@Oklahoma City Thunder



happy Friday everybody it’s going to be a hot one supposed to be in the 90s up and down the east coast today it’s going to be a hot one and this summer for the NBA is going to be a hot one too it’s going to be a lot of action a lot of movement a lot of conversations a lot of mingling it’s going it’s it’s G to go down it’s going to be active as far as we’re all concerned the season is over with like we’re all moving on to the summer you know what I mean let them have they parade and do what they do we off that let’s let’s get ready for next season everybody is is building the anticipation and the excitement it started in the playoffs it’s like I can’t wait for next season to start there’s so many great storylines and narratives and possibilities good teams getting better great teams getting better it’s going to be kind of cool it’s going to be kind of cool but we got the draft coming we got we got that draft coming and the beginning of the the college season in the middle and going into the NCAA everybody was talking about these guards and guards this and guards that and this guy and that guy and skill player and this one and everyone’s overlooking the two-time national Player of the Year Zach ETI conversation was quiet we don’t know if he’s going to fit he’s not quick enough he’s not he’s not the aim alijan that everyone thinks exists now you will never see Akim alijan again you won’t see Patrick Yuan again Shaq you won’t see that ever again it’s over for that those people don’t even exist those abilities aren’t even allowed to be developed and utilized anymore but when you have something that’s so retro you know over time the cream is going to rise to the top and Zack Edy as we get close to the draft the value even the conversation is increasing the attention yeah we’re starting we starting to see it we starting to see it everybody backtracking and everybody starting to say all the same things that we’ve been saying see but the thing is we knew y’all were going to get to this point because right is right let’s just be honest in any 10 years ago he would be the number one draft pick 2004 probably the number one draft pick 1994 probably the number one draft pick 1984 number one draft pick but now everything is based off analytics superficial performance performance assuming that’s what these analytics are from a mathematical standpoint three is more than two but you take away the human element You’re simply going based off the math being the math not the performer being able to execute and create the math as a reality on the court those numbers are related to 100% execution not the EB and flow of people who are way below 50% on average let alone we can go I can go into detail and and break that down but why do that it’s a waste of time Zack Edy is the best player in the draft he has the most listen he’s ready he has ready now potential this is what they’re realizing nobody got time anymore the NBA is wide open how many guards do you need the NBA is oversaturated with guards everyone’s starting to see that you’re going to need more than a fast guard or a guard that can shoot cuz they have limitations especially at a young age you’re expecting a 19y Old Guard to save you you’re expecting a 20y Old Guard at the most to save you you’re basing your pickoff potential not reality you want him to grow into greatness hopefully this man is a two-time national player of the year that award used to mean everything if you got it once he did it back to back averaging almost 23 12-2 and then 25 12-2 leading this team to the NCW tournament Championship what more could you do under any other in any other draft he’s number one now everybody is starting to understand they’re starting to smell the aroma they’re starting to get it they’re starting to understand that if in the right situation their approximation of the right situation me in any situation he fits but under the right circumstances you caught lightning in a bottle now all these teams are coming around you got the Lakers Boston the Wizards Bulls you got all these other ancillary teams coming man listen they’re coming out the wood Works cuz they need production now most of these teams that are in contention for anything valuable know the value of having a Zach on their team that could put them closer to that Championship right now while y’all talking about oh he’s 22 he’s too old when the hell is 22 too old when your perception and the way you’ve been manipulated to believe in this agism one dude said in my comment section experience is overrated it’s the dumbest thing I ever heard experience is the only thing you could rely on really hit that like button and subscribe if you’re new to the zoo but what are we doing we know what he is I don’t believe as we get closer to the draft that he’s going to drop to 19 and if he does if if if if we are blessed with the opportunity to get him it’s an undeniable decision to be made we grab him and we get into competition mode we don’t need another guard yet they’re trying to link us to nicoa topic the kid that TOS ACL the one that got the partially torn ACL there in a draft where a kid with a partially torn ACL who played in a lower tier league is still projected to be a lottery pick in a draft where bronnie James who averaged what 2.2 points and and and 2.2 assists and 2.2 the minimal to even be on a in on a college team it’s being considered an NBA Prospect we understand because it’s nepotism we understand because it’s you know influence and great for business it’s a we get it but don’t we’re not going to ever look at him as a true basketball player he’s not going to get the same respect as someone who didn’t skip steps that jump is reserved for those who are gifted and talented he’s very very normal in his abilities and then you look at is Zach Ed like he’s in the same boat and in these conversations with these people when he has the accomplishments that you want a premier player to have what’s the sense of having achievements and accomplishments if you’re only going to draft off of some fantasized possibility and some fantasized sensationalized potential that you have for this individual not even reality based this kid did everything you asked him to do at 74 he played like a big man so now what do you want him to do you have see this is the problem I have with the shooters League it’s also the problem I have with these analytics having more prominence than they should have it has its place let it remain in its place it can’t be the main course you can’t have cream corn as the main course it’s a side dish at best it has its place it needs other things added to it to accentuate it its uh existence goes good with rice goes good with mashed potatoes that’s it basically don’t get freaky and added to Rice peel off and all that other stuff it’ll there’s too many flavors it’ll mess it up you got to keep it simple this man gives you what you’re supposed to have at 74 300 lb you’re not even being honest with yourself when you say he should be different or he should be more no accept him for what he is and create a space for him because there’s nothing like him this ain’t about money at some point you got to want to win it’s going to get back to winning the money is going to be just automatic you’re going to make more when you win because you’re going to be on television more when you win they’re about to Ink a 11year 76 billion deal the winners are going to be on television the more entertaining teams they’ll be on cable they’re not going to be on ABC or NBC or you know or or or TNT no they gonna end up on NBA TV we could watch him on the app this guy gives the team right now opportunity to be potent so this is an opportunity they see to enhance their team the Lakers have their eye on them they want to pair him up with Anthony Davis so Anthony Davis could play power forward which is what he always wanted to do anyway you got the the Wizards that want them they got the second pick if I’m not mistaken you got the Bulls that are interested you have OKC the Kings Utah Philly and Miami the Spurs and can you imagine him in him and Victor can you imagine him and webon Yama on the same team now Victor could play power forward and you know what that means now he has the potential to be exactly what y’all say he’s going to be you put him at Power Forward Everything Changes you put him and you put them two together it’s a problem it’s a big problem big problem one works inside the other works outside you got to a problem you think papait don’t see it Miami trying to draw him in with the sunshine Philly you you already know Nick nurse got his eyes on that as a as a backup a true backup to Joel embiid OKC he fits perfectly with their timeline and their movement then you have the Kings him and sabonis like and Memphis is going to be in need of a CER too so we there’s there’s they to a pair they’re looking to pair him with an established Center and then just run they’re looking to plug and play right now no one’s waiting like Ain nobody got time to wait for your guard they going to the G League let’s be honest 60 what 65% of the guyss being drafted are going to the G League sit that’s that’s the truth that there’s no other conversation to be had they’re going to the G League he he’s not going if you do send him it’s going to be clear domination you need anytime you drive somebody in the lottery they’re expected to come in and be at least a player coming off the bench giving you some type of production there’s a certain level of POS professionalism and production that you’re expecting just on a fundamental level you’re not drafting somebody high and then saying well we got to give them four years we gotta give him three no he’s going to be due for a big deal you have to develop him especially a guard that and they got to guard these guards that are already in the league you got to guard all the old heads on the switch off that don’t want to leave that know so much about the game you ain’t got no answers for that like what are we doing cuz most of these most of the kids that y’all are drafting are not good on defense since y’all talk so much about how slow Zack Edy is who you think these other kids that are going to be drafted who can they guard I’ll wait I’mma wait cuz y’all y’all keep point out this dude’s ills and all his inadequacies but all of none of them can guard anybody in the NBA he has a better chance of being a rim protector and a helps side Defender and a deterrent it’s what you need he’s going to help a team right now you can go ahead and chase them waterfalls if you want to he proved that he can rebound he proved that he can make a pass he proved that he can defend he might not all right he can’t guard hard a perimeter player at the NBA level but neither can NBA players you got a dude that’s in the finals right now that can’t guard nobody nobody no one and he still Fades to Black in the fourth quarter he been doing that for the last three four years they talk about him not being healthy and oh he’s never been good going into the fourth quarter he’s always run out of gas in the fourth quarter everybody knows that he tried that one year Luca tried that one year to come in great shape but what happened the next year he he got caught with the hookah he got caught with he stay getting caught with beers and there’s nothing wrong with that be who you are like you can’t everybody can’t keep up with a Ferrari these point guards now are fast and then the rules are such that you can’t really do much but these teams are trying to make it seem like you need more guards no you don’t you need more variety we see that now you need depth you need backups you need a bench you need a Supporting Cast who are these guys the guys y’all want to draft so what Supporting Cast what who they’re coming in with a sense of entitlement they’ve been draft High someone made them a promise that they can’t keep we can’t build around you you you gonna mess this up you gonna mess the bag up we ain’t gonna be on TV we ain’t getting this what we doing they don’t solve anybody’s problems this kid is a solution to some problems and he can build and grow he has potential real potential not a fantasized sensationalized potential but real because he got results you can’t ask for more than that if he slips to 19 I’ll be Sur I’ll be very very surprised and we got to get them cuz like I said the Lakers W them Boston the Wizards Chicago then you have those outside rumors like I said before Miami Philly OKC Sacramento Utah that’s damn near half the league already and then they’re then they’re talking about the Knicks also cuz hardenstein might go More Les he he probably will stay if it’s between a five and 10 million range he’ll probably stay and and because it makes more sense for the Knicks to stay together the Eastern Conference is going to be so competitive but it’s still going to be wide open because you always have the element of Health whoever is the healthiest and whoever who if you if you’re healthy and you got your [ __ ] together and you’re all on the same page you got a shot that’s all I care about in the playoffs just let it be where everybody truly has a shot when Mike was running around ain’t nobody had no shot [ __ ] you go home when bird was running you ain’t had no shot when Isaiah was ain’t had no shot small window you ain’t had no shot the window wide open right now Zach is going to be A Difference Maker for somebody and they’re starting to see that the more they work these kids out the more they realize man listen the more work they got to do they lack the intelligence at the NBA level they don’t know how to think in in NBA time the competition is something they have to get used to the lifestyle is something they got to get used to they’re very immature in certain ways it’s it takes a certain level of life experience to be ready for the NBA that’s why they want you to stay two or 3 years years to get life experence unless you’re exceptional that used to be the rule unless you were exceptional in college where it’s undeniable and there was very few play PE players that were exceptional enough to n you can’t even play in college you too good that was the logic back in the day he’s too good to play in college it makes no sense he’s too good we have yet to see a player where we look at him and look at the college atmosphere and like yo he’s too good Zack Ed is the closest thing in this draft to a player being too good to be in college he proved it everybody don’t win two national players of the year and all the other Awards there’s a whole bunch of other players of the year and then go to the championship game they lost to Connecticut but Danny hle is you see what it is he almost got the Lakers were offering him almost 80 million what $70 million to be the coach but winners win he’s not going to leave him become part of that show we don’t want to be a part of the Late Show the people that draft these other players are going to have to have patience and patience is not what a lot most of these teams in the NBA there’s at least half of the NBA that knows how wide open it is the Celtics are about to win a championship it’s like if they could do it it’s possible for anybody to win you just got to have your [ __ ] together and stay healthy they have a system everyone understands their role they know what they’re doing they’re competent basketball players if they’re if if they’re nothing else like I told you I don’t even like the Celtics but you got to respect the real they’re competent B they know their job they do their job they’re not perfect that’s why there’s such an opening you don’t have to be perfect anymore you just got to have your [ __ ] together stay healthy and stay together that’s it you can’t be figuring out what the system is and what Y no it has to be definitive on offense and defense this what we do this is what the NBA does we G to stop that we gota we got to stop that what a particular player does we got to stop that we got something for everything defensively and we got something for everybody on offense we got pressure we got pressure on offense defense is deciding this championship defense three-point shooting but defense is very important this man helps you defensively if you already got something going on offensively and you got he puts you in a good space coming off the bench right now can you imagine who can boast of having a two-time national Player of the Year who has potential you can mold him into a Tim Duncan like player that’s my idea he ain’t got got to be like everybody else mold him into Tim Duncan big fundamentals that’s it we outside he don’t need a kill a crossover shoot it off the glass big homie shoot it off the glass and give me everything else you got use the glass like Tim did can’t nobody you 74 kiss it off the glass that’s it make him pay on offense get a couple blocks grab rebounds all right so you’re not a Ferrari but everyone needs a F-150 they serve a purpose the choice is yours you could you could fancy and want something but this kid is the real product that you’re looking for everyone has this this fantasy like this is sometimes these players that you believe in don’t end up becoming what you dreamed of them becoming they don’t have the same dream for themselves that you have for them you want it more for them than they want it for themselves you have to base these decisions now off of real achievements what have you actually done cuz you are who you are before you got here that’s it it’s rare that you go from regular to all of a sudden you have a Russell Westbrook type of career that don’t happen a lot it doesn’t we’re never going to see another Russell Russell Westbrook he was exactly James Harden like a lot of these guys back then which even which isn’t even that far back in my era as well when you you got what you paid for now no they’re giving you minimum numbers minimum production minimum visib like minimum and you’re like I I see it no you don’t everybody’s trying all these Executives and people who are in position have an agenda they’re trying to make it seem like there’s some futuristic vision genius we see the next guy no most of them don’t most of these dudes weren’t even good in college how do you know what talent is if you were never Talent how do you know what no some of these dudes have their own agenda they’re just trying to move up the corporate ladder they’re trying to hit that home run you don’t know you don’t and then this NBA reality like there’s so many perimeter players yeah you got this kid with potential to have a jump shot but he can’t guard nobody he’s a li he’s Luca on defense who they going to guard if you got players in the NBA that can’t guard NBA players what do you think is going to happen when a newbie comes in and comes off the bench having to guard any NBA player with any perative skills he gonna get cooked it’s going to be easy money then they got to work through the jits and you got a two threee project like nobody got time for that only the losers the teams that at the bottom trying to re they have time A lot of teams ain’t got time for that 70% of the league ain’t got time for that but the draft picks and on hey you got to see what happens got to see what happens but if this dude falls to 19th and we get him it’s going to be beautiful that’s all I got to say and they’re realizing they’re starting to see the more they came out and the more they look at film they like they’re seeing the same thing I’ve been saying the whole time the cream always Rises to the top there’s a difference between potential and and achievement they’re seeing they instant gratification is a must talking about he’s 22 he’s that ain’t old that’s nothing that’s a grown man coming into a profession ready to do his job understanding his responsibilities having more life experience than some kid living in fantasy world you’re going from the protection of your mother and your father’s love and home to college protection now you get to the NBA more protection you have no life experience by the time you start to gain life experience you’ve already made so many bad decisions and took so many unnecessary risk and and didn’t um appreciate the opportunity until listen you’re in a space of I need this contract so let me piece it together now for the sake of the deal and saving this momentum and possibility that I have to get get some paper they’re more into monetizing their abilities than being a part of a team and really winning it hasn’t gotten to that part yet there’s more young kids that got to come in and more oldheads that got to go out and then it’s going to be man it’s going to be it’s going to be a battlefield that we always wanted and it’s going to be wide open wide open you ain’t going to want to miss none of it none of it it’s going to be a fight in the regular season and a fight in the playoffs it’s going to get better than this this is this was the first couple of rounds of the playoffs was magnificent I’m telling you it’s going to get better it’s going to get better but right now it’s like drafting like we like it’s just a formality now it’s not the thing that everyone is looking forward to except for a couple of players that’s it that have Instagram fame that have Facebook Fame that have social media notoriety those are the guys that really have the the momentum socially the ones who are high on social media they they don’t necessarily are mean they’re the best player or the best option but people teams are taking that into consideration now which is that’s not basketball that’s Entertainment and how entertaining is it going to be when they when your guard has to guard dearon Fox if he got a guard him for 25 minutes or he got to guard Trey young and then switch off to Deonte Murray what then he got to guard Brunson and switch off and he got Josh harder D venzo or he got to switch off and he’s looking at Dame he got to switch off he’s looking at white or or Drew holiday he gota switch off he’s looking at quickly he gotta switch he got he gotta switch you gotta guard whoever whoever Miami Orlando you gotta guard you know what I mean the like like who you going who you going to guard you ain’t guard nobody like you going to get cooked through three and sometimes four is going to cook you five is going to post you up keep chasing these guards man Zach Ed is they they’re he’s gaining momentum for the right reasons they stepping out of that fantasy and seeing what’s real you can’t underestimate experience that’s real he deserves he deserves to be looked at correctly like there there’s no way you have a play of that caliber and if he falls the 19th I understand I understand everyone makes mistakes and there’s going to be 18 teams that made a big mistake the challenge for us is to understand that listen they see what we see now The Jig Is up their attitude is changing and they’re trying to figure it out we got to figure out how to either move up or get DJ Burns or somebody else that can help us in the post and the paint and and and you know what I mean continue to move forward whatever it is whatever we got to do to continue to move forward but getting him is priority number one but I that’s starting to become a priority for a lot of other teams I don’t think he falls I I don’t think we’re going to see a two-time national play of the Year fall to 19th I don’t I I want I listen I want us to get him I thought we went that eighth that eighth the eighth draft pick that eighth pick would have been perfect to grab him that’s that’s a sweet spot but we gonna have we gonna have to figure something out either how to how to get him somehow or you know figure out what

#NBAChev #Subscribe #TorontoRaptors #LOSANGELESLAKERS #OklahomaCityThunder #SanAntonioSpurs #GregPopovich #Victorwembanyama #BostonCeltics #ChicagoBulls #WashingtonWizards #DraftRumors

Zach Edey value is increasing as the NBA Draft get closer. Teams are realizing that he can come in and play right now.


  1. His combine scores surprised people. The Heat and Portland and lakers apparently are vying for him heavy.

  2. I don’t know why people have Donovan clingon over zach edey???? I see edey as a better player. His dominance in the paint reminds me of jokic.

  3. Yes sir I told fokes about EDEY! that why The RAPTORS 🦖 couldn't hold the lottery pick! SMFH, but we should l👀k at Tyler Smith from the G League ignite .he is a young Scottie Barnes with height.. LET'S GO RAPTORS 🧪🦖🍻

  4. Yeah well, that is what's scaring me….His stock is rising waaaay too fast. I think he's going to go before 19. I don't think we're going to get him. In Toronto right now, there are strong speculation that the Raps are trying to trade up into the lottery pick. But I don't know if that's for Zach or some other kids. Masai is silent on this one but we all know he's always looking out for good Canadian Players (Marketing values) so the rumors are flying all over the place right now…..The moment we show interest in somebody, things just go completely insane, lol….

  5. I like this guy. He plays hard and does what's expected of him. How many these kids do that?

  6. Everytime a player the raptors want or are looking into these other NBA teams try to steal the player away from us pisses me off

  7. Zach Edey paired with two great floor generals in Quickley/Barnes don't see many teams having a solution for all 3 of those people,

  8. Teams are vying for Edey heavy right now, he's wanted, and I like him being taken lower just because the pressure won't be on him like that right away. I hope we do take him #19 because I got this feeling one of the playoff teams behind us will take him before #31. I'm not gonna lie after the first 3-4 projected picks, he's the biggest name outside of Bronny in the draft, so I feel like his hype could get him drafted higher than expected. We need to just grab him at #19 if he's there and not mess around.

  9. We gotta trade Jakob and maybe Bruce Brown to the Grizzlies for that 9th pick. I heard Houston is also exploring options for their 3rd overall

  10. If I'm the raptors I would be shopping both Brown and Portal to team's a head of them in the draft so they can draft Edey. Who probably won't be there at 19. The dude started basketball late and has been getting better each year his size and strength could come in handy in future against Wemby, Embid and other big men in the future. He also shoots good which will only improve with time.

  11. I was hoping teams would keep sleeping on Edey so the Raps could scoop him up but he was too driven to let that happen. Hopefully the draft's weak reputation lets the team trade up into the top 10.

    I was interested in Topic before he re-injured his leg but I don't get why people are bringing him up now that his knee is fucked. His speed was how he created and if that's gone he's not going to be able to rely on his athleticism while his skills get where they need to be anymore. As far as I can tell someone's trying to sell us a used car with a bad transmission.

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