@Houston Rockets

Can we stop calling him Baby Jokic yet?

Sengün’s statements on JJ Reddick’s podcast about if the nickname bothers him-

“No. Not for now. But after some point, yeah.”

“Right now, it’s fine but when I grow up, I don’t want to hear that.”

He played like an Allstar and he’s going into year 4. He’s his own player. And no one else in the league is named “baby” anything/anyone.

No disrespect to Jokic whatsoever but to me, this is a similar level of disrespect as when that one reporter asked Kyrie if Lebron was like a father figure to him.

His game is similar to Jokic in many ways but after 3 seasons of play I think it’s clear they also have several differences. A players nickname shouldn’t ever be baby (similar player). I’m actually dumbfounded by how so many in this fanbase have never considered that maybe he doesn’t like that name.

Can we collectively agree as a fanbase to be more creative with the nicknames? Comment alternative ideas in the comments if you got any.

by ptcgoalex


  1. Bewaretheicespiders

    Jokic won his 3rd MVP. Sengun isnt close yet, its still a very favorable nickname. Let him earn the graduation.

  2. uwill1der

    soon it wont matter because we’ll be calling him jokic’s dad

  3. NoneMoreBLK

    Who’s we? I’ve never called Alpi that.

  4. A_Rolling_Baneling

    It’s not that serious. If he’s not bothered by it, why are you?

  5. NamiRocket

    >No disrespect to Jokic whatsoever but to me, this is a similar level of disrespect as when that one reporter asked Kyrie if Lebron was like a father figure to him.

    Yeeeaaah, this isn’t the same thing at all.

    Calling Şengün “Baby Jokic”, while really dumb and disrespectful, is not the same as having someone tell you to your face that you’re your teammate’s figurative son. That was next-level disrespectful and what’s worse is the reporter didn’t even mean for it to be. He just genuinely saw the dynamic that way.

    Şengün being called “Baby Jokic” is just people saying he’s a younger, less skilled Jokic, not that he’s Jokic’s little baby or some shit. Which, again, is still pretty disrespectful. He’s his own person. But yeah, it ain’t like what they said to Kyrie at all.

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