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Detroit Pistons Hire Fred Vinson ” The Shot Doctor” As An Assistant coach

Detroit Pistons Hire Fred Vinson ” The Shot Doctor” As An Assistant coach

but I I did want to leave off with some breaking news obviously yeah there was a new assistant coach hired uh Fred Vincent I wanted to know like what have been your initial thoughts so far with the hiring um do you like this hiring do you think this is a coach that uh the Pistons desperately needed maybe last year or for the last three or four years yeah I mean here here’s the thing here’s what I’ve learned about coaching hires even front office hires it’s even more of a crap shoot than player evaluations and NBA draft evaluations even free agent signings and trades where we think we understand the value but we never really know until things play out I think we know even less about coaches and what their impact is because so much of that goes on behind the scenes sure we can read body language on a sideline and how but even how a team executes on the floor sometimes that is the Players so I have taken the path of I try not to evaluate these things too much what I will say is I like theide a behind this I like the process of bringing in what is considered a shooting coach to this organization this seems to be what he is known for in his specialty and there’s some guys on this team that could really use that and so if he’s as good as what it sounds like he is I’m all for this and it makes a ton of sense for sure I I know some people I was scrolling on the timeline on Twitter and someone’s like well I guess we’re drafting Ry Holland they’re already speculating because this guy is supposed to be like the the shot doctor the shot Guru which we’ll get into some prospects later but um I I think this is a good hire personally um given the lack of three-point uh makes the Pistons have had over the the past couple of Seasons I think they were like almost like 20th or almost that last in three-point like makes last season um not to say that they didn’t shoot him they just weren’t going in yeah I mean they were I was pulling up basketball reference because this is one of the stats I do they were 26th in percentage 27th in attempts 29th in makes like it just you know that’s some of the numbers about the Pistons this last season was they didn’t shoot the three well they turned the ball over a lot they fouled the other team a whole bunch and put them on like those to me are floor raising stats if you can improve them and they were bad in all those kind of floor stats I guess which just the base level you got to be better in those areas and hopefully along with Talent acquisition player acquisition maybe Fred Vincent can help improve at least one of those things also for sure for sure I mean I was looking back I think the last time that the Pistons had like a quote unquote like shooting coach was like David hoopla which people know who that was um he used to be Michael Jordan shooting coach because Van Gundy had him on a uh the roster for maybe like a year or two and they were like close to top 10 in three-point uh makes which I mean if if you you can get like I’m not saying we’re going to go from like you know 30th to like 10 but I mean if you can go middle of the pack I think maybe instead of 14 uh wins maybe you’re closer to 20 you never know well I I think there’s going to be I would assume there’s Personnel decisions that help with the three-point shooting this as well I also I I don’t know this for a fact I do wonder if this is somewhat of a Monty Williams thing as well I don’t know Monty Williams history enough to know where his teams have ranked in the league in terms of three-point attempts and makes and all of that maybe they didn’t shoot very many because Monty knew that they didn’t have good Shooters but I think this needs to be a organizational focus in terms of you have to space the floor we’re seeing it right the Celtics have run the league all year long regular season now throughout the postseason without one of their best players and part of that is because they can really space the floor and shoot it and I’m not saying Detroit’s ever going to get close to that you know in the near future but they have to start making strides towards valuing the flooor spacing that shooting provides [Music] oh [Music]

Today On Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Bryce Simon they reacted to the breaking news of the Pistons hiring former New Orleans Pelicans assistant Fred Vinson as a new assistance coach.

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