@National Basketball Association

Kyrie on the Luka criticism: If you’re not out there playing with us, it’s gonna be hard for us to connect if you’re talking sh*t about one of our teammates. We’re not gonna go for it. That’s what you’re seeing not just from us, but our coach

Kyrie on the Luka criticism: If you’re not out there playing with us, it’s gonna be hard for us to connect if you’re talking sh*t about one of our teammates. We’re not gonna go for it. That’s what you’re seeing not just from us, but our coach

by GiddeyCosbyWeinstein


  1. YourWhiteNeighbor

    You gotta win 1 in a row before you can win 4 in row

    Numbers be crazy

  2. NoSympathy58

    that criticism is why they won game 4. luka was not crying to the refs every possession and the mavs finally looked like a good team. ingenius.

  3. Gristle__McThornbody

    I wish he would say some wild shit so Cuban would be forced to trade him to the Lakers.

  4. aayjayemm

    The whole issue has gotten blown way out of proportion.

    Luka is as good as player as he is as a result of his drive and emotions. This complaining is just an unfortunate side effect. Everyone on the Mavs knows that.

    I’m trying to think of emotional stereotypes for all-time great players. I can only think of 3:

    The Psychopaths (MJ, Kobe, Bird)

    The Robots (Tim Duncan, Kawhi)

    The Bitches (LeBron, Luka)

    And then we have Jokic who just doesn’t give a fuck. I don’t even know what he would be. Robot: Fun Edition?

    EDIT: Just to clear this up as I’m not literally calling Luka a bitch, MJ a psychopath and Duncan a robot. They have all acted like all 3 at some point or another. I’m saying this is what the public have stereotyped these players as.

    **Stereotype – noun**

    A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

  5. Ok_Perception3180

    When he’s not talking flat earth and vaccines, the guy is an extremely introspective, intelligent, balanced, fair and articulate dude.

    I must say I’m shocked at how much I’ve reversed my thoughts on Kyrie since he’s arrived in Dallas.

  6. WearyRound9084

    Nah I’m just laughing at that Hat. Unreal hat game

  7. d-rolyeah

    Man you win one game in the finals and suddenly all of the criticism against luka is “shit talk”

    a lot of people WERE talking shit

    but there was a lot of warranted criticism

  8. kihraxz_king

    The mentality of a 14 year old – you are not allowed to be critical of them if you are not one of them. The old “I wasn’t talking to you!” when you chime in during a conversation. Like they have the power to determine whether or not you are allowed to contribute.

  9. PalletTownsDealer

    “Luka gonna keep bitchin to the officials”

  10. Kyrie was on the nba tv postgame show and he said he also has a healthier relationship with social media and preaches to his teammates to block it out.

  11. MettaDarrow

    Don’t care how well he plays. His reputation should not be rehabilitated until he stops spewing insane shit.

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