@San Antonio Spurs



[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m oh [Music] [Music] oh man shoot all right wait should I let’s turn this down all right okay all right all right what’s up y’all um and that’s not enough people in here for me to even say anything yet hope everybody’s doing okay [Music] though hello Andrew hello J Splash hello hello Daniel hello Kevin I wish I could see all the viewers without like you having to go into the chat comment something so I can say hello to you uh let’s see yo yo Clan what’s up the crazy one Beast what’s up S Ben how’s it going man it’s going pretty good it’s going pretty decent up what’s up Joshua a lot to cover bud is there I literally have one topic Clan when you get a chance check out the Richard Jefferson podcast with yonis called the ogs he talks about pop and it’s time in San Antonio okay so okay we got two things to to talk about that would be nice though that would be nice cuz if we have two things to cover then cuz I’m going out of town so I’ll be back on Monday I’ll be back next Monday so we can have enough videos going up to Tuesday CU that will be cool that’ll be nice that’ll be a nice little break for me right before um thing Clan you a little dyslexic uh I guess what did I what Richard Jefferson you see the game no I didn’t I didn’t even watch the game wait wait is the game over doesn’t it usually go till like 10:30 did the Celtics uh take care of business [Music] oh oh [Music] they probably lost on purpose um Mavs won with two quarters in the game what hold on let me see yeah I I literally didn’t watch cuz I was like uh this series is over all right let’s see got to box score what the heck you from San Antonio no I’m not from San Antonio playing from Memphis Yeah I’m originally from Memphis I don’t live in Memphis though um okay where where’s the little quarter thing you know where it shows like the the little quarter look look the quarters like quarter the quarter what the heck is this it usually chose is am I on the oh here we go is this it no they had a consistent you said they last won the last two quarters they they won all of the quarters Dallas won all of the quarters NBA makes more money at the Final close in Boston I I guys I don’t buy into that I don’t buy into the Boston Celtics purposefully losing uh game four I I don’t buy into that too much at stake obviously the NBA makes more money but like I don’t know all right what did Luca go off I I I will actually buy into the fact that the Mavs had a have a chance to uh make history if and only if other people were involved um and it wasn’t just on Luca let’s see okay they Lo they won by like 50 points and Luca had 29 Points and only five assists who Okay Dereck Lively had 20 no D wait okay Derek Livy had 11 Kyrie only had 21 Dante exom and and Tim hard so Tim Hardway stepped up okay well he only played 12 minutes I I didn’t watch the game Lively did awesome okay thanks for subscribing man serious question who is the true number two player to Timmy Manu or Tony uh that’s a really tough if you just ask me who I think the second best player on the team was I’m going to go with Manu people don’t be full find the Dallas Mavericks [Music] win Hardway was only playing when they were winning by 4 points that’s what I assumed that’s what I assumed when I saw the only like a few minutes he played 12 minutes uh I’m just TR I’m trying to figure I I can’t I I don’t get where the points came from I’m not seeing it was it just a good effort by everyone I guess it was just a good effort by everyone dude I swear to God if PJ Washington can hit down knock down his threes they’re leaving him wide open uh Luca went 0 for eight from Luca did didn’t even have the best possible game this is a good sign this is actually a good sign all right I’ll watch the next game when’s the next game Maverick’s not going to go out like that huh gosh imagine getting a game seven out of this uh Monday oh I can’t watch that game wait I might be able to catch the second half of it I’m going to be on the road I’m going on a road trip I’m I’m going to be gone for a whole week guys but we’ll have videos like for the week or whatnot but yeah I’m going to be gone yeah be safe of course where you going I’m going to uh Florida Orlando that’d be fun sister graduated um got our Bachelor so we’re going to we’re going to go to Orlando n Disney World suck we going to Universal Studios Universal Studios is where it’s at did you ever watch solo leveling yes I did what the heck uh I made it to episode three I I think I think it was episode 3 dude that was awesome that was really awesome I’m not going to lie to you that the episode where they had to uh praise to the god or whatever and they were trying to figure out how to do it with the instruments that was so cool yeah it was so good I liked it I liked it a lot thank you I got to keep watching it have you seen a new Bad Boys no I haven’t um I know the new Inside Out is apparently good which I’m shocked by because Pixar has sucked for a while now it only gets better heck yeah no I’m excited I’m GNA keep watching don’t worry lint on me you get the bleachers report notification Hawks want to trade down then Spurs want to trade up yeah I i’ i’ I feel like I did a video on it we oh man guys you have no idea how exhausted I am I did so I have 14 videos recorded well maybe 16 videos recorded for this upcoming week um today I literally got home from work and I started working on the second Channel please please go uh hold on actually let me actually go to the second Channel subscribe to the second Channel I got the link below underneath this video um but it’s called Spurs Invasion if you just want to look it up on YouTube um but yeah I’m working I’m work I was working on this channel so I did I did I did I did the recording so I read you know the script I had da did the recording and then it didn’t save and it took it took a while and then I went back and I had to do it all over again like the whole the whole app just crashed that I was using um so after I get off live I won’t be on live too long but after we get off live I’m literally going to the gym I’m going to come back eat something and then I am working on that video and I want to have it uploaded by uh next Friday that’s what I want to do um so I’m going to have I need to make sure I don’t forget to bring my laptop with me U so I’m going to bring a laptop and is a few things I want to add to it if I can because I still don’t have the logo or anything for the YouTube channel so I’m still working on that um but I want to add like an intro to it and everything and then I’ll just upload it so it’s it’ll be literally no work I just have to add that to it but yeah I’m going to I’m going to work on the video tonight I don’t know when I’ll be sleep and then tomorrow um before I leave leave leave you know obviously Father’s Day and everything um I’m going to do a bunch of thumbnails CU I haven’t done any thumbnails for those 16 videos so that’s going to suck but it is what it is take an account next year’s wait what next next year’s class is deeper uh full of guards yeah yeah yeah actually funny enough in the video the video that I’m going to be uploading is called um the Spurs elephant in the room or the Spurs have an elephant in the room I don’t know what I’m going to call it yet I I’m pretty sure that’s how I’m going to go about it um but that’s basically what it’s about right like you can kind of wait on a point guard if you want you don’t have to get a guard right now bro I hate but love how unpredictable this draft is yeah it is not a good draft but um it’s one of those drafts where you really can’t really you can’t really go wrong I mean I wonder if the Spurs I don’t think the Spurs should play it too safe though because there’s a few players that you could just play it safe I’ve grown to like Devin Carter yeah that that will be one of them right he’s a he’s a player that you’re playing it pretty safe He he’ll be a decent role player in the NBA or you can take a swing right there’s some guys you can take a swing on and like Salon if you want bro I was just at Universal Studios rids were sick oh Universal Studios is awesome the last time I’ve been was like a decade ago though it’s been a long time I like Salon that dude is buff yeah when is the when when be Funko Pop giveaway right now actually uh hold on I was thinking how I’m going to do it but I I figured out how I’m going to do it I didn’t know if I wanted to put in everyone’s name but I’m not doing that that uh what we’re going to do actually here let’s go to videos we’re going to count how many people are in here here we go you know what all right let’s see 138 comments All right so how are we going to do it it’s actually going to take a while uh Spinning Wheel generator I love those wheel of names let’s see um actually can I do another one [Music] [Music] [Music] figuring it out see edit wheel let’s get rid of all that oh baby look at that yes sir let’s sir yes sir 139 what you mean it’s not 139 it’s 138 138 don’t you lie to me all right all right all right let’s see let’s see doesn’t really matter to you all right let’s see spin it spin it spin it spin it and we landed on 81 baby wait wait no I wanted to shuffle it link what link text what color um okay did it okay it shuffled it okay that’s what I wanted to do sorry yeah here we go let’s do it again yeah I want to shuffle [Music] it literally 1351 what the heck okay all right so now we’re going to go to the video where’s the video all right we going to scroll all the way down all the way down it’s so R it’s so randomized but it’s in the order that’s coming up on my stuff that’s how we’re doing it all right so we got 138 137 136 135 James Keenan 1351 James Keenan you won James Keenan all right uh let’s see here we’re going to do a community post I’m change ke just kidding yeah uh Keenan [Music] actually uh wait I need to say exactly how his name name is James Keenan uh what was it James Keenan crap why did I bring it up on the wrong stupid no that was stupid me let’s go to the view Channel let’s go to videos we got to find it again let’s see here we go you know what I don’t know wait what just happened oh dude wait a minute was I on the wrong video what just happened was I on the wrong video heck yeah GH Spurs go thanks man yo was I on the wrong what just happened cuz now I’m back on the video I was just on now it says 77 comments I’m so confused what [Music] [Music] oh oh I see what’s going on okay I see what’s going on hold on hold on it it’s messing up that wasn’t my video hold on just refresh it I think you know what I’m going to do something for you okay now it’s back all right people really going to add people really added some comments on here you guys are ridiculous all right let me find them yeah I just need to refresh it that that was a different comment section for some reason all right I want to say it’s James k 13 1351 okay [Music] all right post it when are you posting the Spurs Invasion uh well tonight I’m going to finish editing the video for it and my goal is to upload it by this upcoming uh Friday uh cuz what I want to do is have everything basically good to go I might not have a banner for the channel yet but I want to at least have the logo and I want to um have an intro to the video now if I don’t have that stuff done by uh Friday then you know then it it’ll just it’ll be uploaded as is um if I have it done way before that then I might just upload it before that but it’ll be this upcoming week yeah all right let’s let’s take a look at um let’s take a look at what uh this is a crazy video I came across this video this dude is like mad because his uh I think it’s his wife his wife cheated on him and he’s like literally going off about her and he has a picture of her on his shirt and she’s like crying on the bed like I’m sorry very weird I don’t know man if that happen to me I will be so hurt I I don’t even know I I wouldn’t be able to go live and I don’t know I w’t be able to say all that you do YouTube full-time no I have a full-time I have a full-time job I can’t do YouTube fulltime that would be cool but I can do it full time oh but yeah I have this Channel and then the other channel I mean we get popular enough maybe one day maybe once Trey Jones shoots better when open man yo I know Trey Jones isn’t the best point guard no Trey Jones uh Trey Jones improved a lot dude um statistic wise have you seen his stats shoting wise let’s [Music] see you can see here yeah he improved from 28% from three all the way to 33% like you can’t you can’t ask for better than that right now from him that’s that’s a huge jump what’s your favorite breakfast taco I don’t have one all right let’s let’s take a look at uh what you guys are telling me here we go so Eric Eric ER rck sent me this um he said hey Clan the Spurs fan don’t know if you’ve seen ad talking about wimy I have not seen this but someone was brought this up in the last live stream oh he even gave me a time stamp cool all right thank you I think he gave me a time best player okay cool gave me a time stamp and everything all right let’s listen to what he has to say guys guys before we do really quick all right Spurs Invasion go follow go subscribe Spurs Invasion my second channel in which I will be uploading edited content to this one in particular scripted edited content to this channel so yes help it grow Let’s Help It Grow link is below underneath this video uh where the heck I lost the here it is all right let’s listen in let’s see what he has to say hold on let just change the speed a little bit all right quickly hold on and who’s the best player you’ve ever played against that you were like wow that was impressive under give me an underrated one like you know I mean like you’re like damn he actually crazy like he actually like that oh that I played against all times like he he got it uh that’s tough doesn’t he have to be like a statistic like he was I know I’m just like pure skill like he can hoop um I got to think man I you know like underrated doesn’t have to be underrated I mean KD was one of the first ones but like I say like for me you trying not disrespect I’ve seen it like in I seen it like when I first got leave on the liing team so it was like all those I like oh no that n like you see it on TV like but like to see it like every dayis for two months and it’s like oh that [ __ ] C oh you can go you know he’s just talking about KD KD is pretty great so I mean it’s some young guys who like right now who’s like you know oh yeah like it oh actually I give you one that’s recent wmy wmy are you played against him of you’re like oh he’s so full of it he didn’t want to he was trying his best not to disrespect anybody he wanted to say wimy to begin with he is so full of it yeah he’s he really liked that he really like you know I mean you see like I say you see like overseas um I don’t want to say the competition isn’t what the league is but um he was just the stuff he was doing just like and then he’s small so people were like oh he won’t do that in the league he’s too small and I remember playing him first time in San Antonio and we was going at it I think I think he end up having like 30 I had like 40 like he was going at like literally we was going at it is so cool bro cuz this is he’s a rookie wm’s a rookie what the heck and after the game we were actually about to win and I remember I forgot who was sitting on who was doing a the broadcast but I looked over at them at the broadcast at the table and I was like I said yeah he liked that I’m like he he really liked that and then just like when they came and then I actually wot my ank inside off the next game it was a back to back in San Antonio and then when they came to LA and played us I think he had like San Antonio’s first like 12 points or something like how tall is he 76 like seven Godly this is a lot of love he wanted to say wimy to begin with this is crazy this is crazy um and I don’t think they brought up like hey say a young guy he just literally wanted to say wimy but he didn’t want to disrespect anybody he’s he’s actually saying unironically wimy is his toughest matchup and he’s a he’s a rookie four 73 handle can shoot it like and it’s like once once he like grows into his body and gets strong like it’s going to be a problem and chat like that too you know he like that too but like wimy was just like yeah he liked that Wim is a whole another animal it’s not even compare now fire bro also also one who you got another I mean people know now y but we’ve been knowing for like some years Shay yeah Shay like that you said Shay Shay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah he like that like I’m saying this is the first year where people like or even like last sh like okay like but we knew like when he was on the Clippers like oh yeah he going be he he one of the ones he got traded he got traed yeah yep Paul St y but he like yeah he yeah he one of them ones but that’s pretty cool so him and wimy he was he basically literally said like oh yeah we we were going at it we were going back and forth and this is one thing that I brought up this is what I was trying to tell you like I understand that there’s true competition against wimy right now right like you know somewhat rivalry you know we’ve seen him go with embiid we’ve seen him go with obviously ad we’ve seen him go with um Chad I I guess you know I I don’t think that was a comparison I think wimy like demolished that um but gosh man I’m just thinking about guys that are coming up who’s going to be able to compete like when he is at where he’s going to be at and the Spurs are a phenomenal franchise and they’re going to make sure that this team is is optimized to be the best possible team it could potentially be who’s stopping us I don’t think anyone can stop the Spurs I’m I’m just being real I’m just being honest I mean he he affects too much on both ends of the court I remember when we had Kawai I was so like taken aback by how well he played on both ends of the Court how he can control a game especially late in the fourth but I’ve seen games where wm’s done it like every game like like it’s basically been every game that I’ve seen this wimy you know he messes up here and there but it it’s it happens over and over and over and over it’s like he’s had like at least 30 uh Kawai versus uh the the the Rockets games you remember when Kawai hit that shot on n and then on the other end of the Court stopped Harden like backto back plays and was like what the heck is this he’s done this multiple times we haven’t won all of them but he’s he’s definitely controlled it dude look at giannis’s transformation uh no idea you were going live today having a cold beer after work yeah like as it recent like did I played against recently like this year is uh wmy that’s cool and uh being in the NBA and I I kind of wanted to ask also scared he’s scarred I’m just kidding uh that’s really cool that’s really cool I’m glad that you guys showed me this I had no idea th this is one of those gems man these are kind of hard to find these very small segments um you guys watch a lot of interviews you guys watch a lot of interviews thank you so much for showing me this this is great this is awesome you love to see it got any thoughts chat he had 311 times what we talking about wimy and what’s crazy the Spurs drafted kawhai knowing he was a bad shooter yeah he he was very raw offensively he he had he had Talent offensively but he was very raw he he was not um where he end up being I’m telling you man those those defensive guys are really hard to find like lock down defensive guys they’re hard to find and in today’s NBA how how Dynamic these scores are you need it you need it um it’s important but we had a great team he put that defense first and the game slowed down for him that’s what’s important man that’s what’s important good stuff thanks for showing me this all right let’s see I think it was something else wasn’t it oh this this I was just rewatching the 05 finals today cool we already did the giveaway I just posted in the community tab all right all right okay all right okay all right came across this found it interesting found it interesting in particular cuz someone got angry in the comments and uh he’s someone that’s gone back and forth with me before I hate his opinion just being honest um but here’s here’s Spurs reporter here um and hey he’s been pretty uh consistent with some of the stuff he’s putting out and he follows me so I guess he’s a good guy I think he’s a good guy in in this narrative uh the Spurs have a draft candidate who has been openly campaigning to join them obviously he’s talking about Dillingham uh Rob Dillingham who has been dropping on many mock drafts after his agency clutch Sports have been reportedly hiding him according to one connected draft Insider uh when some around the league don’t view Dillingham as a spursy type of pick based on the drafting track record he has been openly campaigning to be picked by San Antonio Javon wrote on Friday uh there’ be no questions about how he’d view the team hierarchy if the Spurs pair him with wimy and the NBA draft combine and Chicago dilam said uh he could be one of the best players ever if I’m playing with wimy it’s obvious I am coming to give wimy the ball we know that there are many Spurs fans who love the idea of seeing Dillingham in a Spurs uniform but he doesn’t seem to have either the height nor defensive skill to set that uh skill set that the San Antonio Spurs appears to be targeting uh so yeah I don’t know if this is going to be the case right I’ll be I’ll be honest okay the more I think about it the lower Dilly actually went on my board as well right um uh I I do like I do like Dillingham as a prospect but unfortunately yeah with the lack of defense and with the plethora of different options that the Spurs could go after for point guard you would have to really be bought in on T taking Dilly around eight you would have to really be bought in um that he’s going to be something serious because at this point uh you got you know you more than likely going to get maybe Modis hopefully Ron Holland that will be a good one Spurs looking at alone you got guys that are I mean someone in the comments mentioned someone that’s a little bit more NBA ready and Devin Carter like you you have a lot of different options here and Dilly might be one of those where defensively it’s just too bad and he can’t really make up and maybe maybe I don’t know you know not yet he’s super young whatever but as it stands right now he probably can’t make up for that poor defense in size with his scoring ability he just probably can’t right like was someone like Trey young who didn’t have that bad a defensive year you know from you know his his from his standpoint how you know he usually plays defense um and you know you have someone like Darius Garland who also can really make up for that poor defense offensively uh I don’t know if Dilly’s one of those guys you know I I just don’t know if Dilly is one of those guys if we had more uh solidified team Dilly would be a good pickup oh yeah yeah yeah exactly like icing on the cake that’s kind of how I feel about Devin Carter as well like he’s more icing on the cake like Dilly I feel like his um gosh I don’t want to say that this is ceiling but I kind of feel this way I could be wrong but I think that his ceiling is a really great like six-man or you know coming off the bench and sparking it up that’s that’s the vibe I get and a lot of when we went over Dilly and I was telling you what I liked about him didn’t like about him one thing that I said was all of his laws would be hidden to some degree because of wimy um but he he is not a guy that he will be a switching nightmare you know unfortunately right like you you switch and he can basically only guard point guards and he’s not even that great at that right now he is Lou Williams uh if you just mean like pure score sure I’m with it yeah so it’s one of those confused things um I’m going to look at the comments give give me one millisecond because my oven’s one off hold on okay I’m back I’m back forgive me forgive me who follows you um I heard Spurs report does a lot of misinformation Clan oh oh um yeah there’s a there’s a few posts here where I’m like uh I scratched my head the reason why this one’s fine is because basically what he brought up um was something we already knew right uh but this right here saying they’ve been hiding him so he actually he actually gave receipts for it which I found pretty funny so this guy AO which I’ve got into it with him uh before uh he’s like I don’t I don’t know where you got the hiding reports from he basically just called him a liar and then he end up saying well you have an agenda and then he was like well uh listen to the phone call so basically what he said was the person that said it was here you see did you say her name Kristen Peak top draft expert at Yahoo said that that blurb about clutch is hiding him it’s exactly how clutch plays maybe they want him to fall all the way down to the Lakers um so if you go here you can actually hear her say it I mean unless this is just a crazy elaborate plot to seem legit so if we’re looking at guards dton connect who was one of the best scoring guards in all college basketball Rob Dillingham might fall there to just with the fact that clutch is kind of hiding him he came in at 61 and a buck 64 at the combine um but he yeah so there you go um so yeah I mean people people don’t just have it out for Dilly just to have it out for him um and I know Dilly has quite a few fans but uh I don’t know I don’t know I wouldn’t be angry I don’t know if it’s the best um moves Clan got pizza rolls in the oven I don’t have pizza rolls in the oven I can’t eat pizza rolls I uh I’m on a diet I have to go to the gym after this live stream let’s get lobs for wimy is important but trust me in wi’s Prime they’re just going to give the ball to wi and get out the way yeah I you you’re going to have to really be bought in on his offense um because defensively I don’t know if he’ll ever be a good Defender our safest bet if we don’t move up is just get castle for the fact that he’s bigger guard to match up with the other big guards in the west let alone if he doesn’t make it as our point guard of the future one thing that does wear me out a little bit about castle which like I would still take him this is no problem but he doesn’t want to go to any team that already has an established point guard um so I wonder if he comes to San Antonio is that what he’s thinking like oh I’m going to be point guard which is fine you can compete for it and I I hope that he is good enough to be the point and then we can just move on you know we don’t have to worry about it uh anymore but that is something that like worries me just a little bit right two point guards I wouldn’t get two point guards in the draft I’ll take Modis buellis or Ron Holland um I’mma I’mma I’m going to do a big board before the draft um so once we’re on in draft night I’ll have my big board up so you guys can see the guys that I want I guess I’ll do it in order I’m wondering should I do um I’ll just do my favorites that’s what I’ll do I think that’s just Castle playing politics to not get picked by the Hornets of Portland that’s a really good point you know that’s a really good point yeah draft prospects do do that you’re right you’re right that’s a really yeah you’re probably right man I don’t know why I didn’t think of that it could just be aoid those those spe specific teams I mean let’s be real a lot of these guys in this draft them and their parents alike want them to go to San Antonio for for many reasons cuz we’re one of the bad teams with a upward trajectory and if you’re you know I I think we heard Michelle Beetle talk about this I don’t know if I I don’t know if I was live when I went over no I don’t think I was live when I went over that clip um but Michelle Beetle talked about how um like guys that are going into the draft that wants to play for the San Antonio Spurs if you’re with wimy during this stage of him growing and maybe potentially being like a championship caliber team that’s huge for your career like you’ll always be connected to that right you’ll always be connected to that that’ll be big for you you can be part of something pretty big I would trade soan for what I wouldn’t trade soan you you would have to give me a pretty good package if if I’m moving soan I mean we have enough issues defensively and he’s our most versatile Defender we have I mean we’re hoping City sasoko can be pretty dog on good which he is a good Defender I mean he’s a good point of attack Defender um but I mean I I would I wouldn’t I’m not crazy on soan but he’s barely 21 wonder where he’ go drafted at in his draft oh yeah in this draft he’s he’s top he’s top two he’ll probably be he’ll probably be right behind Alex s honestly he’s a weird one though Sohan is definitely a weird one though because soan um you know he’s one of those guys where uh you know he when when he was coming out of Baylor he was like a a six man he his stats weren’t crazy um people had questions as far as his three-point shooting uh and you guys know he was my favorite player in that draft for us grab that is where we where we were at I was like I really hope we get soan it was it was between him and uh een but I I had I had soan is my favorite he’s sneaky one Castle’s the same way though guys Castle is the exact same way where statistically he’s it’s probably not going to show up that oh he’s this great player just like Derek white right like Derek white statistically you don’t really see it you have to look at Advanced analytics and actually watch the game to to grasp how good they actually are um and I feel like that was the same way with soan a lot of people that didn’t want soan didn’t watch him at all someone has to go he’s too undersized for power forward and too uncoordinated for win that’s that’s ridiculous how is he undersized as a power forward in today’s NBA that’s crazy I mean there’s been many occasions where Sohan had to switch on centers and held his own that that’s crazy super super versatile defensively no he doesn’t hinder wm’s offensive offensive abilities he’s just unfortunately soan has been uh clip chimped a lot you know a lot of people take these small clips of oh he missed wimy on this play but then not watching the game as a whole defensively he’s great he’s more of a connector he’s the guy that makes that extra pass right that’s what he is we’re not expecting soan to become like which you know Patrick Beverly thinks he can but I’m not expecting him to become like a kawaii lonard or nothing like that I I just think that he’ll be a very solid uh Defender bring some nasty as far as his attitude great communicator and offensively be a connector and we’re good to go that’s all we really need them for you you don’t need them to be anything crazy right let him have his role and it’s a very valuable role just unfortunately we don’t have the team where it really stands out right like for someone just brought up uh Boris di right like Boris di thinking back we have all these Fawn memories of Boris di you put Boris on this team people wouldn’t think too much of him let’s just be real he wouldn’t because he was he was a connector himself um but his stats with the Spurs weren’t that great but you have these Fawn memories of him like oh my God Boris he was incredible which he he was he was great but you know he’s he’s the type that optimizes you know Talent that’s on the team and that’s what Sohan will be he will be a guy that makes other guys better and he’ll have these games here there where he puts up 30 points right but that’s not his game don’t don’t worry don’t worry about that you not everybody on the team got to be uh wimy you know they like to hate on soan he’s a junkyard dog he plays good defense that’s his game yeah yeah it’s not pretty I it’s not like I’m sitting here saying oh man soan he he’s throwing out the hesis and he’s throwing out the Sham Gods no no it’s not pretty it’s not a pretty game it’s ugly offensively he looks ugly but that that’s fine he gets the job done I would say he even takes care of the ball fairly well especially how often he has it what’s up clan what’s up a soan needs to be more of a Aaron Gordon well yeah that too right he he’s great at uh backd door Cuts I mean he’s really good at back door Cuts if it feels like it it kind of frustrates me man because last season everybody loved wimy right I mean not wimy everyone loved soan and then now that we got wimy and there’s some Growing Pains now it’s like soan sucks even though his stats are the same if not better than last season we’ll look at that and then end this segment let’s see Jeremy soan [Music] stats here we go literally in his second year that’s crazy all right uh yeah literally the same as last year but better slightly better he averaged an extra rebound an extra assists Higher free throw percentage nearly 10% Higher free throw percentage 6% 3point percentage increase field goal percentage overall was pretty bad yeah him finishing around the rim got worse for some reason that was weird uh but yeah he literally is the same player but better like slightly better and now everyone hates him it’s weird it’s weird I’ve never liked Sohan there you go I don’t know why he’s pretty awesome he’s pretty great seems like a good teammate seems to love San Antonio pretty dog on good defensively he’s pretty good offensively he’s all right not bad and he grew throughout the season I felt like he got better and better in the season no no no don’t don’t go with the narrative don’t go with the narrative dirt he says my opinion I feel like Sohan needs to accept he’s a role player do not go with the narrative do not go with the narrative first off first off he’s a team player you you got to keep in mind that even when he was with Baylor he was always the type of player that was willing to do whatever the coaching staff asked of him he’s that type of player he he’s not somebody who thinks that he’s above the team you know don’t don’t let the colored hair fool you don’t let the personality fool you he’s always been like that he’s always been somebody that’s willing to do whatever the coaching staff asks even when he was overseas he had a different role he’s constantly having different roles he takes it he takes it on the chin he he knows he’s not freaking Michael Jordan he knows that he knows what he is he passes up the ball and don’t forget that he he’s pretty dog on clutch too I know it’s hard to see you know when we have so many losses this season but there’s me there’s been many of plays this season where uh he came up clutch so you’re going to love him you you you don’t like him right now when the Spurs start winning and you see that he’s a big part of it you’ll love him just be patient with him man be patient with I I know I know it’s not like Devon fael where you can physic like you can visually see you know the the step back threes like you can visually see it or um even even Kellin how people love Kellin it’s like oh he’s yelling he’s excited you know soan ain’t like that he’s a little bit more low-key um but yeah soan is a stopper soan is a really good player you know really good player but yeah that’s all I have to say on that uh did you see the sick picture of Sohan in the gym nah let’s see I’m assuming it’s on Instagram all let’s see that’s not in the gym two weeks ago is it up here oh my goodness isn’t that that [Music] rapper that’s pretty cool uh yeah I didn’t see I don’t see the picture I love soan I just don’t trust to fit with Dev I believe in his defensive potential so’s a good fit he’s a good fit don’t worry don’t worry he’s pretty dog on Good Fit he’s he’s the type of player fortunately um for us he’s the type player that fits anywhere so you don’t really have to worry about you know fit when it comes to soan he he he’ll fit anywhere he’s the type of archetype that every team needs you need that type of player I don’t think soan will be more than 3 and D type player and that’s all you can uh that’s all you really need right soan doesn’t have to be like just because he’s a lottery pick I mean he’s a late lottery pick just because he’s a late lottery pick doesn’t mean that he has to become a superstar I’m I’m hoping that that could be a be the case right I mean Patrick Beverly thinks that but doesn’t really matter if if he if he’s a really great role player for the Spurs that’s that’s fine like you you need those he can be super valuable it’s not it’s not like I mean Draymond maybe you can make a argument that some point draymond’s green career that he was a star um but for the most part Draymond was was a role player you know and that’s all you would need soan to be these guys are valuable takes a team to win you don’t have to we don’t have to have uh he don’t have to be you know Kobe to to wimy Shaq you know they don’t have to do that what did I miss uh nothing really I’m actually getting ready to get off no one believed in Brunson either yeah that’s true I don’t believe his three will ever develop well it it has been developing though it has been developing well I I don’t know yeah I don’t I don’t know I don’t know what you mean um I mean he definitely has to work on it a little bit more but it has developed let me see Jeremy soan college stats his shooting as a whole has gotten much better man watch look at this all right so this is him in college in college he averaged 29 had a 29% 3-point percentage free throw percentage was 59 so 59% free throw perc percentage percentage okay so 29 and 59 and his first year 24 or near 25 24 and 69 so he improved or nearly 70 he improved his free throw percentage and then his second year in the NBA he bumped it up the mo the the best three-point percentage he ever had in his career 30% nearly 31% and free throw percentage 77% so he’s definitely getting better you know it has been [Music] developing if we don’t trade Kellan is that the wrong move me personally uh oh thanks thanks for the Super Chat you know you knows um me personally yeah yeah I don’t think that’s a great move um I think in this draft you could have a slightly better uh replacement and by the mind you you know people ask me this sometimes like why are you so harsh on Kellin but you’re not this harsh on soan it’s like well because Kellin is our longest 10 years spur and I definitely didn’t think that he fit I mean it was straight up tunnel vision often and he’s older you know and sometimes when he’s out there not sometimes every time he was out there the team the opposing team attacked him immediately uh so yeah I think I think I think it would be a bad move not to move Kellin CU this probably the best his trade value is going to be but that’s that’s just what I think [Music] I think Kellin Johnson sometimes doesn’t think when he plays that’s another thing that makes me um skeptical or a little little bit more pessimistic um cynical I guess when it comes to Kellin is because it’s been like this since College this is just his playing style it it hasn’t it hasn’t really improved he’s improved as a player you know skill-wise or what not but mentality wise his his his Tendencies they have remained a constant since College I don’t think it’s changing I’m telling you Clan you’ll see how bad of a fit soan is real soon I don’t think that’s true but I mean I guess I guess we’ll have to see as of right now what I see is our he’s our best perimeter Defender I mean that that performance against Donovan Mitchell how he just completely locked him down or how he’s played so well on um LeBron when he’s when he’s on him my God I don’t know I don’t think those guys just come come up like every draft like I don’t think that’s a guy that you can just grab willy-nilly I I think he’s a pretty rare career type of player um and you need them you need guys like that for a championship team soan held Luca to 15 points he’s really great he’s a really great defender I feel like Kellan has reached his ceiling yeah that that’s the thing he he’s definitely reached his ceiling that’s why I’m saying like if you’re going to trade him just do it you know don’t play around with it just just do it do it now is Dallas win NBA Finals I hope hope so I hope so that’ll be cool that’ll be a cool comeback these next two would be so difficult man but at the end of the day the uh the Celtics got to finish right Celtics got to finish and they haven’t shown that they can do that yet closing out a team for a championship is is is tough it’s tough the Spurs make it seem easy it’s not easy it’s tough I’m just kidding 2013 you see how tough it is closing out team is tough but hey maybe Luca is going to have a uh Lebron moment that never happened before being down 3-1 and winning that never happened before in the finals so if Dallas wins game five it’s going to seven yeah Celtics Celtics can’t give Luka and Kyrie momentum like that yeah RC Buford and Peter Hulk cooking up something well and and Brian Wright right please don’t mention 2013 I’m sorry all right guys I got to get off um I wanted to stay on a little bit longer but I am not going to be able to do that so let me tell you this right off the bat I am going to be gone all right I am going to be gone um for an entire week going out out of town so you guys you will see me but uh you said clip okay so I looked into I looked into where more um uh what are my thoughts on him I liked him but don’t don’t get me wrong but is he more so just a because I have not watched he’s one of the players I did not watch play uh is he more of just kind of a rim runner cuz that’s how he came across me like more of a rim Runner type player but he was really bouncy I like that he was very energetic um but is that is that what he is just kind of a rim Runner yeah um have fun be safe great debate really enjoy yeah man kadoo yes kadoo that’s my boy if the Spurs want to just wait and get kadoo I’m I’m content with that I’m completely content with that kad’s a phenomenal Talent very high basketball IQ does the dirty work uh all right but yeah I’m going to be gone so guys please uh follow Spurs Invasion I’m literally going to the gym I’m coming back and I am going to finish up this video that I’m making for it so and then tomorrow I got to do a bunch of thumbnails for the videos yay I got to decipher which videos or which I didn’t put them in a file yet so oh I’m not looking forward to any of this guys we need DJ okay all right guys I will see you let’s see um I’ll probably we can go we can go live Tuesday night that’s probably a good plan uh uh I don’t know what day I don’t know what time I go on to work Wednesday um but we’ll we’ll go we can go live Tuesday night that’ll be like a pre-draft and maybe I can go ahead and put up my big board and we can talk about that um maybe do you know one video on Wednesday before the draft and then draft night we having a good time we’re having a good time because draft night is Wednesday night right draft is it Wednesday night is June oh it’s two nights so they’re doing the F did is it always two nights guys can someone tell [Music] me is [Music] this is the first time it’s two okay that’s weird right first time okay um all right then I suppose we’ll go live the first night and then go live the second night I guess it’s a lot that’ll be three nights in a row that we go live huh ree most overrated top prospect by the way y 2K you have no idea how many people have yelled at me for saying that exact same thing I think him going one is crazy but the draft also isn’t that strong but I still find that crazy all right well uh yeah we’ll go live Wednesday night I’m excited but I’ll be on all week I’ll get with you guys later uh love you man good night love you too bye y’all you guys be safe as well um maybe I’ll take some pictures and post them on the community tab or on Instagram or something so you guys can see uh when I’m out of town all right bye bye bye bye that was the wrong outro there we go good night to your kitty oh um you want want to say good night to her hold on come on girl on come on get out here she is she was asleep look look at the camera yeah you can see she asleep she was asleep I’m sorry girl I’m sorry they just want to say good night to you is that okay is that okay oh poor thing oh all right y’all bye tell her I said they said oh all right deuces


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I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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