@Utah Jazz

HOUR 3: Possible Utah Jazz draft prospects | Sports figures that deserve a statue in Utah + MORE

HOUR 3: Possible Utah Jazz draft prospects | Sports figures that deserve a statue in Utah + MORE

you’re locked on to H sson and Scotty CH that’s right on 975 the KSL Sports [Music] Z you know that it would be untrue you know that I would be a liar if I was to to you H olon Scott Gerard 975 the KSL Sports Zone well the Dallas Mavericks on life support down 03 Boston able to make just enough plays down the stretch Luca fouls out Kyrie tries to take over just can’t get it done and uh just like that the Celtics one win away from sweeping an NBA finals and winning a title joining us now he’s our favorite dude on the planet he knows more about basketball than you do he plays a meaner guitar than you do and he’s better looking than you are it’s Tim lome coach how are you what’s going on you you vagabonds you he got more money than we’ve got oh would you stop with that just called us a babon man is that is that a good thing or a bad thing oh it’s a good thing is that’s a good thing it’s a good thing in my world yeah okay because I’m I’m King Vagabond that’s uh but yeah man it’s uh great to be with you beautiful summer day and um you guys hit it on the head I think we have seen the I guess kind of the outcome before the outcome with this series kind of open last night maybe for a little momentum for Dallas but couldn’t find it even with porzingis out and I think the writing’s on the wall now it’s just again the question gentleman sweep or straight sweep and I am feeling straight sweep yeah I am too after last night I think game three was the game to be had and you don’t get it and now why why take it back to Boston for game five just finish it off and be done and go enjoy your parade yeah and it will be quite a parade they have not had such a parade if I remember right since uh 200 eight or nine yeah am I thinking right kg anything is possible yeah yeah y didn’t he mess up his line in that last time for them was it wasn’t it supposed to be like an Adidas line or something that he was supposed to yell and he yelled the wrong thing I can’t remember that sounds familiar though hey I man I maybe we can come back and revisit this but I almost want to put a blanket on this game because it’s all a big wet blanket to me this final sucks I’m not gonna lie I’m I’m a little bit down and out about it but you know what doesn’t suck hey coach is is BYU turning into a basketball school is this what is happening right in front of us here wow it’s it’s remarkable really um it’s almost like every day I turn around and they’re on the board for another top five guy um a lot going on and I think the commitment has been really solidified I think the hiring of Kevin young I think his vision coupled with um you know second year in the Big 12 kind of understand and what you’re up against and if you’re going to be good in college athletics right now you have to have a robust way to pay these guys you have to have a robust nil and I think BYU worked really really hard at that um former player of mine Craig cusk who uh is now he he’s with qualtrix but he moved to Europe um recently but he spent better part of a year he and Mark Homer just grinding um and I think that they were able to to build up the nil there and then I think the new excitement I I think the vision and obviously kind of being in and able to fish in ponds that BYU’s never been able to fish in before well I mean when you look at nil and I know a lot of schools are doing this and I don’t know if BYU consciously is doing this but it’s a lot easier to support 15 players than it is 85 players and there’s a lot of schools out there that are like Hey look it’s a new world what can we be great in and they’re looking at college and they’re looking at basketball and saying we can do that instead of this like the numbers that are being used at UNLV in New Mexico are crazy for basketball and football’s like just try not to embarrass us but basketball we’re going all in on because it’s easier to do uh and more financially feasible and and again I’m not saying that’s what’s going on at BYU but a lot of schools are consciously making that decision yeah and I think with BYU I think the one ace in the ho there is their history over time you know they they every weekend they routinely fill that place uh you know and the fans whether the the team’s great or the team’s you know fighting to be great uh there there’s a great level of support and so I think football football’s always going to have its money I think football’s always going to have its day there but I I think the the excitement around basketball all kind of the new opportunities that exist now within the Frameworks of the NCAA you know it’s a it was once kind of a hidden world that nobody got to play in unless you were really uh willing to venture into some back alleys and I think now everything’s brought into the light um by has been pretty organized at getting things put together on the basketball side and I think you know we’re starting to see the the benefit of that I really intrigued to see how they they wrap up the roster and moving into year one with Kevin young how things go so BYU’s got their nice new shiny coach and seems to be spending money on their recruits and their roster Utah States got their nice new shiny coach Scotty and I got to interview him Scotty I I I don’t want to speak for you but I was extremely super impressed with that guy impressed yeah with him and and Utah State of course winning conference championships and getting in in deep in conference tournaments and and doing some great things how much pressure is being put on Utah basketball by what’s kind of happening in the state with the the money that they’re going after and the coaches that they’re bringing in how much pressure is that putting on Utah well I think it’s putting a ton of pressure I think um you know all the things I talked about with BYU um you know I think Utah has not done as good job on the basketball side um you know just literally for starters was just with marketing and attendance for the games you know um so yeah they’re fighting uphill battle there’s no question about it I I mean I like some of the moves that I’ve seen Craig make um you know happen to kind of retool a a big part of the roster and then replacing what seems like the entire staff um so I think you know the proof’s going to be in the pudding but I I do think think again the the way to be successful now is to have a really robust nil you’ve got to have you gotta have a reason for guys to want to go there too from a development standpoint and I think that’s what BYU hiring Kevin young was brilliant because he brought basically a very polished group of coaches in that it’s going to be a real selling point you know when you say you’ve got a a former you know head level assistant at the NBA level and you’ve got you know a couple dudes that were head coaches in the G League I mean they they understand what’s required so I think it’s just a growing you know concern at Utah just for lack of support more than anything and it’s crazy that I even utter those words because there was a time where you could not get a seat in that building um but it’s just crazy how things change yeah um timy joining us right here on 975 The ekl Sport Zone uh you know there’s we talk about this in the NFL and college football there’s a lot of coaches that were leaving college to go to the NFL because they didn’t want to deal with nil they didn’t want to deal with any of these other issues but you got Kevin Young Who very frankly was on a fast trck to being a head coach he’s at BYU and Dan Hurley who just gave the middle finger to the Lakers to stay at Yukon um is you know if you if you’re in a spot where you’ve got a school that’s willing to pay the money for the nil is college still a place you would prefer to be over the NBA I think you have to look at the schedule you know both are crazy both are you know more than full-time jobs but I do think you have a little wiggle room uh just in number of games uh and I had an opportunity to visit with Kevin briefly um in the last couple weeks and you know we talked a little bit about that I think that the you know the move he made as much as it was for basketball was for his family you know I think he you’re out on the road you hear the the term you hear 82 games and I you know I grew my whole life knowing the NBA knowing they played 82 but it’s a whole different animal when your rear end’s got to be in a seed 82 times a year and um and then all the travel that goes with it when you look at the basketball season probably the most who plays 40 um so if you build a really cool staff and you’ve got a great story to with a young family you know Kevin’s able to compete still a very very high level highest level in college and prepare guys for the league that he was just in and know something about but again I think this move above all else you know above the money everything I it certainly had to be the right fit but I think this was a I think it was a life decision for for Kevin um and then I was really I was I was thrilled that and turned down uh the Lakers because it would have a brutal move and I tweeted about it you know he’s going to be a part of a coaching graveyard because every coach that ever coaches is and my headstones displayed out on my front lawn um but he’s not going to be in LeBron’s graveyard and I think that’s that was a really wise choice there’s a track record there and and I think that that’s you know that was great to see somebody who has it going on and understand stayed where it’s going on well coach outside of college basketball I think the biggest thing we’ve got coming up here June 26 I’m hoping to be back on some coverage with you I’m sure you’ll be doing the TV side of things but the first day of the NBA draft first of all splitting in in two days but the Jazz with number 10 the Jazz with number 29 and in the second day the Jazz with number 32 uh how you feeling about like uh Dalton connect or Ronald Holland or a Devin Carter or how you feeling about some of those guys that should be available right around number 10 and what what do you think specifically the Jazz should do do do they target best talent at 10 do they target a certain position at 10 how do they handle that well the beauty of the draft every year is you know the old saying that the beauty is in the eye of the beholder um and I I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a draft so Topsy Turvy uh a a you know you know one day you you read and look at some projections um you know you dig into some the next day and they’re so vastly different you know a guy who’s maybe um not even listed in the top 10 on one is maybe in the top five on another so it’s pretty crazy out there just the movement and I think that goes to what you’re talking about it’s it’s it’s team need um you know I think that that will definitely Drive some of the decision making but I would assume in a year as well um that there’ll probably be teams willing to move around a little bit so I think the uncertainty of the placement of the players and then everybody’s willingness to maybe move around that we could be in for a kind of a wild night uh and days leading up to the draft um you know you only get so many of these windows and to your point about what the Jazz need you know I’d really love to see the one thing I I noticed about this draft got a three-year-old grandson and you know you get a three-year-old and they’re obsessed with bathroom talk I heard I heard David lock today call this that you know every guy in this draft is a butt guy you know by that I mean uh he’s really good shooter but he can’t move his feet or you know unbelievably talented but bad motor you know one of those deals um so it’s a it’s a three-year-old bathroom talk draft it’s a butt draft but I do think in housed in that there’s there’s really got you know there’s some really good players that I think can probably impact winning right away and I would Pro I would I would put my stock in the fact that the Jazz probably take somebody that’s a little bit older that’s a little bit more experienced but has a he has a pension of of being a winner you know if that makes sense Danny and talking to him a couple times through the years during the draft process always kind of looks for a an outlier you know something that they do at a freakish level could be length could be shot blocking could be floor running all these different things but I would bet you they they they push a little bit into that competitiveness you know somebody probably capable of guarding the yard um and then just again impact winning a guy like Marcus Smart you know who’s maybe when they were drafted kind of wonder how are they going to but at the end of the day their role was very very evident right from the beginning they were there to impact winning and so I think that there’s a handful of guys on the board that could help the Jazz in that regard and I would not be surprised if that’s the direction they go all right so you’ve I’m reading between the lines here and I know you’re not saying that that you know you know but but what you’re what you’re implying I I heard two players there that jumped out of me uh first off uh the and I don’t know if I’m pronouncing his name right the Dalton neck the kid from uh from Tennessee older guy yeah and he’s got one great skill set he shoots the heck out of the basketball you know and again there’s going to be limitations to his game he’s older but he does bring an elite skill set to the table and then the other guy that I hear that you talk about freakish length is and I don’t you know obviously the Jaz I wouldn’t imagine they’d use him for that first pick but maybe later for the picks is Edy um could you see either one of those two guys ju I’m just using your your examples that you’re of the type of player that the Jazz might be looking for yeah you know and I would throw a couple guys in there too I think those guys are definite possibilities connect more than Edy um but no nothing against Ed I just do I still believe you know what is his ceiling on minutes played uh the things that he does well he does so well but when you start talking about a League that’s just consumed with ball screens you’re going to see more ball screens in a possession probably now than you would have seen in a 10 years ago in five you know games I there just so many ball screens and The Bigs have such a huge assignment and we saw with Minnesota you know with goar’s pension to want to guard everything and drop coverage Dallas kind of made hay on that um and so you wonder about how just how uh big an impact Ed can make and with the right team I think he can uh I think connect you’re exactly right you know the the butt on him dude can shoot the ball you know on the Move great catch and shoot guy there were Shades as I watched his tape of boan bogdanovic a guy like that gets it off quick um you know conect probably got a little better upside off the bounce than Boon did uh but a guy that stands out to me you know in the way of impacting winning and experience would be you know those two Connecticut players in kinging and I actually in the Pro game I might I actually favor kinging over Ed because I just think all of the things I talked about I think clinging can do them a little better uh and then the other guy is a guy named Devon Carter from Providence and um you know 63 you look at his bio his dad was Anthony Carter played in the NBA played for Hawaii uh in college you know was their leading assist guy in history but his son Dev and you watch that dude compete the way he fights over ball screens you know to have a guy out there that just instantly brings defensive credibility his length at 63 he’s got a 68 69 wingspan so similar like an Avery Bradley who just happens to be here in Utah now uh he’s the guy that steps that stands out and then Stefan Castle uh I know the verdict on him his buttt is can he shoot but but I I love watching that dude defend with the urgency you know that his life depends on it and I do think the Jazz need a little of that to mix in with the guys they’ve got right now so I love Donovan Clingan I love where he’s come from who’s coached him I love his game everything that he showed in crunch I I know his his height he’s at whatever 72 or 73 he is what he did defensively I love it I just can’t see him on the board at 10 do you do you see the any possible way that that Donovan kingan could be on the board at at 10 because if he is I just don’t think you pass pass him without taking him no I I think you know prior to maybe the last two months you would say that he would be but I don’t think anymore I think you know everything I’ve read about his workouts and you know just what movement he’s made has been all upward trajectory so I’d be surprised if he were around but again I think the Jazz I would also be the surprised if the Jazz draft three guys this year really would um as I said I think there’re GNA be some movement and so that’s what we got to sit back and watch but it will be one of those nights you know some drafts you show up and it’s everybody understands the first five picks are set in stone and I don’t think the first pick’s set in stone Zone I mean that’s how how random this draft will be they’re you know I sit and look at some of the names thrown out there and they just don’t seem like number one number two guys to me so again it’s going to be really interesting to see where this thing goes but probably even if it’s quote unquote down still one of the more intriguing drafts uh this is my fourth year and I I will be doing TV this year it’s really going to be fun working with David lock at the at the vaunted draft desk um so I have been digging into these guys and still have a whole lot of work to do but really interesting to see the talent out there well always good catching up with you appreciate your time coach and let’s do it again next week all right hey you too I love you guys man we love you coach you’re the best we’ll see you there he is Tim lome right here on 975 The ekl Sport Zone all right coming up next we’re going to spin the wheel little sportser L Straight Ahead hands in Scotty 975 the KSL Sports 2 it’s the 10th Annual top 60 and 60 get your college football fix every day at 1:30 as the Zone counts you down to the start of the 2024 season by listing off the top 60 players in the state of Utah as voted on by the local media and you the fans you’ll also hear from the coaches as they talk about the players that will impact their season the most it’s the top 60 and 60 weekday at 1:30 presented by fstar painting on your home of the best college football coverage in Utah 975 the KSL Sports s the wheel is loaded and it’s time to talk some sports this is sports roulette with Hansen Scotty on 975 the KSL Sports Zone [Music] hands and Scotty 975 the KSL Sports Zone time for another edition of sports roulette we take the big story lines of the day we put on a roulette whe we spin it wherever that little ball lands is what we end up talking about a lot on the table we got about 17 stories on the old roulette will jamack wo baby all right so let’s get to it Lloyd fire up that wheel before lvll and Sloan come on well Tom Brady was in ducted into the New England Hall of Fame and it was also announced that they are going to be putting a 12 foot bronze sculpture of Tom Brady in front of Gillette Stadium 12 foot bronze sculpture of Tom Brady in front of Gillette Stadium it is the only only person that will be commemorated in bronze in front of that Stadium Robert Craft announced it at this whole event I’m sure Robert Craft will put him a statue of himself up there too like what was it Jerry Richardson did it in Carolina the Carolina and he was like holding back Panthers or something yeah yeah yeah maybe this is why why Tom was so upset when when what’s his face made a joke at him at the roast because he knew this was coming yeah maybe so although Drew bledo they asked him about what what to expect from the ceremony last night he goes well I’ll tell you what we’re going to be a lot nicer to him on this one than we were Tom Brady 12 foot bronze sculpture W will we ever see a Jerry Sloan in front of Center yeah we will I’ve not heard that specifically from anybody but we will will we see lavel in front of lvll Edward I now that I don’t know yeah I would ask I I don’t know people down there well enough I know the Jazz brass want to do it and I think when all these Renovations happen and stuff like that it would not surprise me if that was part of that in some way shape or form it’s got to be yeah the only thing they’ve got is the bronze cougar that was like donated back in the 80s yeah and it’s like everybody loves a a a bronze figure of their Sports Heroes don’t they yeah take a picture by him absolutely yeah I mean I how often do you and I or Lloyd you walk over to the arena and you got some random tourist that’s taking a picture next to John and Carl those statues all the time every day there’s somebody taking a picture there and Jerry Sloan needs to have his own there would you say those are 12-footers without the pedestal because this is a 12 foot of Tom without 12 seems awfully high for those JN and Carl ones I don’t think they’re 12 I’ve got nothing against John Stockton but Jerry should have had one before John yes but I think Jerry was still coaching when those things went up like they got those statues up fast he was yeah he was you’re right but think of 12 foot 12 foot is if Lloyd Cole was standing on my shoulders that’s 12 foot that’s a big a big Manama Jama um Merlins is probably I’d say maybe 9 to 10 that’s where I would put it 9 to 10 on the pedestal it’s 12 yeah don’t you think yeah yeah so a 12 foot of Tom that that’s a little might be a little much uh for Tom he’s thinking no that’s Tom built that place I do love our Sports Heroes who else are we M missing with statues here locally yeah is there anybody else that needs to go up I I know Jerry Sloan with the Jazz L Edwards is there a I mean Kyle Kyle Whittingham should get one when he’s done he will he absolutely he has to be frankly I think Utah should put one of raon McBride too yeah that would be nice because I know that it ended poorly with Ron in terms of Chris Hill firing him which I still don’t agree with um but Utah is not Utah without Ron McBride everything that you have and you’re seeing with the University of Utah does not exist if Ron McBride is not the coach I agree with that um so when you go to stadiums like like I’ve I’ve been make it at a couple of these baseball parks and you’re seeing the commemorations of people that you’ve never heard of before I love it see to me it’s like oh well what’s that yeah I love seeing that stuff it’s Pat yeah you know you you walk up to it and you read it and you go through it and you’re like oh I didn’t I didn’t know about that guy yeah I I I you know when we get to a stadium especially you know if I’m going to like you know I’ve been to Alabama and Tennessee and uh Wake Forest actually has some really cool statues um uh where was I at last year Iowa uh had a couple really cool statues of people that i’ never heard of but were imple you know important to the development of their programs and you know Kevin White and I walk around the stadium a little bit usually because we don’t know where we’re going and a takes us on a weird path path trying to get up to the Press Box boss it’s over here like No And we walk another two miles trying to find a way up to the Press Box trying to get to a Pack 12 media day yeah you’re I know it’s just the way you do it your a impression is is too much I love a by the way he’s such a he’s such a great dude and the way he hustles with it oh he’s such a hustler he is but he hustles you into the he hustles you into problems he puts us into some weird spots sometimes boss I I was just trying to get the equipment up there I backed the the van right into the the G the gates I back to van it’s that would admit that he that would be saying that he would admit this oh no he wouldn’t he’d Li as you know what off anyway that’s beside the point anyway I love I’ve love seeing that stuff and I think you need to embrace that and embrace your history do everything you can and uh hopefully someday we’ll see a Jerry Sloan you’re getting into going to ballparks you need to go to the job Stadium in San Francisco can I that one’s awesome does Barry Bond have a statue no he doesn’t he should can I throw one suggestion out hand tell me if I’m getting out of line here new Beast Stadium Steve Clocky oh yes absolutely 100% the Daybreak Stadium yes absolutely do it thank you Nob brainer that just hit and it doesn’t even need to be a full-fledged even if it’s just a bust you know just something that commemorates him not 29 Seasons behind the mic know and I know they’ll if it’s not there already on the broadcast Booth they’ll put his name on the broadcast Booth that’s nice but nobody sees that people need to know who Steve KY is 15 20 years from now people still need to know who Steve CL because remember in Triple A we’re not going to remember managers you don’t have Legacy some people don’t even know when they when they come right on I know yeah some people will call them by the wrong name on interviews man Jake Scott that’s got to be the greatest Jake Scott moment of all time I don’t know there’s a lot of great Jake Scott moments yeah but him being like that’s just one of the many Ste Haring stepen Rogers sitting here with us and actually my name is Keith Johnson manager of the solake be Stephen Rogers it Stephen it’s Keith oh anyways well I don’t we shouldn’t get into the weeds of all this yeah that that stuff’s not important but put that man in front of in in bold area I want to see Steve KY yep and and I I don’t want just a a write up on him no I want to see his face yeah no chance that guy should be gone all right one more Lloyd go ahead and spin it Charles Barkley got a little loose on live TV well Hans you always know Charles Barkley he’s got stuff to say he’s got by the way so this was at uh this was at game he was at game two of the Stanley Cup finals and that’s where this happened on sportset uh sportset TV the Oilers were your pick from the outset what do you think of them so far well they played great in game won but they didn’t win but bosi was oh sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry he was freaking amazing I apologize y’all kids at home he was freaking amazing but you know the the allers man they’ve been amazing I picked him from the start of the playoffs but you know Florida the Panthers are amazing so I’m looking forward to the third period geez Chuck you can’t say it on TNT don’t say it in Canada well okay I actually have a problem with this I’ve actually had a problem with this cut we had it in a while ago just didn’t get when we weren’t able to get to it I’ve got a problem with this he knows exactly what he’s saying that’s not a mistake yeah you’ve been doing live TV for 20 years now it’s not a mistake man or is he is he a little tipsy maybe but you you know you’re trying to be funny or you think that that’s cute or you you just maybe you just don’t care maybe maybe you’re upset that you’re having to be there and so you do something to let the world know like don’t bug me with stupid interviews on your stupid little stations or else you’re G to get this yeah but that FW was calculated it was purposeful that is not an accident he for him to say oops excuse me like Chuck I love you bro I love you but I know that that was not accidental and you know why that bugs me because if somebody comes and does that on our show oh yeah it’s not funny no that’s our job right there right because you get fines and you get meetings and and you’re looking at your bus like I I just thought it would be great to have Charles on for a minute I thought that that would be helpful yeah we do a we do a simal cast with a show in Dallas yeah and how does that how does that affect him it doesn’t he’s not hurt by that no doesn’t bother him no not a lick he’s on give me attention tour 101 right now because the NBA Live Crew is getting shut down so he wants all the attention he can get yeah and this guy just got put in the crosshairs and that’s a bum deal and I I know that station got fines many many fines yeah so I don’t like that as much as I love Charles and typically I’ll dismiss things and have fun with it but you just dropped a meaningful purposeful fbom on my show and you don’t have to answer for it that sucks I don’t like it and you know I typically I laugh off Charles Barkley stuff yeah I’m not laughing this one off no no because you’re right Barkley doesn’t take the doesn’t take the hit that station does right the network does and I know they do and the hosts do yeah I mean no never mind I almost share that story all right hands and Scotty one more Lloyd go ahead and spin [Applause] it it’s not worth 750,000 to show up apparently if you’re Lamar Jackson 750,000 doesn’t mean much anymore and I always am surprised by this now you were obviously in a different situation but with all these I mean you did you get cash for showing up to workouts or was it just the St Elmo’s gift cards cash so you got cash and some gift cards if you’re all at your workouts and everything like that well most players do have those in in their um in their contracts where if they show up for offseason workouts and they have a certain attendance that they get bonuses well Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson has a workout bonus in his contract where if he shows up I’m not exactly sure what the percent oh just 80% that’s it he just has to be at 80% of the team’s offseason program it’s not hard he did not attend those he skipped four out of Baltimore’s first five voluntary organized team activities why even come to the one then it cost him $750,000 now look this is a dude that’s going to earn 14.2 million in just base salary next year so he’s going to make a 14.2 and that’s just in base so I’m sure there’s other things that are involved performance throughout the season where he’ll plus endorsements he’ll probably be pushing 20 before it’s all said and done but still 750,000 that’s still a good chunk of change just to be like n you know what I’m good and you know what really gets my goat he’s GNA be on a Mike somewhere retired saying the NFL really doesn’t set you up to Su take care they don’t set you up to be financially successful like Draymond Green yeah yeah it’s a good point I don’t know if America has ever wanted to punch somebody in their face more than when Draymond Green said that yeah you can’t you can’t do that that’s like that’s like when that first NBA lockout in the late 90s and um and uh Patrick euan got on a mic and said hey look you know this is a hard time for us andbody like you guys are multi-millionaires shut up and he’s like well we do make a lot of money but we do spend a lot of money it’s one of the worst PR lines ever for a player to say during a lockout when you’re trying to get public support and you’re trying to you’re fighting with the owners for that last dollar and you want the public on your side and Patrick Ying says well we do make a lot but we also spend a lot it’s like uh yeah that’s not helping your cause any got to be careful that stuff yep all right 250 hands and Scotty we’ll wrap this bad boy up next right here on the Zone 3 2 1 it’s the 10th Annual top 60 and 60 get your college football fixed every day at 1:30 as the Zone counts you down to the start of the 2024 season by listing off the top 60 players in the state of Utah as voted on by the local media and you the fans you’ll also hear from the coaches as they talk about the players that will impact back their season the most it’s the top 60 and 60 weekdays at 1:30 presented by five star painting on your home of the best college football coverage in Utah 975 the KSL Sports Z looking for the latest on the Jazz Utes cougars and Aggies we’ve got you covered this is H Olsen and Scotty G on 975 the sports Z standing here beside you want so much to give you this love in my heart that I’m feeling for you let czy I don’t care about put your hand in my hand baby don’t ever look the world around us just fall apart maybe we can make it if we’re hard to hard H and Scotty another show in the books thanks for making us part of your day this is a fun one today again if you missed any part of the show it’s available for you in podcast form all you have to do is go to KSL or uh just wherever you get your podcast search H and Scotty and uh you will uh get all the latest sound all full shows individual interviews it’s good stuff we got to pretty much everything some NHL Insight with Sean who I think is one of the better NHL Minds out there Gentilly is fantastic at what he does coach lome came on and we hit NBA and a lot of college and then some NBA draft you’re gonna want to go back and listen to that yep and you know good bad and ugly we had a blast today it’s been a fun show uh Brian Taylor joined us talking about the uh performance of Tony fow so far which Tony had his I think it was best opening round of US Open yeah two under and should have been three bogey that last hole two under in the last time I looked there were 17 of 138 off the box that were even under par yeah so it’s not an easy course nope not at all uh we’ll have a round two update tomorrow with Bob Casper will join us and uh we’ll continue talk NBA and NFL as or NBA and NHL as well JJ and Alex coming up next hands and Scotty have a great Thursday back with you on a Friday edition of the show tomorrow right here on 975 the ekl Sports Zone

• Utah Jazz pre/half/post show host Tim LaComb

• Sports Roulette

• Final thoughts

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