@Denver Nuggets

Pool Basketball | Game 19: Kings Vs Nuggets – Full Game (Season 3)

Pool Basketball | Game 19: Kings Vs Nuggets – Full Game (Season 3)

game and welcome back ebl Nation to game 19 we got a fun one going on we got Denver versus the Kings all right so Denver’s players are Drew and Luke Bo versus the Kings try and I’m domc dejo your play byplay commentator followed with my color commentator Brady watt uh this is going to be a fun one uh what do you think the the score to in the uh winner is going to be I’m actually I’m actually going to with the Kings Troy has been showing that he he’s been having a really good day today I think is not going to be able to defend against too agreed agreed now that a great take what you took the I’m I’m thinking it’s be close um I’m thinking maybe like 21 to to 17 I like that score you know what you thinking I mean Troy’s just been electric all day just one word to describe it electric okay so I think he’s going to use that electricity in this game strike down to strike down some shots and you know Tanner solid aggressive player I think he’s going to take advantage of the match up against Bob he has the speed and he has the agility so I mean that doesn’t go to say they’re facing the two-time MVP so I think this is going to be a close game I think this will be a great game but I’m going to take the Kings 22 to 18 22 okay think I can’t get that so there are our predictions let’s get to the game I like feel like this is weird this how we do it you want to do this no the on the ones today had like nor just likeor always always you guys good yeah and we’re off and we’re off Tanner starts with the ball uh gets a screen by Troy has a step Troy drowns uh see that much Troy gets around Luke takes the pass gets Luke goes up and it’s good now Troy just having an amazing day today I think he’s won maybe two or three games um what we see that fatigue set in tro the Quick Pass to Tanner Tanner shoots it no good KOB with the rebound clears it he has Drew in the paint shoots it up a good shot for Drew hesitating Drew is looking to looking to get inside on Troy with the floater Troy’s going to take it and clear it himself tells tner to go into the paint Troy throws it up and the fight for the rebound Tanner comes up with it goes up and dunks it wow what a good play by Tanner good hustle just just wow just wow wow wow you know are you guys Tanner oh home face gets L I think tner wants to wants to get inside here Drew’s kind of fading off of off of Troy making sure that he doesn’t get around him Luke with the Poke Luke playing great defense against Tanner you know when do we see this oh my with a little contact on on Tanner’s hand there oh yeah I mean for me it looked like a tip but you know there was def some cont we don’t play we don’t play softball around here hell no you know hold with the quick shot oh he can’t make it happen TR wants to shoot it Tanner will shoot it oh my God bad bounce lands right into Drew’s hands pick pick from B Drew scanning FL looking for his shot against tro you go up with the floater No Good In and Out Tanner with the rebound T clears oh Tanner that’s not cleared Tanner CLE that was not cleared there you go Tanner backing down Luke I think he I think he’s trying to take advantage of match up L with the tip though t a very physical player step back put up and it’s good what a shot from Tanner I feel like we’ll be seeing those a lot today don’t you think that was a one you counted as one yeah my fault folks it was a one um you know Brady our our predictions might be uh might be very wrong might be very wrong it seems like the uh the Kings have all the momentum here against the Nuggets Tanner with a step on Luke get inside doubled oh no and it’s out throws it to Narnia wait is that that’s [Laughter] out checks with Troy this is Luke screen by Drew Luke having a little bit of trouble gets sucked by the ramps monster Drew scanning the floor look with the screen solid screen terer playing aggressive defense as always Drew Drew getting the r not as bad as luk Troy’s Troy’s not letting Luke in the paint I think he knows that Drew’s going to try to put it up and his positions himself in this rebound Drew does put up I hear a little bit of arm but you know we’re not [ __ ] so we play on uh t with the clear could shoot it gives a Troy in the post Troy uh definitely taking advantage of the match up goes up with it and it’s in and out the fight for the rebound the ball is loose Drew gets it clears it fade away and it’s good oh my God what a shot maybe we both wrong again I think I mean it’s early Brady it’s only two to three we will play on shut up Bo backing out Tanner screen from Drew doesn’t want to use it until Drew tells him to oh my God they are running into each other what is going on Bo looking to give it back Troy’s on him Bo backing down with the hook shot no good Drew with the put back and it’s good through position himself perfectly for that put back and now it is a tie game at three oh yeah electric just as we said you know all these games at pbl except for like plus or minus a few have been just Banger after Banger after Banger after Banger of games yeah you know Drew with the floater I mean there was a couple there was a couple slow games couple games that weren’t too great but this is definitely this is definitely one of the a better game definitely oh my godo Troy just rises above the occasion literally INF figuratively to get that dunk let so weak uh a little fatigue lately that’s fine MVP could be like four different people on God says calling Tanner what telling tro to come get the screen Troy says no tenner drives in has a little bit of an advantage on B backs him down with the fade shot and it’s good we’re going to be seeing a lot of Fades from Tanner today you know boet is a unit in the paint very hard just get above him you know what another one another fade just like I said Tanner just lighting it up coming off a really good game Bo Bo getting aggressive now rning for the ball little cat fight there close ramp wow we just we just saw we just saw almost RI my pinky off my hand you know we just saw a little electric electric uh discharge okay bro electric play from Bo on defense they get the the screen Troy goes up and puts it down T reading that uh reading that pick and roll perfectly you know we’re really seeing a lot of chemistry here from the Kings um another team that has a chance to do some damage in this league don’t you think mhm I there’s no way I I do sorry I had to yawn right there oh Tanner gets the rant Monster again you know that rant monster just been just been a force lately in this league just sucking just sucking them dry just sucking them all over oh yeah trow to fade away too no good off the backboard W with the rebound out to Drew Drew with the two and it’s good what a shot wait am I in am I in the camera no not even close I don’t want Colin trying to hog the spotlight guys uh he says the story is all about me and I want it to I never said that all I hear is M me me Drew not using the screen looking for B Bo going to use his weight to his advance and his size that is definitely an advantage from Bo 10 seconds left on the shot clock Bo with the quick floater no good off the rim tener clears it fade away too off the him again Drew gets the rebound pass it to b b for the clear B the punk fake quick two and it’s good what a shot from B you know the discipline to just pump fake and not release that off the catch is just wow yeah just wow great great mentality from bobe just he is a new player this season backing him down quick shot contact but Bob godamn it good defense from bobe Drew with the floater and it’s good you know TI game again that’s just easy you know we see those bounces all the time where just go straight to the defender and the rant monster just has the best of them just just an easy shot tie game now uh 8 to8 you know just all these games are just so so evenly matched lately that these games just stay close throughout the entire time makes it really really interesting Drew is getting stuck on the ramp has 13 left on the shot clock trying to get a good positioning on Tanner finding his way inside finally does gets under the rim kick out to B out of bounds no good off the rim oh that would have been electric they switch wants Tanner sounded like there might have been contact on that shot right there but too and it’s good you know Tanner Tanner good my balls Troy ball not his ankle Troy finger on it was 88 before that what it was 88 before that I got it don’t you worry no I’m not worried I st corrected folks it is not his balls it is his shaft he got groped if anyone doesn’t know what a shaft is it’s the um okay we got young viewers I’m just joking folks we’re not that kind of content t driving in that’s a double on him off the side of the pool Troy gets re back into Tanner in the low post trying to get position on B and he does cuz B slips seems like off the wall is a a Rec move side side that was the right side we’re losing didn’t I thought Bo just scor I don’t know why shut up sorry folks sorry folks and we’re back Troy scoping out the defense um trying to see what he has here backing down Drew um Fade Away mid off the backb out quick pass to Drew Drew clears it K trying to get good positioning on Tanner what a swap by Tanner seems to God on the ramp and he calls it with 17 on the shot clock folks we are seeing great hustle from both sides on defense you know both huge story losing a bunch of weight this season looking like a hold person oh my goodness and that shot was a little questionable fighting fighting it back on defense tenner with the ball a little scoop layup and it is good can’t seem to get once he gets on that ramp he cannot get off it when when I set you a screen you got to try to get around just go back a little communication from uh the team here you know it’s good to see communication or not bickering uh we have a lot of bickering in this league but at the end of the day we’re all family we all love each other but it’s just good to see that Drew is kind of teaching Luke the way right there and but Tanner still gets the ball Tanner with the fight oh and it’s a block by B used his spider senses to block that ball he said I know Tanner’s going to shoot this let me get out of the water and SWAT the [ __ ] out of it he said not again not on my head no bo an underrated defender in this league I know he just I thought he was going to [ __ ] whip me in the face an underrated defender in this league comes up with a couple of blocks per game 8 seconds left on the shot clock t with the screen oh good TP by Drew does where he’s at the F Away by tro and it’s good that’s so baable true phally frustrated I thought he shot it just kind of sounded like a little uh actually I’m not going to say that could to get demonetized for anyways tro it to fade away too off the rim right back back puts it up in it’s good again you know many many people say in the NBA that the professionals never miss twice we can really see that here with you know he will never miss that shot after after getting two wide open shots Tanner deep two from the ramp off the board Drew gets the rebound Luke with a quick screen very hard to get around that that Luke Bo screen oh definitely uh Luca is very well pretty decent screens yeah Drew gets good positioning inside quick double Drew’s being patient with it trying to get a good look with Troy on him six and the dunk right on Troy’s head that is just that is just an Unstoppable move from Drew once he’s down there man it’s it’s hard to kind of do anything about it you know there’s very few people you can see do that in this leag I mean I’d say half the Le can do it that’s like few B get in good position on Tanner looking for that quick floater that he always does his signature shot and it dances on the rim and goes in that is B’s signature shot he has perfected that to a t why didn’t you I meant I meant like yes I know it’s we having a little bit of trouble my color commentator keeping score but it’s okay what do you mean put it trouble I have to [ __ ] fix the sign screen from bobe Drew fakes the shot wants to create a little bit of space from him and Tanner is playing a physical defense here we having a little bit of trouble uh for the viewers who don’t know here uh the pool is very slippery Drew with the shot fade away no good t with the rebound clear to Troy blocked by Bob TI by B again the fight for the ball he have it he had oh no he does not have it tan tro rebound Quick Pass to Tanner Miss off the rim TR with the rebound pass to Bob B clears back to Drew Drew with the floater off the ri no good you know get today man these floaters these floaters have been tough for many plays in pbl today Luke lost is opponent there and is that was that a two that was a two that was a two tenant with a with a nice two I going that’s not you guys can keep playing it’s just a scoreboard put check the Tanner uh it is you need a scoreboard 17 to 10 you know so pass inside the troll Drew gets a hand on it Troy goes up tries to dug no good goes back up on Drew Drew playing physical defense down low Troy got to get good position with the pump F being patient and Troy gets it try toou yeah you know a great point that Drew makes is that once someone’s down low it is very hard not to foul and you know we try not to play tough I mean [ __ ] we try to play soft but sometimes you don’t you just got to not not got to Drew with a rebound this could be it brings Drew take this time to clear looking at the defense scanning what he has wants a screen from B Drew backs down to the ramp has a little bit of trouble getting back up needs to start picking up someone shock clock has not turned on yet I don’t know why it is now back on Drew working on Tanner here making his way to the post Drew patient with the floater off the rim and it’s no good Tanner with a rebound to obviously not having any great a great day today to play not with a quick shot quick two and it’s good is a onepoint game no it’s not one point game to win sorry I sorry folks it is 20 to 10 they need one more point to win yes that’s that is what I meant t one point to win gives it back to Troy Troy Andrew the post you know we see this match up all the time Troy the fway shot and it’s good and the Kings will take the win against the Denver Nuggets for game 19 honestly better game than I thought what’s the score 21 to 10 now I was off by maybe eight points but yeah we both were you and 10 W 21 to 17 22 all right let’s get these interview going ready all right we uh we’ll interview Tanner say we do B [ __ ] no they lost wait do Bo get B right now play we’ll get no give me Anie no [ __ ] I’m not play Tommy D does not know where he is going Troy how do you feel about your performance in that game and how do you feel like you stacked up against the never nuggets you know it’s it’s honestly frustrating when you’re um game plan is like just attack weak link you know it’s it’s very frustrating cuz you know I’m on the team I I want to make plays you know Drew’s guarding me whatever but the game plan was tag B so that’s what we did worked like a charm you know but they still battled you know game they they had a good great run and um you know I’m just grateful for my teammate um hitting those twos toward the end so I have to agree absolutely you guys had a great game good performance I just wipe my nose that’s disgusting no no this one pass this one this one I I switch my okay you heard it here tenner y you heard it here you had a phenomenal game could make a case for player of the game how do you feel you played and how do you feel your teammate play um I think I scored enough but not efficiently enough if you know what I mean I know what he means I definitely missed a few open open twos but um having like a playmaker like Troy gets you a lot of open shots so we like that and we just played our matchups we played our matchups and you know got the ball where we wanted to and it it went in more than it went in for them so I’m happy at this point last season I think I was like minus 50 plus M so I’m I’m very happy with where I’m at great game great teammate good good interview goodw we’ll make our way down to B like princess B quick question before the interview how come all of your interviews are in the pool place where I want to be here okay how do you feel that game went and what do you think you guys could have done better you know going into that game I actually had low expectations so for it to for it to be as close as that like game was you know it’s all right you know Drew did the best he could uh you know my defense is just slacking definitely improvement with the defense but it’s not enough you know and I have to work on that um you know uh I made an open a nice little two in the corner over here and uh I had a back down tenner a couple times but uh it’s not enough in this league you know for sure but uh you know me and Drew did the best we could and you know yeah thank you mhm going to going to D Drew tough game tough shots man uh most of those you you hit on a consistent basis just not been going in how do you feel that game went and I mean just what are your takes uh again I’ll say it I mean I’ll say it to it happens feel like a lot of a lot of people in this league are getting lucky that I’m not hitting my shots yet cuz once those those I I mean all those shots I missed know those should be going in I expect those to fall once that happens it’s going to be scary um you know play with Luke um xbo you know L you know Luke he just doesn’t like playing with me I think I don’t know he just you know didn’t have a great game you know I don’t know maybe he’s just not ready to play with the big dogs yet but um I don’t know I mean I need to hit that one thing t one thing I want to say a lot of people get on Dom d for his little fiscal [ __ ] I want to say Tanner Tanner up there too which I wasn’t expecting it but I’m never I’ll never complain I’ll just I’m I’ll adjust it’s just something I wasn’t expecting but no I appreciate I get a lot of criticism for the way I play defense I feel like I play defense according to my size my stature and my balls just just on that you know I was he was just guarding me on the fir I was having trouble you know getting off the ramp to start the positions but but you know we take the criticism people call us soft we don’t like to be soft right I’ll never complain we’ll never compl just not just was I wasn’t expecting it no knowing not going for it I I’ll make the adjustments well that’s it for the interviews uh we’ll see you back at the booth all right guys that was game 19 in the books we’ll submit that soon you guys will watch it soon electric game electric performance from Troy Electric performance from tenner the Kings man what a team what a game what a g that was an amazing game by the by the Kings um obviously Denver just couldn’t they couldn’t capitalize on the times that they had the ball and the Kings just capitalized on them not making the shots that they had so um overall great game by the Kings Denver slacked a little bit but next time we see him might be a better game definitely definitely well thanks for watching pbl Nation please remember to smash that like button smash the Subscribe button and we’ll see you in the next game and hit the notification Bell ding ding

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  1. Damn Troy is him, the Spencer brothers are no joke! Nice clamps on drew, it easily allowed the kings to control the entirety of the game. Also just as suggestion for next year to add a rule on using the pavement as leverage to push your defender away from the basket to get some easy points.

  2. Luke has high potential but not enough ambition. "I didnt expect much" bro wtf you need to expect that you can win any game

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