@Los Angeles Lakers

Is JJ Redick The Frontrunner (Again) for Lakers Coach? Plus, Dan Hurley Talks Money.

Is JJ Redick The Frontrunner (Again) for Lakers Coach? Plus, Dan Hurley Talks Money.

hey everyone welcome to locked on Lakers for Friday Brian kimki Andy kinety JJ reck back in front and Dan Hurley speaks all [Music] next you are locked on Lakers your daily Los Angeles Lakers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks to everybody for making locked on Lakers your first listen of every day Monday through Friday no matter how or where you get your podcast this one’s always free and never buy to pay wall and locked on Lakers on YouTube is where over 24,000 subscribers are all hanging out talking to each other talking to us leaving questions leaving comments as attention goes back Andy to the coaching search do want to let people know that today’s episode is brought to you by prize picks the uh the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to locked innba and Ed the code all lowercase locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 so um Dan Hurley was on with Dan lebatard it was a danfest today on Sports as they Brian as they as they would say on levard couple of Dans cutting it up we will get into some very interesting things that came out of that conversation but uh it’s almost as if Andy the Dan Hurley episode never happened because here we are pre Dan Hurley what was all the Sation it was JJ reck is at the Forefront of the Lakers uh coaching Pursuit um and here we are post Dan Hurley and and reports are going into the weekend that Dan JJ reic will interview with uh pinka and the Gang formally everyone in their dinner jackets and uh we’re right back to JJ reck with a good interview is at the Forefront of the Lakers coaching search Dan Hurley who I remember what is this I don’t even know what you’re talking about well what I love about uh the phrasing and the phrasing that you were just reading about reic expected to be moved to the Forefront of the franchisees search with a strong performance that’s courtesy of wge ESPN we’ve reached a place right now where everything is just about information that is very Cally presented to sound compelling but also not get too far ahead of ourselves because I’ll be honest I am certainly nowhere close to his inside this thing as W is as Shams is as Chris is you’re confident in saying that as whoever but I am confident in saying that a strong interview from JJ reick would have moved him to the Forefront of the coaching search because my God if by now a strong interview doesn’t move you to the Forefront what the f are we doing people like we don’t really have a lot of time to be like you know what that was a great conversation let’s table this for three weeks I am I could told you that this would happen really enjoyed our conversation JJ um and we will definitely bring I am scheduled to go to uh on on on to uh to Florida for a week or so got a I got a time share that I’ve set aside and I just I’m not losing the deposit on this so ironically they may be right now too busy preparing for a draft to hire a coach between like we’ love to we would love to continue this conversation we really got to prepare for free agency so we’ll get back to you in a few weeks um Lakers yeah it’s look I mean I know there in a lot of ways this is this is good this is good news because I without getting into the will be dissect and probably written about and I I saw like Ethan Sherwood Strauss uh who is pretty well connected and really loves these sort of media stories uh around the NBA has written about I haven’t read it or looked at it but like he wrote a thing about like how this Dan herly thing happened like there’s a lot of interesting stuff if you care about on his substack on his substack that’s going on here um but it’s not super relevant entirely to what we’re getting into but you know when is a good thing in some ways because one of the things that people were concerned about um with this was like if regardless of when JJ reic became their favorite or when Dan Hurley became uh the the guy they were pursuing which is sort of a lot quite frankly of what’s at the center of this WJ versus Shams Battle Royale um the the bigger concern for the Lakers and Lakers fans if you’re that is like is the guy that you were the other guy that you were still interested and still interested and if reic is willing to come and and continue this process and is it the first interview the second interview the first Formula like again these are details that ultimately are interesting but not immediately relevant um like that’s the important part if he is their plan B if he was the guy the the the second of the two candidates that they believe in over the other guys and we’ll talk about James bgo who is also According to some reports uh still seen as a very viable candidate in La now that could have some caveats um Andy at least to me it seems like it’s a good thing that reic isn’t walking away from this um process over the Hurley thing which I know is something concern about yeah per W uh quote pink and reic have talked on the phone in recent days and reic understands accepts bink’s lengthy pursuit of Connecticut coach Dan Hurley that initially stalled reck’s cany sources said so I have said before that I was concerned that this would mess up if reic truly is there confirmed or confirmed internally no nobody has confirmed any of this between W Shams Chris Haynes Mark Stein whoever like something you and I have tried to stress over the last couple shows like these are fluids situations nobody is really wrong like unless wge had reported and to be clear he did not the Lakers are on the verge of hiring Dan Hurley that would be wrong or if Shams had reported and to be clear he did not Lakers on the verge of hiring JJ reick that would be incorrect these things are all yes not to get too deep into it but like yes and no because like what does on the verge mean well like all of these things are it’s all very fun and who’s to me I say based on what we know so far that would be incorrect because it seems like neither one of them was close to being hired so that would I mean also on the verge of can be like sure but my point is these are interesting details and the right or wrong of individual reporters or who is being f is in some ways only relevant to the discussion in terms of how how reporting is often designed to potentially change the outcome of something so like the James bgo thing to use it as an example is bgo being put out as like people reminding everyone that he’s a real candidate for the Lakers now is that put out by James bgo enthusiasts to make to to make Cleveland go faster um is the Cleveland news designed to maybe kick the Lakers in the pants be like hey if you guys want our guy you know you better hurry because you know there’s another team here so like oftentimes the news is you know especially around leaks and League sources and all these other things is designed to try and change an outcome to influence public opinion so like wait a minute you’re going to hire JJ reic and like little trial balloons see how people react and so I think it’s pretty clear that the Lakers have two guys that they are very interested in one of them is Dan Hurley who is not coming the other one is JJ reick who is still on the table and they’re talking to this weekend okay yeah fair enough but what I was what I was going to say and I’ll explain after the break you I had had concerns that this very very public Pursuit would make JJ reic r to move forward with the organization for a handful of different reasons coming up I’ll explain what could give reic more Assurance as he moves forward with these interviews in this process come about that talk about that coming up next lock on Lakers is brought to you by prize piix America’s number one fantasy sports app with over 3 million users the easiest most exciting way to play DFS it’s you against the number pick more than or less than on two or more player stat projections and watch those winnings roll in you can win up to 100 times your money on 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this process there are leaks coming out that compare me to Pat Riley that they’re picking up those type of Vibes despite the fact that I have quite literally never coached anybody older than 12 years old like a lot of this is based just off being honest without trying to disparage reic it’s based off podcast and the way that he breaks down basketball in various forms of media a playing career and Vibes I mean that’s just kind of the honest thing look I’m not here to minimize the importance of podcasting Andy I mean yes I actually think more decisions about how to reward people financially should be made about the based on the quality success of a particular podcast paric one of the big things that I would be talking about with Rob pinka and jeie bus that would because i’ had said before if I was reic over the last 48 hours or whatever I wouldn’t want any part of this because I’ve already got a great situation with ESPN with my various podcasts like a space that I’ve conquered very quickly coaching opportunities will be there moving forward I don’t know if I want my first one to be with an organization that cannot land on a coach that lasts for more than 3 years that seems to throw their coach under the bus whenever the team either underperforms or there’s conflict with a player or whatever goes wrong it always seems to be the coach taking that bullet I would want to know the things that we heard from W about recognizing that the league is changing and that you need to be taking more of a Long View of how you build the roster how you look ahead to sustain success do those things apply to me or do they just apply to Dan Hurley who I guess has a track record of creating a quote unquote program like you the idea that the guy that can be the coach for today and tomorrow and you know can be the teacher and it almost has to be part of the selling point if you’re get Hurley to leave Connecticut you’ve got to present him a Grand Vision that goes beyond just sort of coaching the team right do those things still strongly apply to me like I know those are your goals like because that’s what everybody wants when they hire a coach everybody wants to hire a coach that lasts for 10 years with an organization with reic it felt like a lot of wishcasting with Hurley it felt like it was based off a template are you serious about that with me like maybe I can’t get 70 million but can I get six years like I would be more I would be more concerned about the years if I’m reic than the money I’m already rich if I’m JJ reic I’m already making a lot of money if I’m JJ reic I want to know about the years because I want to be put in a position to succeed and to that point I think the biggest thing that like the reason the Lakers have to move on reic now and really in put confidence out there like it is I I one of the I always thought was like it’s okay to be the second choice behind Dan Hurley like Dan Hurley is such a big swing and a you know and a a a gigantic name in the um in the coaching circles like I remember like my first job interview coming out of college I interviewed for a history teaching position at a at a middle school in Memphis I you know been pretty good at it i’ come at a good price and you know all that kind of stuff and they ended up hiring some master teacher who had you know 20 years of AP experience and all these other things middle school high school whatever it was I like yeah I’d have hired that guy too you I like if I’m the choice here and we’re talking about teaching we’re not you know where the difference in salary is not you know six years and another $65 million like I’d have hired that guy too to some degree that’s what we’re talking about here with Dan Hurley and reck it’s like you can both firsttime NBA coach back-to-back national titles seen as a Visionary I I’m sure reic has a tremendous amount of respect for Hurley he talked about it on his show um and so it’s okay I I feel like it’s okay and it doesn’t undermine him to be a second choice behind him but if you’re talking about the ability Andy to create the sort of credibility and have the the security that somebody like reic would need in this job Lakers we saw Wendy talking about it we’ve seen other people talking about it there is a perception around the league that the Lakers job is not that great a gig because the resources to pressure to expectation ratio is way out of whack and you get blamed and whacked for stuff that isn’t really your fault they churn through coaches and you’re not given the resources you can’t be the third or fourth choice when you’ve never coached anywhere you are instantly going to be undermined and questioned and everything you will not have the sort of security that you need in this position in his specific context if everybody knows you were the fourth guy that they wanted that doesn’t work you are halfway out the door already and so they if they want them they need to move quickly and they seem to be and aggressively for him and let him talk his way out of the job rather than comparing him to six other guys offered to bgo offered to Mike and Nori and JJ’s still around well it’s funny the idea of needing to do this pretty quickly the Lakers are now in a very strange you know up as down black is white type scenario where for the sake of practicality and expediency because reasons I don’t need a rail about for theth time but it appears that JJ reck’s job with ESPN calling these finals is creating roadblocks towards hiring him the Lakers are likely rooting for a Celtics sweep to Banner 18 they probably are I actually I’ve honestly think I think that’s true because it frees up reic I also think the Celtics are just like screw this nobody’s going to pay attention to our finals because the Lakers just if we if if we go six games the Lakers are going to come up with six games worth of stuff to like to distract the NBA World um so we might as well winning four and it turns out a sweep is better for it’s certainly not I don’t think it to go past five there’s I I can’t think of any reason why it would the Celtics are goingon to win this series like they’re not going to be the first team in 156 uh you know it’s it’s not gonna be 156 and one at the end of this process so if they’re going to win anyway they might as well win in a way if you’re a Lakers fan um presumably you are listening to the show uh they might as well win in a way that works best for the Lakers just get it over with like Banner 18 is coming to Boston the Lakers need to win one back and then win another one this is the world we live in now yeah and look I find the back and forth really fun but I know it upsets a lot of Lakers fans if they’re ever behind Boston but either way you’re right pragmatically speaking let’s just you know take the horse out back shoot it let’s move forward right and we are we are collectively the horse in this situation and just so it’s clear Brian and I do not in any way endorse violence against not do this with a real horse it’s or any animal any animal at all don’t shoot anything don’t shoot anything Brian and I don’t even endorse guns much less against mean if that’s your jam you know use them legally and safely but please we are not encouraging anybody to shoot anything I have two dogs I love animals um Dan Hurley said some interesting things on his appear Thursday with Dan lebatard and they’re interesting in the sense of what went on between the Lakers and uh Dan Hurley but also I think they’re interesting a little bit in terms of how they think about proceeding forward with reic specifically so get into that coming up next Lakers is brought to you by LinkedIn when you are hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals right for the role that’s why you have to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs has the tools to help find the right Professionals for your team faster and for free LinkedIn it’s not just another job board LinkedIn 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things on either side of this uh this interview like it it felt to me like a really good interview for confirming priors um when I was done listening to the Hurley thing yeah first of all just it was a pretty I think candid interview from Dan Hurley at one point he said a lot more than I figured he would there’s no question well at one point he actually said coach talk is dead nobody wants to hear coach talk anymore and I and if you’re G to go on a show like lebatard you’re not going to get away with the rote responses anyway and that’s if you want the rote responses you don’t go on that show in the first place but there were a few things in there that I thought was really interesting first of all Hurley conf confirmed something that you know our immediate reaction to the 6year $70 million offer just that it wasn’t enough he was asked Point Blake by lebatard is there an amount of money that the Lakers could have offered that make you change that decision and the politically correct response is just you know at the end of the day I came to realize there this wasn’t about money at all there really there isn’t any type of offer that would have made me leave Yukon that I just realized this is where I want to be it’s not what Hurley said said quote to leave and leave Yukon there probably is to leave a place at any moment in your life I think to say that’s not a motiv motivating factor the finances to leave a place that’s definitely a thing to stay at a place I don’t think it’s ever going to be a thing to stay somewhere like Yukon it would have never been a financial thing again this wasn’t some pressure tactic to make me the highest paid college coach like that bleep was already done but to leave a place that that you feel what we do and the family connection with my wife and my sons my mother-in-law my brother my father who I know how much it means to my dad to go to the Big East tournament and go to 10 Yukon games a year at home sitting Courtside when I’m coaching against Rick patino I mean yeah to leave all that behind there probably is a number I don’t know what that is and that’s what I sort of mean by like with like you talk about priors it’s like on the one hand you could say like okay is he talking about a billion dollars for you know 20 years you know you you obviously not literally but like something some number that’s just so big that like okay fine I’ll I’ll take your job um but it does seem to imply that at the very least what we were talking about which was the number may never have made a difference like the Lakers there may not be a real like I’m a big fan of like go hard or go home in this situation but it would have been irresponsible for the Lakers to offer him 15 years and $250 million like that’s stupid and he’s not expecting that either but you understand but like too much what I’m getting at here is like it’s not the like there may be realistically a number like you put it on the table and it’s like in the end I’m still just we’re too happy here my wife pointed out and I think you may get to this like we have a perfect life here we’re rich we’ve got leverage like he’s like I don’t need leverage at Yukon I’ve I got everything I need here but what what the what the offer wasn’t was enough to start that process really rolling in your head where you say to yourself oh that’s a lot like is it financially irresponsible of me to turn this down not only because it it also talks about commitment and security and belief and like they’re going to give me you know they’re gonna make me paid on the same level as SPO and pop and whatever those guy like like they’re gonna give me I’m gonna get I got leverage here I got leverage at Yukon I’m gonna have leverage in La I’m G to be able to run this program the way I want and I’m not saying six and 7 he doesn’t do that but it doesn’t it didn’t capture his imagination it doesn’t make it a hard enough decision like it just doesn’t make it hard make do just doesn’t make it hard enough you’re right and I will say though as far as positives Dan Hurley was really complimentary of Rob pinka very complimentary of Genie bus in ways that yeah he could be saying the nice things but the truth is he could have spoken about the Lakers broadly complimentary without speaking complimentary about them specifically which makes me feel like it was sincere it makes me feel like the Lakers put their best foot forward in in terms of the overall presentation and their overall Vision which is good if nothing else for those concerned that the Lakers completely crap the bed in this process I don’t get the impression that they did I think they underestimated what it would take to get Hurley to leave and that and that obviously matters or how willing he was like you know was he 5050 and like yeah I’d be really considered that was it like a a a 7030 long 3070 long shot 2080 like he made it sound like it was a very compelling offer that he was not certainly wasn’t trying to leverage Yukon maybe that’s spin maybe it’s not but he didn’t seem I came away with this I actually I came away with it real like understanding like why they wanted Hurley like I like I like him a lot more and while he’s certainly very intense he isn’t cookie cutter college coach guy which is why both of us thought actually he you know those comparisons to guys that might have failed weren’t really accurate different different type of dude here that they were trying to hire yeah if you’re looking for positives to me it sounds like he walked away from the process pretty impressed with Robin jeie which is something that a lot of people including periodically you and I have expressed some skepticism about so that was reassuring to hear he he acknowledged to lebatard that at no point in these meetings did Genie and Rob confirm that LeBron was coming back but he did talk a lot like somebody expecting LeBron to return I also thought it was interesting stugots talked about text you know text exchanges with LeBron and well that was on col coward actually right that was but respect for LeBron and all these other things but like that was part of today’s went yes Thursday’s news is like LeBron was on board with this to say the least I also thought it was interesting too stugots asked Hurley if at any point in these meetings the name bronny came up and Hurley made a joke he’s like other than the amount of times Bron’s been brought up on TV no bronnie didn’t come up but he was really complimentary of Brony as a player like with very specific details that if nothing else made it sound like I wouldn’t mind coaching him at Yukon like I would have been okay with Comm transfer portal yeah I thought that was interesting he he doesn’t strike me as like like it was I think full transparency and full honesty was not something you were going to get out of an interview like any of these things he’s not going to put everything on the table he’s not going to be you know unvarnished truth um but I also don’t think it was all spin either like I said like you said earlier I think it was a more candid interview as candid as you could expect and I feel like the Lakers if if they can go back to reic and kind of do what they were going to do anyway then it’s okay the mistake here is it’s a few days of of bad press and legitimate hit to your reputation and people questioning your finances questioning all things which have like these things over time you have the same message beating over and over they do have an impact um but at the very least they could they could end up in the same spot they were in before which is if that’s the guy they wanted that seems to be the guy they can go get um the strategy less here hopefully are learned for the next time you need to do something like this whether it’s around an executive coach whatever it could be player whatever it might be but you know we’ll see I like I enjoyed listening to the guy talk yeah and look I’ll reiterate with reic I agree with you the idea that he would be second choice in and of itself is not a problem like it would it would frankly be pretty arrogant of Reddit and you know reic has been accused of arrogance on more than one occasion but it would be very arrogant of JJ reic to assume I have to be the first choice like of course I’m the first choice guy who’s never coached anybody over 12 years old of course I’m the first choice what matters is the idea that he feels like the Gap in commitment between first and second choice isn’t huge like that once you’re not Dan Hurley you go back to being the guy whose head always seems to be on the chopping block if you’re the Lakers coach if I’m retic and I get any those vibes that’s when I say no thanks so how they handle it going forward is really going to be the the determining Factor as to whether or not they put out that Vibe um where like which is quite frankly what they exactly what they did with Frank Bogle who just managed to out coach that for an extra year like know I mean before they decided to not be supportive of vogul so anyway lock we will we will of course update something happens over the weekend hires get made you know big strong rumors Big Talk whatever we will certainly uh be updating everyone as the weekend goes on otherwise locked on lickers on YouTube is where we can go hang out with over 24,000 subscribers do leave us questions do leave us comments and we’ll see everyone on Monday

The Dan Hurley Saga is over, sort of. As the postmortem continues on this relatively short but extremely interesting chapter in Lakers history (people still talk about Coach K turning them down 20 years later), there’s still the matter of finding the coach for next season.

To that end, you’ll never guess who is, reportedly, back in front…

Or maybe you will. That’s JJ Redick. He’s set to meet with the Lakers this weekend, and if the Celtics finish off the Mavericks in Game 4, could be in a position to be hired pretty quickly. This is a good space for the Lakers to be in, all things considered, because the disaster scenario would have been to go after Hurley unsuccessfully, but then lose out on Redick (if that’s the next choice) or even James Borrego, who is reportedly getting far along for the gig in Cleveland.

But the Lakers can now credibly turn to Redick as a second choice behind a “c’mon, it’s a no-brainer” first option in Hurley, without hurt feelings.

As for Hurley, he went on the Dan LeBatard Show (as well as Collin Cowherd) to talk about what went down. And while total transparency was probably not going to be an option on the table (and may never be) he was more candid than you’d expect. What did he say about the offer? About the prospect of coaching in LA?

HOSTS: Andy and Brian Kamenetzky

SEGMENT 1: Back to Redick?

SEGMENT 2: How quickly will the Lakers move?

SEGMENT 3: What did Dan Hurley say?

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  1. For the price of a vet min contract the Lakers could have offered $15M a year for 7 years, $105M. Cheap owners are destroying the Laker legacy. We are the laughingstock of the NBA. Please Jeannie, if you care about the Lakers, sell the team.

  2. “If I need to convince you to come here to carry that legacy forward, you ain’t the one to be here.” – Kobe Bryant

  3. If Dan Hurley didn’t present a counteroffer to the Lakers THEN he wasn’t serious about coming. The Laker stage is TOO big, and the lights too bright. He decided to keep it small and safe. Not ready for prime time. Let’s move on!

  4. Lakers won't be a real team until LBJ goes. Once that happens AD will end up in Chicago. Umm but yeah, Jeanie will still be there.

  5. I’m going to beat a dead horse, and no I have no actual dead horse to beat, but Celtics have 9 deep that can as Tatum says “guard their individual yards” the coach does not matter as much as not having two horrific perimeter defenders as your backcourt. Phil Jackson could come back with Pat Riley as assistant and you still will not win a ring if you don’t change that this off season🫤

  6. So an inexperienced JJ is back to Lakers 1st choice over all the available experience coaches??….what a joke.I blame LeBron for dragging us to this clown show… Shout out to the legion Jerry West🏀🎉🎊

  7. Lakers fans and their passive aggressive pointed finger at LeBron for coaching problems😂…what a joke.Lakers the same team that fired a decent coach like Mike Brown after 5 games but Jeanie was out here reassuring Ham who was absolutely clueless 😡😡

  8. Watching you guys everyday after work, I feel like one of the brothers talking basketball at dinner! Keep up this pristine vibe!

  9. BK. Timeshare in Florida? Why, we have beaches in Los Angeles. The beaches and streets here are not under water.
    The NBA Tv schedule for the finals killed all the momentum for the fans. Boston off for what, 10 days. Dallas off for a week. Three days off between games. If it wasn't for hurley and JJ, What would NBA fans have talked about?
    I watched 20 minutes on a podcast of Hurley. The whole interview was from his Campus office. He never once looked into the camera. He mentioned that Rob took him to Manhattan Beach. Probably the Condo next to Ireland is owned by the Lakers. Rob then took Hurley to the Lakers Facility in an Industrial Park in El Segundo. At this point the Mrs. was ready to return to LAX and a trip home.
    JJ just wants a ring.

  10. All that happened was they reached out to him and a bunch of other coaches. He late got in contact with lakers saying he was interested. And they did what they were supposed to do and kick the tires on the car. That doesnt mean that they dont like Reddick, but hes never coached anywhere and this guy back to back on the college level so of course he'd leap frog a Reddick. Podcasters and cry babies alike is acting like they had a chance at Pop and failed. Hes who you offer 100 million to, not some mf who don't even have NBA experience. Thats dumb as f*** smdh We have such a cry baby base. Not everyone is built to be a Laker. And he did us a favor, the pressure of it was too much for him and decided to stay in dull a** Uconn with his lifetime of fish steaks or whatever they gave him. That should be enough to make you happy he didnt become coach. Some damn fish steaks 😂😂😂

  11. This has been disappointing. Other teams should not show more love & respect to the late West than lakers. Hire a decent coach with good assistants and focus on construction of team. We need better players to compete

  12. Any truth to the reports the Lakers only employ a quarter to a third of the scouts other teams employ? Years ago when Jim Buss couldn't land superstars one embarrassing criticism was that the Lakers rejected analytics. It was allegedly so bad the lakers not only refused to create an analytics department they didnt even have staff dedicated to analytics. If theyre stuck in the Prime Magic or Prime Kobe era as an organization, they're never going to land a credible head coach. It also explains why they'd waste MLEs on players like Kendrick Nunn and Gabe Vincent.

  13. As a long time Laker hater this situation is hilarious. You guys break it down very well. Thank you for your podcasting.

  14. 1st off they pursued dan or whatever his name is for 3 days!! Yall theyre long pursuit 😂 And lets stop over reacting to them changing coaches. Unless your Pop you havent been coaching a long time. Pop, Erik, and Ty are the only coaches whoes been coaching awhile. And Ty is only been what? Maybe 4 years. The rest of the league has been just like the Lakers on a carousel of coaches. And that's a fact. So lets stop with the whining ass reporting and stick to the real. Smdh

  15. I had a nightmare that we signed JJ and Lebron to a 3 year max and drafted Bronny. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  16. I would want Pelinka get on the hot seat if the next coach doesn’t succeed 😊 It’s literally not the coach’s fault anymore.

  17. If you listen to Dan Le Batard interview and have ever been married for 10 plus years you know he was not coming for 80, 90 or even a 100mil, Mad wife Sad life 😮

  18. The Lakers’ job is appealing but they must have forgot about the taxes in LA….. you can’t offer someone almost less than what they make currently for a high profile job like that. The stress incurred along with the 10% tax on everything you do here in this city. Schools being 60k a year, house would be millions so property tax on that and then the 14% capital gains tax he would have if it didn’t work out and he didn’t stay here… 6 million a year after taxes is not a lot for the lakers when Connecticut is so much cheaper to live in…. If six years was what they were comfortable with, and they really believed this was their championship coach, this championship legacy, billionaire company going after what they really wanted should have offered 6/85 million…. Didn’t happen let’s hope our next coach instills defense to get the fast break going… and Lebron can play only 30 minutes a game because he and reddick are filming their podcast during the game and we are running over everybody because Vando is a sniper like Kd haha…. GET AD HELP!!

  19. Anybody including JJ have a problem with the Lakers looking in to any candidate to become coach is an idiot! 1st nobody from the Lakers came out & said JJ was the front runner to become coach that was you impatient podcast, media & so call experts with no inside sources just babbling for clicks! 2nd JJ has a Job and can't be hired until the end of the playoffs anyway!

  20. Important question: When the Celtics win the title, does Jrue Holliday lose his LA card for helping Boston win banner 18???

  21. I've said this for year Jeanie Buss needs to sell this team. I hate the Clippers but Steve Ballmer would've offer Dan Hurley $100 million or more to coach his team. I think Hurley saw the offer and said nah. It should've been a godfather offer. Jeanie and the front office blew it with TY Lue, J Kidd, and settled for Ham. And the way they threw Frank Vogel and Ham under the bus just like that scares off the great coaches. I feel like the Lakers blew it not giving Hurley a blank check smh. Sell the team Jeanie!!!

  22. The reason JJ is still meeting with the Lakers and isn’t rejecting them is cuz he has no choice if he wants to be a head coach. He has no leverage. Unlike a coach with coaching experience.

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