation that the Kings heavily relied on Malik for these past two seasons that needs to come from Keegan and Keegan’s development in his third season more than anybody else so I’m glad we have that understanding all right plan a is all about the trade market what teams have players available that the Sacramento Kings could go out and get a Malik monk replacement from I got three potential names well I’m gonna add a fourth really quick because there’s one name in mind that I I dream of I’m bringing this up because I’m trying to give you an idea of like a a ideal replacement player but I’m bringing this name up in full understanding that it’s it’s never going to happen it’s TJ McConnell from the Indiana bers TJ McConnell is a phenomenal backup guard in so many ways everything that the Sacramento Kings could want is his game different from Maliks absolutely very different type of player but still a guard that’s strong on the defensive end can attack the basket can certainly facilitate runs the backup point you do not ever have to worry about that spot if TJ McConnell is on your roster and of course he’s phenomenal with the Pacers he’s been in Indiana for a very long time Pacers aren’t getting rid of him right like I don’t there’s not a trade with within the realm of realisticness and and without going into the land of absurd where the Pacers humor a TJ McConnell traded the Sacramento Kings but I bring that up just to give you an idea of what I would like but here’s a name that to my surprise could be and maybe should be readily available it’s the guy who won NBA 6man of the year two years ago Malcolm Brogden with the Portland Trailblazers Malcolm Brogden is owed 22 million do next season the final year of his contract with the with the Trailblazers Brogden unfortunately this season dealt with just a schoras board of injuries right injuries all over the place one thing after another had AC or like Achilles issues knee issues illnesses like for some reason Malcolm Brogden just could not stay healthy last season he only played 39 games now in those 39 games he was solid 15 points per game 44% shooting from the field 41% from three-point range which is incredible 81% from the foul line three rebounds and five assists a game like really really good numbers when he played obviously availability is important there’s the risk of his injuries and there’s the risk of he only has one year left on his deal and now you’re in the same situation all over again where you have to pay a guy granted the kings in theory should have a little more flexibility financially next summer compared to this summer with Malik monk but they would find themselves essentially just hitting the delay button you replaced one six Man of the Year candidate with a six Man of the Year winner who’s older and a different type of player but still impactful and now you have to pay him now you have to figure that out is that worth what it’s going to take to get him but what is it going to take to get him so I reached out to the lockon Blazers podcast and I was I was talking to them I was like is there do you think the the the the Blazers would even humor the a of trading Malcolm Brogden and he got back they got back to me and they’re like yo like we’ve been saying the Blazers should have traded Malcolm brogon at the trade deadline like they’re desperate for a Malcolm brogon trade this summer now that’s them that doesn’t mean it’s the Blazer’s point of view but that’s their point of view they seem to think that they’re available initially I thought that it would probably take like a pair of second rounders plus salary filler in order to get Malcolm brogon to Sacramento maybe just maybe the Kings could find a way to get it done for one future first rounder and salary match again is that too much to give up is that too big of a risk for a player who could be gone after a year and has been dealing with injuries for the last year maybe you be the judge but that’s an option out there another option with the Boston Celtics pton Pritchard Again full transparency to be very clear I’m not saying that Malik or Payton Pritchard is a Malik Monk repl placement Malik monk is way better than pton Pritchard is way better so again understand that I’m not talking about pton pitchard coming in and playing the role that Malik monk played but Payton Pritchard is someone who on the biggest stage in in the game the NBA Finals he’s playing consistent rotational minutes right he’s averaging nine points a game shooting 46% from the field 38% from three-point range 83% from the free throw line three rebounds three assists playing 22 minutes a game for the Boston Celtics this season he’s an impactful role player in the NBA finals and he is bought into the Missoula defensive hardn system that the Boston Celtics are playing pton Pritchard could absolutely help the Sacramento Kings in their second unit in the capacity of mik Monk no but if you’re looking for someone who can come in and help bolster that second unit that is weakened because of Malik’s departure pton Pritchard is potentially one of those guys he just signed a 4year $30 million contract with the Celtics so he’s very affordable so you don’t really have to worry about anything like that but the question is what would the Celtics want for him I’m not giving up a first round pick for pton Pritchard maybe you could do some kind of like Trey ly and a couple second rounders some of you are probably already thinking God no I never do that deal and I understand that hesitation I think the Celtics might have interest in Trey LS because Kristof por Zing’s future is unknown with his injuries Al Horford’s only getting older so they might have interest there I’m just trying to put together a theoretical deal that they would be interested in trading pton Pritchard for Pritchard is not a game-changing player but he’s someone who in theory could come in and bolster your bench but if your plan is to replace Malik monk with pton Pritchard and that’s it you’re in big trouble let that be perfectly known what about Jordan Clarkson from the Utah Jazz Jordan Clarkson has owed $14 million a little over1 14 million a year over the next two seasons so you’re getting him for the next two years he is loved in Utah loved for his energy his motor how hard he plays he’s a good offensive player 17 points uh a game 41% shooting from the field only 29% from three-point range so that part’s not great 88% from the foul line three rebounds five assists played 30 minutes a game for Utah last season I reached out to David lock of locked on Jazz and I asked him like Hey would the Jazz consider trading Jordan Clarkson considering how popular he is there and he said yeah they would they’d listen and I asked him like what would they want expiring would they want picks what would they won what he said was Kevin herder and picks and I assume he means multiple firsts giving up multiple first round picks for Jordan Clarkson I understand if there’s hesitation there especially again you’re giving up multiple first rounders for a guy that is going to be part of your bench unit now Jordan Clarkson comes here to Sacramento he’s absolutely a king six man and he probably challenges at times Keon Ellis to take that starting two guard spot maybe but you have your six-man solidified for the next two seasons if Jordan Clarkson is here so that’s not a question but is that is is two first rounders and Kevin herder a fringe starter that’s a lot to give up for a role player I don’t think I would do it I think I would I I would consider herder and a first rounder and see where we can go from there asking for two first I think for Jordan Clarkson is too much but if the kings are desperate to make a move and and fill that hole which it would be a gaping hole with Malik monk leaving Clarkson’s not a bad option and they might be desperate enough to overpay to get him here in Sacramento so that’s plan a the trade market Plan B is free agency we’ll explore some names potentially available in free agency coming up in just a second like I said at the top of the show today’s episode of the lockon Kings podcast is brought to you by game time you don’t need another ticketing purchasing app anymore game time game time is it whether you’re buying tickets for sporting events concerts theatrical 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other team agrees kind of forces the player to come here so free agency’s always been tricky for Sacramento that being said the Kings aren’t trying to attract a Superstar be great but they’re not trying to right we’re not looking for Malik Monk’s replacement to be an all NBA caliber player or an All-Star we’re not that’s not what we’re looking for there have been solid role players that have chosen and even starting level players that have chosen the Sacramento Kings in the past so it’s not out of the realm of possibility or or it’s it’s perfectly fine to have high expectations for the Kings to be able to find a suitable replacement or replacements for Malik in free agency if that’s the route they have to go so what are some names in N Jose Alvarado he’s a restricted free agent with the New Orleans Pelicans now just for context a restricted free agent means that the Pelicans have the right to match so let’s say the Kings and Jose Alvarado agree to a three-year $16 million per year deal I’m just totally spitballing I have no idea if that’s what he’s worth or not the the Pelicans and if if if Jose agrees to it right and says Okay I accept that deal I’ll play for you for $6 million a year over the next 3 years the Pelicans have the right to go nope we’re going to match that he stays in New Orleans it happened to the Kings a handful of years ago when the Kings actually made a deal with Zack LaVine Zack LaVine agreed to sign with Sacramento and the bull said nope and he stayed in Chicago unrestricted free agent means the player is free to do what they want if he accepts an offer from the Kings the Pelicans are so but Jose is a restricted free agent he averaged points on 41% shooting from the field 37% from three-point range 67% from the foul line last year two rebounds and two assists per game the Kings have the mid-level exception right that they can offer Malik monk $17.5 million a year that does not mean they have 17.5 million dollar that they can spend on anybody else if Malik walks because with Malik’s rights they can go over the cap in order to resign him they own they have their main piece that they have is the middle level exception which is worth about $12.9 million now that amount could go up if the Kings Trade certain players like Sasha venkov or uh Chris Duarte they get some of that money off their books and the mid-level exception goes up a little bit but a $12.9 million mid-level exception I don’t think is good enough for Jose Alvarado I think he can get more than that I think he will get more than that and it’ll be up to the Pelicans uh to match that offer so I think if the Kings really truly want Jose Alvarado they’ll have to free up more money than than what they have currently for the mid-level exception but that’s a solid veteran I mean he’s I shouldn’t say he’s a veteran he’s older but he’s a solid backup guard he kicked the king’s butts as the Pelicans were beat in Sacramento six times this season just a solid option good defensively I think would fit in great with Mike Brown and his system so Jose Alvarado is an option another option although this one’s a little more out of left field Kyle Anderson from the Minnesota Timberwolves he is an unrestricted free agent so he can choose where he goes and that’s it he is more of a mid-level exception type player he more fits into kind of that 12.9 million per year exception range difference with Kyle Anderson is we’re talking about a Malik monk replacement we’re talking about replacing a ball dominant guard he’s Malik’s probably more of a two guard but he plays a lot of point guard responsibilities as a floor General and a ball handler Kyle Anderson is more of a three probably closer to a 34 than he is a 23 so he’s more of a forward than he is a guard but he’s a good facilitator and good uh playmaker for his size and for his position he averages six points per game 46% from from the field only 22% from three-point range that’s not good 70% from the foul line averages three rebounds and four assists per game but if the Kings want to go a little bit bigger go a little bit longer Kyle Anderson might not be a bad option another option that might might be a little redundant but is out there that the Kings may want to explore is Markel folz from the Orlando Magic Markel folz I just have a feeling and I can’t really explain it I have a feeling that Markel folz is like a Mike Brown guy it just it to me it kind of makes sense like I think Mike Brown would enjoy having a Marquel folz type player I have no idea why it’s just a feeling that I have just based off of my understanding of foltz’s game folz was a part of kind of that physical backc court that the Orlando Magic established for themselves this year they weren’t great they weren’t locked down by any means and a lot of that physicality came more from like Cole Anthony than it did from a Marquel folz so I’m aware of that but he was part of it and it was successful to some extent so I think it would be okay to think that folz could come in and play kind of a physical brand of Defense on the perimeter that the kings are looking for and hoping to play next year he averages seven points per game or average seven points per game last year shot 47% from the field again only 22% from three-point range 69% from the foul line three rebounds and two assists played in 43 games last season so not as healthy as as as you would like and the redundancy is you already have Davon Mitchell You could argue which one’s better between the two but they’re pretty similar and like maybe you let’s say the Kings go the route of what we talked about a lot let’s say the kings use the 13th pick and Davon Mitchell on draft night as part of a package to go get Kyle kma or whatever great awesome Marquel folz could be an option in free agency to replace Davon but now of course we’re talking about a Mitchell replacement more than we’re talking about a Malik monk replacement so it’s it’s kind of more convoluted but he’s a name that’s potentially available and out there another name is Tyas Jones unrestricted free agent with the Washington Wizards averaged 12 points per game last season 48% from the field 41% from three-point range 80% from the foul line two rebounds and seven assists now he played the majority of his minutes last season as a starter in Washington we all know Washington was a bad team he is a point guard that does a really really really good job taking care of the basketball the question is though would he accept a bench roll in Sacramento he’s kind of undersized I mean he’s he’s a size of a typical point guard but maybe a little undersized for defensively what the Sacramento Kings want to try and do he’s not necessarily known for his perimeter defense and not necessarily known for his physicality so that might be tough but offensively he has a lot that he can bring Off the Bench and I don’t think he’s going to be worth a tremendous amount of money so tus Jones is another available option here’s an option that I actually really like it has it has its risks but I really like this idea Gary pton II from the Golden State Warriors another unrestricted free agent now Gary pton II has dealt with injury issues up the woo over the last two years right he played 44 games last Season 22 games the season before but he has a clear connection with Mike Brown was part of a b a massive part of the NBA or the 2022 NBA champion Warriors team right he was crucial in that NBA Finals run he has his connection with Mike and when he does play when he is healthy he’s loved for the effort and intensity and hustle that he plays with especially on the defensive end of the floor I don’t think he’s going to be all that expensive again he has a connection with Mike Brown I have no idea if the Warriors want him back or not I I’m not even going to speculate on that because I can’t speak to it but I think the Kings should and would have interest and if he can stay healthy he absolutely would help Sacramento offensively nowhere near Malik monk but defensively an upgrade in a lot of ways again it’s about filling the hole that Malik as a whole leaves behind for the bench not just replacing Malik Monk the player a player that could come somewhat close to replacing Malik’s production is Gary Trent Jr unrestricted free agent with the Toronto Raptors now let’s make something perfectly clear the Kings would 100% have to find a way to free out more money to have any shot at Gary Trent Jr so this option is probably pretty unlikely because the king’s trying to find a trade partner there aren’t a lot of teams with cap space period the king’s trying to find a trade partner that is willing to take on salary from them them is going to be difficult a team that’s willing to take on Harrison barnes’s money or or or or uh Kevin herder’s money and send less money back unless the kings are attaching assets to those players to get them to take on that money for the next couple Seasons I don’t really see there maybe it exists maybe it’s out there I don’t know why a team would necessarily want to do it and now that we’re talking about potentially patching assets just to free up money there’s better ways to use use those assets for Sacramento so I don’t see that necessarily happening but the Kings would have to find a way to free up money to get Gary Trent Jr in here but if they did he’d be excellent averaged 13 points last season 42% from the field 39% from three-point range 77% free throw shooter two rebounds and one assist so he doesn’t really do more than that but he’s a solid defensive player to me he screams Mike Brown guy Mike Brown I think would love having Gary Trent Jr on his roster and if Gary Trent J signs with the Sacramento Kings I think it’s fair to say he would probably I think he beats out Keon Ellis as the starting two if they want to bring him in Off the Bench great if he’s okay with that great but if Gary Trent Jr were here in Sacramento I could see a fox and Trent Jr starting back court and I like the idea and like the sound of that so those are names available in free agency for the Sacramento Kings to potentially have interested in to run through them one more time Jose Alvarado Kyle Anderson Mar folz tus Jones Gary pton II and Gary Trent Jr all names out there that Sacramento could potentially be interested in to add to their bench and add to their rotation to help fill that hole if Malik monk Left Behind of course there’s some names on this list too that if the Kings brought Malik monk back if they could find a way to free up some money to go out and get like a Gary Payton or get one of these players I still think that’s a great option as well but if playing a don’t work and playing B don’t work they do have a fallback plan C it’s not great but it’s something and I’ll explain what it is in just a second today’s episode of the lockon Kings podcast is also brought to you by prize picks America’s number one fantasy sports app with more than five million members it’s the most fun and exciting way to get in on the action while you watch your favorite sports and players you just pick more or less on two or more uh player stat projections for a to win up to 100 times your money with prize picks you can turn $10 into $1,000 in a single game watching your favorite sports team All Summer Long whether it’s baseball NBA Finals action WNBA when football season comes back around all the NFL and college football action there’s so many different fun amazing ways to play on prize picks and you have so many opportunities to really make some good money there’s 5 million active members and you get on the daily action with friends and become I’m part of the prize picks Community myself and many sacramentans are a part of that we have a lot of fun with prize picks for Sacramento Kings games all season long as well so download prize picks today go to the app or go to and use code longt on NBA when you sign up for a first deposit match up to $100 you put $100 down you get $100 instantly you put $50 down $50 instantly no questions asked prize picks pick more pick less it’s that easy plan C believe in what you got I’m looking at Keon Ellis and I’m looking at Davon Mitchell now this is not a one or the other conversation this is both of them if the Kings want to survive losing Malik Monk and they don’t actively go out and get a replacement type player or a player to bolster bolster the bench then they are relying on Keon Ellis and Davon Mitchell to essentially play close to their ceilings so this is this is not one of the other doing the things that I’m about to list out this is both of them doing this we’ll start with Keon Ellis Keon has to truly establish himself as a starting caliber guard he doesn’t have to become an amazing shooter he doesn’t have to play out of his mind it’s a lot to ask a two-way player to go from two-way to established starting shooting guard on a team that actually has deep playoff intentions it’s hard to do that but Keon would have to realize that potential he does that by really establishing a consistent three-point shot he’s going to get open looks playing with the players that he’s playing with he has to be able to knock them down at a high clip enough to be respected he can’t have hot stretches and cold stretches he can’t be like a 34% three-point shooter it’s got to be 36 37 38 plus percent he has to take on a little bit of playmaking responsibilities nothing absurd certainly not the level of Malik monk or anything like that but he has to be able to facilitate and contribute in that way and defensively he has to be elite right he has to be what what Tony Allen was to the grit and grind Celtics just a guy on the perimeter every single night you knew could lock down the opposing team’s best guard that’s what the Kings need him to be again we’re talking about him reaching his ceiling this is not a oh this should happen in his NE no this is him being the best version of himself possible meanwhile Davon Mitchell he needs to continue his offensive success that he had at the end of last season where he found out how to fit he found that mid-range jump shot that started knock dropping he got to his spots from three-point range and knocked down some three-point shots he got out and transition and used some of that speed uh to get to some of his favorite spots on the floor as well so he needs to continue to be some sort of offensive fit and offensive threat he needs to be one of the guys to primarily make up for Malik Monk’s facilitating off of the bench he averaged just 1.9 assists per game last season but he is capable of doing better because we’ve seen it before his rookie year when he was playing consistent backup point guard minutes here in Sacramento granted that team wasn’t very good but he was averaging 4.2 assists per game that season so he’s capable of being a better facilitator and if you can get four assists per game out of Davon coming off the bench while being the defensive player that we know he can be is not bad and then on top of that his on ball defense we know is fantastic off night that’s what he’s known for off ball defense not great a lot of that has to do with his size talking about fighting through screens defending the perimeter better closing out on Shooters not giving up so many open shots doing a better job of reacting and scrambling defensively which this en entire Kings team has to do well he’s got to be able to do that again if both of these players can do all these things and realize their full potential the Kings have a sh of the two of them making up for Malik Monk’s production but I’ll say this for full transparency it better not get to plan C if if the kings run into training camp next year and Malik’s gone and their replacement for Malik is Davon and Keon I think the kings are in a rough spot bottom line even with all these options it’s good to see there are available options to Sacramento if Malik leaves right there you got to go some route there’s always something none of these somethings are as good as just bringing Malik back so that should be the ultimate goal it still is the ultimate goal and that’s what we’re rooting for and optimistic for here on lockon Kings but if Malik walks the Kings got to do something and here is some of that something now I want to hear from you you weighin you like any of these names I talked about any trades we talked about you want to submit a name in free agency or a trade to go out and find a Malik monk replacement go it for it let me know hit me up on YouTube if you’re watching on YouTube get in the YouTube chat down below and then share with me your thoughts there you can hit me up on Twitter Matt George sack you can also email me Matt George Sports atgmailcom would love to hear your thoughts on this bottom line we’re all rooting for Malik monk to stay and again I hope this podcast is Irrelevant in the start of free agency and does not matter because Malik decides to stay here in Sacramento and all is right fingers crossed for that appreciate your support can’t wait to have you join me on the next episode of lockon Kings until then my name is Matt George you’ve been listening to the locked on Kings podcast part of the locked on podcast Network [Music]

Matt George shares some options that the Sacramento Kings have if Malik Monk leaves in free agency.

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Backup Plans if Malik Monk Leaves the Sacramento Kings


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  1. We’re in big trouble, why would he stay. Unless it’s a handshake deal to do an early extension when available for proper money, could happen how much does Malik trust this organization?

  2. you are vastly overrating Monk. If Pritchard got Monk's minutes he'd put up equal if not better numbers than Monk. Good luck getting him from Boston. He's affordable and is a great backup. If we take George or McCain at #13 we'll have upgraded over Monk. Replacing him will be easy. It's ALSO finding a shot-blocking 4 to play alongside Sabonis and sending Barnes to the bench that is the hard part. Maybe it might mean we need to use the #13 pick on a guy like Tyler Smith and then find the Monk replacement (or Ellis backup) in the 2nd.

  3. It’s OK Keon Ellis is going to save us is going to save us we might as well cut Davion Mitchell Since he got thrown under the bus and everything was his fault Keon Ellis is better than Terrence Davis

  4. The kings are going to be shit they just regressed last year and they keep thinking Fox is going to carry the team instead of trading him

  5. As a huge fan of Malik Monk, the Kings, and the NBA, I hope he does not sign with the Kings. He has proven his worth, he is hardworking, HE DOES NOT FLOP, and he is a great role model. He deserves his bag. Get this man paid, I cannot wait to give him a standing ovation when he returns to the G1C.

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