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Phillies beat the Orioles 5-3 in extras after what could be the game of the year | Phillies PGL

Phillies beat the Orioles 5-3 in extras after what could be the game of the year | Phillies PGL

[Music] [Applause] [Music] well we had to wait just a little bit longer but that makes the victory that much sweeters we welcome you here to Philly’s postgame live brought to you by cure a insurance Amy fiddle alongside Ben Davis in an hour and 11 minute rain delay to come out and you heard Alec bone there he already had his stuff ready he knew that they were going to walk Bryce Harper and to have another RBI what a night from him for a guy that had been really scuffling yeah three hits on the on the night for him a couple more rbi’s 54 now on the season you also see the average back up to 292 for Alec you know he’s going to a matter of time before he gets it going again he’s too good of a professional hitter not to and uh this is a big big victory we saw just about everything in this ball game that you you could imagine but they get out of here with a W to start the series 5-3 win and Ranger doing his thing some very very good defense overall great ball game we’re going to go down to Orioles Park in a moment we’re going to hear from John krook as well as Rob Thompson coming up but you you mentioned this was you saw everything in this game you saw a wild pitch uh that had a play at the plate that led to the extra extra innings going into 11th then you saw the rain delay this was crazy but the atmosphere down there and I know those guys talked to Alec B about it the atmosphere really was a highlevel high leverage playoff type of atmosphere it was electric and it goes to show you and John hit the nail on the head they’re a good ball Club and they are fun to watch it’s a great product that you get to go see and again I always tip my cap to ownership John Middleton and the Bucks and and the fact that they put this product on the field they want to win and sometimes you get have to go out and purchase players that’s what they’ve done and this product that they’re putting on the field day in and day out is fun to watch and it’s it’s almost must C TV it is must C TV and and I know I don’t know about you Amy but that trip to England I didn’t like it for the fact that I couldn’t see them play every day right exactly and uh you know that’s the way it is it’s the nature of the beast but uh getting this this team back and and you know on our soil and watching these guys and they turn out in Boston was phenomenal and what they did just going south of 95 obviously they turned out and droves and and the players appreciate that that goes a long way with the players yeah you saw bom he basically had a live audience for his interview right there as they snapped their three-game losing streak this was a great one we’re going to get plenty of player reaction and here from Rob Thompson as well but let’s go down to Camden Yards and check in with John Kook and John you guys just talked to Alec bone this game was wild I mean it’s crazy you had all these crazy plays you almost forgot that Ranger pitched a a heck of a game in this one because it seemed like it was so long ago but overall the impression was these are two of the best teams in baseball you saw them go toe-to-toe and it lived up to the hype yeah this was a playoff atmosphere if we’ve ever seen one I mean you know the of course the Oreo crowd was great Philly fans showed up it was unbelievable just the atmosphere and listening to the fans go back and forth with each other it was uh uh I mean it it was playoff baseball and and and it well could be I mean these are two really good teams and uh you know the pitching was good on both sides the uh defense was was Rel you know pretty good on both sides but uh you know our Bullpen made pitches when they had to you know you get uh you know adley rushman a couple times with run scoring position leading the Orioles in RBI and they got a couple strike out on him and you know you know look Matt strm gave up the home run to santand there but you know who would else would you want in that situation right there mattam first run he’s given up since uh what opening day uh he just made a mistake and and you know and trust me that that’s a long way he hit that ball cuz left field they moved that fence back forever so that was a long one that he hit but you know the Phillies persevered John you look at Ranger Suarez tonight 53% fastball uses that be the two seamer or the four seamer shows you the commanding head of that pitch tonight and obviously that offsets the his breaking ball his change up but phenomenal usage of that fast ball inside and out yeah that that’s what I love about Ranger you know you know he’s not going to throw a 100 we know that but he he’s not afraid to pitch inside to both righties and lefties and you know before the game I was talking to Jim Palmer the Orioles announcer Hall of Famer uh you know unbelievably great pitcher in his own right and he was ask me he was he did okay and uh you know he was asking me about Ranger and I said you know Jim the thing that you watch with Ranger is he will pitch inside to your right he don’t care if they’re power hitters or not he will pitch inside to them and uh you know his fast ball you know we’ve seen it B up to 95 96 and uh he was surprised by that cuz he you know the reports that they got a you know he averages 92 miles an hour but I say every once a while he’ll get it up there when he needs it but you know when you can pitch inside the rities especially the power guys for the Orioles and then you can have that change up that Ranger has and he can run it away from him it it it’s a it’s a tough tough matchup for anyone especially with how confident he is right now and you know just another ham you know one-run six inning game for Ranger well speaking of confidence and I know you mentioned it Sir Anthony Dominguez to come in in this situation with the game on the line obviously meant a lot a very high leverage situation for him what do you think that did for his confidence because he has been pitching better as of late yeah he has been better as of late Amy but I I I think I think this could turn him uh to what he was when he first came up you know that that power arm out of the bullpen that can strike guys out you know he struck out the last two guys in this game to end the game and his ball was moving like it was you know before he had the Tommy John surgery and I think maybe that this could be the turning point for santhy like you said it has been getting better tonight was just filthy and and not filthy in a bad way either it was it was it was very impressive what Sir Anthony did and uh you know we’re going to need him the Phillies are going to need him uh the rest of the way because uh you know the bullpen sometimes you can get overuse I know Rob Thompson told us in Boston you know I got to figure out a way to get some guys in well you know you play 12 Innings or what whatever they played and uh you know you’re going to use your Bullpen guys so uh Sir Anthony was just absolutely phenomenal tonight and hopefully uh you know that adds another layer to the back end of the Phillies Bullpen to go with the rest of the guys who have been pitching great all year absolutely a a strong inning from him strong inning from Orion kirking who ended up getting the win and the Phillies get a big win down in cam yards going to be a fun weekend down there John we appreciate you joining us we’ll see you tomorrow Budd thanks Johnny Okie do at least you could hear a lot better lot of red in those St yeah which was great to see so there was an hour and 11 minute rain delay Phillies come back out they scor two in the top of the 11th and then Sir Anthony Dominguez comes in to close it out you know this was built as like a marquee game right a big matchup this could be a World Series type of preview when you’re looking at it I feel like both teams acquitted themselves quite well takeaways when you look at maybe how this could set up for the rest of the weekend in this one well you’re going to look good another good pitching performance tomorrow uh and again on Sunday I think everyone’s kind of looking forward to Sunday’s matchup between wheeler and burns but you can’t Overlook tomorrow you got to if you want to win the series do it tomorrow and then maybe you could possibly sweep the O but they got to worry about Taiwan Walker got to worry about this lineup tomorrow and and see how they can attack these guys but I would look for the or Orioles to come out swinging tomorrow because this is a lineup that was obviously kept uh at Bay tonight and these guys like to swing the back they’re very good possibly better weather tomorrow and we’ll see what happens but uh but yeah this is I think this is a a very good litmus test for the Philly just a lot ofb either league and you’re going up and down and just watching it I mean this was just the 13th game that the Phillies have played against a team with a above 500 at uh win loss percentage when it’s a team that’s like right behind them the and it is it’s not beating a dead horse but you really can only play the teams that are on your schedule in front of you and and the Phillies have done a very good job of Not Looking Back not looking forward and just worrying about the guys that the task at hand and they’re going to have to do that again tomorrow with the win Phillies move to 25 games over 500 25 games over 500 Royals 21 games over 500 let’s check in with Rob Thompson now so first of all I just want to say we got the greatest fans in the world those people stayed till the end that was pretty that was really cool our guys really appreciate it for June baseball the atmosphere qu play on I mean do you I mean how can you match that in June I mean that seems that that I mean there there were you know all the talk about this series and it’s all on M B Network and all over the place of big series and yeah the the atmosphere was tremendous we got a lot of Philly fans here and obviously a lot of Baltimore fans a great game you know back and forth and um yeah it was just really good it was like a playoff game and how badly you think bone needed that hit there yeah I mean he got two other heads but I mean that was big one and yeah I think I think that was big for him what was your mindset during that Rand what do you mean just like did they give you an idea going into it how long it was going to be yeah they said it was going to be about an hour and um so we were just waiting and then LZ came in and said we probably got about 10 minutes left for rain and once they pull the tarp we got 15 minutes we’ll go and that’s exactly what it was is it weird pausing it game and it was such a tense moment there in the T and it was a tense game the entire night and like having to just like press pause for like an hour I’m sure that’s happened before when I’ve been around but I I can’t remember when but yeah it was uh you then you come back and half the Stadium’s gone or more could that have been a good thing in a way you were on the wrong end of two plays of the plate in the 10th you kind of regroup for now and you come out and immediately I guess it worked I guess how about Mar tonight with the hom play Third yeah play it third the Homer if he doesn’t slip he gets U Mullen at play and he hit a ball hard to second base too um back pick so he played free played relax and that’s what you should do he just slip there yeah yeah he he took it looked like he spun his wheel was that a cross up with car yeah yeah he called slider through fast the crowd was loud couldn’t hear and lost and everything else Ranger you know he struggled a bit but he got but he always seemed to tough you know those Innings out tonight yeah he he pitched I thought he was great he really was um I think it’s fast balls 93 94 times and uh I thought he had the best change up of the Year tonight and you got a lot of swings and misses on it um you know great Po and a playoff type Atmos so I thought it was great what kind of test do you think this was for k r to come in like you know a save situation like that almost got through it yeah he almost did you know if he doesn’t cross him up we get through that maybe so uh yeah I thought I thought the entire bull F pitch great really I mean St gives up a home run on a fast ball like s tand there clip at his shoulders that you tip your cap so um but I thought he was great if Ro has a better like secondary lead there does he get home yeah think is that something you guys well talk to Y it’s done done yeah and um I know I saw Marsh’s on the box score like come out okay but yeah played six Innings I think he had four bats I don’t know exactly what transpired BS one I like he come out of yeah yeah yeah I know every win’s important but you keep saying playoff atmosphere the resilience tell you does this one feel a little different or a little more than other long well I think that’s probably the most exciting game that we’ve had this year you know is like a playoff game so and the guys responded so that’s good to see you’ve seen your fans show out a lot of Home in October of course how does this rate just coming down here and kind of taking over the yard the it’s huge you know Chris and I were talking about it earlier like we’ve been on this long road trip um you know they show up to Boston they show up here they stay through rain delay um yeah it just tells me a lot about our fan base it’s just fantastic that’s what makes in the ranger he’s such a cool customer too um so you can see his numbers here as far as everything the 88 pitches you mentioned he did lower his erra 177 now but he does not pick up his 11th win uh which would have been the first in Major League Baseball but here’s a guy I mean this lineup we mentioned it is a very formidable lineup they average just over five runs per game and to keep them on their heels only giving up one earned to the heart of this lineup guys like adley rushman obviously and then you’re looking at gunar Henderson those guys can rake and he kept them at Bay yeah he walked through this lineup pretty easily tonight six and two thirs I would like to see him finish at seventh but obviously Jeff Hoffman came in there to bail him out with some paint of his own and this is this is typical Ranger forz he just goes out there and competes he battles he believes his stuff he believes his late movement and he goes out there and he he does he does and that’s what makes him so fun to watch players love playing behind him cuz he works quickly he had some excellent defense behind him tonight Alec B had some great plays the play on marshan uh out in front of the plate to get the guy at third base unable to complete the double play but just always able to get that lead Runner uh he was he had some very good defense behind him tonight and and why not I mean if he going to pitch that quickly and throw strikes I’m going to be on my toes and ready to field uh whenever you’re out there uh let’s check in now in the clubhouse with Rangers fores R driv you pitched a lot of big games the last couple years with that crowd on the road how did tonight compare to some of the bigger regular games today there were a lot of fans here and uh that makes me really happy because uh uh we see the the fans that follows that follow us on the road and uh to see fans you know everywhere that you play at it’s it’s really important seemed like the change up was really working tonight what did it feel best felt T season yeah uh today was one of those one of those days when I change up uh it worked really well throughout the game and I was throwing it in the counts that I wanted it really helped me throughout the game

Where to start? A lead-off Schwarbomb, another excellent outing from Ranger Suarez, chaos towards the end of the game, a one-hour rain delay in the 11th, and finally Alec Bohm comes through to give the Phillies a gutsy win. Think we covered it all. Hear from Ranger, Rob Thomson, and a tired but fired up PGL crew after an exciting win in Baltimore. #Phillies

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  1. I'm so upset! This was one of the first games of the year I was unable to watch live, and of course it's already being hailed as the game of the year. Luckily I'll be at the game tomorrow, but with Walker on the mound, I'm a little nervous… Go Phils!

  2. The Phillies had 4 hits after 9 innings. The fact that they have a real good record disguises
    the fact that they are a very weak hitting team. They have so far been saved by great
    starting pitching.

  3. Now hope Taijuan boosts his trade value in game 2 like he did in his last start. But lets be honest here against the O's we all know hes givin up at least 2 homers early

  4. Great game and win! But Topper should have left Ranger in to finish the 7th he pulled him at 88 pitches and then used Hoffman for one out .He should have used Hoffman in the 8th.

  5. WTF? "Product"? This is not a product. It is a religion. Does everything have to be about money? Product my Ass.

  6. i was so excired to see what micael barkan had to say ..and low energy crew are on ,god no please god no

  7. Amazing game, best I've seen this yr , Matt Strahm , the 94 mph fastball down the pipe or slightly elevated was bound to get Janked out eventually , quite amazing he lasted that long w Kenley Jansen approach to relief pitching,

  8. Thank god fake Barkann didn't do this post game and try to make it all about him by acting goofy.

  9. Strahm looked so down after giving up that homer. Can’t blame him, that’s his first run in forever

  10. Offense really hasn’t fully meshed. Gonna be scary when they do. Offense is my only concern right now. Great win and amazing game

  11. Was there last night, the entire 3rd base line was filled with Phillies fans. It felt like a home game.

  12. It was a scary game that's why they called the Philly the fighting Phillies Dominguez came through. We don't give up that easily. Love my Phillies . Go Phillies go. âšľâšľâšľ

  13. they will cool down and have injuries and won't make it past round one of the playoffs. Some hot johnny come lately wildcard team will win

  14. Orioles will light up Walker. He’s the weak starter for the Phil’s. The thing about the Orioles is that they never give up. The team has such young depth, that they could bring up 8 or 10 players from triple A and still having a winning team. The Phil’s lose a couple of players, and they struggle to be a 500. baseball team.

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