@Golden State Warriors

Everyone has decided Klay’s leaving, meanwhile Klay has apparently been in or was en route to Japan the entire time. 😂

He seems to be leaning into the troll after seeing what’s exploded on social media stateside, because he also changed his profile picture. 😭

by taygads


  1. TeTrodoToxin4

    Hopefully he didn’t sail there.

    There is a popular show about a guy who did that and wasn’t allowed to leave.

  2. xdeerobx

    There are like 3-4 Podcasts of Dray and Steph saying that Klay disappears during the summer exploring the world. Klay has said he is remaining a Warrior. Mark my words.

  3. I_am_Bruce_Wayne

    I wonder if anyone considered that Klay just gave his instagram to his agent to mess with while he was traveling lol

  4. Klay lives his best life. Nose never bothers him.

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