@Dallas Mavericks

MAVS DOMINATE GAME 4 TO STAY ALIVE | Richard Jefferson, Kendrick Perkins, & Devin Harris

MAVS DOMINATE GAME 4 TO STAY ALIVE | Richard Jefferson, Kendrick Perkins, & Devin Harris

[Music] 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0er Welcome welcome welcome Road triping live happy Saturday everyone um we got Richard Jefferson we got Kendrick Perkins I’m Aly Clifton and he’s back for more Devin Harris 15-year NBA veteran who spent the majority of his career with the Dallas Mavericks so if there’s anyone on this podcast today that has more insight on Dallas it’s probably this man right here he knows more than all of us um when it comes to this team and I will say that we’ve already had some comments rolling in and people are wondering and hoping that Devin you can actually give some insight maybe some hopes optimism for Dallas after that 38 Point what do you want to call it when they’re in game four I mean guys let’s just di in Deon we’ll start with you or perk as you’re literally road tripping I am road tripping look my kids sleep you see them all four of them sleep I got my wife driving what’s up what’s going on well I I I don’t even know what that means perk I don’t even know what that means Devin what you got what do you think uh start with you I mean RJ can speak to this there’s there’s hope I mean that the do the door is a little bit open um Dallas did what they’re supposed to do you know not get swept win a game at home um the question is can they take that same intensity and and bring it to Boston something that’s extremely hard to do and not to say that no team can come back from three it hasn’t been done yet um that means that it necessarily won’t happen but I think there’s there’s still a little bit of Hope um especially with the m maybe figuring out some stuff and how to play and how to be effective against this team I think for some of you too that are just joining in having called a lot of the games for Dallas you’ve seen them on different wavelengths as well so I think just to hear you say that there that door is open I mean I me yeah for sure I mean we saw the Celtics almost come back from a three deficit just just last was that last year yeah just last last year um I mean they they got you the point to to a game seven so I think we’re going to see this happen at some point and and for Dallas fans I think you know wh why not this group and you know coming off that 30 point I’m gonna call it an ass whipping um you know there there there’s some hope there and you know Luca I think heard some of the noise that people come at him defensively I thought he was just a little bit more effective than he was in those first three games but I think more importantly we saw role players playing a little bit better and getting more involved I think that’s what Dallas has been missing no RI Devin to to your point I think anything can be done the Boston Celtics were on a hot run and we said they needed some help porzingis out after those first two games that’s why game three I think was so disappointed you knew that there was no porzingis you were at home for the first time and then we got the performance that we did but this team there’s a chance there’s a chance look the way I see it is all they have to do is win one game in Boston and then we could play that dance but ultimately the Boston Celtics should close this out at home in five that’s what should be done perk is not driving yeah perk is not driving what you got to say perk for one de see you man but both of y’all crazy as hell y’all didn’t lost y damn mind all right I look real talk I got a better chance of having breakfast in the morning with Beyonce and open than Dallas doing winning game five that [ __ ] ain’t happening man they’re not winning game five and look everybody’s been talking about Oh I thought you know the garden talking about TD Garden at Boston oh it’s it could be a I thought it was more hostile than this watch the energy in that building for game five right this is the energy that everybody’s that everybody’s been waiting it’s Nowhere In Hell Dallas walking in that Arena and getting a win matter of fact I’m going go out on the limb and say that Boston is going to return the favor of what what what Dallas did to them last night Boston is going to do to Dallas look I had Dallas P to win the game last night I called it on multiple shows but at the end of the day going back to the bean toown listen man it’s going to be a different environment Kyrie Irving has not played well in that environment dere glavy has not played well in that environment dere glavy has played well at home which role players play better at home damn it that ain’t traveling to Boston okay okay I I I agree look there’s a difference between what should be done and what’s going to happen perk okay let’s just say this hypothetically hypothetically if the Mavs were to win like a one-point game in b in Boston like win a game in Boston Boston’s giving away a game in here at home if they were to win one game what would be your level of nervousness I will be nervous I would be nervous if we hypothetically speaking but listen I’m not living in the world hyperic but I will say this I got to give a lot of praise to Luca he did answer the call last night Luka was sliding those puppies defensively I even I even saw verticality of Luka at the basket you know what I’m saying and he was playing with a level of physicality look this is what you wanted right Luka had to respond I get all that he did what he needed to do but again Boston cannot let Dallas get game fou and they cannot do it they cannot go back to Dallas dog they cannot do it they won’t do it they won’t do it I won’t believe what’s the record now I think 0 and 156 teams down uh 3 0 and series uh what would Dallas have to do to send it back just for a game six Ste uh I think it’s a similar to what they did in game five run them off the three um they played with a faster Pace the role players gonna need to show up um and I think more this the most important thing Luca has to stay out of foul now that’s going to be extremely hard because they’re attacking him on every single possession and I think he picked up three I think he ended a game with three um is possible but it’s him staying out of foul trouble I think it’s going to be huge hey Devin I got a question real real talk and all straight business so does Tyson Chandler Does He travel on the road with the Dallas Mavericks that’s that’s a problem I have a problem with that right Tyson Chandler who is Derek ly’s Mentor right player develop elment coach you see the difference it’s night and day obviously he’s going to play better at home but with a young man that’s playing in the NBA Finals that’s dealing with so much right Tyson dealt with a Sim situation when he was with the New York Knicks am I right with his dealing with his mom his mom uh just how when he leaves the basketball court right he feels lonely like he goes back to his hotel room and it and it hits him again wouldn’t it be wise for Dallas to have Tyson go on the road like to beat there with with with Derek lley to be his mentor make sure that he’s mentally ready to play in game five and and be the best version of himself I mean I can’t say that’s I can’t say yes and I can’t say no this is something he’s obviously been dealing with over the last month or two and I feel like being around your teammates you know at that point in time is something that he’s kind of leaned on um Tyson has throughout this whole season and last I think last season and this season has been like a point a part-time coach um that does not travel but at some point I mean you just you got to figure it out and and if you can do it at home you know there’s no reason why you can’t necessarily do it on the road the game is isn’t changing necess that much and I don’t know how much impact Tyson NE would have on the road as opposed to to at home I don’t know if they’re doing anything necessarily that much different other than warming up and maybe watching some film which obviously can be done anywhere so you know not I think you know we’re starting to see this man kind of come into his own he’s hitting threes now I mean everything is is kind of opening up for him and I think it’s just a matter of going through those experiences learning himself um you know what he cannot do on the floor I don’t know if Tyson can necessarily help him in that aspect but as far as feeling lonely and things like that those kind of things that you have to kind of go through in these kind of situations and you’re more so going to lean on your teammates I feel like than anything else well I’m just saying but it’s a it’s a huge drop off it’s not even an in between and I’m just saying like I just see I see them in a different space like when you see a guy that’s like that had backto back double doubles it got to be some type affect them right like having your dog on your side your big brother on your side and being the trenches with you got to be a it’s I mean I’m just thinking it got to be a certain type of feeling that we all had our own Player Development coaches and the people that we leaned on in each organization that we played with yeah no per perk I with I’m with you on that but it’s like after you have back to back d double doubles and he was playing well on the road like you talked about the Celtics and how chaotic it is when you’re there for your first time in the NBA Finals you’re playing on the road I I I think he needs to build off that momentum that he had in game three and game four and then keep it pushing did you open up a window bro oh nothing nothing someone just asked if perk was using a toaster for a [Laughter] microphone yeah they’re giving you tips where’s your mic where is your microphone at perk where is your mic I’m trying to if you haven’t noticed I’m trying to get the right camera angle because it seem like I’m looking off to the but I’m really looking at you guys yeah you just have that like biggie side eye you have that biggie eye using a toaster oven that kind of hits off to the side uh Devon someone read uh someone chimed in a little bit ago which you I was you played with Luca right his rookie year yes that was your final season that was my final season what did you think of obviously we talked about the play of Luca after game three perk mentioned him responding there in game four were you surprised at all with how he managed those 24 hours obviously 48 hours if you will his response and then is that something that you see him have you watched enough from him being around him obviously that he can sustain if they’re ultimately going to do the unthinkable one thing I will say I will never count this kid out and and I’m not surprised that he you know he’s heard all the noise he’s extremely competitive and this is something that’s been going on the last couple years and if they really want to do the unthinkable they they get to the mountain top it’s going to start with him and and how effective he can be on the defensive end of the floor I mean offensively he is as gested as they come but what teams are are going to start to do continue to do is attack him on that side of the floor now he’s got to make up his mind and how he’s going to respond to that not many teams are structured to do what Boston can do to him and with multiple guys attacking him and putting him in in constant action and and be successful with it but I think you know he understands what what needs to be done and I think they do a great job of of putting him in perspective but it’s going to continue to happen and you know I think they got a little bit of a good better whistle I feel like this last game I don’t know if it’s going to look like that in Boston but more so he’s got to take his attention off the referees and continue to to keep it on the floor and that’s something that you know it’s going to be a constant reminder for him I don’t know if game five this is one of those series when people are saying oh oh you said this you picked them and that man have you not seen the way these guys have played like we were sitting there arguing after game three about who was gonna get the finals MVP we was sitting there arguing over Jason Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown and then what happened happens they go and get blown out by 40 they ain’t talking about no finals MVPs right now they ain’t talking about no finals MVPs right now what per perk yeah yeah yeah you fixing your face and say something listen look shut the hell up okay I actually was agree I actually was agreeing with you Richard and look here’s the thing let’s get to the [ __ ] meat and potatoes all this number one Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum they came out playing individual basketball yesterday and the world saw it right the ball was not moving and we know what they were trying to do that’s not sugarcoated they both was trying to have that moment that game for a moment so that damn it they just you know what I’m saying in the voters eyes for the finals MVP because the ball was stick the ball was sticking it started from those two guys yesterday right and it’s okay I want people to realize it’s okay to go and try to win individual accolades it’s okay to do that right but you still got to do it within the team once I saw that I said oh no they done I already had the M speak to win let me ask y a question why is why is J kid calling out Wendy Wendy Wendy got a lot Wendy got a lot of heat Wendy got a lot of heat he gotta protect Luca he gotta protect Luca man that [ __ ] ain’t cool man what’ he say I didn’t see what he said what’d he say I I didn’t I just I just saw he called him out saying basically Wendy you know takes because it was his contract I’m like n that ain’t really it I [ __ ] with J kid I like J kid a lot my thing is is that Wendy was doing his job bro Luca was playing like [ __ ] he emotionally drained his team in game three and Wendy has he’s been seeing this right Wendy is the guy that flies overseas watch him play you know watch Luka play for his international team and all that stuff so at the end of the day it wasn’t like Wendy was just picking on the guy or trying to drop he called Wendy called out several times when he’s watched Luca like have these emotional breakdowns and after game three he just called it out like you see like you [Music] saw JK said give my man a break let him let him play the game because we’re all here to watch him play Let’s just enjoy it he’s 25 years old he will be better hopefully he’s better tonight oh that wasn’t that bad that wasn’t a call out wait Scott Foster is doing game [Music] five is that is that what it is perk if you don’t mute if you don’t mute your [ __ ] Bro can we mute him I think he just muted himself uh what do you mean Scott Foster they said is not on game five no was did Scott Foster do last game he did last game yeah oh yeah he’s not doing game five then they’ll do what does that mean no they’re basically just they’re they’re they’re saying that Scott Foster comes in to do the NBA’s Dirty Work can Tatum and brown get some benefit of the doubt or no benefit of the doubt they’re up 3-1 what benefit of Eddie wants to know benefit of the doubt doesn’t win you games bro like we we’re talking about what we see there might be some you know some Dr But ultimately it’s all taken on the court you want benefit of the doubt go win a champ go win one more game and you will always get the benefit of the doubt once you are a champion and then you’re down 20 you’re down 21 people are like I’m not gonna count out them because they are champions that’s how you get the benefit of the doubt Eddie does Boston play KP no no I say no what not yet not yet you still up 3-1 not yet not yet I think you gotta get I think you gotta get some minutes I think you gotta give him some minutes I agree pull those big guys out out from the paint open up that space a little bit and let those guys attack okay I just think he got one bad wheel before he got another bad wheel now and he’s 7 foot4 with a history injury they gonna Target him they gonna Target him bro he’s not moving if he’s not I’m not saying he’s not gonna space the floor but there’s a whole another half of the floor if he’s not moving right you also have nothing to lose essentially you’re in the finals you’re playing for an NBA championship you need one more win you know what it’s like that’s the reason why you ask that question Rich they win game five that confidence that momentum you know what that’s like oh they get nervous bro they get real your butthole start pucking up you start getting nervous I feel like I feel like the energy on this show right now is leaning towards the M Sports in the game six that’s what y’all predicting I’m not I’m done predicting predicting that I haven’t predicted [ __ ] right I have not predicted anything right I’m jumping on Devin’s train somebody said Devin Harris was so fast on 2K but he couldn’t hit a [Laughter] [Music] jumper so fast on 2K but couldn’t hit a jumper so they’re you’re basically saying 2K was accurate 2K was accurate don’t do that don’t do that I start making jump shots after you left the team they bad bad they were bad shots those were bad shots those were bad shots all right things that won’t one more thing things that won’t show on the stat sheet Lively’s screens that perk will take that one that that’s what perk used to do what said good screen yeah yeah I was yeah he was helping people points here’s the thing right I had to train my mind when I left Boston and went to Oklahoma City and I realized that Russ a young Russ KD and James wasn’t passing the ball I had to train my mind that when I said a good screen and they came off and they pulled up for a jump shot that was a maze shot because imagine right I went from playing with Rondo and kg guys that was actually looking you know Finding Me you know I was averaging 10 points then I went there you know what I’m saying and all of a sudden my shot attempts was at like n yeah they call you first play of the game no [ __ ] real story we playing in Brooklyn and we lost Brooklyn kicked our ass so we had we had practice the next day and we go to practice and and Scott Brooks he call a starting five out on the floor so it’s it’s Russ it’s KD is Tabo is Serge ibak is myself right and so Scott Brooks was like oh KD pass the ball to Tabo Tabo take the shot Tabo take the shot he was like passing to him again all right Tavo take the shot and then he was like pass it to Serge Serge take one shot and then he was like all right he looked at me he was like Katie just hold the ball we cannot [ __ ] play like this we cannot play like this Tabo took two shots last night Serge took one perk had zero both of you guys combined for 76 shot attempts had 76 shot attempts dog D yeah 76 out of 90 like 92 let me ask you something Park what happened after that game they take the next game the next game like what happened next Game Pass they did they did but it was a pass with a attitude like you know it wasn’t one of them like oh knock that down or finish that big fell it was kind of like a pass it was like pressure behind the pass so yeah if Serge or TBO didn’t make the shadow I didn’t finish it the basket was kind of like they was waiting to be like see I told you so like that type of [ __ ] they would thr those passes like this like when you get a pass when you get one of those when you get one of those passes like see like damn damn bro damn yeah that’s aggressive but I can see myself passing you the ball that way per I can see myself passing you the ball that’s fine that’s you guys are amazing um I’ll let you get on with your Saturday thanks to everyone jumping in on the comments as well uh road tripping is really road tripping today uh perk shout out to all your kids they’re still sleeping and your wife I miss her yeah somebody said somebody said per per perk got dead kids in the back that’s horrible Richard kidnapping your own kids man I cannot all right well there is a game five hopefully there will be a six and a seven go Dallas we’ll see you though post game Monday night from Boston done done [Music] that’s

The Dallas Mavericks (Luka Doncic, Kyrie Iriving) blew out the Boston Celtics (Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown) 122-84 in Game 4 of the 2024 NBA Finals to avoid the sweep! Richard Jefferson and Allie Clifton of the Road Trippin’ crew are joined by ESPN’s Kendrick Perkins and former Mavs great Devin Harris to break down everything from Game 4 and look ahead to Game 5.


  1. Luka was 0-8 shooting three's and Dallas still won by 38. if you think Luka won't pop the net in game 5 from 3 you're a bad gambler. Luka is known for humbling a loud crowd. (just like MJ) its what motivates him. i'm gonna go out on a limb and say Luka magic happens in game 5 Luka with a 40 point triple double. Mavs in 7

  2. A lot of teams like to extend serious because it helps the bench players 😮extra money. It doesn’t really help the superstars because they probably get like maybe 30,000 a game but it does help the bench players.

  3. Omg Perk you're the worst, Boston should win but to say that it's damn near impossible is ridiculous. Yes most likely the Celtics willl close it at home but still, there's a reason people were picking Dallas in 6 before the series started

  4. Why don't any of you guys call out luka for not playing defense at all BIG DOGGIE 💯👣 He doesn't play defense, doesn't have the cardio to play defense, and doesn't want to play defense BIG DOGGIE 💯👣 What happened to defense wins championships BIG DOGGIE 💯👣

  5. Keys to win? Run them off to three…? They shot poorly from three in all the games they won. they need to hope for a miracle! Celtics are flat out better in every fast of the game. They should not lose.

  6. The Mavs pace and defensive rotations were on point that was the difference. When the Mavs push the ball they don’t allow the Celtics defense to set which allowed their offense to flow much more easy. We saw multiple collapses/miscommunications/errors because the Celtics were so occupied finding kyrie and Luka in transition. That’s the recipe for the Mavs moving forward. Now for defensive rotations the Mavs were on point. Once the dribble drive is in effect with help the next 2 pass player away needs to immediately rotate to run the shooters off the line. I saw this happen all 2nd quarter. Which completely stuffed the Celtics offense. If the Mavs want any chance to win game 5 they need to run fast on offense and rotate to perfection again.

  7. 18:15 Nothing to lose? If KP plays on an injured leg, he can end his career. We've seen it with KD, and Timelord in recent past. Does Allie actually watch the games? You only play KP in an emergency situation, and even then, if there is even a chance he isn't right and can injure himself worse, sit him.

  8. Not going to lie,the Celtics wasn't playing hard,they let Dallas won so they can beat them at home,it will mean more to win it on their home floor

  9. Understand the games Boston has won, the four quarters were split between Dallas and Boston. The difference is one of Boston’s two quarters that they won the margin of victory was SIGNIFICANTLY and Dallas never recovered. However in game four Dallas smashed Boston for all FOUR QUARTERS. That has not happened in the earlier games. Hypothetical scenario could happen lol 😂.

  10. You could tell the Celtics were throwing the game by how lack luster they played. They couldn't have made it more obvious

  11. The fact that so many of you otherwise completely normal, healthy and functional people so easily believe in all of these insanely unlikely conspiracy theories is why I have no hope for humanity’s future. The Celtics didn’t throw an NBA Finals game so that they could “celebrate at home”. They were going to get on a plane and celebrate at home, regardless. There was going to be a huge parade in downtown Boston regardless. They didn’t purposely lose just so they could have some confetti during the trophy presentation. That’s so idiotic that I can’t even fathom it.

  12. Somebody needs to tell Perkins the millionaire that they make those headphones with a swivel mic on them so people can actually hear what the fuck you’re saying.

  13. I know Perkins is really bad at math but let me help him real quick. Dallas is held Boston to 107, 106, 106, and 84. The reason they’ve lost is because they got no production from the role-players and subpar games from Kyrie. So when he says there’s no way they can beat Boston, let me give you 3 ways.

    Luka and Kyrie combine for 60 points, Washington gives you 15, lively and Gafford give you 20/15 REB, Jones Exum and Green give you 15, Kleber gives you 8 = 118

    L & K give you 50, PJ 15, L & G 20/15, J & E & G 20, Hardy 5, Kleber 5 = 115.

    L&K 55, L & G 20/15, PJ 10, J & E & G 15, Kleber 5, Hardaway 10 = 115

    No scenario requires a big game from anyone and all give you 8-12pts more than Boston has scored yet.

  14. People saying they wanted to win in Boston are delusional. They want to win as quickly as possible. They just came out flat and dallas was ready

  15. Boston fan here. They didnt let them win. If you would like a loose explanation, read on:

    Unless ownership went around Mazzulla and told the players, directly, 'throw it' – which I do not think would happen – there's just no chance our sicko coach would endorse that. They also wouldnt have dressed KP if they didnt think they were going to win, he wanted to be in uniform if they got the job done, even if he's not healthy enough to play.

    When this team loses, it loses big. It's basically the only way that they lose bc of how the team is set up – it usually starts, as last night, with Tatum getting riled by a lack of calls early, and deciding to force things outside the flow of the offense. That usually means him missing pull up threes early in the clock, or missing lay-ups that he wasnt really trying to score, but rather draw contact to make a point. In both situations, it's very hard for the Celtics to get back and set up their defense. No team is good in transition defense, but the difference between the C's having 6 seconds to set, and 0, is astronomical. It leads to deficits.

    And then there is usually a 'right the ship' stretch, where Brown and Jrue each take a few terrible heat checks, hoping to just put something in so the team can get back on D. If those miss, the early deficit turns into a 20 pt gap. Then DWhite will usually cut off the Jays from getting the ball, and the team will try to get Al into the mix with a three. If that works – if those two are able to score a stretch of points, if Tatum calms down and doesnt escalate things with the refs – order is usually restored, and they can start making margin plays to get back in the game. They usually do, bc they are so much more talented than most teams in the league.

    If the other team happens to be playing great ball – as the Mavs did, as a unit, last night – all of those challenges are magnified; if the ref happens to be a menace – as Foster is in a close out game, and Brothers in the booth most surely is – then Tatum never calms down, bc while he isnt WRONG about the reffing, he isnt yet mature enough to realize he has got to play through it, rather than at it. We saw Luka have the same meltdown in game 3 – they are very alike in this problem, Tatum is older and more composed, but he's still got that.

    This is all to say, the night started off with the kind of whistle you'd expect in a closeout game during the legal betting era, Tatum responded 12 mintues of ball-dominating 'effort' that sank the offense, which hamstrings the defense, the Mavs played with incredible intensity and determination as befits a good team playing for their season, their role players showed up, and the Celtics cut their losses. Later than they usually would have, honestly. C's were trying, they just got their asses kicked.


  17. Mavs didn't even change the gameplan. They did the same thing, but this one time, it worked. Watch the tape. Nothing else to say. Mavs didn't figure anything out here.

  18. Celtic fans now coming up with the excuses, hate when teams when they lose have their fan bases lining up with the excuses this and that. Plain and simple, Boston looked pathetic and were flat out embarrassing, don’t wanna hear no, “ oh they wanna win it at home, or i’ve been saying boston in 5.”. Showing up to play a game with that lazy and lackluster performance is bad regardless of the situation.

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