@Orlando Magic

The Biggest Need for EVERY NBA Team This Offseason…

The Biggest Need for EVERY NBA Team This Offseason…

yo what’s going on y’all it’s con back here again today with another video and today I want to tell you what I think the biggest need for every NBA team is going into the off season the NBA finals are still going on the year isn’t over but because there’s only the Celtics and the Mavs left 208 teams are right now in the midst of their offseason a lot of teams are looking forward to the draft many more to free agency looking to potentially make a blockbuster deal at some point it feels like it’s going to be a very exciting off season and so with that I thought it would be a fun time to go ahead and preview it just a little little bit I’m going to go through every team alphabetically starting off with the Atlanta Hawks and ending with the Washington Wizards and tell you what I think the number one thing they need to do this offseason is whether it’s adding a specific player it’s trading somebody away it’s trying to figure out a coaching situation teams are all over the place so we’ll go ahead and just get into it leave like And subscribe if you enjoy hit the notification Bell so you don’t miss out in future videos and of course all the time Sims will be below if you want to find your favorite team let’s get into it starting off with the Atlanta Hawks and for them it’s pretty obviously their number one need is to pick a direction this is a team that is currently in basketball limbo they’ve been trying to make this thing work with Trey young at the helm cuz he’s one of the best players they’ve had in franchise history and it just has not come to fruition they went to the Eastern Conference Finals in 2021 and since then they’ve made a bunch of moves mainly the dejonte Murray trade which has absolutely not worked out they’re just not a good basketball team so they either need to say okay we need to push in some more chips maybe you trade this first overall pick or you trade jonay Murray to build out more pieces of around try young maybe you take Alexander star and just add him to Deon and Trey maybe you trade both those guys and go for a rebuild there’s so many different ways they could go with this but regardless they have to pick a direction here they can’t just let themselves stay in basketball limbo for much longer whatsoever next up we have the Boston Celtics who are currently again in the NBA Finals right now they’re up 10 so it seems like they’ve got a chance to win so this one’s hard to pick but I’m just going to say add some more depth the starring lineup is stacked everybody’s under contract going to next season but you could still add some more pieces around the edges theoretically maybe just sign somebody to a minimum that could come contribute that wants to compete for a ring Al Horford is getting up there in age so maybe if you could find a younger back a big to eventually take his place there are a lot of ways they could go they also have the 30th overall pick in this year’s first round so maybe drafting someone there that could help you compete next year at least be somewhat of a rotational guy they don’t have to be right away but eventually can grow into that role it’s hard to say for a team in the Celtics who dominate the Eastern Conference and are currently on the path to win the finals what they should do but I think it’s pretty clear outside the starting lineup there are a couple pieces they could add to this team to make themselves even more dominant for the Brooklyn Nets I’m just going to go ahead and say what I’ve been saying for a while they need to trade Mel Bridges I don’t like the direction they’re heading in they’re going nowhere fast I understand they don’t have their draft picks and it would make more sense to try and compete but they are so unbelievably far away from that happening I just don’t think it makes sense male Bridges still has a lot of value if you can somehow try and land like that third overall pick in the draft from the Houston Rockets I don’t know if they’re actually willing to move it but if that’s something you can explore or just getting towards the top of the draft with Mel get some more assets I think that’s a great way to go ahead and begin this tear down I don’t like the Nets roster at all I don’t really see a path to them becoming contenders with this group anytime soon I think it starts off with trading male Bridges who has the most value on this team next up we have the Charlotte Hornets and for them it’s just to add that next piece to in the draft they are a rebuilding team they’re trying to figure out where they go next they’ve got a really interesting young core between the metal ball who does have to stay healthy as well as Mark Williams brandan Miller was great in his rookie season came in third in Rookie of the Year voting they’ve got some fun pieces on the edges like Trey man was pretty solid for them after coming over from Oklahoma City at the deadline but this is where I think they really have to hit they got to add one more guy to this core that can grow alongside these players whether it’s another guard like say Stefan Castle they go ahead and add a big maybe a little bit worried about the Mark Williams injury history and they instead op there there’s guys on the wings they could add it’s not a draft where you’re going to get a lot of star power it feels like but getting a great complimentary piece to go alongside Brandon Miller and lamelo who project as those two stars this is a great spot to go ahead and do so and I’m excited to see who the Hornets go ahead and pick up next up we have the Chicago Bulls and the top thing they have to do in my opinion is trade Zack LaVine he has been here way too long the blls have been trying to run this thing back for way too long it’s clear to I think everybody but them this isn’t going to work there’s even reports now that they might resign DeMar rosen which I just don’t understand I guess maybe if you can trade him throughout the season sure but if they’re looking to continue this thing long term with LaVine and Lonzo presumably coming back hopefully he is and demard roseen ausich I feel so bad for BS spans to me the number one thing they should do assuming his value isn’t absolutely zero is trade Zack LaVine let Kobe white and IOD dunu run that backward they were phenomenal as a duo in the second half of the season when Zack LaVine left the lineup they brought that team to the plan tournament they were looking really good give them that chance to go ahead and run the show just tear this thing down and I believe it all begins with trading Zack LaVine then we have the Cleveland Cavaliers who pretty obviously their top priority is to convince Donovan Mitchell to extend they have to do that because if they don’t they basically get reset to square one now presumably if Donovan Mitchell doesn’t get extended they’re going to look to trade him that’s been all the reports we’ve been getting and they can get a lot of value back for Donovan Mitchell they’ll still have Darius scarland maybe Jared Allen depending on if he gets moved or not we’ll see what they do with him they’ll still have Evan Moy like this will still be a good young team with a lot of upward potential and probably a ton of assets but if they want to try and compete relatively soon like they can with Donan Mitchell they have to keep him in town so we’ll see if they did enough throughout the season we’ll see what their sales pitch is but clearly the number one need for them is to get spider to say in Cleveland long term then we have the Dallas Mavericks the other team playing in the NBA Finals again hard to figure out what exactly they need to do because we still have to see how the series plays out but the top thing that comes to mind for me is bringing back Derrick Jones Jr he has been phenomenal for them in the starting lineup the entire year they have him on a really lowlevel contract he’s played his way into a lot more money we’ll see if Dallas goes ahead and pays that they have a way to make that work if maybe he takes a bit of a pay cut to stay there because they’ve been so successful he did an interview recently I forget exactly who it was with but basically said that he wants to be in Dallas going forward that he’s loved it there and hey I don’t blame him I mean he’s become the best version of himself ever on a final team here with the Maverick so it makes sense he wants to stay we’ll just see how it works out monetarily because he definitely has added a lot more value to his contract with his play throughout this season then we have the Denver Nuggets whose biggest need is pretty clearly to add depth this team has a great starting lineup between Jamal Murray and kavis calwell Pope who they do have to bring back so that is enough big thing to think about might even be bigger than the depth I went back and forth between those two but I’ll stick with the depth thing for now mpj Aaron Gordon Nicole joic a stack starting five assuming everybody is back but when you get to the bench they’ve got some interesting young players like Christian Brown and pton Watson but pton Watson while he was really good defensively in the regular season wasn’t good enough offensively to play a ton of minutes in the playoffs and then you take a look at guys like Julian strawther for example who’s young and theoretically can help you out at some point but he’s not quite there yet like DeAndre Jordan was their second string Center a lot of knights Zeke naagi really didn’t come into his own the way they needed him to they lost Bruce Brown and Jeff Green this past off season they didn’t go ahead and recover and I think that was a big reason why they ended up losing against the Timberwolves that’s not the only reason but I believe if the Denver Nuggets add a little bit more depth and Sh up that second unit they’ll again be right back in the championship contention picture and honestly even if they don’t do that much they’re still going to be there because you have Nicole joic then we get to the Detroit Pistons and the need for them is just to add any Talent they have to get good basketball players in this program they have a ton of cap space they have the fifth overall pick which really sucks because they’ve had 31 wins combined the past two seasons and have both times Fallen to the fifth pick having the best odds so the lottery gods are just not happy with Detroit but basically Kate cunning him is really good and you have some fun young pieces but you’ve got to show Kate in particular some support whether you go out there and overpay to get in some free agents you take on bad contracts that maybe you could rehabilitate their value a little bit as well as getting some assets which you can then flip just do something add any type of talent to this team to help Kade and be better than the 31 combined wins you’ve had the past couple of seasons for the Golden State Warriors the number one thing they need to do is decide on Klay Thompson do they keep the splash brother in Golden State Long Term keeping him a warrior for life or do they take a look at how this season ended where clay was very up and down got benched at one point and has really not looked like himself and just let him walk let him go somewhere else try and use that money a different way it’s a tough decision to make I would imagine the Warriors do try their hardest to go ahead and bring him back but are they going to be willing to pay him the money he probably is looking for and I’m sure there’s a lot of teams out there that even though Klay didn’t play great this season would love to go ahead and take a chance on him and a bit of a smaller role where unlike with the Warriors they’re asking him to be a two option instead maybe he finds a team where he can be like a three just a complimentary knockdown shooter one of the best Shooters in NBA history maybe that’s a role he’d be happy with so we’ll see what happens on Klay Thompson but just the idea of him playing anywhere other than Golden State feels really weird although for the first time it feels like a genuine reality for the Houston Rockets the number one priority is to Max maximize the value of that third overall pick they got some lot elect this year while their selection went to OKC at 12 they go ahead and have the net selection from the James Harden trade jump up to number three and now there are two passs one they could just draft somebody they could take like a reed Shepard as a sharpshooter who’ fit great with this team a big man like Donovan kingan they could swing for some upside with a variety of prospects they could trade back try and trade up a lot of ways they could go in the draft or they trade the pick to add a big time difference maker right now maybe it’s a Mel Bridges who has been rumored that the Rockets have some interest in maybe they could look to just send that pick back over to Brooklyn in exchange for him maybe they wait for a big fish to become available like say Donovan Mitchell it’s not looking like he’s going to go for a contract extension maybe the Rockets try and package together a bunch of assets and make a move like that work there’s a lot of ways they could go but regardless that is kind of the Swing point of this whole offseason in my opinion for Houston who otherwise are pretty much set with their young core and guys going forward then we have the Indiana Pacers who pretty obviously their top priority is to retain Pascal seak I would be surprised if they didn’t they won on that Eastern Conference Finals run he was amazing in that run too while Tyrese was a bit up and down at times struggling with his aggression dealing with that lingering hamstring injury that really bothered him the entire season Pascal was pretty consistently great you’ve got to bring a guy like that back you gave up some assets to invest in him it seemed like he liked being there all reports are that they’re going to offer him a Max and that he’s likely to stay and once you get that done then you can take a look at touching up the roster on the EDG is mainly adding some more defense but keeping Tyrese’s co-star in town is of course priority number one for the Clippers the priority is to keep the big three in town you traded for James Harden this past season he had some great moments with him and kawhai and Paul George and it just fell apart over the course of the year with some injuries the lackluster play overall from the team it kind of turned out to be a mess and of course they lost in the first round to the Dallas Mavericks now you’ve got Paul George and James Harden both as free agents we Haven really heard a lot about teams being interested in James Harden other than the Clippers so I would imagine he’s just back but for Paul George a lot of teams out there reportedly have some inrig the Sixers are the top team that’s been mentioned as one that could really try and lure him away and if you lose Paul George this thing comes crumbling down now I’ve gone on record recently and said I think the Clippers are kind of done for it I just don’t see a way that this team stays healthy long enough to compete there was again that huge drop off after a hot streak during last season maybe they refin some of that magic and really put it all together I just don’t think it’s going to happen at this point I honestly think they’re kind of just delaying the inevitable both a new Arena opening up and the fact that you did look really good at times last year you probably have no choice but to keep the big three in town and resigning Paul George and James Harden should easily be their top priority for the Lakers the biggest need is to figure out who’s going to be your head coach I’m recording this section of the video about a day after the rest of it because things keep changing rapidly for the Lakers in their search when I initially recorded this Dan Hurley was still in consideration but then he declined their offer to stay with Yukon and now there’s a lot else up in the air JJ rck apparently they actually haven’t had that much contact with him and there are some rumors that he may not even be interested because there could be potential drama there’s also James bgo who’s one of their leading candidates but now reports are coming out that Cleveland kind of sees him as their guy or at least he’s one of the top candidates there so they are kind of in a messy spot right now when trying to find their head coach and this is important because it’s been a revolving door at that spot in the LeBron era it was Luke Walton and then Frank vogle who won a championship with them and then he was fired and now it was Darin ham they’ve got to find somebody who’s going to stick for the rest of LeBron’s years here in La cuz I do think he’s staying as well as going forward to whatever next era they start to build up whether it’s surrounding Anthony Davis with young Talent or he ends up getting traded or leaving whatever they need to find somebody who’s actually going to stick and right now things are very in question next for the Memphis Grizzlies in my opinion they’ve got to go ahead and add another big to this roster they of course traded Steven Adams away throughout the season who missed the entire year with injury sent him to Houston and now it’s seeming like jiren Jackson may end up playing the five next next year and honestly I don’t love the idea of that I like him better as a four I do think it can work but even if he does go there I do think you need to add a bit more size and maybe it’s through the draft it’s been reported that they really like Donovan kingan I don’t know if he’s going to fall to nine so maybe they trade up for him but if they get him that would be amazing there have been some reports that they have interest in a guy like Nick claxon I don’t know if he’s leaving Brooklyn but if that’s a possibility he would be amazing too isaah Haron would be awesome there although I don’t know if they’re going to have the money to make that work there are some interesting options out there and of course more lower level guys that don’t make maybe need someone who’s a star in that role necessarily but I do think they need to add a little bit more at the big position all their other positions are pretty good that’s when I think they could use some more depth in for the Miami Heat their top priority in my opinion should be to make sure Jimmy Butler is here for the long term whether that’s assuring him that he will get paid because there’s that extension that they could offer him Reports say that they’re a little bit iffy on that I mean it is over $100 million that would take him till he’s like 38 years old not super ideal for a guy who is somewhat injured prone and is getting to the Twilight of his career but what Jimmy has done for you over the past however many years since he’s been here two finals appearances a bunch of Eastern Conference Finals some amazing playoff basketball I think it makes sense to keep him here long term whether that’s offering that extension or again convincing him that you will end up paying him and assuring that he doesn’t try to angle his way out of Miami like some of the report site if he doesn’t get that extension because it does still feel like if they can just add one more star next to Jimmy and Bam they can make this thing happen and actually win a finals with this group who knows if that actually happens but I think you need Jimmy Butler here to go ahead and accomplish that sooner than later for the Milwaukee Bucks they obviously need to add some depth they’ve got a talented starting lineup between Dam and Yannis and Chris and Brooke they’ve got Bobby poris Off the Bench Malik Beasley who was really good shooting the ball this season they’ve got some great pieces but it wasn’t enough really at all throughout the regular season to keep up with Boston in the playoffs maybe things would have changed but I don’t really think so there are some question marks surrounding that group especially how Dame wasn’t really self this season and injury issues with like Brooke and Chris as well as regression from both of them because they’re getting up there in age yis is really the only Surefire guy but you kind of just have to hope that that group clicks and Beyond them give them some help whatsoever cuz the bench was really bad this season like you’ve got poris Pat Bev gave you some moments but you need way more than that whether it’s trying to just lure guys in say hey we can help you get a ring on minimum contract some veterans it’s trying to find your way into maybe the second round just sending out cash for a pick to bring in some young talent and hope that they can give you something I don’t know what it is but the depth that they have right now is not going to work and not going to help you win the Eastern Conference against Boston for the Minnesota Timberwolves in my opinion the biggest need is to add more offensive Firepower specifically extra playmaking and shot creation those are things that were glaringly not there against the Dallas Mavericks that amazing defense they have over there just completely shut them down if it wasn’t ant creating something it really wasn’t happening cat is a great shot maker but some of the shot creation like it feels like every time he takes a shot that is self-created it is highly contested which isn’t ideal m Conley had some really good moments but he’s getting up there in age they need more guys that can put the ball in the deck create plays for others and self-create some shots there’s a big difference between their defense which is unbelievable and the offense which is really shaky they have to close that gap for the Pelicans in my opinion they need to go ahead and shake this thing up they’ve tried this thing over and over again with slight differences whether it was you know Lonzo ball one year and then they brought in CJ McCollum and now they’ve got herb Jones in the fold as well as Jonas Val chunis at the big man spot after it was Steven Adams like they’ve definitely changed some things up but for majority of it it’s been Brighton Ingram Zion Williamson and some supporting pieces and they had a good season a lot of this year they had a great start the last year but injuries always seem to strike and it seems like they’re ready for a change reports are that they don’t want to offer Brandon Ingram a lot of money maybe he gets deal to a different team and Zion is like the Lone Star or that you trade him for a different star you put some pieces together because you do have a lot of interesting assets to bring another star player in is CJ mccom still here do you bring back jonis funis a lot of question marks but regardless they just really can’t run back the same team in my opinion it’s clear that they were not good enough you have to make some kind of change happen then we get to my favorite team the OKC Thunder and for them I think it’s just to put the cap space to good use this is the last chance to use a lot of money here in an off season because pretty soon you’re going to have to extend Jaylen Williams and Chad holgren Sho just alander is making a lot of money that numberers is only going to go up you’ve got to pay guys like Aaron Wiggins and Isaiah Joe give money to Cas Wallace at some point you have a young team that is going to become very expensive very fast so this is your moment to either go out there make a splash in free agency overpay somebody potentially to lure them to okl City where that’s a big man like say Isaiah hartstein who I like a lot or maybe you just try and use that to facilitate a trade where you absorb someone’s contract almost entirely almost only setting out like draft picks and young players that don’t have big contracts that are under team control there’s a lot of ways you can use this cap space but regardless they have to make some type of significant use out of it in my opinion for the Orlando Magic the obvious need is to add some shooting to this team they somehow almost managed to win a playoff series despite having abysmal spacing for their guy in poo who is ridiculous in that first playoff series they have to give him some help and open up the game whether that’s throwing money at a free agent like a Klay Thompson for example that’s a name that I know has mentioned a little bit AP Paul George has been mentioned too I don’t know if you get him there but guys like that that can just knock down those shots and play really well off of Pao should be the guys you’re looking for like a Malik monk maybe even if you want to spend money still or you could just do it in the draft as well as some fre agent pickups regardless please get palis some spacing whatsoever for the 76ers the biggest need is to fill out the roster because they’ve like literally nobody going into the offseason but I guess more specifically make a decision about a third star there has been reports that they’re interesting like a Paul George maybe a Brandon Ingram for example a lot of those Wing guys to team up with tyres Maxi who’s going to get a lot of money here in restricted free agency soon and Joel embiid this is their chance to go ahead and really reshape the roster again nobody’s out there they have a bunch of cap space we’ll see what they do is it bringing that third star or is it more so going with the depth route where you just put a lot of really good role players around that big two that were ridiculously dominant as a this season when they played together they only lost like six or seven games in the regular season I think you can build a fantastic team around them they’ve just got to make the right decisions and decide is it going for a third All-Star level guy that is going to take up a lot of your cap space and just adding more minimum level players around them or is it just decking Out The Supporting Cast with really good role players next to your two stars and trying to Let It Rock that way for the Phoenix Suns the biggest need is to use this draft pick wisely they do not have a lot of draft Capital coming down the pipeline it is this pick and not a lot else else so they have a decision to make here they could either trade this pick or rather trade the player that they take with this pick because they can’t trade the pick until they make their selection due to the steppan rule so they could do that to try and bring in another veteran to help out this team that was not good enough this year they got swept in the first round despite having Kevin Durant de Booker Brad the beal they have to make this team better add some more depth that’s one way to do it or I think they should just use the draft pick take somebody that can contribute right away give you some youth some energy into this team one that really lacked it at times that’s the way that I would go but regardless whatever they do with this pick they have to make the perfect decision if they want any chance of competing more next season because they don’t have a lot of assets to upgrade the roster otherwise speaking of draft picks for the Blazers there isn’t that much they need to do because they’re a rebuilding team they’re just going through the motions but I guess the biggest need would be to nail these draft picks specifically seven and 14 in the first round they have two Lottery selections and there are a lot of good players that could theoretically be amazing compliments to scoot Henderson who is hopefully going to end up being your franchise point guard you got really interesting young guys like a shayen sharp and Anthony Simons amongst others there is something fun Brewing over there in Portland if you ask me and going ahead and hitting at 7 and 14 could really help you accelerate this rebuild for the Sacramento Kings I think it’s pretty clear the biggest need is to make an upgrade of some kind they kind of just sat on their hands after they made the playoffs last year didn’t do much this past off season which I hated and then they went out there and missed the playoffs kind of restarting the streak that they just ended if they want any chance of making the playoffs next year in a loaded Western Conference that’s only getting better they have to make some typee of significant upgrade especially because it seems like they’re not going to have the money to bring back Malik monk who is unbelievably vital to what they did last season so if they lose him and don’t do anything significant the kings are going to be nowhere near the playoff picture next season I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re even out of the plan race for the San Antonio Spurs I think everybody’s going to agree with me that their top need is to go out there and get a point guard everybody in the NBA world was complaining throughout the year that there weren’t enough guys that could get wemi the ball Trey Jones did a pretty good job but he was on and off the bench they tried to make so Hand into a point guard that’s not really his role and even with Trey Jones he’s not like your franchise point guard going forward they get add of Veteran but in my opinion moreo they should Target at least one point guard or ball handler if not two in the top 10 they’ve got two picks one at four and one at eight I believe use those picks add a ball handle or two just more Talent next to wemi and somebody who can actually get him the ball down low when he’s just towering over anybody who’s guarding him then we get to the Toronto Raptors who like the Blazers don’t have a lot to do this off season in my opinion but one of the top things is extending Scotty Barnes that’s the biggest need just give him a Payday he was an All-Star for you this season he was amazing and it feels like he could be a guy you build around going forward it remains to be seen if he can be like that number one guy on a championship team it’s very early on his career but the very least he is a franchise building block a Cornerstone extend him don’t worry about doing that next season just give him the money now and I would imagine they would do so for the utat Jazz the big thing that they need to do is pick a direction they’ve been like this rebuilding not really re building team over the past couple of years where they’ve been middle of the pack part of the year they’re competing for a playing spot and then they drop off by the end of the season and they get a decent lottery pick nothing too crazy and it feels like they’re on Pace to do that again next year while they’ve got a really fun talent in lry marinin they’ve got John Collins who’s pretty solid for them last year Colin seon and really fun young players like konay George and Taylor Hendricks and price senson Walker Kessler they feel very far away from competing for a championship now some reports have said that ownership wants to accelerate that timeline they want to be more competitive and make some splashes and they definitely have the assets to pursue guys that become available but it feels like they’re just so far away from the upper eon of Western Conference teams I don’t know if that’s the right decision we’ll see what they end up doing but regardless they have to commit to some path are they going to continue in this reboot are they going to accelerate are they going to take a step back would they consider trading Lowry marinin to let themselves get to the bottom of the draft which next year seems to be really good with like a Cooper flag at the top of it I don’t know if they would even consider doing that but it is an option I think they should consider and finally for the Washington Wizards I think the only need they have is to nail the number two overall pick this could be a big swing moment in the rebuild they could go for a big like a Donovan kingan they could go for a higher upside swing maybe like with Zachary rishes rishar I’ve heard it said both ways him he seems like he has a lot of upside a lot of big fans in this draft they could go for like a shooter in a ra Shepherd they could go for a ball handler there’s a lot out there a lot of ways they could go they have you know Bal who they picked last year I think is going to be really good they’ve got Danny OFA who showed a lot of Promise last year Cory kissir some young players but not a ton of established building blocks for certain this is a chance to go ahead and add another one and there’s not a lot of times where you’re going to get the number two overall pick they got to go ahe and get this one right and yeah with all that being said those are my biggest needs priorities for all 30 NBA teams going to the offseason let me know Down Below in the comments if you agree or disagree with the one I said for your favorite team and what do you think about the ones that I did mention I appreciate you watching leave a like And subscribe if you enjoyed hit the notification Bell so you don’t miss out future videos let me know other ideas you have for these every team videos I really like making these a lot in the offseason so definitely do expect more as well as with us getting close to the end of the season entirely I want to do some more historical retrospective stuff like I’ve done over the past two summers so if there’s any historic moments teams just in general NBA topics that you want to see me talk about definitely let me know Down Below in the comments too and I’ll try and keep some of them in mind as we get to the summer with all that being said I appreciate you watching I’ll see youall later reone say back

The 2024 NBA Finals are currently being played between the Boston Celtics and Dallas Mavericks, but the offseason has started for the 28 other NBA teams. Free Agency, the Draft, and pivotal trade moments are rapidly approaching this summer. So, I went ahead and talked about what I think the biggest priority for every NBA team should be this offseason whether it’s retaining a key player, nailing the draft, making a splash in the trade market, or even hiring the right coach. So, let’s talk about it.

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Video Submissions:

#NBAFinals #NBADraft #losangeleslakers

0:00 – Intro
0:57 – Atlanta Hawks
1:43 – Boston Celtics
2:32 – Brooklyn Nets
3:15 – Charlotte Hornets
4:04 – Cleveland Cavaliers
5:36 – Dallas Mavericks
6:20 – Denver Nuggets
7:23 – Detroit Pistons
8:04 – Golden State Warriors
8:57 – Houston Rockets
9:55 – Indiana Pacers
10:32 – Los Angeles Clippers
11:39 – Los Angeles Lakers
12:46 – Memphis Grizzlies
13:38 – Miami Heat
14:29 – Milwaukee Bucks
15:30 – Minnesota Timberwolves
16:10 – New Orleans Pelicans
17:00 – Oklahoma City Thunder
17:49 – Orlando Magic
18:24 – Philadelphia 76ers
19:20 – Phoenix Suns
20:09 – Portland Trailblazers
20:40 – Sacramento Kings
21:15 – San Antonio Spurs
21:53 – Toronto Raptors
22:22 – Utah Jazz
23:25 – Washington Wizards
24:06 – Outro


  1. Dream scenario for the wolves would be malik monk but there's no way in hell that's happening. More realistic options ig will be someone like sexton but also highly unlikely. Ig they'd have to draft someone and hope he hits

  2. I know all the advanced stats say Gobert makes a huge impact on the wolves, but the eye test just doesn’t add up considering how much they gave up for him and how much he gets paid limiting their flexibility. They essentially have a big 3 with KAT, Ant, Gobert because of payroll and respectfully if your 3rd guy can’t play perimeter defense or street the floor offensively at all, you’re gonna struggle in most series

  3. As a wolves fan I wouldn’t mind trading kat if we could get trae young he would add a shot creating, high volume 3pt shooting and playmaking all things we need

  4. Idk why people keep saying the lakers could build around AD with young talent, dude doesnt play and jokic bums him every game they meet, if the lakers start building around the man of glass thats a straight shot to the bottom 5 of the conference, oh also AD is already 31 id guess he has 1-2 years max 3-4 left of being a top 15 player when healthy, im not an AD hater but me or cone would probably be a better 1st option for the lakers

  5. For Dallas, yes, they need to find a way to bring back DJJ, but i think they also need another scorer/facilitator because outside of Luka & Kyrie, nobody else is reliable enough to get their own bucket or create open looks for teammates.

    Probably salary dump Tim hardaway jr to create cap space to resign DJJ and then use Josh green and Maxi money to ideally find a starting small forward that can create for himself and others

  6. Spurs should try and get Darius Garland, and if we cant work out some type of 3 team deal with that, we could also try and get Dejounte Murray back. Or ofc just go all in on the draft. I am a big fan of Rob Dillingham, and then maybe a Stephon Castle or a wing

  7. Pistons fans: “What do we need? A player who doesn’t shoot like Stevie Wonder with a rifle would be nice…”

  8. If the hawks draft sarr and he comes as advertised I think that will be enough to put the hawks in playoff conversations

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