@Los Angeles Lakers

We dodged a bullet with this drama queen

We dodged a bullet with this drama queen

by LonzoBBBall


  1. DarkPhantom2497

    She really do look like a Kardashian. Y’all weren’t lying

  2. they’re from the east coast we dodged a huge one lmao

  3. You arent lying they had a interview a while back and she said she doesn’t even focus on basketball or watch it, now its a “we just did this amazing thing”

  4. BizzyHaze

    Holy moly. No wonder he is such a good coach, gotta put up with her everyday, builds some patience.

    She keeps saying We as if she built the program at Uconn too.

  5. Express_Sand_7650

    Coach would rather be at the gym 24/7 than listen to her talk at home. No wonder team’s doing great with that dedication.

  6. ZookeepergameThat921

    Didnt realise she was being considered for the coaching role as well.

  7. thelordmalcolm

    So they turn the offer down, then go on a media tour of turning the offer down???

  8. zocalo08

    She looks like she’s on the verge of tears. Pathetic.

  9. doyourjobpelinka

    she woulda been perfect for the Lakers franchise lol…Lakers would dominate all the news media outlets…Jeanie Buss, Rambii, Rob Pelinka, James Family the Hurleys…the whole sports world would be gathering pitchforks…hate on a scale never seen…

    idgaf Dan Hurley can coach his ass off…money and drama woulda been more than worth it…

  10. outsidehere

    Honestly I understand why her reaction is not positive but damn. It’s not like he’s going to Charlotte

  11. She prolly goes around saying “happy wife, happy life”

  12. Justino2345

    I know it’s ur wife but damn man you gotta put ur foot down if you wanted the challenge.

    Just send her to Rodeo with the black card and she’ll fall in line eventually.

  13. Yikes..why does it seem like she’s been talking about it more than Dan. Like it was 100% her decision or something. What a pill

  14. ToraLoco

    OMG. “we did something” no. your husband did it, nutjob.

    also look at that Botox bag with eyes attached to it.

  15. Firm-Economics-1351

    Her and LBJ together would be epic 😂

  16. AnotherAccount4This

    Don’t like them, obviously, because they turned us down.

    BUT, they probably dodged a bullet, based on comments in this thread. LA media and fans are unrelenting.

  17. rusticdaisy

    Wouldn’t be surprised if this whole debacle causes nba teams to shy away from considering this guy in the future. It’s getting embarrassing at this point

  18. josuelaker2

    What are the chances you’d get stung by two bees, one on each cheek, and only then realize you’re allergic?

  19. Matt32490

    This is “The Decision” type garbage that taints peoples views of you. Just shut up already. Its more than understandable about why he would turn the offer down and why his wife wouldnt want to pack up her whole life to move to LA. But we dont need 1 hour specials about it.

  20. groceriesN1trip

    How much milk do they expect to extract from this shit? 

  21. HandsomeJack19

    She threw a whole bunch of “we’s” out there didn’t she? I didn’t know she was an assistant coach.

  22. senojsenojsenoj


  23. ConsiderationMean358

    That botox telling me her whole life story

  24. BrandonXavierIngram

    who is “we” lmao she aint out there coaching guys all day

  25. munkhjay

    I understand why he or I guess “them” turned down because they are from the east coast and UConn money isn’t bad and all that jazz but WHY the fuck this lady doing a media tour about how her life was about to crumble to shit

  26. PhiKnockBet

    Compare to Savanah, she always supported Lebron on leaving teams and go in to another city. Happy wife, happy life indeed!

  27. yasmiester

    Don’t get with a partner that’s gonna hold you back

  28. jaysonman1

    I was hyped about Hurley but with a wife like this we really got out the ringer lol

  29. juniorcaminero

    Thank God he turned the offer down. She would not do well in front of LA media

  30. 34thebestC

    Dodged a bullet is right . Imagine this shit in LA for six years . Complete air head

  31. Funniest thing is she said “WE” just did this amazing thing as if SHE coached the team as well

    Dumb ass bitch

  32. with all that plastic, she would have fit in LA just fine.

    what an annoying lady lol

  33. swankstar7383

    I feel like this sub is attacking her because her husband didn’t take the lakers coaching job when most of y’all can’t relocate and take another job without your wife’s permission.
    Y’all need to relax and move on.

  34. tojohvnn4556

    Her demands would be at the level of Kawaii’s uncle to the clippers if her husband got the job

  35. goingofftrack

    He may wear the pants in the family but she picks them out.

  36. CabbageStockExchange

    She gives me Dependa vibes if any of my service bros are on here

  37. PassRevolutionary254

    The sweetest part would be when they don’t win 3 in a row

  38. counterfeit_jesus

    Can’t say dodged a Bullet when everyone wanted Hurley. Now we don’t get him we can’t be bitter. It is what it is and wasn’t meant to be.

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