@Dallas Mavericks

Can the Mavs Come Back After Winning Game 4 vs. Celtics? | NBA GameTime

Can the Mavs Come Back After Winning Game 4 vs. Celtics? | NBA GameTime

there’s some things we know right teams in NBA history that go up 3 0 in the series they’re 156 and0 right but four teams have forced a game seven from what you saw tonight do you think the Mavs have what it takes to be one of those teams of course with Luke and Kyrie they got a chance listen the Celtics obviously they’re the favorite been the favorite but they have fell asleep at the wheel a few times I’m going to give them a pass tonight they you know they didn’t play with any Killer Instinct tonight they knew they had game five at home but man you know as a basketball fan don’t want the season to end even though this is my last night I would love to see this Mass go up to Boston and win it’d be fun because man game six back down here would be crazy and it’s going to be going crazy in Boston but like I say just as a basketball fan you know people say well they did they didn’t Jimmy Butler wasn’t there Tyrese wasn’t there uh who they played in the Conference Finals um Indiana right Indiana in all three rounds they some team been missing somebody they’re not under stress yet but if they lose game five they going to be under damn stress I want to see that Chuck Chuck you’re going to be watching uh Monday from from the beach in gston uh you know I’m out you know we don’t have cable down in gston um he said have cable you know Chuck you said something I mean you give him a pass right I gave him a pass tonight what happens if it gets back to Dallas I mean I think Grant that’s where you know obviously got to go play game five but this here series and you know no one’s came back before but I will say will it will really be something that’s psychologically for the Boston Celtics if they have to come back to Dallas well the interesting thing to me and I said it earlier the poringa thing is going to be poringa thing is going to be interesting I’d still hold him the game six man I’m holding the game six Chuck listen if you hold him for game six no I’m holding two play in game 6 okay now Len if Boston loses game five the house will officially be on fire yes you might have to get your people out if if they if they screw around and lose game five at home the house will be officially on fire to bring Pingas back down to Dallas that’d be interesting Steve what day would uh what day is game six if there were a game next Thursday so Monday Thursday so wait the next game next game ain’t till Monday yes wow game five is Monday wow I thought I kind of agree you know I’m not opposed to holding him out he gets he gets more rest more time it’s my fault I thought I thought see I’m done working I thought the next game was Sunday but it’s not until Monday Monday Monday okay I still I’m I’m bringing it back cuz I think game five I I’m not saying it’s a must win but I’m saying it’s a must win well you know it’s interesting obviously tonight was they laid an egg but the fact that they were up 20 in game three and let this team back into the game and almost steal it I I I don’t know something’s weird man this this Boston team they a really good team I don’t think they’re a great team I think they’re a really good team I think they’re going to win the championship but they’re not all they’re not a great team that’s my opinion

Charles Barkley, Grant Hill, and Steve Smith discuss if the Mavericks have what it takes to come back from an 0-3 series deficit after their Game 4 win over the Boston Celtics.

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  2. Kyrie is gonna have the game of his life in Boston. Then we'll see what happens game 7.

  3. Every game has a story, this fifth game is titled "DEMONS", and mark my words: …if Kyrie finally overcomes his Boston demons, and Luka keep his whining and flopping demons under control, we might witness the greatest comeback in NBA history.

  4. I HATE these long stretches out series. Like it takes 3 weeks to play 7 games. Come on now NBA.

  5. If mavs win the finals, that would be like a legit sweep cause that’s winning 4 in a row as well.

  6. Kidd was at least a game slow in making key adjustments, the Mavs also lack consistent scoring depth. Kyrie and Luka can only do so much. Celtics laid an egg last night they most likely won't lay again. But if Porzingas doesn't return or returns affected that could throw Boston off a bit. Every game is crucial now for both teams, of course. Dallas truly has to dig deep every game and Kidd needs to have a desperate game plan. Desperate in a good way. He needs an ace in the hole every game, expect the unexpected from him. If he can unlock a couple things we may very well get to game six. So far as the Mavs overall? The window for a title concerning THIS team will be open as long as Luka and Kyrie are around. Should they lose these Finals as now expected? Regroup, make key improvements around the margins, run it back better.

  7. I've been watching the NBA for a long time now. EVERY time a team wins what was supposed to be a close out game after being down 3-0 this same exact discussion pops up with all of the "what if?" narratives… only for that team to then lose game 5 for the gentleman's sweep 😂. Don't get too hyped Mavs fans and start thinking you now all of a sudden have a chance. It aint happening. Winning 1, 2 or even 3 in a row is certainly possible but they aren't winning 4 especially having to play 2 of the next 3 games in Boston.

  8. This game was a wake up call for both teams in different ways.

    For Dallas the wake up call for them is their season isn’t over and they have 3 more games to win to make history. They gotta try to steal one on the road on Monday. If they do things will get very interesting. We know that Kyrie and Luka are gonna get theirs, it’s the role players/their bench that if they’re consistent and doing what they’re supposed to do then Dallas can be dangerous, but that’s gonna be the key for Dallas if they wanna get back in the series, are the roles players gonna show up and step up and be ready to play.

    For Boston the wake up call is they didn’t show up ready to play, they knew that Dallas was gonna try to play super aggressive cause they was in desperate mode especially cause they’re at home, they prolly didn’t take it serious cause they was up 3-0, now they’re up 3-1 when they could’ve gotten the sweep last night and they literally have 1 more game to win. It’s not like the series is 2-2 going into game 5. They got outplayed from start to finish and they played like they didn’t want it. Celtics need to understand that they now have given Dallas momentum and belief that they can get back in this series. With this ass whipping they need to realize that Dallas ain’t a team they can mess around with and they have to be locked in. Just cause they’ll be at home and in front of the home crowd and the crowd is gonna go crazy that doesn’t mean they can play relaxed cause they’ll get their ass kicked again. So for them their wake up call is these next 2 days they better watch film, get locked in , and try to close it out at home on Monday cause if Dallas steals game 5 to return home for game 6, Boston may be in big trouble.

  9. The Celtics will win the series BUT WHAT A SPECTACULAR ASS KICKING THE MAVERICKS GAVE THE CELTICS 38 point ass whopping EPIC

  10. I don’t know how/why the Celtics got blown out in this game but the three previous games the Mavs were getting beat handily. This is likely over in 5 in Boston

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