@Philadelphia 76ers

Are The Sixers A Tough Sell To Free Agents? | Clap Your Hands

Are The Sixers A Tough Sell To Free Agents? | Clap Your Hands

[Music] welcome on it it’s another edition of the clap your hands podcast Jack Fritz La Shore Parks James Jackson here with you as we are awaiting anything literally anything literally any rumor I think within the 10 next 10 days I think there’s going to be a lot of a lot of little flurry of stuff going on all right so I have I have two things I wanted to start with one one’s basketball and one is basketball adjacent which do you want I want your basketball first and then your basketball adjacent second okay I I’ve said this on the pot a few times but I think it’s starting to come to fruition I if if the Lakers hire JJ and it looks like Donovan Mitchell is going to resign with the Cavs I’m really just getting a feeling everything’s slipping away yeah it doesn’t feel to me like there is a a lot of action with the Sixers now you could argue Daryl M moving in silence potentially but I don’t know like the more that comes out and the like less there is in terms of like Paul George is leaving the Clippers like there’s never any of that now you hear about the Pacers being invol involved with Paul George or maybe he’ll try to like you know Force his way somewhere well it doesn’t feel like things are going the Sixers way early on the I think it’s under 50% they get Paul George now I think it’s age 20 and 50% that they get Paul George which is I think yeah not how I felt two weeks ago isn’t this always how it goes though isn’t it always how like like you you hear a lot of it out front then Daryl Mo mov moves in silence nothing happens for a long time when does Daryl movie Mor actually move in silence like the the James Harden thing we heard about then wait but then it waited for a long time like it didn’t it never happens when you when you wanted to when you think it’s going to happen it always happens after the fact My worry is we always think the Sixers are going to do a ton and then it never actually comes to fruition sure part of it’s our fault while while they have the resources this time to do it and another thing Brian wior said was he expects a lot of action at the at the NBA draft I’m just starting to get worried that these guys that we’re talking about don’t even want to leave like there was a report from uh Shams this week that Jimmy Butler only wants to play in Miami super not super encouraging uh Paul George is like seemed so disinterested coming to the Sixers that he might try to force his way to another team that doesn’t have cap space LeBron is going back to the Lakers after that like there was a report this morning Mel Bridges is not being traded no matter what I think he ultimately will be traded but probably not before the start of the season right Don like I said Donovan Mitchell resigning with the c so where where is the guy coming from so do you want to know my honest answer I well yeah I would hope every answer you give is honest thank you yeah I think they’re going to sit out the offseason and I think they’re going to wait for the Kevin Durant ask out or the Mel Bridges ask out Kevin Durant seems more real like as I like the sun’s thing seems like a disaster like it just seems like it’s it’s combust especially if they start in Bradley Beal is good I don’t think Daryl m is just going to make a move to make a move out of the pressure of like the fan base saying you got to go you got you know I just I don’t feel that so what I hear you saying though is Daryl MO is not can move just to make a move but do you think there will be a move to be made like I here let’s put it this way I would rather take the chance on waiting out a Kevin Durant possible during the season trade than just trading for Brandon Ingram Oh see I wouldn’t I’m in on Brandon Ingram is not good he is not good I don’t get why people say that he he was a former top three pick he can obviously shoot long he can’t obviously shoot keep saying that shoot the numbers show it he does not shoot seven years ago in high school and in Duke he shot I did not say that I did not say that he shoots a ton of Threes I said he can shoot like when when he has shot a high volume of Threes he makes them like he makes I mean I’ll look it up but he’s I think he’s over like 36 to 37% for his career he shot two threes a game last year yeah he didn’t shoot his ton of Threes you know who else doesn’t shoot his ton of Threes Jimmy Butler yeah but he’s a winner and okay all right he’s winner my why are the Pelicans getting rent of Brandon Ingram because he’s 27 from what I understand it’s about a financial thing and they’re a loser franchise to me look I more winter Vibes right now than the Sixers no they don’t they they they do how that team that team’s tough they play good defense were they even in the play they were in the playoffs and got bounced early last year they’re never actually Wily Green’s a winner I like wiie green winner is my boy okay Zion Williamson is not a number one like all right so to me the the Brandon reminds me a little bit of Kelly UB and here’s why both like long both I think very talented both have been in bad situations both are guys that you he’s done much more than UB did no he has I agree but I’m saying we saw UB came here and you put him around Joelle and you put him with maxi and you put him with Nick nurse and you put him in a winning franchise and he played better like I think Ingram has the highest in some ways the highest ceiling of all these guys because of his age I agree is Flor is also young but if they trade for Brandon Ingram I’m not going to get on here be like wow they struck out in everybody and that’s who they went with you go into next season with maxian be and Brandon Ingram that looks pretty good yes that I I don’t get why everyone is being so negative about Ingram Brandon Ingram is your third I mean he’s already he’s the second star right now third star him and him and CJ but the the the reason I’m in between a little bit is because he’s never he hasn’t played with a dominant guy like embiid but he’s played with someone who absorbs attention and space like embiid like Zion does yeah but again Zion didn’t even figure that out until like the last two months of the year has I mean and beating Zion I’m not saying embiid is on the same kind of injury history as Zion but they’re they’re both in and out of the lineup D yeah but embiid is also way better than Zion for sure but but like you you mock the whole it was four years ago he shot all those threes but it is proof that he can do it like it is so if he comes here in the six emph yes it is for two straight years to suit shoot over six a game that’s not nothing but he’s but he’s gone down every year and do yes but I don’t know what’s happening in New Orleans maybe they don’t want him to shoot him as much you know who knows right so that seems like modern basketball well they’re not a good team so it’s certainly possible I think that if he came here the sixer and the Sixers said we need you to be a catch and shoot guy we need you to to shoot threes he would do it because he’s done it in his career before he’s not a catch and shoot guy he’s a he’s an off the dribble guy I’m saying I think he’d shoot threes we can parse like the well I’m just talking hoops no I know you are I know I know you’re getting into the X’s and O’s but I’m saying like like the catch and shoot off the hoop sh like I get I get talk to hoop you listen you want to talk graphs I we yeah I’m just I’m just talking straight pure Hoops well but don’t you think that’s what Ingram is like Ingram is a bucket boy sort of yeah I think I think sort of again I listen I would not be like Furious if Brandon Ingram a six would let you know that I know I know you’re couching it because this is probably what’s going to happen I would just rather wait out Durant I would not which gives a better chance to win a title next year and the following you’re Durant or Ingram h i mean it’s probably Durant thank you but way to think about that one for for five again this is where we keep coming back to like I don’t care about and you care more about the future rather than right now care about the window for next year would I love if they wanton a title next year yes do I hope embiid plays three more years at a high level yes but Ingram would come here and pair with maxi as a potential long-term fit potential see how good that is but yeah I just I checks all the boxes he does not check all the boxes he does check all the box he is the ideal body type for a wing in today’s NBA again he shoots threes he can create he’s long he TS the basket you watch his YouTube from last year it’s unbelievable is that the only time you watched yeah I didn’t watch like a ton of full pel I’m sure you did yeah I’m sure you did yeah again again I’m just here to talk hoop I know you and like that’s what why I’m was Begg to do this B this is what I’m saying that like what as things start to slip away like Ingram really might be the best option are you talking about slip away on this podcast or the six off season I guess both man I’m okay with that last statement if if everything not everything slips away but but I don’t think Bren Ingram should be the the priority he shouldn’t go over anybody stuff does start to go away and Brandon Ingram ends up being the last option that’s that’s would you rather would you rather Ingram or Mitchell uh Mitchell I think i’ go Mitchell too yeah I just I mean Mitchell is for what it’s worth has done it in the play sure it’s just him and Maxi are so redundant in a way I’m fine with being I’m fine with having that skill yeah but like we’ve seen not but like Lillard and McCullum didn’t work it’s just very well I don’t know but if that’s completely true I mean they they didn’t win a title but they were good it really wasn’t good until like when Aldridge was still Aldridge they were fine when when Aldridge was done they just well can be Aldridge I yeah sure I I hope so I just I I get the same sense you do yeah like I don’t think the Sixers if you if you put truth serum in Daryl Mor right now I think he says I don’t think we’re getting any of these guys well all right so we’ve I think we had this conversation briefly but I think it’s becoming more relevant now does it matter to you if these guys want to come here like if Paul George is out there exploring all his options and he’s like well I’d love to be in LA but they’re not going the fourth year I’d love to go to Indi to Indianapolis but we can’t make a trade work OKC it’s not going to work so all right the Sixers will pay me or like LeBron maybe you know I think LeBron’s going to stay with the Lakers but well he was apparent according to the morning show he was eating he was at the Four Seasons with the the tampering by the way beating in broad daylight one of the highest buildings in we’re trusting Jo Cam’s friend is like trust me bro that’s LeBron it ended up being so okay so the back story is for people who don’t know don’t tell me end up being Elton brand it was Elton brand yeah so so here’s what happened here’s the back story is that joa camer got a photo from his friend his friend was at the Four Seasons last night he 100% well it was definitely and I’m I’m sure he’d be the only one to see LeBron it was also yesterday day it wasn’t it was yesterday during the day by the way LeBron has yeah LeBron has opted not opted in or opted out yet he’s not a free agent which is like upon just looking at this photo I want to ask like who does he think Le is of this photo it’s well it ended up being Elton brand it’s so funny I know you’re talk but yeah so D Cam’s friend text him this photo because he was at the Four Seasons yesterday he watched Josh Harris walk right past him and then he’s like Joe LeBron’s here just like that and it’s Elton brand well think it’s so funny to think like that’s that’s almost insulting right first of all Lebron Lebron FW to Philadelphia to meet with the Sixers think he like got on the elevator went up to the top of the four season in the middle of a hotel in Center City and in a button up like dressed up for the occasion dude the funniest part is the funnest part is he’s like to ca’s friend being the only one see him is that’s the part that he’s describing it he’s like and Joe Joe was like was there buzz in the restaurant and he’s like there was Buzz everyone was whispering there’s LeBron there’s LeBron there’s LeBron it’s Elton BR how can no one tell [ __ ] no oh God that would that would make me very disappointed in Philadelphia as a city if everyone’s like LeBron what’s so funny GM of the six what’s equally as funny as I was thinking about this like funnier tampering issues James Franklin screwing the Eagles or joea Cam’s friend exposing tampering you imagine if there’s tampering LeBron and they asked to interview Joe yeah you’re you’re the Adam Silver on the line with Joe being or whatever his friends do it live on the air funny to picture LeBron meeting with the Sixers and getting really dressed up like trying to impress him what was so funny too is like now he does it but five years ago he wouldn’t they sent his agent I don’t even think it was his Rich Paul yeah it it was the team you know what the real takea away from all this is Josh Harris super involved super inv say he doesn’t care here he is meeting yeah exactly by the way just meeting with Elton BR Mory and and nurse it’s not like there was even a free agent to w saying like everyone says well if you look by the way I know you’re doing a bit here but I’m not I’m not if you own a sports team like I would just be there all the time like I would be like what are you guys thinking about like what should we do here I own the team that you’re operating I’ll go to Washington we’ll we’ll figure out what we’re doing we figured out the draft it’s just two weeks just two weeks two week intervals of what’s going on the hockey team I’m not just whatever you want to do like whatever you can do the the meetings like you guys got to shoot more bro yeah yeah um you be like get Brandon Ingram Oh I was going to say can you p me sitting with myy Elton Brandon nurse explaining why they have to trade for Brandon I would love it’s just he’s a bucket boy he’s yeah yeah and just keeps saying just keep saying I’m here to talk hoop exactly that’s all I’m here so yeah I just like wait hold on so does it matter to you if does it like does it matter to you if the Sixers are someone’s second or third option but they’ll come but like you know you weren’t there first does not matter to me it matters it matters to me I know I know it matters to you you you I I hear that here’s why it doesn’t matter to me because when you get around this fan base oh my God and you start winning back I think you fall in love I think you fall in love there’s been a lot of players I’m sure like uh well besides Danny Green Danny Green clearly hates Philadelphia yeah that well a passion yeah DG doesn’t hate Philadelphia oh he hat he yeah he does you didn’t hear him on the Ricky I know he was complimentary on clap your hands but yeah on the Ricky he was like he was like no one wants to play no one wants to play there like thanks that to me before too thanks ni great City but nobody wants to play there what’s funny because like a lot of people want to play for the Eagles a lot of people want to play for the Phillies it’s just like Philadelphia well you think it’s Joel well I think I think Joel’s a part of it I think the fans I think I don’t think NBA players like being criticized well yeah the baggage is part I also think if you’re an NBA player and you’re coming to Philly you have to feel like you’re going to win a title like you’re not coming here for the lifestyle I love Philly but like you can go to Miami La New York like there are other better options right really yeah although I think Philly is better than New York for what it’s worth I think New York is very overrated too B but it’s probably cuz we don’t have enough money to truly enjoy New York I mean if you had $25 million year in New York I it’s too many people I don’t like people yeah but the issue with being a star in Philly is and I’m sure this is something you’ve gone through as a star in Philly exactly yeah like it is small enough where when you like you can’t just walk around you can’t just go to the Four Seasons as LeBron James exactly and not get notice LeBron was in the Four Seasons like wow it’s so nice to live in anonymity no one knows who I one grainy photo out dude they broke it down for like 45 minutes I know oh my God uh well someone someone messaged me it was funny saying uh that Joe de CA went on the air being like LeBron is in Philly meeting with the Sixers and the next call we got was about Vic fangio I know I know only in this city only in this city LeBron is here they deciding like great going to run a 3 four yeah exactly I just I get I get it I get the I get the players not want to be your thing it’s actually what makes me come back to I wish if I could if I could have my ideal setup or what I would like the most I just want I want players that are drafted here okay but I feel like that ties into what I’m saying but I also like I also think that if you come here you win you’ll be beloved and yeah but and playing in front of I guessan it depends if you want to be in front of fans of care yeah I so I agree that coming to Philly is definitely coming to a real like you get like a real Sports Town Vibe of that but I’ve always thought like if you’re making $40 million a year do you really want the criticism like you can go play and have everyone be nice to you and have a ton of money like I don’t know if you’re Paul George you stay in La you’re not really going to be criticized you’re from there yeah you don’t get the fourth year which sucks but your next three years of life will probably be at a higher quality than if you came in time with the Sixers like I don’t know that’s why I agree with like the drafting here thing I think matters like I think you need to bring like Maxi like I think loves being loves being a six I think B does love being a sixer I think I I think he does to I think he goes through periods where he’s like man this is tough but yeah again I think you I think Philadelphia is an acquired taste I agree with that and I think that especially as an athlete I think you come here with a lot of apprehension and then I think you get it once you’re kind of in ingrained in it or ingratiated but I do think I understand it from a star a star standpoint if you if you can just make 40 million 50 million and just stay in a in a place where there’s no expectations probably for the Jaguars no state income tax like well that again that Trevor Lawrence thing I know I would never pay him but I they had to pay him I guess yeah of course they have nobody there but he’s probably got a good life down dug on the hot seat this year maybe but yeah so I I would like the star to want to come here and it just feels like Paul George he doesn’t yeah I don’t think he wants to come here I think not Mitchell would like to come here I I do I agree with that he already plays in a he’s not leaving La yeah exactly he’s leaving he went from Utah yeah UT to Cleveland Philly the bar is slowly moving up and plus he’s from new yor yeah he gets the big city thing and I think if he wanted to go to the Knicks he wouldn’t he would have went to the Knicks he would have made that yeah maybe I just yeah and I think Mel Bridges would like to play here I agree so I think he’d be that’s holding him hostage very very welcome to kind of suck to be Mel and like the Knicks are right there with all your friends the Sixers are right here with like your mom got relevant franch with and Josh AR just trolling him on Instagram like saying blink twice if you need us to come get you which is amazing and he’s like behind CL always he’s like I don’t have to come get me you know they all hang out and just make fun of the Nets 100% he’s getting roasted you know that group well I think he’s making fun of the Nets too probably yeah I think like the group chat is probably like Nets fans would not want to read that no no no well first off they’d have to find the Nets fans I was say your question it’s interesting of it doesn’t matter if they want to come here because when I think I think I think it’s interesting because like that makes me think of like the Kawai situation where he goes to he didn’t want to go to Toronto he didn’t not want to go to Toronto but he does he that’s not a place that he he picks it’s not a place that he he leave but but he wins a championship he goes at works and he wins a championship then everyone gets to go there separ see but I think to that point I think it’s even more proof that like he went there he won the title and he still left right right he didn’t want to go that’s what that’s what I’m saying where it can work it didn’t matter that he didn’t want to go right but if the Warriors don’t get you know completely decimated with injuries and his shot doesn’t bounce in against the Sixers then the Raptors would have traded a ton for a guy there’s a whole lot there’s a whole lot of ifs that go into champ but the point making is that’s an example of somebody that did not want to go there and left like if you’re making a trade or sorry it well we can talk about this part but if you get a championship my point is if you get a championship out of that player coming here from one year two years who everyone TR to go separate way but they have to win a title is my point chance that happening or slim I remember take the risk that the Raptors took I remember during that time it was like would you trade Ben for kawhai yeah and the Sixers ultimately decided not to maybe a mistake probably a I mean the Raptors did something that every GM was afraid to do like we’re going to literally go all in for knowingly one year like Kawai is not going to resign here we’re going to go in for this year and they and they made it happen right but I just think that that’s not a smart way to make decisions I understand that it worked out but it was an extremely risky decision now look it worked out and like props to them for doing are you not but out of 10 times like I think nine and a half it doesn’t work out and look like a bad tra we’re sitting here wanting Daryl muray to swing for the fences make a Big M this is the off season this if there was a time in his Sixers tenure to do it like this might be oper see but I just I view it differently where like the way it sounds like you’re describing it is like they have to do something right now because the windows closing like I don’t view it that way I view it as they have a ton of resources so they can go get someone and I would go get somebody but like I’m not making a panic move that doesn’t have to be a panic move but disagree about where the window is though I think the window is closing sooner than you think no I I I think the window is basically closed like I mean I think embiid is is cooked like it’s unfortunate but I I think that he’s on his last legs well I I’m thinking about your thing with where and about players wanted to be here and the Danny Green quotes and then on top of that the Doc Rivers quotes from yesterday yeah where he talks about how I agree with him sure I agree with just he’s just he is such an excuse guy it’s unbelievable I mean he did the whole like he outed Lillard being like in bad shape at end into the year I don’t I agree JJ you’ve had your best numbers ever with he’s just a he’s he’s a pass the buck guy so he is a pass the buck guy and it is excuses but like they’re true well like I I get your point that like it’s not a good look for him publicly to constantly deflect blame and to say things but do you think I think it’s hard to play in Philly of course it’s hard to play like I think it it to his point you know those playoff games I mean like I wasn’t I didn’t go to any this year but the prior year when I was there like when they’re losing in these playoff games like it is tense in that building it is ugly like it is not a fun place to be a sixer quickly yeah exactly so yeah you’re at all the games you know like so well I understand his like I understand that it’s lame to say and that they do have a good home record and like all those things and the good PR answer would be like oh you know Philly’s the best if you play hard like they’ll love you forever but like it is you hate that by the way well I just don’t think it’s true I think you have to win in Philly to be loved I don’t think he’s just playing hard well there’s been players who played hard that didn’t win championships that are beloved like who Dawkins Dawkins went to four NFC championship games in a super bow we’re talking about like like at all right like ree Hoskins I can’t remember if we had this on or off air but like all this Reese love that he got last week if they don’t have that playoff run he doesn’t get that love of course not so like he would have played just as hard he would have been here just as long so I just think the myth is that if you come here and you play hard you’ll be loved like that’s not true if Paul George comes here and they get knocked out in the first round and he plays as hard as he can the whole time he’s going to get ripped to shreds all summer he’s gonna be called a bust it’s gonna be like why did you sign this guy you know playoff Paul all those things right so it’s p so I think if you’re an NBA player like and you come here you have to feel really confident you’re going to win and I wonder how players feel about attaching their winning to Joel yeah and I don’t think players view this as I’m gonna show up we’re gonna win a champion exactly right that’s why I don’t think it’s anyone’s Top Choice I feel like Paul George probably thinks the Clippers have a better chance to win a title even with kawhai like being super fickle 100% so I think that is definitely I think what he thinks I don’t know if they do I think the two biggest questions I guess players would have about here is is Joel and the fans what is Joel’s window how what’s his I wonder how joelle’s viewed around the league like is he viewed at I think fun guy that people like to be around I think that’s why he has to go listen i’ I’ve done the whole like Olympics thing but that’s why he has to go to the Olympics and and play because he needs to hopefully use that as like a recruiting now the tough thing is I didn’t realize the Olympics were so late when are they August no they’re like yeah like Late July like the all these decisions will be made yeah so actually can I give you my basketball a Jason point right now oh yeah I forgot about that yeah got we covered a lot in this pod let you know we thought we had nothing to talk about you put mics in front of us put mic in front of us we talk can see can see Jack’s nose down there I mean we we got we’ve got seven eight bullet for all right so here’s lot we didn’t get Mountain Rushmore yet here’s my we taking calls 215 basketball adjacent point it is absurd that they have not released the Olympic jerseys to the public yet so it’s a basketball jersey so it’s meant to be worn during the summer as much as I love to wear like basketball jerseys over hoodies like when was the last time you did that every time I go to a se you are 30 7 years old whatever I don’t think I I think that’s an appropriate luck for an for the only time is when you’re attending the sporting event any other time I don’t think that’s true I now I think a basketball jersey over a shirt is a bad luck but over a hoodie I’m just saying I don’t think I don’t think you can wear a basketball jersey over the age of 25 I don’t think that’s true just like to a party or to a to a to a game or just like a basketball jersey or any Jersey I just don’t know you can pull that off but are you saying a basketball I’m saying basketball I think baseball jerseys are different oh okay just once again Jack has come down unbiased right unbiased football jersey are Jers are fine I age Jers are fine I just like you can’t pull up a basketball jersey they’re almost you want to see a picture of me doing this I guess I mean you are a young 3 to me I’m also 36 I’m not 37 you are you are 38 me the venue matters I don’t know how you wear maybe wearing into a basketball I wore a basketball jersey under hoodie from our clap your hands event we did in Center City yeah you looked all right yeah that’s exactly I think it looks good fine yeah fine but over 40 you have you you have you have three years pal I really think it’s like so but here’s the other thing I look way younger than I am you do so like I agree that if if I so you’re you’re 40 going on 25 all right but I think like if you look older it’s harder to pull off would you agree with that if you look if you look older if you like look like you’re 50 then you can’t do it but I think like when I’m I’m probably still going to look like I’m like 42 yeah yeah if not why 42 why not 40 well I was going to say 40 but then I thought maybe a little older than 40 yeah see I’m really a 50-year-old trapped than a 30-year-old yeah I think we look the same age would you agree with that similar would you agree I agree yeah yeah um but the basketball jersey thing to get back to the amount of times I’ve checked Nike’s website to see if they’re on there it’s absurd like they’re meant to be worn in the summer Now Grant I said I like him under a hoodie yeah but you know maybe like you walk in the dog dog go to the dog park put on the USA Jersey July 4th right so anyway you’ve always been a big USA guy yeah I have been yeah I have been especially when soccer yeah yeah yeah yeah get a nice soccer kid but I I just think it’s ridiculous they haven’t come out yet yeah well okay well I completely derail I I forget where I was even going we’re talking about going to the Olympics right oh so that’s why go to the Olympic CU like I think the two things that players are apprehensive about Philly is Joelle and and how he is and then and then the fans Yeah question what what is a tougher like cell what what’s got a you know a tougher connotation around the league Joel or the fans coming to Philadelphia it seems like the fans giving the way doc talked about him giving the way Danny greens talked about them I also really think and again I I mean you lived in the city for a year big city guy you currently live in the city I moved back into the city like I love Philly but I really think as a Ultra like Mega millionaire athlete it’s just not appealing place to live like you probably are going to live in Jersey where the taxes are dumb high like the practice facility is really nice but it’s like in Camden and then you come into the city but like but you’re Center City Philly is is nice and I enjoy it but like as a making $40 million a year they’re not going to Sips exactly like where are you going like Del Jo frequently Joel but he’s Dro but it’s also like okay for for viable options now now go into reality of some of these players and the options that they have like yes Paul George is you know I could stay in LA but for someone like Donovan Mitchell the city is a that’s a selling I agree with that yeah but like there’s there a lot of players that are like that would you rather sign with the magic or the Sixers oh here the Sixers dude but the magic is like who wants to play they’re a Mickey Mouse franchise like and Orlando Orlando is not Orlando is not any like no but it’s warm there it’s warm there like there’s no state income tax you love the state I it just well it matters when you’re making like who’s the last player the magic got nobody I mean T-Mac they almost got Duncan yeah T-Mac Grant Hill but Duncan’s a weird case it but to your point to your point like we never even it never even came out like where Doc Rivers lived when he was here like did he I think he just lived in a hotel M line or something yeah JJ was staying in JJ lived in Brooklyn right I just I don’t think the city is a selling point I don’t yeah well I’m sure like the the moments where you were having an awesome game in Philly and people were going wild is awesome that is probably an adrenaline rush you’re not getting other listen not everyone’s built like Bryce you know what I mean like it’s just this is It’s why he’s the best it’s why he chose us it’s why he’s I’ve actually still never seen anything like it it’s beautiful yeah he’s just he’s the greatest beautiful it is beautiful it’s beautiful be the name of the pot I wish we could go back and again build this thing through the draft Yeah again if Ben I if Ben and if Ben and Mar like whatever that’s kind of why I don’t want him to trade to pick yeah me too I would like to take somebody there I know I wish the well listen we’ll get into the dra we’ll get into the big draft guy yeah I I used to love the NBA draft me too two day event now when the six I like that I actually really like that I hate dude if you watch it’s not long enough to be event because all of first of all the second round of the NBA draft’s unwatchable I agree with you and you want to know why because by the time it’s 9:30 at night and they’re making these picks no one cares then the draft ends you have the whole next day of like here’s who’s still available it’ll feel like a bigger deal now I kind of like waking up the next day and it’s I’ve seen the first round now tell me who got distributed in the second round and we can move on so I heard Jack say on air that he’s an inseason tournament guy and I know I changed his mind on that once the draft is over you guys will agree it’s better two nights I like I I came around the End season tournament it was fun to game along dude I saw someone on the street yesterday and that’s that’s what changed his mind the Pacers they about is what changed his I saw someone uh walking in the street yesterday uh in season tournament Shar it I almost I almost said something and they’re like there he is our fearless leader Elliot there he is the one the one person that would speak the truth the one we want leading leading yeah yes the leader of men yeah so should we should we just save man rush for for next week I mean 30 minutes in I know uh I don’t know if they we rid in the wave of uh so much there so much to get into I just the the city is definitely not a selling point for NBA players that’s the nobody wants to play in Philly nobody we get it but in beid again if you don’t but I feel like Maxi should be more of a selling I think I think the selling points for the Sixers are obviously besides the money Maxi and uh Nick Nur so what what cities are above what cities are above Phil’s selling point obviously La I think La I think Miami but like who’s Miami gotten well they got LeBron Chris Po and Chris POS right but off off a relationship well they got Jimmy sure okay I mean that three pretty big stars retract your point like but like and every Star wants to go there Dame wanted to they get well that wasn’t Dame’s decision I think Dame the city but I think Pat rally is just as much of a hurdle to get over as would you rather play Milwaukee or Philadelphia uh Philly have you seen Milwaukee yeah I’m not a big Milwaukee guy I would probably but again I think like there’s probably no pressure there but that’s my point like Philly Falls like fourth or fifth to me listen if you don’t in the league for for city-wise yeah and again remove like how we feel about the city that’s hard for me to I know and again I love like it’s to me like it’s above like Chicago like I’d rather live in Philly than Chicago um goes I don’t know the Bulls are probably a more historic franchise that means nothing to these players I I I agree with that although Chicago’s a pretty I just wish a player wanted the pressure if if you don’t want the pressure then I think Maxi does actually come around to you but it took me 40 minutes I want someone who wants to that’s what I’m saying like Paul George runs from the gr you know how frustrating it’s going to be if they sign somebody and like four months in it’s like uh he’s not happy do you think Harden likes playing in Philadelphia like for Philadelphia not like take out the thing right I actually got the vibe he did like I think he enjoyed his time in philadelph that yeah which is interesting cuz he and I he he had a real shot to win here and he recognized I think he would have stayed if they would have paid him obviously well he said that yeah took the deal Daryl lad yeah thank God I wonder if I wonder if Mor is a turnoff for players too but I we talked about last podcast I just would be surprised like I think they take the money I think I think the bigger deterrence would be embiid and the fans before I think players know what they’re getting into with their you either like are willing to do a do with you’re already like I’m staying away from well I also think the instance where myy matters is like so specific that it’s not like a big picture so just don’t let yourself get played anymore like don’t go in like I’m not do life advice not don’t spot I’m not doing that do you have a fear and this is uh we’re pretty good on the Sixers conversation yeah this is just a a thought on so we’re not doing M Rush more we’ll save that okay we’ll save that we gu so much to get into but the Celtics winning do you have a fear that this is going to now open up like they they break through and now we go this like four out of five years with the Celtic 20 titles yeah I mean I think they’re loaded like they have two the top 10 guys in the leag yeah they’re always a final four team like yeah that’s like that’s the fear right like I don’t because they’ve come up small in years past but now that once a team gets a taste of the first one I feel like that that just opens up pendor spot now it is hard to repeat for sure and Horford probably retires when they win just but it’s not like a team who’s who can’t break through the second round and then won a title like they’re a team like even pick the second round they’re cuz their floor is already been Eastern Conference Finals and finals like even if even if they don’t they still go back to they’re in contention every now here’s a question so when the Sixers did the process the first time obviously there was a lot of reasoning for it the roster didn’t have any true stars all those things but part of it was like LeBron was in the East and they were not going to beat LeBron is is there any part of you with the Celtics where you’re like they’re not going to beat the Celtics duck the C yeah well I’m saying like make a decision based off the fact that like the East has the Celtics in yeah I I might but I just know they won’t so it’s like hard to to argue I guess like after this it’s like okay who’s the next best team in the East that could challenge them you hope it’s the Sixers it’s probably Milwaukee it’s Milwaukee if they can ever get it right but they they’ve been weird the last few years hurt quite a bit right and I I don’t know what the future of that team is Chris Middleton’s like Chris Middleton can’t on on the floor much whole season of Doc is just going to be entertaining next year the Pacers the Pacers might be the second best yeah it’s Pacers Knicks Sixers you think the Knicks take a step up or think are where I think they’ve reached their ceiling of who they are why don’t you tweet that at all the Knicks fans yeah that that’ll go away I mean I think them getting rid of if they get rid of Julius Randle if they trade Julius Randle something that’s a win yeah that’s a win for that’s a win and they might lose OG yeah probably not i’ be surprised I think he I think he’ll resign I say hardenstein too yeah I get a bag 25 million 20 million a year now hardstein gets 25 million a year I hate to break this to you but uh Keith pompe I believe it was with the Phil choir said he thinks Uber is going to get 68 million a year interesting we also thought Isaiah hardenstein was around like 10 million a year he’s just doting 2025 yeah well he’s pretty good though yeah UB is too yeah yeah we’ll see we’ll say either way yeah the Celtics name is not great I haven’t I haven’t come off that Hill yet yeah Malik monk Malik monk might get 25 million that’s AB he deserves it that’s not at all dude he’s a 25 million a year for a for a like the best six man in basketball he’s young yeah it’s notor yeah a young let me look him up he’s like 26 I feels like he’s been in the league for wasn’t he in the same draft as Ben or am I just wrong no he’s in F’s draft uh lonzo’s draft all let me it was fultz’s sorry Tatum Tatum yeah let me let me look this guy it is Tatum’s draft it is T it is definitely Tatum’s still 19 is Tatum a top 10 player no 10 I’m so anti-atm that’s absurd I you know what what has been actually anti most of Celtics their only good player is Derek white he did just he did have like a 30 I’m just kidding he’s definitely top 10 is he is he top five no especially when he wins the title I don’t know how you keep him out of the top because he’s asked to do absolutely he benefits from that but like that’s I I I go back and forth with holding that against him because like well I think if you win you don’t hold him against him if he do they’re about to sweep they’re about to go 16 and one in the playoffs how can you hold that again I think if there was a draft of every player in the NBA Tatum is much closer to the fifth pick than he is the 10th pick we’ll see two and five but but let me look at these just guys talking Hoops exactly besides Tatum he doesn’t want to talk about that uh Malik monk 15 points and he average uh 35% from three shoots a lot six and a half I wouldn’t call that a ton you told me Brandon freaking Ingram shoots threes all the time it’s a good number but I if you’re leak monk like your whole thing has to be shooting 6 and a half attempts Off the Bench of game whole thing does not have to be shooting all right fine you’re right you’re right in 26 minutes that’s a lot my God you’re right you’re right talking Hoops yeah other than Tatum well just I just I hate the whole Tatum’s getting carried thing Tatum is the best player on that team like full stop okay but it doesn’t mean so so he’s the best player on the title on the title Jaylen Brown is playing the best I agree but they also they have so much around him and that’s what gets held they have they have good players around him for sure but let’s not act like they’re you know like the Miami Heat of like not around him they have really they have good players around him but they have two stars yes okay a true argument and and and two to three guys who are like Superstar role players like Superstars their Ro but Derrick White is their best player if you took Tatum off of that roster what are they probably they’re still a top three seed yes they are a top three seed in the East yes with with Jaylen Brown I’ve never seen James I’m sorry I’ve never seen Jack this outrage you’re getting the real hoop Jack because of course they are you you take take Jason Tatum off the selers are they better than the magic currently constructed yeah probably are they better than a Cav scl constructed I think that’s right where they’re around I think they’re better Cav here’s the question here’s the question well the Sixers are better the the uh bucks are probably better here’s the question here’s my question for you okay you have Tatum on this Sixers team you take him off or whatever take him beat off and put Tatum on yeah what’s their record are they are they are they the same as the Sixers are they still a top three seed if you put Tatum on take embiid off yes disagree it’s why embiid’s better embiid is a better player I agree but Tatum is we’re not talking about the difference between like embiid and likein Tatum is he’s Paul Pierce Tatum’s had a better career than embiid of course he has because his team’s better but part of the reason his team is better is because he is a great player right but there’s also been games where he’s come up so small and but there’s also been games where he’s come up huge of course yeah of course it’s part of being on team I agree but I’m saying like I think Tatum’s being discussed now like he’s like some role player like Tatum is the main reason they’re going to win the title jayen Brown if you take Tatum’s not just his talent but his production bring it to the Sixers too he comes up and he comes up just as small in just as many instances the Sixers don’t get better but like Tatum also the Celtics are able to overcome when he comes up small last year he went absent for three quarters all you had to do was turn it on for the fourth to but he did it that’s the point like people act like he come comes up some all the time against his Sixers he carried them to the win in game six I know he wasn’t great the first three quarters but when it mattered he was huge and then what he drop in game seven like 50 but embid does that and the Sixers don’t win does do that but if B doesn’t B just had 50 40 points game three of the first round not game seven of the second round true but it’s one game in the in the series but but I’m saying do you think do you think if you take tatm the Celtics you put him beat on there are they in the same spot um it’s a good question probably probably you think what look at what porzingis is doing and imagine if him beat is on the Celtics but but like again embiid is kind of a myth like like I agree embiid’s an awesome best player in the NBA when he’s healthy but like am I getting healthy embiid for Boston like I don’t know and embiid for what it’s worth has come up really small like he came up small against a Knicks in game five sure and Tatum has come small too he has butat but Tatum also has more moments where he’s come up bit sure because he’s because he’s given the opportunity I agree I agree I think his moments when he com up small doesn’t it doesn’t get Amplified as much cuz he it gets saved more and more opportunities to overcome that I agree with that but if you guys had that one player for game seven who would you pick probably Tatum okay that that’s the point I’m making this idea that like he’s some role player and it doesn’t matter how he plays I don’t think that’s true like they don’t they don’t there’s 16 that that’s how people talk about like it doesn’t matter how you play they’re 16 and one in the playoffs they were the 6 Plus wins they play by the way they’ve played absolute scrub they have but they dominated they have not dominated them going to go 16 and one or whatever did you watch the games of course not I mean playoff games are playoff games yeah sure but those games you’re not going to tell me 16 and every single one of those Pacers games was a coin flip it was I agree but they won them I know they won the game yeah the Celtic team frauds 10 years from now everyone’s going to remember 161 no one’s we talk about the Lakers team I will that Lakers team please yeah the Lakers team that Iverson beat in that one game they talk about one of the best teams of all time I know and they went you know and those games were close after that which we should talk about as well I agree either way go Celtics because the last time the Celtics won the title The Phils won the title it always comes back always comes back you would you would trade a Celtics title for a Phillies World Series you are you kidding me kidding me could win five straight relax all right we’ll be back next week with the Mount Rushmore and maybe eventually our perfect off Seasons yeah either way for ell perfect off SE Parks hoops man James Jackson and Jack Fritz this has been another edition of Cl all presented by Kors light always presented by Kors light I’ll talk to you next week

#sportsradio94wip #nba #brandoningram
Eliot Shorr-Parks, Jack Fritz and James Jackson continue the Sixers offseason discussion of who is the best third option to add to this team. The three also debate who is tougher to play for: Daryl Morey or the Sixers fanbase?

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