@New York Knicks

New York Knicks Season Review: Huge Trades, Injuries, and Future Moves!

New York Knicks Season Review: Huge Trades, Injuries, and Future Moves!

it’s time to talk about the New York Knicks and their season Michael Bolton big Nick guy thanks Josh it’s Michael Bolton here and it’s time for another episode of the locked on Fantasy Basketball podcast let’s get to it let’s get to it indeed you are locked on Fantasy Basketball your daily fantasy basketball podcast part of the locked on podcast [Music] Network hello and welcome to the locked on Fantasy Basketball podcast brought to you by basketball monster my name is Josh Lloyd and we’re going to go through this preview at a medium pace I’m also the lead fantasy Analyst at basball and you can find me on Twitter as always Redrock bball on Tik Tok at red rockball and on Instagram lockon fantasy basketball today’s episode is brought to you by price Pi the easiest and the most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to Price lockon NBA use the code all lowercase lockon NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 thank you also for making locked on Fantasy Basketball your first listen every day we are free we are available on all platforms getting through these team review shows this is the slot in terms of record order did is the Dallas Mavericks but their season’s not over it almost was but they have uh kept the live 3-1 down in the finals I’m sure that you know that maybe that ends next game I don’t know but that’s where we’re at at the moment remember live draft show Wednesday June 26th 8:00 P.M Eastern Live on YouTube come join me we’ll talk about the first round of the draft as it goes down and you can actually hear hopefully some uh commentary that’s a little bit better than what you get on the actual official broadcast apologies to those guys not really cuz they need to do better work on it all right we’re here to talk about the New York Nicks 18 team who I don’t know whose season was interesting impressive annoying hard to sort of Judge I guess for a number of reasons big trades that enabled the roster to turn over a lot of different players a team that at the end of the playoffs you know people are talking about how great they were and how awesome they were in the end that were two seed who lost in the second round to a six seed I I know there are a lot of reasons around that but it’s acting like this gigantic Underdog team who came through and fought vant against the the big bad teams but they didn’t they lost to a six seed as a two seed in the second round they are a team with still big question marks about how any of this stuff works because the Knick team that we saw at the end of the season is probably going to have no resemblance to what we see at the beginning of next season because of injuries and free agency we all try to work out as best we can uh here about how this makes sense or what it could make sense as but like there’s a lot to talk about now that sounds like I’m downplaying the Nick or that I’m a hater probably am I don’t like when things get I guess misconstrued let’s not misconstrue this though they were that those numbers are great 50 and 32 is fantastic a plus 4.9 net rating I believe was fifth best in the NBA these are again awesome numbers so you could suggest that 5050 and 32 they actually out they under performed how good they were they could have been better they ended up with the two seed despite the injuries some may say maybe losing your alleged all NBA forward helps the team get better not a great spot to be in if that’s the case but maybe it did maybe it didn’t seventh best offense and 10th best defense when you look at the team yes you expect this team to be good on defense actually expect it to probably be better on defense with Tom tho um coaching them but that level of offense like really like amazing stuff their preseason over under was just 45 a half wins I actually initially had them at 47 I dropped them down to 45 so I I missed it in the end and one of my concerns with the Knicks was bro what are you doing with your roster there are a million guards and you have no forwards and my big thing was if Julius Randle goes down you have no forwards right and of course you a couple people it’s fine F he doesn’t get hurt no okay he did obviously and then they made a bunch of Trades which actually hurt their depth even further Barrett quickly out OG in like that hurts your depth and you had guards and I was critical of some of their offseason moves like not critical like good player but where does like Dante dienzo fit how does he get minutes where is the playing time and then a million guys went down the forwards went down they played Four guards at a time so it is again really hard to see how we judge what this team is because so many of the different circumstances that occurred this season it’s just probably not going to happen in years to come it probably isn’t they hold an interesting hand at the draft got back-to-back picks which is always a really interesting spot 24 and 25 I doubt they hold both of those picks they have been in previous Seasons with Leon Rose in charge the absolute Kings of trading back so I would say there is zero chance that they come out of this draft with 24 25 and 38 I would not be shocked to see 24 moved into like a future first or something or 24 moved into 28 plus pick 40 or something or not 28 yeah 28 and pick 40 or something like that and then pick 40 and 38 get turned into pick 31 or something along those ones I wouldn’t those three picks I wouldn’t be shocked if we end up with the Knicks having 25 and 30 right that would be or even 25 and a future first or something I would be shocked if they come out of the draft with those three picks uh making those selections their most common starting group again they did suffer a lot of injuries a lot of teams did we know this and I’m not going to do the lazy thing and tell you that all of the Nicks injuries are because Tom tho plays these guys too many minutes there is a part of that for sure right there is a part of that without any question but it’s not all the case you could easily make an argument that like you Julius Randall hurting his shoulder has nothing to do with Tom Theo’s minutes but there are other arguments to make that it is that the consistent big minutes every single game playing leads to muscle fatigue that doesn’t matter if it’s the start of the game or the end of the game that your your balance is off and something happens then injury occurs versus like well he played 40 minutes of the game and then something happened in that particular game fatigue and all that stuff he’s cumulative and it’s not just well you played so many minutes this game you got tired and you got hurt the all that sort of stuff can impact your body proppr reception all that sort of thing it is it is undeniable that Tom thibo plays these guys a ton of minutes and then you can say well what else was he supposed to do look at the Players he had true and that is part of the criticism I had of the Knicks in the preseason it’s like when you’re back end of your roster with seven guys which are unplayable in the NBA Charlie Brown mmyy de kite Ryan Archer jaeno um dayquon Jeff like both just can’t play then you actually lean into Theo’s worst Tendencies and giving him this the excuse to say well I’ve got to keep these guys on the court 25 points up with a minute left because I can’t trust Charlie Brown and I actually have sympathy for that because you can’t sorry to Charlie Brown so there’s there’s some issues with all that then everyone you know there there are numerous things I would say the OG anobi injuries is a big part of the thibo stuff I the Randall one bought Mitchell Robinson probably not but also did he come back too early cuz they applied for disabled player exception and that meant that he theoretically wasn’t going to be available until June now there was always weirdness around that obviously came back before June played in the playoffs and then has to have ankle surgery just a lot of stuff happened not saying anyone’s particularly to blame there are multiple reasons behind this roster construction with a lack of depth the coach is there there are all these these things and again aido team losing in round two pretty common occurrence again that doesn’t take away from them being awesome the most common starters Brunson Divan chenzo Hart auua and hartenstein only one of those players began this season as a starter and that’s Brunson one of them wasn’t on the team Hart was a bench player Divan chenzo was a bench player and Harin was a bench player now hartenstein shouldn’t have been a bench player you know that I’ve advocated for him being better than Mitchell Robinson for years when you the two years has been on the team but that was their most common starting group what was their best group at an astonishing plus 33.1 net rating 998th percenti in the NBA Brunson juice McBride Dante D venzo and Josh Hart all guards although Josh har honestly I say Josh Hart’s a guard he’s not he plays he played like no guard minutes at all this season all he played was forward minutes he is a forward he’s the next guy that I’m going to reference in terms of the way that I referenced Demar D Ro and where sites keep listing him as a shooting guard when he hasn’t played the position for 5 years that is Josh Hart now he is a forward only he was their power forward in this best lineup Josh Hart and then hartenstein was the center so obviously they worked really well to get big production out of bench guys and and fill in players and that was a great lineup great their free agency stuff is relatively interesting I think the restricted guys preure AER is the one that really is important and but but it’s not but he is compared to Jacob toppen and Charlie Brown Jr a is still a guy that I think is very much not good I think he improved quite a bit this season I thought his defense was good at times but we also saw that the minutes that he got were strictly because everyone was hurt and as soon as players came back from injury he got like taken out of the rotation or playing 10 minutes a night so I don’t we’ll talk about presses a little bit more later but he is restricted don’t I don’t see any level of future starter or future good player here at all I think he’s one of those guys that I just have completely opposite opinion to a large portion of people on precious acknowledging that he did improve still not very good they unrestricted free agents this is where the big stuff comes in because it’s all about Shake Milton did you even know shake Milton was on this team after I thought he could be right in Minnesota they cut him and the ended up here um Alec bur is unrestricted too but of course it is Isaiah hartenstein who um you know that I’ve talked him up for a long time and he is the absolute poster child for hey when someone’s Advanced stats EPM Darko BPM whatever it is when they’re consistently looking great every year in his backup roll or whatever maybe at some point should go may maybe he’s good he is that guy cuz ever since even coming in coming out of I think he came from the German league initially and he came across to Houston and then his numbers for the um Rio Grande Valley vipers were huge in the G league for Houston every and the Clippers the same thing every time the advanc man these are unbelievable can he play well the answer is yes like yes now I’m sure that somebody watching this listen this will have an example of someone with these Elite Advanced statistics that when given an opportunity in a bigger role sucked I can’t actually think of it off top of my head but I I’m sure it exists but hartstein is that guy that I’m not sure who the actual correlat is that’s not hartenstein at the moment with the guy that’s always got the big Advanced numbers but no role but henin’s the example at the moment of like the guy that like everyone’s ignoring and it just takes a chance to get there now the problem is is because he’s been underrated his whole career and the contract that he signed was way too low with the Knicks they don’t have bird rights they signed a 2-year deal so they are early bird limited meaning they can go I think it’s 170% of his last contract in year one and then limited to 8% raisers so we can only get it’s about $14 million this season the most they can go with him I think is 4 years 76 or 75 so if anyone any team comes in and says he’s 20 million a year 25 million a year that’s it’s the Knicks literally cannot pay it doesn’t matter about tax or anything they cannot pay that much they are limited they do not have the room that that he is almost like a free agent that you need cap space for to sign so they can’t do that so the chances of him returning they’ve got to be borderline and that changes everything on this team because he’s awesome now hartenstein if he went to another team they paid him 25 million a year and he plays 28 29 minutes a night well we are talking of a very comfortable top 100 player probably top 70 and even this season Once Robinson went down there was still people skeptical about hartenstein ah it’s all about Jericho Sims hardin’s trash Josh why would you recommend him this is why so he is unrestricted but limited for the Knicks other teams can pay more if they’ve got the cap space a very intriguing situation and then you’ve got the options cuz OJ and Obi has a almost $20 million player option he will undoubtedly decline that and I would say sign a contract that everyone says is too much it’s probably going to be 30 plus million a year but I would be stunned if OG is not on this team they got team options on Jericho Sims and dayquon Jeff zero reason to pick it up on Jeff Sims Maybe like as a third fourth string Center whatever but I don’t really see him developing into anything good and then you’ve got a couple of one other interesting one because buam bogdanovich’s contract is non- guaranteed he’s owed $19 million this season but he’s it’s not fully guaranteed now he had that surgery in the playoffs another injury but also when we get to him later on you’ll see that he dropped off massively this season huge drop off multiple injuries and just poor performance the other one is M deti again why are these guys on the roster what the hell are they doing on the back end of the Roser cuz they’re actually unplayable and I get it Tom I sympathize they’re bad then we turn into what happens in terms of expiring deals because Julius Randall and Jaylen Bronson could both be playing on the final year of their contract this coming season both of them have player options to opt out of they could both get extensions yes Bronson one in particular wouldn’t pay him anywhere near what he can get on the open market but they could both be unrestricted free agents so there’s a lot of decisions that need to be made with this New York Nica team today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs when you’re out hiring for your small business well you need to get the right 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lower on Jaylen Brunson in fact when I did my first All-Star team list in at about the 8th of January I didn’t have him on the team I thought h there were some significant struggles for him early in the season I thought people were overrating some of his performances but once we actually got to the all-star game he didn’t improved quite a bit from that early portion he looked really good and then as the season went on he just carried this team hard and it was him doing unbelievable stuff to get to get them to the two seed now of course he was another player that got injured in the playoffs with a broken hand that’s not going to impact his next season but the question always has got to be when we look at this for fantasy like he was 24th in minus one Yahoo had him 16th 19th in points leagues his ADP was 38 so he beat that there was a lot of whispers about Bronson in this last offseason saying hey guys he’s actually improving I was skeptical like what’s he improving on well he did improve A Lot 29 Points almost seven assists but part of the thing that’s always I think going to hold him back is no defensive stats 0.9 steals low rebounds 3.6 he shot 40% from three that’s true 51.6 on twos but we also have to remember that half the season was without Julius Randall and not that Randall is good well I’ll talk about that in a sec not that Randall is better than Brunson or anything like that but if you compare I’ve got the offensive load there 99th percenti for Brunson this season if you look at what that number was this season versus last season massively different huge difference like 15 16% higher this year because Randle wasn’t there so when we look at what Bronson had to do to carry also Bronson sucked at the World Cup he was really bad and slow start to the year and then kicked it up did he kick it up because he was allowed to play in a more cohesive environment without Randall did he just have a cold streak and then had a hot streak is the hot streak real is the hot streak what he always is there’s a lot of unanswered questions in all this state like awesome he was great I did have him 50 my MVP in the end I thought what he did in terms of being valuable and carrying this team as hard as he did was unbelievable but I’m not going to sit here and tell you yeah like he was 4 in minus one and 19th in points he’s a definite top 20 fantasy player I can’t be 100% certain on that cuz if three-point shooting goes from 40 to 37 if usage drops two percentage points cuz Randall is back then he sits at 30 and that’s good but it’s worth remembering his best comps were year five of Damen Lillard and year five of Isaiah Thomas that is Celtics Isaiah Thomas he’s the 99th percen on EPM 96 on crafted and percal offensive load huge numbers he’s 28 we’re right at Peak Brunson here but the Randall thing cannot be ignored and when I do the projections for him next season how he comes out with an alleged full season of Brunson or of Randle but also like with a full season of anobi with where do they fit Dante D vinchenzo with all these question marks I’ve got to see how it works he’s a great player fantastic player second half of the season was one of the best five players in the NBA easily but we still got to have a level of query on on where it goes let’s talk about the double Royal Julius Randall he ended up 49th in minus one rankings his ADP was 53 so somehow per game he beat that he was 35th in Point Season we know there’s always a gigantic discrepancy between the category valuation of Randall and the points League valuation he that him 35th in points is actually a downgrade he should normally be a top 25 player he averag 24-9 with five assists he talk about Brunson having no defensive stats Rand hates him half a steel3 blocks 1.73 below average percentages even though 47 and 78 are strong they are below average marginally below average very high turnovers we know that also 54 on his twos and 31 on his three there hardly a player in the NBA who has a bigger fluctuations in three-point shooting numbers Z year than Randall he could come out and shoot 40% next season he could shoot 20 it’s all within the Realms of possibility again the Yahoo 210th is because he played only 46 games and 35 minutes but those Yahoo rankings hate what Randall does it’s on per game it probably has him at like 90th or 100th but you’ve got to have a look and my I think a large part of head-to-head is what strengths does a player bring it’s about a lot of it is accumulation a lot of it is accumulation the way that the game is set up is accumulation get more games and get more players and stream for more games beat them on a one game week basis so those metrics don’t reflect that well that’s why I do like the minus one where he comes in at 49th which I think is fair these two player comps man year four of Luis skoler and year 10 of Zack randoff which was the second year that Zach I think played in Memphis that’s because it’s good rebounds it’s good scoring it’s horrific defensive numbers the passing is definitely way better for Randall but it’s also some rough shooting that’s who he is he was 86% all EPM 82 on crafted his Rim frequency is contesting shots at The Rim 10th percent all like bro you’re a power forward you got to at least at some point contest a shot and this is where you should have never any hope of any of his defensive stuff improving so there’s going to be a thing that happens here does Randall take a further step back from this to enable Brunson to stay at the level that he was once Randall went down or does Randall come back in do Randle things and Brunson steps back and we don’t know the answer to that he’s 29 L like I said it’ll be a chance for him to be on an expiring contract so we’ll see how they treat it honestly it is a big it is a big question mark because it his presence or absence or role changes a lot about this team today’s episode is brought to you by price piix price piix is America’s number 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and use the code locked on NBA for first deposit match up to $100 download the app use the code locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 price picks pick more pick less it is that easy okay let’s move on to the um the next player and that is the big fow in the middle Isaiah hartenstein who yeah look finally we got to see a little bit of it here now he’s still only look he only played 25 minutes a night he battled in his first season in New York the season before in Achilles injury since the start of the year and then his girlfriend complained about the Knicks not knowing how to use him and then that injury was was a real problem and then this year it cropped up again and that that’s a worry a 2-year run of having a bothersome Achilles is not ideal he’s 26 right this is heading into the prime here for harstone he was 87th in minus one 56th on yaho in 25 minutes a night his ADP in the preseason was nothing he wasn’t drafted but if you look at their overall numbers seventh percentile or sorry um 7% of the leagues he was drafting so all the leagues afterwards everyone was picking him he only averaged eight points a game with eight rebounds 1 Point two steals 1.1 blocks 64 and 71 and that’s where it gets really interesting because Isaiah hartenstein did all of this in only 25 minutes in a Tom thibo offense which hates centers if he goes to another team and the Achilles is okay and he plays 29 minutes T night he won’t play have only eight points a game he won’t have that low usage he will put up numbers which honestly the absolute ceiling here for hartenstein is top 30 you never draft him they do not do that but if we if we if he on another team and it looks like clear starter he is a massive guy that we target late because the upside is through the roof all of these things that he did are in 25 minutes playing for tips he shot 33% on threes be just barely hit any he can do that a little bit but don’t that’s not part of his game it’s high rebounds it’s good passing it’s great steals it’s great blocks it’s unbelievable efficiency and even those free throws can be better 65% on twos and 7 one from the line the comps for him year four of Yim Noah and then year four of yakob purle a lot of soft Jays in there hottenstein has got way more I will not pick him in the top 50 because I worry a little bit about the kiles I worry about how they use minutes or whatever but I feel like it’s relatively established that he is better than Mitchell Robinson now but that could also change like that and it becomes a 24 24 minute split and tibs does weird stuff if hardenstein Returns His value could be all over the shop now as per usual his Advanced metrics were unbelievable 97th percentile in EPM 97th for Isaiah hartstein he was that good now of course I don’t he couldn’t be voted for um most improved player I think because of the stupid rules but these numbers are are crazy his EPM was 4.7 this season now last year it wasn’t as good he obviously battled a lot he was down at negative .9 but for the Clippers plus 3.4 they are two like top seven percentile Seasons he’s had high efficiency like I don’t know he’s just good I don’t know what more to say about him his offensive load there this is where it gets interesting 29th percentile his usage of the Clippers 18% his usage the year before when he was at C Cleveland and Denver 19% he his usage in year two in Houston 15% in the for the Knicks 11 and 11 push that to 17 and we are absolutely flying more minutes more usage but it also could not happen but he is a guy that I don’t know if he’s going to be a sleeper because I just don’t know where he ends or where he gets drafted but there is we talk about like how do you get better where’s the what can change it’s very very obvious on him very let’s talk about The Big Ragu Dante D vinchenzo because we can sit here and go well dienzo had an 80P of 141 he was drafted in 6% of leagues what a gigantic win how did people Miss on this well very obviously because at the start of the Season he didn’t play he played like 20 minutes a night their team had quickly there it had Barrett there it had Brunson there it had Grimes there it had heart there he didn’t play his ranking of 32 on Yahoo is insane that that’s not accurate like come on bro there’s no way he played 81 games he played 29 minutes a game but also will he even get 29 minutes a game next season not sure o noi barely played Randall barely played meaning that har and div Cho played the three and the four a lot but if they play where are the minutes now I feel pretty confident that he’ll be the starter but he’s at 27 minutes at 32 cuz obviously the 29 takes into consideration the first 30 odd games of the year when he played like 20 minutes a night like what’s real here 15 points three and a half triples he shot 40% on three really good shooter 3.7 rebounds 2.7 assists 1.3 Steals and again you look at those numbers and you get 79th in minus one yep 115 points okay 302 on Yahoo LOL but what what’s actually good here 15 A2 points below average 3 and 1 half threes above average 3.7 rebounds below average 2.7 assists below average 1.3 steals above average point4 blocks below 44 from the field well below 75 from the line well below so it’s really like it is being heavily carried by the three-pointers with some okay rebounds some okay assists pretty good steals which are always variable and he shot 40% I I think he’s I think he is a really good shooter I think 40% is realistic I think that he could be a player that plays 34 minutes a night and gets more usage but on this team how realistic is that not sure it is his best comps year six kry K and year six for coaching Legend Byron Scott he was 83rd percentile EPM 88th in CPM his deflections were 95th percentile too which is a great way of being able to look at some because Steels can fluctuate quite a bit but deflections tend to be a little more stable so that gives us a level of confidence in some of the defensive stuff but still he is one of those guys I know there’s no massive comparison but Gary Trent threes and steals the minutes fluctuated a lot for Gaz def CH is a way better player and has way more security but again when we look at this team and how it all plays out 26 minute a night player 32 not sure it’s very much up in the air love what he did also 81 games so people go look he’s never missed games yeah Bros missed a million games in other years in his career persistent ankle problems hamstring injuries I think it was he’s missed a lot of games stayed healthy doesn’t mean [ __ ] moving forward loved him he was great the season that he had overall does not reflect the reality of what the situation was nor does it reflect the reality for ojan anobi because we talk about Randall missing all this time fair enough we do we did talk about it because OG played 50 games he played 34 minutes a night he’s 27 now this was probably one of his worst seasons his ADP was 51 he ended up ranked 998th in minus one and 144th on Yahoo with 112th in points Leakes they are clearly not ideal numbers he struggled mightily in Toronto he’s one of look we thought that there’d be more for seaka more for Barnes more for anobi with Van leaving that did not happen at all for anobi he just he just wasn’t great he went to New York and things changed a little bit a little bit let’s run through the numbers 15 points with 23 four rebounds two assists 1.4 steals and7 blocks on 49 and 75 shot 38 on Threes And 58 on twos that’s all okay but it’s definitely not the best that he’s ever been and then injuries the elbow injury had surgery came back got hurt again had a hamstring injury got hurt came back too early like just consistent stuff I hate the talk of a you know these Whispers at OG soft he doesn’t want to play through pain that that stuff is ridiculous to me like speculating on a man’s like mental capacity to do that it feels gross to me I’m not going to do that I know he’s got injured but it doesn’t mean that he’s going to get injured his best comps were blue Edwards in year three blue Edwards yeah and Chris Morris in year five you’ll notice with a lot of these nick players that a lot of the player comparisons are these old school 80s guys because of the thibo system I think he was 93r percenti EPM 91st and crafted and he’s regularized adjusted defensive turnover number 99th per though he’s awesome generating defensive events we know this it’s always who he’s been he’s 27 34 minutes a night now when he moved from Toronto to New York his minutes went up but his usage went down he went from 18 to 17 not a big difference but it went down his efficiency actually went uh down as well 58 effective field goal to 56.8 his mid-range shooting was went from 45 to 36 which he’d never been over 40% from mid-range in his career so that 36 in New York probably makes more sense his Rim numbers which were way up in Toronto 68% went down to 62 and his previous seasons were 61 61 63 so what when we look at the numbers the New York numbers are probably more realistic his assist rate which is at 88.4% for the season and anobi was 10.7 in Toronto 5.8 in New York one thing that did happen though is steel rate went back to ker Norms so we can actually expect maybe some more Improvement in steals even though that fluctuates a lot he led the league in steals the year before Ed with 1.4 this year but in large part because when he was in Toronto those numbers disappeared his block numbers also soared in New York did a lot more defensively with worse offense and I think that’s a relatively reasonable expectation he’s not going to go anywhere near the 50s 70 to 80 is probably going to be a fine area I reckon for OG but the minutes load could be a problem when does he touch the ball offensively could be a problem and then you got to hope that some of the defensive numbers come back up the last player I’m going to discuss here as a starter is Josh the Hitman Hart but again he wasn’t he wasn’t a starter a lot of players got hurt and got injured I would guess that their starting group let’s say that Heen Stein comes back but even if he doesn’t whatever it’s Brunson div chenzo anobi Randall Center whether that’s hardenstein Robinson whatever that’s their starting group meaning Josh har does not start because Josh Hart won’t play the two OG won’t play the two Josh Hart will not start so Hart played 33 minutes a night he’s 29 years of age he played 81 games he was 113th in minus one 77th on Yahoo 80P of 125 he was awesome down the stretch again much like Dante it’s easy to look at this and go what a huge win how do people let him slide huge sleep I’ll draft him again if you are looking at him as any sort of top 100 guy I just I can’t do that I can’t look at him and say well there are 33 minutes a night here for him yes he was playing 48 minutes a night all through the playoffs cuz everybody was out he is going to be a sixth man until someone gets hurt I don’t really think there’s any debate about that nine points with eight rebounds and this is what he is an elite elite out ofos rebounder four assists was huge too that’s one of the more interesting things is that he became a facilitator that’s encouraging 0.9 steals and3 blocks of putrid obviously as with nearly all of the knck guys bad percentages 43 from the field 79 from the lines pretty good he shot 31 on his threes and 51 on his twos it’s a great rebounds it’s nice assists and that’s his numbers his comps were kenri Williams year four now kenri Williams has been one of those guys that’s always been an impactful guy in low minutes who does the things that are needed to win and that’s what har had been a lot of times his career but har did ramp up and I love his SC his scalability is awesome but again it’s also worth remembering I am never I know he’s 77th ranked here on Yahoo I would not touch Josh Hart who gets so much cred I get it I understand why but he gets everyone loves Josh har and he is a prime candidate to be overdrafted massive candidate 64th percentile only on EPM that’s a weirdly low number crafted had him at 87th and his defensive rebounding quality 80th percenter which is like he’s an awesome rebounder we know this but what else is good rebounds assists both good anything else no no everything is not good and that is not a player I’m taking my first six or seven picks so much of the value here came from all of the absences that boosted his second half numbers through the roof let’s talk let’s talk bench players some other players of note I don’t think we’re going to spend a huge amount of time but let’s talk precious of CHA because again he’s one of those players that for some reason people love I don’t really get it he was 200th in minus one rankings 173rd on Yahoo even before the season people he was drafted in 3% of leagues at 142 why that was when he was a backup in Toronto why he’s 24 going to be 25 at the end of next season or middle of next season he played 22 minutes a night he started games at power forward he was a solid enough backup but he is horrendous offensively I I can’t stress enough how bad offensively this guy is he thinks he’s like a number one option on the wing when he’s a backup center who shouldn’t do anything he should be on the Tom tho die out of centers don’t do anything 7.6 points with seven rebounds in 22 minutes that’s all right 1.3 assist 6 steals 0.9 blocks good block numbers yeah we do the 50% rule for him 22 minutes up to 33 minutes 1.3 blocks .9 steals 10 points um nine rebounds 10 rebounds fine 50% from the field is the center is pretty bad 62 from the line is bad 27 from three is bad his best comps were Tony batty year three and Cory Jefferson year one 50th percenti EPM 42nd in CPM what I do like about what precious does he contests shots 89th percentile contesting shots at The Rim that’s huge he was he’s quite good at that and he did improve quite a bit there my problem is he takes a lot off the table offensively and we’ve seen it with multiple coaches he was out of the rotation in Toronto and he pushed back in the last couple games before tra but he was out of the rotation under dick nurse he didn’t play much and then when tho got guys healthy he was back playing 12 minutes as a reserve he he is not a power forward he is a backup center that people love for I don’t know what reason maybe he improves maybe we’re four years in though and it’s the same problems all the time I’m just not interested in him I just don’t think he’s good I need to see way more I will admit that he has changed and he’s improved defensively he’s pretty good defensively in in a role but that’s it it’s a role and I don’t think we get more out of it let’s talk buan bu bonovich played a huge role in the previous season in Detroit but as always context is required because Cade was out he became the number one guy usage went through the roof and that was never going to happen this season he was picked at 120 now I drafted him in I think one League at like 135 sat him with my IR with my last pick and that was all right right but people had some crazy expectations he’s 35 he played 26 minutes a night 57 games 15 points with 23s but this is the problem is that unless he’s playing 30 plus minutes unless he’s getting 27 High usage there’s no way you want this in fantasy none 15 points two rebounds 2.7 rebounds 1.7 assists half a steel he shot 45 from the field which included 40% from three and then only 79 from the line defense is terrible his um passing is non-existent I I think he’s done I think he’s I think he’s done as any sort of fantasy option for us his best comps were year 12 of Eddie Johnson and year 12 of Dale Alice 29th percenti on EPM and second percenti on crafted that’s disgusting his three-point attempt rate was only 65th per off so there that is where he can improve he needs to sort of change that game somewhat because again we think of him as a as a just high volume Sam Merill Sam house or three-point shooter he’s not 65% of three-point attempts is okay but he was doing a lot of high usage stuff in Detroit as a number one sort of a player and he’s not that anymore at all so that could go up and maybe he hits three threes a game but there’s literally nothing else there for bogdanovich and at this age yeah we’re not we’re not expecting much and yeah multiple injuries this season too what about Mitch Robinson did he take it from here absolutely not he had multiple ankle injuries again came back and got hurt in the playoffs and was supplanted by hartenstein now it is possible that hartenstein returns and Robinson starts over him but it would be absolutely ludicrous for anyone to suggest that Mitch Robb is a 30-minute night player anymore he’s only 26 he played 31 games in 25 minutes that was 154th in minus one he was drafted at 99 which is pretty high points leagues is useless he’s I would say he’s undraftable for Fantasy if hardenstein doeses return I don’t see why you would do it 5.6 points eight and a half rebounds 1.2 Steals and 1.1 blocks and for a guy that used to have a ton of foul trouble he’s reduced that fou trou and it also means he doesn’t block shots anymore at a high level he shot 41% from the line which is one of the worst in the entire league and even that high field goal percentage which used to sit like at times at 70 down to 58 that’s where all the value is gone now it’s disappeared like you can’t go he’s he’s the stereotypical three cat player and when one of those disappears well you’re you’re cooked his Rim finishing numbers two years ago were 77% down to 68 last season 68 last season and then also yeah then 59 this last this previous year that that’s a crazy drop do I think that he is a 29th percentile Rim finish of B Robinson no but two years ago sitting at 77 absolute Peak not what we expect not what we think is going to hold also we talk about his free throws he has not shot 50% from the line for four years that’s who he is as well his best comps were year three of Ben Wallace that was when Ben Wallace was in Washington and year four of Chris Dudley 77th per all EPM 85th uncrafted still an impactful player still pretty good defensively but the value of him has changed a lot what I find interesting here is again to stay out of foul trouble 71st percentile in contesting shots at The Rim when that’s the thing that you do he’s a really good rebounder yes but the thing that you do is defend and block shots you’ve got to defend more shots than that and the tradeoff of the foul trouble has obviously hurt now if he is an 18 minute a night backup and hartenstein is the starter then maybe he doesn’t worry about the fouls as much and he just goes ham and contests 99% of shots and blocks two shots in 19 minutes that is distinctly possible as well but I just can’t see how he’s a draftable guy we got one more player to go a player that when he came out of West Virginia the fantasy translations for juice McBride were awesome I was a little surprised that he fell back down to the second round and then he moved to a next team where you just you don’t get to play and then everyone got hurt and he got to play and he was really good I thought he was super impressive a player that again you just sort of have the name on your radar about that guy that just wait let’s see what happens the fantasy numbers aren’t ideal like 274th in 20 minutes 195 on Yahoo but he did average 8 points in 20 minutes 1.7 assists 1.6 threes 7 steals 45 and 86 is he shooting he shot 41% on threes and what’s really interesting to me is that the similarity names that it spits out for juice cuz the idea you should have a juice McBride is a tenacious Defender who’s sort of a point guard who has worked on his shot to become solid but the two comparisons with Landry shamut one of the worst defenders in the NBA in year four and Christian James McCullum in year two eight offense only point guard because juice McBride’s numbers defensively they fell a lot he went from 63rd percentile on EPM to 56th big drop offensively improved a ton though true shooting went from 47 to 59 Rim numbers went from 53 to 61 three-pointers went from 29 to 41 free throws went from 68 to 86 but steel numbers went from 2.4% to 1.9% assist rate stayed the same block numbers went from 1% to half a percent all the defensive stuff which was part of his game just disappeared and he played this sounds blastous but he played like a Jaylen Bronson role no defense a lot more offense so I don’t what is he now is he just groomed to be a jayen Bronson replacement and the defense is pushed to the side what next step has he got now he’s really young he’s the youngest player we talked about he was 23 he played 20 minutes a night and he probably should be in the rotation but you’ve got Brunson you’ve got Divan chenzo you’ve got Hart someone else you missing you got this anob like where does juice fit he’s not getting 20 a night but we watched to see where this develops because it was a massive switch from a defense only player to an offense not offensive only but sort of massive switch impressed impressed with him and we saw that he could play Big minutes when the opportunity was there and he would accumulate but a lot of his big games came because he played 43 minutes 45 minutes 47 minutes and there’s that’s nowhere near realistic for anybody so as much as I liked it it was a weird switch in the valuation or the type of player that he was and that brings us to the end of talking about the New York Knicks and their season I’m not going into Alec Burks or into um Shake Milton or anyone like that but they’re a team again that it is almost it’s not impossible because we can do things with it but it’s almost impossible to fully grade what the team was because of the injuries because of the Randall scenario because of the hartenstein uncertainty moving forward because of like OG’s Health that a million different things can happen we always want to watch because we know that it’s a tight rotation so if somebody moves into a role their minutes are going to be usable but what do we do with Hart and Divan chenzo and McBride and where does Brunson sit and what does hartenstein do where does Robinson fit a million questions sit here for this team but the only question I have for you is have you got a thumb and can you give me one of them subscribe as well leave your comments guys we are done here thank you so much for listening everyone see you [Music]

Join Josh Lloyd as he dives deep into the New York Knicks’ tumultuous season. From significant trades and injury impacts to future draft strategies and player evaluations, get an in-depth look at what went right and wrong for the New York Knicks. Don’t miss the live NBA Draft show on June 26th at 8 PM Eastern!

đź“Ś Major trades and their impact
đź“Ś Injury struggles and player performances
đź“Ś Future draft strategies and potential moves
đź“Ś Player evaluations: Jalen Brunson, Julius Randle, and more

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  1. Josh your analysis is usually pretty spot on: however, your tone insinuates that the knicks underperformed. Its very disingenuous to overlook their loss to the pacers like some extreme disappointment. Objectively speaking the knicks were underdogs lol. Virtually the entire starting lineup was injured…

  2. Beautiful report on the Knicks, brother! Now may I give you a good report?

    God sent His son Jesus to die for you. The end is near as End Times Bible prophecies are happening all over the world right now. Repent and ask Jesus into your heart! Be saved now~!!

    The Bible says “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.” Romans 10:9-10

  3. You've always emphasized the irrelevance of healthy history, or games played in previous seasons -.why is that significant for Donte now?

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