@Dallas Mavericks

Jason Kidd Defends Luka Doncic, Fairly? But Kyrie Irving is Really Helping Him + Dereck Lively II

Jason Kidd Defends Luka Doncic, Fairly? But Kyrie Irving is Really Helping Him + Dereck Lively II

on today’s show Jason kid comes to Luca an’s full-throated defense but it’s what Kyrie Irving said that really will make the difference for the MAV Superstar we’ll talk about all that and more on today’s lock on Mavs I’m L and this is lock on Mavericks Mavericks NBA [Applause] champions it’s good and the Mavericks have won the game thank you if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away and welcome you are locked on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member in NBA channel manager at the lockon podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show and making lockdown Maps your first listen today with the best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day leave a five star review on any Apple podcast Spotify podcast platform that you’re listening to like the video on YouTube comment anything below let me know in the comment section what do you think was Jason kid right to defend Luca or was Kyrie Irving more right in helping luuka get better this episode is brought to you by priz piix the easiest most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to priz loock innba to use the code all overc case lockon NBA for first deposit match up to $100 and I guess since it’s a win we can let it run Mavs get a win in the NBA Finals you never know how many wins you’re going to get this could be the last one there could be three more you don’t know I don’t know today I want to talk about Luca we’ll talk we’ll hear from Kyrie Irving I think his comment about Luca and the refs and Luca and his composure and Poise was fascinating I thought what what Kyrie Irving said so we’ll hear from him we’ll uh we’ll also talk about drik Lively I think Derrik Lively has shown the super bow that I’ve talked about Derrick Lively all season is on Full display through these two home games in the finals for the Dallas Mavericks and so I’ll tell you what I mean by that why he’s been better and uh and yeah we’ll do that but I got to start here I got to start with Jason kid before game four comes out and defends lucanic in a fullon defense of Luca Luca was put on trial basically after game three his we said it on this very show his defense wasn’t good enough his effort wasn’t good enough you know there were he was complaining to the refs more and more and more and more not focused all that and then the criticism went wild and so even myself and Dana Larson on this show came to Lucas’s defense like hey this is kind of getting out of control no one else has held to this standard to have to do all these things and so the Mavs head coach Jason kid came to Lucas’s defense and let’s react to it because I I found it very interesting yeah I think um when when you look at um today’s athlete you know the game of of sport is not to be perfect per it’s just you know to win um and when you look at uh what’s come out here in the last day or so um if you’ve watched the mths Luca has improved his defense but we’re asking him or some are asking him to be a shutdown Defender well he’s never been on an all defensive team but he’s been on five all pro teams first team so that means he’s one of the top five players in the world and he’s playing the game the right way um where he can find open guys but when you’re on the biggest stage there’s got to be someone’s got to poke a hole this will only make the great ones better and that’s you know when you look at we talked about it yesterday with um LeBron Michael the the greats the goats they they’ve all you know were poked at and they came back stronger and better and uh I truly believe Luca will will come back stronger and better um some criticize that he could never get this this far but he’s here and and unfortunately as a team he said it best we win together and we lose together and and that’s you know we lost three in a row we’re trying to find a way tonight to win but sometimes when you are a free agent in the media business you got to say something crazy to get a new contract or life or clicks last two questions back left and up front Jason Stephan Bondi from the um New York Post I I was going to ask about your personal um personal attack comment is there one thing that you felt was over the line I guess you kind of alluded to it just now it’s a good question no I think it’s just you know everybody has this is a free country everybody has the right to their opinion it’s just you know sometimes we might take it a little bit too far right and and understanding if you put yourself in that person’s shoes could you stand up to the barbecue right you know sometimes we we we want to fry someone but if you reversed it and it was you being fried would you like it most likely not right that’s just the nature of the business but this young man has done nothing to anyone but played a game of basketball and when he’s asked the question he’s never run from it he’s answered it and he’s 25 years old and uh you know and I think that’s that’s what I’m more disappointed in is that we’re at the highest stage where we have one of the best players in the world playing the game the right way but we want to criticize some of the things that he does not do well um but when he does do them well are we going to come back and want to talk to him and then when he says no I’mma pass then what happens right so like I think it’s just sometimes I’m fair or I’m you know warranted to to be able to say those things no one in this room is perfect right so like like give my man a break let him play the game cuz we’re all here to watch him play right and so let’s just enjoy it I mean he’s 25 years old um he he will be better hopefully he’s better tonight last question up front Jason kid with the uh the dry humor in there which I I always do appreciate that one he just has the driest humor it’s a long clip so there’s a lot to unpack there let’s start with the let’s start with the uh the the first thing he said let’s just go through what he said some are asking him to be a shutdown Defender I don’t think that’s true I don’t think people are asking him to be a shutdown Defender but I do think that people are asking him uh I do think that that the critiques of Luca the last couple of days have been about he just can’t be a Turn Style okay well then how do we successfully uh evaluate defense it’s only you’re good or you’re bad that’s it right that that’s the difference and I think it goes to our lack of being able to differentiate between different types of Defenders and different types of defense and I’d be the first one to say I don’t know all the time what exactly they’re being asked to do on defense what adjustments they’ve made I know what they’re generally trying to do on defense and you can tell through the course of a game all right they’re trying to do this they’re trying to do this you know the Mavs are trying to funnel to the big man or they’re trying to to you know they got to stay in front of them because then you got to rotate over here like you can understand generally but it’s hard to try and figure out all right what is exact what’s exactly Lucas being asked of here but it’s it is easy to see somebody get blown by on defense and go oh that guy’s Turn Style terrible so I don’t think that people are asking him to be a shutdown Defender but I do think he’s being held to a standard that nobody else is that no other players being asked to then goes to kid’s next comment about you know every goat type player that holes have been poked in their game yeah that comes with the territory Dirk was called Soft they were never going to win a title because Dirk was soft he was a European big man that was soft and now Luca is a crying whiny baby that you know doesn’t like all that that’s what he’s being called Soft or crybaby that those are the those are the things everybody gets called those things and so then you get to kids comment about you know some critique that he would never get this far and now he’s here that’s true you you you cannot move the goalpost with this and I think this is where kids frustration comes in this is where my frustration comes in with the the criticism of Luca donic is that yes he has these issues he has these flaws and yet they’re in the NBA Finals don’t move the goalposts just because you want to be right don’t change it and say all right well now now he’ll never win a title okay well it was never he’ll never make the finals okay well never his team will never be a winner well they’re in the N they’re one of the two teams left be two teams the W 56 57 games and the Clippers so okay it’s like keep moving the goal post on him all right he’ll never do this if he doesn’t okay he’ll never do this if he doesn’t and then coming up let’s talk about the Jason kid going straight for the sub tweet jugular with he’s calling out one specific member of the media and then I think Jason kid said something extremely unfair to us in the media which I know everyone will love and then we’ll talk about we’ll give kyrese comment as well talk about that and more coming up today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs help you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to faster you’ve got too much to do you’ve got way too much to do to try and go through a stack of like 100 200 applicants LinkedIn has a billion professionals on it which makes it the best place the hire gives you access to professionals you can’t find anywhere else and so you’ve got this huge stack in front of you and they help you try and sort through it they help you try and figure out who are the best qualified candidates hiring is easy when you have that many qualified candidates so easy in fact that 86% of small businesses get a qualified candidate within 24 hours linked it knows that small business are wearing so many different hats you just don’t have the time to sort through all that so they find different ways to make it easier to go through it all and right now you 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coming after Brian windhorse Brian wior on ESPN had a uh long rant about about Luca it felt very much like Brian dearis James Harden rant that happened earlier this season but with Brian wior it got to a point where you’re like man he’s really going after him right now Luca will never be able to win if he does he’s in the NBA Finals playing a bad matchup it’s like okay well and so then Jason kid in the comments that you just heard said sometimes we’re your free agent in the media I don’t know Brian wi horse’s contract I’m going to assume he’s going to be a free free agent soon I’m going to assume Jason kid knows that and I’m going to assume that that’s the one he’s going after and then he says and we want to fry someone would you like it would you like it if you got fried goes right after him which I just found so fascinating he’s just going going right after him and Jason kid calculated smart guy very dry very sub Tweety and goes right after him goes right after those comments I just found that really interesting and then the last thing I think that he says is unfair to the media I’m part of the media and Jason kid says give my man a break let’s just enjoy it no it’s not how that works right you don’t want to just hear that if you wanted to just hear that love love my guy Isaac Harris just go listen to Isaac Harris and go listen to the the the Mavs content that they make go ahead go listen to them if you want that if you want let’s just enjoy basketball let’s just talk about all the good let’s just only talk about things when they’re going well let’s only talk about the things that are positive and honestly no I use them as an example but the maps would say thing when things are bad too on their Channel but you can’t just give him a break if they’re down 03 in the finals you’re going to critique and criticize what Luca has done and what Luca has not done we can’t just enjoy it Jason kid that’s not how that works that is not how this job works you listening don’t want to just hear me tell you that everything’s sunshine and Rainbow if they’re down 03 it’s just unrealistic and then eventually you’ll say well this guy’s just like positive about everything and like is he even telling me the truth so then when something does something bad does happen you’re not going to believe me right so that takes away my credibility to you listening to me right now so I did I agree with a lot of the things Jason kid said in that whole defense I agree that you can’t you you know people are moving the goalpost I agree that people are trying to poke holes in him I agree that uh you can’t just fry somebody and just go all after somebody because that could happen to you you’ve got to be fair about it you’ve got to know when to draw the line and you can’t just go all out because you don’t have to face that person or you don’t have to uh think about the consequences of your of your words or anything like that but we can’t just give him a break because he wasn’t good I’m gonna tell you what I think I’m gonna tell you what I saw slightly’s gonna tell you what he thinks Reggie’s gonna tell Dana’s gonna tell you what she thinks you can’t just give him my break that I that part of it is unfair but Jason kid had all this to say but Kyrie Irving I thought had the more interesting comment about how Luca interacts with the refs how he deals with some of these issues that we’ve been talking about the critiques that we’ve had the last couple of days this is how he will deal with it and Kyrie is doing the Lord’s work with that and he tells you how right now yeah well Tim I think what we have to also account for is we’re in a very physical game so when you’re getting beat up like that you know out there every single play down you’re going to have something to say to the rest and um in Luca’s case his relationship with Earths is not always the healthiest during games and um you know the referees are humans too so we have to respect what they do they’re just a big part of this game too it could sway either way um and I think what you’re seeing is is him just taking accountability as best he can at this point in his life and you know he’s a young person still trying to figure it out so I give him that Grace but also we got to give him a little tough love where you know we let him know and reiterate that you got to stay off the you got to stay off those guys a little bit um you know so I think it’s just lessons being learned and when he is locked in like that and he’s not paying attention to the rest he is um you know huge impactful player for us and a great leader for us so we just want him to stay consistent on that and um not be too hard on himself either if he’s going to do that if he gets a tech I mean so be it no one’s fat and frat in the eye but um if we’re trying to get back into the game and we need the ref then there has to be a different perspective a different approach you got to take so sometimes a good conversation works with the ref some times eye to eye conversation works with them but um when you’re talking to them and mfing them all the time it could get to them too so I’m not saying that we’re all perfect but uh we got to use everything to our advantage in a positive mode wow Kyrie Irving says the quiet part out loud in the end there he says if we’re trying to get back in the game and we need the refs which I just think I thought was kind of funny but he comes out and says basically Luca doesn’t have the healthiest relationship with the refs this is not something that Jason kid and the Mavericks are just trying to push away and say hey this is not an issue this is a non-issue we don’t worry about it Luca’s perfect doesn’t matter but he did say you know when you get hit down the floor every time it makes sense that you’d be frustrated Luca does get hit Luca is point guard sha he’s point guard sha because he’s 68 he’s huge he gets a lot of contact he draw he tries to draw a lot of contact too he does flop all the time and tries to get these fouls but he gets he gets touched every single time down the floor cuz that’s how you guard him you have to be physical with him Lou Dort go look at what Lou Dort did in the Thunder series over and over again you have to touch him be physical you have to get you have to get after him you have to uh not stop ever you have to continue to uh push him you have to get him frustrated you have to get him upset because he not only has to get upset with you he has to get upset with the refs too you’ve got to get both things to get Luca off of his game and I think that that’s something where you go all right it makes sense that luuka would be frustrated with the refs because he’s getting hit on every play and he’s not getting every a foul on every play either but then Kyrie says you know when he’s locked in he’s a hugely impactful player for us we’re trying to get you know we’re trying to get back in the game we need him and Kyrie’s the one going to telling him hey we need you in this moment you can’t let you can’t let this get out of hand here and so Kyrie is the one helping him through this he says you know we tell him all the time and sometimes it’ll work and sometimes it won’t game three it didn’t work but Kyrie says it he doesn’t have the healthiest relationship with the refs everybody knows it everybody sees it Luca knows it he’s he’s referenced it several times it’s a problem it’s an issue you can critique him for it it’s an issue that affects the team and Kyrie said when he’s locked in he’s a hugely impactful player when we need him to be locked in in game four I thought he was much more locked in and it’s not just that he complains to the refs it’s that he complains to the ref and lets it affect his play and his game and then all of a sudden Kyrie said the thing at the end refs are humans too they’re going to let it get to them somebody’s just you know mfing you all the time that’s what Kyrie said which means that’s what luuka is absolutely doing to the refs when someone’s mother you all the time calling you that every single time down the court that’s going to affect you and that’s going to affect your job H how could it not you’d have to have the thickest skin in the world which the NBA refs probably do but yeah Jason kid coming to his defense but Kyrie Irving coming in to help Kyrie Irving coming in to help Luca get better and I’m sure Jason kid is as well but Kyrie’s comments to me was more interesting about Luca and the refs in his relationship and this has been a whole conversation because we just saw the dichotomy of Luca in game three Luca in game four it’s different it was different he was more locked in more poised more composed he did a great job in game four and Luka now has the support system that it seems to be helping cuz now they’re in the NBA finals and they won a game it’s big really big coming up what was different for Derek Lively in game game three and four compared to games one and two there’s one very important thing I’ll tell you what it is coming up today’s episode is brought to you by prize picks prize picks daily Fantasy Made Easy all you have to do is go to prize picks pick two to six players and more or less on their projections on their stats for that specific game so you can go check out and see what’s available for you check out priz you can go pick uh Luca more or less on his points Kyrie more or less on his points you can combine that with arque agba W points for the Dallas wings or any other WNBA player Caitlin Clark Angel Reese you know anybody like that combine all those things and you can go see what is available on a day-to-day basis they change all the time they change hour by hour there’s fun stuff that they add and you can turn $10 into $1,000 in 60 seconds or less by playing prize pick so make it more fun to watch sports and check out the final also WNBA basketball MLB baseball all that kind of stuff download the app today use the code locked on 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steals a game no turnovers at all 26 minutes nine of 11 from the field plus 26 total now game four really really Goose that really boosted blue stat plus minus for sure but just the diff just the statistical difference like and the counting stats for Derrick Livy was much different but I think him playing on the court there was a huge difference for him he seemed to adjust more he seemed to be ready for the the physicality and all that more uh he’s been so important to this Mavericks team and the key for him this whole season that I’ve talked about all year all year even from the very beginning of Camp to now even summer league all the way back then I talked about Derek Lively super power is his teachability his learning and his coachability he never plays the same team the same way twice he learns something every time he he deals with a matchup he learns something every time he gets a practice Tyson Chandler has talked about this Tyson Chandler is know better than me Tyson Chandler has said that his coachability is incredible seeing him learn things and process things from one practice to another or one game to another different level incredible to see this and that’s what takes a player with the tools like Derrik Lively to be you know to be impactful player whereas there’s so many players that have the same tools as Derrick Lively right Jackson Hayes for the Pelicans they thought he was going to be this and he has not been now he plays on now he was on the Lakers and I don’t know where he’s going to be now and so his coachability teachability have been awesome his ability to adapt and to adjust one game to another the big adjustment for drik Livy though has not been him the big adjustment has been Chris Al porzingis not playing Chris porzingis not playing in the series has helped Derrick Lively so much that’s been the biggest adjustment and that’s where the the Celtics have been hurt the most by porzingis not playing it’s not even the points the porzingis scored it’s not even the the defense that he can bring defending the rim it’s that they’re pulling the MAV centers out of the paint they’re pulling the MAV centers out of the paint to the three-point line and with porzingis you have to go all the way out 30 feet because he can shoot that far and even if he doesn’t make shots you still got to go out there and that has changed everything now all of a sudden the Celtics rotation doesn’t have as much size they’re putting tman out there instead of Luke cornette so you’ve only got like 69ine guys that’s it got a couple players at 6′ n in Tatum Horford Tillman like these are not huge guys they’re huge to they’re huge to you and me they’re not huge to NBA players live 71 77 wingspan he’s big Gafford bigger than all the other Celtics 610 and so not having porzingis out there and not having as much size Derrik Livy can now do a whole lot and so one adjustment that the Mavericks have made as a team to help Lively and to help their centers basically and Lively is the one that taking the most advantage of this Lively has been guarding the corner so when when Reggie and slightly and I talked about how it looks like the Mavericks are like playing a Zone it kind of does feel like they’re playing a Zone because they’re sticking in certain spots but they’re also guarding guys like a matchup Zone where like you’re technically guarding a player but then you’re also in a in a in a specific area zone and so then when a player a different player like a different offensive player moves to your part of the Zone then the maps do a switch been they’ve been pointing at each other and like all right you take this guy and there’s specific plays where I’ve watched this and go oh man okay so they just switched right there without even like looking at each other and that’s why this this defensive scheme takes so much communication accountability all that kind of stuff but dri GL has been guarding the corner and let’s say it’s Dereck white because it was a lot in game four he’s guarding Derrick White in the corner and then when he has to come over to the paint to help everyone has to know where to go after that everyone has to know okay he’s leaving the corner so then the guy on the wing has to come over and help on the corner corner so that there’s not a a quick pass over there and then all of a sudden the guy on the opposite side of the court has to run over to that other guy on the wing so that that you know that the other Mavs Defender just left it it takes a lot of coordination but the Mavs have adjusted really well to it so it’s leading to these contested threes Celtics missed a bunch of Threes in in game four it was another one of those games where they just missed a bunch lot of lot of shots they normally make but the Mavs have adjusted and so now dere lad can just gobble up these rebounds because there’s nobody else down there that’s big enough and it’s dere white coming in and trying to trying to stop him and that happened a couple times and he fouled him a couple times Derek lley has been awesome it’s been really great to see Kyrie called him one of our vocal leaders Luca said it’s fun having him out there and you know it’s fun having him out there with me calling him a teammate it’s a pleasure to have him it’s wild that that’s like a lot from Luca to say I love playing with him he doesn’t say that about a lot of guys and not that he hates playing with every but he doesn’t love playing with everybody either Derek Lively his superpowers is on Full display he learning coachability he’s adapting to porzingis not being in the game and porzingis St being in the game and not being a a tool that the the Celtics can use for spacing and for size and for Rim protection has been massive a massive adjustment for them a massive adjustment for the Mavericks it’s really been it’s really been a huge thing in the series and Lively’s Taken full advantage of it last thing I want to do about this is that um I’ll probably do this a little bit more tomorrow but the maps don’t have to be for for the Mavs in game five I’ll do like a full game five kind of look ahead but they don’t have to be that good again they don’t have to be as good as they were in game four and Boston doesn’t have to be as bad as they were in game in game four either when asked about how they felt after game four I was interested to hear what somebody had to say and Lively said this you know I wouldn’t say we’re overly happy we enjoyed this win but you know we’re not jumping for joy we’ve got to win we do we do what we need for this game and it’s not getting to and now it’s getting past game five I just read that really wrong and now it’s getting to game five you know we’re going into another hospital environment and now we’re just going to take what we did from this game learn how they’re going to adapt to this game and just do whatever we can to re uh to re adjust this game and try to make it this home game happen again I read that very well tell you I did but they’re not taking this this win as like oh yeah heck yeah we we won this game now that now they’re looking at the next one and the next one and the next one they’re like all right we’ve just got to keep trying to figure out what they’re going to do but the maps don’t have to be as good as they were in game four they also there are some things that didn’t go their way at all in game four and they won by a bunch Luca and Kyrie won one of 14 from three the others went six of nine but that’s not even that’s not a lot of three six threes is not a lot of Threes six of nine and then the fourth quarter happened and the fourth quarter doesn’t matter PJ Washington got into foul trouble in this game the BS didn’t have PJ Washington like the same PJ Washington that they had he hit a couple of Threes but he wasn’t available in the same way that he’s been Dallas shot 15 of 22 from the free throw line that’s 68% they didn’t even shoot the ball well from three or the free throw line really that much and so the Mavs had this incredible win we will take it obviously and maybe the Celtics will turn it on and will it’ll look just like game one again and all of a sudden the Mavs will lose but they’ve proven that they can win a game in this and they didn’t even play that incredibly well in it wasn’t a perfect game for the Mavs it wasn’t just one of those man the Mavs just hit like oh the variance of the Celtics missing a bunch of Threes the M’s making a bunch of Threes that didn’t happen Celtics missed a bunch yes they also missed a bunch in game two Celtics really haven’t hit that many threes in this whole like they really haven’t like dominated from three in this series necessarily right like they have you haven’t seen them go 45% from three and you go oh my they just hit 23 they just hit 18 threes in a game it’s like they haven’t really done that that game yet maybe it happens in game five and then it’s done you’re like all right tip your hat this team is just really well constructed they’ve got a lot of Firepower and all that but we’re also seeing Jason Tatum have a really bad Series so far he has not shot the ball well at all and so maybe Jason Tatum has a good game maybe it comes out but I I think the Mavs have Mavs can play better and I think the Celtics the Celtics obviously can play better but the Mavs can play better too just going to I’ll make that point since this is locked on Mavericks you can you can listen to John about how the subs can play better but uh but yeah the Mavs can play better Derek Lively adjusted really well Luca and the refs curious what you guys think about that guys thanks much for listening to locked on Mavs

The Dallas Mavericks won Game 4 of the NBA Finals against the Boston Celtics. Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, Dereck Lively II, Daniel Gafford, PJ Washingon Jr, Dante Exum and the Mavs stepped up against Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown, Jrue Holiday, and the Celtics.

Nick Angstadt hears from Jason Kidd & Kyrie Irving on Luka Doncic’s issues with the Referees and what’s fair and what isn’t to Luka. Then he discusses how Dereck Lively II has adjusted in the NBA Finals.

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  1. yessir one more good game from layup line Maxie and bombsaway Jr and we might just not have to add picks to unload them, if Maxie make 2 shots and gets 2 rebounds think maybe could get a 5th rounder for him and Dwight together lol


    Who was the Celtics best player in game 1 and the biggest matchup problem through the first 2 games? If you said KP, you’d be correct. Not only was he forcing Dallas to adjust on defense and getting huge matchup advantages against our guards, he was a huge part of why Dallas couldn’t score at the rim.

    KP isn’t close to 100% now, and will not be until he gets surgery to repair the ligament in his ankle. This isn’t something that gets better day to day. If he does play, he’ll most definitely be a shell of what we saw earlier in the series. We got a glimpse of what that will look like at the end of game 2 when Dallas made a run before they subbed him out.

    The Celtics aren’t the same team on BOTH sides of the ball as they were for game 1 and 2. Not even close. Get those first two games out of your head, when you’re thinking about how good they are. THIS is the Celtics team that played the Pacers close almost every game and lost to a Heat team without Jimmy Butler. Not the team that had a whole extra two way all-star caliber player just in time to play the Mavericks.

    Why write all of this? KP played basically 2 games right? The 2 most convincing wins as well… let’s throw those out, because he’s not coming back. 7-2 is 5, right?…. Once upon a time, the NBA had 5 game series. Any guesses how many teams came back from 0-2 to win the next 3 in those series?? 6! That’s actually a ton. Let me double down on this, this might as well be a different team than the Mavericks played in game 1 and 2. Their defensive scheme doesn’t work as well and the floor isn’t spaced as much with Horford. It damn sure isn’t spaced as much with Tillman. As it stands, with an absolute massacre of a win that took nothing out of them, the mavericks are ESSENTIALLY down 0-2 in a 5 game series with momentum on their side….(I’m not sure why momentum would be in their side down 0-2 in this scenario, but just roll with it). We Figured them out completely and just gotta handle business and win 3 now! It also doesn’t hurt when the team you’re playing is know for shrinking in big moments, when your two stars were separately part of two of the most unlikely comebacks in NBA history. If the Mavs can get game 6, you’re about to see all of the pressure switch to Boston for the first time in these playoffs. Getting game 6 seems pretty likely after a 38 point win where your superstars shot 1-14 from 3.

    Hope you guys enjoyed my homer math…. But Mavs in 7, for real. 🐴 🏀 🏆!

  3. Is Kyrie allowed to wear earplugs in the next game!? Praying that he shows up and show out in Boston 🙏🙏🙏

  4. On 105.3 the Fan, they called Luka dumb, a baby, doubted he would even show up for game 4, etc. It's okay to give criticism but that was personal and way overboard

  5. Thank you sir for bringing back this intro music. Not that the other track didn't hit, it's just this beat is straight $$

  6. The fact is, if the Mavs won Game 3 without him, the fouling out would have no criticism. They would have said the team had his back.

  7. If Mavs make history by winning this series a game at the time .
    All who voted MVP should be removed & banned from voting again .
    This is our game ,we get to choose our MVP .
    If we the hoop 🏀 fans unite ,we can make a real MVP prize 🏆.
    For problems,lots of solutions .

  8. What does it mean to look at the positive? It means to say things like "The Celtics have far more talent than we do. We're a bad matchup. We're doing the best we can, but it's highly unrealistic". Fans will not admit those things. Maybe once it's over, they can admit it, but they so desperately want to win that they delude themselves. Ask yourself how many Celtics can hit 3s. Like, a LOT. Or compare 1-5 of the Celtics to 1-5 of the Mavs. The Celtics top 5 could be 1-2 on most teams. Heck, Porzingis was a number 1 at Washington and he's like a 6. They have a disgusting amount of talent, and still, despite that, the Mavs have only just lost (except Game 1) by a little in Games 2 and 3. The Mavs came from 21 down in Game 3. Did the Celtics do the same? That the Celtics are this talented and the Mavs are within contention should be pointed out.

    How many fans left the arena down 21? They were prepared to say the Mavs were chumps. They got no credit for bringing it back to 3 because all that matters is wins and losses. If it had been a win, those Luka problems would have been swept under the rug. Who criticizes the winning team with how bad they are. Has Jason Tatum been the leader that a Luka has been? Not at all, but his team is winning. What if Jaylen Brown had been the star and Tatum was mostly the defensive guy? If they win, who cares? If they lose, he's to blame for not being the leader because WE, the media/public, said he had to be.

    When you hear the term "underrated", it seems like a critique of the PLAYER. It should be a critique of the one doing the rating. The player didn't ask to be the next coming of MJ or Larry Bird. The media put it on the player, and when they player doesn't live up to that, they say the player is underrated. They were the ones that RATED him. They should blame themselves for hyping someone up. They feel foolish for trusting someone when they had pretty much ZERO to do with that person. Of course, this is the nature of sports reporting. No one wants to listen to Stephen A. Smith if he's nice to everyone. He has to act nuts. To be fair, no one really wants to listen to SAS, but he stays on the air nonetheless.

  9. You defending the media 🤡 and saying 💩 about Luka when he’s criticized like no other. Without Luka no one would know who you’re, he has kept all these mediocre podcasters of the Mavs in business since 2018. You lost all the respect I never had for you.

  10. you say luka gets more criticism but you forget the fact that people like you also compare him to greats at every opportunity lol so how about pipe down of jordan and lebron comparisons when he hasn't done fuck all in NBA

  11. I think criticism isn’t just pointing out the weak points – it’s also helping find solutions for weak points. I don’t think the media is always good at finding solitions.

    Imagine if you only heard relentless constant negative feedback; it’s abusive.

  12. I Know they will bring it back home!!!💪💪💪💪💪💥💥💥💥💥 GOOOO MAVS !!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  13. I agree more with Kidd than with you to be honest.
    Kidd didn’t ask for sunshine and rainbows. With a break, he doesn’t mean ignore the bad, he means don’t over react.
    Media loves to overreact, like you do in this video.
    Kidd is balancing the scale with support.

  14. Its not about the media (and you guys) criticising Luka. Its about personally attacking him and blaming him alone for the 0-3 deficit. Tatum can score 18 points on 6/22 shooting and win, cause his teammates step up if needed. Does Luka have that luxury?

    Btw, that doesnt mean its all on the roleplayers and our co Star Kyrie as well. Everyone ist to be blamed to a degree. Kyrie was nowhere to be found in the first 2 games against Boston. A lot of players were missing way to many open looks, Kidd made some strange adjustments that didnt work, and yes… Luka was complaining to much and was missing the full defensve effort.

    But putting it all on Luka, saying he will never win playing like this? Thats just stupid nonsense. Specially looking at the direct opponent. Tatum can chill on offense and invest a lot more energy on defense. Cause severall other guys take over the playmaking and scoring. Untill Kyrie woke up in game 3, Luka didnt have that luxury at all.

    So yes, you can criticise Luka. But it has to be fair and in context! And a lot of media doesnt do that!

  15. I haven’t even finished Jason Kidd’s defensive monologue on Luka Dončić, but this soliloquy alone, makes me love and appreciate him more.

  16. I think the issue is alot of times these media members (not all of them) get way to personal with these athletes, criticism is understandable and even expected at times but some members of the media tke these things too far and have an air of arrogance or i am holier than thou attitude on these interviews , Tim MacMahon comes to mind , acting like you are the most important person in the room or the authority figure in the sport. Windhorst's rant is a perfect example almost in a sense talking down to Luka and taking personal shots at someone that you don't actually know or have a relationship with outside of what you see on TV. These media members need to know their role and humble themselves a little, ESPN being the most egregious example but also the local stations as well. Someone below mentioned 105.3 the fan and i couldnt agree more , the segment they had bashing Luka was WAY overboard and reeked of people who think that they are the most important people in this industry when in reality without these players they wouldn't have a job .It's fine to provide constructive criticism and ask tough questions but the media in this country has gotten out of control and the lack of respect is very off putting. I should mention that you, Issac and Grant so a great job and i do not put you guys in the same boat at all , wish more media members had the attitude y'all do. Keep up the great work!

  17. Luka defense standard is find the worst defense player in the NBA and be little better. Follow his player at least . He did that in game 4 . He can, he just doesn’t care-and comes to the game to be an offensive hero. If not all criticism before game 4 he would allow 60 points on him like in previous games and it would end 4:0.

  18. Brian Windhorst has always sucked and deserves all of it, if it is directed at him. And of course the media can analyze/criticize, but it's about how crazy they take it. That's the 'give him a break' thing.

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